Spelling suggestions: "subject:"performancebased"" "subject:"performance.based""
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Prestationsbaserad självkänsla, kompensatoriska strategier och återhämtning i det gränslösa arbetetLukina, Victoria January 2008 (has links)
<p>Gränslöst arbete innebär att ansvaret ligger hos individen och denne själv kan bestämma var, hur och när arbetet ska utföras. Prestationsbaserad självkänsla bidrar till utmattning och sömnsvårigheter och att använda sig av kompensatoriska strategier är ett sätt att hantera gränslösheten. Syftet med studien var att undersöka sambanden mellan prestationsbaserad självkänsla, strategier och återhämtning bland personer med gränslöst arbete. En enkätundersökning genomfördes. Deltagare var 93 män och 47 kvinnor som arbetar på ett privat företag inom säkerhet och utbildning. Variabler testades i multipla regressioner. Resultaten visade att prestationsbaserad självkänsla och användning av kompensatoriska strategier hade en negativ påverkan på återhämtning medan gränslöst arbete hade en positiv effekt. Detta indikerar att gränslöst arbete i sig snarare är en frihet än krav.</p> / <p>Boundaryless work means that the individual himself decides where, how and when to perform his work. Performance-based self-esteem contributes to exhaustion and using compensatory strategies is a way to handle the boundarylessness. The purpose of this study was to examine the relations between performance-based self-esteem, strategies and recovery among people with boundaryless work. A questionnaire study was carried out. The participants were 93 men and 47 women working in a private company with safety and education. Variables were tested in multiple regressions. The results showed that performance-based self-esteem and use of compensatory strategies had negative influence on recovery, while boundaryless work had a positive effect. This indicates that boundaryless work itself is considered more of a freedom than a demand.</p>
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Comparison of Two Methods for the Assessment of Chloride Ion Penetration in Concrete: A Field StudyRyan, Eric William 01 August 2011 (has links)
The currently accepted method for assessing the resistance of concrete to penetration of chloride ions is ASTM C1202, commonly known as the “Rapid Chloride Permeability (RCP) Test.” The test is time-consuming, laborious, has rather high variability, and, is to a degree, user sensitive, making it problematic for inclusion in a performance-based specification. A potential alternative to the RCP test is the “Surface Resistivity (SR) Test”, a method which is dramatically easier, faster, and has less variability than the RCP test. The research reported herein was directed toward determining a correlation between RCP and SR test measurements for Tennessee bridge deck concrete, based on cylinders collected from concrete bridge decks being constructed across the state, and evaluating the appropriateness of the SR test as an alternative to the RCP test for inclusion in a performance-based specification. Results of the testing showed a clear correlation between the two methods and identified potential limits for possible inclusion in a performance-based specification.
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Performance-Based Reliability Analysis and Code Calibration for RC Column Subject to Vehicle CollisionSharma, Hrishikesh 2012 May 1900 (has links)
Infrastructure and transportation facilities have increased rapidly over the years. The progress has been accompanied by an increasing number of vehicle collisions with structures. This type of collision might lead to the damage, and often, collapse of the structure. In reinforced concrete (RC) structures, columns are usually the most vulnerable members exposed to collisions. However, the existing design guidelines and provisions for protection of these members against collision of vehicles are not adequate. In particular, the desired behavior and the associated performance levels of a structure during a vehicle collision are not defined. Therefore, there is need to assess the vulnerability of structures against such collisions.
This research aims to develop a framework for the performance-based analysis and design of RC columns subject to vehicle impact. It helps mitigate maximum damage and achieve an economical design. The current research takes into account performance-based analysis and design as opposed to only collapse prevention design. The performance level is tied to the impact levels to estimate the reliability of the RC column for the desired performance objectives. The performance-based probabilistic models for estimating shear resistance of RC column and shear demand on RC column are developed. The reliability of the RC column subject for selected performance levels is evaluated. The performance levels are tied to impact demand and load and resistance factors are proposed to achieve desired performance objectives of the RC column subject to vehicle collision.
