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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biomarcadores na doença de Alzheimer: GSK3B e PLA2 na resposta aos inibidores de colinesterase / Biomarkers in Alzheirmer\'s disease: GSK3B and PLA2 in response to cholinesterase inhibitors

Leda Leme Talib 23 May 2014 (has links)
A Doença de Alzheimer (DA) é uma desordem neurodegenerativa progressiva que causa comprometimento cognitivo e demência. O diagnóstico é baseado em parâmetros clínicos, mas sua confirmação é post-mortem, após avaliação patológica durante a autópsia. Os tratamentos disponíveis para a DA são os inibidores da colinesterase (IChEs) e os antagonistas de receptores de N-metil-D-aspartato (NMDA), sendo que os IChEs compõe o principal grupo. Diversos estudos tem mostrado um efeito neuroprotetor dos IChEs, levando a alterações na patogênese da DA. Avaliar e mensurar essas alterações são papeis atribuídos aos biomarcadores. Neste sentido podemos destacar a fosfolipase A2 (PLA2), a principal responsável pelo metabolismo de fosfolípides de membrana, e que tem sido achada diminuída na DA, assim como a glicogênio sintase-quinase (GSK), responsável pela fosforilação da proteína Tau, que é um dos processos alterados na DA. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento com IChE sobre a atividade da PLA2 e expressão da GSK3B em plaquetas de 30 pacientes com DA após 3 e 6 meses de tratamento. Como grupo controle foram investigados 42 individuos idosos sem doença neurodegenerativa. Encontramos nos pacientes com DA antes do tratamento uma diminuição da atividade da iPLA2 quando comparada ao grupo controle. Após três e seis meses de tratamento a PLA2 aumentou, voltando ao nível dos controles. Os pacientes que apresentaram um aumento maior da iPLA2 apos 3 meses de tratamento apresentaram melhora cognitiva mais marcante após seis meses de tratamento, avaliado pelo CAMCOG. Apos 6 meses de tratamento encontramos um inativação da GSK3B, medida por um aumento em sua forma fosforilada. Nossos resultados sugerem que o donepezil apresenta propriedades modificadoras na doença de Alzheimer, e ainda que a medida da atividade da iPLA2 poderia ser usada como marcador de resposta terapêutica ao donepezil e, possivelmente, a outros IChEs, na doença de Alzheimer / Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that causes dementia and cognitive impairment. The Diagnosis is based on clinical parameters, but confirmation is post-mortem after pathologic evaluation during autopsy. The treatments available for AD are cholinesterase inhibitors (IChEs) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonists. The main group comprises the IChEs. Several studies have shown a neuroprotective effect of IChEs, leading to alterations in the pathogenesis of AD. Evaluate and measure these changes are assigned to biomarkers. In this regard we can highlight the phospholipase A2 (PLA2) the main enzyme in membrane phospholipids metabolism and that has been found decreased in AD as well as Glycogen Synthase kinase (GSK), a major responsible for tau phosphorylation which is one processes altered in AD. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of treatment with IChE on PLA2 activity and GSK3B expression in platelet of 30 AD patients after 3 and 6 months of treatment. The control group comprised 42 elderly individuals without neurodegenerative disease The results obtained were a decreased iPLA2 activity in patients with AD before treatment as compared to controls. After 3 and 6 months of treatment, we observed a significant increase in iPLA2 activity, restoring enzymatic activity similar to that observed among control. The patients who showed higher iPLA2 activity in the first three months were those showing cognitive improvement after six months of treatment, measured by CAMCOG. After 6 months of treatment a GSK3B inactivation were found, measured by an increase in its phosphorylated form. Our results suggest that donepezil present modifying properties in Alzheimer disease and that iPLA2 activity measurement could be used as a marker of therapeutic response to donepezil and possibly other IChEs in Alzheimer\'s disease

Avaliação da atividade antiofídica do extrato vegetal de Anacardium humile:Isolamento e caracterização fitoquímica do ácido gálico com potencial antimiotóxico / Evaluation of Antiophidian Activity from Anacardium humile Plant Extract: Isolation and Phytochemical Characterization of the Gallic Acid with Antimyotoxic Potential

