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Poluentes orgânicos persistentes (POPs) em toninhas, Pontoporia blainvillei (Mammalia: Cetacea), coletadas no complexo estuarino-lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape, Sudeste do Brasil / Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in toninhas, Pontoporia Blainvillei (Mammalia:Cetacea), incidentally captured in the Cananéia-Iguape estuary complexRenato Miani Gonçalves 30 August 2011 (has links)
A região do complexo estuarino-lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape, situada no litoral sul do estado de São Paulo, é uma área de grande interesse científico. Entre um dos mamíferos marinhos existente nessa região está a Pontoporia blainvillei, a qual teve a sua gordura subcutânea (blubber) analisada para quantificação de POPs. Os valores de concentração média obtida para as 48 amostras analisadas foram, em ordem decrescente: PCBs (1532 ng g-1); DDTs (537 ng g-1); Clordanas (64,0 ng g-1); PBDEs (38,4 ng g-1); Mirex (30,7 ng g-1); Drins (25,2 ng g-1); HCB (9,51 ng g-1); HCHs (7,59 ng g-1) e Endosulfan (6,22 ng g-1). A razão DDT/PCB encontrada foi de 0,35. As concentrações dos POPs entre machos maduros e machos imaturos apresentaram diferenças significativas (com exceção do HCH), sendo os valores encontrados para os machos maduros maiores que os valores obtidos para os machos imaturos; entre os machos maduros e fêmeas imaturas, os grupos de dados foram iguais significativamente (exceção para o DDT e mirex); entre os machos imaturos e fêmeas imaturas, os grupos de dados apresentaram igualdade significativa para todos os POPs. Foi encontrada correlação entre os POPs e a idade dos indivíduos estudados, bem como correlação forte entre PCB x PBDE, PCB x DDT e PBDE x DDT. / Forty eight samples of subcutaneous fat (blubber) of Pontoporia blainvillei were analyzed for the quantitation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). This marine mammal lives in the estuarine complex of Cananéia-Iguape, São Paulo-BR. The average concentration values of POPs was: PCBs (1532 ng g-1); DDTs (537 ng g-1); Chlordanes (64.0 ng g-1); PBDEs (38.4 ng g-1); Mirex (30.7 ng g-1); Drins (25.2 ng g-1); HCB (9.51 ng g-1); HCHs (7.59 ng g-1) e Endosulfan (6.22 ng g-1). Adult male were those with the highest concentrations of POPs. The DDT/PCBs ratio was equal to 0.35, showing an increase in concentration of PCBs in this area (compared with earlier studies). The concentrations of POPs were different (except for HCH) for mature males and immature males. Between males mature and immature females, the data were significantly (except for DDT and mirex) equal. Between immature males and immature females, data groups were significantly equal for all POPs. Moderate correlation was found between POPs and age, as well as strong correlation between PCB x PBDE, PCB x DDT and PBDE x DDT.
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Astrojildo Pereira: itinerário de um intelectual engajado / Astrojildo Pereira: journey of a commited intellectualAlexandre Manuel Esteves Rodrigues 01 June 2010 (has links)
Esta tese realiza um estudo sobre o itinerário político e intelectual de Astrojildo Pereira, da primeira à sexta década do século XX no Brasil. Com base nos escritos do autor, são analisadas a sua adesão ao anarquismo e as posteriores influências do marxismo e da Revolução Russa em sua elaboração e ação política. As linhas de interpretação que se encontravam em conflito na sociedade brasileira são contextualizadas, tendo como referências fundamentais a produção intelectual e a ação militante de Astrojildo. Procede-se ainda à análise da maneira pela qual tais referências mostram-se particularmente expressas nas estruturas de sociabilidade vividas por Astrojildo Pereira até o começo da segunda metade do século XX. / This thesis conducts a study of the political and intellectual trajectory of Astrojildo Pereira, from the first through the sixth decade of the century in Brazil. On the basis of the authors writings, this work analyzes its adherence to anarchism and the subsequent influences of Marxism and the Russian Revolution have been analyzed in his elaboration and political action. The lines of the conflicting interpretation found in the Brazilian societyare contextualized, having the intellectual production and militant action of Astrojildo as fundamental references. The manner by which such references are particularly expressed in the structures of the sociability experienced by Astrojildo Pereira until the beginning of the second half of the XX century is also analyzed.
