Spelling suggestions: "subject:"phonological.""
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The role of phonology in English vocabulary learning by Chinese tertiary students in Hong KongHill, Margaret Monica. January 1997 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Curriculum Studies / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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No description available.
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Phonetics and Phonology of Regressive Voicing Assimilation in Russian Native and Non-native SpeechSamokhina, Natalya January 2010 (has links)
In recent years, a great deal of research on second language (L2) acquisition has been concerned with non-target production of L2 learners, addressing issues such as native language (L1) transfer into L2 and the nature and source of developmental errors. Previous studies have mostly focused on the analysis of discrete L2 segments (Flege 1987, 1999; Major & Kim 1996), rather than on L2 phonological patterns. This study, however, examines the production of sequences of sounds in Russian L1 and L2 from both the phonetic and phonological perspectives.This dissertation investigates native and non-native production of real and nonsense words containing obstruent clusters in which a phonological phenomenon known as regressive voicing assimilation is required. In Russian, forms like lodka `boat' are rendered orthographically with a voiced obstruent which is pronounced as a voiceless one when followed by a voiceless obstruent. The results of the experiments reveal several production patterns in L1 and L2 speech as well as gradiency in devoicing which are further analyzed within the stochastic Optimality Theory framework. Categorical production is accounted for by the re-ranking of L1 and L2 constraints; whereas, gradiency in production is viewed as a result of the re-ranking of constraints within phonetically detailed constraint families.
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Fonologi hos svenska förskolebarn i åldersgruppen 4–5 år : Referensdata till kortversionen av ett fonologiskt bedömningsmaterial / Phonology of Swedish Preschool Children aged 4–5 years : Reference Data for the Short Version of a Phonological Assessment MaterialNetin, Rebecka, Pehrson, Fanny January 2014 (has links)
Föreliggande studie syftar till att undersöka fonologisk förmåga samt samla referensdata till kortversionen av det fonologiska bedömningsmaterialet Linköpingsundersökningen (LINUS) för svenska barn i åldersgruppen 4–5 år. Totalt medverkade 70 barn, 43 flickor och 27 pojkar (medelålder 54 månader). Barnen rekryterades på förskolor i områden som låg nära det socioekonomiska medelvärdet för riket. I studien bedömdes vilka fonem och konsonantförbindelser som fanns etablerade hos barnen. Percentage Phonemes Correct (PPC) och Percentage Words Correct (PWC) beräknades och förekomst av strukturavvikelser analyserades. Barnen delades upp i två halvårsgrupper (4;0–4;6 och 4;6–5;0). Vid jämförelse mellan de två grupperna visades att de fonem och konsonantförbindelser som etablerats var mycket lika. Det fanns statistiskt signifikanta skillnader mellan halvårsgrupperna gällande PPC och PWC, där den äldre halvårsgruppen hade en större andel korrekta fonem (p=0,02) samt ord (p=0,02). Den yngre halvårsgruppen hade en större förekomst av interdentalisering (s→θ) (p=0,03) och palatalisering av /s/ (s→ɕ) (p=0,003). Skillnaden mellan halvårsgrupperna var statistiskt signifikant. Materialet kan användas av svenska logopeder för bedömning av barns fonologi. / The study objective was to investigate phonological ability in children aged 4–5 years and to assemble reference data for the short version of the Swedish phonological assessment material, Linköpingsundersökningen (LINUS). In total, 70 children participated in the study, 43 girls and 27 boys (average age 54 months). The children were recruited at preschools in areas that were socioeconomically close to the national average. An assessment was made of the children’s phonology using the short version of the new phonological material. Percentage Phonemes Correct (PPC) and Percentage Words Correct (PWC) were calculated and word structure deviations were analyzed. The children were divided into two half-year groups (4;0–4;6 and 4;6–5;0). When comparing the results of the two age groups similarities regarding acquired phonemes and consonant clusters were found. Significant differences in PPC (p=0,02) and PWC (p=0,02) were found between the two half-year groups where the older group had a higher proportion of correct phonemes (94,2 %) and words (76,1 %). Interdentalization (s→θ) (p =0,03), and palatalization of /s/ (s→ɕ) (p =0,003) were more present in the younger age group and there was a significant difference between the two half-year groups. This material can be used by Speech-Language Pathologists in Sweden for phonological screening.