Costa, Tássia Rafaella 18 February 2011 (has links)
Os envenenamentos ofídicos constituem um problema relevante de saúde pública em diversas regiões do mundo, particularmente em países da zona tropical e neotropical. A fisiopatologia do acidente ofídico é constituída por uma série de eventos complexos tanto a nível local quanto sistêmico, e o soro antiofídico é o único tratamento utilizado. No entanto, os efeitos tóxicos locais induzidos durante o envenenamento por serpentes, principalmente do gênero Bothrops, não são eficientemente neutralizados pela soroterapia tradicional. Por esta razão, procuram-se alternativas complementares, como as plantas medicinais antiofídicas que são usadas por comunidades que não têm acesso a soroterapia. A flora brasileira possui uma ampla variedade de plantas medicinais com potencial antiofídico, as quais têm sido pouco estudadas cientificamente. Neste estudo foram realizados ensaios in vitro e in vivo de neutralização de peçonhas ofídicas com o extrato aquoso das entrecascas de Anacardium humile (EAAh), e, o isolamento e a caracterização fitoquímica de um inibidor de miotoxinas, o ácido gálico (AG). Para os ensaios de inibição, foram utilizadas soluções contendo peçonha bruta ou toxina isolada misturadas com diferentes quantidades de extrato vegetal que foram previamente incubadas por 30 min a 37°C. Também foi realizada administração do extrato após o envenenamento em diferentes intervalos de tempo para os testes de inibição da miotoxicidade. Observou-se que EAAh tem atividade inibitória sobre os efeitos tóxicos (letalidade, miotoxicidade, e hemorragia) e farmacológicos/enzimáticos (edema, atividade fosfolipásica e coagulante) induzidos pelas peçonhas de serpentes dos gêneros Bothrops, Crotalus, Lachesis e das toxinas isoladas. O extrato vegetal inibiu 100% a letalidade induzida pela peçonha de C. d. terrificus e sua principal neurotoxina, a crotoxina. O EAAh foi submetido a fracionamento cromatográfico analítico, e em condições polares foi possível identificar e isolar o ácido gálico, o qual demonstrou tempo de retenção e espectros de ressonância magnética nucleares similares ao padrão comercial e a dados de literatura deste mesmo composto, respectivamente. O ácido gálico isolado foi capaz de inibir a atividade miotóxica induzida pela peçonha bruta de B. jararacussu e sua principal miotoxina, a bothropstoxina-I, uma PLA2-símile Lys49. A análise dos espectros de dicroísmo circular e os estudos de interação por modelagem molecular sugerem que o ácido gálico forma um complexo com a BthTX-I de B. jararacussu em seu sítio ativo, inibindo sua atividade tóxica. A ligação do ácido gálico com as miotoxinas não modificou nem a forma e nem a intensidade dos espectros de dicroísmo circular, não induzindo alterações significativas na porcentagem dos diversos domínios que constituem a estrutura secundária destas proteínas. O ácido gálico assim como outros taninos, tem revelado-se um bom inibidor das ações tóxicas de peçonhas de serpentes e está relacionado com a ação inibitória do extrato de Anacardium humile. / Ophidian envenomations are a significant problem of public health in several regions of the world, particularly in tropical and neotropical countries. The pathophysiology of snakebite accidents is constituted by a complex series of events both locally and systemically, and the antivenom serum is the only treatment used. However, local toxic effects induced during envenomation by snakes, especially from the genus Bothrops, are not effectively neutralized by the traditional serum therapy. For this reason, additional alternatives are made necessary, such as the use of medicinal plants that are used by communities with no access to serum therapy. The Brazilian flora possesses a wide variety of medicinal plants with antiophidian potential, which have been little-studied scientifically. In the present study, we performed in vitro and in vivo neutralization of snake venoms with the aqueous extract of inner bark of Anacardium humile (EAAh), and the isolation and phytochemical characterization of an inhibitor of myotoxins, the gallic acid (GA). For the inhibition assays, we used solutions containing crude venom or isolated toxin mixed with different amounts of plant extracts that were previously incubated for 30 min at 37°C. Administration of the extract after envenomation was also performed at different time intervals for myotoxicity inhibition assays. It was observed that EAAh has inhibitory activity against the toxic (lethality, myotoxicity and hemorrhage) and pharmacological/enzymatic effects (edema-inducing, coagulant and phospholipase activities) induced by snake venoms of the genera Bothrops, Crotalus, Lachesis and isolated toxins. The plant extract inhibited 100% of the lethality induced by C. d. terrificus venom and its major neurotoxin, crotoxin. The EAAh was subjected to analytical chromatographic separation, and in polar conditions, it was possible to identify and isolate the gallic acid, which showed retention time and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra similar to the commercial standard and to literature data of this same compound, respectively. Gallic acid alone was able to inhibit the myotoxic activity induced by crude venom of B. jararacussu and its main myotoxin, BthTX-I, a Lys49 PLA2-like enzyme. The analysis of circular dichroism spectra and interaction studies by molecular modeling suggest that gallic acid forms a complex with BthTX-I in its active site, which inhibits its toxic activity. The binding of gallic acid to myotoxins did not change neither the form nor the intensity of circular dichroism spectra, not inducing significant changes in the percentage of the various domains that form the secondary structure of these proteins. The gallic acid and other tannins have been showed to be good inhibitors of the toxic effects of snake venoms, and our study showed that this acid is related to the inhibitory action of the Anacardium humile extract.

