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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustainable Travel Incentives Optimization in Multimodal Networks

Ghafourian, Hossein 29 October 2019 (has links)
Tripod, an integrated bi-level transportation management system, is a smartphone application from the potential user’s point of view which would be instantly accessed prior to performing the trip. Since there are constantly several alternatives for any trip, Tripod considers a series and combination of various parameters, including departure time, mode and route, and rewards for each alternative with a number of redeemable points for goods and services called “Tokens”. The framework responsible for computing the optimized number of tokens awarded to the set of available alternatives in order to minimize the system-wide energy consumption under a constrained Token budget, is the System Optimization (SO) implemented in Tripod. To do so, a higher number of tokens would be awarded to the alternatives, guaranteeing a larger energy saving, less energy consumption, alternatively. SO is multimodal whereby public transit, private car, carpooling, etc. are being considered as the potential travel modes. Furthermore, SO is dynamic, predictive and personalized: the same alternative is rewarded differently, depending on the current and predicted future condition of the network and on the individual’s profile. In order to solve this problem, a multimodal simulation-based optimization model will be elaborated.


Romualdo Novais, Luciano 03 June 2019 (has links)
[ES] La Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro se define como un conjunto de acciones que permiten a las empresas gestionar, planificar y controlar sus operaciones como una forma de facilitar la colaboración entre los miembros de la Cadena de Suministro. Para ser más eficaces y eficientes, las empresas están cada vez más dispuestas a rediseñar sus estrategias de Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro y a adoptar prácticas de gestión. Esta tesis doctoral analiza cómo se interrelacionan algunas variables relacionadas con la eficacia y la eficiencia en la Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro, y el posible impacto de estas interrelaciones en los resultados empresariales. Específicamente, profundizamos en las relaciones entre Cloud Computing, Integración de la Cadena de Suministro, Flexibilidad de la Cadena de Suministro, Personalización en Masa y Lean Production (que son variables asociadas con la eficacia y eficiencia de la Cadena de Suministro) y su papel en los resultados empresariales. En esta tesis, inicialmente consideramos dos factores importantes para conseguir eficacia y eficiencia en la Cadena de Suministro. Así, un primero factor estaría formado por la interrelación entre el uso de Cloud Computing, un nuevo paradigma en la interpretación de las Tecnologías de la información, y la Integración de la Cadena de Suministro. Bajos niveles en este factor permitirán a las empresas conseguir sus objetivos (ser eficaces) pero empleando muchos más recursos (menos eficientes) que altos valores en este factor. Un segundo factor recoge la interrelación de la Flexibilidad de la Cadena de Suministro y la Personalización en Masa. De forma similar al factor anterior, bajos niveles en este factor estarían asociados a una menor eficiencia (aun siendo eficaces), mientras que altos niveles, estaría asociados a una alta eficiencia. Ambos factores son consideradas en esta tesis, en primer lugar, de forma aislada, mediante revisiones sistemáticas de la literatura que permiten identificar qué se sabe en la literatura sobre la relación existente entre las variables que conforman cada factor. En segundo lugar, en esta tesis, se realiza un análisis explicativo en que se considera el efecto de Lean Production, y su relación con cada uno de los factores, lo que estaría asociado a unos altos niveles de eficiencia en la Cadena de Suministro, y se analiza cómo el efecto conjunto de Lean Production y cada uno de los factores (variables) consideradas afecta a los resultados de la empresa. Finalmente, en esta tesis se consideran todas las variables de forma conjunta (ambos factores y el efecto de Lean Production, actuando sobre los resultados empresariales), en un modelo holístico que utiliza la simulación para analizar el comportamiento del modelo. El valor de esta tesis es que académicos y gerentes de negocios pueden tener evidencia de apoyo sobre el papel que juegan Cloud Computing, Integración de la Cadena de Suministro, Flexibilidad de la Cadena de Suministro, Personalización en Masa y Lean Production, vinculadas operativa y estratégicamente, y cómo esta combinación podría transformarse en un mejor desempeño empresarial. El mejor conocimiento de estas relaciones puede afectar la manera en que investigadores y directivos abordan estos recursos de gestión, siendo más conscientes del importante papel de la Cadena de Suministro en la competitividad. Este trabajo se diferencia de los aportes anteriores por proporcionar enfoques teóricos y empíricos de las posibles interrelaciones entre las variables antes mencionadas. Los resultados de este estudio, por lo tanto, podrían ser muy útiles en el diseño de futuros esfuerzos de investigación en esta área. / [CA] La Gestió de la Cadena de Subministrament es defineix com un conjunt d'accions que permeten a les empreses gestionar, planificar i controlar les seues operacions com una manera de facilitar la col·laboració entre els membres de la Cadena de Subministrament. Per a ser més eficaços i eficients, les empreses estan cada vegada més disposades a redissenyar les seues estratègies de Gestió de la Cadena de Subministrament i a adoptar pràctiques de gestió. Aquesta tesi doctoral analitza com s'interrelacionen algunes variables relacionades amb l'eficàcia i l'eficiència en la Gestió de la Cadena de Subministrament, i el possible impacte d'aquestes interrelacions en els resultats empresarials. Específicament, aprofundim en les relacions entre Cloud Computing, Integració de la Cadena de Subministrament, Flexibilitat de la Cadena de Subministrament, Personalització en massa i Lean Production (que són variables associades amb l'eficàcia i eficiència de la Cadena de Subministrament) i el seu paper en els resultats empresarials. En aquesta tesi, inicialment considerem dos factors