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Use of Photovoltaic on an E-bike? : A Feasibility StudySchnabel, Thomas January 2013 (has links)
In recent years the number of bicycles with e-motors has been increased steadily. Within the pedelec – bikes where an e-motor supports the pedaling – a special group of transportation bikes has developed. These bikes have storage boxes in addition to the basic parts of a bike. Due to the space available on top of those boxes it is possible to install a PV system to generate electricity which could be used to recharge the battery of the pedelec. Such a system would lead to grid independent charging of the battery and to the possibility of an increased range of motor support. The feasibility of such a PV system is investigated for a three wheeled pedelec delivered by the company BABBOE NORDIC.The measured data of the electricity generation of this mobile system is compared to the possible electricity generation of a stationary system.To measure the consumption of the pedelec different tracks are covered, and the energy which is necessary to recharge the bike battery is measured using an energy logger. This recharge energy is used as an indirect measure of the electricity consumption. A PV prototype system is installed on the bike. It is a simple PV stand alone system consisting of PV panel, charge controller with MPP tracker and a solar battery. This system has the task to generate as much electricity as possible. The produced PV current and voltage aremeasured and documented using a data logger. Afterwards the average PV power is calculated. To compare the produced electricity of the on-bike system to that of a stationary system, the irradiance on the latter is measured simultaneously. Due to partial shadings on the on-bike PV panel, which are caused by the driver and some other bike parts, the average power output during riding the bike is very low. It is too low to support the motor directly. In case of a similar installation as the PV prototype system and the intention always to park the bike on a sunny spot an on-bike system could generate electricity to at least partly recharge a bike battery during one day. The stationary PV system using the same PV panel could have produced between 1.25 and 8.1 times as much as the on-bike PV system. Even though the investigation is done for a very specific case it can be concluded that anon-bike PV system, using similar components as in the investigation, is not feasible to recharge the battery of a pedelec in an appropriate manner. The biggest barrier is that partial shadings on the PV panel, which can be hardly avoided during operation and parking, result in a significant reduction of generated electricity. Also the installation of the on-bike PV system would lead to increased weight of the whole bike and the need for space which is reducing the storage capacity. To use solar energy for recharging a bike battery an indirect way is giving better results. In this case a stationary PV stand alone system is used which is located in a sunny spot without shadings and adjusted to use the maximum available solar energy. The battery of the bike is charged using the corresponding charger and an inverter which provides AC power using the captured solar energy.
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Pedelec - Naturalistic Cycling Study: ForschungsberichtGesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e. V. 28 April 2021 (has links)