Avaliação da variabilidade fenotípica e molecular de isolados de \'Candida albicans\' após período de armazenamento das culturas e em duas ocasiões de coleta / Evaluation of phenotypic and molecular variability of Candida albicans isolates after culture storage period and in two collection occasions

Bacelo, Kátia Leston 30 May 2008 (has links)
O gênero Candida é responsável pela maioria das infecções fúngicas nosocomiais. A identificação do provável foco de origem é de extrema importância para elucidar a epidemiologia desse tipo de infecção e nesse sentido, a utilização de métodos de tipagem, que avaliam características fenotípicas e moleculares dos isolados, é essencial. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi tipar isolados de C. albicans, antes e após armazenamento e em diferentes ocasiões de coleta, a fim de verificar a manutenção dos biotipos apresentados, e o poder de discriminação dos métodos utilizados. Foi avaliada a microbiota leveduriforme da saliva de 73 estudantes universitários (tempo 0) sendo que após 180 dias (tempo 180) foi realizada nova coleta de saliva daqueles que apresentaram isolamento de C. albicans na primeira coleta. Os isolados foram analisados por ocasião das duas coletas, quanto à produção de exoenzimas fosfolipase e proteinase, pela morfologia das colônias, pelo perfil de suscetibilidade frente à anfotericina B, fluconazol e itraconazol e pela tipagem molecular por RAPD. As leveduras, após isoladas, foram armazenadas em ágar Sabouraud dextrose (ASD) e água destilada esterilizada. Após 180 dias, foram realizadas, novamente, as provas de tipagem. Todos isolados de C. albicans foram produtores de fosfolipase, nas duas coletas, embora tenha havido oscilação de atividade enzimática entre moderada e alta, no período. O enzimotipo prevalente nos tempos 0 e 180 foi, respectivamente, 22 e 32. Com relação à proteinase, 100% das leveduras apresentaram atividade moderada da enzima no tempo 0. No tempo 180 esse percentual foi de 85%, sendo que os demais não apresentaram atividade dessa enzima. Após armazenamento em ASD e água destilada, foi detectada alteração da atividade de ambas enzimas e conseqüente mudança de enzimotipos, em 40 e 30% dos isolados, respectivamente. Foram identificados 8 morfotipos diferentes de C.albicans no tempo 0 e apenas 50% foi mantido no tempo 180. O morfotipo mais comum foi 000-0. Após armazenamento, a maioria dos isolados apresentou alteração no morfotipo. Todos isolados mostraram-se sensíveis aos antifúngicos analisados nos tempos 0 e 180, denotando apenas um antifungotipo, o 111. Somente um isolado após estocagem em ASD, teve mudança de perfil de sensível para dose dependente ao itraconazol de modo que o antifungotipo foi alterado. A tipagem molecular por RAPD, com os primers OPA-09, OPB-11 e OPE-18, mostrou 19 tipos moleculares distintos entre os isolados obtidos na primeira coleta e permitiu identificar que um isolado de C.albicans obtido no tempo 180, não era relacionado ao obtido, do mesmo indivíduo, no tempo 0. Os demais mostraram perfil de fragmentos de DNA relacionado entre as coletas. Após estocagem, por ambos métodos, todos isolados mostraram correlação genética com o padrão obtido no tempo 0. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que os métodos de conservação aplicados neste estudo não permitem a manutenção da estabilidade das características fenotípicas avaliadas. Por outro lado, além da estabilidade dos biotipos gerados, a tipagem molecular por RAPD mostrou o melhor índice discriminatório, dentre as metodologias utilizadas, ratificando sua capacidade em diferenciar isolados, de uma mesma espécie e, portanto a sua utilidade em inquéritos epidemiológicos. / The Candida genus is responsible for most nosocomial fungal infections. The identification of the probable origin focus is very important to elucidate the epidemiology of this kind of infection and so, the usage of typing methods that evaluate phenotypic and molecular characteristics are essential. Therefore, the objective of this study was to type C. albicans isolates, before and after culture storage and in two different collection occasions to verify the biotype maintenance and the discriminatory power of the utilized methods. The salivary yeast microbiota of 73 university students (time 0) was evaluated and after 180 days (time 180) a new saliva collection of those that had presented C. albicans on the first collection was made. The isolates were