importants per a aconseguir eficàcia i eficiència en la Cadena de Subministrament. Així, un primer factor estaria format per la interrelació entre l'ús de Cloud Computing, un nou paradigma en la interpretació de les Tecnologies de la informació, i la Integració de la Cadena de Subministrament. Baixos nivells en aquest factor permetran a les empreses aconseguir els seus objectius (ser eficaços) però emprant molts més recursos (menys eficients) que alts valors en aquest factor. Un segon factor recull la interrelació de la Flexibilitat de la Cadena de Subministrament i la Personalització en massa. De forma similar al factor anterior, baixos nivells en aquest factor estarien associats a una menor eficiència (fins i tot sent eficaces), mentre que alts nivells, estaria associats a una alta eficiència. Tots dos factors són considerades en aquesta tesi, en primer lloc, de forma aïllada, mitjançant revisions sistemàtiques de la literatura que permeten identificar què se sap en la literatura sobre la relació existent entre les variables que conformen cada factor. En segon lloc, en aquesta tesi, es realitza una anàlisi explicativa en què es considera l'efecte de Lean Production, i la seua relació amb cadascun dels factors, la qual cosa estaria associat a uns alts nivells d'eficiència en la Cadena de Subministrament, i s'analitza com l'efecte conjunt de Lean Production i cadascun dels factors (variables) considerades afecta als resultats de l'empresa. Finalment, en aquesta tesi es consideren totes les variables de forma conjunta (tots dos factors i l'efecte de Lean Production, actuant sobre els resultats empresarials), en un model holístic que utilitza la simulació per a analitzar el comportament del model. El valor d'aquesta tesi és que acadèmics i gerents de negocis poden tindre evidència de suport sobre el paper que juguen Cloud Computing, Integració de la Cadena de Subministrament, Flexibilitat de la Cadena de Subministrament, Personalització en massa i Lean Production, vinculades operativa i estratègicament, i com aquesta combinació podria transformar-se en un millor acompliment empresarial. El millor coneixement d'aquestes relacions pot afectar la manera en què investigadors i directius aborden aquests recursos de gestió, sent més conscients de l'important paper de la Cadena de Subministrament en la competitivitat. Aquest treball es diferencia de les aportacions anteriors per proporcionar enfocaments teòrics i empírics de les possibles interrelacions entre les variables abans esmentades. Els resultats d'aquest estudi, per tant, podrien ser molt útils en el disseny de futurs esforços d'investigació en aquesta àrea. / [EN] Supply Chain Management is defined as a set of actions that allow companies to manage, plan and control their operations as a way to facilitate collaboration between Supply Chain members. To be more effective and efficient, companies are increasingly willing to redesign their Supply Chain Management strategies and adopt management practices. This doctoral thesis analyses how some variables related to effectiveness and efficiency in Supply Chain Management are interrelated, and the possible impact of these interrelations on business performance. Specifically, we delve into the relationships between Cloud Computing, Supply Chain Integration, Supply Chain Flexibility, Mass Personalization and Lean Production (which are variables associated with the effectiveness and efficiency in the Supply Chain) and their role in business performance. In this doctoral thesis, we initially considered two important factors to achieve effectiveness and efficiency in the Supply Chain. A first factor would be the interrelation between the use of Cloud Computing, a new paradigm in the interpretation of Information Technologies, and Supply Chain Integration. Low levels in this factor will allow companies to achieve their goals (be effective) but using many more resources (less efficient) than high values in this factor. A second factor is the interrelationship of Supply Chain Flexibility and Mass Personalization. Similar to the previous factor, low levels of this factor would be associated with lower efficiency (even if effective), while high levels would be associated with high efficiency. Both factors are considered in this thesis, in the first place, in an isolated way, by means of systematic literature reviews that allow identifying what is known in the literature about the existing relation between the variables that conform each factor. Secondly, an explanatory analysis is made in which the effect of Lean Production is considered, and its relation with each one of the factors, which would be associated with high levels of efficiency in the Supply Chain, and it is analysed how the joint effect of Lean Production and each one of the factors (variables) considered affects business performance. Finally, this thesis considers all variables together (both factors and the effect of Lean Production, acting on business performance), in a holistic model that uses simulation to analyse the model's behaviour. The value of this doctoral thesis is that academics and business managers can have supporting evidence on the role played by Cloud Computing, Supply Chain Integration, Supply Chain Flexibility, Mass Personalization and Lean Production, operationally and strategically linked, and how this combination could be transformed into better business performance. The better knowledge of these relationships can affect the way researchers and managers approach these management resources, being more aware of the important role of the Supply Chain in competitiveness. This work differs from previous contributions in that it provides theoretical and empirical approaches to the possible interrelations between the variables mentioned above. The results of this study, therefore, could be very useful in the design of future research efforts in this area. / This doctoral thesis has been developed thanks to the support of the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) of Brazil and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Research Project ECO2015-65874-P. / Romualdo Novais, L. (2019). CLOUD COMPUTING, SUPPLY CHAIN INTEGRATION, SUPPLY CHAIN FLEXIBILITY AND MASS PERSONALIZATION: INTERRELATIONSHIPS WITH LEAN PRODUCTION AND PERFORMANCE [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/121460 / TESIS

