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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An exploration of the intergenerational relationships between young adults and older people in the Khuma community / Thato Palesa Penelope Mabaso

Mabaso, Thato Palesa Penelope January 2011 (has links)
Intergenerational research aims to promote greater understanding and respect between generations and contribute to building more cohesive communities. Intergenerational relationships form part of our social make–up as they affect social interactions, the use of local spaces, opportunities to take part in public life on an equal basis with others, the degree to which people participate in community life as well as efforts to improve such life. Research indicates that what matters most for young adults and older people is the quality of the interactions taking place between them. Very little is known about the nature of the intergenerational relationships between young adults and older people in an African context. The aim of the study was therefore to explore the intergenerational relationships between young adults and older people in a rural African community. A qualitative research method was used in the study. Two groups of participants were selected though availability sampling method. The group consisted of 11 male participants between 20 to 35 years of age, 6 participants were over the age of 60 (one male and five female). The younger participants were asked to make visual representations of how they perceive the older generation by means of using the Mmogo–method. After the younger participants described their visual representations, the older participants were asked to reflect on the descriptions given by the younger participants. The older people assumed an active listening position while the young adults shared their representations. Informal group discussion was used to facilitate a process of sharing and comparing of perceptions among the participants. The data obtained from the group discussions and applying the Mmogomethod were analysed on the basis of thematic and visual analysis. The trustworthiness of the study was ensured through crystallisation. The results indicate that the relationships between young adults and older people consist of the ambivalent perceptions of the young adults and mostly extreme negative perceptions of older people. As a result, the relationships between the young and old generations seem to be dissatisfying for both generations. Both young and old discover essential tensions in the relationships they create and sustain across generations. Intergenerational tensions may not be so easily identified or concretely observable in everyday behaviour, attitudes, and emotions. But, consistent with the dialectical framework, it is part of all intergenerational relationships at some level. Identifying these underlying tensions is important so that we do not glorify or idealise the interactions of young and old whenever and wherever they occur. Solidarity is not the only outcome of intergenerational relationships; ambivalence as well as conflict is a part of the theory that has often been neglected. In view ofthe importance of intergenerational relationships between the young adults and the older people, intergenerational interventions should be planned to promote the effective negotiation of intergenerational relationships between older persons and the younger generation. / Thesis (M.A. (Research Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

The perceptions of young adult males regarding the impact of pornography on their lives

Hodgetts, Chani 16 July 2013 (has links)
Rapid technological development has lead to an increase in the accessibility of pornography. Some professionals have labelled pornography as a social issue due to the increase in accessibility and exposure to pornography. In the past, extensive research has been conducted regarding the possible impact of pornography on adolescents as well as on adults. However, there is discrepancy among professionals with regard to the impact of pornography, as it seems as if there is little agreement on what effects or impact regular pornography consumption may have on the consumer. Some researchers regard pornography as a social issue with severe ramifications for the consumer. Other researchers view pornography as harmless time-consuming activities. Therefore, it seems that inadequate research was previously done to investigate what impact regular exposure to or consumption of pornography may have on the consumer’s life. Young adulthood is considered a crucial phase in human development. Critical developmental tasks such as reaching emotional and financial independence, defining morals, values and principles, establishing intimacy and dedication, choosing a life partner and having children and raise them, are prevalent during this life phase. There is little existing research regarding the impact of