Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anesthesia."" "subject:"anaesthesia.""
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Estimulação transcraniana com corrente contínua na recupração sensorial de pacientes com parestesia do ramo mandibular (V3) : estudo piloto / Transcranial direct current stimulation in sensory recovery of patients with paresthesia of the mandibular branch (V3): a pilot studyGiongo, Caroline Comis January 2015 (has links)
A estimulação transcraniana com corrente contínua (ETCC) vem sendo utilizada na reabilitação de diversas patologias que envolvem a disfunção do sistema sensitiva. Apesar disso, a opção para tratamento de parestesias do ramo mandibular nunca foi empregada. Este estudo piloto teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da ETCC em pacientes com queixa de parestesia em ramos do nervo mandibular. Seis pacientes com parestesia referida na topografia do ramo alveolar inferior (uni ou bilateral), com sintomas iniciados após cirurgia bucomaxilofacial, receberam 10 sessões de ETCC (2 mA, 20 min). A avaliação sensitiva composta pelo teste de sensibilidade tátil com o estesiômetro Semmes-Weinstein e pelo teste térmico com solução spray -50° C foi realizada previamente ao tratamento e após a quinta e a décima estimulação, em 24 pontos na topografia de inervação do ramo em estudo. Houve melhora significativa na sensibilidade no teste tátil nas regiões hipoestésicas, com a terceira avaliação significativamente diferente da primeira (p-valor= 0,0015), mas não diferente da segunda (p-valor=0,1932). No teste térmico os participantes reconheceram mais pontos gelados com o passar das avaliações (p-valor=0,05). A aplicação de ETCC pareceu melhorar a sensibilidade tátil e térmica, assim como alívio das parestesias decorrentes de cirurgia bucomaxilofacial. / Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been used in the rehabilitation of various diseases that involve dysfunction of the sensory system. However, the option for treating the mandibular branch paresthesia has not been already employed. This pilot study aimed to evaluate the effects of tDCS in patients with paresthesia in branches of the mandibular nerve. Six patients had paresthesia of inferior alveolar nerve (unilateral or bilateral) and symptoms that began after maxillofacial surgery. They received 10 sessions of tDCS (2 mA, 20 min). The sensory evaluation was conducted prior to the treatment, after the fifth and after the tenth application in 24 points in the branch innervation of topography study. The evaluation was composed by tactile sensitivity test with the Semmes-Weinstein esthesiometer and thermal test with spray solution -50 ° C. There was significant improvement in the sensitivity during the tactile test in hypoesthesia regions, with the third evaluation significantly different from the first (p-value = 0.0015), but not different from the second evaluation (p-value = 0.1932). In the thermal test, the participants recognized a larger number of cold areas in the course of ratings (p-value = 0.05). The use of tDCS seemed to improve the tactile and thermal sensitivity of paresthesia, as well as the relief of paresthesias caused by oral and maxillofacial surgery.
