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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fotolitička i fotokatalitička razgradnja odabranih psihoaktivnih komponenata lekova u vodenoj sredini / Photolytic and photocatalytic degradation of selected psychoactive drugs in aquatic environment

Finčur Nina 06 July 2018 (has links)
<p>Ispitana je direktna i indirektna fotoliza alprazolama (ALP) i amitriptilina (AMI)<br />primenom UV, vidljivog&nbsp; i simuliranog sunčevog zračenja (SSZ). Takođe, praćena je stabilnost vodenih rastvora ALP i AMI u mraku.&nbsp; U okviru ispitivanja fotokatalitičke&nbsp; razgradnje ALP,ispitana je efikasnost ZnO i TiO<sub>2&nbsp; </sub>Degussa P25 primenom UV i SSZ.&nbsp; Takođe, proučavan je&nbsp; utica jmasene koncentracije fotokatalizatora, pH, kao i<br />uticaj hvatača radikala/&scaron;upljina&nbsp; i elektron-akceptora.&nbsp; Praćen je stepen mineralizacije<br />merenjem ukupnog organskog ugljenika i primenom&nbsp; jonske hromatografije. Takođe,<br />detaljno su ispitani reakcioni intermedijeri.&nbsp; Dalje,ispitano&nbsp; je ponovno kori&scaron;ćenje ZnO u tri uzastopna procesa razgradnje ALP. U cilju praćenja citotoksičnosti ALP, ispitan je&nbsp; in vitro rast dve ćelijske linije: Neuro-2a i MRC-5. Zatim,proučavana je efikasnost sintetisanih ZnO (ZnO modifikovani mlevenjem i kalcinacijom, ZnO dopirani jonima Mg(II), ternarni i&nbsp; me&scaron;ani&nbsp; cink-kalaj-oksidi) i TiO<sub>2</sub>&nbsp; (anatas&nbsp; TiO<sub>2</sub>&nbsp; nedopirani&nbsp; i dopirani La(III)-jonima, brukitni TiO2) nanoprahova u razgradnji ALP primenom UV i SSZ. U okviru fotokatalitičke razgradnje AMI, ispitana&nbsp; je&nbsp; efikasnost&nbsp; razgradnje&nbsp; pri različitim eksperimentalnim uslovima&nbsp; (uticaj vrste fotokatalizatora i zračenja, masene&nbsp; koncentracije fotokatalizatora, početne koncentracije supstrata, uticaj prisustva&nbsp; kako&nbsp; hvatača radikala i &scaron;upljina, tako&nbsp; i elektron-akceptora). Praćen je stepen mineralizacije merenjem ukupnog organskog ugljenika i&nbsp; primenom&nbsp; jonske hromatografije.&nbsp; U cilju praćenja citotoksičnosti&nbsp; AMI, ispitan je&nbsp; in vitro&nbsp; rast četiri ćelijske linije: Neuro-2a, MRC-5, H-4-II-E i HT-29.&nbsp; Zatim, proučavana je efikasnost sintetisanih TiO<sub>2</sub>/polianilin nanokompozitnih prahova, kao i&nbsp; prevlaka&nbsp; čistog TiO<sub>2&nbsp; </sub>i WO<sub>3</sub>/TiO<sub>2</sub>&nbsp; u razgradnji AMI primenom UV i SSZ. Takođe, ispitan je uticaj&nbsp; strukture&nbsp; supstrata&nbsp; na efikasnost&nbsp; fotokatalitičke razgradnje kroz ispitivanje&nbsp; efikasnosti sintetisanih TiO<sub>2</sub>&nbsp; nanoprahova dopiranih jonima W(VI), zatim me&scaron;anih&nbsp; cink-kalaj-oksid&nbsp; nanoprahova, kao i&nbsp; indijum-cink-oksid nanoprahova primenom UV i SSZ.