Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pasirinkti"" "subject:"pasirinkta""
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Investavimo strategijų portfelio parinkimas ir valdymas / Selection and management of investment strategies' portfolioMartinkutė, Raimonda 14 March 2006 (has links)
Scientific and practical utility of portfolio investments had been motivated by empirical researches of various authors long before. The same proposition could be said about analysis of advantages of option contracts and their investment strategies. It is purposeful to find methods helping to join the advantages of both portfolio investments and option investment strategies in order to satisfy investors’ need to manage growing investment risk.
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Kauno apskrities baldų gamybos įmonių paskirstymo kanalų pasirinkimo motyvai / The motivation of selection of distributions channels of kaunas country in the furniture firmsSadauskaitė, Sandra 08 September 2009 (has links)
Darbą sudaro trys pagrindinės dalys: pirma dalis yra teorinė, joje nagrinėjama paskirstymo kanalų samprata ir jų reikšmė, marketingo veiksniai turintys įtakos paskirstymo kanalo parinkimui, pateikiama motyvacijos teorijų apžvalga, analizuojamas paskirstymo kanalų narių parinkimas ir motyvai. Antroje darbo dalyje yra apžvelgiama baldų pramonės Kauno apskrityje verslo aplinka. Aptariamos jos vystymosi raidos tendencijos. Taip pat apžvelgiama bendra baldų pramonės rinkos situacija. Trečioje darbo dalyje yra pateikiami tyrimo rezultatai gauti anketinės apklausos metu, taip pat pateikiami rezultatai gauti interviu metu su baldų pramonės atsovais. Rezultatai yra interpretuojami bei vertinami, pateikiamos tyrimo išvados. Suformuotas paskirstymo kanalų pasirinkimo motyvų modelis. / Every company after manufacture or purchase of goods must introduce them to its costumers. “The place of distribution” is the third element of 4P in the plan of marketing. The main purpose of this element is to bring goods to costumers on accepted time, place, and quantity and on accepted manner. These tasks are important for wholesale and retail companies. The distribution channel of goods consists of other companies or persons, who participate in the process of goods movement from manufacturer to customer. To choose a suitable distribution channel of goods a company must know where is its costumer, how many costumer it has and what are selling conditions in the market. Marketing research can help to get answers into these questions and to find out what are the business conditions. The survey results will facilitate effective and correct decision-making process. Thus, when a company is making a decision about distribution channels, marketing research would help to clear the situation, and to reasonably motivate a selected distribution strategy: the number, sort of distribution channels, and the selected places where will be distributed goods and services. The selection of plan and structure of distribution channel lasts longer than decision making, based on any other marketing complex element. That’s why it is very important to choose a correct distribution channel, mediator, to evaluate all elements of environment, affecting the plan of distribution channel. Distribution in... [to full text]
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Religinio pasirinkimo ekonominis "pamatas" / The economic "ground" of the religious choiseMaldeikienė, Aušra 08 September 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe „Religinio pasirinkimo ekonominis “pamatas“ bandomos atskleisti šiuo metu pasaulyje labai populiarėjančios religijos ekonomikos metodologinių ir iš dalies teorinių nuostatų ištakos bei galimos aptariamos koncepcijos taikymo ribos. Akcentuojant metodologines klausimo prielaidas, išgryninama idėja apie naudos/prasmės perskyrą ekonominiuose tyrimuose, kai neproporcingai pabrėžiant naudos dimensiją slepiama ar net naikinama prasmės plotmė, neišvengiamai apimanti ir religinį komponentą. Naudos/prasmės perskyros metodologinės ištakos aptinkamos vyraujančioje ekonomikos pamato ir jos metodo koncepcijoje, kurioje ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas racionalaus ekonominio individo sampratai bei pozityviosios ir normatyvinės ekonomikos perskyrai. Parodoma, kaip racionalaus individo koncepcijos vidinis prieštaringumas bei pozityvios/normatyvinės ekonomikos atskyrimas gimdo fakto/vertybės skirtį, itin giliai įsišaknijusią tiek ekonominėje politikoje, bet ir pačioje modernios ekonominės teorijos pamate. Aptariant populiarėjančią religijos ekonomikos koncepciją, demonstruojama, kaip nuostata religijos klausimus matyti iš išimtinai ekonomikos perspektyvos naikina esmines religijos dimensijas, o pastanga religijos ir ekonomikos sankirtų ieškoti pirmiausiai besirenkančio subjekto laikysenoje nepanaikindama fakto/vertybės skirties, ją transformuoja į naudos/prasmės perskyrą. Darbe parodoma, kaip fakto/vertybės ir atitinkamai, naudos/prasmės, skirtys, užvaldžiusios ekonomikos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The master‘s thesis The Economic Ground of Religious Choice portrays an attempt to divulge the origins of the methodological and, in part, theoretical principles of the economics of religion, a concept which is presently gaining great popularity throughout the world. The work also demonstrates possible limits of application concerning the concepts under