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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Composição isotópica de Pb-Sr e Nd da mineralização de ouro do depósito Córrego do Sítio, Quadrilátero Ferrífero (MG): implicações na modelagem conceitual / Composition isotópica of Pb-Sr and Nd of the mineralization of gold of the deposit stream of the small farm, Quadrilateral Ferrífero (M.G.): implications in the conceptual modeling

David, Marta Edith Velásquez 22 September 2006 (has links)
O Quadrilátero Ferrífero (MG) é uma importante unidade geotectônica do Cráton do São Francisco que alberga jazidas de ferro e ouro hospedadas na seqüência greenstone belt Rio das Velhas e cuja evolução geodinâmica esteve regida por vários eventos tectonometamórficos. Depósitos de ouro gerados por fluidos epitermais e remobilizações orogênicas proterozóicas se associam intimamente com camadas bandas de ferro e raramente disseminados em metapelitos no topo do greenstone. Nas mineralizações é comum uma paragênese que cristalizou mediante diversos processos e em distintos estágios com predomínio de sulfetos de ferro. Em geral os minérios possuem forte controle estrutural por dobras, falhas e cisalhamentos transcorrentes, desenvolvidos durante vários eventos deformacionais de diversa índole e estreita relação com processos de alteração hidrotermal como sericitização, carbonatação, cloritização, entre outros de menor incidência. O depósito de ouro Córrego do Sítio hospeda-se na seqüência silisiclástica de origem turbidítica metamorfisada em fácies xisto verde denominada Associação de Litofácies Ressedimentada que faz parte do Grupo Nova Lima, se apresenta disseminado em metapelitos e em veios de quartzo com carbonato. A mineralização que acompanha o ouro cristalizou em vários estágios principais nos que predominaram (i) pirita + pirrotita, (ii) arsenopirita + pirrotita + pirita com texturas finas e orientadas, (iii) arsenopirita com pirrotita e sulfosais em veios de quartzo, (iv) pirita grossa pervasiva em todas as rochas hospedeiras. O estudo da composição isotópica Pb, Sr e Nd, permitiu identificar que as fontes dos fluidos mineralizantes foram as rochas hospedeiras, que na evolução policíclica da mineralização participaram eventos metamórficos e hidrotermais a 2.2, 2.0 Ga. e sobreimpostos a ~600 Ma. os quais induziram os processos de circulação hidrotermal na área de estudo. Mediante comparativa com outros depósitos da região, sugere-se que os metais formadores do minério depositaram-se em Córrego do Sítio à idade de 2.2 Ga. originados a partir da BIF tipo São Bento e remobilizados por fluidos através de falhas inversas. Análises geocronológicas U-Pb (SHRIMP) e K-Ar embora não decisivos em quanto à determinação da idade da mineralização, revelaram a idade de ~2.7 Ga. como o limite temporal para a deposição das rochas hospedeiras. No contexto geológico aplicado se estabelece a potencialidade para a prospecção aurífera que apresentam as rochas metapelíticas do topo do Greenstone Belt Rio das Velas associadas a camadas bandadas de ferro com ouro, e que os alvos mais relevantes seriam zonas com falhas inversas e cisalhamentos transcorrentes. / The Quadrilátero Ferrífero is an important geotectonic unit of the São Francisco Craton that host iron and gold deposits within the vulcanosedimentary rocks of the greenstone belt Rio das Velhas. The geodynamic evolution of this greenstone includes several tectonometamorphic events. Gold deposits were formed by epithermal fluids, remobilized during the Proterozoic orogenic processes, are associated whit the banded iron formations and are sporadically disseminate in metapelitic rocks within the top of the greenstone sequence. In the ores is common the crystallization of iron sulfide minerals during diverse stages. Gold deposits have an important structural control by folds, reverse faults and strike-slip shearing zones, and are commons several hydrothermal alteration processes like sericitization, chloritization and carbonate usually related to the deformation. The Córrego do Sítio gold deposit is hosted in turbiditic siliciclastic rocks that are metamorphosed in the greenschist facies. The gold is associated with the iron sulfide arsenopyrite and pyrite, which are disseminated in metapelitic rocks and quartz-carbonate veins. The mineralization includes vary stages of crystallization, (1) pyrite and pyrrotite (2) arsenopyrite, pyrrotite and fine pyrite, (3) arsenopyrite whit pyrrotite and sulphosalts in quartz vein, and (4) pervasive pyrite. An integrated Pb, Sr e Nd, isotopic study of the Córrego do Sítio deposit allowed to identify that sources of the mineralizing fluids was the host rocks, that in the policiclic evolution the gold mineralizaton had participation events of metamorphism and hidrothermalism to age 2.2, 2.0 and 0.6 Ga. respectively the wich induced the hydrothermal circulation processes in the study area. The isotopic character of this deposit and its comparison with similar ones, suggest that the gold and its metals associated it is deposited in Córrego do Sítio to age 2.2 Ga. and that metals were derived from the banded iron formations, and remobilized by hidrothermal fluids across reverse faults. Although U-Pb (SHRIMP) and K-Ar geochronologic data were not conclusive to constrain the age of the mineralization, they provide to age ~2.7 Ga. that a good limit for the sedimentation of the host rock. It is suggest that there is a potential for gold prospection within the metapellitic rocks associated with banded iron formation of the Greenstone Rio das Velhas, and that the more relevant targets include areas with inverse and strike-slip fault.