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Fonologi hos svensktalande treåringar : Referensmaterial till LINUS kortversionLawrence, Hanna, Henriksson, Erika January 2014 (has links)
Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka fonologin hos svensktalande barn mellan 3 och 4 år. I studien medverkar 69 barn, varav 33 pojkar och 36 flickor. Bedömningen genomfördes med ett nytt fonologisk bedömningsmaterial, LINUS kortversion. Testerna utfördes i områden belägna i tre kommuner i sydöstra Sverige där socioekonomisk status låg nära riksgenomsnittet. Bedömningarna spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades av två bedömare. Analysen bestod av Percentage of Word Correct (PWC), Percentage of Phonemes Correct (PPC), förekomst av assimilation, metates och epentes, förenkling av konsonantförbindelse, vokal- och konsonantsubstitution, reduplikation samt utelämning av obetonad stavelse och enskild konsonant. Vidare bedömdes vilka fonem som var etablerade hos barnen. Kriteriet för etablering av fonem sattes till > 90 % korrekt producerat fonem hos > 90 % av barnen. Tolv av svenskans 18 konsonantfonem var etablerade hos svensktalande treåringar med typisk språkutveckling. De fonem som vållade mest svårigheter var /ɧ/, /r/, /ʈ/ och /ɕ/. Genomsnittlig PWC var 61,3 % och genomsnittlig PPC var 88,7 %. Inga statistiskt signifikanta skillnader hittades mellan könen eller halvårsgrupperna gällande PWC och PPC. Förekomst av assimilation, metates och epentes, förenkling av konsonantförbindelse, vokal- och konsonantsubstitution, reduplikation samt utelämning av obetonad stavelse och enskild konsonant hittades. Den mest förekommande avvikelsen var substitution medan den minst förekommande var reduplikation. / The present study aimed to examine the phonology of typically developed Swedish-speaking children between 3 and 4 years of age. Sixty-nine children; 33 boys and 36 girls were assessed with the short version of a new phonological assessment material called LINUS. The tests were conducted in areas located in three municipalities in southeastern Sweden, where socioeconomic status was close to the national average. Audio-recordings of the assessments were transcribed and analyzed by the authors. The analysis consisted of Percentage of Word Correct (PWC), Percentage of Phonemes Correct (PPC), the presence of assimilation, metathesis and epenthesis, cluster reduction, vowel and consonant substitution, reduplication and deletion of unstressed syllables or single consonants. Further identification was made of the phonemes that were established. The criterion for the establishment of phonemes was set to > 90 % correct produced phonemes in > 90 % of the children. Twelve of the 18 Swedish consonant phonemes were established by Swedish-speaking three year olds with typical language development. The phonemes which caused most trouble were /ɧ/, /r/, /ʈ/ and /ɕ/. Average PWC was 61.3 % and average PPC was 88.7 %. No significant differences were found between gender or the two age groups regarding PWC and PPC. Presence of assimilation, metathesis and epenthesis, cluster reduction, vowel and consonant substitution, reduplication and deletion of unstressed syllables or single consonants were found. The most common deviation was found to be substitution and the least occurring deviation was reduplication.
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Reduplication in old ChineseSun, Jingtao 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation aims at constructing a description of reduplication in Old Chinese, developing a
generative theory of morpho-phonological interaction to account for the formation of the
reduplication patterns, and re-examining general reduplication theories and issues of other
linguistic components by drawing lessons from Old Chinese reduplication. The investigation of
the source data reveals that Old Chinese reduplication has four basic patterns: progressive
reduplication with either "smallness" or "vividness", retrogressive pattern with "repetition",
fission reduplication with "specialization", and total reduplication with a vivid impression (a
parasitic sense).
The formation of the reduplication patterns results from the interaction between morphology
and phonology. With motivation from semantics, the monosyllabic base is reduplicated as two
identical syllables, which undergo further modification. 1) Since the reduplicative form with
"diminutive" or "vividness" is semantically undecomposable, OOP (One Syllable One Meaning
Principle) forces the two syllables to sound like one, which is achieved by raising the sonority of
the onset of the second syllable. As such, the progressive pattern arises. 2) For the same reason,
the reduplicative form with "specialization" has the same shape as the progressive at one stage.
Pressure from the system thus compels it to undergo further modification, eventually producing
the fission pattern. 3) The reduplicative form with a vivid impression is not under the control of
OOP; thus it can keep its two identical syllables intact, yielding total reduplication pattern. 4)
Reduplicative verbs are semantically decomposable; thus OOP does not come into effect. That
the form is actually modified stems from the pressure of an already-existent total reduplication
pattern, while this modification of the first rhyme is determined by quasi-iambic stress. This
interaction produces a retrogressive pattern.