Optimalizace příspěvkové organizace a teorie spravedlnosti / Optimization of the Contributory Organizations and Theory of Justice

Bližňáková, Monika January 2015 (has links)
Thesis is focused on the economical and personal impact of the two merged secondary schools - Hotel school Světlá and Business Academy Velké Meziříčí with the Secondary School of Crafts and Services Velké Meziříčí. The object of this research is whether this two merged groups perceive their status as equal. This research is founded by a questionnaire survey, which holds a key part of the work. Based on the results, I suggested possible improvements in school management and human resources.

Personalizace vědeckého portálu / Scientific Portal Personalization

Čáslavský, Josef January 2011 (has links)
This paper describes personalization of web applications and options of usage for scientific web portals. Theoretical part introduces main personalization principles and methods. Practical part of this paper focuses on resulting application. The application provides personalized services based on created user profile such as personalized search, content recommendation and conference planner.

Personnalisation géométrique et mécanique multi-échelles du thorax humain / Mechanical and geometrical multiscale personalisation of the human thorax

Mayeur, Olivier 13 December 2013 (has links)
La recherche en biomécanique des chocs est une nécessité pour améliorer la sécurité dans les transports. Pour une meilleure évaluation des critères lésionnels lors des simulations de crash, le manque de représentativité des modèles EF du thorax humain pourrait être comblé par une démarche de personnalisation aussi bien au niveau géométrique que mécanique. Cette thèse se base sur l’étude de 18 sujets humains post-mortem. A partir des données d’imagerie, les différentes dimensions des côtes sont analysées. La corrélation de ces paramètres aboutit à la prédiction de 192 dimensions à partir d’un unique paramètre d’entrée. A une échelle inférieure, un protocole innovant a permis de coupler des informations microstructurales issues d’un μCT avec la forme extérieure des côtes. 2 hémi-thorax ont été micro-scannés afin de générer une cartographie complète des épaisseurs d’os cortical. Une stratégie a été mise en place pour proposer un algorithme prédisant l’intégralité de cette géométrie locale d’après un seul tronçon de côte. La pertinence de cette personnalisation a été évaluée par une étude de sensibilité sur des modèles EF. Les résultats d’essais de traction sur os cortical montrent un comportement différent entre les éprouvettes prélevées sur la table interne ou externe des côtes. Une caractérisation précise de la structure interne de l’os cortical, couplé à des essais de micro-traction in-situ, a pu apporter des éléments de réponse sur cette différence. Unalgorithme de personnalisation a été aussi proposé pour les propriétés mécaniques, complétant ainsi la démarche d’adapter les modèles EF du thorax à chaque individu afin d’améliorer leur biofidélité. / For a better assessment of injury criteria on the human thorax, realistic numerical simulations need accurate geometrical characterization and an understanding of the mechanical behavior of the rib. Thelack of representation of the FE models of the human thorax could be filled by a personalization of these two aspects. This thesis is based on the study of 18 post-mortem human subjects. From medical data (CT-scans), the different dimensions of the ribs were analyzed. The correlation of the measurements led to the prediction of 192 dimensions from a single input parameter. At a lower scale, an innovative protocol enabled us to combine microstructural information obtained from a μCT with the external shape of the ribs. 2 hemi-thoraxes were scanned to generate a complete map of the thickness of cortical bone and cross-section area evolution. A strategy was implemented to provide an algorithm, predicting this entire local geometry from a single rib’s sample. The relevance of this customization was evaluated by a sensitivity analysis on FE models. The results of tensile tests on cortical bone showed different behaviors between the samples harvested from the inner or outer side of the rib. A precise characterization of the internal structure of the cortical bone, coupled with in-situ micro-tensile device, revealed certain answers about this difference. An algorithm is also proposed topersonalize the mechanical properties, completing the approach of adapting the FE models of the thorax of each individual to improve their biofidelity.

