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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Právní úprava držení a chovu psů / Legislation of dog keeping and breeding

Kozderková, Alžběta January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the legal regulation of breeding and keeping dogs, which is incorporated into the context of animal welfare and the relevant legal regulations. The thesis consists of three parts, each of which is dedicated to a specific thematic area. The first part deals with the legal status of dogs and their protection. It is divided into six chapters. The first chapter introduces the issue of granting legal subjectivity to animals. This forms the basis for understanding the further development of legislation on the status and protection of animals. Other chapters of this section introduce the reader to the relevant international, European and national legislation. Emphasis is placed on the status of the animal - the dog and onto provisions related, in particular, to civil law and criminal law. The second and third part represents the core part of the diploma thesis. The second part is devoted to dog breeding and related activities. It is divided into four chapters. The first chapter deals with the field of dog breeding, together with the analysis of the current issues of puppy mills. The second chapter focuses on the area of dog transportation. It provides an analysis of the general conditions of animal transportation and further focuses on the domestic transportation of dogs by...

Očima psa - dětská autorská kniha / Through The Eyes of a Dog - Authors children book

Richterová, Denisa January 2021 (has links)
RICHTEROVÁ, Denisa: Through the Eyes of a Dog - Author's Book for Children. Prague, 2021. Diploma thesis. Charles University, Faculty of Education, Department of Art Education. (Appendix 1: author's book for children The Dog Who Thinks Something) (Appendix 2: presentation of the project Through the Eyes of a Dog) This diploma thesis deals with a dog as a bearer of contemporary historical and cultural contexts. The theoretical part describes the history of the domestication of dogs, their relationship to humans, symbolism and mythology, and maps the associated depiction in the history of fine art. Attention is then focused on the relationship between dogs and kids with an overlap into children's literature and on illustrations with emphasis on author's book for children. Finally, there is a devotion to the representation of dogs in assisting with the educational and therapeutic processes. In the practical part theoretical knowledge is applied in the form of a author's book for children called The Dog Who Thinks Something. The story and illustrations reflect the world through the eyes of a dog which mirrors thinking, feeling and the natural need to belong to someone. The didactic part presents a project called Through the Eyes of a Dog, which submits options of how the dog is connected with free time...

Interação dos fatores musculoesqueléticos com o equilíbrio de crianças e adolescentes com neuropatia sensorial e motora hereditária / Interaction of skeletal-muscle factors with balance in children and adolescents with hereditary sensory-motor neuropathy

