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'n Maatskaplikewerk-profiel van persoonsontbering in die Swartland met spesifieke verwysing na die groter Chatsworth-gebiedBlankenberg, Jurine Henry January 2002 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Hierdie skripsie wil die mens en sy ervarings, of dit wat hy binne 'n bepaalde gebied beleef, blootlê. Daarmee saam kom 'n duidelike teoretiese beskouing na vore om die persoon in sy gedepriveerde gemeenskap uit te beeld. Die karakter van die gebied weerspiël die volgende kenmerke: Dit is landelik van aard, 'n beduidende afstand vanaf stedelike ontwikkeling geleë, en dit word as 'n "slaapdorp"
ervaar. Histories word die gebied bykans 'n honderd jaar deur die inwoners en hul voorgeslagte bewoon, maar as gevolg van poli tieke rompslomp het ontwikkeling nooi t werklik plaasgevind nie. Die probleme wat in die gebied tydens navorsing aanwesig was, is die volgende: Onvoldoende infrastrutuur, watervoorsiening is gebrekkig, riolering kom nie voor nie, gesondheidsdienste word periodiek gelewer, en werksgeleenthede moet buite die gebied bekom word. Die haglike woonomstandighede het die inwoners se lewensverwagting
geaffekteer en ongelukkigheid meegebring. Die doel van die navorsing is om 'n geheelbeeld te verkry van die gebied se probleme en behoeftes, hoe die inwoners daaroor voel en wat die mense dink gedoen kan word om, ten spyte van die heersende probleme, hul lewensomstandighede te verbeter. Dit wil sê die ondersoek poog om te bepaal wat die werklike lewensomstandighede van die mense in die Groter Chatsworthgebied (Chatsworth en Riverlands gekombineerd) is.
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Estudio de la capacidad antimutagénica del extracto acuoso de Baccharis articulata (Lam.) PersoonRodríguez, María de las Nieves Generosa 14 April 2014 (has links)
El objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral fue realizar la caracterización química y tóxica así como analizar la mutagenicidad y antimutagenicidad del extracto acuoso de Baccharis articulata (Lam.) Persoon (EAB). B. articulata, conocida como “Carqueja”, es una hierba silvestre utilizada muy frecuentemente en la medicina folclórica popular en Argentina y Sudamérica. La infusión de carqueja es ampliamente consumida para el tratamiento de afecciones gastrointestinales por su capacidad antiespasmódica y colagoga, entre otras.
Mediante caracterización química por cromatografía líquida de fase inversa (RF-HPLC) se determinaron los compuestos fenólicos presentes en el EAB. Asimismo, se analizó la actividad antioxidante del EAB, por determinación de la concentración eficiente cincuenta (CE50) mediante la técnica de DPPH* (2, 2-fenil1-picril hidracilo) y se determinaron los porcentajes de inhibición del EAB frente al radical DPPH*. El análisis químico del EAB reveló que el polifenol mayoritario fue el ácido clorogénico. El contenido de ácido clorogénico en el EAB fué 2,05±0,11 mg/ml y su actividad antioxidante presentó un valor de CE50 de 101,86 µg/ml.
Los estudios de toxicidad, mutagenicidad y capacidad antimutagénica se realizaron mediante el Ensayo de Ames empleando las cepas testigo Salmonella typhimurium TA98 (mutante de corrimiento de marco de lectura) y TA100 (mutante de sustitución de bases). Los ensayos de toxicidad se llevaron a cabo por determinación de las unidades formadoras de colonias co-incubando el EAB con las cepas testigo para evaluar concentraciones no tóxicas. Los ensayos de mutagenicidad y antimutagenicidad se realizaron con diferentes concentraciones del EAB (1,0 y 10,0 mg/placa) las cuales se incubaron con diferentes concentraciones de mutágenos diagnóstico: 2-nitrofluoreno (2-NF), azida sódica (AZS), y 2-aminofluoreno (2-AF). Se implementó el método clásico de incorporación en placa y su modificación de pre-incubación. Para la evaluación de la antimutagenicidad se tomaron como parámetros los porcentajes de inhibición (%I) ejercidos por el EAB frente a la mutagenicidad inducida por los mutágenos diagnóstico (correspondiente al 100% de mutagenicidad).