Relações tectonicas no setor central da faixa Araçuaí: Análise estrutural por ASM e geocronologia U/Pb e Lu/Hf / not available

Xavier, Bruna Catarino 18 April 2017 (has links)
A Faixa Araçuaí, localizada na porção setentrional da Província Mantiqueira, pode ser dividida em três domínios estruturais os quais estão envolvidos em um sistema de empurrões com vergência tanto oeste quanto para leste. A porção ocidental corresponde ao Domínio Milonítico constituido por gnaisses miloníticos de alta temperatura ~750ºC, o Domínio Central é caracterizado por intenso magmatismo tonalítico, granodiorítico e granítico de idade aproximada de 580 Ma e o setor oriental, denominado de Domínio Anatético, formado pelo Leucogranito Carlos Chagas (CC), um granito tipo S de idades compreendidas entre 572 ± 4 Ma a 597 ± 3 Ma. O Domínio Central, formado pelas Suítes Galiléia e Aimorés, são constituídas respectivamente pelos tonalitos São Vitor, e Galiléia e pelo Granito Caladão e o Charnockito Padre Paraíso. A Suíte Aimorés e a borda oeste do Leucogranito Carlos Chagas, constituem-se no foco desta dissertação, a qual teve por meta um estudo estrutural, baseado em Anisotropia de Suscetibilidade Magnética (ASM) e datações através dos métodos U/Pb em zircões e monazitas e Lu/Hf em zircões. Petrograficamente o Granito Caladão tem como característica uma textura porfirítica, com matriz de granulação grossa, composta por quartzo, feldspato, hornblenda e biotita, com cristais de feldspatos de 2 a 5 centímetros. O Charnockito Padre Paraíso é um hiperstênio granito, de cor esverdeada, de matriz de granulação grossa composta de quartzo, feldspato, hiperstênio, biotita e hornblenda, com cristais de feldspato de até 6 centímetros. O Leucogranito Carlos Chagas possui granulação media a grossa e apresenta em sua constituição, quartzo, feldspato, biotita sillimanita, cordierita e granada. Um granito tipo S. Os resultados da análise estrutural através da ASM apresentaram orientações variáveis da foliação magnética em setores distintos dos corpos magmáticos, compatível com a orientação espacial do plúton, indicando assim sua colocação, porém a orientações das lineações magnéticas sugerem uma direção predominantemente NNE-SSW, aventando um fluxo magmático nessa direção. Investigações sobre a mineralogia magnética através de curvas termomagnéticas evidenciaram ocorrências de óxidos de ferro, magnetita e hematita, tanto no Granito Caladão como no Charnockito Padre Paraíso. Os baixos valores de suscetibilidade magnética, da ordem de 10-4 a 10-5 SI sugerem que a ASM, para esses corpos ígneos, é controlada essencialmente pelos minerais paramagnéticos. Os elipsoides de ASM são dominantemente oblatos, caracterizando uma forte deformação por achatamento, apenas localmente foram identificados elipsoides prolato. As análises isotópicas forneceram idades de 500.7 ± 1.5 Ma a 512.1 ± 1.5 Ma (zircão) e 445.0 ± 9.5 Ma (monazita) para o Granito Caladão e de 498 ± 2.4 Ma a 502.7 ± 1.9 Ma (zircão) para o Charnockito Padre Paraíso. Idades obtidas como sendo mais antigas para o Granito Caladão e o Charnockito Padre Paraíso, respectivamente de 556.8 ± 3.7 Ma (zircão) e 576.0 ± 2.2 Ma (zircão) foram interpretadas como zircões herdados das rochas encaixantes quando do emplacement dos plutons. A idade de 570.1 ± 1.7 Ma para o CC na porção norte é compatível com as idades obtidas na literatura, entretanto na porção sul, as idades obtidas são da ordem de 510.8 ± 1.7 Ma e 520.5 ± 2.5 Ma para o CC, indicando pulsos magmáticos diacronicos. As determinações Lu/Hf revelaram valores de ?Hf negativos para todos os plutons estudados, mostrando que são provenientes de retrabalhamento crustal, de uma crosta arqueana e paleoproterozoica. / The Araçuaí Orogen