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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Data-Driven Modeling of Pedestrian Crowds

Johansson, Anders 13 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
At the starting point of the work leading to this doctoral thesis, in January 2005, the work on pedestrians was almost exclusively oriented towards computer simulations and on evacuation experiments. Since then, there have been many studies on new methods for extracting empirical data of pedestrian movements (mainly based on video analysis, lasers, and infrared cameras), but most of the work is still focused on artificial setups for crowds moving through corridors and crowds passing bottlenecks. Even though these controlled experiments are important to understand crowd dynamics, there is a knowledge gap between these experiments and the understanding of the dynamics leading to and occurring during large crowd disasters, when sometimes hundreds of thousands or even millions of pedestrians are involved. Numerous crowd disasters occur every year at large gatherings around the world. Unfortunately, the information about the (spatio-temporal) development of these events tend to be qualitative rather than quantitative. Video recordings from the crowd disaster in Mina, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on the 12th of January 2006, where hundreds of pilgrims lost their lives during the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Makkah, gave the possibility to scientifically evaluate the dynamics of the crowd. With this video material, it was possible to observe and analyze the behavior of the crowd under increasing crowd density, leading to the disaster. Based on the insights from the analysis of the crowd disaster described above, new tools and measures to detect and avoid critical crowd conditions have been proposed, and some of them have been implemented in order to reduce the likelihood of similar disasters in the future. Further contributions of this thesis are to empirically evaluate many of the previous assumptions used for pedestrian simulations. These assumptions are: * A pedestrian avoids collisions by changing her or his walking speed by an acceleration which is exponentially decaying with the distance to the pedestrian or object being avoided. * A pedestrian reacts stronger to what happens in front of her or him, than to what happens behind the back. * The movement of a crowd of pedestrians always follows a smooth flow-density relationship, called the fundamental diagram. * The walking speed will settle at 0 m/s at a specific maximum crowd density. The first two assumptions were found to be consistent with the data, but the pedestrian-flow theory had to be revised, since the two latter assumptions do not always hold. When these fundamental parts of pedestrian motion and avoiding maneuvers had been investigated, an improved version of the social-force-model was formulated. In order to enable the revision of previous works and the analysis of the crowd disaster mentioned above, algorithms used for video-tracking have been introduced. The novelty of this work concerns the uniqueness and quantity of data on which the algorithms are validated and calibrated, but also the focus on analyzing millions of pedestrians rather than hundreds. The aim of this thesis is to move from theoretical models and controlled lab conditions to applicable models for real-world conditions. / Als diese Dissertation im Januar 2005 begonnen wurde, nutzten wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen von Fußgängern fast ausschließlich Computersimulationen und Evakuierungsexperimente. Seit dem haben viele Wissenschaftler an einer Verbesserung der Methoden gearbeitet. Heute werden empirische Daten mit Hilfe von Videoanalysen, Laser- und Infrarotkameras erhoben.Jedoch konzentrieren sich viele dieser Arbeiten auf künstliche Setups, in denen sich Fußgängermassen durch Korridore und Engpässe bewegen. Diese Experimente erlauben es, Massenbewegungen zu verstehen. Jedoch gibt es immer