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Caracterização da comunidade microbiana de biofilme anaeróbio em presença de bifenilas policloradas / Characterization of the microcial community in the presence of polychlorinated biphenylsMara Rúbia de Lima e Silva 27 April 2012 (has links)
Bifenilas policloradas (PCBs) são compostos de difícil degradação presentes na composição de ascarel, muito utilizado como fluidos dielétricos e isolantes. Neste contexto, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a diversidade de microrganismos em biofilmes de reatores anaeróbios na presença de PCB empregando Métodos de Microbiologia de Anaeróbios Estritos e de Biologia Molecular. Em reator anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo (RAHLF), alimentado com etanol, formiato, Triton X-100 (0,1%) e ascarel (1 mL/L), operado com tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) de 24 horas, foi retirado a comunidade microbiana do biofilme da espuma de poliuretano. Os grupos microbianos encontrados por meio da clonagem e sequenciamento do gene RNAr 16S para o domínio Bacteria foram relacionados aos filos Thermogae, Proteobacteria (Brachymonas petroleovorans, 100% de similaridade e Methylobacillus, 98% de similaridade), Firmicutes (Clostridium, 97% de similaridade, Syntrophomonas, 100% de similaridade e Sporomusa com 100% de similaridade), Synegistetes (Synergistes, 98% de similaridade), Spirochaetes (Leptonema illini, 98% de similaridade), Aminanaerobia, Deferribacteres, Chlorobi, Chloroflexi e Armatimonadetes. Além disso, como nesse biofilme foram identificadas bactérias redutoras de ferro, procedeu-se a sua quantificação por meio da técnica de tubos múltiplos (NMP, Número Mais Provável) obtendo 5,26 x \'10 POT.12\' NMP/g STV de bactérias redutoras de ferro. Ensaio em batelada foi realizado separadamente sob duas condições: (1) metanogênica e (2) ferro redutora. Em ambas as condições foram adicionadas aroclor 1260 (PCB). Os reatores, sob condição metanogênica, foram alimentados com meio de cultivo Angelidaki e substratos orgânicos (formiato e etanol), além de aroclor 1260 (0,2 \'mü\'g/L). Para simular a condição redutora de ferro foi acrescido ao meio de cultura Angelidaki, EDTA férrico (1,86 g/L). A produção de metano, na presença de aroclor 1260 foi de 3,8 x \'10 POT.-4\' mmol \'CH IND.4\'/g STV. A presença de bactérias ferro redutoras foi confirmada indiretamente pela taxa média de redução férrica (90%) nos reatores em batelada, após 60 dias de operação. Por meio de PCR/DGGE, elaborou-se um dendograma das amostras deste ensaio em batelada (metanogênico e redutor de ferro) comparativamente com as do reator RAHLF (biofilme presente na parede do reator e no material suporte). Os reatores em batelada apresentaram similaridade entre si de 79% e 92% para os domínios Bacteria e Archaea, respectivamente. As amostras do reator RAHLF foram 80% (Bacteria) e 96% (Archaea) similares. A existência de bactérias degradadoras de PCB, bem como, bactérias redutoras de ferro no biofilme anaeróbio contribuiu com informações sobre o consórcio microbiano e sua diversidade. / Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are compounds of difficult degradation, a component of askarel, which were used widely as coolants and lubricants. Hence, this study evaluated the diversity of microorganisms in the presence of PCBs in anaerobic reactors. For such, methods as Strict Anaerobic Microbiology and Molecular Biology were employed. The microbial community of the biofilm, developed in a fixed horizontal bed anaerobic reactor (RAHLF), was studied using the technique of cloning and sequencing of RNAr 16S gene for the Bacteria domain. The reactor had immobilized cells in polyurethane foam with ethanol and formate as a carbon source, Triton X-100 (0.1%) and polychlorinated biphenyls (1 mL/L), and operated with 24 hours HRT. The microbial groups found in this biofilm were related to phyla Thermogae, Proteobacteria (Brachymonas petroleovorans, 100% similarity and Methylobacillus, 98% similarity), Firmicutes (Clostridium, 97% similarity Syntrophomonas, and 100% similarity with Sporomusa 100% similarity), Synegistetes (Synergistes, 98% similarity), Spirochaetes (Leptonema Illini, 98% similarity), Aminanaerobia, Deferribacteres, Chlorobi, Chloroflexi and Armatimonadetes. Furthermore, as bacteria that reduce iron were found, we proceeded the quantification by the multiple tube method (MPN) for this group, obtaining 5.26 x \'10 POT.12\' MPN/g STV of iron-reducing bacteria. The batch reactors evaluated the growth of microorganisms in two condictions: (1) methanogenic e (2) iron reduction, both had the presence of PCBs (Aroclor 1260). The reactor, under methanogenic condition, was fed with synthetic substrate Angelidaki, ethanol and formate, used as carbon source, and aroclor 1260 (0.2 \'mü\'g /L). To simulate the condition of iron reducing, the same synthetic substrate was supplemented with ferric EDTA (1.86 g/L). The production of methane in the presence of aroclor 1260, was 3.8 x \'10 POT.-4\' mmol \'CH IND.4\'/g STV. The presence of iron reducing bacteria, after 60 days, was confirmed indirectly by the average rate of iron ferric reduction (90%). Filogenetics analysis (PCR/DGGE) compared the samples of this batch reactor - methanogenic and reduction of iron ferric -, with the samples of RAHLF - the biofilm in the reactor wall and the support material. The two condictions in batch reactors showed similarity of 79% and 92% respectively for the Bacteria and Archaea domain. Therefore, both samples of RAHLF showed 80% (Bacteria) and 96% (Archaea) of similarity. In other words, more similarity were presented due configuration of the reactor as well as the type of PCB added. As a result, the existence of PCBs degrading bacteria and iron-reducing bacteria in anaerobic biofilm, provided informations about the microbial consortium and its diversity in the presence of PCB.