</p> / <p>Direct and indirect photolysis of alprazolam (ALP) and amitriptyline (AMI) were studied using UV, visible,&nbsp; and simulated solar irradiation (SSI). Also, the stability of the ALP and AMI aqueous solutions in the dark were monitored. Photocatalytic degradation of ALP was studied in&nbsp; the&nbsp; presence of&nbsp; ZnO and TiO<sub>2</sub> Degussa&nbsp; P25&nbsp; using UV and SSI. Also, the influence of the photocatalyst&nbsp; loading, pH, as well as the influence of the radical&nbsp; and&nbsp; holes scavengers&nbsp; and electron acceptors&nbsp; were studied. The&nbsp; degree of mineralization was monitored by measuring&nbsp; of&nbsp; total organic carbon and&nbsp; using&nbsp; ion chromatography. Also, reaction intermediates were examined in detail. Further, reusabillity&nbsp; of ZnO was investigated in three consecutive degradation processes of ALP. In order to&nbsp; get insight into the&nbsp; cytotoxicity of the ALP&nbsp; and intermediates formed during photocatalytic degradation, their influence on the growth of two cell lines: Neuro-2a and MRC-5 were investigated. Then, the efficacy of synthesized ZnO (ZnO modified with milling&nbsp; and calcination, ZnO doped with Mg(II) ions, ternary and coupled binary&nbsp; tin-zinc-oxide) and TiO<sub>2</sub>&nbsp; (anatase&nbsp; TiO<sub>2</sub>&nbsp; undoped and&nbsp; doped&nbsp; with&nbsp; La(III) ions&nbsp; and&nbsp; brookite TiO<sub>2</sub>) nanopowders in ALPdegradation using UV and&nbsp; SSI&nbsp; were investigated. Within the photocatalytic degradation of AMI, the&nbsp; degradation efficiency under different experimental conditions was studies (influence of the photocatalyst and irradiation type, photocatalyst&nbsp; loading, initial&nbsp; substrate concentration, the effect of the presence of radical and&nbsp; holes scavengers, and electron acceptors). The degree of mineralization was monitored by measuring&nbsp; of&nbsp; total organiccarbon and&nbsp; using&nbsp; ion chromatography.&nbsp; In order to&nbsp; study&nbsp; the cytotoxicity of AMI&nbsp; and degradation intermediates, their influence on the&nbsp; growth of four cell lines: Neuro-2a, MRC-5, H-4-II-E,&nbsp; and HT-29&nbsp; were investigated. Then, the efficacy of synthesized TiO2/polyaniline nanocomposite powders, as well as photocatalysts of pure TiO<sub>2</sub>&nbsp; and WO<sub>3</sub>/TiO<sub>2</sub>&nbsp; in the form&nbsp; of&nbsp; films&nbsp;&nbsp; in AMI degradation using UV and SSI were studied. In addition, the effect of the&nbsp; substrate&nbsp; structure on the efficiency of photocatalytic degradation was studied by testing the activity&nbsp; of synthesized TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub> nanopowders doped with W(VI)&nbsp; ions, then&nbsp; coupled binary tin-zinc- oxide&nbsp; nanopowders, as well as coupled binary&nbsp; indium-zinc- oxide nanopowders using UV and SSI.</p>