corresponds the northern part of the Mantiqueira Province, which can be divided into three different structural domains. These areas are involved in thrust systems towards the west and east. The western part corresponds to the Mylonites Domain, constituted by high temperature mylonitic gneisses, the Central Domain is characterized by a huge tonalitic, granodioritic and granitic magmatism dated around 580 Ma, and, the eastern area, described as Anatexis Domain where the Carlos Chagas Leucogranite (CC) is the predominant lithology. The Galiléia Suite constituting by the St. Vitor and Galiléia tonalites, Aimorés Suites, by the Caladão Granite and the Padre Paraíso Charnockite, all theses suites belong to the Central Domain. The Aimorés Suite and the western border of the Carlos Chagas Leucogranite are the focus of this Master thesis, which the goals are a structural study based on Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) and a geochronological analysis using U/Pb in zircon and monazite and Lu/Hf in zircon methodologies. The petrographic analysis shows the Caladão Granite as porphyritic granite, with a thick granulation matrix composed of quartz, feldspar, hornblende and biotite. The feldspar crystals can reach 2 to 5 centimeters in size. The Padre Paraíso Charnockite is hypersthene granite; greenish-colored matrix with a coarse granulation composed of quartz, feldspar, hypersthene, biotite and hornblende, the feldspar crystals size can be bigger than 5 centimeters. The Carlos Chagas Leucogranite has medium to coarse granulation that is constituted by quartz, feldspar, biotite, sillimanite, cordierite and garnet, the mineralogy typical of type S granite. Structural analysis using the AMS showed variable magnetic foliation orientations in distinct sectors of the magmatic bodies, compatible with the spatial trend of the pluton, your emplacement, but the orientations of the magnetic lines suggest a predominantly NNE-SSW direction, suggesting a magmatic flow in this direction. Investigations on magnetic mineralogy through thermomagnetic curves showed evidence of iron magnetite and hematite oxides in both the Caladão Granite and the Padre Paraíso Charnockite. The low values of magnetic susceptibility, on the order of 10-4 to 10-5 SI, suggest that paramagnetic minerals essentially control the ASM for these igneous bodies. The AMS ellipsoids are predominantly oblate, characterizing a strong flattening deformation; only locally prolate ellipsoids have been identified. Isotopic analyzes performed at Caladão Granite provided ages ranging from 500.7 ± 1.5 Ma to 512.1 ± 1.5 Ma (zircon) and 445.0 ± 9.5 Ma (monazite), and zircon ages from 498 ± 2.4 Ma to 502.7 ± 1.9 Ma obtained in the Padre Paraíso Charnockite. Older zircon ages determined in the Caladão Granite and Padre Paraíso Charnockite are, respectively, 556.8 ± 3.7 Ma and 576.0 ± 2.2Ma, whose ages were interpreted as inherited zircons that were captured from the host rocks during the plutons emplacement. In the northern sector of the studied area, the CC age of 570.1 ± 1.7 Ma is compatible with the ages that were obtained in the literature, ranging from 572 ± 4 Ma to 597 ± 3 Ma, however in the south of the area some surprisingly younger ages (510.8 ± 1.7 Ma and 520.5 ± 2.5 Ma) in the CC, suggesting diachronic magmatic pulses. The Lu/Hf determinations revealed negative ?Hf values for all studied plutons, showing that they are derived from crustal reworking, from an Archaean and Paleoproterozoic crust. The most Hf model age are 2,0 Ga, however there are some Archean ages ranging from 3.0 to 3.8 Ga. The presence of highly negative values of -20 and -30 for the Caladão Granite are interpreted as largely crustal-derived melts.

