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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

不同匯率轉嫁程度下,外匯管理政策之總體經濟效果 / Macroeconomic effects of foreign exchange policies under alternative exchange rate pass-through

陳建勳, Chen, Chien-Hsum Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於國際化的開展,國際貿易愈來愈普及,匯率因此扮演一個重要的角色。貶值固然可以提高一國的出口競爭力,卻可能造成通貨膨脹而不利本國消費,激烈的匯率波動更會造成兩國間貿易的不確定性。因此,各國中央銀行為了穩定外匯市場及商品市場,並為了追求低而穩定的通貨膨脹率而干預匯率波動。依據Devereux and Engle (2003),跨國廠商在訂貿易財價格時可採生產者貨幣訂價法(producer-currency pricing, PCP)或當地貨幣訂價法(local-currency pricing, LCP),在此兩種訂價方式下,匯率的轉嫁程度會有所不同,此亦可能會改變貨幣政策的總體經濟效果。 本文在一小型開放的動態隨機一般均衡模型(DSGE)下,加入央行的資產負債表與貨幣政策法則,探討當外生衝擊發生時,在不同的匯率轉嫁程度下,央行採取彈性匯率或管理浮動匯率對總體經濟變數產生的影響。 / With the development of the global economy, the international trade has become more common. When the country trades with other countries, exchange rate plays an important role. The currency depreciation may generate the current account surplus, but may lead to higher inflation and hurt the domestic consumption. Drastic exchange rate fluctuations may result in the uncertainty in trades. As the result, central banks may intervene in the foreign exchange market to stabilize exchange rate movements. Devereux and Engle (2003) build up the two-country DSGE model to examine macroeconomic effects of monetary policy under different degree of exchange rate pass-through. They consider two cases: producer-currency-pricing (PCP) where the exchange rate pass-through is complete and expenditure-switching effect exists, and local-currency-pricing (LCP) where the exchange rate pass-through is incomplete and there is no expenditure-switching effect. In the paper, we follow the small-open-economy DSGE model in Kollmann (2002) by including the balance sheet and alternative monetary policy rules of the monetary policy to examine the different macroeconomic effects under different degrees of exchange rate pass-through.

Développement et utilisation de modèles in vitro et de données précliniques pour augmenter la prédictibilité de la perméabilité et du métabolisme intestinal chez l'humain

Boily, Marc-Olivier 02 1900 (has links)
Tout médicament administré par la voie orale doit être absorbé sans être métabolisé par l’intestin et le foie pour atteindre la circulation systémique. Malgré son impact majeur sur l’effet de premier passage de plusieurs médicaments, le métabolisme intestinal est souvent négligé comparativement au métabolisme hépatique. L’objectif de ces travaux de maîtrise est donc d’utiliser, caractériser et développer différents outils in vitro et in vivo pour mieux comprendre et prédire l’impact du métabolisme intestinal sur l’effet de premier passage des médicaments comparé au métabolisme hépatique. Pour se faire, différents substrats d’enzymes du métabolisme ont été incubés dans des microsomes intestinaux et hépatiques et des différences entre la vitesse de métabolisme et les métabolites produits ont été démontrés. Afin de mieux comprendre l’impact de ces différences in vivo, des études mécanistiques chez des animaux canulés et traités avec des inhibiteurs enzymatiques ont été conduites avec le substrat métoprolol. Ces études ont démontré l’impact du métabolisme intestinal sur le premier passage du métoprolol. De plus, elles ont révélé l’effet sur la vidange gastrique du 1-aminobenzotriazole, un inhibiteur des cytochromes p450, évitant ainsi une mauvaise utilisation de cet outil dans le futur. Ces travaux de maîtrise ont permis d’améliorer les connaissances des différents outils in vitro et in vivo pour étudier le métabolisme intestinal tout en permettant de mieux comprendre les différences entre le rôle de l’intestin et du foie sur l’effet de premier passage. / To reach the systemic circulation, orally administered drugs have to be absorbed and not metabolized by the intestine and the liver. Even though it has a major impact on the first pass effect of many xenobiotics, the intestinal metabolism is often neglect compare to the hepatic metabolism. The objective of this work is to use, characterize and develop multiple in vitro and in vivo tools to better understand and predict the impact of intestinal metabolism on the first pass effect of xenobiotics compared to the liver. To do so, multiple substrates of metabolic enzymes were incubated in intestinal and hepatic microsomes and differences between the rate of metabolism and the production of metabolites were demonstrated. To better understand the impact of these differences in vivo, mechanistic studies were undergone in rats cannulated or treated with enzymatic inhibitors with the substrate metoprolol. These studies demonstrated the impact of intestinal metabolism on the first pass of metoprolol. Moreover, they exposed the effect on gastric emptying of 1-aminobenzotriazole, a cytochrome p450 inhibitor, avoiding its wrong utilisation in future studies. This work helped increase the knowledge about the different in vitro and in vivo tools to study intestinal metabolism and to better understand the differences between the role of the intestine and the liver on the first pass effect.