Los resultados encontrados indicaron al aplicar el Ensayo de Ames, que el EAB no resultó tóxico ni mutagénico en las concentraciones ensayadas (1,0 y 10,0 mg/placa) y en las condiciones de diseño experimental propuestos.
El EAB presentó en el Ensayo de Ames aplicado un %I de 100% frente al mutágeno 2-AF al implementar el método de pre-incubación y con la cepa TA100, independiente de las concentraciones ensayadas (1,0 y 10,0 mg/placa). Los valores máximos de inhibición del EAB ejercidos en la cepa TA98 frente al 2-NF se obtuvieron con 10,0 mg/placa de EAB y el Ensayo de Ames, con el método de pre-incubación, siendo el %I de 91,0%. Frente a la AZS, la máxima inhibición se obtuvo, en el Ensayo de Ames, con el método de pre-incubación con un rango de %I de 40,0-41,0% para 1,0 y 10,0 mg/placa, respectivamente.
Asimismo, se evaluó la capacidad antioxidante, tóxica, mutagénica y antimutagénica del ácido clorogénico utilizando la misma metodología implementada para el EAB (DPPH* y el Ensayo de Ames). Los resultados mostraron que la capacidad antioxidante del ácido clorogénico resultó ser mayor que la del EAB con una CE50= 0,269 µg/ml. El ácido clorogénico mostró ser no tóxico y no mutagénico en el Ensayo de Ames, en las concentraciones ensayadas (0,05 y 0,50 mg/placa). Los estudios de antimutagenicidad del ácido clorogénico mostraron que los %I máximos frente a 2-AF se obtuvieron con la cepa TA98 (%I de 75,5) y con la cepa TA100 (%I de 84,0), ensayando 0,50 mg/placa de ácido clorogénico mediante el método de pre-incubación.
En base a estos resultados, se concluyó que el EAB y el ácido clorogénico poseen capacidad antioxidante y antimutagénica en los sistemas y condiciones experimentales aplicadas.
La comparación de la capacidad antimutagénica entre el EAB y el ácido clorogénico indicó que fue necesaria una concentración cinco veces mayor de ácido clorogénico contenido en la muestra de EAB para alcanzar una actividad antimutagénica similar a la observada en el EAB.
Se concluyó que la capacidad antimutagénica del EAB ocurría a través de un mecanismo antioxidante, influenciado por la presencia del ácido clorogénico y otros compuestos presentes en el mismo.
En base a los datos obtenidos y la bibliografía existente se propone que los efectos antimutagénicos ejercidos por el EAB frente a los mutágenos ensayados respondería a un mecanismo llamado “desmutágeno”, donde la inhibición ejercida por el extracto posiblemente ocurra previamente a que los agentes mutagénicos produzcan un daño total o parcial sobre el ADN.
Futuros estudios sobre los mecanismos moleculares implicados en el efecto antimutagénico ejercido por el EAB frente a diferentes mutágenos resultan necesarios y merecen ser estudiados en profundidad para dilucidar el posible mecanismo propuesto en la presente Tesis Doctoral a partir de observaciones realizadas en cepas bacterianas aplicando el Ensayo de Ames.
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La personne grammaticale et son expression en langue espagnoleSchmidely, Jack. January 1979 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Université de Paris IV, 1977. / Includes indexes. Includes bibliographical references (p. 363-382).