Une approche MDA pour l'intégration de la personnalisation du contenu dans la conception et la génération des applications interactives / An MDA approach for content personalization integration in the design and the generation of interactive applications

Bacha, Firas 16 May 2013 (has links)
Les travaux de recherche présentés dans ce mémoire se situent dans les thématiques de la génération des applications interactives et de la personnalisation du contenu. Cette thèse propose une approche de type MDA (Model Driven Architecture), indépendante du domaine d’application, permettant la conception et la génération semi-automatique des applications interactives à contenus personnalisés, compte tenu des informations sur le contexte d’utilisation et l’ontologie de domaine. Cette approche met en œuvre deux méthodes de personnalisation du contenu, à savoir le remplissage automatique des formulaires et l’enrichissement des requêtes. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons développé la solution technique permettant la conception, la transformation des modèles ainsi que la génération de l’IHM (Interface Homme-Machine) finale. / The research work presented in this thesis belongs to the fields of interactive applications generation and content personalization. This thesis proposes an MDA (Model Driven Architecture) approach, independent of the domain application, allowing the design and the semi-automatic generation of personalized content interactive applications. This generation relies on context information and the domain ontology. This approach implements two content personalization methods ; namely the forms auto-filling and the automatic queries enrichment. To achieve this goal, we developed the technical solution allowing the design, the models transformations as well as the generation of the final HCI (Human-Computer Interface).

Personnalisation morpho-mécanique de la voûte crânienne humaine à différentes vitesses de sollicitations / Morpho-mechanical personalization of the human skull with various strain rates

Karkar, Manaf 27 November 2017 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, les modèles numériques sont couramment utilisés dans le monde de la recherche, mais aussi de l’industrie, de la santé, de la finance, etc… La qualité du résultat sera toujours liée à la finesse et à la précision avec laquelle l’ingénieur est capable de formaliser les phénomènes physiques rencontrés. Dans le cadre plus spécifique de la modélisation biomécanique, énormément de paramètres rentrent en compte, rendant très compliquée la standardisation des modèles. Cette thèse s’inscrit donc dans une démarche d’amélioration de la qualité des modèles numériques du crâne humain au travers de plusieurs études ayant pour objectif d’analyser les paramètres morphologiques du crâne et de les utiliser pour la personnalisation d’un modèle morpho-mécanique. La méthode de scan par micro-tomographie a été utilisée pour scanner plus de 360 échantillons prélevé sur 10 crânes, puis des essais mécaniques de compression quasi-statiques et dynamiques ont été menés sur une partie de ces échantillons. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de développer une carte d’évolution d’un certain nombre de paramètres morphologiques du crane basés sur un modèle polynomiale. Une étude comparative statistique a permis de mettre en évidences les liens existants entre la morphologie et le comportement mécanique de ces échantillons. Au final, la liaison de ces deux études a permis de proposer un modèle morpho-mécanique personnalisable, puis de le valider pour différentes simulations éléments finis sur des échantillons osseux et sur une voute crânienne complète. / Today, the digital models are usually used in the world of research, but also in industry, health, finance, etc.… The quality of the results will always be connected to the accuracy with which the engineer is able of formalizing the physical phenomena. More specifically in the biomechanical modelling, working with a high number of parameters, making very complicated the standardization of the models. This thesis has an approach of improvement in the quality of the digital models of the human skull through several studies having for aim the analysis of the morphological parameters of the skull and their use for the personalization of a morpho-mechanical model.The method of scan by micro-tomography was used to scan more than 360 samples taken from 10 skulls, and then mechanical tests of compression in quasi-statics and dynamics were led on a part of these samples. The results we obtained allowed us to develop a card of evolution of a number of morphological parameters of the skull based on a polynomial model. A statistical comparative study allowed to highlight the existing links between the morphology and the mechanical behaviour of these samples. Finally, the connection of these two studies allowed to propose a customizable morpho-mechanical model, and to validate it for various finite elements simulations on bones samples and on complete human skull.