Photocatalytic degradation of p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (p-HPA) and Acetaminophen (ACTP) using bismuth catalyst BiOClxIy and Fe(III)-EDDS/UV/H2O2-Na2S2O8 / Dégradation photocataytique de l'acide p-hydroxyphenylacétique et de l'acetominophen par le catalyseur BiOClxIy et le Fe(III)-EDDS/UV/H2O2-Na2S2O8

Wang, Xiaoning 29 May 2018 (has links)
Au cours des dernières décennies, les produits pharmaceutiques sont devenus une nouvelle préoccupation environnementale. Les produits pharmaceutiques ont été largement détectés dans les eaux souterraines, les eaux de surface et même dans l'eau de boisson, avec une concentration allant du ng au µg L-1 dans les effluents d'eaux usées. Les stations d’épuration ne peuvent pas éliminer complètement tous les produits pharmaceutiques en raison de leur faible concentration dans l’eau et de leur résistance à la dégradation biologique. Dans les procédés d’oxydation avancée (AOP), les méthodes les plus fréquemment utilisées incluent les réactions homogènes telles que le procédé de Fenton, de type Fenton ou le procédé Photo-Fenton.Dans ce travail, un nouveau catalyseur composite BiOCl0,75I0,25 a été synthétisé par méthode de précipitation sous pression ambiante et à basse température, suivie d'une série de caractérisations. De plus, les capacités d'adsorption et de dégradation photocatalytique du catalyseur dans l'eau ont été testées sous une lumière solaire simulée en utilisant deux polluants chimiques (Acétaminophène, acide p-hydroxyphénylacétique). / In recent decades, pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) have emerged as a new environmental concern. Pharmaceuticals have been widely detected in ground water, surface water and even drinking water with a concentration ranging from ng to µg L-1 in wastewater effluents. Sewage treatment plants (STPs) cannot remove completely all pharmaceuticals due to their low concentration in water and resistance to biological degradation. In AOPs, the most frequently used methods include homogeneous reaction such as Fenton, Fenton like or Photo-Fenton process. In this work, composite catalyst BiOCl0.75I0.25 was synthesized by precipitation method under ambient pressure and low temperature followed with a series of characterization. Moreover, the adsorption and photocatalytic degradation abilities of new bismuth catalyst in water are tested under simulated solar light using Acetaminophen, p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid and as chemical pollutant.