Tratamento do usuário de crack na rede pública de saúde do município de João Pessoa-PB

Silva, Valéria Cristina da January 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O uso do crack constitui-se um dos maiores problemas de saúde pública na atua-lidade. O crack apresenta-se como uma nova forma de uso da cocaína, com padrão de uso cada vez mais intenso e compulsivo, ocasionando inúmeras intercorrências e implicações sociais e a saúde, levando o usuário a busca de tratamento. Objetivo: Conhecer a trajetória de tratamento do usuário de Crack em serviço ambulatorial de Atenção Psicossocial – CAPSAD III, através das narrativas sobre o consumo e busca por serviço especializado na rede pública de saúde. Método: Estudo qualitativo de uma amostra intencional de doze usuários de crack, sendo oito homens e quatro mulheres, em tratamento no CAPS ad III no município de João Pessoa/PB. Os dados foram explorados utilizando-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Instrumentos: Foi uti-lizada como instrumento de investigação, entrevista semiestruturada individual para a coleta dos dados sociodemográficos e das narrativas sobre o uso do crack e busca por tratamento. Foram aplicados o Questionário da Trajetória do Usuário de Crack/QTTUC e a Escala de Re-caída para usuários de crack – ERUC, porém os dados serão analisados e publicados em artigos posteriormente. Resultados: Os achados apontam dificuldades de acesso aos serviços especi-alizados, ocorrendo mais de uma tentativa para conseguir tratamento na rede pública de saúde e observa-se que os serviços da atenção básica e rede hospitalar, ainda não se encontram pre-parados para atendimento as demandas oriundas dos usuários de crack. Além da relevância do tratamento ambulatorial, evidencia-se a necessidade de serviços da assistência social para reta-guarda aos usuários em situação de extrema vulnerabilidade social. Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem a implementação de programas que possam facilitar o acesso de usuários de crack aos serviços do Sistema único de Saúde- SUS, qua / Background: Today, crack addiction is one of the major public health issues. Crack is as a new way of cocaine use, with intense and compulsive brains and body effects, resulting in a huge social complications, as well as health implications, leading to seek treatment. Aims: Under-stand the trajectory of crack addicted while in treatment at clinic of Psychosocial Care – CAPS AD III, through narratives about consumption and seeking for specialized doctors from public 8 health system care. Method: Qualitative study; convenience sample of 12 crack addicted, 8 men and 4 women, undergoing treatment at CAPS ad in the city of João Pessoa / PB. We review the data through content analysis technique. Instruments: We made a semi-structured inter-view for each subject for demographic data collection, as well as we collected narratives about the consumption of crack and treatment. We applied questionnaire of crack User trajec-tory/QTTUC and Crack Use Relapse Scale (CURS), but the data will be analyzed and published later. Results: These findings indicate that accessing specialized services is a tough pathway. Usually, the health public consumer must go there more than one time to be attend. In addition, the public health system still have not enough structure to attend demands from crack users. Be-sides the relevance of clinic treatment, it is highlighted that social services is essential for users supporting. Conclusion: The results suggest that is mandatory develop and execute programs that would facilitate crack users access to the Public Health System. To sum up, increase quality actions at different levels of health care and improve the relapse prevention process is central to crack users avoid relapses while in treatment.