pornography on males in this life phase. The hypothesis was made that: should pornography consumption lead to any hindrance in the acquisition of any developmental tasks during this specific life phase, that it may have an effect on the person in a later life phase. The researcher thus endeavoured to address the gap by looking specifically at the possible impact of pornography on young adult males, but the researcher also attempted to contribute to the existing scholarly debate regarding the impact of pornography consumption on the consumer in general. The rationale for this study emanated from the researcher’s desire to add to the existing knowledge base, and to inform professionals in the therapeutic setting about the impact of pornography. The researcher undertook a qualitative, applied research study which enabled her to explore the perceptions of young adult males who have had prolonged experience to pornography consumption. Fifteen (15) young adult male participants were purposefully selected. Snowball sampling was applied as a sampling method to identify possible participants. The researcher utilised in-depth interviewing which is also known as unstructured interviewing as data collection method. One (1) openended question was directed to the participants and it was formulated as follows: “What are your perceptions as a young adult male, with regard to the impact of pornography on young adult males’ lives?” The researcher did a pilot test in order to ensure that this open-ended question provided adequate opportunity for the participants to respond unreservedly. The researcher followed the following steps during the process of data analysis: <ul> <li> Planning for the recording of data by means of audio recordings</li> <li> Managing and organising data by means of detailed transcripts and filing it in folders</li> <li> Reading and writing memos</li> <li> Generating categories, themes and patterns</li> <li> Representing, visualising and displaying the data by means of a complete research report.</li></ul> The research study revealed that pornography consumption may have a significant impact on the lives of young adult males. The following areas of the life of the young adult male were identified which may be affected by pornography consumption: <ul> <li> Self-value</li> <li> The development of a gender-identity (masculinity)</li> <li> Moral and Spiritual development</li> <li> Cognitive development</li> <li> Addiction</li> <li> Career development</li> <li> Sexual development in terms of sexual knowledge, sexual attitude and sexual behaviour</li> <li> Development of interpersonal relationships</li> <li> Development of mentors in society.</li> </ul> It was recommended that there should be improved service delivery for young adult males who are experiencing some of these effects of pornography consumption. Training for professionals and further research regarding this phenomenon will make this recommendation possible. AFRIKAANS : Snelle tegnologiese vooruitgang het ‘n verhoging in die toeganklikheid van pornografiese materiaal tot gevolg. Sekere kenners bestempel pornografie as ‘n maatskaplike probleem, juis as gevolg van die verhoging tot die blootstelling aan en toeganklikheid van hierdie materiaal. Bestaande navorsing oor hierdie fenomeen is grootliks uitgevoer met betrekking tot die moontlike impak van pornografie op adolessente en volwassenes. Dit blyk asof daar verskil in bevindinge en opinies onder professionele persone is met betrekking tot die impak van gereelde pornografiese blootstelling op die verbruiker. Sekere navorsers bestempel pornografie as ‘n maatskaplike probleem wat erge negatiewe gevolge vir die verbruiker mag inhou. Ander navorsers bestempel pornografie as onskuldige tydverdryf. Daarom blyk dit asof onvoldoende navorsing voorheen uitgevoer is om te ondersoek watter impak blootstelling aan, of verbruiking van pornografie op die verbruiker se lewe mag hê. Jong volwassenheid word as ‘n essensiële fase in menslike ontwikkeling bestempel. Kritieke ontwikkelingstake sluit onder andere die volgende in: om emosionele en finansiële onafhanklikheid te bereik, om morele waardes en beginsels te definieer, om intimiteit en toegewydheid te vestig en om ‘n lewensmaat te kies, kinders te baar en op te voed. Daar is min bestaande navorsing uitgevoer aangaande die impak van pornografie op mans in hierdie lewensfase. Die hipotese was soos volg geformuleer: sou pornografie tot enige obstruksie in die bereiking van enige van die ontwikkelingstake gedurende hierdie spesifieke lewensfase lei, dit ‘n effek op ‘n persoon in ‘n latere lewensfase mag hê. Die navorser het dus gepoog, om die gaping in bestaande navorsing oor die moontlike impak van pornografie op die jong volwassse man aan te spreek, maar die navorser het ook gepoog om ‘n bydrae tot die bestaande akademiese debat, met betrekking tot die impak van pornografie op die verbruiker in die algemeen, te lewer. Die motivering vir hierdie studie het