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Estimulação transcraniana com corrente contínua na recupração sensorial de pacientes com parestesia do ramo mandibular (V3) : estudo piloto / Transcranial direct current stimulation in sensory recovery of patients with paresthesia of the mandibular branch (V3): a pilot studyGiongo, Caroline Comis January 2015 (has links)
A estimulação transcraniana com corrente contínua (ETCC) vem sendo utilizada na reabilitação de diversas patologias que envolvem a disfunção do sistema sensitiva. Apesar disso, a opção para tratamento de parestesias do ramo mandibular nunca foi empregada. Este estudo piloto teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da ETCC em pacientes com queixa de parestesia em ramos do nervo mandibular. Seis pacientes com parestesia referida na topografia do ramo alveolar inferior (uni ou bilateral), com sintomas iniciados após cirurgia bucomaxilofacial, receberam 10 sessões de ETCC (2 mA, 20 min). A avaliação sensitiva composta pelo teste de sensibilidade tátil com o estesiômetro Semmes-Weinstein e pelo teste térmico com solução spray -50° C foi realizada previamente ao tratamento e após a quinta e a décima estimulação, em 24 pontos na topografia de inervação do ramo em estudo. Houve melhora significativa na sensibilidade no teste tátil nas regiões hipoestésicas, com a terceira avaliação significativamente diferente da primeira (p-valor= 0,0015), mas não diferente da segunda (p-valor=0,1932). No teste térmico os participantes reconheceram mais pontos gelados com o passar das avaliações (p-valor=0,05). A aplicação de ETCC pareceu melhorar a sensibilidade tátil e térmica, assim como alívio das parestesias decorrentes de cirurgia bucomaxilofacial. / Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been used in the rehabilitation of various diseases that involve dysfunction of the sensory system. However, the option for treating the mandibular branch paresthesia has not been already employed. This pilot study aimed to evaluate the effects of tDCS in patients with paresthesia in branches of the mandibular nerve. Six patients had paresthesia of inferior alveolar nerve (unilateral or bilateral) and symptoms that began after maxillofacial surgery. They received 10 sessions of tDCS (2 mA, 20 min). The sensory evaluation was conducted prior to the treatment, after the fifth and after the tenth application in 24 points in the branch innervation of topography study. The evaluation was composed by tactile sensitivity test with the Semmes-Weinstein esthesiometer and thermal test with spray solution -50 ° C. There was significant improvement in the sensitivity during the tactile test in hypoesthesia regions, with the third evaluation significantly different from the first (p-value = 0.0015), but not different from the second evaluation (p-value = 0.1932). In the thermal test, the participants recognized a larger number of cold areas in the course of ratings (p-value = 0.05). The use of tDCS seemed to improve the tactile and thermal sensitivity of paresthesia, as well as the relief of paresthesias caused by oral and maxillofacial surgery.
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"Estudo sobre a parestesia do nervo alveolar inferior pós cirurgias de terceiros molares inferiores" / Study of alveolar Inferior Nerve Paresthesia after inferior third molar surgery.Prado, Marta Maria Becker 04 November 2004 (has links)
A parestesia é um distúrbio neurosensitivo causado por uma lesão no tecido nervoso. Ela tem uma incidência pouco freqüente após as cirurgias de terceiros molares inferiores; no entanto para o cirurgião dentista é de grande relevância. A literatura comenta sobre os tipos de lesão nervosa, causas e alternativas de tratamento não conservadores ligados à neuromicrocirurgia que são relacionados nesses casos. Nesse trabalho procurou-se estabelecer a classificação da lesão ao nervo alveolar inferior que ocorre nas exodontias de terceiros molares inferiores, entender os mecanismos fisiológicos, as causas principais que levam à ocorrência desse distúrbio e estudar as técnicas de neuromicrocirurgia, com suas indicações e contra-indicações para os tipos de lesão nervosa. / Paresthesia consists of a neurosentitive disturb resulting from nerve tissue injury. It is less likely to occur following lower third molar surgeries, despite being highly relevant for dentists. The literature comments on the types of nerve injuries, its causes and related non-conservative treatment procedures involving neuromicrosurgery in such cases. This essay is an attempt to establish the types of nerve injury classification that occur following lower third molar surgery involving the inferior alveolar nerve, understand the physiological mechanisms, the main causes that result in such disturbance, and study the neuromicrosurgery procedures, their indications and non-indications concerning types of nerve injury.
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The Relationship of the Lingual Nerve to the 3rd Molar Region: A Three Dimensional AnalysisGarbedian, Justin 19 January 2010 (has links)
The objective of this study was to: (1) model the course of the lingual nerve (LN) in the third molar region using digitized data and (2) investigate landmarks to aid in predicting the position of LN. A MicroScribe 3-DX digitizer and Autodesk® Maya® 8.5 were used to create 3-D in-situ models of LN for seven human cadaveric specimens. Regression analysis demonstrated that an anteriorly positioned lingula is directly proportional to the vertical distance of the LN relative to the alveolar crest (p < 0.05). A superiorly positioned mylohyoid ridge was also directly proportional to the vertical distance of the LN relative to the alveolar crest (p < 0.05). The LN is positioned closer to the alveolar crest in specimens where the mylohyoid ridge is positioned superiorly (p = 0.001). This study demonstrated a novel way of quantifying the relative position of the LN using 3-D computer modeling.