analysed, in the two collection occasions on the basis of exoenzymes phospholipase and proteinase production, by colonial morphology, susceptibility profile to amphotericin B, fluconazole and itraconazole and according to molecular typing by RAPD. After isolation, the yeasts were storaged on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) and in sterile distilled water. After 180 days, typing tests were carried out again. All C. albicans isolates were phospholipase productors, in both collections, even though enzyme activity had oscillated between moderate and high at that period. The prevalent enzymotype at time 0 and 180 were, respectively, 22 and 32. In relation to the proteinase, 100% of the yeasts showed moderate enzyme activity at time 0. At time 180, this percentage was 85%, and the others didn`t show enzyme activity. After storage on SDA and in distilled water, it was detected activity alteration of both enzymes and consequent enzymotype change, in 40 and 30% of isolates, respectively. Eight different C. albicans morphotypes were identified at time 0 and just 50% were maintained at time 180. The most common morphotype was 000-0. After storage most isolates presented changes in the morphotype. All isolates showed susceptibility to the analysed antifungals at times 0 and 180, showing just one antifungaltype, the 111. Only one isolate, after storage on SDA had a profile change from susceptible to dose dependent susceptible to itraconazole in a way that the antifungaltype wasn`t changed. The molecular typing by RAPD, with primers OPA-09, OPB-11 and OPE-18, showed 19 distinct molecular types among first collection isolates and allowed to identify that one C. albicans isolate from time 180 wasn`t related with the isolate obtained at time 0, from the same individual. The others showed DNA fragment profiles related between collection occasions. After storage by both methods, every isolate showed genetic relatedness with the profile obtained at time 0. The obtained results showed that the preservation methods used in this study don`t allow stability maintenance of the phenotypical characteristics evaluated. On the other hand, besides biotypes generated stability, the molecular typing by RAPD showed the best discriminatory index, between methodologies used, ratifying its ability in discriminating isolates of the same specie and so, its utility in epidemiological inquiries

A GtPase Rac1 participa da proliferação de células gliais de Müller após lesão excitotóxica. / Rac1 GTPase participates in the proliferation of Müller glial cells after excitotoxic injury.

Silva, Loreni Cristine da 14 April 2011 (has links)
As células glias de Müller são capazes de gerar novos neurônios retinianos em resposta a lesões, atuando como uma possível fonte para regeneração retiniana. Nesse contexto, as GTPases Rho podem ter um papel interessante, visto que regulam múltiplas vias de sinalização que controlam, por exemplo, a transcrição gênica, sobrevivência e proliferação celular. No presente estudo analisamos a participação de um dos membros dessa família (Rac1) na proliferação de células gliais de Müller da retina de galinhas após lesão excitotóxica com N-Metil-D-Aspartato (NMDA). A injeção intraocular de NMDA promoveu extensa proliferação de células gliais de Müller. A inibição de Rac1 com NSC23766 não alterou a quantidade de células que entraram no ciclo celular, mas, provocou um retardo em sua progressão. Esses resultados sugerem um importante papel para a GTPase Rac1 na regulação da proliferação de células gliais de Müller em resposta a lesões retinianas. / Müller glial cells may generate new neurons in response to retinal injury, acting as a potential source for retinal regeneration. In this context, Rho GTPases may have an interesting role, since they regulate multiple signaling pathways that control, for example, gene transcription, cell proliferation and survival. This study analyzed the involvement of a member of this family (Rac1) in the proliferation of Müller glial cells of chick retina after excitotoxic injury with N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). Intraocular injection of NMDA promoted extensive Müller glia proliferation. Rac1 inhibition with NSC23766 did not affect the cell cycle entry, but a delay in cell cycle progression was observed. These results suggest an important role for Rac1 in the regulation of Müller glial cells proliferation in response to retinal injury.