Alves, Cyntia Rogean de Jesus 04 May 2018 (has links)
O controle postural na doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) está subsidiado em estudos com adultos, nos quais deformidades distais, desequilíbrios musculares e aspectos maturacionais estão bem documentados. Para infância e adolescência, o controle postural permanece por ser explorado e pode contribuir para elucidar como um sistema neuromuscular imaturo lida com a doença em curso. Neste contexto, foi proposto um estudo de desenho transversal (Estudo 1) composto por crianças e adolescentes com CMT (encaminhados ao Ambulatório CMT-Infantil do Centro de Reabilitação do HCFMRP-USP; Grupo CMT) e seus pares saudáveis (Grupo Controle), e outro longitudinal (Estudo 2), composto exclusivamente de crianças e adolescentes com CMT. O Estudo 1 caracterizou a oscilação postural e explorou sua interação com variáveis musculoesqueléticas, a partir da comparação do Grupo CMT e Grupo Controle, sendo composto por 53 participantes de ambos os sexos, idade entre 6 e 18 anos, sendo 24 saudáveis e 29 com CMT. Foram coletados dados de massa, estatura, base de apoio, Índice Postural do Pé (IPP), amplitudes passivas de movimento, força muscular isométrica de membros inferiores, medidas de desempenho (teste de caminhada dos 6 min -T6, teste dos 10 m - T10, salto horizontal - SH) e de equilíbrio (estabilometria, Escala de Equilíbrio Pediátrica - EEP). A força muscular isométrica dos grupos musculares inversores, eversores, dorsiflexores, flexores plantares, flexores e extensores de joelho e extensores de quadril foi medida bilateralmente com um dinamômetro manual (Lafayette, modelo 01163). Para avaliação estabilométrica foi usada uma plataforma de força (Bertec, modelo FP 4060-08), com frequência de amostragem de 100 Hz, tempo de registro de 30 s por tentativa. As 4 condições de teste (olhos abertos/superfície rígida; olhos abertos/superfície deformável; olhos fechados/superfície rígida; olhos fechados/superfície deformável) foram repetidas aleatoriamente por 3 vezes, intervaladas por 30 s, perfazendo 12 tentativas. Foram extraídas a área da elipse de confiança, velocidade (total, mediolateral e anteroposterior), frequência (total, mediolateral e anteroposterior) e o Quociente de Romberg (QRv) por meio do programa MATLAB (R2014a), usando um filtro digital Butterworth passa-baixa de 4a ordem, com frequência de corte de 7 Hz. O programa SPSS (versão 17) foi usado para análise estatística (nível de significância de 5%). No aspecto musculoesquelético (amplitude de dorsiflexão, ângulo poplíteo e força muscular da maioria dos grupos testados) e nos testes de desempenho (T10, T6 e SH), os resultados mostraram que o grupo CMT exibiu valores inferiores ao Controle (p<0,05). Quanto ao controle postural, comparações intragrupo das condições de teste no grupo CMT evidenciaram incremento na área e velocidades do centro de pressão (CP), mas não nas frequências, conforme a complexidade da tarefa. Nas comparações intergrupos, tanto a EEP quanto a estabilometria evidenciaram menor equilíbrio no grupo CMT quando comparado ao Controle (aumento da área de confiança da elipse e das velocidades, associadas a um decréscimo da frequência do CP) (p<0,05). As interações mais relevantes entre fatores musculoesqueléticos e equilíbrio sugerem melhor controle postural para indivíduos com pés são planos e amplitudes de dorsiflexão reduzidas. O Estudo 2 buscou detectar alterações no controle postural nos participantes que foram seguidos por 6 e 12 meses consecutivos, sendo 22 com CMT de ambos os sexos, idade entre 6 e 18 anos. Registros da oscilação postural, das variáveis musculoesqueléticas e de desempenho foram analisados em intervalos de 6 meses (AV1, AV2 e AV3). Os programas SPSS (versão 17) e R Core Team (2016) foram usados para análise estatística. O teste de Wilcoxon foi usado para comparar variáveis estabilométricas do seguimento semestral e anual e para uma análise complementar, considerando os subgrupos de 6 a 9 anos (n=8) e de 10 a 17 anos (n=9). O comportamento das variáveis musculoesqueléticas foi analisado com o modelo linear de efeitos mistos. O teste t de Student para amostras pareadas foi usado para analisar T10, T6 e SH. O IPP e EEP foram analisados com o teste exato de Fisher. Os resultados mostraram que não houve mudanças significativas na estabilometria entre AV1 e AV2 ou AV1 e AV3. Nas comparações entre AV1 e AV2, houve aumento significativo no ângulo poplíteo, na força dos grupos musculares eversores de tornozelo e extensores de quadril, no SH e a força muscular dos extensores de joelho sofreu decréscimo (p<0,05). Nas comparações entre AV1 e AV3, houve aumento significativo da força muscular dos grupos inversores, eversores, dorsiflexores e extensores de joelho (p<0,05). A análise complementar do seguimento anual identificou reduções significativas na amplitude de dorsiflexão, velocidade mediolateral (condições olhos abertos/superfície rígida e olhos fechados/superfície rígida) e velocidade total (condições olhos abertos/superfície rígida e olhos fechados/superfície rígida) no subgrupo de crianças (n=8) (p<0,05). No subgrupo de adolescentes (n=9), houve aumento significativo da força muscular de inversores, dorsiflexores e extensores de joelho (p<0,05) enquanto a estabilometria permaneceu inalterada. Em suma, os resultados do Estudo 1 e 2 permitem concluir que o controle postural ii deficitário de crianças e adolescentes com CMT é mensurável com base nas variáveis estabilométricas extraídas da análise global; é expresso por grandes e rápidas oscilações do CP, nas quais a frequência não distingue as condições de teste quando comparadas aos seus pares saudáveis. A velocidade do CP parece refletir as mudanças na