Elektrofahrräder, sogenannte Pedelecs, erfreuen sich seit einigen Jahren zunehmender Beliebtheit. Ihre Zahl wird in Deutschland auch in den nächsten Jahren kontinuierlich steigen. Mit wachsender Verbreitung dieser neuen Form von Mobilität ergeben sich eine Reihe neuer Herausforderungen für den Straßenverkehr. So stellt sich die Frage, wie sich potentiell höhere Geschwindigkeiten, die mit Pedelecs erreicht werden können, auf die Verkehrssicherheit auswirken. Weiterhin ist offen, ob ältere Personen als aktuelle Hauptnutzergruppe des Verkehrsmittels einem gesteigerten Sicherheitsrisiko bei der Pedelec-Nutzung unterliegen. Auch mögliche Veränderungen des Mobilitätsverhaltens sind nicht auszuschließen. Im Rahmen dieses Projektes wurden Aspekte des Mobilitäts- und Sicherheitsverhaltens von Zweiradfahrern in einer sogenannten „Naturalistic Cycling Study“ untersucht. Bei diesem methodischen Ansatz werden die Zweiräder von Versuchsteilnehmern mit Kameras und zusätzlicher Sensorik ausgestattet, um das „normale“ Fahr- und Nutzungsverhalten der jeweiligen Fahrer über einen längeren Zeitraum hinweg dokumentieren zu können. Insgesamt wurden 90 Teilnehmer akquiriert. Neunundvierzig davon waren Nutzer eines sogenannten Pedelec25. Derartige Elektrofahrräder unterstützen beim Treten bis 25 km/h und sind klassischen Fahrrädern rechtlich gleichgestellt. Weitere 10 Teilnehmer nutzten ein sogenanntes Pedelec45, welches entsprechend bis 45 km/h unterstützt, und unter anderem mit Helm- und Kennzeichenpflicht verbunden ist. Als Kontrollgruppe nahmen zudem 31 Radfahrer an der Untersuchung teil. Um der aktuellen Nutzerstruktur Rechnung zu tragen, wurden die Teilnehmer zusätzlich auch nach Alter ausgewählt. Jeweils etwa ein Drittel der Teilnehmer waren 40 Jahre alt oder jünger, zwischen 40 und 65 Jahre alt, oder 65 Jahre und älter. Jeder der 90 Teilnehmer wurde mit Hilfe der Instrumentierung über einen Zeitraum von insgesamt 4 Wochen auf seinen Wegen mit seinem Zweirad beobachtet. Zudem führten Teilnehmer für eine dieser Wochen ein sogenanntes Aktivitätentagebuch, das dazu diente, jegliche Wege und deren Zwecke zu erfassen. Zusätzlich füllten sie vor Beginn und nach Ablauf der Datenerhebung eine Reihe von Fragebögen aus, die sich mit dem Nutzungsverhalten, der Unfallhistorie und weiteren Fragestellungen befassten. Insgesamt wurden mehr als 4.000 Fahrten mit einer Gesamtlänge von knapp 17.000 km aufgezeichnet. Um mögliche sicherheitsrelevante Verkehrssituationen aufzufinden erfolgte eine umfangreiche Videokodierung. Zu diesem Zweck wurde jede einzelne Fahrt vollständig gesichtet, und potentiell gefährliche Verkehrssituationen nach einem zuvor definierten Schema identifiziert und kodiert. Zusätzlich wurden mit Hilfe von Radsensordaten Weglängen, Wegdauern und vor allem Geschwindigkeiten analysiert. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen, dass die Nutzung von Elektrofahrrädern nicht mit einer erhöhten Auftretenswahrscheinlichkeit von kritischen Situationen einhergeht. Auch mit Blick auf das Alter der Teilnehmer zeigen sich diesbezüglich keine Unterschiede. Generell interessant ist eine differenzierte Betrachtung der Situation mit Blick auf die jeweiligen Konfliktpartner. So kam es gehäuft zu Konfliktsituationen mit (hoch)motorisierten Fahrzeugen (Pkw, Lkw). Allerdings war auch eine substantielle Zahl an problematischen Interaktionen mit Fußgängern zu beobachten. Bei der Auswertung der Fahrdaten ergaben sich die zu erwartenden Unterschiede in den Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeiten der jeweiligen Zweiräder. So fuhren Pedelec25-Nutzer im Schnitt geringfügig (ca. 2 km/h), Pedelec45-Nutzer jedoch deutlich (ca. 8 km/h) schneller als Radfahrer. Auch ergaben sich im Hinblick auf die Geschwindigkeit deutliche Altersunterschiede, unabhängig vom Zweiradtyp. Im Mobilitätsverhalten hingegen ließen sich keine auffälligen Effekte durch die Nutzung von Elektrofahrrädern feststellen.