uit die navorser se begeerte om ‘n bydrae tot die bestaande kennisbasis te lewer en om professionele persone in die terapeutiese omgewing rakende die impak van pornografie in te lig, ontstaan. Die navorser het ‘n kwalitatiewe, toegepaste navorsingstudie onderneem, wat haar in staat gestel het om die persepsies van jong volwasse mans wat ervaring met langdurige verbruik van pornografie het, te verken. Vyftien (15) jong volwasse mans was doelgerig vir deelname aan die studie geselekteer. Sneeubal-steekproef is as steekproefmetode toegepas om moontlike deelnemers aan die studie te identifiseer. Die navorser het van in-diepte onderhoudvoering, wat ook bekend staan as ongestruktureerde onderhoudvoering, as data insamelingsmetode gebruik gemaak. Een (1) oop vraag is soos volg aan die deelnemers gestel: “Wat is jou persepsies as jong volwasse man met berekking tot die impak van pornografie op jong volwasse mans?” Die navorser het ‘n voorondersoek uitgevoer om te verseker dat hierdie oop vraag voldoende geleentheid vir deelnemers skep om onbeperk te reageer. Die navorser het die volgende stappe tydens die proses van data-analise geneem: <ul> <li> Beplanning vir die opneem van data deur middel van oudio-opnames</li> <li> Bestuur en organisering van data deur middel van gedetaileerde transkripsies en die liasering daarvan in lêers</li> <li> Lees en skryf van memmo’s</li> <li>Generering van kategorieë, temas en patrone</li> <li> Verteenwoordiging, visualisering en voorstelling van data deur middel van ‘n volledige navorsingsverslag.</li></ul> Die navorsingstudie het getoon dat die verbruik van pornografie, ‘n kenmerkende impak op die lewe van jong volwasse mans mag hê. Sekere areas in die lewe van die jong volwasse man wat deur die blootstelling aan pornografie beïnvloed kan word, sluit onder andere die volgende in: <ul> <li> Die self-waarde</li> <li>Die ontwikkeling van ‘n gelsagsrol-identiteit (manlikheid)</li> <li> Morele en spirituele ontwikkeling</li> <li> Kognitiewe ontwikkeling</li> <li> Verslawing</li> <li> Loopbaan ontwikkeling</li> <li> Seksuele ontwikkeling in terme van seksuele kennis, seksuele houding en seksuele gedrag</li> <li> Ontwikkeling van interpersoonlike verhoudings</li> <li> Ontwikkeling van mentors in die samelewing</li> </ul> Aanbevelings, in terme van verbeterde en ingeligte dienslewering aan jong volwasse mans waarvan sommige van hierdie effekte van pornografieverbruik presenteer, was gemaak. Opleiding van professionele persone en verdere navorsing met betrekking tot hierdie fenomeen sal die realisering van die aanbeveling moontlik maak. / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Professional nurses' perceptions of the skills required to render comprehensive primary health care services / Modiane Salamina Hlahane

Hlahane, Modiane Salamina January 2003 (has links)
In South Africa professional nurses undergo training which gives them different levels of skills. It is difficult for professional nurses to render comprehensive primary health care services without specific knowledge and skills. Some lack skills in preventative and promotive health care delivery; others are not trained to take care of a pregnant woman or a baby after delivery, or of a mental health patient; while yet others are only curatively oriented. It is possible that they do not recognise their own limitations and are not aware of the skills needed to render comprehensive primary health care services. Their perceptions could influence their practice and severely affect the quality of health services. The aim of this research was to explore and describe the perceptions that professional nurses working in primary health care clinics have of the skills required to render quality comprehensive primary health care services, and the perceptions they have of their own level of skills to render quality comprehensive primary health care services, as well as to formulate guidelines for the facilitation of trained professional nurses to truly render quality comprehensive primary health care services. A qualitative design was followed. Permission was obtained from the Potchefstroom District Health Manager to conduct this research. Purposive voluntary sampling was used to identify the three samples who complied with the set selection criteria. Data collection was done by means of semi-structured interviews. Experts in qualitative research evaluated the semi-structured interview schedule. A trial run was done and the interview schedule was then finalised to conduct the interviews. The interviews were recorded on audiotape and then transcribed. The interviewer made field notes to serve as an analytical basis for the collected data. Data was collected until data saturation was achieved. Data analysis was done by means of open coding. A co-coder was appointed and two consensus meetings took place. The findings indicated that professional nurses perceive the skills required to render quality comprehensive primary health