estabilidade postural quando crianças e adolescentes são analisados como subgrupos distintos. Além disso, seguimentos anuais parecem ser suficientes para detectar mudanças no controle postural, nas variáveis musculoesqueléticas e de desempenho. / Postural control in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is supported in studies with adults, in which distal deformities, muscular imbalances and maturational aspects are well documented. For childhood and adolescence, standing balance remains to be explored and may contribute to elucidate how an immature neuromuscular system deals with the ongoing disease. In this context, a crosssectional study (Study 1) composed of children and adolescents with CMT (referred to the CMTInfantile Ambulatory of the HCFMRP-USP Rehabilitation Center, CMT Group) and their healthy peers (Control Group), and another longitudinal (Study 2), composed exclusively of children and adolescents with CMT were proposed. Study 1 characterized the postural oscillations and explored its interaction with musculoskeletal variables from the comparison of the CMT Group and Control Group, being composed of 53 participants of both sexes, age between 6 and 18 years, being 24 healthy and 29 with CMT. Mass, height, base of support, foot postural index (PPI), passive amplitudes of movement, isometric muscle strength of lower limbs, performance measures (6-min walk test -T6, 10- T10, horizontal jump - SH) and balance (stabilometry, Pediatric Balance Scale - EEP) were collected. The isometric muscle strength of the inversion, dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, knee extension, knee flexion and hip extension was measured bilaterally with a manual dynamometer (Lafayette, model 01163). Stabilometric evaluationused a force platform (Bertec, model FP 4060-08), with sampling frequency of 100 Hz, recording time of 30 s per trial. The 4 test conditions (open eyes / hard surface, open eyes / deformable surface, closed eyes / hard surface, closed eyes / deformable surface) were randomly repeated 3 times, intervals for 30 s, making 12 trials. The confidence ellipse area, velocity (total, mediolateral and anteroposterior), frequency (total, mediolateral and anteroposterior) and the Romberg Quotient (QRv) were extracted using MATLAB program (R2014a), adopting a 4th order Butterworth digital low-pass filter and a cut-off frequency of 7 Hz. Statistical analysis used the SPSS program (version 17) and it was adopted level of significance of 5%. In the musculoskeletal aspect (amplitude of dorsiflexion, popliteal angle and muscular strength of most of the groups tested) and performance tests (T10, T6 and SH), CMT group showed values lower than Control (p <0.05). For balance, intragroup comparisons of the test conditions in the CMT group evidenced an increased area and velocities of the pressure center (CP), but not the frequencies, according to the complexity of the task. In the intergroup comparisons, EEP and stabilometry showed less postural control in the CMT group when compared to the Control (increased confidence ellipse area and velocities associated with a decrease in CP frequency) (p <0.05). The most relevant interactions between musculoskeletal and oscillations of CP suggest better postural control for subjects the flat feet and reduced dorsiflexion amplitudes. Study 2 comprised 22 participants with CMT of both sexes, aged between 6 and 18 years and it sought to detect changes in postural oscillations in CMT with 6 and 12 consecutive months of follow-up. Postural oscillations, musculoskeletal and performance variables were analyzed at 6-month intervals (AV1, AV2 and AV3). SPSS (version 17) and R Core Team (2016) programs were used for statistical analysis. The Wilcoxon test was used to compare stabilometric variables of the bi-annual and annual follow-up and to a complementary analysis, considering the subgroups of 6 to 9 years (n = 8) and 10 to 17 years (n = 9). The linear mixed effects model analyzed the musculoskeletal variables. Student\'s t-test for paired samples was used to analyze T10, T6 and SH. The Fisher\'s exact test analyzed the IPP and EEP. The results showed no significant changes in the stabilometry between AV1 and AV2 or AV1 and AV3. Comparisons between AV1 and AV2 showed significant increase in the popliteal angle strength of the ankle evertors and hip extensors SH while the muscle strength of knee extensors decreased (p <0.05). Comparisons between AV1 and AV3, showed a significant increase in the muscular strength for inversion, eversion, dorsiflexion and knee extension groups (p <0.05). The complementary analysis of the annual follow-up identified significant reductions in dorsiflexion amplitude, mediolateral velocity (open eyes / rigid surface and closed eyes / rigid surface) and total velocity (open eyes / rigid surface and closed eyes / rigid surfaces) in the subgroup of children (n = 8) (p <0.05). Subgroup of adolescents (n = 9) showed a significant increase in the muscular strength of inverters, dorsiflexors and knee extensors (p <0.05) while the stabilometry remained unchanged. In summary, the results of Study 1 and 2 allow us to conclude that the poor postural control of children and adolescents with CMT is measurable based on the stabilometric variables extracted from the global analysis; is iv expressed by large and rapid CP oscillations, in which frequency does not distinguish the test conditions when compared to their healthy counterparts. The velocity of CP seems to reflect changes in postural stability when children and adolescents are analyzed as distinct subgroups. In addition, annual follow-up appears to be sufficient to detect changes in postural control, musculoskeletal and performance variables.

