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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Indicateurs d'engagement de la personne et ses proches dans un contexte interprofessionnel : réalisation d'une validation DELPHI

Coly, Landing 13 December 2023 (has links)
Contexte : L'importance de l'engagement de l'usager et de ses proches dans le continuum de soins fait l'objet d'un consensus local et international depuis longtemps. Cela permet de fournir des services plus appropriés et plus rentables en plus d'améliorer les résultats de santé, la qualité de vie et la satisfaction des usagers. Toutefois, les efforts pour promouvoir un meilleur engagement des usagers se limitent trop souvent à des arguments rhétoriques sans actions concrètes pour clarifier les attentes à l'égard de ses rôles et responsabilités au sein de l'équipe interprofessionnelle. Afin d'enseigner plus efficacement ces notions, une liste d'indicateurs de l'engagement des usagers en contexte interprofessionnel a été développé par Milot et al. (2019). Bien que montrant un grand potentiel, ces indicateurs n'ont jamais été validés par des usagers et leurs proches. Objectif : Le but de cette étude est de décrire précisément, à l'aide d'une liste d'indicateurs validés, ce que signifie le partenariat avec l'usager et ses proches dans un contexte interprofessionnel afin de favoriser leur engagement dans les soins et services reçus. Les objectifs spécifiques sont de 1) valider, à partir de l'expertise des usagers et leurs proches, une liste d'indicateurs qui témoignent de l'engagement de ceux-ci au sein d'une équipe interprofessionnelle; et 2) explorer si ces indicateurs touchent à l'ensemble des formes d'engagement des usagers et leurs proches dans les soins et services les concernant. Méthodologie : Pour réaliser cette étude nous avons utilisé un devis mixte avec une méthodologie de validation utilisant la méthode DELPHI. Cette méthode permet de mettre en évidence des convergences d'opinions et de dégager certains consensus sur des sujets précis, souvent avec un caractère prospectif important, grâce à la consultation d'experts à travers un ensemble de questionnaires sur plusieurs rondes de consultation. Cette validation a été réalisée auprès de 31 usagers et proches qui ont rempli des questionnaires en ligne pour mesurer, à l'aide d'échelle LIKERT à 6 niveaux, la clarté et la pertinence de chaque indicateur. Résultats et conclusion : Les 13 indicateurs de la liste ont tous atteint le seuil de consensus (80%) fixé par l'équipe de recherche dès la première ronde. Une deuxième ronde a permis de recueillir les commentaires spécifiques des usagers-experts sur les indicateurs pour lesquels un désaccord avait été émis. En plus de confirmer l'inclusion obtenue dès la première ronde, cette deuxième ronde a révélé que les attentes des usagers et proches en matière d'engagement sont cohérentes avec les comportements facilitants et les obstacles aussi contenus dans la liste d'indicateurs, ainsi que les écrits scientifiques. En conclusion, cette liste d'indicateurs peut être utilisée avec confiance dans les milieux cliniques ou comme matériel pédagogique dans les formations continues ou les cours universitaires afin d'encourager un réel partenariat avec l'usager dans un contexte interprofessionnel. / Background: There is a long-standing local and international consensus on the importance of engaging health services users and their circle of support in the continuum of care. It leads to more appropriate and cost-effective services and improved health outcomes, quality of life and satisfaction for users. However, efforts to promote greater user engagement are too often limited to rhetorical arguments with no concrete actions to clarify expectations about their roles and responsibilities within the interprofessional team. In order to more effectively teach these concepts, Milot et al. (2019) have developed a list of indicators of user engagement in a context of interprofessional care. Despite their significant potential, these indicators have never been validated by users and members of their circle of support. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe precisely, using a list of validated indicators, the meaning of partnering with users and their circle of support in an interprofessional context with a view to promoting their involvement in the care and services they receive. The specific objectives are 1) to validate, based on the expertise of users and their loved ones, a list of indicators that reflect their engagement within an interprofessional team; and 2) to explore if these indicators illustrates all the components of the involvement of users and their friends and family in the care and services that concern them. Methodology: For the purpose of this study, we used a mixed design with a DELPHI validation method. This method, often used as a forecasting tool, makes it possible to highlight convergences of opinion and to obtain consensus on specific subjects among experts through a process of several rounds of consultation by means of a set of questionnaires. This validation was carried out with 31 users and members of their circle of support who completed online questionnaires to measure the clarity and relevance of each indicator on a 6-point LIKERT scale. Results and conclusion: All 13 indicators on the list met the consensus threshold (80%) set by the research team in the first round. A second round was conducted to gather specific feedback from user experts on the indicators in relation to which there were disagreements. In addition to confirming the inclusion obtained in the first round, this second round revealed that the expectations of users and their circle of support as regards involvement are consistent with the facilitating behaviours and obstacles identified in the list of indicators and in the scientific literature. In conclusion, this list of indicators can be used with confidence both in clinical settings and in continuing education and university program curricula to foster meaningful partnership with users in the context of interprofessional care.