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The strengths of families in supporting mentally ill family members / Masego Cynthia Mokgothu.Mokgothu, Masego Cynthia, January 2012 (has links)
Since the introduction of the deinstitutionalisation policy in 1997 in South Africa, many families have agreed or have felt forced to take full responsibility of the care of their mentally ill family members. This impacted the lives of families because they were not well prepared for caring for their mentally ill family members. As a result of this, families were burdened, mentally ill family members defaulted treatment and ultimately revolving door admissions occurred. In spite of these concerns, some families do seem to cope with supporting their mentally ill family members. This makes it vital to explore and describe the strengths of families who take care of mentally ill family members in Potchefstroom, in the North West Province in order to formulate guidelines to support these families.
A qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual design was employed to understand what strengths families have to support their mentally ill family members. Purposive sampling was used to select potential participants. Unstructured individual interviews with an open-ended question were conducted with nine participants after ethical approval was granted under the RISE study (Strengthening the Resilience of Health Caregivers and Risk Groups), and the permission of the North-West Provincial Department of Health, the psychiatric hospital where the data was collected and the family members of the mentally ill family members were obtained. Data were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. A consensus meeting was held between the researcher and the co-coder after they had analysed data independently to identify themes that emerged from the data.
Twelve themes emerged from the data namely the strengths of getting the necessary treatment for the mentally ill family member, utilizing external resources, spirituality or faith, social support, supervising the mentally ill family member, finding ways to calm the mentally ill family member, explaining the importance of treatment to the mentally ill family member, finding ways to keep the mentally ill family member busy, trying to keep the mentally ill family member away from negative outside influences, trying creative ways to communicate with or understand the mentally ill family member, giving the mentally ill family member praise for doing something good or right and accepting the situation.
From the findings, it is clear that the families do have strengths to support their mentally ill family members, although they seem to rely more on external than on internal strengths. From the findings, literature and conclusions of this study, recommendations were made for nursing practice, nursing research and nursing education, including guidelines to support families in their support of a mentally ill family member. / Thesis (MCur)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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The strengths of families in supporting mentally ill family members / Masego Cynthia Mokgothu.Mokgothu, Masego Cynthia, January 2012 (has links)
Since the introduction of the deinstitutionalisation policy in 1997 in South Africa, many families have agreed or have felt forced to take full responsibility of the care of their mentally ill family members. This impacted the lives of families because they were not well prepared for caring for their mentally ill family members. As a result of this, families were burdened, mentally ill family members defaulted treatment and ultimately revolving door admissions occurred. In spite of these concerns, some families do seem to cope with supporting their mentally ill family members. This makes it vital to explore and describe the strengths of families who take care of mentally ill family members in Potchefstroom, in the North West Province in order to formulate guidelines to support these families.
A qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual design was employed to understand what strengths families have to support their mentally ill family members. Purposive sampling was used to select potential participants. Unstructured individual interviews with an open-ended question were conducted with nine participants after ethical approval was granted under the RISE study (Strengthening the Resilience of Health Caregivers and Risk Groups), and the permission of the North-West Provincial Department of Health, the psychiatric hospital where the data was collected and the family members of the mentally ill family members were obtained. Data were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. A consensus meeting was held between the researcher and the co-coder after they had analysed data independently to identify themes that emerged from the data.
Twelve themes emerged from the data namely the strengths of getting the necessary treatment for the mentally ill family member, utilizing external resources, spirituality or faith, social support, supervising the mentally ill family member, finding ways to calm the mentally ill family member, explaining the importance of treatment to the mentally ill family member, finding ways to keep the mentally ill family member busy, trying to keep the mentally ill family member away from negative outside influences, trying creative ways to communicate with or understand the mentally ill family member, giving the mentally ill family member praise for doing something good or right and accepting the situation.