Promítání měnového kurzu do domácích cen: Případ České Republiky / Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Domestic Prices: The Case of the Czech Republic

Hájek, Jan January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis, we examine the exchange rate pass-through phenomenon in the Czech Re- public over 1998:1-2014:1 period. As our vector autoregression results indicate, short-term pass-through effect slowed down and prolongated its duration substantially. Consequently, the accumulated value to be transmitted increased compared to previous findings. In the case of exchange rate pass-through effect to CPI, the accumulated response after 18 months accounts for about 40-60 per cent. In this regard, our time-varying results using unique Chebyshev Time Polynomials points to period 2008-2014 to be the leading cause. It seems that during macroeconomically less stable periods the exchange rate pass-through in the Czech Republic tends to increase. Even though the consensus on the pass-through lev- els and its development over time is rather scarce, we find support for our conclusions. More interestingly, having in mind November's currency interventions of the Czech Na- tional Bank to weaken koruna (and thus avoiding deflation), our results reveal that this measure has become much more effective in the latest years (as consequence of the crisis) than previous literature suggested. Following up on that, it seems that exchange rate regained some of its rather historical importance while conducting monetary policy...

Étude de filtres hyperfréquence SIW et hybride-planaire SIW en technologie LTCC / Design of hybrid-planar SIW High frequency filter in LTCC Technology

Garreau, Jonathan 05 December 2012 (has links)
La maîtrise de la communication et de l'information est un atout primordial dans les stratégies de pouvoir, qu'elles soient militaires, politiques ou commerciales. Celui qui est capable de transmettre l'information plus vite prend l'avantage sur les autres. Tel est le moteur de la croissance et du progrès dans le domaine des télécommunications. L'omniprésence grandissante des dispositifs communicants témoigne de l'expansion exponentielle qu'a connu ce domaine depuis les premières communications sans fil. À l'époque du all-in-one, la multiplication des applications au sein d'un même appareil nécessite l'utilisation de composants toujours plus performants et petits . Au cœur de ces systèmes, les filtres ont une importance grandissante. Dans un environnement spatial, les contraintes de fiabilité et d'encombrement sont particulièrement drastiques. Le choix des matériaux est par ailleurs limité, ce qui réduit les possibilités d'innovation. Cependant, l'amélioration de la précision et de la fiabilité dans les technologies de fabrication ouvre de nouvelles perspectives d'innovation et d'amélioration des composants. Ces travaux ont ainsi été motivés par ce souci d'apporter toujours plus de performance et de fiabilité, pour un encombrement moindre en tirant profit du potentiel offert par l'association du concept SIW et de la technologie LTCC. Les résultats mettent à jour de sérieuses dispersions technologiques. Cependant, le potentiel de l'association SIW/LTCC est démontré, et les difficultés rencontrées sont surmontables. Les filtres SIW en technologie LTCC présentent donc des atouts pour s'imposer comme une alternative sérieuse aux solutions existantes. / Control of communication and information is a key asset in the strategies of power, whether military, political or commercial. Whoever is able to transmit information faster takes advantage of others. This is the engine of growth and progress in the field of telecommunications. The growing ubiquity of communicating devices demonstrates the exponential growth experienced by this area since the first wireless communications. At the time of all-in-one, multiple applications within a single device requires the use of ever more powerful and small components. At the heart of these systems, filters are becoming increasingly important. In a space environment, reliability constraints and space are particularly dramatic. The choice of materials is also limited, which reduces the possibilities of innovation. However, the improvement of accuracy and reliability in manufacturing technologies opens new opportunities for innovation and improved components. This work has been motivated by the desire to bring more performances and reliability, a smaller footprint by taking advantage of the potential offered by combining the concept SIW and LTCC. The results update serious technological dispersions. However, the potential association SIW / LTCC is shown, and the difficulties are surmountable. SIW filters in LTCC therefore have advantages for itself as a serious alternative to existing solutions.