Caractérisation biochimique des phospholipases D et de leurs domaines fonctionnels : nouvelle méthode de mesure de l’activité phospholipase D / Biochemical characterization of phospholipases D and their functional domains : novel method for measuring phospholipase D activities.

Rahier-Corticchiato, Renaud 14 December 2016 (has links)
La phospholipase D (PLD) hydrolyse les phospholipides membranaires en libérant leur tête polaire afin de générer l'acide phosphatidique (PA), impliqué dans la signalisation cellulaire. Pour comprendre les propriétés biochimiques des PLDs, les travaux présentés ont été réalisés autour de deux axes. Le premier axe concerne l'expression recombinante et la purification de la PLDa d'Arabidopsis thaliana (AtPLDa) dans la levure Pichia pastoris. La détermination de la séquence N-terminale a révélé que l'AtPLDa est amputée de ses 35 premiers résidus, suggérant ainsi la participation d'un mécanisme de maturation. Cependant, la région N-terminale des PLDs de plantes est homologue au domaine C2, impliqué dans leur interaction Ca2+-dépendante avec la membrane. Afin d'évaluer l'impact d'un tel clivage, les domaines C2 de l'AtPLDa mais également de l'AtPLDß, à titre de comparaison, ont été étudiés sous leur forme entière ou mature. Ainsi, la caractérisation de leur affinité pour les phospholipides, associée à leur modélisation tridimensionnelle, ont permis de démontrer que les différences de régulation par le Ca2+, observées entre les formes entières et mature, provenait de la présence d'une hélice a amphipathique, retirée lors du processus de maturation. Le second axe concerne le développement d'une nouvelle méthode de mesure des activités PLD via le dosage de manière direct, spécifique et continu du PA grâce à la propriété d'amplification de fluorescence par chélation de la 8-hydroxyquinoléine, en présence de Ca2+. Ainsi, ce test apparait adapté pour le suivi de l'inhibition des PLDs et pour l'étude de leur spécificité de substrat, en utilisant des phospholipides naturels avec différentes tête polaires, et à l'échelle d'une microplaque / Phospholipase D (PLD) hydrolyses membrane phospholipids, leading to the formation of free polar headgroup and phosphatidic acid releasing, involved in cell signaling. To understand the biochemical properties of PLDs, this work has been made around two axes. The one first concerns the recombinant expression and purification of the PLDa of Arabidopsis thaliana (AtPLDa) in the yeast Pichia pastoris. The N-terminal sequence of the recombinant AtPLDa has been determined and found to lack its first 35 amino acids, suggesting the involvement of a maturing mechanism. However, plant PLDs exhibit a C2-lipid binding domain at their N-terminal region, which is involved in their Ca2+-dependent membrane targeting. Thus, to assess the impact of such a cleavage, whole and mature-like C2 domains of AtPLDa, as well as of AtPLDß, for the sake of comparison were studied. Thus, the characterization of their affinity for phospholipids, combined with their three-dimensional modeling have demonstrated that the differences observed in their regulation by Ca2+, observed between whole and mature-like forms, originated from the presence of a N-terminus amphipathic a helix, removed during the maturation process. The second axis concerns the development of a novel PLD assay that measure PA in a direct, specific and continuous manner, using the chelation enhanced fluorescence property of 8-hydroxyquinoline in the presence of Ca2+. Thus, this assay appears suitable for monitoring both the inhibition of PLDs as well as their substrate specificity, using natural phospholipids with different polar headgroups, and at a microplate scale

The development of live vectored vaccines targeting the alpha-toxin of Clostridium perfringens for the prevention of necrotic enteritis in poultry