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Helmnutzung und regelwidriges Verhalten von Pedelec- und Fahrradfahrern: ForschungsberichtGesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e. V. 28 April 2021 (has links)
Verbreitung von Elektrofahrrädern (u.a. Pedelec25, Pedelec45) weiterhin kontinuierlich zu. Es ist daher von besonderem Interesse, das Verhalten von Fahrrad- und Elektrofahrradfahrern mit Blick auf Schutzmaßnahmen wie Helme oder auch regelwidriges Verhalten wie Rotlichtverstöße zu betrachten. Um derartige Fragen zu betrachten, wurde auf Daten der in einem vorangegangenen Projekt durchgeführten Pedelec-Naturalistic Cycling Study (Pedelec-NCS) zurückgegriffen, in deren Rahmen eine Erfassung von natürlichem (Elektro-)Fahrradfahrerverhalten erfolgte. Im Fokus stand der Vergleich von konventionellen Fahrrädern, Pedelec25 und Pedelec45. Hierfür wurden die Elektrofahrräder und Fahrräder von 90 Versuchsteilnehmern (49 Pedelec25, 10 Pedelec45, 31 konventionelle Fahrräder) mit jeweils zwei Kameras (Aufnahmen vom Gesicht des Fahrers und Voraussicht auf die Straße) und zusätzlicher Sensorik ausgestattet. Mit Hilfe dieser Instrumentierung wurden insgesamt über 4.300 Fahrten mit knapp 17.000 km Fahrtstrecke aufgezeichnet. Die gesammelten Daten wurden vor dem Hintergrund der vier folgenden Problemstellungen analysiert: 1. Zusammenhang von Helmnutzung, Fahrtlänge und Geschwindigkeit Als ein Argument gegen eine Helmpflicht für Radfahrer werden Sicherheitsbedenken angeführt. Es wird vermutet, dass Fahrradfahrer, die einen Helm tragen, zu risikoreicherem Verhalten neigen könnten und eine so genannte Risikokompensation stattfindet. So könnten sich Fahrradfahrer durch den Schutz eines Helmes besonders sicher fühlen und zu schnellerem, und damit potenziell unfallträchtigerem Fahren tendieren. Allerdings steht eine Betrachtung von möglichem Kompensationsverhalten im Realverkehr noch aus. Auch die Rolle weiterer möglicher Einflussgrößen, wie der Fahrtlänge, ist nicht vollständig geklärt. Daher sollte im Rahmen dieser Untersuchung geklärt werden, welcher Zusammenhang zwischen Helmnutzung, Fahrtlänge und Geschwindigkeit besteht. In die Analyse der Helmnutzung konnten die Daten von 85 Personen einbezogen werden. Anhand der Videos vom Gesicht des Fahrers wurde für über 3.700 Fahrten kodiert, ob der Fahrer einen Helm trug oder nicht. Diese Daten wurden mit den Daten zur Fahrtlänge und Geschwindigkeit verknüpft. Insgesamt wurde eine Helmtragequote von 58% gefunden, d.h. bei mehr als der Hälfte der Fahrten wurde ein Helm getragen. Im Vergleich trugen die Pedelec45-Fahrer am häufigsten einen Helm. Aber auch Pedelec25-Fahrer nutzten den Helm signifikant häufiger als die konventionellen Fahrradfahrer. Für die zentrale Fragestellung zum Zusammenhang zwischen Helmnutzung, Geschwindigkeit und Fahrtlänge zeigte sich, dass der Zusammenhang zwischen Fahrtlänge und Geschwindigkeit deutlich stärker ist als der Zusammenhang zwischen Helmnutzung und Geschwindigkeit. Dies würde für die Annahme sprechen, dass die Helmnutzung, wenn überhaupt, nur eine untergeordnete Rolle für die Geschwindigkeit von Fahrrad- und Elektrofahrradfahrern spielt. Vor diesem Hintergrund muss bezweifelt werden, dass es durch die Nutzung eines Helmes beim Radfahrer unmittelbar zu Risikokompensation kommt. / In Germany, cycling has experienced a considerably increase in popularity in the past few years. The number of e-bikes (mainly pedelec25 and pedelec45) on German roads is growing steadily as well. As a consequence, investigations of safety relevant behaviour of bicyclists and e-bike riders, such as helmet use or violations (e.g. red light running) are of vital importance. To address such issues, data of the previous Pedelec- Naturalistic Cycling Study (Pedelec-NCS), in which (e-)cyclists’ behaviour was observed under natural conditions, was reanalysed. Focus of