care services as the ability to assess, diagnose and manage patients, as well as specific skills acquired during the various nurse training programmes. The more comprehensively trained, the more competent they feel. The less comprehensively trained, the more negative they experience their work. They view their own level of skills as ranging from adequate to lacking and inadequate, depending on their training. They feel that it is impo~ant to develop skills ranging from computer skills to the full range of skills. The conclusions drawn are that the professional nurses with different training and levels of skills are well aware of the skills required to re.nder comprehensive primary health care services. They maintain that trained professional nurses need qualifications in General Nursing, Midwifery, Community Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing and Clinical Nursing Science, and Health Assessment, Treatment and Care. The professional nurses with all five qualifications feel confident and enjoy their work, whereas those who are not fully trained lack certain skills and experience negative feelings working in the primary health care clinics. Recommendations are made for nursing education, nursing research and nursing practice with specific reference to the formulation of guidelines for the facilitation of trained professional nurses to truly render comprehensive primary health care services, with a focus on quality control, orientation, mentoring, planning of training, support systems, and consultancy. / Thesis (M.Cur.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2003

Potensiële vrywilligers se persepsie van die foto's op Médecins sans Frontières se webtuiste / Judette Olivier

Olivier, Judette January 2014 (has links)
Nuwe kommunikasie- en inligtingstegnologie vorm ’n individu se persepsies en hoe hulle ’n spesifieke organisasie sien. MSF Suid-Afrika se webtuiste (met spesifieke verwysing na die foto’s wat gebruik word op die webtuiste) is een van die kommunikasie- en inligtingstegnologieë wat ’n invloed sal hê op die persepsies van die organisasie se belangegroepe. MSF moet krities dink oor die foto’s wat hulle op hulle webtuiste plaas, aangesien dit moontlik die kommunikasie tussen die vrywilligers en die organisasie, sowel as die persepsies van vrywilligers, kan beïnvloed. Dit is van belang vir MSF om deur die foto’s wat hulle op MSF Suid-Afrika se webtuiste plaas die publiek in te lig oor die omstandighede van die populasie waarbinne die veldwerkers werk. Persepsies rig denke en besluite – problematiese uitdagings kan ontstaan indien hierdie persepsies in kontras staan met die persepsies wat MSF graag wil vorm met die gebruik van foto’s op hulle webtuiste. Die studie fokus vervolgens op die persepsies van potensiële vrywilligers van MSF, met spesifieke fokus op die foto’s gebruik op MSF Suid-Afrika se webtuiste. Die algemene doelstelling van hierdie studie is om vanuit ’n organisasiemediabestuursperspektief te bepaal watter rol foto’s op MSF Suid-Afrika se webtuiste speel in die persepsievorming tydens kommunikasie met potensiële vrywilligers as belangegroep. Die hoof bevindinge van die studie toon dat foto’s ’n rol speel om betekenis by te dra tot kommunikasie met belangegroepe, en dat die impak van die foto’s op MSF se webtuiste ’n rol speel in potensiële vrywilligers se persepsievorming. MSF kan meer fokus op die rol wat foto’s in die kommunikatiewe proses speel. Potensiële vrywilligers het verder aangetoon dat hulle meer persoonlike aandag vanaf MSF wil hê. Daar is ook gevind dat dit van belang is dat MSF se webtuiste visueel aanloklik moet wees en dat die foto’s wat op die webtuiste gebruik word akkuraat en geloofwaardig moet wees. MSF se sukses kan verbeter as hulle meer aandag aan potensiële vrywilligers gee. Respondente het verskillende voorstelle gemaak vir hoe MSF meer vrywilligers kan werf. Die studie dra by tot die belangegroepbestuur tussen MSF Suid- Afrika en hulle potensiële vrywilligers. Dit bied aan MSF Suid-Afrika geleentheid om beter te verstaan wat ’n steekproef van potensiële vrywilligers tans dink van die gebruik van foto’s op hulle webtuiste. / MA (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Professional nurses' perceptions of the skills required to render comprehensive primary health care services / Modiane Salamina Hlahane

Hlahane, Modiane Salamina January 2003 (has links)