From the findings, it is clear that the families do have strengths to support their mentally ill family members, although they seem to rely more on external than on internal strengths. From the findings, literature and conclusions of this study, recommendations were made for nursing practice, nursing research and nursing education, including guidelines to support families in their support of a mentally ill family member. / Thesis (MCur)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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'n Ondersoek na die problematiek van inligtinggeletterdheid by die gehoorgestremde persoon in Suid-Afrika (Afrikaans)Marx, Estelle Maria Magdalena 13 July 2006 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Dissertation (MA (Library Science))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Information Science / unrestricted
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Tragiese teater as politieke ruimte : die Griekse tragedieskrywers en die deugde - etiekBothma, Rachel January 2014 (has links)
Hierdie studie, wat handel oor die Griekse tragedieskrywers en die deugde-etiek, val in vier hoofdele uiteen. In die eerste plek (afdeling 2) begin dit met ’n bespreking van die werk van die drie belangrikste tragedieskrywers – Aischulos, Sophokles en Euripides – en die sosiopolitieke tydsgewrig waarin dit geskryf is. Hierna word drie tekste van elke skrywer bespreek: Sewe teen Thebe van Aischulos; Antigone van Sophokles en Hippolutos van Euripides.
Teen hierdie histories-vergelykende agtergrond volg ’n tematiese bespreking van die Griekse tragedieskrywers in die tweede plek (afdeling 3). Temas wat aan die bod kom sluit in: 1) Die rol van die antieke teater in die breë Griekse identiteit, veral met betrekking tot die tema van die individu binne die gemeenskap, en die verhouding tussen gehoor en kunswerk. 2) Die tema van die tragiese mens – en meer spesifiek die tragiese individu en sy/haar identiteit. 3) ’n Bespreking van die verhouding tussen die private (oikos) en openbare (polis) in antieke Griekeland.
Hierdie tematiese bespreking dien dan as aanknopingspunt vir ’n bespreking van Aristoteles se deugde-etiek wat in die derde plek (afdeling 4) aan die beurt kom.
In die laaste gedeelte van hierdie studie (afdeling 5) word gepoog om die verskeie temas soos behandel deur die Griekse tragedieskrywers, die politieke ruimte van die tragiese teater en Aristoteles se deugde-etiek, in gesprek te plaas met die estetiese en politieke implikasies van Gadamer se filosofiese hermeneutiek.
Uiteindelik poog die studie om ‘n alternatief te formuleer op die gedepolitiseerde individu, wat in ons eie tyd ‘n probleem geword het. Teen die agtergrond kan dit verhelderend wees om te gaan kyk na hoe die klassieke tragedies, op die vooraand van Aristoteles se deugde-etiek, oor die kwessie van die verhouding tussen mens en samelewing nagedink het. Een van die punte wat hierdie werkstuk aanspreek, is dat die oorbeklemtoning van die individu in vandag se wêreld ʼn verlies aan tragiese wêreldbeskouing meebring, en dat dit ‘n verlies is wat die lewe van die individu en van die gemeenskap ten nouste raak. As alternatief word aangevoer dat die herstel van ’n holistiese, esteties-etiese lewensbeskouing tot groter politieke vervulling vir die mens kan lei as wat die eietydse mens beskore is. / Dissertation (MPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2014 / gm2015 / Philosophy / MPhil / Unrestricted
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Pastorale berading en mentorskap by ouer-kind verhoudings in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks / Johannes Hendrik StrydomStrydom, Johannes Hendrik January 2014 (has links)
The focus of this study is on pastoral counselling and mentorship in the South African
context and how it can contribute to the improvement of parent-child relationships. The
Practical Theological model of Osmer is used as a framework in which the study is
conducted. It consists of the Descriptive-empirical, Interpretative, Normative and
Pragmatic tasks (which, for the purpose of the study, are called methods of
In the first chapter the emphasis is on the way in which the study will be conducted with
the aim of obtaining positive outcomes. This is also addressed in Chapter 2 by means of
empiric research. Interviews are conducted with 24 participants that consist of parents
and children. The aim of this is to determine how many problems really occur within
families in a South African context. Many problems in this regard have come to light.
The third chapter is mainly dedicated to a literature study that discusses the effect of
positive and negative outcomes through the application of Biblical principles and
mentorship within families. The effect of negative or positive parenthood is discussed as
well as the effect it has on the child in his/her development process. Parents can learn
many lessons from this chapter so that their children won’t have to grow up with
emotional anguish.