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Réponses du Flet européen Platichthys flesus à la contamination chimique : approche protéomique / Responses of the European flounder Platichthys flesus to experimental and in situ contamination : a proteomic approachGalland, Claire 17 December 2012 (has links)
Les estuaires sont des zones de transition entre les eaux fluviales et les océans soumis à de fortes contraintes d’origine anthropique, telles que la pollution chimique. Pourtant, les estuaires sont d’une importance écologique primordiale, et sont notamment des zones de nourricerie ou de reproduction pour de nombreuses espèces. Le Flet européen Platichthys flesus est un modèle souvent utilisé comme espèce sentinelle dans les estuaires. Le but de ces travaux est d’explorer les mécanismes de réponse du Flet européen à la contamination chimique, afin éventuellement d’identifier de nouveaux biomarqueurs. Il a donc été choisi de mener cette étude par une approche de protéomique par électrophorèse en deux dimensions. Les protéines différentiellement accumulées en réponse à la pollution ont été identifiées par MALDI TOF-TOF. Ces études par protéomique ont été complétées par des mesures ciblées de transcription de gènes. Tout d’abord, des flets juvéniles issus d’un élevage ont été contaminés expérimentalement avec deux doses d’un cocktail de HAP et PCB (concentration retrouvée dans la Seine, et 10 fois celle-ci). Après 29 jours de contamination, le métabolisme énergétique paraît dérégulé. Des protéines impliquées dans les défenses anti-oxydantes et la détoxification sont accumulées dans le foie des poissons contaminés. Les résultats nous ont conduit à poser l’hypothèse de l’implication de la BHMT dans un cycle aboutissant à la production de GSH, et qui pourrait donc participer à la détoxification ou aux défenses anti-oxydantes. Ensuite, les profils protéiques de foies de poissons issus de 3 estuaires de la Manche ont été comparés. Les profils protéiques des foies de poissons de la Seine et de la Tamar, 2 estuaires présentant des profils de contamination différents, se sont révélés différents des profils protéiques des foies des poissons de la Canche. Des différences moins marquées entre les profils protéiques des foies de poissons de la Seine et de la Tamar pourraient refléter les différences entre les contaminants présents dans ces estuaires. / Estuaries are important areas highly susceptible to anthropogenic degradations such as pollution. Estuarine species have to cope not only with environmental constraints inherent to estuarine habitats, but also with the presence of contaminants, the occurrence of hypoxic events or with waters warming. The European flounder Platichthys flesus is considered as a sentinel species in estuarine water quality monitoring. This study investigates the molecular mechanisms allowing the European flounder to cope with these different stress factors, both in environmental and experimental conditions, in order to eventually identify potential biomarkers of the response to contamination. A proteomic approach using 2-dimensional electrophoresis followed by MALDI TOF-TOF mass spectrometry allowed us to identify differentially expressed proteins in flounder livers, and then to better understand the mechanisms and a pathway implied in the response of flounder to environmental constraints. These observations were completed by targeted markers analyses by qPCR and enzymatic activity measurements. First, farm flounders were experimentally contaminated with two concentrations of PAH/PCB cocktails (concentrations found in the Seine and ten times this concentration). After 29 days of contamination, energetic metabolism was deregulated in contaminated flounder livers. Proteins involved in anti-oxidative defenses and detoxification were also accumulated. We suggest that BHMT could be implied in a pathway leading to the production of GSH allowing detoxification and anti-oxidative defense. Then, Flounders were fished in contrasted estuaries along the French Atlantic coast. The liver proteomic patterns of Flounders from the Seine (France) and the Tamar (UK), two estuaries displaying different contamination patterns, and from the Canche (France), were compared to characterize the proteins differentially expressed between these sites. Proteome profiles reflected the contamination patterns in each estuary.