the Pedelec-NCS was the comparison of conventional bicycles, pedelec25 and pedelec45. The e-bikes and bicycles of 90 participants (49 pedelec25, 10 pedelec45, 31 conventional bicycles) were instrumented with two cameras (forward view and face of the rider) and additional sensors. A total of more than 4,300 trips, with nearly 17,000 km cycled distance was recorded. In the reanalysis, the following four issues were addressed: 1. Relation between helmet use, trip length and cycling speed One major argument against a compulsory use of cycling helmets are potential safety issues. It has been suggested that cyclists that wear a helmet might compensate for this perceived increase in safety by cycling more risky. This could mean that they cycle faster, and hence increase their risk of a crash. However, evidence for such an assumption, especially under natural conditions, has been lacking so far. The role of additional factors that might have an influence, such as the length of a trip, was not fully clear as well. Therefore, the data of 85 Pedelec-NCS participants was used to investigate the relationship between helmet use, trip length and cycling speed. Using the face view videos, more than 3,700 trips were reviewed to annotate whether the riders wore a helmet or not. This annotation was then connected to information on trip length and cycling speed. Overall, a helmet usage quote of 58% was found, i.e. the participants wore a helmet in more than half of the collected trips. Pedelec45 riders showed the highest usage rate, riders of conventional bicycles the lowest. The analysis of factors influencing cycling speed showed that trip length had a much stronger effect on the riders speed than the question of whether they had worn a helmet or not, which indicates that helmet use only has a minor role (if any at all) for the speed of bicyclists and e-bike riders. The suggestion of a relevant behavioural adaptation as a result of the potentially increased safety because of the use of a helmet does not appear to be supported.
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Are Pedelec crashes different to bicycle crashes?: A comparison of national accident data in GermanyMönnich, Jörg, Lich, Thomas, Maier, Oliver 03 January 2023 (has links)
Since 2014, a distinction between Pedelec (electrical support up to 25 km/h) and bicycle crashes is made in official police reported accidents with personal injuries in Germany. Yet, no comparative analysis using national data is available, moreover some estimation was done how Pedelec crashes may look like based on bicycle crashes. Hence, the present study aims to compare real-world crashes with personal injuries with both vehicle types - Pedelec and bicycle and show similarities and differences of the vehicle classes. Nearly a decade of reporting allows furthermore to have a closer look at the accident figures in a time series and to estimate possible trends.
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Modeling the Braking Behavior of Micro-Mobility VehiclesLi, Tianyou, Kovaceva, Jordanka, Dozza, Marco 19 December 2022 (has links)
According to the community database on accidents on the roads in Europe, 2035 cyclist fatalities happened in Europe in 2019 [S]. In Sweden, 10440 bicycle crashes were reported in the Swedish Traffic Accident Data Acquisition database during 2019, and 30% of the cyclist fatalities were in car-to-cyclist rear-end crashes [6]. Nowadays, new micromobility vehicles (MMVs), for example, e-scooters, and Segways, are becoming more popular. Unlike traditional bicycles, these new MMVs usually have novel designs in appearance, kinematics, operation method, and power source (e.g., electricity-driven/assisted), which bring new hazards to traditional road users [1, 4]. Thus, it is essential to understand and quantify the behavior of the new MMV users to improve road safety.