'Jysd enjoia'r geiria fel tasa nhw'n dda-da yn dy geg di' : cyfnewid cod mewn llenyddiaeth o Gymru a Chanada

Orwig, Sara January 2018 (has links)
Term i ddisgrifio'r ffenomen o gyfuno dwy iaith mewn un datganiad yw 'cyfnewid cod'. Mae defnyddio geiriau ac ymadroddion Saesneg yn nodwedd gyffredin o Gymraeg llafar, anffurfiol nifer o siaradwyr. Nid yw'r ffenomen hon yn unigryw i'r Gymraeg; yn rhyngwladol, ceir cymdeithasau sy'n defnyddio cyfnewid cod, gan gynnwys Canada ffrancoffon. Yn ogystal â bod yn nodwedd o iaith lafar, mae'n nodwedd hefyd mewn rhai testunau llenyddol. Bwriad y traethawd hwn yw astudio rhai o'r testunau hyn, gan archwilio patrymau o gyfnewid cod a'u cymharu â damcaniaethau ysgolheigion eraill. Datblygwyd methodoleg wreiddiol i ddadansoddi'r testunau'n ieithyddol gan dynnu ar fethodoleg ysgolheigion megis Callahan (2004) a Montes-Alcalá (2013b; 2015). Yn ogystal â thrafodaeth ieithyddol, dadansoddir y testunau yng ngoleuni damcaniaethau ôl-drefedigaethedd ac ôl-foderniaeth, gan bontio maes ieithyddiaeth a theori lenyddol er mwyn archwilio pa fath o destunau sy'n defnyddio cyfnewid cod ac i ba bwrpas. Rhennir y traethawd yn bedair prif adran. Mae'r bennod gyntaf yn cynnig arolwg o'r maes ac yn trafod gwaith ysgolheigion sy'n astudio cyfnewid cod, yn ogystal â darparu cyd-destun hanesyddol a chymdeithasol ar gyfer Cymru a Chanada. Mae'r ail bennod yn trafod methodoleg yr ymchwil presennol, yn arbennig y fethodoleg a ddefnyddir i ddadansoddi'r testunau. Yna, symudir i drafod canlyniadau'r gwaith codio (penodau 3-8), cyn trafod y corpws yn ei gyfanrwydd (pennod 9). Yn y bennod olaf, ehangir y drafodaeth gan ddadansoddi'r testunau fel llenyddiaeth yn hytrach na'u trin fel corpws ieithyddol. Bwriad y traethawd hwn yw deall elfennau o Gymru a Chanada'n well - eu hieithoedd, eu llenyddiaeth a'u cymdeithasau - drwy drafod y defnydd o gyfnewid cod mewn sampl o'u llenyddiaeth greadigol. Defnyddir methodoleg wreiddiol, sy'n defnyddio elfennau rhyngddisgyblaethol blaengar, gan gyfrannu at faes cyfnewid cod llenyddol a datblygu ar y modelau sy'n bodoli eisoes. Gobeithir y bydd yr astudiaeth yn cyfrannu at y drafodaeth ryngwladol wrth gymharu cyfnewid cod mewn llenyddiaeth o ddwy gymdeithas a chanddynt ieithoedd lleiafrifol.

Agatha Christie's 'The Mysterious Affair at Styles' : a case study in Dutch and German translation cultures using corpus linguistic tools

Storm, Marjolijn January 2012 (has links)
Rooted in the field of Descriptive Translation Studies, the thesis combines such different areas as corpus linguistics, literary, cultural, media and socio-historical studies of the UK, the Netherlands and Germany. Five translations (three German and two Dutch) of Agatha Christie's first detective novel The Mysterious Affair at Styles are analysed. Using the theories by Itamar Even-Zohar (Polysystem Theory) and Gideon Toury (Translation Norms), the different approaches translators have taken to the text are examined and their translation decisions explained by looking at the status and position translations from English, detective stories as such, and the writer Agatha Christie had in the country and at the time these translations were published.

Possible worlds : textual equality in Jorge Luis Borges's (pseudo-)translations of Virginia Woolf and Franz Kafka