In South Africa professional nurses undergo training which gives them different levels of skills. It is difficult for professional nurses to render comprehensive primary health care services without specific knowledge and skills. Some lack skills in preventative and promotive health care delivery; others are not trained to take care of a pregnant woman or a baby after delivery, or of a mental health patient; while yet others are only curatively oriented. It is possible that they do not recognise their own limitations and are not aware of the skills needed to render comprehensive primary health care services. Their perceptions could influence their practice and severely affect the quality of health services. The aim of this research was to explore and describe the perceptions that professional nurses working in primary health care clinics have of the skills required to render quality comprehensive primary health care services, and the perceptions they have of their own level of skills to render quality comprehensive primary health care services, as well as to formulate guidelines for the facilitation of trained professional nurses to truly render quality comprehensive primary health care services. A qualitative design was followed. Permission was obtained from the Potchefstroom District Health Manager to conduct this research. Purposive voluntary sampling was used to identify the three samples who complied with the set selection criteria. Data collection was done by means of semi-structured interviews. Experts in qualitative research evaluated the semi-structured interview schedule. A trial run was done and the interview schedule was then finalised to conduct the interviews. The interviews were recorded on audiotape and then transcribed. The interviewer made field notes to serve as an analytical basis for the collected data. Data was collected until data saturation was achieved. Data analysis was done by means of open coding. A co-coder was appointed and two consensus meetings took place. The findings indicated that professional nurses perceive the skills required to render quality comprehensive primary health care services as the ability to assess, diagnose and manage patients, as well as specific skills acquired during the various nurse training programmes. The more comprehensively trained, the more competent they feel. The less comprehensively trained, the more negative they experience their work. They view their own level of skills as ranging from adequate to lacking and inadequate, depending on their training. They feel that it is impo~ant to develop skills ranging from computer skills to the full range of skills. The conclusions drawn are that the professional nurses with different training and levels of skills are well aware of the skills required to re.nder comprehensive primary health care services. They maintain that trained professional nurses need qualifications in General Nursing, Midwifery, Community Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing and Clinical Nursing Science, and Health Assessment, Treatment and Care. The professional nurses with all five qualifications feel confident and enjoy their work, whereas those who are not fully trained lack certain skills and experience negative feelings working in the primary health care clinics. Recommendations are made for nursing education, nursing research and nursing practice with specific reference to the formulation of guidelines for the facilitation of trained professional nurses to truly render comprehensive primary health care services, with a focus on quality control, orientation, mentoring, planning of training, support systems, and consultancy. / Thesis (M.Cur.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2003

Potensiële vrywilligers se persepsie van die foto's op Médecins sans Frontières se webtuiste / Judette Olivier

Olivier, Judette January 2014 (has links)
Nuwe kommunikasie- en inligtingstegnologie vorm ’n individu se persepsies en hoe hulle ’n spesifieke organisasie sien. MSF Suid-Afrika se webtuiste (met spesifieke verwysing na die foto’s wat gebruik word op die webtuiste) is een van die kommunikasie- en inligtingstegnologieë wat ’n invloed sal hê op die persepsies van die organisasie se belangegroepe. MSF moet krities dink oor die foto’s wat hulle op hulle webtuiste plaas, aangesien dit moontlik die kommunikasie tussen die vrywilligers en die organisasie, sowel as die persepsies van vrywilligers, kan beïnvloed. Dit is van belang vir MSF om deur die foto’s wat hulle op MSF Suid-Afrika se webtuiste plaas die publiek in te lig oor die omstandighede van die populasie waarbinne die veldwerkers werk. Persepsies rig denke en besluite – problematiese uitdagings kan ontstaan indien hierdie persepsies in kontras staan met die persepsies wat MSF graag wil vorm met die gebruik van foto’s op hulle webtuiste. Die studie fokus vervolgens op die persepsies van potensiële vrywilligers van MSF, met spesifieke fokus op die foto’s gebruik op MSF Suid-Afrika se webtuiste. Die algemene doelstelling van hierdie studie is om vanuit ’n organisasiemediabestuursperspektief te bepaal watter rol foto’s op MSF Suid-Afrika se webtuiste speel in die persepsievorming tydens kommunikasie met potensiële vrywilligers as belangegroep. Die hoof bevindinge van die studie toon dat foto’s ’n rol speel om betekenis by te dra tot kommunikasie met belangegroepe, en dat die impak van die foto’s op MSF se webtuiste ’n rol speel in potensiële vrywilligers se persepsievorming. MSF kan meer fokus op die rol wat