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Contamination en PCB des premiers niveaux trophiques planctoniques. Mise en place d'une observation en baie de Marseille (Septembre 2010 - Octobre 2011) dans le cadre du programme COSTAS / PCB contamination in the first planktonic trophic levels. Developing an observation in the bay of Marseilles (September 2010 - October 2011) in the frame of the COSTAS programTiano, Marion 08 December 2014 (has links)
La compréhension des mécanismes de bioaccumulation des contaminants organiques persistants (POP) dans les réseaux trophiques marins est un enjeu majeur pour l'évaluation des risques environnementaux liés aux pressions anthropiques, notamment en zone côtière. Le plancton joue un rôle pivot dans le devenir des PCB dans l'environnement marin, notamment sur la base des observations de fortes concentrations de ces contaminants chez les zooplanctonophages. Les processus d'accumulation de ces contaminants au sein du plancton restent mal connus. Dans le cadre du projet COSTAS, les teneurs en PCB dans trois classes de tailles de plancton ont été étudiées en baie de Marseille entre sept. 2010 et oct. 2011. Les concentrations étaient fortes en comparaison à d'autres mesures réalisées dans le golfe du Lion. Du fait des apports variables en PCB, aucun «effet de dilution par la biomasse» n'a pu être détecté. Le niveau de contamination est fortement corrélé aux conditions météorologiques qui augmentent les concentrations en PCB dans l'eau. Le passé récent des organismes planctoniques, caractérisable par leur taille ou leur teneur en lipides, ne montre pas d'influence sur les teneurs observées. Le rapport C/N met en évidence l'importance de la contribution des détritus dans les niveaux de contaminations des différentes classes de taille. Une bioamplification modérée mais significative avec la position trophique est mise en évidence par les signatures de δ15N. La relation linéaire entre les BAF et log Kow indiquerait que le partage à l'équilibre avec la phase aqueuse suffit à contrôler les niveaux de PCB dans le plancton. / The understanding of bioaccumulation mechanisms of persistent organic pollutants (POP) in marine trophic networks is a major issue for scaling environmental risks linked to anthropogenic pressure, particularly in coastal areas. The plankton is assumed to play a pivotal role in the fate of PCBs in marine environment, as highlighted by the high concentrations found in planktivorous predators. However the accumulation processes of these contaminants in plankton are still poorly documented. The COSTAS project aimed at improving our knowledge on this issue. PCB levels in three plankton size-classes were studied in the bay of Marseilles (N-W Mediterranean Sea), between September 2010 and Octobre 2011. Measured PCB concentrations in Marseille bay plankton were high in comparison to those measured in other areas of the Gulf of Lion. No "dilution effect" was detected, due to the high variability in PCB inputs in the bay.receive, . The level of contamination in plankton appeared directly linked to weather conditions which increase the PCB concentration either through continental inputs or by sediment re-suspension events and hydrodynamic transport. The recent history of plankton organisms, derived from their size or their lipid content, had no influence on their PCB concentrations. The C/N ratio highlights the contribution of detritus in driving the contamination levels measured in the various size-classes. A moderate but significant bioamplification through planktonic trophic levels was highlighted using δ 15N signatures. The linear relationship between BAF and log Kow would indicate that the equilibrium with water phase is sufficient to control the PCB levels in the plankton.