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The Relationship of the Lingual Nerve to the 3rd Molar Region: A Three Dimensional AnalysisGarbedian, Justin 19 January 2010 (has links)
The objective of this study was to: (1) model the course of the lingual nerve (LN) in the third molar region using digitized data and (2) investigate landmarks to aid in predicting the position of LN. A MicroScribe 3-DX digitizer and Autodesk® Maya® 8.5 were used to create 3-D in-situ models of LN for seven human cadaveric specimens. Regression analysis demonstrated that an anteriorly positioned lingula is directly proportional to the vertical distance of the LN relative to the alveolar crest (p < 0.05). A superiorly positioned mylohyoid ridge was also directly proportional to the vertical distance of the LN relative to the alveolar crest (p < 0.05). The LN is positioned closer to the alveolar crest in specimens where the mylohyoid ridge is positioned superiorly (p = 0.001). This study demonstrated a novel way of quantifying the relative position of the LN using 3-D computer modeling.
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"Estudo sobre a parestesia do nervo alveolar inferior pós cirurgias de terceiros molares inferiores" / Study of alveolar Inferior Nerve Paresthesia after inferior third molar surgery.Marta Maria Becker Prado 04 November 2004 (has links)
A parestesia é um distúrbio neurosensitivo causado por uma lesão no tecido nervoso. Ela tem uma incidência pouco freqüente após as cirurgias de terceiros molares inferiores; no entanto para o cirurgião dentista é de grande relevância. A literatura comenta sobre os tipos de lesão nervosa, causas e alternativas de tratamento não conservadores ligados à neuromicrocirurgia que são relacionados nesses casos. Nesse trabalho procurou-se estabelecer a classificação da lesão ao nervo alveolar inferior que ocorre nas exodontias de terceiros molares inferiores, entender os mecanismos fisiológicos, as causas principais que levam à ocorrência desse distúrbio e estudar as técnicas de neuromicrocirurgia, com suas indicações e contra-indicações para os tipos de lesão nervosa. / Paresthesia consists of a neurosentitive disturb resulting from nerve tissue injury. It is less likely to occur following lower third molar surgeries, despite being highly relevant for dentists. The literature comments on the types of nerve injuries, its causes and related non-conservative treatment procedures involving neuromicrosurgery in such cases. This essay is an attempt to establish the types of nerve injury classification that occur following lower third molar surgery involving the inferior alveolar nerve, understand the physiological mechanisms, the main causes that result in such disturbance, and study the neuromicrosurgery procedures, their indications and non-indications concerning types of nerve injury.
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Uso da Estimulação Elétrica Nervosa Transcutânea (TENS) na redução dos sintomas de neuropatia periférica induzida por quimioterapia anti-neoplásica / Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) in reducing the symptoms of chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathyTonezzer, Tania 16 December 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A neuropatia periférica induzida por quimioterapia (NPIQ) está entre os efeitos colaterais mais comuns decorrentes da quimioterapia antineoplásica e uma das principais causas da redução da dose ou interrupção do tratamento. Os sintomas mais prevalentes são a dor e a parestesia, acarretando desconfortos crônicos e perda de habilidades funcionais, interferindo negativamente na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Estudos recentes têm avaliado o uso da Estimulação Elétrica Nervosa Transcutânea (TENS) nesta patologia, apresentando evidências positivas na redução da dor, porém seu efeito nos sintomas de parestesia e nas atividades de vida diária destes pacientes ainda não foram avaliados. OBJETIVO: Investigar os efeitos da Estimulação Elétrica Nervosa Transcutânea (TENS) nos sintomas de dor, parestesia e nas atividades de vida diária da NPIQ em indivíduos com diagnóstico de câncer de mama e colorretal, submetidos ao tratamento de quimioterapia. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um ensaio clínico duplo-cego, controlado, randomizado e multicêntrico, com abordagem quantitativa, em pacientes submetidos ao tratamento de quimioterapia, contendo em seu protocolo os seguintes quimioterápicos: paclitaxel e oxaliplatina. Os sujeitos da pesquisa utilizaram o dispositivo terapêutico TENS com modulação de frequência entre 7 e 75 Hz na região distal dos membros, no local de maior desconforto, com intervenções diárias de 60 minutos, durante três ciclos de quimioterapia (45 dias). Os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo TENS ativa (GTA) e grupo TENS placebo (GTP). A avaliação dos efeitos da TENS foi medida através dos seguintes instrumentos: a Escala Visual Analógica (EVA) para avaliar os sintomas de dor e parestesia e Questionário de Neurotoxicidade Induzida por Anti-neoplásicos (QNIA) para avaliação dos sintomas da NPIQ. RESULTADOS: Finalizaram a pesquisa 24 pacientes. Não se observou uma diferença significativa entre os 2 grupos no que se refere ao desfecho primário de redução dos sintomas de dor (p = 0.666), parestesia (p = 0,673) e impacto da TENS na frequência dos sintomas (p = 0,5906) e atividades de vida diária (p = 0,8565). CONCLUSÃO: Estes resultados sugerem que a TENS aplicada no modo de modulação de frequência não foi eficaz para melhorar os sintomas de neuropatia periférica induzida por quimioterapia, durante os ciclos de quimioterapia. Não houve, porém, agravamento dos sintomas em ciclos subsequentes ao início dos sintomas da doença / BACKGROUND: Peripheral neuropathy induced by chemotherapy (PNIC) is amongst the most common side effects derived from antineoplastic chemotherapy and one of the principal causes of dose reduction or treatment interruption. The most prevalent symptoms are pain and numbness, resulting from chronic discomfort to loss of functional abilities, negatively affecting quality of life and autonomy of patients. Recent studies have evaluated the use of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) in this disease, pointing to evidence of pain reduction, but its effect on symptoms of paresthesia and in daily life activities have not yet been evaluated. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) for reducing the symptoms of pain, paresthesia and the daily activities of PNIC in patients diagnosed with breast cancer and colorectal cancer undergoing chemotherapy treatment. METHODS: It is a double-blind, controlled, randomized, multicenter clinical trial with a quantitative approach in a sample of 24 patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment, containing in its protocol the following chemotherapeutic agents: paclitaxel and oxaliplatin. The research subjects used the TENS therapeutic device with frequency modulation between 7 and 75 Hz in the distal limb, on the location of greatest discomfort with daily interventions lasting 60 minutes for three chemotherapy cycles (45 days). Participants were divided into two groups: active TENS group (ATG) and placebo TENS group (PTG). The assessment of the effects of TENS was measured by the following instruments: The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) to assess the symptoms of pain and numbness and Questionnaire for Neurotoxicity Induced by Anti-neoplastic (QNIA) to assess the symptoms of PNIC. RESULTS: A 24-patient study was completed. There was no significant difference between the two groups regarding the primary endpoint of reduced pain symptoms (p = 0.666) and paresthesia (p = 0.673), neither any measurable impact of TENS in the frequency of symptoms (p = 0.5906) or activities of daily living (p = 0.8565). CONCLUSION: These results suggest that TENS applied in frequency modulation mode is not effective for ameliorating the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy induced by chemotherapy during chemotherapy cycles. There was, however, no worsening of symptoms in subsequent cycles after the onset of symptoms
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Uso da Estimulação Elétrica Nervosa Transcutânea (TENS) na redução dos sintomas de neuropatia periférica induzida por quimioterapia anti-neoplásica / Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) in reducing the symptoms of chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathyTania Tonezzer 16 December 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A neuropatia periférica induzida por quimioterapia (NPIQ) está entre os efeitos colaterais mais comuns decorrentes da quimioterapia antineoplásica e uma das principais causas da redução da dose ou interrupção do tratamento. Os sintomas mais prevalentes são a dor e a parestesia, acarretando desconfortos crônicos e perda de habilidades funcionais, interferindo negativamente na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Estudos recentes têm avaliado o uso da Estimulação Elétrica Nervosa Transcutânea (TENS) nesta patologia, apresentando evidências positivas na redução da dor, porém seu efeito nos sintomas de parestesia e nas atividades de vida diária destes pacientes ainda não foram avaliados. OBJETIVO: Investigar os efeitos da Estimulação Elétrica Nervosa Transcutânea (TENS) nos sintomas de dor, parestesia e nas atividades de vida diária da NPIQ em indivíduos com diagnóstico de câncer de mama e colorretal, submetidos ao tratamento de quimioterapia. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um ensaio clínico duplo-cego, controlado, randomizado e multicêntrico, com abordagem quantitativa, em pacientes submetidos ao tratamento de quimioterapia, contendo em seu protocolo os seguintes quimioterápicos: paclitaxel e oxaliplatina. Os sujeitos da pesquisa utilizaram o dispositivo terapêutico TENS com modulação de frequência entre 7 e 75 Hz na região distal dos membros, no local de maior desconforto, com intervenções diárias de 60 minutos, durante três ciclos de quimioterapia (45 dias). Os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo TENS ativa (GTA) e grupo TENS placebo (GTP). A avaliação dos efeitos da TENS foi medida através dos seguintes instrumentos: a Escala Visual Analógica (EVA) para avaliar os sintomas de dor e parestesia e Questionário de Neurotoxicidade Induzida por Anti-neoplásicos (QNIA) para avaliação dos sintomas da NPIQ. RESULTADOS: Finalizaram a pesquisa 24 pacientes. Não se observou uma diferença significativa entre os 2 grupos no que se refere ao desfecho primário de redução dos sintomas de dor (p = 0.666), parestesia (p = 0,673) e impacto da TENS na frequência dos sintomas (p = 0,5906) e atividades de vida diária (p = 0,8565). CONCLUSÃO: Estes resultados sugerem que a TENS aplicada no modo de modulação de frequência não foi eficaz para melhorar os sintomas de neuropatia periférica induzida por quimioterapia, durante os ciclos de quimioterapia. Não houve, porém, agravamento dos sintomas em ciclos subsequentes ao início dos sintomas da doença / BACKGROUND: Peripheral neuropathy induced by chemotherapy (PNIC) is amongst the most common side effects derived from antineoplastic chemotherapy and one of the principal causes of dose reduction or treatment interruption. The most prevalent symptoms are pain and numbness, resulting from chronic discomfort to loss of functional abilities, negatively affecting quality of life and autonomy of patients. Recent studies have evaluated the use of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) in this disease, pointing to evidence of pain reduction, but its effect on symptoms of paresthesia and in daily life activities have not yet been evaluated. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) for reducing the symptoms of pain, paresthesia and the daily activities of PNIC in patients diagnosed with breast cancer and colorectal cancer undergoing chemotherapy treatment. METHODS: It is a double-blind, controlled, randomized, multicenter clinical trial with a quantitative approach in a sample of 24 patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment, containing in its protocol the following chemotherapeutic agents: paclitaxel and oxaliplatin. The research subjects used the TENS therapeutic device with frequency modulation between 7 and 75 Hz in the distal limb, on the location of greatest discomfort with daily interventions lasting 60 minutes for three chemotherapy cycles (45 days). Participants were divided into two groups: active TENS group (ATG) and placebo TENS group (PTG). The assessment of the effects of TENS was measured by the following instruments: The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) to assess the symptoms of pain and numbness and Questionnaire for Neurotoxicity Induced by Anti-neoplastic (QNIA) to assess the symptoms of PNIC. RESULTS: A 24-patient study was completed. There was no significant difference between the two groups regarding the primary endpoint of reduced pain symptoms (p = 0.666) and paresthesia (p = 0.673), neither any measurable impact of TENS in the frequency of symptoms (p = 0.5906) or activities of daily living (p = 0.8565). CONCLUSION: These results suggest that TENS applied in frequency modulation mode is not effective for ameliorating the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy induced by chemotherapy during chemotherapy cycles. There was, however, no worsening of symptoms in subsequent cycles after the onset of symptoms