In the fourth chapter the theological aspects are discussed and proof is given for the
value of these aspects as addressed by theological experts. Moral values, pastoral
models, the value of the Holy Spirit and how God is portrayed are discussed here.
These principles also contribute to happier families. In the fifth chapter attempts are made to find summarising solutions for this study’s
initial problem statement, research question and central theoretical argument. Various
results and conclusions can be made to find answers to the different key terms.
Problem identification and problem solving techniques are discussed. A typical
counselling session is held on the basis of a pastoral phase model in order to provide
clarity to the solution of the abovementioned problems. / PhD (Pastoral Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Pastorale berading en mentorskap by ouer-kind verhoudings in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks / Johannes Hendrik StrydomStrydom, Johannes Hendrik January 2014 (has links)
The focus of this study is on pastoral counselling and mentorship in the South African
context and how it can contribute to the improvement of parent-child relationships. The
Practical Theological model of Osmer is used as a framework in which the study is
conducted. It consists of the Descriptive-empirical, Interpretative, Normative and
Pragmatic tasks (which, for the purpose of the study, are called methods of
In the first chapter the emphasis is on the way in which the study will be conducted with
the aim of obtaining positive outcomes. This is also addressed in Chapter 2 by means of
empiric research. Interviews are conducted with 24 participants that consist of parents
and children. The aim of this is to determine how many problems really occur within
families in a South African context. Many problems in this regard have come to light.
The third chapter is mainly dedicated to a literature study that discusses the effect of
positive and negative outcomes through the application of Biblical principles and
mentorship within families. The effect of negative or positive parenthood is discussed as
well as the effect it has on the child in his/her development process. Parents can learn
many lessons from this chapter so that their children won’t have to grow up with
emotional anguish.
In the fourth chapter the theological aspects are discussed and proof is given for the
value of these aspects as addressed by theological experts. Moral values, pastoral
models, the value of the Holy Spirit and how God is portrayed are discussed here.
These principles also contribute to happier families. In the fifth chapter attempts are made to find summarising solutions for this study’s
initial problem statement, research question and central theoretical argument. Various
results and conclusions can be made to find answers to the different key terms.
Problem identification and problem solving techniques are discussed. A typical
counselling session is held on the basis of a pastoral phase model in order to provide
clarity to the solution of the abovementioned problems. / PhD (Pastoral Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Die rol van rekreasievoorsiening en waargenome welstand van die lede betrokke by die Potchefstroom Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes / Sumari TesnearTesnear, Sumari January 2012 (has links)
Stumbo and Peterson (2004:9) argue that the participation in meaningful leisure activities
may lead to the improvement of elderly people’s health, well-being and quality of life.
Changes which are associated with old age, such as the increase in adverse health
conditions; however has a significant impact on leisure participation of the elderly (Austin
et al., 2006:49). For the purpose of this study, the following questions need to be
answered: a) Are physical, social, spiritual and cognitive leisure activities part of the
leisure profile of persons sixty years and older? b) Do structural, interpersonal and
intrapersonal constraints play a role in limiting the leisure participation of persons sixty
years and older? c) Does a relationship exist between participation in physical, social,
spiritual and cognitive leisure activities and perceived well-being of people sixty years and
older? d) Can a leisure activity paradigm be compiled to indicate the leisure participation
of persons sixty years and older? To answer these questions, this study focused on using
a phenomenological research design to enquire about the meaning of the leisure
phenomenon in elderly people’s lives (Fouché, 2005:270). This study was developed in
accordance with the mixed methodological approach referred to by De Vos (2005b:361)
as a combination of quantitative and qualitative research used in a single study. For the
purpose of this study, one hundred and ten elderly people (men and women), sixty years
and older and members of the Potchefstroom Service Centre for the Aged, participated.
An availability sample was used to identify the participants who completed the
questionnaire and participated in the focus group interview. Seventy two participants (60
females and 12 males) completed the questionnaire, whereby eight participants (5
females and 3 males) participated in the focus group interview.