Chalcogenide semiconductor photocatalysis for the photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants in water

Sithole, Manishana Precious 01 1900 (has links)
This research work discusses the removal of organic pollutants specifically diclofenac and acid blue-25 using chalcogenide semiconductors. Semiconductors are materials that absorb light of specific energy and potentially degrade these organic pollutants into smaller compounds that are not toxic such as carbon dioxide and water. / Civil and Chemical Engineering

Degradación fotocatalítica del polen y sus alérgenos en materiales de construcción

Sapiña Escrivá, María 27 June 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La fotocatálisis heterogénea ha enfocado su aplicación en superficies desinfectantes o esterilizantes. El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio de la aplicabilidad de esta tecnología para la degradación de la estructura del polen y sus alérgenos. Dada la elevada capacidad oxidativa de la fotocatálisis heterogénea, es razonable plantear que la aplicación de la tecnología fotocatalítica en materiales de construcción puede ser susceptible de implicar la destrucción de la capa externa protectora de los granos de polen, e incluso de poder inactivar su capacidad alergénica. Este objetivo global se abordará en base a los siguientes objetivos parciales: 1. Estudio de la viabilidad de la fotocatálisis heterogénea como tecnología de degradación/eliminación de granos de polen. 2. Evaluación del rendimiento y mecanismos de degradación/eliminación de los granos de polen en función del tipo de especie vegetal. 3. Estudio de la efectividad de la fotocatálisis heterogénea como tecnología de inactivación de los alérgenos del polen. 4. Análisis de la interacción química semiconductor TiO2-alérgeno y potenciales aplicaciones. El estudio se ha realizado usando granos de polen y alérgenos de siete especies vegetales diferentes. El estudio se ha realizado utilizando tres configuraciones de trabajo: (a) Suspensión de fotocatalizador en polvo en disolución acuosa b) fotocatalizador soportado en capa fina sobre vidrio o portador de aluminio, y (c) fotocatalizador embebido en material de base cemento. En una primera fase, se evaluó la viabilidad de la actividad fotocatalítica como tecnología viable para la reducción de granos de polen procedentes de dos especies vegetales diferentes. Las técnicas de caracterización como la difracción de rayos X (DRX), espectroscopía electrónica de rayos X(XPS), fluorescencia, espectroscopía infrarroja, microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM), evidenciaron que la fotocatálisis provoca cambios significativos en la estructura del polen y su viabilidad alergénica. Se observa que existe una modificación de las capas externas (intina y exina) que protegen el protoplasma de los granos de polen. Mediante SEM se demuestra que tras el tratamiento fotocatalítico se produce la degradación de los estratos exina e intina y por tanto los granos de polen sufren un deterioro claramente visible de su estructura reduciéndose el número de granos viables. Por otro lado, mediante la técnica de tinción por fluorescencia (FDA) se puede comprobar que existe una disminución de la viabilidad de los pólenes estudiados o inactivación de la alergenidad de los mismos. Los datos experimentales evidenciaron una reducción significativa de la intensidad de fluorescencia del polen tras la exposición al proceso fotocatalítico. Estos resultados son corroborados por los patrones de DRX. En una segunda fase, la evaluación de este proceso de degradación se estudió en detalle en un total de 7 especies de polen analizadas con iguales resultados. Las especies sufrían un claro deterioro de su capacidad alergénica, tal y como demuestran las imágenes del microscopio electrónico de barrido. En una tercera fase de esta tesis se realizó un análisis detallado de las fases de descomposición de los extractos de alérgenos de 7 las siete especies vegetales anteriores. En esta fases se confirmó que los extractos de alergeno sufren una descomposición casi completa dando lugar a productos volátiles de bajo peso molecular que concuerda con los mecanismos de fotodegradación de aminoácidos. En una cuarta fase se comprobó que la degradación de las proteínas del polen puede dar lugar a una modificación química superficial inusual del fotocatalizador que puede asociarse a un posible dopaje de TiO2 con C y N procedentes de los extractos de polen. Este último resultado abre un campo de investigación adicional en relación con la potenciación de la actividad fotocatalítica por acción de aminoácidos del polen en la modificación de la estructura de los fotocatalizadores. / [CA] La fotocatàlisi heterogènia ha enfocat la seva aplicació en superfícies desinfectants o esterilitzants. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és l'estudi de l'aplicabilitat d'aquesta tecnologia per a la degradació de l'estructura del pol·len i els al·lèrgens. Atesa l'elevada capacitat oxidativa de la fotocatàlisi heterogènia, és raonable plantejar que l'aplicació de la tecnologia fotocatalítica en materials de construcció pot ser susceptible d'implicar la destrucció de la capa externa protectora dels grans de pol·len, i fins i tot de poder inactivar-ne la capacitat al·lergènica . Aquest objectiu global s'abordarà sobre la base dels següents objectius parcials: 1. Estudi de la viabilitat de la fotocatàlisi heterogènia com a tecnologia de degradació/eliminació de grans de pol·len. 2. Avaluació del rendiment i mecanismes de degradació/eliminació dels grans de pol·len en funció del tipus d'espècie vegetal. 