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Propostas de design de layout da PCI para redução de curto circuito de solda a onda, para processo de montagem de placa eletrônica = PCB layout design techniques for shortcircuit (bridging) reduction due to wave soldering in electronic board assembly / PCB layout design techniques for shortcircuit (bridging) reduction due to wave soldering in electronic board assemblyCamilo, Edson, 1959- 27 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Yuzo Iano / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T18:51:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: Este trabalho de Mestrado tem como objetivo contribuir para a área de placa de circuito impresso no que se refere ao projeto de layout focado não só em satisfazer as conexões das trilhas, mas nas regras de projeto com foco na redução de curto circuito de solda para o processo de solda por onda. Projetos de PCB (Printed Circuit Board) ou PCI (Placa de Circuito Impresso) envolvem uma série de conhecimentos no que se refere ao entendimento das funcionalidades dos circuitos e para tanto é importante que se faça o correto posicionamento dos componentes em grupos de circuitos pela funcionalidade; além disso, é importante que se conheça as regras de capacidade de corrente, de distâncias de isolação em função das tensões aplicadas, características de impedância, áreas de restrição mecânica entre outras. O que será visto neste trabalho está focado na aplicação de conceitos e considerações ligadas ao processo de montagem da placa eletrônica por solda a onda. Muitos dos defeitos que ocorrem num processo de montagem da PCB são atribuídos ao processo de montagem da PCB como, por exemplo, a temperatura da solda, o tempo de solda, quantidade de fluxo aplicado na placa, altura da onda de solda, etc. Recomendações sobre posicionamento de componentes PTH (Pin Through Hole) e SMD (Surface Mounting Devise) em relação ao sentido em que a PCB entra em direção à solda a onda, recursos de aplicação de serigrafia, tipos de laminados, de formato das ilhas de solda, adição de técnica de ladrão de solda e as recomendações da IPC (Association Connecting Electronics Industries) serão descritos neste trabalho. O correto entendimento dos defeitos que ocorrem durante o processo de montagem da PCB reflete na constante melhoria e aperfeiçoamento do projeto do layout da placa, que por sua vez resulta num processo de montagem de placa com menos ocorrência de defeitos de fabricação e consequentemente melhor qualidade do produto. Menos retrabalho nas PCBs significa menos custo de produção que reflete em maior lucro para as empresas. As propostas apresentadas neste trabalho são fruto de resultados práticos vivenciados na indústria e de pesquisa em literatura dos assuntos relacionados a defeitos em PCB e processos de solda por onda. O conjunto destas recomendações e seus resultados estão aqui descritos e ilustrados para servirem de referência aos futuros pesquisadores e leitores / Abstract: This work aims to contribute to the area of the printed circuit board in regard to layout design focused not only on satisfying the connections of the tracks but the design rules focused on reducing short- circuit solder for wave solder process . Projects PCB (Printed Circuit Board) involve a lot of knowledge when it comes to understanding the features of both circuit and is important to make the correct positioning of components into groups of circuits for feature addition is important to know the rules of current capacity, isolation distances depending on the applied voltage, impedance characteristics, areas of mechanical restrictions among others. What will be seen in this work is focused on application of concepts and considerations involved in the process of mounting the electronic board by solder wave. Many of the defects which occur in the process of assembling the PCB are assigned to the PCB assembly process such as the temperature of the solder, weld time , amount of flux applied to the board, solder wave height, etc. Recommendations on positioning components PTH( Pin Through Hole) and SMD( Surface Mounting Devise) relative to the direction in which the PCB goes toward the wave solder , screen printing application features , format type of solder lands , techniques of solder thief and the IPC ( Association Connecting Electronics Industries) recommendations will be described on this work . The correct understanding of the defects that occur during the assembly process of the PCB reflects on constant improvement and refinement of the board layout design, which in turn results in a process of mounting plate with fewer occurrences of defects in workmanship and consequently better quality product. Less rework means less PCBs in production cost which reflects in higher profits for companies. The proposals presented in this paper are the result of practical results experienced in industry and research literature on the subjects related to defects in PCB and wave solder processes. All these recommendations and their results are described and illustrated to better serve as reference for future researchers and readers / Mestrado / Telecomunicações e Telemática / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica
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Les effets d'une co-exposition à des PCBs (DL et non DL) et au benzo(a)pyrène sur l’adipogénèse et ses répercussions sur l’inflammation in vitro et in vivo / Effects of the co-exposure to PCBs (DL and non-DL) and benzo(a)pyrene on adipogenesis and its consequences on inflammation in vitro and in vivoMay, Phealay 18 December 2018 (has links)