DeWald, Rebecca Maria January 2016 (has links)
This thesis re-evaluates the relationship between original text and translation through an approach that assumes the equality of source and target texts. This is based on the translation strategy expressed in the work of the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges and theoretical approaches by Walter Benjamin and Michel Foucault, as well as exponents of Possible World Theory. Rather than considering what may be lost in translation, this thesis focuses on why we insist on maintaining a border between the textual phenomena ‘translation’ and ‘original’ and argues for a mutually enriching dialogue between a text and its translation. The opening chapter investigates marginal cases of translation and determines where one form (original) ends and the other (translation) begins. The case studies derive from the anthology Cuentos breves y extraordinarios (edited by Borges and Adolfo Bioy Casares) and include ‘pseudotranslations’: texts presented as translations even though no linguistic transfer precedes them. Another example is Borges’s self-translation of his Spanish poem ‘Mañana’ into German as ‘Südlicher Morgen’ for the Expressionist poet Kurt Heynicke. Although an original text, the pseudotranslation is judged as a translation, problematizing the boundary between the two. Since its perception changes over time, it unsettles the idea of the stable text by positing a text in progress. The analysis of the effects of the translation is supported by a discussion of Michel Foucault’s categorization expressed in Les mots et les choses (1966). Translations are regarded as coins, which gain value through their ability to represent, and create heterotopias: potentially existing non-places, which escape logic and thereby create an ‘uneasy laughter.’ Heterotopias are based on anti-logical orders, exemplified in the organisation of Antología de la literatura fantástica, collaboratively edited by Borges, Bioy Casares and Silvina Ocampo in 1940. This organisation invites an interpretation based on resemblance rather than comparison, the latter of which always results in the production and reproduction of hierarchies. In Chapter Two, I uncover the fraudulent assumption that an original is a stable text. I make recourse to Walter Benjamin’s definition of origin in ‘Die Aufgabe des Übersetzers’ (1923) as ‘the eddy in the stream of becoming’, and André Lefevere’s notion of the refracted text, explaining that our first encounters with a classic text are mostly made through abridged, altered, and interpreted versions. Collaborative work also unsettles the idea of the single author as source and guarantor of authenticity, exemplified through examples of Borges and Bioy Casares’s collaboration, and Borges’s collaborative translations with Norman Thomas di Giovanni. I elaborate on Possible World Theory (PWT) following Marie-Laure Ryan and Ruth Ronen, explaining key terms and concepts and showing that PWT offers an alternative to thinking about the relationship of original text and translation as hierarchical. PWT can be employed to consider source text and target text to be possible, parallel versions of a fictional world. The findings lead to a link between authenticity and the different reception of original and translated texts. I note that the term ‘authenticity’, often used in reference to the original, also has ‘murderous’ connotations. Applied to a text, ‘inauthenticity’ might therefore be a more helpful term in discussing its ‘afterlife’ (Fortleben; Benjamin) as an inauthentic text. An effective way of ensuring a text can be read as ‘inauthentic’ is to dissimulate its origin and relations, whilst also unsettling the authority of the author and translator. The theoretical examination of hierarchies and categorization is then illustrated in case studies analysing Borges’s contrasting translations of works by Virginia Woolf and Franz Kafka. Chapter Three focuses on translations of Orlando and A Room of One’s Own attributed to Borges. While it remains uncertain whether Borges did in fact translate Woolf’s texts himself, the notion of ‘translatorship’ comes into focus. The continuation of claiming Borges as the translator serves to aid the publication of the translations by making use of the famous translator’s name. I give an overview over the publishing environment in Argentina of the 1930s into which the Woolf texts were translated, with particular focus on the readership of the publishing house Sur. I thereby foreground Victoria Ocampo’s particular interest in having Woolf translated into Spanish, since Ocampo considered Woolf a role model for feminism. Feminist discussions show parallels with the way in which translations and original texts are separated. Borges’s Orlando furthermore triggered controversy concerning his handling of gender issues. I offer a reading of the text along the lines of Feminist Translation Studies, as expressed by Sherry Simon, Luise von Flotow and Lori Chamberlain, amongst others. I argue that Borges’s translation can be read ‘inauthentically’ as fidelity becomes a movable factor. I regard the translations of Orlando and A Room of One’s Own attributed to Borges as texts translated in a feminist way as they offer many possible worlds of interpretation and much undecidability. The notion of ‘translatorship’ is picked up again in the final Chapter Four, as it applies equally to the translation of Franz Kafka’s ‘Die Verwandlung’ as ‘La metamorfosis.’ Since there are different versions of ‘La metamorfosis,’ the quest for the translator also questions where ‘translation’ ends and ‘editing’ begins. The popularity of Borges’s version might furthermore be particularly linked to this uncertainty, as I argue that the veneration of Kafka’s work is, at least in part, due to the fragmentary nature in which his work survived. This incompletion enables many possible interpretations of his texts, which thereby appear as perfect pieces of literature since they, like Foucault’s coin, are uncorrodable and have the ability to represent, much like inauthentic texts. The ‘inauthentic’ literary treatment of translating in collaboration, as is the case when Borges and Bioy Casares translate ‘Cuatro reflexiones’, ‘Josefina la cantora’, ‘La verdad sobre Sancho Panza’ and ‘El silencio de las sirenas’ is hence particularly adequate for these fragments. The translations in collaboration, besides undermining the authorial genius of the single author, also feature particular destructions of the perfection of the original. The concluding chapter summarises the findings concerning the questions as to why there should be a hierarchy between the reception of original texts and translations, why this hierarchy is so persistent, and what alternatives may be offered instead. I demonstrate how the selected case studies are exemplary of alternative approaches to Translation Studies and to what effect PWT and Borges have been helpful in pursuing this approach. I then suggest further routes of research, including: an increased visibility of translations in academic disciplines, through publishing books and reviews; further study on the translations of Argentine literature into an Anglo-American context and the ‘decolonized’ effect this could have; and an update of Feminist Translation Studies to expand it to Transgender Translation Studies. I finally suggest that the uncertain and unsettling effect brought about by translation in its creation of multiple worlds should be embraced as a way of reading and writing inauthentically.