noch Forschungslücken. Es ist schwierig, unter solch kontrollierten Bedingungen Fortschritte darin zu erzielen, die auftretenden Dyamiken bei großen Katastrophen zu verstehen, in denen manchmal Hunderttausende oder sogar Millionen von Fußgängern involviert sind. Immer wieder kommt es zu Katastrophen in großen Menschenmengen. Leider sind von diesen Ereignissen häufig nur qualitative Informationen anstelle von quantitativen Daten erhältlich. Es ergab sich die besondere Gelegenheit, quantitatives Filmmaterial über eine Katastrophe in Mina (Königreich Saudi--Arabien) zu erhalten. Dort starben am 12. Januar 2006 hunderte von Pilgern während der jährlichen muslimischen Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka. Mit dem erhobenen Videomaterial konnte nachvollzogen werden, wie die Menschenmenge zuerst unbehindert fließen konnte, dann immer dichter wurde und wie es schließlich zur Katastrophe kam. Von den Erkenntnissen der Analyse der oben beschriebenen Katastrophe konnten neue Methoden entwickelt werden, die dabei helfen können, ähnliche Katastrophen in Zukunft zu vermeiden. Ein weiterer Beitrag dieser Dissertation besteht darin, einige Annahmen, die üblicherweise bei der Simulation von Fußgängerdynamiken gemacht werden, in Frage zu stellen und zu überarbeiten. Diese Annahmen sind: (1) Ein Fußgänger verhindert Zusammenstöße, indem er seine Schrittgeschwindigkeit so verändert, dass seine Beschleunigung exponentiell mit der Distanz zu dem zu umgehenden Fußgänger oder Objekt abnimmt. (2) Ein Fußgänger zeigt stärkere Reaktionen auf Ereignisse, die vor ihm passieren, als auf Ereignisse, die hinter ihm passieren. (3) Die Bewegung eines in einer Menschenmenge befindlichen Fußgängers folgt immer dem Strömungs--Dichte Verhältnis, was als Fundamental-Diagramm bezeichnet wird. (4) Die Laufgeschwindigkeit eines Fußgängers erreicht bei maximaler Menschendichte einem Wert von 0 m/s. Die ersten beiden Annahmen wurden von den empirischen Daten bestätigt. Unsere Analysen zeigen jedoch, dass die Annahmen 3 und 4 nicht immer gültig sind. Somit müssen Standardtheorien von Fußgängerdynamiken überarbeitet werden. Im Anschluß an die Analyse dieser fundamentalen Aspekte von Fußgängerverhalten und dem Verhalten bei Ausweichmanövern wird das Social-Force-Modell weiterentwickelt. Um auf vorhergehenden Arbeiten aufzubauen und um die oben beschriebene Katastrophe analysieren zu können, werden Algorithmen für die Video-Verfolgung von Fußgängerbewegungen entwickelt. Das Neue bei diesem Teil der Arbeit liegt nicht nur in dem verwendeten Verfahren selbst, sondern auch in der Einzigartigkeit und der großen Menge an verwendeten Daten, die mit diesem Verfahren analysiert werden. Ein zentrales Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht demnach in einer wissenschaftlichen Weiterentwicklung von theoretischen Modellen und kontrollierten Laborexperimenten hin zu Modellen, die unter realen Bedingungen tatsächlich anwendbar sind. Die Analyse von Fußgängern ist ein interdisziplinäres Feld, das von verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen mit verschiedenen Zielen betrieben wird. Leider gab es bislang wenig Bemühungen, die Resultate innerhalb dieser Teilgebiete im Rahmen einer konsistenten Theorie zu vereinen. Als seltene Ausnahmen können die Arbeiten von Teknomo und Antonini genannt werden. Diese Dissertation verfolgt das Ziel, diese theoretische Vereinigung weiter voran zu treiben. Dazu muss man zwischen der Neuerfindung des Rades und der Wiederverwendung nicht geprüfter Resultate abwägen. Dementsprechend ist ein Teil dieser Dissertation dem Vorhaben gewidmet, bisherige Forschung im Lichte empirischer Daten und neuer Methoden zu evaluieren. Da sich die Arbeit mit recht unterschiedlichen Aspekten von Fußgängerverhalten beschäftigt, konzentriert sich die Analyse in verschiedenen Teilen der Arbeit auf einige ausgewählte, alternative Modelle. Insbesondere bei der Modellierung und Simulation wird anstelle einer eingehenden Übersicht verschiedener Modelle eine Diskussion des speziellen Social-Force Modells präsentiert.