According to the results, respondents 60-64 years old indicated that they participate more
in social, creative and cultural, and general leisure activities. Although 60% of these
respondents (60-64 years) experience low levels of health, 80% still participate in physical
leisure activities. The results suggested that these respondents (60-64 years) also
participate less in travelling and outdoor leisure activities than respondents 65-74 years
old and 75 years and older. Regarding respondents 65-74 years old, the results indicated
higher levels of participation in social leisure activities, followed by general leisure
activities. These respondents (65-74 years) participate more in travelling and outdoor
leisure activities than the other age groups (60-64; 75 and older). Compared to the
respondents 60-64 years, the leisure participation in creative and cultural and physical
activities of respondents 65-74 years is significantly lower, even if the results showed they
have a healthier health profile than respondents 60-64 years. The results showed that
respondents 75 years and older participate more in general leisure activities, followed by
social leisure activities and creative and cultural leisure activities. In comparison with
respondents 60-64 years, respondents 75 years and older participate more in travelling
and outdoor leisure activities. Although respondents 75 years and older, according to the
results, have a healthier health profile than respondents 60-64 years and 65-74 years,
participation in physical leisure activities was still very low. Regarding the relation
between the leisure profile and the different types of living arrangements, it showed that
respondents living in retirement villages participate more in social, general and physical
leisure activities whereas respondents living in their own homes, participate more in
general, social and creative and cultural leisure activities. However, respondents living
with their children or family, or in a communal home, participate more in social leisure
activities. In terms of the importance of leisure participation in elderly people’s life, the
results indicated that 60% respondents 60-64 years, acknowledge leisure participation as
very important in their lives, whereas 6% respondents 65-74 years and 75 years and older
(21%), indicated leisure participation as not important. According to the respondents’
health profile, in relation to living arrangements and gender, women respondents living in
retirement villages experience lower health levels than those living with their children or
family, or in communal homes as well as male respondents. The results indicated that
most of the respondents who experience average to low health levels, participate in social
leisure activities whereas those who participate in outdoor leisure activities experience
average health levels. In terms of happiness, well-being and quality of life, the male
respondents living in retirement villages experience higher levels of happiness, well-being
and quality of life compared to those living with children or family, or in communal homes.
Women respondents living in their own homes or with their children or family, or in
communal homes experience the highest levels of happiness, well-being and quality of
life. This study also suggests that elderly people’s leisure participation can be
programmed and planned by using a leisure activity pyramid. This leisure activity pyramid
place social activities at the foundation of the leisure program, from where general,
creative and cultural, physical, outdoor and travelling leisure activities can develop.
The results showed, elderly people have a need to experience leisure benefits; hence the
leisure benefits respondents 65-74 years old experience, includes interaction with others,
whereas respondents 75 years and older indicated that they experience personal growth
as a leisure benefit. Respondents (male and female) 65-74 years old indicated that
meeting other people was the biggest leisure benefit, whereas respondents 60-64 years
indicated that they participate in leisure activities to experience physical challenges while
respondents 75 years and older participate in leisure activities to experience relaxation. In
terms of the constraints which can limit participants’ leisure participation or exclude them
from it, the respondents experience financial shortages as the most important constraint.
The results showed that constraints are experienced differently between gender and age
groups. Hence, the male respondents 65-74 years old and female respondents 75 years
and older, indicated a shortage of time as the most important constraint, while male
respondents 75 years and older, as well as female respondents between 60 and 74 years,
indicated financial shortages as the most important constraint. According to the results, it
seemed that respondents 85 years and older experience time and security, economic and
structural, personal and programming as constraints. Respondents living in a flat on the
same premises as children or family, experience time and security as constraints in
contrast to those living with children or family, who experience economic and personal
According to this study it is clear that old age and the provision of leisure services to older
people, is a very complex issue. In the light of this information it is necessary for tertiary
institutions to provide specialized training for recreation students, in the field of providing
leisure services to older people, to meet the complex leisure needs of the elderly. / Thesis (PhD (Recreation Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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