La participation des parents dans les prises de décision au sein des instances de gouvernance intermédiaire de l'éducation au Québec (2016-2020)

Ahehehinnou, Patrice Cyrille 20 November 2023 (has links)
Thèse ou mémoire avec insertion d'articles / L'objectif général de cette thèse est de comprendre la participation politique des parents dans les prises de décision au sein des conseils des commissaires au Québec, notamment depuis l'adoption du projet de loi 105 modifiant la Loi sur l'instruction publique (LIP) en 2016. Ce projet de recherche se décline en trois objectifs spécifiques répartis respectivement dans trois articles scientifiques. Le premier objectif spécifique (article 1) est de faire une analyse des écrits dans l'optique d'apporter un éclairage sur la participation des parents dans la gouvernance de l'éducation au Québec. Plus précisément, il s'agit de décrire, à partir de la littérature existante, les perceptions des différents membres des instances décisionnelles de l'éducation sur cette participation des parents, mais surtout les facteurs qui la favorisent ou qui la freinent. Les résultats de l'analyse des vingt (20) publications retenues à l'issue de cette recension révèlent une divergence entre les perceptions des parents et celles des autres acteurs scolaires (enseignants et directeurs d'écoles) souvent mitigés quant à l'implication des parents dans les prises de décision portant notamment sur les questions pédagogiques. Les résultats de cette recension indiquent également que malgré l'existence de plusieurs facteurs favorisant cette participation parentale, des obstacles, souvent présentés comme étant principalement liés aux parents eux-mêmes, limitent leur implication dans les prises de décision. Le deuxième objectif spécifique (article 2) est de décrire les bases de pouvoir et les stratégies politiques qu'utilisent les commissaires-parents pour influencer les prises de décision au sein des conseils des commissaires au Québec notamment depuis l'adoption du projet de loi 105 modifiant la LIP. À l'aide d'une recherche qualitative de type descriptif, des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été menées auprès de treize (13) participants (6 commissaires-parents, 4 commissaires élus, une directrice générale et deux directeurs généraux adjoints) rattachés à deux commissions scolaires (CS) de la région de Québec. Les résultats issus d'une analyse de contenu thématique montrent que les commissaires-parents disposent des bases de pouvoir structurel et conjoncturel leur permettant d'influencer les prises de décision. Les résultats montrent également que les stratégies politiques déployées par les commissaires-parents sont liées à leurs bases de pouvoir et consistaient notamment à utiliser les parents à la base comme source d'informations pertinentes et à se mettre en coalition avec d'autres membres votants. Le troisième objectif spécifique (article 3) vise à comprendre les perceptions des commissaires-parents, des commissaires élus et des directions sur la participation politique des parents dans les prises de décision au sein des conseils des commissaires depuis l'adoption du projet de loi 105 modifiant la loi sur l'instruction publique. Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, une étude de cas multiples a été réalisée en utilisant les mêmes commissions scolaires et le même échantillon que dans l'article 2 avec lesquels nous avions effectué des entrevues semi-dirigées. Les données collectées ont fait l'objet d'une analyse de contenu. Les résultats de cette recherche permettent de constater une évolution significative dans la participation des commissaires-parents dans les prises de décision au sein des conseils des commissaires de deux CS de Québec. Alors que leur rôle était réduit à un pouvoir consultatif, depuis l'adoption du projet de loi 105 en 2016, les commissaires-parents prennent désormais une part active dans les décisions au sein des CS. De plus, la possession du droit de vote et l'augmentation de leur nombre apportent plus de légitimité et de reconnaissance aux commissaires-parents, mais également un rapport plus égalitaire entre les membres des instances décisionnelles des CS. Les résultats de notre thèse donnent une meilleure compréhension de l'implication politique des parents dans les instances de gouvernance intermédiaire de l'éducation. Ces résultats permettraient d'apporter les améliorations nécessaires pour valoriser le rôle des parents dans la gouvernance scolaire, notamment en instaurant une culture organisationnelle reconnaissant l'importante ressource que constituent les parents. / The general objective of this thesis is to understand the political participation of parents in the decision-making process of the councils of commissioners in Quebec, particularly since the adoption of Bill 105 amending the Public Education Act (PEA) in 2016. It is broken down into three specific objectives, each of which is divided into three scientific articles. The first specific objective (article 1) is to analyze the literature with a view to shedding light on parental participation in the governance of education in Quebec. More specifically, the aim is to describe, based on the existing literature, the perceptions of the various members of the decision-making bodies in the field of education on this participation of parents, but especially the factors that promote or hinder it. The results of the analysis of the twenty (20) publications retained at the end of this review reveal a divergence between the perceptions of parents and those of other school actors (teachers and school principals), who are often mixed as to the involvement of parents in decision-making, particularly on pedagogical issues. The results of this review also indicate that, despite the existence of several factors favouring parental participation, obstacles, often presented as being mainly linked to the parents themselves, limit their involvement in decision-making. The second specific objective (article 2) is to describe the power bases and political strategies used by parent commissioners to influence decision-making within the councils of commissioners in Quebec, particularly since the adoption of Bill 105 amending the Public Education Act (PEA). Using descriptive qualitative research, semi-structured interviews were conducted with thirteen (13) participants (6 parent commissioners, 4 elected commissioners, one director general and two assistant directors general) from two Quebec City area school boards. Results from a thematic content analysis show that parent commissioners have the structural and situational power bases to influence decision-making. The results also show that the political strategies deployed by parent commissioners are linked to their power bases and included using parents at the grassroots level as a source of relevant information and coalition building with other voting members. The third specific objective (article 3) is to understand the perceptions of parent commissioners, elected commissioners, and principals about the political participation of parents in decision-making on councils of commissioners since the passage of Bill 105 amending the Education Act. In order to achieve this objective, a multiple case study was conducted using the same school boards and the same sample as in Article 2 with whom we had conducted semi-structured interviews. The data collected was subjected to a content analysis. The results of this research reveal a significant evolution in the participation of parent commissioners in the decision-making process of the councils of commissioners of two Quebec City school boards. While their role was reduced to an advisory capacity since the adoption of Bill 105 in 2016, parent commissioners have now taken an active part in decisions within the SBs. Moreover, the possession of the right to vote and the increase in their number have brought more legitimacy and recognition to the parent commissioners, but also a more egalitarian relationship between the members of the decision-making bodies of the SBs. The results of our thesis provide a better understanding of the political involvement of parents in intermediate educational governance bodies. These results can be used to make the necessary improvements to enhance the role of parents in school governance, by establishing an organizational culture that recognizes the important resource that parents constitute.