Pedestrian detection and driver attention : cues needed to determine risky pedestrian behaviour in traffic

Larsson, Annika January 2005 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis was to determine which perceptual cues drivers use to identify pedestrians that may constitute a risk in traffic. Methods chosen were recordings of pedestrian behaviour in Linköping by means of a stationary video camera as well as video camera mounted in a car. Interviews on the recordings from the mobile camera were conducted with taxi drivers and driving instructors.</p><p>Results include that drivers not only react to pedestrians they believe will behave in a dangerous way, but also react to pedestrians that probably not will behave in such a way, but where the possibility still exists. The study concluded that it was not possible to determine how risky a pedestrian is considered to be by only using behavioural factors such as trajectory or position on the sidewalk, and distance. It is necessary also to include environmental factors, mainly where the pedestrian and car are positioned in relation to the side of the road, so that the behaviour of the pedestrian can be interpreted.</p>

Regional–local coordination of non-motorized transportation : an exploration of two regions

Dohm, Diane Annette 13 July 2011 (has links)
This research report explores two regions, Denver and Minneapolis, by describing and analyzing their regional and local coordination efforts with respect to non-motorized transportation. The report is comprised of a literature review on the MPO institutional framework and governance, description and analysis of each region including levels of relationships between the MPO, State DOT, local governments and advocacy groups, as well as a comparison of both regions leading to the findings, lessons learned, and research implications. Specifically, this research seeks to understand how different levels of government work together, how the regional relationships assist in creating and implementing plans, how relationships with advocacy groups affect planning, and how climate change goals are integrated into non-motorized transportation planning. / text


Agarwal, Nithin K. 01 January 2011 (has links)
With the number of vehicles increasing in the system every day, many statewide policies across the United States aim to increase the use of non- motorized transportation modes. This could have safety implications because the interaction between motorists and non-motorists could increase and potentially increasing pedestrian-vehicle crashes. Few models that predict the number of pedestrian crashes are not sensitive to site-specific conditions or intersection designs that may influence pedestrian crashes. Moreover, traditional statistical modeling techniques rely extensively on the sparsely available pedestrian crash database. This study focused on overcoming these limitations by developing models that quantify potential interactions between pedestrians and vehicles at various intersection designs using as surrogate safety measure the time to conflict. Several variables that capture volumes, intersection geometry, and operational performance were evaluated for developing pedestrian-vehicle conflict models for different intersection designs. Linear regression models were found to be best fit and potential conflict models were developed for signalized, unsignalized and roundabout intersections. Volume transformations were applied to signalized and unsignalized conditions to develop statistical models for unconventional intersections. The pedestrian-vehicle conflicting volumes, the number of lanes that pedestrians are exposed to vehicles, the percentage of turning vehicles, and the intersection conflict location (major or minor approach) were found to be significant predictors for estimating pedestrian safety at signalized and unsignalized intersections. For roundabouts, the pedestrian-vehicle conflicting volumes, the number of lanes that pedestrians have to cross, and the intersection conflict location (major or minor approach) were found to be significant predictors. Signalized intersection models were used for bowtie and median U-turn intersections using appropriate volume transformations. The combination of signalized intersection models for the intersection area and two-way unsignalized intersection models for the ramp area of the jughandle intersections were utilized with appropriate volume transformations. These models can be used to compare alternative intersection designs and provide designers and planners with a surrogate measure of pedestrian safety level for each intersection design examined.