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Att anställa en chef : Svenska platsannonsers utveckling de senaste tio årenAndersson, Henrik, Hildonen, Mattis January 2008 (has links)
Rekrytering är en viktig komponent för alla organisationer oavsett om det handlar om ett företag, ett fotbollslag, en sekt eller dylikt. Det är i grund och botten rekrytering som skapar en organisation. Ledare är viktiga personer för ett företag, det är de som sammanfogar de anställda, driver företaget framåt och utgör stommen i en organisation. Vi har valt att sammanfoga dessa två genom att undersöka hur företag rekryterar ledare genom platsannonser; dess utformning och hur de har utvecklats över de senaste tio åren. Utifrån befintlig rekryteringsteori har vi, för att underlätta en kvantifiering av platsannonserna, utformat en analysmodell som kategoriserar den teoretiska utvecklingen i tre olika generationer. Generation ett syftar bakåt i tiden och letar efter färdigheter och erfarenheter, annonser som faller under generation två fokuserar mer på relevanta personliga egenskaper medan generation tre blickar framåt och ser vad personen i fråga kan uträtta. I en kvantitativ analys av platsannonser i Dagens Nyheter fann vi först och främst att vår kategorisering var relevant. Vi fann vidare att utvecklingen tenderar att följa vår indelning, från generation ett, mot generation två till generation tre som dock ännu inte fått något större genomslag. Internetboomen i samhället har öppnat upp för en stor del annonser som i princip endast länkar till företagens hemsida.
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Betydelsen av prestationsbaserad självkänsla för utbränning bland prestationssträvande högpresterareAndersson, Åsa January 2008 (has links)
Utbränning är ett högaktuellt ämne i dagens samhälle där fokus ligger på individens prestationer. Denna studies syfte var att undersöka om högpresterande individer bygger sin självkänsla på prestationer och om detta i sin tur har betydelse för utbränning. Ytterligare syfte var att undersöka om utbränning bland högpresterare med prestationsbaserad självkänsla var lika utbrett bland båda könen. I undersökningen deltog 66 tjänstemän från ett tillverkningsföretag i Mellansverige. En enkät sammanställdes av de tre befintliga och utprövade skalorna; Karolinskas utbrändhetsformulär, The Performance Based Self-esteem Scale samt en del av The Jenkins Activity Survey. Resultaten visade att prestationsbaserad självkänsla predicerade högpresterare samt att högpresterare predicerade utbränning. Även att vara kvinna predicerade utbränning. Detta visar vikten av att ta hänsyn till personalens individuella skillnader.
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車両衝突を受ける橋梁用鋼製防護柵の材料ひずみ速度効果と性能照査に関する研究伊藤, 義人, ITOH, Yoshito, 劉, 斌, LIU, Bin, 宇佐見, 康一, USAMI, Koichi, 草間, 竜一, KUSAMA, Ryuichi, 貝沼, 重信, KAINUMA, Shigenobu 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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The effect of talk and instructional mode on enhancing secondary English students’ interpretation of, response to, and appreciation for short fictionNickerson, Warren Thor 29 September 2006 (has links)
Reading practices in high school English language arts should lead students to write richer, more developed responses to literature. Teacher-led, reflective, and performance-based instructional modes were combined with either talk or writing to produce six activities for enhancing response. A repeated measures design varied the order of the six learning activities for three classes (n=44) in a Midwest suburban high school. Later written responses were scored for interpretation, response, and appreciation. Pearson correlations revealed the task and criteria were reliable. Analyses of variance (ANOVA) found that for interpretation and response, talking led to higher achievement. Conversely, writing was nearly superior to talk for appreciation. Practice and feedback may be more significant than instructional condition for raising the quality of response. / February 2007
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A Two-Phase Maintenance and Rehabilitation Framework for Pavement Assets under Performance Based ContractsAlyami, Zaid January 2012 (has links)
Traditional Canadian pavement construction contracts provide detailed specifications for the work that needs to be carried out. This is the case for both maintenance and rehabilitation contracts. However, for many road agencies around the world, this traditional way of contracting had shortcomings. These agencies have been proactive in changing their contracts to maintain the road networks while reducing the cost. The challenge of maintaining the road networks to the highest possible condition while investing the minimal amount of money has promoted innovative contracting approaches. Furthermore, road agencies have increased the private sector involvement through warranty contracts. According to road agencies around the world, there has been a movement over the last two decades towards Performance Based Contracts (PBCs); a long term warranty contract.