foto’s in die kommunikatiewe proses speel. Potensiële vrywilligers het verder aangetoon dat hulle meer persoonlike aandag vanaf MSF wil hê. Daar is ook gevind dat dit van belang is dat MSF se webtuiste visueel aanloklik moet wees en dat die foto’s wat op die webtuiste gebruik word akkuraat en geloofwaardig moet wees. MSF se sukses kan verbeter as hulle meer aandag aan potensiële vrywilligers gee. Respondente het verskillende voorstelle gemaak vir hoe MSF meer vrywilligers kan werf. Die studie dra by tot die belangegroepbestuur tussen MSF Suid- Afrika en hulle potensiële vrywilligers. Dit bied aan MSF Suid-Afrika geleentheid om beter te verstaan wat ’n steekproef van potensiële vrywilligers tans dink van die gebruik van foto’s op hulle webtuiste. / MA (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Nurse educators' perceptions of the implementation of recognition of prior learning in nursing colleges in Limpopo Province / Tinyiko Sophie Baloyi

Baloyi, Tinyiko Sophie January 2014 (has links)
Recognition of prior learning, better known as RPL, was introduced to training institutions in South Africa after the fall of Apartheid. The objective of RPL was to redress inequalities brought about by Apartheid when disadvantaged groups had less access to training opportunities. RPL was introduced with a combination of associated training and education initiatives such as the National Qualification Framework and the South African Qualifications Authority, all directed for a similar purpose. The South African Nursing Council agreed with the principles of RPL and published a policy document aimed to guide nurse educators to enhance RPL implementation in South African nursing education institutions. Despite the support from accessible legislative and regulatory documentation, RPL is implemented insufficiently in nursing education institutions. The lack of RPL implementation was also identified by the researcher in the Limpopo College of Nursing. This College of Nursing can be described as a symbol of post-Apartheid re-integration whereby nursing colleges centralised into one administrative management office with campuses, satellite campuses and over 120 nurse educators. The research question asked was what are nurse educators’ perceptions of the implementation of RPL in nursing colleges in Limpopo Province? The aim was to support nurse educators to enhance the implementation of RPL in nursing colleges in Limpopo Province. A qualitative, phenomenological, explorative, descriptive and contextual research design was followed. Seven (n=7) individual, in-depth, unstructured interviews were conducted with nurse educators employed at the X Campus and Y Satellite Campus of the Limpopo College of Nursing. Transcribed interviews were analysed and resulted in three main themes and nine sub-themes. Firstly, the participants voiced their agreement that RPL should be implemented and identified specific benefits and challenges thereof. Secondly, there should be a RPL assessment package that should be open and transparent, be able to assess academic performance against college standards and should minimise inequalities. The third main theme was the need for enhanced awareness of RPL implementation in nursing colleges. Nurse educators lack knowledge about RPL and should therefore be more awareness thereof. In addition RPL should be promoted as a beneficial mechanism to the learning process. These results were discussed with a literature integration and in the majority of results literature confirmed these findings. Conclusion statements were formulated from the research results and served as the basis for the formulation of recommendations to support nurse educators with the implementation of RPL in nursing colleges in Limpopo Province. The recommendations were directed to firstly the policy makers in nursing education; secondly to the nursing education institutions and thirdly to the nurse educators. Areas for further research were listed. Strategies to enhance trustworthiness and the adherence of ethical considerations were supported throughout this study. / MCur, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The stress, coping and parenting experiences of mothers who gave birth by unplanned Caesarean section / Samantha Lynne van Reenen

Van Reenen, Samantha Lynne January 2012 (has links)