Análise do padrão comportamental de pedestres

Larrañaga Uriarte, Ana Margarita January 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação visa avaliar o padrão comportamental dos pedestres nos deslocamentos na cidade de Porto Alegre. É abordado a partir da base de dados provenientes da pesquisa de entrevistas domiciliares realizadas em 2003 em Porto Alegre. Para isto, caracterizaram-se os deslocamentos a pé na cidade e identificaram-se as regiões de maior e menor concentração de viagens a pé. A fim de determinar os fatores que influenciam a decisão de caminhar foram estimados modelos logit binomiais para as viagens menores que 2 km em cada uma das regiões identificadas anteriormente. As variáveis explicativas para os modelos analisados incluem características do domicílio (disponibilidade de automóvel e renda por domicílio), dos residentes (idade), das viagens (distância e motivo da viagem), da forma urbana (densidade de domicílios, densidade populacional, comprimento médio das quadras, padrão do sistema viário, tipo de uso do solo e estacionamento tarifado em área pública) e da disponibilidade de transporte coletivo na origem da viagem. Foram consideradas duas categorias de viagens: viagens por motivo trabalho/estudo e viagens por motivo não trabalho/estudo (motivos recreacionais, compras, saúde, assuntos pessoais e outros). Os resultados do estudo mostram que características sócio-econômicas dos residentes, características das viagens e da forma urbana influenciam a escolha do modo a pé. Analisando os valores de elasticidade obtidos para as duas categorias de viagens originadas em Petrópolis e no Centro pode-se inferir que as variáveis que exercem maior influência estão relacionadas principalmente a características da viagem (distância) e à configuração física da rede viária. A análise de sensibilidade evidenciou a sensibilidade do modelo frente a alterações das variáveis estudadas. Os resultados obtidos servem de apoio para um planejamento mais adequado da mobilidade e acessibilidade dos pedestres. / This thesis aims to evaluate the pedestrians’ behavior in Porto Alegre. The study was based on a Porto Alegre household survey of 2003. During the analysis, the pedestrian trips were characterized and the traffic zones with the larger and the smaller number of pedestrian trips were identified. In order to determine the influencing factors related to the walk choice, binomial logit models were developed for trips with less than 2km in each traffic zone previously identified. The explanatory variable used in the models included the characteristics of the household (auto availability and household income), of the household members (age), of the trip (distance and purpose of the trip), of the built environment (housing units density, population density, mean block size, street patterns, land use and public parking), and transit availability in the origin of the trip. Two types of pedestrian travel were considered: work and non-work trips (shopping, health, personal purposes and others). The study results showed that socio-economic characteristics, trip characteristics and local measures of the built environment influence walk modechoice. Elasticity results for the two types of trips, with origin in “Petrópolis” and Downtown, indicate that the most influence variables are connected with trip characteristics (distance) and street design. The sensibility analysis showed the model sensibility strength under the changes introduced in the variables studied. These analysis results may provide support for a better planning for pedestrians’ mobility and accessibility.

Desenvolvimento de um simulador de pedestres considerando a interação entre pedestres e veículos

Pretto, Carlos Oliva January 2011 (has links)
O modelo apresentado neste trabalho, denominado SimPed, foi concebido para fornecer uma boa representação da interação entre pedestres e uma abordagem realista para a interação entre pedestres e veículos em ambiente urbano. O modelo apresenta uma estrutura híbrida, combinando conceitos baseados em campo de força e as abordagens baseadas regra. Pedestres e veículos são representados por agentes e os atributos das infraestruturas são definidos através de camadas estruturais. Este trabalho, apresenta também, o desenvolvimento de dois modelos preliminares ao SimPed. O primeiro modelo apresenta conceitos básicos de movimento de pedestres. O segundo refere-se aos problemas de geração de rotas dos pedestres. O modelo SimPed é um novo modelo de movimentação de pedestres, que considera a interação entre veículos e pedestres. A fim de verificar a aplicabilidade prática do SimPed, este trabalho apresenta três testes de simulação. O primeiro teste preocupa-se com a capacidade do modelo para representar a interação entre os pedestres. O segundo analisa uma travessia de pedestres, e foi concebido para investigar a influência do campo de força dos pedestres no desempenho do tráfego de veículos. O terceiro teste se preocupa com a representação da aceitação de gaps pelos pedestres. Neste teste os valores dos gaps obtidos na simulação são comparados com valores de gaps obtidos a partir de uma coleta de dados de vídeo em um local de travessia de pedestres. Os testes indicam que o modelo SimPed fornece bons fundamentos para uma representação de qualidade do processo de travessia dos pedestres. / The model presented in this work, named as SimPed, has been devised to provide a sound representation of interaction among pedestrians and a more realistic approach for interaction between pedestrians and vehicles. The model presents a hybrid structure, combining force field and rule based approaches. Pedestrians and vehicles assume an agent based representation and the attributes of the infrastructure are defined by several structural layers. This work presents the development of 2 preliminary models and the SimPed model. The first model concerns about basic concepts of pedestrians’ movement. The second one concerns about the pedestrians’ path generation problem. The SimPed model is a new pedestrian’s movement model with vehicle and pedestrians interaction capabilities. In order to verify the practical applicability of the SimPed, this work presents three simulation tests. The first test concerns the capacity of the model to represent interaction among pedestrians. The second analyses a pedestrian crossing environment, and was devised to investigate the influence of the force-based parameter on traffic performance. The third simulation test is concerned with pedestrians´ gap acceptance representation. In this test gap acceptance values obtained from simulation are compared with gap values obtained from a video data collection of pedestrians at a crossing facility. The tests indicate that the model structure and its calibration resources provide good grounds for sound representations of realistic conditions.