In PBCs, the client agency specifies certain clearly defined minimal performance measures to be met or exceeded during the contract period and payments are explicitly linked to the contractor successfully meeting or exceeding those performance measures. Therefore, the PBC maintenance and rehabilitation selection differs significantly from that of traditional asset management contracts and more complex due to the pavement deterioration process and probability of failure to achieve the specified level of service for various performance measures along the contract period.
This thesis involves the development of a novel framework that facilitates the selection of maintenance and rehabilitation activities for pavement assets under PBCs. The framework consists of two phases. Phase-One, called the Initial Program, uses historical data, performance modeling, and optimization to establish and select the maintenance and rehabilitation program for the bidding stage. Phase-Two, called Project Asset Management, is implemented after the contract is awarded. This phase uses the contract performance monitoring data and the cost estimate from Phase-One as a baseline budget to update and validate the established program through performance modeling and optimization. A case study using data from the Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) second generation Pavement Management System (PMS2) is used to illustrate the framework.
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"Prestationsbaserad självkänsla och åldrande" : - En analys / "Performance-based self-esteem and aging" : - AnalysisRylander, Ann-Sofi January 2012 (has links)
Abstrakt Studien fokuserade begreppet prestationsbaserad självkänsla (PBS) och åldrande. PBS betraktades som ett samtida problem som kan komma att öka och aktualiseras i takt med att vi åldras, då vi blir mindre benägna att prestera. Med ett ökat antal äldre och få studier som belyser PBS i relation till åldrandet och dess inverkan, ansågs temat viktigt att utforska vidare.Syftet var att öka förståelsen för prestationsbaserad självkänsla, dess effekter och eventuella koppling till psykisk ohälsa hos äldre.Utifrån en explorativ och deskriptiv ansats i form av en litteraturstudie, användes en induktiv innehållsanalys i studiet av sex vetenskapliga texter.Resultatet visade sammantaget på att PBS främst tycks ha en negativ inverkan, med en ökad sårbarhet för stress och psykisk ohälsa samt en högre konfliktgrad i nära relationer. PBS benämns som beständig och torde kunna påverka i åldrandet. Uppväxtmiljö och socioekonomisk bakgrund kan inverka i utvecklandet av PBS och vidare forskning föreslogs.
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Värdering av en stressad livssituationLarsson, Lina January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine if performance-based self-esteem, personality (Type A), perceived stress, age and gender predict the value of own or others life-stress (VLS). The aim was also to examine whether the variables were correlated significantly with each other. The investigation was conducted in a town in the mid-south of Sweden. The instrument consisted of two forms where the first measured Type A personality and the second tapped perform-ance-based self-esteem, perceived stress and the level of life-stress. The results showed that the level of life-stress could explain, on the basis of the predictors, performance-based self-esteem, personality (Type A), perceived stress, age and gender. Perceived stress was signifi-cantly correlated with VLS when Spearman’s test was performed but it was not a significant predictor in the MRA. Performance-based self-esteem and perceived stress were higher among the younger participants. Gender differences were found where men valued a higher level of a stressed life situation, more than women. The results also showed that a higher score on Type-A behavior resulted in a higher value of a stressed life situation.
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