Translating rhetoric into practice? : the case of French aid to Cameroon

Bomba Nkolo, Odile January 2016 (has links)
In the late 1990s, the donor community espoused a new metanorm, poverty reduction. Against this backdrop, Lionel Jospin, elected French Prime Minister in 1997, promised a shift in French aid policy away from a paternalistic and interest-driven approach towards a more needs-focused, empowering strategy. This thesis asks, with reference to the 1997-2015 period and to the Cameroonianian case, how far, how and why France’s aid discourse on poverty reduction and empowerment has been translated into practice. Our introduction sets out this research question. Our literature review demonstrates that there have been no detailed studies of French aid to Cameroon and looks more broadly at research on French coopération, empowerment and African agency. Chapter three identifies our methodological and theoretical framework, focusing particularly on neo-classical realism and a template of hard, soft and smart power. Chapter 4 shows how French aid sructures and instruments were neo-colonial in the early post-colonial decades. It then highlights reforms under Jospin and President Jacques Chirac’s second term, paying particular attention to the aid instruments deployed in Cameroon and their ‘fitness for the purpose’. Chapter 5 sets out the aid promises of French Presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande, identifying the reformist pressures they faced. Chapter 6 explains why important but ultimately limited changes took place in the French assistance programme to Cameroon. Drawing on a neoclassical realist framework, it shows how the French policy-making establishment was divided between the conservative old guard resisting and modernisers promoting aid conditionalities. Chapter 7 addresses weaknesses in the NCR framework, notably its crude definition of power and failure to include African agency. It shows how francophone Cameroonian elites facilitate or constrain the implementation of French aid. Our conclusion summarises our findings, identifies future aid trends and explores the wider significance of this research.

Study of Metal Whiskers Growth and Mitigation Technique Using Additive Manufacturing

Gullapalli, Vikranth 08 1900 (has links)
For years, the alloy of choice for electroplating electronic components has been tin-lead (Sn-Pb) alloy. However, the legislation established in Europe on July 1, 2006, required significant lead (Pb) content reductions from electronic hardware due to its toxic nature. A popular alternative for coating electronic components is pure tin (Sn). However, pure tin has the tendency to spontaneously grow electrically conductive Sn whisker during storage. Sn whisker is usually a pure single crystal tin with filament or hair-like structures grown directly from the electroplated surfaces. Sn whisker is highly conductive, and can cause short circuits in electronic components, which is a very significant reliability problem. The damages caused by Sn whisker growth are reported in very critical applications such as aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, and military weapons systems. They are also naturally very strong and are believed to grow from compressive stresses developed in the Sn coating during deposition or over time. The new directive, even though environmentally friendly, has placed all lead-free electronic devices at risk because of whisker growth in pure tin. Additionally, interest has occurred about studying the nature of other metal whiskers such as zinc (Zn) whiskers and comparing their behavior to that of Sn whiskers. Zn whiskers can be found in flooring of data centers which can get inside electronic systems during equipment reorganization and movement and can also cause systems failure.Even though the topic of metal whiskers as reliability failure has been around for several decades to date, there is no successful method that can eliminate their growth. This thesis will give further insights towards the nature and behavior of Sn and Zn whiskers growth, and recommend a novel manufacturing technique that has potential to mitigate metal whiskers growth and extend life of many electronic devices.