Estrutura urbana e viagens a pé / Urban structure and walking trips

Larrañaga Uriarte, Ana Margarita January 2012 (has links)
Planejadores têm recomendado políticas de uso do solo e desenho urbano visando à promoção do transporte não motorizado e a consequente redução do uso do automóvel. A grande parte destes estudos foi desenvolvida em países industrializados. Em cidades em desenvolvimento, com rápido crescimento urbano, e problemas de transporte intensificados, tais como congestionamento e poluição do ar, qual o impacto que é possível esperar de mudanças na estrutura urbana no padrão de viagens a pé? Esta tese pretende responder essa questão no contexto de América Latina, focando o estudo na cidade de Porto Alegre, Brasil. O desenvolvimento do trabalho ocorre através de cinco etapas, que são apresentadas em formato de artigos. Os artigos procuram analisar através de diferentes abordagens e diferentes fontes de dados a interação entre estrutura urbana e viagens a pé. Assim, em alguns artigos os dados de viagens são coletados através de questionários domiciliares realizados especificamente para fins do estudo, em outros, são utilizados dados de pesquisas domiciliares Origem- Destino realizadas em Porto Alegre. Os dados da estrutura urbana analisados são de dois tipos: (i) subjetivos percebidos pelos entrevistados, e (ii) objetivos, medidos e processados através de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (GIS). Os resultados obtidos apontam que existe uma relação entre estrutura urbana e viagens a pé. Ainda, a relação existente é primariamente uma função das características socioeconômicas dos viajantes, e, secundariamente, função da estrutura urbana. Dentre as características urbanas, densidade populacional, padrão viário em forma de grelha, topografia pouco acentuada e comércios e serviços próximos à residência mostraram ser as mais significativas. Resultados similares foram obtidos em estudos realizados em cidades em desenvolvimento, como é o caso de Santiago (Chile), Bogotá (Colômbia) e São Carlos (Brasil). Efeitos decorrentes de mudanças na estrutura urbana serão positivos. Porém, efeitos maiores serão obtidos, provavelmente, por políticas que tornem a posse do carro menos desejável ou mais cara. Enquanto no longo prazo os esforços devem ser dirigidos à construção de estruturas urbanas que melhor acomodem e estimulem a realização de viagens a pé, no curto prazo deve ser destacada a importância de ações que influenciem a atitude e as percepções das pessoas sobre a caminhada. / Researchers have studied the impact of policies for land use and urban design in order to promote non-motorized trips and the consequent reduction in car use. However, the majority of these studies had been performed in cities of developed countries. In developing countries, cities undergo rapid urban growth, fast increase in car ownership rates and this enhanced transportation problems such as congestion and air pollution. This dissertation aims to better understand what impact can be expected from changes in urban structure in the pattern of walking trips, in the context of Latin-American city such as Porto Alegre, Brazil. The research conducted in this dissertation is structured in five stages, which are presented in the form of five scientific papers. These articles seek to analyze through different approaches and different data sources, the interaction between urban structure and walking trips. Thus, in some of them travel data were collected through household surveys, which were conducted specifically for this study, while in others, data from household surveys obtained from the Origin-Destination Study for the City of Porto Alegre was used. The data about the urban structure analyzed are of two types: (i) subjective perceived by respondents, and (ii) objective, measured and processed using Geographic Information System (GIS). The results indicate that there is a relationship between urban structure and walking trips. Though, this relationship is primarily a function of socioeconomic characteristics of travelers and secondarily a function of urban structure. Among the urban characteristics that favor walking trips, the following proved to be the most significant: population density, road pattern in a grid, topography without high slopes, and shops and services close to home. Similar results were obtained in studies conducted in developing cities, such as Santiago (Chile), Bogotá (Colombia) and San Carlos (Brazil). Effects arising from changes in the urban structure will be positive. However, larger effects are obtained, probably due to policies that make car ownership less desirable or more expensive. While the long-term efforts should be directed to the construction of urban structures that better accommodate and encourage walking trips, in the short term should be highlighted the importance of actions that influence individual’s attitudes and perceptions towards walk.