Les Polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) sont des polluants organiques persistants (POPs). L’exposition humaine à ces composés est associée à un accroissement du risque de développement du diabète de type 2 (DT2). D’autres composés présents dans l’alimentation, comme les hydrocarbures aromatic polycyclic (PAH) tel que le benzo (a) pyrene (BaP), sont des ligands du récepteur aryl-hydrocabures (AhR) et augmentent ce risque. Le premier travail rapporté est une étude in vitro, sur les 3T3-L1, des effets "cocktail" de l’exposition à des PCBs (PCB118 et 153) et au BaP. Sur ce modèle, il apparait que le BaP et les PCBs réduisent en partie l’expression des gènes de l’adipogénèse (ADGG) et stimulent l’expression des gènes de l’inflammation (INFG). La seconde étude réalisée chez la souris, a permis d’évaluer les effets "cocktail" d’une exposition chronique au PCB118 et au BaP. Des paramètres biochimiques et l’expression des ADGG et INFG ont été mesurés dans différents tissus. Après ingestion de BaP, l’expression de deux ADGG (Glut4 and Lipin1) et trois INFG (MCP1, CXCL10, IFNγ) sont augmentés dans le tissue adipeux. Ces effets sont soit abolis, soit réduits en réponse à une co-exposition simultanée avec le PCB118. Ceci indique que les effets de chacun des composés peuvent être masqués l’un par l’autre. Dans les autres tissus, on observe également une modulation globale négative par le PCB des effets du BaP. L’ensemble de ces résultats sont discutés en référence au risque de TD2 induits par les POPs, ainsi qu’aux cibles moléculaires potentielles du BaP comme AhR et des PCBs comme CAR et PXR. On discute du rôle possible de l’IFNγ produit par les cellules immunitaires associées au tissu adipeux / The Polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) are one of the persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Human exposure to these compounds is associated with an increased risk of developing of type 2 diabetes (DT2). Other chemical compounds, such as polycyclic aromtic hydrocarbon (HAP) such as the benzo (a) pyrene (BaP), that presented in food chain are ligands of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) and they increase this risk. The first work reported is an in vitro study on the model of pre-adipocyte, 3T3-L1, on the "cocktail" effects of co-exposure to PCBs (PCB118 and 153) and BaP. On this model, it appears that BaP and PCBs partially reduce the expression of genes related to adipogenesis (ADGG) and stimulate the expression of genes related to inflammation (INFG). The second study was conducted in vivo which allow us to evaluate the "cocktail" effects of a chronic exposure to PCB118 and BaP in mice. Biochemical parameters and the expression of ADGG and INFG were measured in different tissues. After the ingestion of BaP, expression of two ADGGs (Glut4 and Lipin1) and three INFGs (MCP1, CXCL10, IFNγ) were increased in the adipose tissue. These effects are either abolished or reduced in response to simultaneous co-exposure with PCB118. This indicates that the effects of each compounds can be masked by one another. In the other tissues, there is also a global negative modulation by PCB on the effects induced by BaP. All these results are discussed with reference to the risk of DT2 induced by POPs, as well as potential molecular targets of BaP (such as AhR) and PCBs (as CAR and PXR). The possible role of IFNγ, produced by the immune cells, associated with adipose tissue is discussed
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Talöverföring för trygghetslarm över internet : Voice over IP for personal alarmsStenman, Peter, Janson, Mikael January 2016 (has links)
During the last couple of years there has been a shift in technology within the Swedish elderly care where the analog personal security alarm is being replaced with personal security alarm that uses internet to communicate. This transition happens due to the ever increasing access to the internet among the elderly and the decreasing availability of analog personal security alarms. This paper describes the work whose purpose is to develop a system that will act as a prototype of a personal security alarm that uses Voice Over IP and the protocol Session Initiation Protocol. The final system is to be comprised by a Raspberry Pi that uses the SIP protocol, a keypad and a soundcard that is built around PCM3060 chip. / De senaste åren pågår det ett teknikskifte inom den svenska äldreomsorgen där de analoga trygghetslarmen ersätts av larm som använder internet för att kommunicera. Denna övergång sker på grund av att tillgång till internet ökar hos äldre personer samt att hushåll med analoga anslutningarna blir allt färre. Denna rapport beskriver arbetet med att ta fram ett system som ska fungera som en prototyp för ett trygghetslarm. Detta system använder sig av Voice Over IP och protokollet Session Initiation Protocol. Det slutliga systemet består av en Raspberry Pi som använder sig av SIP protokollet, en knappsats samt ett ljudkort som är byggt runt ett PCM3060 chip.
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Insulation Design and Analysis for Medium-Voltage SiC-based Power Electronics Building BlocksStewart, Joshua 20 May 2024 (has links)
In this dissertation, a design approach for medium voltage (MV) PCB-based components, such as the dc bus, is detailed. Key considerations, including electric field (E-field) grading near power terminals and PCB edges, cable feedthroughs, and the integration of components, are explored from the perspective of E-field management. A design example of a 3-level dc bus for a 6 kV-1 MW Power Electronics Building Block (PEBB) is presented. This PEBB was assembled using an array of low-voltage (LV) capacitors to create 3 kV PCB-based capacitor daughtercards, applying the same design principles as the dc bus. The scalability of this design approach is demonstrated with a 9-level dc bus rated for 24 kV. The insulation quality and MV performance of all PCBs have been assessed through partial discharge (PD) analysis using an Omicron MPD 600.