Gatsos, Xenia, xgatsos@optusnet.com.au January 2007 (has links)
The ƒÑ-toxin of Clostridium perfringens is a toxin involved in numerous diseases of humans and agriculturally important animals. One of these diseases is necrotic enteritis (NE), a sporadic enteric disease which affects avian species world-wide. This study involved the inactivation of alpha-toxin (ƒÑ-toxin) for use as a potential vaccine candidate to combat NE in chickens, and other diseases caused by C. perfringens type A. During the course of this research a number of ƒÑ-toxin recombinant proteins were developed through molecular inactivation of the ƒÑ-toxin gene, plc. Proteins plc316 and plc204 were developed by the deletion of the first three and seven ƒÑ-helices of the N-terminal domain respectively. These deletions resulted in proteins which were unstable in solution, constantly aggregated into insoluble masses and elicited lower overall antibody responses when administered to mice. A third protein, plcInv3 was developed from the deletion of part of the catalytic domain of the ƒÑ-toxin. PlcInv3 was highly soluble and upon immunisation of mice elicited a significant antibody response which was also capable of protecting mice against a live challenge of C. perfringens. The fourth and final protein developed was plc104. The smallest of the recombinant ƒÑ-toxin proteins, it consisted entirely of the C-terminal domain of ƒÑ-toxin. Its small size did not affect its ability to induce a strong antibody response when administered to mice, the antibodies of which were also protective during a challenge with C. perfringens. STM1, an attenuated strain of S. Typhimurium was used in the development of a vectored vaccine for the expression and oral delivery of plcInv3 and plc104 within the mouse host. The proteins were expressed within STM1 from expression plasmids containing the in vivo inducible promoters PhtrA and PpagC. A measurable humoral immune response against ƒÑ-toxin was absent following three oral vaccinations with the vectored vaccines, although, cytokine profiling of splenocytes from vaccinated mice revealed an increase in the number of interleukin-4 (IL-4)secreting cells and the lack of interferon-gamma (IFN-ƒ×) secreting cells. This indicated the stimulation of a T-helper type 2 (TH2) immune response which also lead to partial protection against a live C. perfringens challenge. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using STM1 as a carrier for the in vivo expression of the C. perfringens ƒÑ-toxin recombinant proteins plcInv3 and plc104. It is the first study to express C. perfringens antigens within an attenuated strain of S. Typhimurium, STM1.The partial protection of mice immunised with these vaccines indicates there is potential for this vectored vaccine system to be used in the protection of diseases caused by the ƒÑ-toxin of C. perfringens.

Role of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase and Melatonin in Regulation of β-cell Sensitivity to Cytokines

Andersson, Annika K. January 2003 (has links)
<p>The mechanisms of β-cell destruction leading to type 1 diabetes are complex and not yet fully understood, but infiltration of the islets of Langerhans by autoreactive immune cells is believed to be important. Activated macrophages and T-cells may then secrete cytokines and free radicals, which could selectively damage the β-cells. Among the cytokines, IL-1β, IFN-γ and TNF-α can induce expression of inducible nitric synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2. Subsequent nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E<sub>2</sub> (PGE<sub>2</sub>) formation may impair islet function.</p><p>In the present study, the ability of melatonin (an antioxidative and immunoregulatory hormone) to protect against β-cell damage induced by streptozotocin (STZ; a diabetogenic and free radical generating substance) or IL-1β exposure was examined. <i>In vitro</i>, melatonin counteracted STZ- but not IL-1β-induced islet suppression, indicating that the protective effect of melatonin is related to interference with free radical generation and DNA damage, rather than NO synthesis. <i>In vivo</i>, non-immune mediated diabetes induced by a single dose of STZ was prevented by melatonin.</p><p>Furthermore, the effects of proinflammatory cytokines were examined in islets obtained from mice with a targeted deletion of the iNOS gene (iNOS -/- mice) and wild-type controls. The <i>in vitro</i> data obtained show that exposure to IL-1β or (IL-1β + IFN-γ) induce disturbances in the insulin secretory pathway, which were independent of NO or PGE<sub>2</sub> production and cell death. Initially after addition, in particular IL-1β seems to be stimulatory for the insulin secretory machinery of iNOS –/- islets, whereas IL-1β acts inhibitory after a prolonged period. Separate experiments suggest that the stimulatory effect of IL-1β involves an increased gene expression of phospholipase D1a/b. In addition, the formation of new insulin molecules appears to be affected, since IL-1β and (IL-1β + IFN-γ) suppressed mRNA expression of both insulin convertase enzymes and insulin itself.</p>