Public participation in town planning : towards a pro-active participatory process / Barbara Raubenheimer

Raubenheimer, Barbara January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation sets out to describe a pro-active process of public participation in urban planning, motivated by a lack of planning theory and also available South African legislation to describe how pro-active public participation is achieved in planning practice. Communicative planning theory advises on and describes public participation as being meaningful focussing on consensus between stakeholders. Empirical evidence of such public participation is however scarce, and also a critique against communicative planning theory. South African legislation supports and uses the concept of pro-active public participation but has few practical guidelines to facilitate such a public participation process in planning. The context of public participation in South Africa, in specifically two communities (Khuma and Stilfontein) in the North-West Province was the primary focus in describing a pro-active process of public participation. These two communities that had participated in a previous project where public participation was conducted and most importantly documented were specifically chosen because they represent two different community contexts, with Stilfontein being a community primarily consisting of retired mineworkers and Khuma a community that came into being as a result of forceful removals during the apartheid era. Furthermore the process of public participation that was followed was unique in this project as methods from community psychology were applied to guide communication. The importance of context and communication were identified as the most important aspects when conducting public participation pro-actively. The importance of communication and context should be considered if a pro- active process of public participation is to be conducted. It is a timeous process to consider the context of community members when conducting public participation, but it must be considered by spatial planners. The possibility of multidisciplinary teams facilitating public participation processes in planning should be considered. In this way planners can be assisted when conducting public participation processes. The refinement of legislation describing public participation may also be helpful in attempts to enhance pro-active processes in public participation. / MArt et Scien (Urban and Regional Planning), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Public participation in town planning : towards a pro-active participatory process / Barbara Raubenheimer