Etude d’interfaces électrode/électrolyte dans des batteries Li-ion par spectroscopie photoélectronique à différentes profondeurs / Insights in Li-ion battery interfaces through photoelectron spectroscopy depth profiling

Philippe, Bertrand 24 May 2013 (has links)
Les éléments capables de former un alliage avec le lithium, tels que le silicium ou l’étain constituent des composés très prometteurs en tant que matériaux d’électrodes négatives pour la prochaine génération d’accumulateurs Li-ion. Un point important réside dans la compréhension des phénomènes se produisant aux interfaces électrode/électrolyte de ces nouveaux matériaux, la stabilité de la couche de passivation (SEI) se formant lors du cyclage en surface des électrodes constituant un élément primordial vis-à-vis des performances de la batterie. A côté des processus de lithiation et delithiation du matériau actif au cours du cyclage, il est important de mieux connaître la nature, la formation et l’évolution de la SEI de même que l’évolution des oxydes natifs de surface et la réactivité chimique de l’électrode au contact de l’électrolyte. Dans ce travail de thèse, pour mieux connaître et comprendre ces différents processus, nous avons développé une approche d'analyse non destructive à différentes profondeurs de la surface de matériaux d’électrodes. Les analyses ont été réalisées par spectroscopie photoélectronique à rayonnement X (XPS), la modification d’énergie du rayonnement incident permettant une variation de la profondeur d'analyse. Cette méthodologie a été utilisée pour sonder les phénomènes aux interfaces d’électrodes à base de silicium et d’étain. Les mécanismes se produisant lors du premier cycle électrochimique puis au cours d’un long cyclage d’électrodes à base de silicium cyclées avec le sel classique LiPF6 puis avec un nouveau sel très prometteur, LiFSI ont été analysés et discutés. L’étude a été étendue à un nouveau composé intermétallique à base d’étain: MnSn2. / Compounds forming alloys with lithium, such as silicon or tin, are promising negative electrode materials for the next generation of Li-ion batteries and an important issue is to better understand the phenomena occurring at the electrode/electrolyte interfaces of these materials. The stability of the passivation layer (SEI) is crucial for good battery performance and its nature, formation and evolution have to be investigated. It is also important to follow upon cycling alloying/dealloying processes, the evolution of surface oxides with battery cycling and the change in surface chemistry when storing electrodes in the electrolyte. The aim of this thesis is to improve the knowledge of these surface reactions through a non-destructive depth-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of the surface of new negative electrodes. A unique combination utilizing hard and soft-ray photoelectron spectroscopy allows by variation of the photon energy an analysis from the extreme surface to the bulk of the particles. This experimental approach was used to access the interfacial phase transitions at the surface of silicon or tin particles as well as the composition and thickness/covering of the SEI. Interfacial mechanisms occurring upon the first electrochemical cycle and upon long-term cycling of Si-based electrodes cycled with the classical salt LiPF6 and with a new promising salt, LiFSI were investigated as well as the interfacial reactions occurring upon the first cycle of an intermetallic compound MnSn2 were studied.