3. Estudi de l'efectivitat de la fotocatàlisi heterogènia com a tecnologia d'inactivació dels al·lèrgens del pol·len. 4. Anàlisi de la interacció química semiconductor TiO2-al·lergen i potencials aplicacions. L'estudi s'ha realitzat usant grans de pol·len i al·lèrgens de set espècies vegetals diferents. L'estudi s'ha fet utilitzant tres configuracions de treball: (a) Suspensió de fotocatalitzador en pols en dissolució aquosa b) fotocatalitzador suportat en capa fina sobre vidre o portador d'alumini, i (c) fotocatalitzador embegut en material de base ciment. En una primera fase, es va avaluar la viabilitat de l'activitat fotocatalítica com a tecnologia viable per a la reducció de grans de pol·len procedents de dues espècies vegetals diferents. Les tècniques de caracterització com la difracció de raigs X (DRX), espectroscòpia electrònica de raigs X(XPS), fluorescència, espectroscòpia infraroja, microscòpia electrònica d'escombrada (SEM), van evidenciar que la fotocatàlisi provoca canvis significatius en l'estructura del pol·len i la seva viabilitat al·lergènica. S'observa que hi ha una modificació de les capes externes (intina i exina) que protegeixen el protoplasma dels grans de pol·len. Mitjançant SEM es demostra que després del tractament fotocatalític es produeix la degradació dels estrats exina i intina i per tant els grans de pol·len pateixen un deteriorament clarament visible de la seva estructura reduint-se el nombre de grans viables. D'altra banda, mitjançant la tècnica de tinció per fluorescència (FDA) es pot comprovar que hi ha una disminució de la viabilitat dels pòl·lens estudiats o inactivació de la seva al·lergenitat. Les dades experimentals van evidenciar una reducció significativa de la intensitat de fluorescència del pol·len després de l'exposició al procés fotocatalític. Aquests resultats són corroborats pels patrons de DRX. En una segona fase, l'avaluació d'aquest procés de degradació es va estudiar detalladament en un total de 7 espècies de pol·len analitzades amb resultats iguals. Les espècies patien un clar deteriorament de la seva capacitat al·lergènica, tal com demostren les imatges del microscopi electrònic d'escombrada. En una tercera fase d'aquesta tesi es va fer una anàlisi detallada de les fases de descomposició dels extractes d'al·lèrgens de 7 les set espècies vegetals anteriors. En aquestes fases es va confirmar que els extractes d'al·lergen pateixen una descomposició gairebé completa donant lloc a productes volàtils de baix pes molecular que concorda amb els mecanismes de fotodegradació d'aminoàcids. En una quarta fase es va comprovar que la degradació de les proteïnes del pol·len pot donar lloc a una modificació química superficial inusual del fotocatalitzador que es pot associar a un possible dopatge de TiO2 amb C i N procedents dels extractes de pol·len. Aquest darrer resultat obre un camp de recerca addicional en relació amb la potenciació de l'activitat fotocatalítica per acció d'aminoàcids del pol·len en la modificació de l'estructura dels fotocatalitzadors. / [EN] Heterogeneous photocatalysis has focused its application on disinfecting or sterilizing surfaces. The objective of this thesis is the study of the applicability of this technology for the degradation of the structure of pollen and its allergens. Given the high oxidative capacity of heterogeneous photocatalysis, it is reasonable to suggest that the application of photocatalytic technology in construction materials may be likely to involve the destruction of the outer protective layer of pollen grains, and even to be able to inactivate their allergenic capacity. This global objective will be addressed based on the following partial objectives: 1. Study of the feasibility of heterogeneous photocatalysis as a technology for the degradation/elimination of pollen grains. 2. Evaluation of the yield and mechanisms of degradation/elimination of pollen grains depending on the type of plant species. 3. Study of the effectiveness of heterogeneous photocatalysis as a technology for the inactivation of pollen allergens. 4. Analysis of the semiconductor TiO2-allergen chemical interaction and potential applications. 5. The study has been carried out using pollen grains and allergens from seven different plant species. The study has been carried out using three working configurations: (a) Powder photocatalyst suspension in aqueous solution b) photocatalyst supported in a thin layer on glass or aluminum carrier, and (c) photocatalyst embedded in cement-based material. In a first phase, the feasibility of photocatalytic activity was evaluated as a viable technology for the reduction of pollen grains from two different plant species. Characterization techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray electron spectroscopy (XPS), fluorescence, infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), showed that photocatalysis causes significant changes in pollen structure and its allergenic viability. It is observed that there is a modification of the external layers (intine and exine) that protect the protoplasm of the pollen grains. Using SEM, it is shown that after the photocatalytic treatment, the degradation of the exine and intine strata occurs and therefore the pollen grains suffer a clearly visible deterioration of their structure, reducing the number of viable grains. On the other hand, using the fluorescence staining technique (FDA) it can be verified that there is a decrease in the viability of the pollens studied or inactivation of their allergenity. The experimental data showed a significant reduction in the fluorescence intensity of the pollen after exposure to the photocatalytic process. These results are corroborated by the XRD patterns. In a second phase, the evaluation of this degradation process was studied in detail in a total of 7 pollen species analyzed with the same results. The species suffered a clear deterioration in their allergenic capacity, as shown by the images of the scanning electron microscope. In a third phase of this thesis, a detailed analysis of the decomposition phases of the allergen extracts of 7 of the previous seven plant species was carried out. In these phases, it was confirmed that the allergen extracts undergo an almost complete decomposition, giving rise to low molecular weight volatile products that are consistent with the mechanisms of photodegradation of amino acids. In a fourth phase, it was found that the degradation of pollen proteins can give rise to an unusual surface chemical modification of the photocatalyst that can be associated with a possible doping of TiO2 with C and N from pollen extracts. This last result opens a field of additional research in relation to the potentiation of the photocatalytic activity by the action of pollen amino acids in the modification of the structure of the photocatalysts. / Sapiña Escrivá, M. (2022). Degradación fotocatalítica del polen y sus alérgenos en materiales de construcción [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/183872 / Compendio