Raubenheimer, Barbara January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation sets out to describe a pro-active process of public participation in urban planning, motivated by a lack of planning theory and also available South African legislation to describe how pro-active public participation is achieved in planning practice. Communicative planning theory advises on and describes public participation as being meaningful focussing on consensus between stakeholders. Empirical evidence of such public participation is however scarce, and also a critique against communicative planning theory. South African legislation supports and uses the concept of pro-active public participation but has few practical guidelines to facilitate such a public participation process in planning. The context of public participation in South Africa, in specifically two communities (Khuma and Stilfontein) in the North-West Province was the primary focus in describing a pro-active process of public participation. These two communities that had participated in a previous project where public participation was conducted and most importantly documented were specifically chosen because they represent two different community contexts, with Stilfontein being a community primarily consisting of retired mineworkers and Khuma a community that came into being as a result of forceful removals during the apartheid era. Furthermore the process of public participation that was followed was unique in this project as methods from community psychology were applied to guide communication. The importance of context and communication were identified as the most important aspects when conducting public participation pro-actively. The importance of communication and context should be considered if a pro- active process of public participation is to be conducted. It is a timeous process to consider the context of community members when conducting public participation, but it must be considered by spatial planners. The possibility of multidisciplinary teams facilitating public participation processes in planning should be considered. In this way planners can be assisted when conducting public participation processes. The refinement of legislation describing public participation may also be helpful in attempts to enhance pro-active processes in public participation. / MArt et Scien (Urban and Regional Planning), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

金人統治下漢族士人對政治的態度. / Jin ren tong zhi xia Han zu shi ren dui zheng zhi de tai du.

January 1983 (has links)
黃美玲. / Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 485-502). / Huang Meiling. / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue. / Chapter 第一章 --- 導言 --- p.1 / 註釋 --- p.6 / Chapter 第二章 --- 漢族士人與漢人之抗金活動 --- p.8 / Chapter 第一節 --- 一一四二年宋金和議前 --- p.10 / Chapter 第二節 --- 海陵帝與世宗政權交替時期 --- p.40 / Chapter 第三節 --- 蒙古入侵時期 --- p.66 / Chapter 第四節 --- 小 結 --- p.88 / 註釋 --- p.90 / Chapter 第三章 --- 入仕於金的漢族士人 --- p.120 / Chapter 第一節 --- 金初太祖、太宗兩朝入仕之漢族士人 --- p.122 / Chapter 第二節 --- 金代科舉制度下入仕之漢族士人 --- p.150 / Chapter 第三節 --- 金代對漢族士人之任用及駕馭 --- p.190 / Chapter 第四節 --- 小結 --- p.205 / 註釋 --- p.207 / Chapter 第四章 --- 影響漢族士人對政治的態度的因素 --- p.240 / Chapter 第一節 --- 女真漢化 --- p.242 / Chapter 第二節 --- 宋金和戰 --- p.276 / Chapter 第三節 --- 金人的統治政策 --- p.303 / Chapter 第四節 --- 小結 --- p.345 / 註釋 --- p.347 / Chapter 第五章 --- 北宋末年及金朝覆亡前後的漢族士人比較 --- p.407 / Chapter 第一節 --- 對時局的議論 --- p.410 / Chapter 第二節 --- 亡國時的操守 --- p.427 / Chapter 第三節 --- 小結 --- p.457 / 註釋 --- p.459 / Chapter 第六章 --- 結論 --- p.481 / 參考書目 --- p.485

從九七後香港天主教的政治參與看其先知角色. / 從97後香港天主教的政治參與看其先知角色 / Cong jiu qi hou Xianggang tian zhu jiao de zheng zhi can yu kan qi xian zhi jiao se. / Cong 97 hou Xianggang tian zhu jiao de zheng zhi can yu kan qi xian zhi jiao se

January 2004 (has links)
李應新. / "2004年4月". / 論文(神(道)學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2004. / 參考文獻 (leaves 45-49) / "2004 nian 4 yue". / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Li Yingxin. / Lun wen (shen (dao) xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2004. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 45-49) / Chapter 第一章: --- 先知的角色 --- p.4 / 先知分類及發展 --- p.5 / 信息的內容及現象的發展 --- p.6 / Chapter 第二章: --- 近代天主教就社會訓導上的立場 --- p.9 / 近代天主教就社會訓導上的立場 --- p.9 / 邁向光輝的十年 --- p.14 / Chapter 第三章: --- 歷史背景的因素 --- p.17 / 中國政府與天主教會 --- p.17 / 港人在內地子女居留權事件 --- p.19 / 基本法23條 --- p.23 / 有關不民主的選舉委員會 --- p.26 / 前神父戀童案件 --- p.27 / 有關「校本管理」的執行 --- p.29 / Chapter 第四章: --- 給天主教香港教區在實踐先知角色的補充建議 --- p.31 / 何西阿先知的範例 --- p.31 / 復和與後九七處境 --- p.32 / 教會建構新意- --- p.34 / 建議天主教香港教區論政的終極目標 --- p.36 / 充權的補充 --- p.37 / 愛與公義的原則之實踐 --- p.40 / Chapter 第五章: --- 總結 --- p.43