Estudo de espécie nativa da restinga para plantio em telhados de construção de interesse social.

Tatiana Pereira Marcolino 15 December 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / O alto crescimento populacional tem desencadeado uma elevada ocupação das áreas urbanas com a expansão de edificações e estradas causando alterações no meio ambiente com a consequente minimização das áreas verdes e da infiltração de água no solo. Estes fenômenos acarretam problemas como enxurradas, inundações, aumento da temperatura local e diminuição da biodiversidade com inúmeros efeitos adversos, tanto econômicos quanto ambientais e sociais. Uma das alternativas para minimizar estes problemas é a construção de telhados verdes, que tem como uma das principais funções retardar o escoamento devido ao aumento da infiltração e retenção da água das chuvas atenuando o efeito avassalador das enchentes e das zonas de calor, principalmente em climas muito quentes, além de colaborar para recuperação de ecossistemas, através do replantio de mudas. Este projeto faz parte de um conjunto de ações integradas de cidadania e inclusão social na região hidrográfica da baixada de Jacarepaguá, especificamente envolvendo a Comunidade da Vila Cascatinha, em Vargem Grande, a fim de gerar subsídios para políticas públicas em áreas de assentamentos informais, integrado ao projeto HIDROCIDADES (CNPq, FAPERJ, FINEP), que visa a conservação da água em meios urbanos e periurbanos associado à cidadania, inclusão social e melhoria da qualidade de vida nas grandes cidades. Este trabalho utiliza uma tecnologia adaptada dos telhados verdes para edificação popular (telhado de fibrocimento) muito comum no Brasil, com o objetivo de verificar uma espécie com potencial de geração de renda (visando o social) de ecossistema regionais como restinga, em edificação; analisar o crescimento e biomassa da espécie de restinga cultivada em telhados; e avaliar qualidades das mídias em função do plantio em análise de armazenamento (retenção) de água no solo. A partir da metodologia empregada na implantação dos telhados verdes em habitações populares, os resultados obtidos são desenvolvimento da espécie Ipomoea pes caprae Brasiliensis, em três tipos de mídias de crescimento e também eficiência dessas mídias no escoamento superficial. Observou-se retenção de 69,24L de água para o bagaço de cana de açúcar e 64,7L para a fibra de coco. E foi observado também um retardo da ocorrência do pico de até 14 minutos no telhado vegetado em relação ao telhado controle (convencional). / The high rates of population growth has led to a dense occupancy of periferic urban areas with buildings and roads. This has caused changes in the environment with the consequent minimization of green areas and water infiltration into the soil. These phenomena have been favoring problems such as landslides, floods, temperature increase and local biodiversity decreasing with numerous adverse effects, both social-economic, and environmental. One alternative to minimize these problems is the construction of green roofs, which has as one of its main functions increase infiltration and retention of rainwater, alleviating the effects of floods and heat zones, especially in very hot climates, and contribute to ecosystem restoration. This research is part of a set of integrated actions of citizenship and social inclusion in the lowland of Jacarepaguá river basin, specifically involving the Community Vila Cascatinha in Vargem Grande, in order to generate support for public policy in areas of informal settlements, integrated HIDROCIDADES Project (CNPq / FAPERJ / FINEP), which aims to conserve water in urban and peri-urban areas associated with citizenship, social inclusion and the improvement of quality of life in big cities. This work uses an adapted technology for planting on roof tops of social interest habitations (fibercement tiles), very common in Brazil, aiming to verify a restinga local ecosystem species with potential for income generation increase (foccus on the social), as well as environmental compensation. It was analyzed the growth and biomass generation of the Ipomoea pes caprae Brasiliensis cultivated on roof top and assessed qualities of the growth media and its retention capacities. Retention of 69.24 liters of water on sugar cane bagasse and 64.7 L on coconut fiber applied as growth medias were observed. It was also observed a delay in the occurrence of the peak-flow of up to 14 minutes on the planted roof in comparison to the convetional roof top of fibercement tiles (non-planted).