Heterogeneous photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants in water over nanoscale powdered titanium dioxide. The photocatalytic degradation of organic compounds in water (Reactive Orange 16, Triclocarbon, Clopyralid and Estrogens (estrone, 17ß-estradiol, and 17α-ethinylestradiol)) was studied; the reaction kinetics and the effect of the operating parameters on the performance of the system were determined; a comparison with other advanced oxidation processes (O3, H2O2, UV) was also made.

Mezughi, Khaled M. January 2010 (has links)
Organic contaminants from industrial and/or domestic effluents may be harmful to humans directly or indirectly by degrading the quality of the aquatic environment. Consequently these contaminants must be reduced to levels that are not harmful to humans and the environment before disposal. Chemical, physical and biological methods exist for the removal of these pollutants from effluents. Among the available chemical methods, heterogeneous photocatalytic oxidation has been found particularly effective in removing a large number of persistent organics in water. In this study, photocatalytic degradation was explored for the removal of reactive azo-dye (textile dye), triclocarban (disinfectant), clopyralid (herbicide) and three endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) (estrone, 17ß-estradiol and 17α-ethinylestradiol) from synthetic effluents. The major factors affecting the photocatalytic processes including the initial concentration of the target compounds, the amount of catalyst, the light intensity, the type of catalyst, the electron acceptor, the irradiation time and the pH were studied. Other oxidation techniques including (O3, H2O2, UV) were also studied. Generally UV light is used in combination with titanium dioxide, as photocatalyst, to generate photoinduced charge separation leading to the creation of electron-hole pairs. The holes act as electron acceptors hence the oxidation of organics occur at these sites. These holes can also lead to the formation of hydroxyl radicals which are also effective oxidants capable of degrading the organics. The results obtained in this study indicated that photolysis (i.e. UV only) was found to have no effect on the degradation of reactive azo-dye (RO16). However, complete photocatalytic degradation of 20 mg/L (3.24×10-2 mM) RO16 was achieved in 20 minutes in the presence of 1g/L TiO2 Degussa P25 at pH 5.5. Comparison between various types of catalysts (i.e. Degussa P25, VP Aeroperl, Hombifine N) gave varied results but Degussa P25 was the most effective photocatalyst hence it was selected for this study. For RO16 the optimum catalyst concentration was 0.5 g/L TiO2 with initial concentration of 20 mg/L RO16. It was found that the disappearance of RO16 satisfactorily followed the pseudo first-order kinetics according to Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) model. The rate constant was k= 0.0928 mol/min. Photodegradation of TCC was studied in 70%v acetonitrile: 30%v water solutions. UV light degraded TCC effectively and the reaction rates increased with decreasing initial concentration of TCC. UV/TiO2 gave unsatisfactory degradation of triclocarban (TCC) since only 36% were removed in 60 minutes with initial concentration of TCC 20 mg/L. The degradation of clopyralid and the EDCs was studied using three oxidation systems UV/TiO2, UV/H2O2 and O3. Complete degradation of clopyralid (3,6-DCP) was achieved with UV/TiO2 in about 90 minutes at an optimum catalyst concentration of 1g/L. Zero-order kinetics was found to describe the first stage of the photocatalytic reaction in the concentration range 0.078-0.521 mM. At pH 5 the rate constant was 2.09×10-6-4.32×10-7 M.s-1.Complete degradation of all the three EDCs was achieved with UV/H2O2 in 60 minutes at catalyst concentration of (2.94×10-2 M). On the other hand complete degradation of the EDCs was achieved in just 2 minutes with ozonation. For high concentration EDCs, TiO2/UV gave low efficiency of degradation as compared with ozone and H2O2/UV. First-order kinetics was found to describe the photocatalytic reaction of the EDCs. / Education Service Department of the Libyan Government

Heterogeneous photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants in water over nanoscale powdered titanium dioxide : the photocatalytic degradation of organic compounds in water (Reactive Orange 16, Triclocarbon, Clopyralid and Estrogens (estrone, 17ß-estradiol, and 17α-ethinylestradiol)) was studied : the reaction kinetics and the effect of the operating parameters on the performance of the system were determined; a comparison with other advanced oxidation processes (O₃, H₂O₂, UV) was also made