The high-voltage (HV) design approach takes into account the mitigation of peak electric field intensity to minimize insulation degradation caused by electrical stress. In addition to electrical stress, the current carrying capacity (CCC) of these printed circuit boards (PCBs) was assessed concerning steady-state thermal performance and short-circuit (SC) robustness. Multiple configurations were examined to determine the current density, with the aim of reducing temperature. The insulation performance following repetitive fault events was monitored. Although the Partial Discharge Inception Voltage (PDIV) reduced by 50% after 140 SC faults, it remained higher than the operational voltage. This demonstrates the feasibility of utilizing HV PCBs in practical applications.
Finally, the insulation performance of a complete 6 kV PEBB assembly was assessed. The PEBB was assembled component by component, with a focus on tracking the PDIV at each stage. This approach allowed for the qualification of the PEBB for use in a 24 kV PEBB-based converter with a common mode (CM) PDIV of 33.2 kV.
Subsequently, multiple PEBBs underwent testing to simulate their operation within a 24 kV converter configuration, ensuring dependable performance when assembled. Custom support structures were also designed and tested to accommodate the 24 kV PCB bus and dc-link capacitors, serving as interconnections between multiple phase legs and the external voltage source. / Doctor of Philosophy / Power electronic converters are used in many applications ranging from low power to high. Some applications include cellphone chargers, electric vehicle chargers, and even power distribution systems on land and sea. The electronics devices that are at the heart of these converters are rapidly advancing. Newer devices are being fabricated using so-called wide bandgap (WBG) materials such as silicon carbide as opposed to their older silicon counterparts. These WBG devices allow power converters to shrink in size due to their enhanced performance. As these device technologies evolve, the need to completely redesign systems to fully leverage their benefit arise. In this dissertation, the work centers around computer based simulations, coupled with hardware experiments, to design custom components that will allow engineers to significantly reduce the size and weight of medium voltage (MV) power electronic converters while also increasing their power.
The printed circuit board (PCB) is a standard component used in every day electronics. They are used to host electronic components while creating precise electrical connections between them. Although these are very useful in circuits operating at lower voltages, their use has not been widely explored for applications requiring higher voltage such those as where these advancing WBG devices would provide the most benefit. A design method is introduced which allows these boards to be used at relatively high voltage (HV). The robustness of these HV PCBs were evaluated to ensure the feasibility of their continued use after multiple fault events.
The size of power converter can be largely affected by the cooling system. Although the WBG devices can withstand higher temperature operation, the temperature of the device can still be a limiting factor. It is preferred to extract heat from the devices, allowing them to process more power. A standard component of cooling systems using forced air is the heatsink. The standard heatsink has corners that create sharp corners which are not ideal in high voltage systems; spacing between components must be increases to mitigate the effects caused by these sharp corners. Computer simulations were used to aid in the design of a heatsink profile which eliminates these sharp corners and was shown to reduce the clearance between cooling system components by up to 50%.
Each component was individually designed and tested to ensure its reliable operation. However, it's crucial to verify their performance when assembled with other components. In addition to designing components for high voltage operation, the insulation system for a complete converter assembly was evaluated. Once a full converter was successfully qualified, a similar approach was taken to evaluate multiple converters when assembled together, much like building blocks, to construct even larger converters. This rigorous testing and assembly process ensures the reliable operation of the entire system.
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Bioaccumulation and effects of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the sea star Asterias rubens L.Danis, Bruno 27 April 2004 (has links)
PCBs are among the most problematic marine contaminants. Converging towards the oceans via the rivers and the atmosphere, they concentrate in sediments where they become a permanent threat to organisms living at their contact. PCBs are extremely resistant, bioaccumulated and some congeners are considered as highly toxic. The North Sea is considered as a highly contaminated area ; however little information is available regarding the impact of PCBs on key benthic organisms of this region.
Ubiquist, abundant and generally recognized as a good bioindicator species, the common NE Atlantic sea star Asterias rubens (L.) is an ecosystem-structuring species in the North Sea and was chosen as an experimental model. The present study focused on the characterization of PCB bioaccumulation in A. rubens exposed through different routes (seawater, food, sediments) and on subsequent biological responses, at immune and sucellular levels. The considered responses were respectively (i) the production of reactive oxyggen species (ROS) by sea stars amoebocytes, which constitutes the main line of defence of echinoderms against pathogenic challenges and (ii) the induction of a cytochrome P450 immunopositive protein (CYP1A IPP) which, in vertebrates, is involved in PCB detoxification.