Pregnancy and childbirth are important life experiences in a woman’s psychosocial and psychological development. For many women, vaginal birth is still considered an integral part of being a woman and becoming a mother. Furthermore, it is thought to promote maternal well-being through helping women to match their expectations to experiences. For these women, a failed natural birth can be a psychological, psychosocial, and existential challenge that can result in significant and far-reaching consequences for their psychological wellbeing. Research, especially recent research, on the experiences of women who most wanted to, but were unable to deliver their babies naturally is relatively rare. This is surprising given the potential implications of these experiences on a mother’s emotional well-being, as well as for her feelings towards her new baby. Nevertheless, literature on the topic presents a coherent perspective on the problem and indicates that these women experience difficulties in adapting to not being able to fulfill their dream of delivering their baby naturally. There is no existing research on the subjective experiences of South African women who delivered their babies by unplanned Caesarean section. This study therefore aimed to contribute to knowledge that may fill this gap to some extent. Through purposeful sampling, ten mothers who had wanted to deliver their babies naturally, but had not been able to for whatever reason, were selected as the study sample. Various aspects of their birth experiences were explored in indepth phenomenological interviews. This allowed the researcher to probe certain aspects offered by participants in order to understand and explore their contributions in as much depth as possible. A semi-structured, open-ended approach allowed for the exploration of relevant opinions, perceptions, feelings, and comments in relation to the women’s unplanned Caesarean experiences. The transcribed data was synthesized within a framework of phenomenological theory, where women’s experiences were analyzed and explored in an attempt to understand how participants made sense of their experiences. The different aspects of women’s experiences were explored in three substudies. The results are reported in three manuscripts/articles. Research suggests that post-partum adjustment difficulties are influenced by the potentially virulent stress reactions generated in response to a perceived birth trauma. The objective of the first article was to explore women’s labour and birthing accounts with specific regard to the subsequent stress responses experienced. The stress responses experienced by the women in this study both prior to, and during the Caesarean section were predominantly anxiety-based. This was distinguished from the post-partum period, where women described having experienced more depressive symptoms. Post-traumatic stress responses are associated with negative perceptions of the birth, self and infant. The experience of adverse emotional consequences during the post-partum period can undermine a woman’s ability to successfully adapt to her role as a mother, meet the needs of her infant, and cope with post-partum challenges. The second article highlighted the possible impact of women’s unexpected and potentially traumatic childbirth experiences on initial mother-infant bonding. The unplanned Caesarean sections left mothers feeling detached from the birthing process and disconnected from their infants. Passivity, initial separation, and delayed physical contact further compromised mother-infant interaction. Postpartum physical complications and emotional disturbances have important implications for a woman’s perceptions of herself as a mother and her ability to provide for her infant, her self-esteem, and feelings of relatedness with her baby. Adverse responses to a traumatic birth experience could therefore influence the establishment of a maternal role identity, the formation of balanced maternal attachment representations, the caregiving system, and ultimately initial motherinfant bonding. In the third article, women’s experiences were contextualized in relevant coping resources and strategies. The processes occurring during a traumatic birth experience, such as during an unplanned Caesarean section, could be influenced by perceived strengths when coping with the stress related to the incident. The mothers in this study described several factors and coping strategies that they perceived to have been effective in reducing the impact of their traumatic birth experiences. These included active coping strategies, problem-focused coping strategies, and emotion-focused coping strategies. Coping strategies could result in reassessment of the birth process, and be associated with a more positive, acceptable and memorable experience. This study contributes to nursing, midwifery and psychological literature, by adding to the professional understanding of the emotional consequences of surgical delivery on South African childbearing women. This exploration therefore has important implications for preventative measures, therapeutic intervention, and professional guidance. However, the restricted sample may limit the generalizability of results. Further investigation of the experiences of a larger, more biographically and culturally diverse population could be instrumental in the development of knowledge and understanding in this field of study. / Thesis (PhD (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Pain assessment of children under five years in a primary health care setting / Mami Dorothy Taye.