Estudo de espécie nativa da restinga para plantio em telhados de construção de interesse social.

Tatiana Pereira Marcolino 15 December 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / O alto crescimento populacional tem desencadeado uma elevada ocupação das áreas urbanas com a expansão de edificações e estradas causando alterações no meio ambiente com a consequente minimização das áreas verdes e da infiltração de água no solo. Estes fenômenos acarretam problemas como enxurradas, inundações, aumento da temperatura local e diminuição da biodiversidade com inúmeros efeitos adversos, tanto econômicos quanto ambientais e sociais. Uma das alternativas para minimizar estes problemas é a construção de telhados verdes, que tem como uma das principais funções retardar o escoamento devido ao aumento da infiltração e retenção da água das chuvas atenuando o efeito avassalador das enchentes e das zonas de calor, principalmente em climas muito quentes, além de colaborar para recuperação de ecossistemas, através do replantio de mudas. Este projeto faz parte de um conjunto de ações integradas de cidadania e inclusão social na região hidrográfica da baixada de Jacarepaguá, especificamente envolvendo a Comunidade da Vila Cascatinha, em Vargem Grande, a fim de gerar subsídios para políticas públicas em áreas de assentamentos informais, integrado ao projeto HIDROCIDADES (CNPq, FAPERJ, FINEP), que visa a conservação da água em meios urbanos e periurbanos associado à cidadania, inclusão social e melhoria da qualidade de vida nas grandes cidades. Este trabalho utiliza uma tecnologia adaptada dos telhados verdes para edificação popular (telhado de fibrocimento) muito comum no Brasil, com o objetivo de verificar uma espécie com potencial de geração de renda (visando o social) de ecossistema regionais como restinga, em edificação; analisar o crescimento e biomassa da espécie de restinga cultivada em telhados; e avaliar qualidades das mídias em função do plantio em análise de armazenamento (retenção) de água no solo. A partir da metodologia empregada na implantação dos telhados verdes em habitações populares, os resultados obtidos são desenvolvimento da espécie Ipomoea pes caprae Brasiliensis, em três tipos de mídias de crescimento e também eficiência dessas mídias no escoamento superficial. Observou-se retenção de 69,24L de água para o bagaço de cana de açúcar e 64,7L para a fibra de coco. E foi observado também um retardo da ocorrência do pico de até 14 minutos no telhado vegetado em relação ao telhado controle (convencional). / The high rates of population growth has led to a dense occupancy of periferic urban areas with buildings and roads. This has caused changes in the environment with the consequent minimization of green areas and water infiltration into the soil. These phenomena have been favoring problems such as landslides, floods, temperature increase and local biodiversity decreasing with numerous adverse effects, both social-economic, and environmental. One alternative to minimize these problems is the construction of green roofs, which has as one of its main functions increase infiltration and retention of rainwater, alleviating the effects of floods and heat zones, especially in very hot climates, and contribute to ecosystem restoration. This research is part of a set of integrated actions of citizenship and social inclusion in the lowland of Jacarepaguá river basin, specifically involving the Community Vila Cascatinha in Vargem Grande, in order to generate support for public policy in areas of informal settlements, integrated HIDROCIDADES Project (CNPq / FAPERJ / FINEP), which aims to conserve water in urban and peri-urban areas associated with citizenship, social inclusion and the improvement of quality of life in big cities. This work uses an adapted technology for planting on roof tops of social interest habitations (fibercement tiles), very common in Brazil, aiming to verify a restinga local ecosystem species with potential for income generation increase (foccus on the social), as well as environmental compensation. It was analyzed the growth and biomass generation of the Ipomoea pes caprae Brasiliensis cultivated on roof top and assessed qualities of the growth media and its retention capacities. Retention of 69.24 liters of water on sugar cane bagasse and 64.7 L on coconut fiber applied as growth medias were observed. It was also observed a delay in the occurrence of the peak-flow of up to 14 minutes on the planted roof in comparison to the convetional roof top of fibercement tiles (non-planted).

Interação dos fatores musculoesqueléticos com o equilíbrio de crianças e adolescentes com neuropatia sensorial e motora hereditária / Interaction of skeletal-muscle factors with balance in children and adolescents with hereditary sensory-motor neuropathy