Then the Cicadas Sang : a novel ; and, Two essays on translingual writing

Mamo, Josianne January 2018 (has links)
This thesis consists of two parts: a creative work and two critical essays on translingual writing. The creative component, Then the Cicadas Sang, is a novel set in 1940s Malta. It is a story about love and aspiration. As a teenage girl, Mari vouches she will do anything to leave the tiny island she lives on. Foreigners – the British who governed the island at the time – and books give her a glimpse of the world beyond her shores. But she craves for more, unaware of what she risks losing by chasing her dreams. The novel deals with how books shape our imagination, how the languages we speak give us access to different systems of conceptualizing the world and how we navigate the spaces in between. It does this through the protagonist, Mari, and the people who help shape who she is, in particular Mrs Applegate, a British evacuee who sought shelter in Gozo in the midst of the Blitz. But as much as it is a story of a girl turning into a woman, the novel is also the story of an island. It sits between Junot Díaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao and Elena Ferrante’s The Neapolitan Series. The extract submitted is Book One in a series of two. The critical essays explore the poetics of multilingual writing. They analyse the linguistic, political and cultural stratifications in multilingual writing, with a focus on the perception and reception of Maltese literature written in English. I ask if a multilingual writer’s role can be akin to that of a cultural translator. They investigate whether, unlike the monolingual writer, a writer’s multilingual background gives him or her access to different systems of conceptualizing the surrounding environment and how this informs the creative process. This study informs my own process of writing Then the Cicadas Sang, with a particular regard to self-translation and how one language can carry another on the page. In this case the languages I am working with are English, Maltese and Italian.

Caracterização e idade das intrusivas do sistema pórfiro yarumalito, magmatismo Combia, Colombia

Henrichs, Isadora Alberti January 2013 (has links)
O sistema pórfiro Yarumalito, caracterizado por concentrar minério em veios controlados por estruturas e stockworks encontra-se localizado no distrito mineiro de Marmato, que é considerado um dos mais antigos distritos de ouro da Colômbia, com atividades de extração que remontam da época dos Incas. O sistema ígneo da região é relacionado ao magmatismo Miocênico da Formação Combia. Neste trabalho foram descritas as rochas subvulcânicas diretamente relacionadas às zonas mineralizadas do sistema pórfiro Yarumalito com o objetivo de, após caracterizar as intrusões, realizar datação através do método U-Pb em zircão. Amostras selecionadas de duas intrusões férteis, uma andesítica mais abundante na área e outra diorítica com características intrusivas na primeira e de ocorrência mais restrita, foram criteriosamente descritas e tiveram zircões separados e posteriormente analisados por SHRIMP na Universidade de São Paulo. Os resultados apontaram para um intervalo bastante restrito para as idades, com médias ponderadas das idades 206Pb/238U variando de 7 ± 0.15 Ma para o andesito pórfiro a 6.95 ± 0.16 Ma para o diorito pórfiro. Estes resultados sugerem um período restrito no tempo para a cristalização das intrusivas portadoras de mineralizações na área do projeto e posicionam o sistema Yarumalito para o final do magmatismo Combia. / The Yarumalito porphyry system, characterized to concentrate ore in structure related veins and stockworks is located in the mining district of Marmato, that is considered one of the oldest gold mining districts of Colombia, with exploration activities since the Inca Empire. The igneous system of the region is related to the miocenic magmatism of the Combia formation. In this paper, the subvolcanic rocks directly related with the mineralized zones of the Yarumalito porphyry were described in order to, after characterization, obtain UPb ages in zircon to the intrusions. Selected samples of the two fertile intrusions, one andesitic more abundant in the area and one dioritic more restricted, were carefully described and had their zircon grains separated and analyzed by SHRIMP in the University of São Paulo. The results points to a very restricted interval for the ages, with weighted average 206Pb/238U varying from 7 ± 0.15 Ma for the andesitic porphyry and 6.95 ± 0.16 Ma for the dioritic porphyry. These results suggest a brief period for the crystallization of the mineralized subvolcanic rocks in the area and constrain the Yarumalito system to the final stages of the Combia magmatism.

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