Experimental exposures carried out have shown that A. rubens efficiently accumulates PCBs. Exposure concentrations were always adjusted to match those encountered in the field. PCB concentrations reached in sea stars during the experiments matched the values reported in field studies ; therefore our experimental protocol was found to accurately simulate actual field situations. Uptake kinetics were related to the planar conformation of the considered congeners : non-coplanar PCB uptake was described using saturation models, whereas coplanar PCBs (c-PCBs) were bioaccumulated according to bell-shaped kinetics. Non-coplanar congeners generally reached saturation concentrations whithin a few days or a few weeks, which means that sea stars can be used to pinpoint PCB contamination shortly after occurrence. On the other hand, c-PCB concentrations reached a peak followed by a sudden drop, indicating the probable occurrence of c-PCB-targeted metabolization processes in sea stars. Our experimental studies also demonstrated that seawater was by far the most efficient route for PCB uptake in sea stars and that even if PCB levels in seawater are extremely low compared to sediment-associated concentrations, seawater constitutes a non-negligible route for PCB uptake in marine invertebrates. Among the different body compartments, bodywall displayed the highest bioaccumulative potency and can therefore be considered as particularly interesting for field biomonitoring applications. Rectal caeca, which play a central role in digestion and excretion processes in sea stars, have also rised particular interest as results suggest these organs could be involved in the elimination of PCB 77 degradation products.
The field work carried out during the present study showed that PCB concentrations measured in A. rubens tissues reflect environmental levels of certain congeners. As it was the case in experimental conditions, A. rubens differentially accumulated PCB congeners according to their planarity. Strong relationships were found between concentrations measured in sediments and those determined in sea stars body wall for certain non-coplanar congeners (e.g. 118 and 138), thus allowing to consider A. rubens as a suitable bioindicator species for medium-chlorinated PCB congeners. On the other hand, sea stars appeared to be able to regulate -to a certain extent- their content in coplanar PCBs. This implies that (i) A. rubens cannot be strictly considered as an indicator organism for c-PCBs and (ii) c-PCBs probably affect essential aspects of sea star biology, potentially leading to deleterious effects.
The present study addressed effects of PCB exposure on A. rubens biology, in both experimental and field conditions. In experimental conditions, PCBs were found to significantly alter ROS production by sea stars amoebocytes. This alteration also occurred in a congener-specific way : c-PCBs were found to significantly affect, and probably impair sea stars immune system, whereas non-coplanar congeners had no effect. In the field, the PCB contribution to immunotoxicity could not be determined because none of our studies considered ROS production along with c-PCB concentration measurements. However, the levels of ROS production by sea stars amoebocytes measured in field and experimental conditions were found to potentially lead to altered immunity, and therefore to impair sea stars defence against pathogenic agents.
A specially designed ELISA was used to measure CYP1A IPP in experimental and field conditions. Experimental work has shown that the induction of this protein was related to PCB exposure in a congener-specific fashion : c-PCBs alone were found to strongly induce the production of CYP1A IPP according to a dose-dependent relationship. These results have highlighted many similarities between the dioxin-like responsiveness of CYP1A IPP induction in sea stars and that occurring in vertebrates. This strongly suggests similarities in the toxicity-triggering mechanism of dioxins and c-PCBs. In the field, CYP1A IPP induction was found to be significantly related to PCB levels determined in bottom sediments. It can thus be considered as a valuable biomarker. Further research is however needed to better characterize the influence of physico-chemical and physiological parameters on CYP1A induction to refine the interpretation of the information gathered via this biomarker.
Results obtained in our study have lead to questionning international regulations applying to PCB biomonitoring in the marine environment. For instance, we strongly suggest that the selection of congeners to be systematically considered should be revised to include c-PCBs. Indeed, in our experiments PCB toxicity was almost always attributable to the sole c-congeners. Historically, determination of c-PCB concentrations was extremely difficult due to analytical limitations ; however, nowadays, these problems have been overcome and do no more justify their exclusion from monitoring studies.
Although A. rubens appeared to be quite resistant to PCB contamination, levels measured in sea stars from the southern North Sea can possibly affect their immune and endocrine systems in a subtle way, but with relatively low risk for this species at the short-term. However, this does not mean that other species in this region undergo similarly low risks, or that sea star-structured ecosystems may not become affected in the long-term
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