The use of digital games in participatory planning practices

Shakeri, Moozhan January 2017 (has links)
The past decade has seen a gradual but steady increase in the use of games in participatory planning practices. Since the 'Gamification' gained momentum, the thoroughly thought-through simulation and gaming discipline of the 1970s has been replaced by an amalgam of confusion and optimism about the role and added value of games in planning practice. The lack of clarity about what games really are and the scarcity of studies on how they can be used in dealing with contemporary participatory planning concerns have limited the use of digital games in planning to pedagogic and communication purposes. This research contributes to debates on the role and added value of digital games in participatory planning practices by unravelling the types of knowledge that can be produced by digital games and the many ways in which data flows happen between the real world and the imaginary world of games. To do so this research focuses on the epistemological analysis of digital games and core concepts of participatory planning, democracy and power, using a four-staged problem-centred Design Science Research (DSR) approach; 1) it first explores the existing limitations and potentials of the use of games in scientific fields in general; 2) it reviews the role of knowledge in participatory planning practices and its consequent effect on the defined role of games; 3) it proposes a new framework for using games as a research tool in participatory planning which conceptualizes games as artefacts with embedded information system; 4) it validates the framework by designing, testing and evaluating a game, called Mythoplastis with the aim of capturing the perception of the public about various locations in Manchester, UK. The study concludes that while games are powerful tools for capturing mental model of their players, the dominant gaming and simulation legacy and the emphasis on the scientific validity measures cease planners to be open or receptive to the artistic values of digital games and their potential in being used as research tools. It shows that by bridging the gap between commonly ignored theoretical and practical efforts of main stream game designers with the serious game design frameworks, new conceptions and roles of games can be explored. The designed game, Mythoplastis, shows how real world data can be abstracted in the game world for research purposes. It is also argued that for participatory planning to move beyond generalized and deterministic discourses about the role of planners and supporting tools, it is crucial for planners to re-examine the role of knowledge and validity measures in the conception of participation in planning.

Évolution du design au tournant du XXIe siècle : des inflexions du changement au design des existences / Evolution of design at the turn of the 21st century : From inflections of change to the design of existences

Canas-Lenoël, Anne-Cécile 30 November 2018 (has links)
Notre projet consiste à saisir et étudier les changements immanents du design leurs effets et leurs enjeux, leurs limites aussi, au tournant du XXIe siècle. Les technologies du numérique, celles des TIC, ont amorcé un phénoménal mouvement de reconfiguration de nos modes de faire, vivre et penser le monde, ainsi que de nous-mêmes. L’humain et les différents types d’organisations de ses activités connaissent de profondes mutations. Les ères de productions se déplacent sous la poussée d’une pensée de la collaboration et de la participation. Il semble que nous soyons entrés dans une ère du design des existences / Our project consists of capturing and studying immanent changes in design, their effects and their stakes, their limits as well, at the turn of the twenty-first century. Digital technologies, those of ICT, have initiated a phenomenal movement of reconfiguration of our ways of doing, living and thinking the world, as well as ourselves. The human and the different types of organizations of its activities are undergoing profound changes. The eras of productions move under the pressure of a thought of collaboration and participation. It seems that we have entered an era of the design of existences

Neighborhood council plan of citizen participation : a proposed plan for Manhattan, Kansas

Roberts, David Lee January 2010 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Collectivités territoriales et Développement Durable : contribution des technologies de l'information, et de la communication, à la dimension participative d'une politique publique : Lecture d'un projet cyberdémocratique issu d'une démarche d'Intelligence Territoriale / Local government and sustainable development : Contribution of information technologies (ICTs), and communication, for organizing partipatory public policy dimension : A democratic cyber sustainable development project to be read from a territorial intelligence process