Método para avaliar o risco potencial de atropelamentos em travessias urbanas em meio de quadra

Diógenes, Mara Chagas January 2008 (has links)
A alta ocorrência de atropelamentos nas áreas urbanas acarreta altos custos econômicos e sociais. Por isso, é importante a adoção de medidas de segurança viária que visem previnir e mitigar os riscos de acidentes envolvendo pedestres. Para que essas medidas sejam eficazes, sua escolha deve estar embasada em informações sobre onde, como e porque os atropelamentos acontecem. Uma forma de obtenção dessas informações envolve as avaliações de risco. Este trabalho propõe um método de avaliação de risco potencial de atropelamentos em travessias urbanas em meio de quadra. O método proposto incorpora análises quantitativas e qualitativas através de técnicas de modelagem que relacionam a incidência de atropelamentos e a percepção de risco dos pedestres com os fatores de risco. A aplicação do método envolveu a análise dos dados de atropelamentos registrados na cidade de Porto Alegre durante o período de 1998 e 2006 e a identificação das travessias em meio de quadra onde ocorreu o maior número de atropelamentos nesse período. Foram identificadas e, então, analisadas 21 travessias em meio de quadra. A análise das travessias incluiu a coleta de dados referentes aos fatores de risco e uma simulação de vídeo, onde pedestres e especialistas avaliaram as travessias no que concerne a sua segurança. A partir dos dados coletados, foram construídos dois modelos de regressão, um embasado em dados de ocorrência de atropelamentos e outro em dados de percepção de risco. A análise desses modelos mostrou que o risco de atropelamento é influenciado por uma combinação de fatores de risco, entre os quais as características do transporte coletivo, a largura da via, o número de faixas de tráfego de veículos, o volume de pedestres e de veículos. Ressalta-se que os modelos construídos podem ser utilizados para relativizar o risco observado e percebido de travessias em meio de quadra de Porto Alegre e fornecer indicativos para o gerenciamento da segurança dos pedestres. O estudo de caso mostrou que a aplicação do método proposto é simples, sendo possível a sua transferência a realidades onde há escassez de dados e recursos para sua obtenção. / The high occurrence of pedestrian crashes in urban areas results in high social and economic costs. To address this problem, it is important to adopt countermeasures that aim to prevent and reduce the risk of pedestrian crash. In order to obtain efficient countermeasures, their selection must be based on information of where, when and why the pedestrian crashes occur. This information can be obtained through risk evaluation. This dissertation proposes a method to evaluate the potential risk of pedestrian crash at midblock crosswalks. The proposed method incorporates quantitative and qualitative analyses, using modeling techniques to understand the relationship of risk factors with pedestrian crash occurrence and the relationship of risk factors with pedestrian risk perception. The method application comprised the analysis of reported pedestrian crashes in the city of Porto Alegre, in southern Brazil, over the period of 1998 to 2006 and the identification of midblock crosswalks with the highest incidence of pedestrian crash. Twenty one midblock crosswalks were indentified and, then analyzed. The crosswalks’ analysis included data collection about risk factors and video simulations. During the video simulations, pedestrians and experts evaluated the crosswalks’ safety. Two regression models were developed using the data collected, one based on pedestrian crash occurrence and one based on risk perception data. The analysis of models showed that pedestrian crash risk is influenced by a combination of risk factors, such as public transportation characteristics, road width, number of through lanes, pedestrian and vehicle volumes. The developed models can be used to relativize the observed and perceived risk of midblock crosswalks in Porto Alegre and to provide information to the pedestrian safety management. The case study results showed that the application of the proposed method is simple and it is possible to use it on real world cases where data and resources to obtain such data are scarce.

