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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays on the redistributive effects of the minimum wage / Essais sur les effets redistributifs du salaire minimum

Montialoux, Claire 01 July 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les effets redistributifs du salaire minimum. Le premier chapitre montre que l’introduction du salaire minimum en 1967 dans un certain nombre de secteurs de l’économie qui en étaient exclus jusqu’alors peut expliquer plus de 20% de la réduction des inégalités entre Blancs et Noir-Américains dans les années 1960 et le début des années 1970 aux États-Unis – la seule période (depuis la seconde guerre mondiale) au cours de laquelle les inégalités raciales sur le marché du travail ont diminué. Cette réforme a eu un rôle aussi déterminant dans l’évolution des inégalités raciales que l’augmentation du nombre d’années d’études pour les Noir-Américains ou les lois contre la discrimination. Le deuxième chapitre de cette thèse est consacré à l’estimation de la transmission des augmentations de salaire minimum dans les prix des produits vendus dans les supermarchés américains.Une augmentation moyenne de 10% du salaire minimum se traduit par une augmentation de 0.2% dans les prix des supermarchés entre 2001 et 2012. Cette elasticité-prix est cohérente avec une tranmission de l’intégralité de l’augmentation des coûts du travail dans les prix de vente aux consommateurs. L’augmentation des prix des supermarchés réduit les gains de revenu nominaux liés à l’augmentation du salaire minimum entre de 3 à 12%, selon le niveau de revenu du ménage. Le troisième chapitre calibre un modèle du marché du travail qui permet de simuler les effets d’une augmentation du salaire minimum au niveau fédéral à $15 d’ici 2024 aux États-Unis. Il s’agit de comparer les niveaux d’emploi obtenus si la réforme est adoptée aux niveaux d’emploi obtenu si la réforme n’est pas adoptée, et ce, selon les valeurs d’une série d’élasticités bien identifiées. / This dissertation studies the redistributive effects of minimum wage policies. The first chapter provides the first causal evidence of how the minimum wage has affected the historical evolution of racial inequality in the United States. It shows that the extension of the federal minimum wage to new sectors of the economy in 1967 can explain more than 20% of the decline in the racial earnings gap observed during the Civil Rights Era -- the only period of time (post World-War II) during which racial inequality fell in the United States. This effect is as large as previously studied policies and economic factors, such as the improvement in schooling for African-Americans or federal anti-discrimination policies. The second chapter estimates the pass-through of minimum wage increases into prices of US grocery stores, using high-frequency scanner level data. A 10% minimum wage hike translates into a 0.2% increase in grocery prices between 2001 and 2012. This magnitude is consistent with a full pass-through of cost increases into consumer prices. Depending on household income, grocery price increases offset between 3 and 12% of the nominal income gains. The third chapter estimates a calibrated labor market model to analyze the likely effects of a $15 federal minimum wage by 2024. It compares employment numbers if the policy were adopted to employment numbers if the policy had not been adopted using a wide range of well-identified elasticities.

Vyhledávací studie přeložky silnice I/34 Božejov-Pelhřimov / Road I/34 in stage Božejov-Pelhřimov - Relocation study

Stejskal, Roman January 2012 (has links)
Searching study for by-pass of villages Myslotín, Ondřejov, Ústrašín which is part of relocation of I/34 (international road E551). Comunnication is situated in exravilan and it will connect to planned bypass of Pelhřimov. Content of work is three variants processing with detail analysis of advantageous one.

Applying sports analytics to Division 1 women’s volleyball: serve receive pass rating relative to server location, speed of the serve, location of the passer, and passing angle

Street, Julie Anna 10 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Reconfigurable Band Rejection Frequency Selective Structures

Kula, Jeffrey Scott 04 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Developing a digits in noise screening test with higher sensitivity to high-frequency hearing loss

Motlagh Zadeh, Lina 02 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

CMOS Receiver Design for 802.11ac Standard Using Offline Calibrated Active Inductor Based Band Pass Filter in 90 nm Technology

Li, Shuo January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The Extent of Reliability for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication in Safety Critical Applications: An Experimental Study

Hoque, Mohammad A., Rios-Torres, Jackeline, Arvin, Ramin, Khattak, Asad, Ahmed, Salman 03 May 2020 (has links)
Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication using Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) technology promises to help drastically reduce vehicle collisions. DSRC allows vehicles in a highly mobile and complex network to send and receive safety messages with more reliability and lower latency compared with other wireless technologies used for automotive communications. However, there are many factors that could cause a safety-critical automotive application to become unreliable due to communication failures. While the reliability of V2V communication has been a subject of study by several researchers, there are still open questions regarding how the placement of the DSRC devices (inside or outside the host vehicle), the vehicle’s interior elements and the differences in altitude can affect the V2V communications. This article provides experimental testing data and analyses in order to quantify the impacts of relative vehicle speeds, altitude differences between vehicles, and interior obstacles on V2V communication range and reliability for opposite traffic, in both city and highway environments. We discuss how these results can adversely affect the design parameters of safety critical applications by considering the V2V application “Safe Pass Advisory” on two-lane rural highways.

An Empirical Study on the Reversal Interest Rate / En empirisk studie på brytpunktsräntan

Berglund, Pontus, Kamangar, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Previous research suggests that a policy interest rate cut below the reversal interest rate reverses the intended effect of monetary policy and becomes contractionary for lending. This paper is an empirical investigation into whether the reversal interest rate was breached in the Swedish negative interest rate environment between February 2015 and July 2016. We find that banks with a greater reliance on deposit funding were adversely affected by the negative interest rate environment, relative to other banks. This is because deposit rates are constrained by a zero lower bound, since banks are reluctant to introduce negative deposit rates for fear of deposit withdrawals. We show with a difference-in-differences approach that the most affected banks reduced loans to households and raised 5 year mortgage lending rates, as compared to the less affected banks, in the negative interest rate environment. These banks also experienced a drop in profitability, suggesting that the zero lower bound on deposits caused the lending spread of banks to be squeezed. However, we do not find evidence that the reversal rate has been breached. / Tidigare forskning menar att en sänkning av styrräntan under brytpunktsräntan gör att penningpolitiken får motsatt effekt och blir åtstramande för utlåning. Denna rapport är en empirisk studie av huruvida brytpunktsräntan passerades i det negativa ränteläget mellan februari 2015 och juli 2016 i Sverige. Våra resultat pekar på att banker vars finansiering till större del bestod av inlåning påverkades negativt av den negativa styrräntan, relativt till andra banker. Detta beror på att inlåningsräntor är begränsade av en lägre nedre gräns på noll procent. Banker är ovilliga att introducera negativa inlåningsräntor för att undvika att kunder tar ut sina insättningar och håller kontanter istället. Vi visar med en "difference-in-differences"-analys att de mest påverkade bankerna minskade lån till hushåll och höjde bolåneräntor med 5-åriga löptider, relativt till mindre påverkade banker, som konsekvens av den negativa styrräntan. Dessa banker upplevde även en minskning av lönsamhet, vilket indikerar att noll som en nedre gräns på inlåningsräntor bidrog till att bankernas räntemarginaler minskade. Vi hittar dock inga bevis på att brytpunktsräntan har passerats.

Stability assessment of nonlinear systems using the lyapunov exponent

Best, Eric A. January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Essays in International Macroeconomics

Kang, Hyunju 25 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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