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Demanda potencial para um sistema de compartilhamento de bicicletas pedelecs: o caso de um campus universitário / Potential demand for a pedelec sharing system: the case of a university campusCadurin, Leonardo Dal Picolo 12 May 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a demanda potencial para um sistema de compartilhamento de bicicletas pedelecs no campus da USP de São Carlos, com foco nos deslocamentos de estudantes entre as duas áreas do campus. Para tanto, foi elaborado um conjunto de procedimentos, que constituem duas etapas: caracterização do público-alvo e análise da demanda potencial pelas bicicletas pedelecs compartilhadas. Na primeira etapa foi aplicado um questionário, elaborado com a técnica de preferência declarada, para verificar as preferências dos usuários em relação às pedelecs compartilhadas e ao ônibus operado pela USP. Os resultados desta consulta, que envolveu variáveis de condições meteorológicas, situação de ciclovias/ciclofaixas entre as áreas do campus e lotação do ponto de ônibus USP, foram posteriormente utilizados para calibrar um modelo logit e treinar uma Rede Neural Artificial (RNA). Na segunda etapa foi elaborada uma planilha eletrônica com os dados obtidos na coleta, a fim de analisar as probabilidades de escolha da pedelec (ao invés do ônibus USP). Nesta planilha também foram utilizados dados do histórico meteorológico de São Carlos no período entre 2011 e 2015. Alguns dos resultados obtidos são destacados na sequência. A probabilidade de escolha das pedelecs é, em média, três vezes maior quando existem ciclovias/ciclofaixas (em relação à ausência da referida infraestrutura cicloviária). A ocupação do ponto de ônibus USP também é impactante, pois as probabilidades de uso da bicicleta pedelec praticamente dobram quando o ponto está cheio. No caso da meteorologia, foi constatado que as maiores probabilidades ocorrem no Outono e no Inverno, ou seja, nas épocas em que se concentram os dias mais secos e com menores temperaturas. Para o período letivo de 2011 a 2015, considerando a situação atual (isto é, sem ciclovias/ciclofaixas entre as áreas), os valores de probabilidade de uso da pedelec correspondem a 9% com o ponto vazio e 19% com o ponto cheio. Se houvesse ciclovias/ciclofaixas, a probabilidade seria de até 54%. Desse modo, a estratégia de análise desenvolvida conceitualmente, bem como implantada em planilha eletrônica, se constitui em importante ferramenta de auxílio para a condução da política de transportes que a Prefeitura do campus irá adotar para os anos futuros. Além disso, evidencia uma possível demanda potencial para um sistema com pedelecs compartilhadas. / The objective of this study was to analyze the potential demand for a pedelec sharing system at the São Carlos campus of the University of São Paulo (USP), aiming at the displacements of students between the two campus Areas. The set of procedures developed to reach the objective has involved two steps: characterization of the target audience and analysis of the potential demand for shared pedelecs. The first step was accomplished with a questionnaire designed with a stated preference approach for identifying users\' preferences regarding shared pedelecs and the bus system operated by the university. The survey results, which involved variables of weather conditions, existence of bike paths/bike lanes between the campus Areas, and occupancy rates at the USP bus stop, were subsequently used to calibrate a logit model and to develop an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The survey data were also used in the second step of the process, in which an electronic spreadsheet was created to analyze the probabilities of choosing the pedelec alternative (instead of the bus route operated by university). The spreadsheet was also fed with meteorological data of São Carlos in the period between 2011 and 2015. Some of the obtained outcomes are highlighted in the sequence. The probability of a pedelec being chosen is almost three times higher if bike paths/bike lanes do exist than if they do not exist. The occupancy rates of the bus stop are also particularly relevant. The probability of someone choosing a pedelec nearly doubles when the bus stop is crowded. Regarding the weather conditions, the highest probabilities are observed in the Fall and Winter seasons, i. e. in the driest and coldest days. For the entire academic period comprised between 2011 and 2015, the probabilities range from 9% (empty bus stop) to 19% (full bus stop), considering the current situation (i. e. no cycleways connect the two campus Areas). In the presence of this cycling infrastructure, however, the probability goes up to 54%. Thus, the strategy of analysis conceptually developed, and made available through an electronic spreadsheet, may be an important support tool for the implementation of transport policies by the campus administration. In addition, it highlights a likely potential demand for a system of shared pedelecs.