consideration. In highlighting the methodological assumptions of the issue, economic studies expose the notion of distinction between utility and meaning: by disproportionately emphasizing the utility dimension, the plane of meaning is hidden or even eliminated, inevitably incorporating the religious component as well. Methodological origins of the utility/meaning distinction are encountered in the prevailing concept of economic basis and means, where particular consideration is given to the comprehension of a rational, economic individual, as well as to the distinction between positive and normative economies. This demonstrates how the internal contradiction of a rational individual’s comprehension and the distinction of positive/normative economy give rise to fact-value distinction that is particularly deeply rooted not only in economic policy, but also in the very foundation of mainstream economic theory. Deliberation of an economics of religion concept, a concept that is gaining popularity, demonstrates how the principle of viewing religious issues exclusively from an economic perspective destroys essential religious... [to full text]
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Investavimo strategijų portfelio parinkimas ir valdymas / Selection and management of investment strategies" portfolioMartinkutė, Raimonda 14 March 2006 (has links)
Scientific and practical utility of portfolio investments had been motivated by empirical researches of various authors long before. The same proposition could be said about analysis of advantages of option contracts and their investment strategies. It is purposeful to find methods helping to join the advantages of both portfolio investments and option investment strategies in order to satisfy investors’ need to manage growing investment risk.
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Finansinių aktyvų kainų stochastinio sklaidos parametro modelių tyrimas / Analysis of stovhastic volatility models in financial marketsValaitytė, Akvilina 08 June 2004 (has links)
This paper studies stochastic volatility models under the price of EUR/USD exchange rate options traded in Lithuania. Three models were considered: Hull-White, Heston and logarithmical Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic volatility model.The model performance is assessed by two criteria. First, in the sample fit of each model by comparing the implied volatility pattern generated either from the market price or from stochastic volatility models prices.Second, out of sample forecast performance is tested by comparing the one-day ahead forecasting accuracy of the Black-Scholes&German-Kohlhagen model with these of the stochastic volatility models.
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Įvairaus amžiaus vyrų, žaidžiančių ripką, kai kurių fizinio pajėgumo rodiklių ir netradicinės fizinės veiklos pasirinkimo motyvai / The motivation of varios age men,playing ripka, for chosing some indicators of physical capabilities and a nontradicional activityKaveckas, Andrius 15 May 2006 (has links)
The originality of this work is a nontraditional form of physical activity which does not have analogues
in the world. For the first time during the whole history of this game there will be explred some of
components of physical mights of men pf different ages who are actively playing ripka and the
peculiarities of the choice of this game. We will compare some of the explored components of physical
activity with the recomendatory norms of Eurofit.
The problematic question is whether the game of ripka gives positive influence to some components of
physical activity and the decisive peculiarities of the choice of this nontraditional activity.
The hypothesis is that the the game of ripka gives positive influence to some components of physical
activity and the decisive peculiarities of the choice of this nontraditional activity.
The object of this work are the physical components and the peculiarities of the choice of this
nontraditional activity of men of different ages who are actively playing ripka
The aim of this investigation is to fix some components of physical might and the peculiarities of the
choice of this nontraditional activity of men of different ages who are actively playing ripka.
The tasks of this work are: observing the practical – theoretical recommendations of Eurofit to fix the
index of mass of the body, to evaluate the might of blood – vessels of heart of men of different ages
who are playing ripka to fix the might of musculs of... [to full text]
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Turizmo ir sporto vadybos programos studentų studijų pasirinkimo motyvų atitikimo studijoms vertinimas / Assessment of conformity to the studies of motivation for selecting the studies among the students of tourism and sports management programmeSirajevas, Artūras 18 June 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas — įvertinti turizmo ir sporto vadybos studijų programos studentų pasirinkimo motyvų atitikimą studijoms.
1. Nustatyti turizmo ir sporto vadybos studijų programos studentų studijų LKKA pasirinkimo motyvus.
2. Nustatyti turizmo ir sporto vadybos studijų programos kokybinius veiksnius.
3. Nustatyti turizmo ir sporto vadybos studijų programos kiekybinius veiksnius.
Tyrimo metodai: literatūros šaltinių analizė, anketinė apklausa, matematinė statistika.
Tiriamieji: LKKA antro, trečio ir ketvirto kurso studentai (n=102).