This study sheds light on reduplication processes in general and other linguistic issues.
During reduplication, full reduplication occurs first; then the reduplicant is modified. That
reduplication operates on the interface between morphology and phonology is a universal
phenomenon, but how this operation proceeds is language-specific. The consistent distinction
between Type A syllables and Type B syllables seen in Old Chinese reduplication patterns
indicates the unreasonableness of reconstructing a "medial" yod for Old Chinese.
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Acquisition of segmental structure : consequences for speech perception and second language acquisitionBrown, Cynthia A, 1967- January 1997 (has links)
Through an investigation of the acquisition of feature geometric representations in first and second language acquisition, this dissertation demonstrates how the Feature Geometry theory contained in Universal Grammar actively guides and constrains the acquisition of segmental representations by children. In addition, it demonstrates how the mature feature geometry in a speaker's mental grammar restricts the range of nonnative phonemic contrasts that he or she will be sensitive to in the input and, hence, able to acquire as an L2 learner. / Three related areas of research are explored and integrated in this work: first, a theoretical study explores the feature-geometric representation of sonorant and non-sonorant laterals, based on their behavior in a variety of phonological processes cross-linguistically, and suggests that [lateral] is not a phonological feature, but rather that laterality is a phonetic property that derives from a specific feature-geometric representation; second, an experimental study investigates the acquisition of phonemic contrasts by English children and demonstrates that segmental representations are acquired in a uniform order that is consistent with properties of Feature Geometry; finally, a series of experimental studies examines the perception and acquisition of the English /l-r/, /b-v/, /p-f/, /f-v/ and /s-theta/ contrasts by native speakers of Japanese, Mandarin Chinese and Korean. / The findings from each of these studies are synthesized to obtain a comprehensive picture of how segmental representations are acquired and how this L1 knowledge impinges on the acquisition of L2 phonemes: it is argued that the monotonic acquisition of feature-geometric structure by young children restricts their sensitivity to particular non-native contrasts, and the continued operation of this existing feature geometry in adult speech perception constrains which non-native contrasts adult learners will be sensitive to in the L2 input and, therefore, capable of acquiring; the circumstances in which the native grammar facilitates perception of non-native contrasts and in which acquisition is possible are also discussed.
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The empty noun construction in PersianGhaniabadi, Saeed 23 August 2010 (has links)
This dissertation explores, within the general framework of Distributed
Morphology, the licensing conditions of empty nouns in Persian, a Western
Iranian language, and the issues that arise within this context for the
distribution of plural marking and the insertion of the Ezafe vowel. With
respect to the licensing of the empty noun, the proposal made in this
thesis is along the lines of those that link ellipsis to information
structure (e.g. Rooth 1992a, 1992b; Gengel 2007, among others). It is
suggested that the Empty Noun Construction (ENC) is derived through the
interaction between the following two information-structural features: (i)
the E(llipsis)-feature, which ensures that the head noun is identical with
its counterpart in the antecedent and specifies the head noun for
non-pronunciation; (ii) the F(ocus)-feature, which specifies the remnant
modifier as an element which is in some kind of contrastive relationship
with its corresponding element in the antecedent. The interaction between
these two features is implemented in the syntax in a phase-based derivation.
Plural marking and Ezafe insertion in the ENC are accounted for within an
articulated derivational model of PF (Embick & Noyer 2001; Embick 2003 et
seq.; Pak 2008). It is proposed that the displacement of the plural marker
in the ENC is motivated by the non-pronunciation of the head noun and is
handled early in the PF derivation by Local Dislocation operation. Adopting
Pak's (2008) model of syntax-phonology interface, the rule responsible for
the insertion of the Ezafe linker -e is argued to be a phonological rule
that applies at the Late-Linearization stage to connect [+N] heads to their
following modifiers/complements.
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Prosodic Writing with 2D- and 3D-fonts: An approach to integrate pronunciation in writing systemsRude, Markus 28 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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I Accidentally This Thesis Because East: The Influence of the Internet on Spoken Language in EastspeakManning, Emma S 01 January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the variety of English spoken in East Dorm at Harvey Mudd College. It describes aspects of the syntax and phonology of Eastspeak, focusing in particular on how Eastspeak has been influenced by the language of the internet. This includes tendencies toward brevity and language play, as well as the use of specific constructions used on the internet, and playful pronunciations that are influenced by creative misspellings used online. Specific Eastspeak phenomena discussed include conversion, deletion, and unusual determiner and quantifier use.
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