Surveillance? : The influence of information asymmetry on consumers’ perceptions of online personalization

Toivonen, Elisa January 2019 (has links)
Data collection and online personalization has become essential part of modern marketing, and thus, embedded into consumer’s everyday life. This has emerged a lot of negative attention in the media and privacy concerns among consumers – however, their attitudes towards privacy seems to be controversial with lack of privacy enhancing behavior. The purpose of this study was to find out what is consumers take on online personalization, data collection and GDPR. In order to the tackle the causing reasons of such perceptions, focus group discussions were performed. The emerging thoughts were analyzed with the concepts of privacy paradox and information asymmetry – how structural imbalance between the advertisement network, companies and consumers impacted to their thinking about personalization and which factors caused the unwillingness to enhance one’s privacy, despite the attitudes that would predict different behavior. The results showed, that many respondents do not mind personalization if they perceive it relevant. However, the intrusive nature of its practices made the participants, directly or indirectly, reluctant towards it, as it was highlighted that it is not personalization per se that made the respondents uncomfortable, but how it was done. Due to the advertisement networks’ opaque nature, the participants founded challenging to comprehend how personalization was performed. Thus, conspiracy theories about surveillance, such as tapping via smartphone, were broad up to explain companies’ ability to know and target them so well. The main channel for companies to inform consumers about their privacy policy is terms and conditions. However, due to several reasons, the decision making for one’s privacy face many hinders, that may influence in how consumers perceive their privacy and how their personal data is collected and used. A controversiality between GDPR’s, companies’ and consumers’ view on privacy self-management is evident, as the regulation and companies rely too much on consumer’s own responsibility.

Jazz in der Stadt und Rock auf der Autobahn - von der kollaborativen zur kollaborativ-kontextorientierten Musikempfehlung

Helmholz, Patrick, Robra-Bissantz, Susanne January 2015 (has links)
Das Smartphone ist mittlerweile ein ständiger Begleiter in unserer Gesellschaft geworden. Die Nutzer fühlen sich jedoch zunehmend belästigt von zu vielen Angeboten, Informationen und Hinweisen, die sie täglich erreichen. Eine Bedarfsanpassung in Form von Personalisierung und Kontextbezug nimmt dementsprechend bei mobilen Diensten eine immer wichtigere Rolle ein. Kontextorientierung bildet heutzutage einen Schwerpunkt im Ubiquitous Computing und geht einher mit der extensiven Nutzung von Sensordaten.

Factors Associated with Behavioral Intention to Disclose Personal Information on Geosocial Networking Applications

Cox, Trissa 05 1900 (has links)
Information privacy is a major concern for consumers adopting emerging technologies dependent on location-based services. This study sought to determine whether a relationship exists among factors of personalization, locatability, perceived playfulness, privacy concern and behavioral intention to disclose personal information for individuals using location-based, geosocial networking applications. Questionnaire responses from undergraduate students at a 4-year university provide insight into these relationships. Multiple regression results indicated that there was a statistically significant relationship between the four significant predictor variables and the dependent variable. Analysis of beta weights, structure coefficients, and commonality analysis shed light on the variance attributable to the predictor variables of the study. Findings provide understanding of the specific factors examined in the study and have implications for consumers, businesses, application designers, and policymakers. The results from this study contribute to an understanding of technology acceptance theory and offer insight into competing beliefs that may affect an individual’s behavioral intention to disclose personal information. Knowledge gained form the study may be useful for overcoming challenges related to consumer adoption of location-based services that require disclosure of personal information.

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