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Demanda potencial para um sistema de compartilhamento de bicicletas pedelecs: o caso de um campus universitário / Potential demand for a pedelec sharing system: the case of a university campusLeonardo Dal Picolo Cadurin 12 May 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a demanda potencial para um sistema de compartilhamento de bicicletas pedelecs no campus da USP de São Carlos, com foco nos deslocamentos de estudantes entre as duas áreas do campus. Para tanto, foi elaborado um conjunto de procedimentos, que constituem duas etapas: caracterização do público-alvo e análise da demanda potencial pelas bicicletas pedelecs compartilhadas. Na primeira etapa foi aplicado um questionário, elaborado com a técnica de preferência declarada, para verificar as preferências dos usuários em relação às pedelecs compartilhadas e ao ônibus operado pela USP. Os resultados desta consulta, que envolveu variáveis de condições meteorológicas, situação de ciclovias/ciclofaixas entre as áreas do campus e lotação do ponto de ônibus USP, foram posteriormente utilizados para calibrar um modelo logit e treinar uma Rede Neural Artificial (RNA). Na segunda etapa foi elaborada uma planilha eletrônica com os dados obtidos na coleta, a fim de analisar as probabilidades de escolha da pedelec (ao invés do ônibus USP). Nesta planilha também foram utilizados dados do histórico meteorológico de São Carlos no período entre 2011 e 2015. Alguns dos resultados obtidos são destacados na sequência. A probabilidade de escolha das pedelecs é, em média, três vezes maior quando existem ciclovias/ciclofaixas (em relação à ausência da referida infraestrutura cicloviária). A ocupação do ponto de ônibus USP também é impactante, pois as probabilidades de uso da bicicleta pedelec praticamente dobram quando o ponto está cheio. No caso da meteorologia, foi constatado que as maiores probabilidades ocorrem no Outono e no Inverno, ou seja, nas épocas em que se concentram os dias mais secos e com menores temperaturas. Para o período letivo de 2011 a 2015, considerando a situação atual (isto é, sem ciclovias/ciclofaixas entre as áreas), os valores de probabilidade de uso da pedelec correspondem a 9% com o ponto vazio e 19% com o ponto cheio. Se houvesse ciclovias/ciclofaixas, a probabilidade seria de até 54%. Desse modo, a estratégia de análise desenvolvida conceitualmente, bem como implantada em planilha eletrônica, se constitui em importante ferramenta de auxílio para a condução da política de transportes que a Prefeitura do campus irá adotar para os anos futuros. Além disso, evidencia uma possível demanda potencial para um sistema com pedelecs compartilhadas. / The objective of this study was to analyze the potential demand for a pedelec sharing system at the São Carlos campus of the University of São Paulo (USP), aiming at the displacements of students between the two campus Areas. The set of procedures developed to reach the objective has involved two steps: characterization of the target audience and analysis of the potential demand for shared pedelecs. The first step was accomplished with a questionnaire designed with a stated preference approach for identifying users\' preferences regarding shared pedelecs and the bus system operated by the university. The survey results, which involved variables of weather conditions, existence of bike paths/bike lanes between the campus Areas, and occupancy rates at the USP bus stop, were subsequently used to calibrate a logit model and to develop an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The survey data were also used in the second step of the process, in which an electronic spreadsheet was created to analyze the probabilities of choosing the pedelec alternative (instead of the bus route operated by university). The spreadsheet was also fed with meteorological data of São Carlos in the period between 2011 and 2015. Some of the obtained outcomes are highlighted in the sequence. The probability of a pedelec being chosen is almost three times higher if bike paths/bike lanes do exist than if they do not exist. The occupancy rates of the bus stop are also particularly relevant. The probability of someone choosing a pedelec nearly doubles when the bus stop is crowded. Regarding the weather conditions, the highest probabilities are observed in the Fall and Winter seasons, i. e. in the driest and coldest days. For the entire academic period comprised between 2011 and 2015, the probabilities range from 9% (empty bus stop) to 19% (full bus stop), considering the current situation (i. e. no cycleways connect the two campus Areas). In the presence of this cycling infrastructure, however, the probability goes up to 54%. Thus, the strategy of analysis conceptually developed, and made available through an electronic spreadsheet, may be an important support tool for the implementation of transport policies by the campus administration. In addition, it highlights a likely potential demand for a system of shared pedelecs.