Análise do padrão comportamental de pedestres

Larrañaga Uriarte, Ana Margarita January 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação visa avaliar o padrão comportamental dos pedestres nos deslocamentos na cidade de Porto Alegre. É abordado a partir da base de dados provenientes da pesquisa de entrevistas domiciliares realizadas em 2003 em Porto Alegre. Para isto, caracterizaram-se os deslocamentos a pé na cidade e identificaram-se as regiões de maior e menor concentração de viagens a pé. A fim de determinar os fatores que influenciam a decisão de caminhar foram estimados modelos logit binomiais para as viagens menores que 2 km em cada uma das regiões identificadas anteriormente. As variáveis explicativas para os modelos analisados incluem características do domicílio (disponibilidade de automóvel e renda por domicílio), dos residentes (idade), das viagens (distância e motivo da viagem), da forma urbana (densidade de domicílios, densidade populacional, comprimento médio das quadras, padrão do sistema viário, tipo de uso do solo e estacionamento tarifado em área pública) e da disponibilidade de transporte coletivo na origem da viagem. Foram consideradas duas categorias de viagens: viagens por motivo trabalho/estudo e viagens por motivo não trabalho/estudo (motivos recreacionais, compras, saúde, assuntos pessoais e outros). Os resultados do estudo mostram que características sócio-econômicas dos residentes, características das viagens e da forma urbana influenciam a escolha do modo a pé. Analisando os valores de elasticidade obtidos para as duas categorias de viagens originadas em Petrópolis e no Centro pode-se inferir que as variáveis que exercem maior influência estão relacionadas principalmente a características da viagem (distância) e à configuração física da rede viária. A análise de sensibilidade evidenciou a sensibilidade do modelo frente a alterações das variáveis estudadas. Os resultados obtidos servem de apoio para um planejamento mais adequado da mobilidade e acessibilidade dos pedestres. / This thesis aims to evaluate the pedestrians’ behavior in Porto Alegre. The study was based on a Porto Alegre household survey of 2003. During the analysis, the pedestrian trips were characterized and the traffic zones with the larger and the smaller number of pedestrian trips were identified. In order to determine the influencing factors related to the walk choice, binomial logit models were developed for trips with less than 2km in each traffic zone previously identified. The explanatory variable used in the models included the characteristics of the household (auto availability and household income), of the household members (age), of the trip (distance and purpose of the trip), of the built environment (housing units density, population density, mean block size, street patterns, land use and public parking), and transit availability in the origin of the trip. Two types of pedestrian travel were considered: work and non-work trips (shopping, health, personal purposes and others). The study results showed that socio-economic characteristics, trip characteristics and local measures of the built environment influence walk modechoice. Elasticity results for the two types of trips, with origin in “Petrópolis” and Downtown, indicate that the most influence variables are connected with trip characteristics (distance) and street design. The sensibility analysis showed the model sensibility strength under the changes introduced in the variables studied. These analysis results may provide support for a better planning for pedestrians’ mobility and accessibility.

Kartläggning av risker med Pokémon GO

Thorsson Högfeldt, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
Pokémon GO is a popular but relatively new mobile game that came out in the summer of 2016. The idea of the game is to get the players to get outside and get about. It can be seen as positive with fresh air and exercise, but research shows that pedestrians using mobiles in traffic, for example, have a more risky behavior. Therefore, mobile users are exposed to risks such as stumble and damaging their feet or getting hit by cars. This study is a questionnaire with the purpose to survey the risks associated with playing Pokémon GO. The result shows that the players often visit or pass improper places as well as being distracted by the mobile phone and not paying full attention to their surroundings, which can for example lead to collision, There are also other risks, such as some are playing while driving a car or a bicycle, and being exposed to theft when the phone is held in the hand. / Pokémon Go är ett populärt men relativt nytt mobilspel som kom ut sommaren 2016. Idén med spelet är att få spelarna att komma ut och röra på sig. Det kan ses som positivt medfrisk luft och motion men forskning visar att fotgängare som använder mobiler i bland annat trafiken har ett mer riskfyllt beteende. Mobilanvändare utsätts därför för en del risker så som att trampa fel och skada fötterna eller bli påkörda.Denna studie är en enkätundersökning medsyftet att kartlägga de risker som finns vid spel med Pokémon GO. Resultatet visar att spelarna ofta besöker eller passerar olämpliga platser samt blir distraherade av mobilen och inte har full uppmärksamhet på sin omgivning vilket exempelvis kan leda till kollision. Det finns även andra risker, som att vissa spelar medan de kör bil eller cyklar samt att bli utsatt för stöld när mobilen hålls i handen.

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