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Effects of cold and hand-arm vibration on the peripheral neurosensory and vascular system : an occupational perspectiveCarlsson, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Background In Swedish working life, exposure to cold and exposure to hand-arm vibration (HAV) are two common health hazards. Health effects of HAV in the neurosensory, vascular and musculoskeletal systems are collectively denoted hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), and have been thoroughly studied. Effects of cold exposure in terms of effects on the peripheral neurosensory and vascular system are on the contrary limited, especially in an occupational setting. Effects of cold exposure or cold injury have not previously been assessed with quantitative sensory testing (QST). Commonly reported symptoms after exposure to HAV and after cold injuries, includes cold sensitivity and sensation of cold. Cold sensitivity can also occur without previous exposure to vibration or cold and may have a major impact on quality of life. Other possible risk factors for cold sensitivity need to be assessed. Sensation of cold hands could theoretically imply an early manifestation of damage to the neurosensory or vascular system, and therefore be of importance to enable early detection of vascular and neurosensory HAVS. The purpose of this thesis was to increase the knowledge about health effects from cold and HAV on the peripheral neurosensory and vascular system, with an occupational perspective. The aims were: first, to identify and evaluate health effects and sequelae in the peripheral neurosensory and vascular system due to cold injury and cold exposure; second, to investigate if sensation of cold hands is a predictor for future onset of Raynaud's phenomenon or paresthesia; and third, to identify possible risk factors associated with cold sensitivity. Methods A case series on 15 military conscripts with local cold injuries in the hands or feet, involving QST and symptom descriptions, was conducted to investigate the hypothesis that cold injuries can result in similar neurosensory and vascular impairments as in HAVS. To assess health effects of cold exposure, a cohort study on 54 military conscripts in cold winter military training, with cold exposure assessments, was conducted. Possible health effects were assessed after 14 months of military training, containing considerable cold exposure, by means of QST, Finger systolic blood pressure after local cooling (FSBP) and a questionnaire. To investigate if sensation of cold hands is a predictor for vascular or neurosensory HAVS we investigated a cohort of 178 employees at a manufacturing company where HAV was a common exposure. The cohort was followed during 21 years and both vibration exposure and health outcomes were assessed regularly. Questionnaire items were used to assess sensations of cold hands as well as signs of Raynaud’s phenomenon and paresthesia. To identify risk factors for cold sensitivity a case-control study was conducted involving 997iiiparticipants from the general population in northern Sweden. The study was cross-sectional and explored possible risk factors for cold sensitivity. Results Cold injuries and cold exposure were associated with reduced sensibility in QST and increase severity and prevalence of neurosensory and vascular symptoms. Our results did not show any impairment in peripheral blood flow due to cold exposure, detectable by FSBP. The risk of developing Raynaud's phenomenon was increased for workers previously reporting sensation of cold hands (OR 6.3, 95% CI 2.3-17.0). No increased risk for paresthesia in relation to a sensation of cold hands was observed. The identified risk factors for cold sensitivity were frostbite in the hands, rheumatic disease, nerve injury in upper extremities or neck, migraine and vascular disease. When analysing women and men separately, women’s risk factors were frostbite in the hands, rheumatic disease, migraine and cold exposure. Men’s risk factors were frostbite in the hands, vibration exposure and nerve injury in upper extremities or neck. BMI > 25 was a protective factor for both men and women. Conclusion Cold injury and cold exposure are associated with impairments in the neurosensory system, detectable by QST. Symptoms such as sensation of cold hands and white fingers indicate vascular involvement, even though no vascular impairments due to cold exposure could be detected by objective measurements. A sensation of cold hands is a risk factor for development of Raynaud´s phenomenon, but not for paresthesia. At the individual level, reporting cold hands does not appear to be useful information when considering the possibility of a future development of Raynaud’s phenomenon. Frostbite in the hands is a risk factor for cold sensitivity among both women and men. For women rheumatic disease, migraine and cold exposure are also independent risk factors, and for men, exposure to HAV. Being overweight is a protective factor for both women and men.
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