Déprez, Paul 25 September 2014 (has links)
L’entrée tardive du développement durable en France apporte son lot d’expériences basées sur un cadre législatif en constante évolution et la volonté politique d’orienter les territoires en fonction de leurs problèmes et potentialités. « Penser global, agir local » fait désormais figure de principe pour définir l’action des territoires insérés dans des logiques mondiales mais dont les ressources peuvent être exploitées par la reconnaissance de compétences attribuées aux acteurs locaux. Dès lors, une culture de la participation émerge progressivement au travers de procédures nouvelles vouées à se faire rejoindre l’ensemble des acteurs territoriaux autour de règles communes pour la construction du territoire et en faveur de la connaissance des dynamiques territoriales. Cependant, les multiples injonctions à la participation de la société civile supposent de faire évoluer le territoire dans sa culture, ce que nous proposons par une démarche d’intelligence territoriale. Ce paradigme de recherche suppose donc qu’en préalable à l’établissement d’un processus de communication, issu d’une médiation sociale (Ateliers 21, Conseils de quartier, CIQ, etc.) ou socio-technique (journal municipal, forum électronique, Chat, etc.), le territoire doit constituer son « capital formel » (Bertacchini, 2004) pour permettre aux acteurs locaux d’accepter des règles et procédures communes, d’échanger leurs compétences, de se mobiliser et se rejoindre autour du projet territorial. Or, la constitution du capital formel territorial suppose non seulement que la collectivité échange de l’information sur les dynamiques territoriales à l’oeuvre mais également qu’elle apporte une plus-value à cette information échangée, notamment par l’exploitation de l’ensemble des « ressources communicationnelles des TIC » (Habib & Baltz, 2008). Il s’agit par-là de fournir des connaissances, des outils nécessaires afin que le citoyen se forge une opinion éclairée et mettre l’accent sur l’apprentissage collectif (Manin in Sintomer et Talpin, 2011 ; Urfalino, 2005) de la logique du développement durable (Angot, 2013).Notre objet de recherche s’intéresse aux collectivités territoriales de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte-D’azur engagées dans un projet de développement territorial durable du type Agenda 21, Plan Climat Energie Territorial et label Action Globale Innovante pour la Région (AGIR). Ce choix nous permet d’approcher le développement durable sous l’angle de la participation des acteurs au travers de démarches participatives spécifiques (de l’information à la concertation), au regard du paradigme de l’intelligence territoriale et de notre domaine de recherche : les sciences de l’information et de la communication. Nous aborderons la question des usages numériques au sein des collectivités territoriales, la production de connaissances formulées dans des contenus et supports numériques, diffusées et échangées au sein des différentes arènes de la société civile. / Due to the late entry of sustainable development spirit and practices in France, territories, according to their problems and potential, have to face evolving legislative framework and political will for their experiments based on. "Think global, act local" principle seems leading and guiding the action of territories inserted in a global logic which can be exploited by the recognition of skills allocated to local actors. Consequently, a participative culture is gradually emerging through new procedures aiming to be joined all territorial actors in connection with common rules for shaping territory and for the knowledge of local dynamics. What we suggest within a process of territorial intelligence, beyond repetitive call for the participation of civil society, is changing territorial culture. This paradigm of research pre supposes that, prior to the establishment of a communication process as result from a social mediation (A21 neighborhood councils, CIQ, etc..) or socio- technical (municipal newspaper, electronic forum Chat, etc..), the territory should build its "formal capital" (Bertacchini, 2004) enabling local actors to accept common rules and procedures, sharing their skills, mobilize with each other and join all through the territorial project. However, setting up the territorial formal capital constitution requires that local authorities exchanges information on territorial dynamics in action, in addition with a credit value to the exchanged information, including operation of the total amount of "communicative ICT resources" available (Habib & Baltz, 2008). We focus providing knowledge and tools enabling citizens to build their own enlighten opinion and focus on collective learning ( Manin in Sintomer and Talpin, 2011; Urfalino 2005) about logical sustainable Development (Angot, 2013). Our object of research is concerned with territorial authorities of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region involved in a project for sustainable spatial development of the Agenda 21 type (A21), Territorial Energy and Climate Plan Action label (PCET), Global Innovative for the Region (AGIR).This choice allows us to approach sustainable development from the perspective of stakeholder participation through specific participatory approaches (information to consultation), under the paradigm of territorial intelligence and our field research: information and communication sciences. We will furthermore discuss the issue of digital uses within local authorities’ organization, production of knowledge contained in digital content and media, and exchanged in different arenas of civil society.

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