Tyrimo rezultatai. Respondentams svarbiausi motyvai pasirenkant turizmo ir sporto vadybos programos studijas buvo tai, kad būsima profesija (8,34—8,87 balai) ir specialybė (8,19—8,28 balai) yra jiems įdomi, ji atitiko respondentų polinkį (7,38—8,84 balai) ir poreikius (7,07—8,10 balai), labiausiai domino (7,79—8,71 balai), kai kuriems dar buvo patogi studijų vieta (III kursas — 7,45 balai). Įtakos, pasirenkant turizmo ir sporto vadybos programos studijas, neturėjo šie motyvai: nurodytas nepakankamas pažangumas (1,03—1,76 balai), giminės tradicijos (0,55—0,93 balai), noras studijuoti su drauge ar draugu (0,42—1,17 balai).
Respondentai vertindami turizmo ir sporto vadybos programos kokybinius veiksnius išskyrė atskirų studijų dalykų profesinį naudingumą, turinio kokybę, žinių perteikimą (mikroekonomika, makroekonomika, turizmo ištekliai, organizacijų teorija, verslo teisė, finansų studijos, užsienio kalbos). Tik užsienio kalbos paskaitų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Purpose of research — to assess the conformity to the studies of motivation for selecting the studies among the students of Tourism and Sports Management program.
1. To identify the motivation of students of Lithuanian Academy of Physical Culture for selecting the studies of Tourism and Sports Management program.
2. To identify the qualitative factors of the Tourism and Sports Management program.
3. To identify the quantitative factors of the Tourism and Sports Management program.
Methods of research: analysis of literature sources, questionnaire, mathematical statistics.
The analyzed group: students of the second, third and fourth courses of Lithuanian Academy of Physical Culture (n=102).
Results of research. The most important motives for the respondents in selecting the studies of the Tourism and Sports Management program was the fact that the future profession (8.34—8.87 points) and the specialty (8.19—8.28 points) is interesting for them, it matched the hobbies of the respondents (7.38—8.84 points) and their needs (7.07—8.10 points), it was most interesting (7.79—8.71 points), for some students, the location of studies was convenient (3rd course — 7.45 points). The following motivation had no influence in selecting the studies of the Tourism and Sports Management program: insufficiently high grades of previous completed studies (1.03—1.76 points), family traditions (0.55—0.93 points), intention to study with a friend (0.42—1.17 points).
When assessing the... [to full text]
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Žemės ūkio specialybių universitetinių studijų pasirinkimo motyvai ir veiksniai / Choosing Motives and other Factors of Students Studying AgricultureKapočiūtė, Vaida 16 March 2006 (has links)
The purpose of the present investigation is to evaluate students’ wish to become experts of agriculture, their choosing motives, factors and future expectations.
The object of this investigation – first year full-time and correspondence course students of stockbreeding technologies of Lithuanian Veterinarian Academy and first year students of agronomy, who wish to get agricultural education in Lithuanian University of Agriculture.
The investigation aimed to find out students’ motivation of choosing academic agricultural studies, its significance and future expectations. The technique of the research includes literature review, interviewing students of different studying programs by filling in questionnaires, and statistical data analyses.
The goal of the present paper is to analyze demand change of high quality specialists in agriculture, specialist training dynamics and to define the main motives or factors determining choice of agrarian academic studies. Besides, there was a task to compare chosen studies’ dependence upon students’ dwelling-place, study form, and program. Conclusions: the main choosing motives of the university students’ were social-economical, i.e. ‘Possibility to get a diploma of high education’ and ‘I wanted to study at high school’. Significant importance while choosing agrarian academic studies was played by professional motives. The main factors stimulating students to choose agriculture were ‘I was good at biology at school’ or ‘I have experience in... [to full text]
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Profesinės mokyklos mokinių profesijos pasirinkimo veiksniai (atvejo analizė) / Factors of selecting the profession in vocational schools (case analysis)Styraitė, Martyna 29 January 2013 (has links)