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Induktives Ladesystem für den Einsatz in autonomen VerleihstationenVogt, Johannes Paul, Kertzscher, Jana 28 February 2020 (has links)
Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt das Konzept eines induktiven Ladesystems für autonome Verleihstationen. Unter Beachtung der Betriebsanforderungen wird im ersten Teil eine zweckmäßige Spezifikation des Ladesystems erarbeitet. Der zweite Teil beschreibt die Modellierung des Resonanzübertragers, welcher technisch als Prototyp realisiert wurde. Dazu erfolgt die analytische Berechnung der Parameter und Vergleich mit den experimentell bestimmten Parametern am Prototypen. / This article describes the concept of an inductive charging system for autonomous sharing stations. In accordance with the operational requirements, a suitable specification of the charging system is developed in the first part of this paper. The second part describes the modelling of the resonant transmitter, which was technically realized as a prototype. For this purpose, the analytical
calculation of the parameters and their comparison with the experimentally determined parameters on the presented prototype are carried out.
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Electrically-assisted bikes: Potential impacts on travel behaviourCairns, Sally, Behrendt, Frauke, Raffo, David, Beaumont, C., Kiefer, C. 17 November 2020 (has links)
This paper reports on a review of the European literature about the impacts of having an electrically-assisted bike available to use, together with results from a trial in the UK city of Brighton, where 80 employees were loaned an electrically-assisted bike for a 6–8 week period. In the Brighton trial, three-quarters of those who were loaned an e-bike used them at least once a week. Across the sample as a whole, average usage was in the order of 15–20 miles per week, and was accompanied by an overall reduction in car mileage of 20%. At the end of the trial, 38% participants expected to cycle more in the future, and at least 70% said that they would like to have an e-bike available for use in the future, and would cycle more if this was the case. This is consistent with the results of the European literature which shows that when e-bikes are made available, they get used; that a proportion of e-bike trips typically substitutes for car use; and that many people who take part in trials become interested in future e-bike use, or cycling more generally.
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E-bike users are lazy… and healthy : A study in consumer behaviour on the symbolic values of e-bikes, why some want e-bikes and others avoid them.Ahlbom, Joel, Andersson, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Research question: To examine what aspects affect some consumers to avoid e-bikes and others to desire them. Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to see if e-bikes have a symbolic value. We aim to see if e-bikes is associated as an environmentally friendly product. We will examine stereotypes and brand avoidance. Further we will see what attributes consumers associate with typical users of e-bikes. Theory: To test our research question we chose our main theory of the matching process between self-image and typical user. Prior studies on e-bikes in areas as typical users and environment were analyzed. Previous studies on e-bikes were analyzed in areas such as environment and typical users. Methodology: A survey was made on two groups who are underrepresented in sales of ebikes. Students aged 21-30 and cycling enthusiasts. Results and conclusions: • We found that e-bikes have symbolic value. • Many respondents perceive e-bike users as environmentally friendly, comfortable and lazy. • E-bikes being perceived as environmentally friendly can be a pre-purchase indicator for students, but not for cycling enthusiasts • Different groups of students have conflicting user imagery, one group describe e-bikers as lazy, and another group describe e-bike users as healthy • The stereotype that e-bike users are old is not very frequent • Viewing e-bike users as lazy influences impacts the perceived value and are likely to lead to brand avoidance
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