Role of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase and Melatonin in Regulation of β-cell Sensitivity to Cytokines

Andersson, Annika K. January 2003 (has links)
The mechanisms of β-cell destruction leading to type 1 diabetes are complex and not yet fully understood, but infiltration of the islets of Langerhans by autoreactive immune cells is believed to be important. Activated macrophages and T-cells may then secrete cytokines and free radicals, which could selectively damage the β-cells. Among the cytokines, IL-1β, IFN-γ and TNF-α can induce expression of inducible nitric synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2. Subsequent nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) formation may impair islet function. In the present study, the ability of melatonin (an antioxidative and immunoregulatory hormone) to protect against β-cell damage induced by streptozotocin (STZ; a diabetogenic and free radical generating substance) or IL-1β exposure was examined. In vitro, melatonin counteracted STZ- but not IL-1β-induced islet suppression, indicating that the protective effect of melatonin is related to interference with free radical generation and DNA damage, rather than NO synthesis. In vivo, non-immune mediated diabetes induced by a single dose of STZ was prevented by melatonin. Furthermore, the effects of proinflammatory cytokines were examined in islets obtained from mice with a targeted deletion of the iNOS gene (iNOS -/- mice) and wild-type controls. The in vitro data obtained show that exposure to IL-1β or (IL-1β + IFN-γ) induce disturbances in the insulin secretory pathway, which were independent of NO or PGE2 production and cell death. Initially after addition, in particular IL-1β seems to be stimulatory for the insulin secretory machinery of iNOS –/- islets, whereas IL-1β acts inhibitory after a prolonged period. Separate experiments suggest that the stimulatory effect of IL-1β involves an increased gene expression of phospholipase D1a/b. In addition, the formation of new insulin molecules appears to be affected, since IL-1β and (IL-1β + IFN-γ) suppressed mRNA expression of both insulin convertase enzymes and insulin itself.


田中, 景吾 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(薬学) / 甲第23847号 / 薬博第854号 / 新制||薬||242(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院薬学研究科薬学専攻 / (主査)教授 金子 周司, 教授 土居 雅夫, 教授 竹島 浩 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM

Identification and comparative analysis of novel factors from the venom gland of the coastal taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus) and related species

St Pierre, Liam Daniel January 2005 (has links)
Snake venoms are a complex mixture of polypeptide and other molecules that adversely affect multiple homeostatic systems within their prey in a highly specific and targeted manner. Amongst the most potently toxic venoms in the world are those of the Australian venomous snakes, which belong almost exclusively to the elapid family. Their venoms posses a number of unique properties by which they target the mammalian cardiovascular and neuromuscular systems and are the focus for the identification of novel pharmacologically interesting compounds which may be of diagnostic or therapeutic benefit. Although much is known about the biochemical properties of Australia snake venoms as a whole, little research attention has focused upon individual components at the molecular level. This thesis describes the cloning, characterisation and comparative analysis of a number of unique toxins from the venom gland of the coastal taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus) and a total of seven other related Australian snakes. These include the factor X- and factor V-like components of a prothrombin activator that causes a highly coagulable state in mammals. Comparative analysis of the sequences identified in this study, along with recombinant expression of an active form of the factor X-like component, provides important information on the structural, functional and evolutionary relationships of these molecules. Numerous other toxins were similarly identified and characterised including a pseudechetoxin-like protein, multiple phospholipase A2 enzymes and neurotoxin isoforms as well as vasoactive venom natriuretic peptides. Identified transcripts included not only toxin sequences but also other cellular peptides implicated in toxin processing, including a calglandulin-like protein. This thesis is the first description of the majority of these molecules at either the cDNA or protein level, and provides a means to study the activity of individual components from snake venoms and probe their function within the systems they specifically target. This study represents the most detailed and comprehensive description to date of the cloning and characterisation of different genes associated with envenomation from Australian snakes.

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