Taye, Mami Dorothy January 2012 (has links)
Pain is a very common problem experienced by the general population and children in particular. It goes beyond personal suffering and affects all dimensions of the quality of life and general functioning of both adults and children, be it the physiological, psychological or financial aspects. Children may suffer from pain that may either be chronic or acute, depending on the diagnosis. Assessment of pain in children is equally important as that of adults, except that they lack the verbal fluency and cognitive development to communicate their pain. Children’s experience of pain is similar to that of adults. Pain assessment is a key aspect in the nursing management of children and delivery of care within the Primary Health Care (PHC) setting. Effective pain assessment is thus reliant on comprehensive assessment of the child and his or her pain. The aim of this research was to explore and describe practices and perceptions of professional nurses working in a PHC facility regarding pain assessment of children under five years in the Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality and to formulate recommendations for professional nurses in PHC facilities to facilitate pain assessment in PHC settings. A qualitative study design was used and data was collected with the use of focus groups. A purposive sampling was conducted to select participants who represent the target population. The sample used for the study included all the professional nurses working in PHC facilities registered with the South African Nursing Council and that have at least one year of experience. The practical training of the researcher to conduct an interview was done prior to the actual research. A pilot focus group was conducted and the interview schedule was finalised. Semi-structured focus groups were used to obtain data from the participants. The researcher conducted 6 focus group interviews attended by 32 professional nurses. Data was collected until data saturation was achieved. Trustworthiness was ensured in accordance with the principles of credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability. Data was captured on a digital voice recorder and transcribed verbatim. Field notes were taken during each focus group. Data analysis was done by means of content analysis by the researcher and an independent co-coder. After consensus and saturation, three major themes emerged. Each theme was identified and divided into sub-themes and was consequently discussed together with the relevant data obtained from literature. The findings indicated that professional nurses perceive the assessment of pain in children under five years as a challenge. The combination of signs and symptoms to make decisions with pain assessment was identified as an area of concern. The participants further p erceived the history provided by the parent as important in the process of pain assessment. The conclusions drawn are that the professional nurses acknowledge that they don’t take sufficient notice of pain in children under five, which means that children with pain are neglected. Professional nurses maintain that there is a need for sufficient pain assessment and the need for guidelines and tools to assess pain in children under five, especially in the PHC setting. These professional nurses support the availability of guidelines to assist them to conduct effective and comprehensive pain assessment. The research report concluded with the researcher’s recommendations for nursing education, nursing research and nursing practice with specific formulation of guidelines for the facilitation of professional nurses to truly render effective and comprehensive pain assessment in PHC settings. / Thesis (MCur)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Nurse educators' perceptions of the implementation of recognition of prior learning in nursing colleges in Limpopo Province / Tinyiko Sophie Baloyi

Baloyi, Tinyiko Sophie January 2014 (has links)
Recognition of prior learning, better known as RPL, was introduced to training institutions in South Africa after the fall of Apartheid. The objective of RPL was to redress inequalities brought about by Apartheid when disadvantaged groups had less access to training opportunities. RPL was introduced with a combination of associated training and education initiatives such as the National Qualification Framework and the South African Qualifications Authority, all directed for a similar purpose. The South African Nursing Council agreed with the principles of RPL and published a policy document aimed to guide nurse educators to enhance RPL implementation in South African nursing education institutions. Despite the support from accessible legislative and regulatory documentation, RPL is implemented insufficiently in nursing education institutions. The lack of RPL implementation was also identified by the researcher in the Limpopo College of Nursing. This College of Nursing can be described as a symbol of post-Apartheid re-integration whereby nursing colleges centralised into one administrative management office with campuses, satellite campuses and over 120 nurse educators. The research question asked was what are nurse educators’ perceptions of the implementation of RPL in nursing colleges in Limpopo Province? The aim was to support nurse educators to enhance the implementation of RPL in nursing colleges in Limpopo Province. A qualitative, phenomenological, explorative, descriptive and contextual research design was followed. Seven (n=7) individual, in-depth, unstructured interviews were conducted with nurse educators employed at the X Campus and Y Satellite Campus of the Limpopo College of Nursing. Transcribed interviews were analysed and resulted in three main themes and nine sub-themes. Firstly, the participants voiced their agreement that RPL should be implemented and identified specific benefits and challenges thereof. Secondly, there should be a RPL assessment package that should be open and transparent, be able to assess academic performance against college standards and should minimise inequalities. The third main theme was the need for enhanced awareness of RPL implementation in nursing colleges. Nurse educators lack knowledge about RPL and should therefore be more awareness thereof. In addition RPL should be promoted as a beneficial mechanism to the learning process. These results were discussed with a literature integration and in the majority of results literature confirmed these findings. Conclusion statements were formulated from the research results and served as the basis for the formulation of recommendations to support nurse educators with the implementation of RPL in nursing colleges in Limpopo Province. The recommendations were directed to firstly the policy makers in nursing education; secondly to the nursing education institutions and thirdly to the nurse educators. Areas for further research were listed. Strategies to enhance trustworthiness and the adherence of ethical considerations were supported throughout this study. / MCur, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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