Tinkamas karjeros pasirinkimas dažnai nulemia visapusiškai kokybišką asmens ateitį. Profesijos pasirinkimas yra daugialypis procesas, kurį lemia daugelis veiksnių, kurie skirstomi į vidinius bei išorinius. Šiame darbe apžvelgiama profesijos pasirinkimo proceso samprata, teorijos, analizuojami pagrindiniai profesinės mokyklos mokinių profesijos pasirinkimą įtakojantys veiksniai: savęs pažinimas, vertybės, interesai, gabumai, darbo rinkos tendencijos, aplinka bei joje veikiantys asmenys. Darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti profesinės mokyklos mokinių profesijos pasirinkimo veiksnius. Siekiant išsamiai atskleisti tyrimo uždavinius, pasirinktas kiekybinis tyrimo metodas – anketinė apklausa. Tyrime iš viso dalyvavo 252 mokiniai, iš Biržų technologijų ir verslo mokymų centro. Jų amžius – 16-52 metai. Tyrimo metu stengtasi nustatyti profesijos pasirinkimo vidinius bei išorinius pasirinkimo veiksnius, profesinės mokyklos privalumus, ugdymo karjerai, profesinio informavimo veiklos mokykloje ypatumus, mokinių ateities planus. Mokslinės literatūros analizė apie profesijos pasirinkimo procesą atskleidė poreikį įvertinti savo norus, galimybes bei darbo rinkos tendencijas. Tik atsižvelgus į tris profesijos pasirinkimo kriterijus: noriu, galiu, reikia, pavyks tinkamai vystyti savo karjeros kelią. Profesiją būtina rinktis racionaliai, sistemingai – įvertinant tiek objektyvius (vidinius), tiek subjektyvius (išorinius) profesijos pasirinkimo veiksnius. / A proper carrier choice usually has an effect on a person’s stable future. A carrier choice is a multiple process, which is influenced by many factors, subdivided into internal and external. The present research paper reviews the process of carrier choice, theories, analyses the main factors influencing carrier choice of vocational school students: self-cognition, values, interests, capabilities, labour market tendencies, the atmosphere and the persons in it. The aim of the paper – to figure out the factors for carrier choice of vocational school students.
In order to fulfil thoroughly the tasks of the paper, the quantitative research method was chosen, mainly – a questionnaire. The research sample consisted of 252 students from Biržai Technology and Business Training Centre. Their age is varied – 16-52 years old. The research aimed to define the internal and external carrier choice factors, the advantages the vocational school offers, the peculiarities of carrier training and professional information at the school, the future plans of students.
The scientific literature analysis on the process of carrier choice, gave an impulse to evaluate oneself wishes, possibilities and labour market tendencies. Given the three carrier choice criteria – I wish, I can, I must – one will succeed in properly developing his/her carrier path. The carrier must be chosen with consideration, systematically, having evaluated both subjective (internal) and objective (external) factors of carrier... [to full text]
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Paauglių karjeros projektavimą pirmojo pasirinkimo etape sąlygojantys veiksniai / Factors determining career guidance of adolescents during the first stage of choiceBanevičienė, Ilona 10 February 2014 (has links)
Profesijos pasirinkimas yra viena aktualiausių problemų visame pasaulyje, nuo kurios tinkamo sprendimo priklauso žmogaus asmeninė gerovė. Labai svarbu, kad jaunuolio karjeros apsisprendimas būtų sąmoningas, tikslingas. Tai tampa dar svarbiau integruojantis į Europos Sąjungą. Jaunimui atsiveria didesnės galimybės pasirinkti profesiją, tačiau kartu padidėja individualios kompetencijos ir asmeninės atsakomybės reikšmė. Jau pagrindinės mokyklos vyresnių klasių mokiniams tenka priimti svarbius savo gyvenime sprendimus: baigus aštuonias klases tęsti mokslą pagrindinėje mokykloje (kurioje yra ir 9–10 klasės) ar stoti į gimnaziją (akademinės ar profesinės krypties). Mokykla yra pagrindinė ugdymo institucija, kuri turėtų padėti apsispręsti. Ugdymo (si) karjerai paskirtis – padėti mokiniui pažinti save, savo gebėjimus ir galimybes, norus ir lūkesčius, ugdytis karjeros kompetenciją. Todėl labai svarbu išskirti veiksnius, kurie yra susiję su sėkmingos karjeros projektavimu ir profesijos pasirinkimu paauglystėje. / Choosing a career is one of the most relevant problems all over the world as wellbeing of a person depends on his or her suitable decision. It is very important that the decision of a youngster is conscious and purposeful. It becomes even more important as we are more and more integrated into the European Union. Youth are faced with greater possibilities to choose a career, however, the importance of individual competence and personal responsibility is increased at the same time. Even the pupils in the higher forms of the lower secondary school have to take important decisions for their lives: to continue education in the lower secondary school (comprising forms 9–10) after finishing eight forms or enter the gymnasium (of academic or vocational focus). School is the main education institution which could help to make a decision. The purpose of training for career is to help a pupil to know himself or herself, his or her abilities and possibilities, wishes and expectations and to build career competence. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to identify the factors related with successful career guidance and choosing of a career in adolescence.
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