Cyntia Rogean de Jesus Alves 04 May 2018 (has links)
O controle postural na doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) está subsidiado em estudos com adultos, nos quais deformidades distais, desequilíbrios musculares e aspectos maturacionais estão bem documentados. Para infância e adolescência, o controle postural permanece por ser explorado e pode contribuir para elucidar como um sistema neuromuscular imaturo lida com a doença em curso. Neste contexto, foi proposto um estudo de desenho transversal (Estudo 1) composto por crianças e adolescentes com CMT (encaminhados ao Ambulatório CMT-Infantil do Centro de Reabilitação do HCFMRP-USP; Grupo CMT) e seus pares saudáveis (Grupo Controle), e outro longitudinal (Estudo 2), composto exclusivamente de crianças e adolescentes com CMT. O Estudo 1 caracterizou a oscilação postural e explorou sua interação com variáveis musculoesqueléticas, a partir da comparação do Grupo CMT e Grupo Controle, sendo composto por 53 participantes de ambos os sexos, idade entre 6 e 18 anos, sendo 24 saudáveis e 29 com CMT. Foram coletados dados de massa, estatura, base de apoio, Índice Postural do Pé (IPP), amplitudes passivas de movimento, força muscular isométrica de membros inferiores, medidas de desempenho (teste de caminhada dos 6 min -T6, teste dos 10 m - T10, salto horizontal - SH) e de equilíbrio (estabilometria, Escala de Equilíbrio Pediátrica - EEP). A força muscular isométrica dos grupos musculares inversores, eversores, dorsiflexores, flexores plantares, flexores e extensores de joelho e extensores de quadril foi medida bilateralmente com um dinamômetro manual (Lafayette, modelo 01163). Para avaliação estabilométrica foi usada uma plataforma de força (Bertec, modelo FP 4060-08), com frequência de amostragem de 100 Hz, tempo de registro de 30 s por tentativa. As 4 condições de teste (olhos abertos/superfície rígida; olhos abertos/superfície deformável; olhos fechados/superfície rígida; olhos fechados/superfície deformável) foram repetidas aleatoriamente por 3 vezes, intervaladas por 30 s, perfazendo 12 tentativas. Foram extraídas a área da elipse de confiança, velocidade (total, mediolateral e anteroposterior), frequência (total, mediolateral e anteroposterior) e o Quociente de Romberg (QRv) por meio do programa MATLAB (R2014a), usando um filtro digital Butterworth passa-baixa de 4a ordem, com frequência de corte de 7 Hz. O programa SPSS (versão 17) foi usado para análise estatística (nível de significância de 5%). No aspecto musculoesquelético (amplitude de dorsiflexão, ângulo poplíteo e força muscular da maioria dos grupos testados) e nos testes de desempenho (T10, T6 e SH), os resultados mostraram que o grupo CMT exibiu valores inferiores ao Controle (p<0,05). Quanto ao controle postural, comparações intragrupo das condições de teste no grupo CMT evidenciaram incremento na área e velocidades do centro de pressão (CP), mas não nas frequências, conforme a complexidade da tarefa. Nas comparações intergrupos, tanto a EEP quanto a estabilometria evidenciaram menor equilíbrio no grupo CMT quando comparado ao Controle (aumento da área de confiança da elipse e das velocidades, associadas a um decréscimo da frequência do CP) (p<0,05). As interações mais relevantes entre fatores musculoesqueléticos e equilíbrio sugerem melhor controle postural para indivíduos com pés são planos e amplitudes de dorsiflexão reduzidas. O Estudo 2 buscou detectar alterações no controle postural nos participantes que foram seguidos por 6 e 12 meses consecutivos, sendo 22 com CMT de ambos os sexos, idade entre 6 e 18 anos. Registros da oscilação postural, das variáveis musculoesqueléticas e de desempenho foram analisados em intervalos de 6 meses (AV1, AV2 e AV3). Os programas SPSS (versão 17) e R Core Team (2016) foram usados para análise estatística. O teste de Wilcoxon foi usado para comparar variáveis estabilométricas do seguimento semestral e anual e para uma análise complementar, considerando os subgrupos de 6 a 9 anos (n=8) e de 10 a 17 anos (n=9). O comportamento das variáveis musculoesqueléticas foi analisado com o modelo linear de efeitos mistos. O teste t de Student para amostras pareadas foi usado para analisar T10, T6 e SH. O IPP e EEP foram analisados com o teste exato de Fisher. Os resultados mostraram que não houve mudanças significativas na estabilometria entre AV1 e AV2 ou AV1 e AV3. Nas comparações entre AV1 e AV2, houve aumento significativo no ângulo poplíteo, na força dos grupos musculares eversores de tornozelo e extensores de quadril, no SH e a força muscular dos extensores de joelho sofreu decréscimo (p<0,05). Nas comparações entre AV1 e AV3, houve aumento significativo da força muscular dos grupos inversores, eversores, dorsiflexores e extensores de joelho (p<0,05). A análise complementar do seguimento anual identificou reduções significativas na amplitude de dorsiflexão, velocidade mediolateral (condições olhos abertos/superfície rígida e olhos fechados/superfície rígida) e velocidade total (condições olhos abertos/superfície rígida e olhos fechados/superfície rígida) no subgrupo de crianças (n=8) (p<0,05). No subgrupo de adolescentes (n=9), houve aumento significativo da força muscular de inversores, dorsiflexores e extensores de joelho (p<0,05) enquanto a estabilometria permaneceu inalterada. Em suma, os resultados do Estudo 1 e 2 permitem concluir que o controle postural ii deficitário de crianças e adolescentes com CMT é mensurável com base nas variáveis estabilométricas extraídas da análise global; é expresso por grandes e rápidas oscilações do CP, nas quais a frequência não distingue as condições de teste quando comparadas aos seus pares saudáveis. A velocidade do CP parece refletir as mudanças na estabilidade postural quando crianças e adolescentes são analisados como subgrupos distintos. Além disso, seguimentos anuais parecem ser suficientes para detectar mudanças no controle postural, nas variáveis musculoesqueléticas e de desempenho. / Postural control in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is supported in studies with adults, in which distal deformities, muscular imbalances and maturational aspects are well documented. For childhood and adolescence, standing balance remains to be explored and may contribute to elucidate how an immature neuromuscular system deals with the ongoing disease. In this context, a crosssectional study (Study 1) composed of children and adolescents with CMT (referred to the CMTInfantile Ambulatory of the HCFMRP-USP Rehabilitation Center, CMT Group) and their healthy peers (Control Group), and another longitudinal (Study 2), composed exclusively of children and adolescents with CMT were proposed. Study 1 characterized the postural oscillations and explored its interaction with musculoskeletal variables from the comparison of the CMT Group and Control Group, being composed of 53 participants of both sexes, age between 6 and 18 years, being 24 healthy and 29 with CMT. Mass, height, base of support, foot postural index (PPI), passive amplitudes of movement, isometric muscle strength of lower limbs, performance measures (6-min walk test -T6, 10- T10, horizontal jump - SH) and balance (stabilometry, Pediatric Balance Scale - EEP) were collected. The isometric muscle strength of the inversion, dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, knee extension, knee flexion and hip extension was measured bilaterally with a manual dynamometer (Lafayette, model 01163). Stabilometric evaluationused a force platform (Bertec, model FP 4060-08), with sampling frequency of 100 Hz, recording time of 30 s per trial. The 4 test conditions (open eyes / hard surface, open eyes / deformable surface, closed eyes / hard surface, closed eyes / deformable surface) were randomly repeated 3 times, intervals for 30 s, making 12 trials. The confidence ellipse area, velocity (total, mediolateral and anteroposterior), frequency (total, mediolateral and anteroposterior) and the Romberg Quotient (QRv) were extracted using MATLAB program (R2014a), adopting a 4th order Butterworth digital low-pass filter and a cut-off frequency of 7 Hz. Statistical analysis used the SPSS program (version 17) and it was adopted level of significance of 5%. In the musculoskeletal aspect (amplitude of dorsiflexion, popliteal angle and muscular strength of most of the groups tested) and performance tests (T10, T6 and SH), CMT group showed values lower than Control (p <0.05). For balance, intragroup comparisons of the test conditions in the CMT group evidenced an increased area and velocities of the pressure center (CP), but not the frequencies, according to the complexity of the task. In the intergroup comparisons, EEP and stabilometry showed less postural control in the CMT group when compared to the Control (increased confidence ellipse area and velocities associated with a decrease in CP frequency) (p <0.05). The most relevant interactions between musculoskeletal and oscillations of CP suggest better postural control for subjects the flat feet and reduced dorsiflexion amplitudes. Study 2 comprised 22 participants with CMT of both sexes, aged between 6 and 18 years and it sought to detect changes in postural oscillations in CMT with 6 and 12 consecutive months of follow-up. Postural oscillations, musculoskeletal and performance variables were analyzed at 6-month intervals (AV1, AV2 and AV3). SPSS (version 17) and R Core Team (2016) programs were used for statistical analysis. The Wilcoxon test was used to compare stabilometric variables of the bi-annual and annual follow-up and to a complementary analysis, considering the subgroups of 6 to 9 years (n = 8) and 10 to 17 years (n = 9). The linear mixed effects model analyzed the musculoskeletal variables. Student\'s t-test for paired samples was used to analyze T10, T6 and SH. The Fisher\'s exact test analyzed the IPP and EEP. The results showed no significant changes in the stabilometry between AV1 and AV2 or AV1 and AV3. Comparisons between AV1 and AV2 showed significant increase in the popliteal angle strength of the ankle evertors and hip extensors SH while the muscle strength of knee extensors decreased (p <0.05). Comparisons between AV1 and AV3, showed a significant increase in the muscular strength for inversion, eversion, dorsiflexion and knee extension groups (p <0.05). The complementary analysis of the annual follow-up identified significant reductions in dorsiflexion amplitude, mediolateral velocity (open eyes / rigid surface and closed eyes / rigid surface) and total velocity (open eyes / rigid surface and closed eyes / rigid surfaces) in the subgroup of children (n = 8) (p <0.05). Subgroup of adolescents (n = 9) showed a significant increase in the muscular strength of inverters, dorsiflexors and knee extensors (p <0.05) while the stabilometry remained unchanged. In summary, the results of Study 1 and 2 allow us to conclude that the poor postural control of children and adolescents with CMT is measurable based on the stabilometric variables extracted from the global analysis; is iv expressed by large and rapid CP oscillations, in which frequency does not distinguish the test conditions when compared to their healthy counterparts. The velocity of CP seems to reflect changes in postural stability when children and adolescents are analyzed as distinct subgroups. In addition, annual follow-up appears to be sufficient to detect changes in postural control, musculoskeletal and performance variables.