Assessing the Responses of Adult, Juvenile, and Larval Fish Assemblages to the Closure of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet, an Artificial Tidal Pass in Southeastern Louisiana

Cope, Rebecca Weatherall 20 December 2013 (has links)
The creation of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO) in 1963 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) represents one of the most catastrophic, anthropogenic stressors ever to impact the Lake Pontchartrain estuary in southeastern Louisiana, USA. The artificial tidal pass provided a direct route from the Gulf of Mexico to New Orleans. It allowed for high saline waters to enter Lake Pontchartrain, resulting in detrimental changes to the biotic community of the Lake and surrounding wetland areas. In July 2009, the USACE closed the MRGO in hopes of restoring natural ecosystems. This study assesses changes in the adult, juvenile, and larval fish assemblages in the Lake from data taken before and after the closure. Water quality data were also examined for shifts related to the MRGO closure. Significant decreases in salinity were found following the closure, however no significant differences were found in adult or larval fish assemblages.

Marketingové oživení Cool tour linky / Marketing Revival of 'Cool tour linka'

Majerová, Jolana January 2010 (has links)
The theme of this master's thesis is "Marketing Revival of 'Cool tour linka'". 'Cool tour linka' is a joint project of Prague's leading exhibition institutions and transport company. Introductory part presents the project with the aim to preserve it "for next generations" too. 'Cool tour linka' was terminated due to economical reasons. Therefore the thesis leads to formation of a new project, that would work under even less favourable conditions. Conclusions from the chapters that analyse the previous 'Cool tour linka' (analysis of the visitors' attendance, application of marketing tools, SWOT analysis) are used in the new project. Both the original and the newly proposed 'Cool tour linka' emphasize the element of cooperation of the organisations operating in the field of culture and the importance of unusual presentation of arts collections to the public.

Cost-benefit analýza obchvatu města Roudnice nad Labem / Cost-benefit analysis of by-pass road of the town Roudnice nad Labem

Červený, Richard January 2010 (has links)
The present thesis is concerned with the construction of by-pass road of the town Roudnice nad Labem and its potential impacts. It briefly describes traffic situation in Roudnice and possible solutions of traffic issues of the town. Theoretical section of the thesis defines a cost-benefit analysis and other assessment methods used for civic projects. The thesis also focuses on external cost and the contribution traffic brings in general as well as with respect to the particular area. The data acquired have been used for drawing a project CBA which addresses the matter of civic efficiency of the construction.

Reconfigurable FSM for Ultra-Low Power Wireless Sensor Network Nodes

Ragavan, Rengarajan January 2013 (has links)
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) play an important role in today’s monitoring and controlsystems like environmental monitoring, military surveillance, industrial sensing and control, smarthome systems and tracking systems. As the application of WSN grows by leaps and bounds, there is anincreasing demand in placing a larger number of sensors and controllers to meet the requirements. Theincreased number of sensors necessitates flexibility in the functioning of nodes. Nodes in wirelesssensor networks should be capable of being dynamically reconfigured to perform various tasks is theneed of the hour.In order to achieve flexibility in node functionality, it is common to adopt reconfigurablearchitecture for WSN nodes. FPGA-based architectures are popular reconfigurable architectures bywhich WSN nodes can be programmed to take up different roles across time. Area and power are themajor overheads in FPGA based architectures, where interconnect consumes more power and area thanlogic cells. The contemporary WSN standard requires longer battery life and micro size nodes for easyplacement and maintenance-free operation for years together.Three solutions have been studied and evaluated to approach this problem: 1) Homogenousembedded FPGA platform, 2) Power gated reconfigurable finite state machines and 3) Pass transistorlogic (PTL) based reconfigurable finite state machines. Embedded FPGA is a CMOS 65nm customdeveloped small homogenous FPGA which holds the functionality of the WSN nodes and it will bedynamically reconfigured from time to time to change the functionality of the node. In Power gatedreconfigurable FSM architecture, the functionality of the node is expressed in the form of finite statemachines, which will be implemented in a LUT based power gated design. In PTL based reconfigurablefinite state machine architecture, the finite state machines are completely realized using PTL basedcustom designed sets of library components. Low power configuration memory is used to dynamicallyreconfigure the design with various FSMs at different times.

Inter-relationship of skin pass, 2D and 3D roughness parameters, stampability and paintability on cold rolled steel sheets for the automotive industry. / Inter-relação entre passe de acabamento, parâmetros de rugosidade 2D e 3D, estampabilidade e pintabilidade de chapas de aço laminada a frio para indústria automotiva.