Concurrent Telemetry Processing Techniques

Clark, Jerry 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 28-31, 1996 / Town and Country Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California / Improved processing techniques, particularly with respect to parallel computing, are the underlying focus in computer science, engineering, and industry today. Semiconductor technology is fast approaching device physical limitations. Further advances in computing performance in the near future will be realized by improved problem-solving approaches. An important issue in parallel processing is how to effectively utilize parallel computers. It is estimated that many modern supercomputers and parallel processors deliver only ten percent or less of their peak performance potential in a variety of applications. Yet, high performance is precisely why engineers build complex parallel machines. Cumulative performance losses occur due to mismatches between applications, software, and hardware. For instance, a communication system's network bandwidth may not correspond to the central processor speed or to module memory. Similarly, as Internet bandwidth is consumed by modern multimedia applications, network interconnection is becoming a major concern. Bottlenecks in a distributed environment are caused by network interconnections and can be minimized by intelligently assigning processing tasks to processing elements (PEs). Processing speeds are improved when architectures are customized for a given algorithm. Parallel processing techniques have been ineffective in most practical systems. The coupling of algorithms to architectures has generally been problematic and inefficient. Specific architectures have evolved to address the prospective processing improvements promised by parallel processing. Real performance gains will be realized when sequential algorithms are efficiently mapped to parallel architectures. Transforming sequential algorithms to parallel representations utilizing linear dependence vector mapping and subsequently configuring the interconnection network of a systolic array will be discussed in this paper as one possible approach for improved algorithm/architecture symbiosis.

Behaviours and attitudes in the management of nonpoint source pollution : Ping River Basin, Thailand

Bumbudsanpharoke, Wimolpat January 2010 (has links)
Agricultural nonpoint source pollution is recognised as a major cause of water pollution. The characteristics of nonpoint source pollution suggest that an efficient approach should focus on a source control and hence land-use management. Recently, the concept of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) has been advanced as an efficient market-based approach to protect in-stream water quality, while simultaneously supporting agriculture. Farmers can be rewarded for the adoption of certain ‘Best Management Practices’ (BMPs) in farming systems. But little is known about the adoption of BMPs in the context of Thai agriculture. This thesis examines the adoption of twelve BMPs on citrus farms in the Ping river basin in northern Thailand. In the context of potential PES development, three studies were undertaken using frameworks from economics and psychology. The first study used a bottom-up engineering approach to estimate economic costs of twelve BMPs at the farm-scale. The total annualised costs, including installation, maintenance, and land opportunity costs of each BMP were compared. The results indicated that land opportunity cost was the largest proportion of total costs. These estimates provided a basis for discussion on how the farmers’ perception of cost may influence their stated adoption intention. The second study used the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), to investigate farmers’ intentions on adoption of twelve BMPs. A survey of 218 citrus farmers was undertaken in the application. Descriptive statistics and frequency of BMP selection were presented. The results showed that soil analysis was the most preferred BMP. A graphical analysis of other preferred measures suggested that these were not always consistent with the known cost information derived (above) and thus farmers’ perceived costs might not be the most important factor influencing adoption decisions. Further analysis based on TPB investigated other factors thought to be significant in farmers’ decision-making. Other potential external and psychological factors influencing adoption were investigated using a multinomial logistic model. The results indicated that the probability of adopting BMPs was associated with other psychological factors and external factors, rather than perceived costs. The significant psychological factors were farmers’ attitudes towards consumers and perception about farm returns, while the significant external factors were, for example, access to information and contribution of family labour to farm workload. The third study was based on the application of Q-Methodology, and aimed to obtain a deeper understanding of farmers’ perception towards BMPs. Seventy two participants were purposively selected from the 218 TPB observations. The results revealed four distinctive farmer groups holding different perceptions towards BMPs. The four groups were conservationist, traditionalist, disinterested, and risk-averse. These provided a specific segmentation to guide policy towards influencing attitudes and behaviours. The results suggested that farmers were not motivated solely by a profit maximisation goal. Overall, key findings from these three studies revealed some fundamental requirements for developing a water-related PES programme. These were: i) factors affecting eligibility to participate; ii) factors affecting desire to participate; and iii) factors affecting ability to participate. This information provided the basis for a set of recommendations addressing the development of the water-related PES programme in the Ping river basin.


Shah, Heta N 01 January 2015 (has links)
Phenylephrine (PE) is the most commonly used over-the-counter nasal decongestant. The problem associated with phenylephrine is that it undergoes extensive first pass metabolism in the intestinal gut wall leading to its poor and variable oral bioavailability. This research project aims at developing strategies in order to increase the oral bioavailability of PE by co-administration of GRAS compounds. A HILIC assay method was developed to detect the parent drug, phenylephrine (PE) and its sulfate metabolite (PES).The enzyme kinetic studies were done with phenolic dietary or GRAS compounds using LS180 human intestinal cell model, recombinant SULT enzymes and human intestinal cytosol (HIC). From the screening studies done, one inhibitor was selected in order to study the mechanism of inhibition. In conclusion the studies done in vitro provided a basis in order to predict in vivo intrinsic clearance through the sulfation pathway.

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