Nunes, Eduardo 12 December 2013 (has links)
The aim of this research work is to study the inter-relationship, under controlled industrial conditions, among skin pass reductions, surface topography characterized by 2D and 3D roughness parameters, stampability and painted surface finish quality for automotive steel sheet stampings. Different surface textures obtained from cold rolling finishing have been evaluated in terms of paint appearance (rating and spectral curve) and tentatively related to roughness parameters (2D and 3D) obtained from the cold finished sheets. Some relevant tendencies have been established amongst these parameters. The results presented here are in accordance with other recently published research showing that there is a clear relationship between these parameters, and that further detailed studies are needed. / O foco do presente trabalho é o estudo, em condições industriais, da inter-relação entre grau de redução do passe de acabamento, topografia superficial caracterizada pelos parâmetros de rugosidade 2D e 3D, estampabilidade e aparência de pintura de chapas de aço para painéis automotivos. Diferentes texturas superficiais de chapas de aço foram analisadas em termos de aparência de pintura (rating e curvas espectrais) e tentativamente relacionadas com os parâmetros de rugosidades (2D e 3D) obtidos na chapa antes de estampar. Algumas tendências relevantes foram estabelecidas entre estes parâmetros. Os resultados presentes aqui estão de acordo com publicações recentes mostrando uma clara relação entre estes parâmetros e que trabalhos futuros ainda são necessários.

Avaliação ecoDopplercardiográfica da função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo em indivíduos obesos pré e pós cirurgia bariátrica / EchoDopplercardiographic analysis of left ventricular diastolic function in severe and morbid obesity before and after bariatric surgery

Okawa, Rogerio Toshiro Passos 10 March 2006 (has links)
A obesidade tem sido associada com a insuficiência cardíaca, e indivíduos obesos apresentam uma forma de cardiomiopatia caracterizada por dilatação ventricular esquerda, e hipertrofia ecêntrica, atribuída à sobrecarga volêmica. A disfunção ventricular tem sido descrita, sendo que a maioria dos estudos descrevem anormalidades da função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo. O presente estudo foi desenhado para se determinar o efeito da obesidade sobre a função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo e o impacto da perda de peso induzida pela cirurgia bariátrica sobre esta função.104 pacientes agendados para cirurgia bariátrica foram incluídos, 74 mulheres e 30 homens. Idade média de 38,8 ± 11,44 anos. Oitenta e um pacientes eram obesos mórbidos ( IMC maior ou igual 40 kg/m²) e 23 pacientes eram obesos graves ( IMC entre 35 e 39,99 kg/m²) com pelo menos duas co- morbidades associadas. A análise ecoDopplercardiográfica estrutural e funcional foi realizada previamente e após 6 meses do procedimento cirúrgico. Encontramos que indivíduos obesos tinham aumento da espessura septal do ventrículo esquerdo, do diâmetro atrial esquerdo e da massa ventricular esquerda. Além disso, apresentavam uma incidência maior de disfunção diastólica no pré-operatório. Observamos que a perda de peso induzida pela cirurgia bariátrica causou impacto nas velocidades do fluxo mitral, nas velocidades do fluxo de veia pulmonar e no Doppler tissular, mas não causou impacto nos outros parâmetros ecoDopplercardiográficos de análise da função diastólica. Como conclusões, obtemos que a perda de peso induzida pela cirurgia bariátrica melhora a função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo em indivíduos obesos. O fato do paciente ser hipertenso, diabético ou ser portador de outras co- morbidades, não esteve relacionado a uma maior incidência de disfunção diastólica. Os parâmetros ecoDopplercardiograficos de análise da função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo devem ser utilizados em associação para uma melhor avaliação desta função. / Obesity has been associated with heart failure, and individuals with severe obesity have been recognized to have a form of cardiomiopathy attributed to chronic volume overload, characterized by left ventricular dilation, and eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy. Impairment of cardiac function has been reported, with most studies reporting abnormal diastolic function.The present study was designed to determinate the effect of obesity on left ventricular diastolic function and the impact of weight loss after bariatric surgery on this function. One hundred and four patients scheduled for bariatric surgery were enrolled, 74 women and 30 men. Baseline mean age was 38.8 ± 11.44 years. Eighty- one patients were morbid obese (B.M.I. maior ou igual 40 kg/m²) and 23 were severe obese (B.M.I from 35 to 39.99 kg/m²), with at least two associated co-morbidities. Structural and functional echoDopplercardiographic analysis were performed before and 6 months after the bariatric surgery. We found that obese individuals had higher septal wall thickness, left atrial diameter, left ventricular mass and a higher incidence of diastolic dysfunction before the surgery than after. It was observed that weight loss had an impact on mitral flow velocities, on pulmonary vein flow velocities, and on tissue Doppler imaging, but had no impact on the other diastolic echocardiographic parameters. Weight loss after bariatric surgery had improved cardiac diastolic function. Being hypertensive, diabetic or having another associated co-morbidity was not related to a higher incidence of diastolic dysfunction. The diastolic echoDopplercardiographic parameters should be used in combination for a better diastolic evaluation.

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