Mezughi, Khaled M. January 2010 (has links)
Organic contaminants from industrial and/or domestic effluents may be harmful to humans directly or indirectly by degrading the quality of the aquatic environment. Consequently these contaminants must be reduced to levels that are not harmful to humans and the environment before disposal. Chemical, physical and biological methods exist for the removal of these pollutants from effluents. Among the available chemical methods, heterogeneous photocatalytic oxidation has been found particularly effective in removing a large number of persistent organics in water. In this study, photocatalytic degradation was explored for the removal of reactive azo-dye (textile dye), triclocarban (disinfectant), clopyralid (herbicide) and three endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) (estrone, 17ß-estradiol and 17α-ethinylestradiol) from synthetic effluents. The major factors affecting the photocatalytic processes including the initial concentration of the target compounds, the amount of catalyst, the light intensity, the type of catalyst, the electron acceptor, the irradiation time and the pH were studied. Other oxidation techniques including (O3, H2O2, UV) were also studied. Generally UV light is used in combination with titanium dioxide, as photocatalyst, to generate photoinduced charge separation leading to the creation of electron-hole pairs. The holes act as electron acceptors hence the oxidation of organics occur at these sites. These holes can also lead to the formation of hydroxyl radicals which are also effective oxidants capable of degrading the organics. The results obtained in this study indicated that photolysis (i.e. UV only) was found to have no effect on the degradation of reactive azo-dye (RO16). However, complete photocatalytic degradation of 20 mg/L (3.24×10-2 mM) RO16 was achieved in 20 minutes in the presence of 1g/L TiO2 Degussa P25 at pH 5.5. Comparison between various types of catalysts (i.e. Degussa P25, VP Aeroperl, Hombifine N) gave varied results but Degussa P25 was the most effective photocatalyst hence it was selected for this study. For RO16 the optimum catalyst concentration was 0.5 g/L TiO2 with initial concentration of 20 mg/L RO16. It was found that the disappearance of RO16 satisfactorily followed the pseudo first-order kinetics according to Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) model. The rate constant was k= 0.0928 mol/min. Photodegradation of TCC was studied in 70%v acetonitrile: 30%v water solutions. UV light degraded TCC effectively and the reaction rates increased with decreasing initial concentration of TCC. UV/TiO2 gave unsatisfactory degradation of triclocarban (TCC) since only 36% were removed in 60 minutes with initial concentration of TCC 20 mg/L. The degradation of clopyralid and the EDCs was studied using three oxidation systems UV/TiO2, UV/H2O2 and O3. Complete degradation of clopyralid (3,6-DCP) was achieved with UV/TiO2 in about 90 minutes at an optimum catalyst concentration of 1g/L. Zero-order kinetics was found to describe the first stage of the photocatalytic reaction in the concentration range 0.078-0.521 mM. At pH 5 the rate constant was 2.09×10⁻⁶ ± 4.32×10⁻⁷ M.s⁻¹. Complete degradation of all the three EDCs was achieved with UV/H₂O₂ in 60 minutes at catalyst concentration of (2.94×10⁻² M). On the other hand complete degradation of the EDCs was achieved in just 2 minutes with ozonation. For high concentration EDCs, TiO₂/UV gave low efficiency of degradation as compared with ozone and H2O2/UV. First-order kinetics was found to describe the photocatalytic reaction of the EDCs.

Photocatalytic degradation of acetic acid in gas phase in the presence and in the absence of O2 using different TiO2 and M-TiO2 : a comparative study on the conversion, mineralization and intermediates’ selectivities / Dégradation photocatalytique de l'acide acétique en phase gazeuse en présence et absence d'O2 en utilisant différents TiO2 et M-TiO2 : étude comparative sur la conversion, la minéralisation et les sélectivités intermédiaires

Ngo, Ha Son 08 November 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse est de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de dégradation photocatalytique se produisant sous air ou sous azote en étudiant la disparition, la minéralisation et les produits intermédiaires d'une molécule simple l'acide acétique. Les réactions sont réalisées sous ces deux atmosphères afin de se placer dans des conditions de dépollution ou de génération d'énergie. L'étude est réalisée en phase gazeuse et sous flux en prenant comme molécule organique une molécule simple l'acide acétique. Dans un premier temps nous avons étudié la dégradation de l'acide acétique en utilisant le photocatalyseur de référence, TiO2 P25. Quel que soit le flux gazeux de réaction, air ou N2, nous avons montré que la réaction de décarboxylation est la première étape de la disparition de l'acide acétique. Cependant, le sort du groupe méthyle dépend du gaz porteur et du débit molaire (en d'autres termes de la concentration du polluant en phase gazeuse). Le mécanisme de dégradation se produisant à la surface du photocatalyseur est alors représenté pour expliquer l'importance de ce mécanisme comparé à celui faisant intervenir les radicaux hydroxyles. La schématisation du mécanisme inclut la régénération du photocatalyseur et la formation possible de H2O2, lequel a été observé dans la littérature. Il est également noté que la sélectivité d'éthane observé sous flux d'air augmente avec la concentration en polluant et correspond à la réaction de deux radicaux méthyl. Comme précédemment la formation de ce composé en surface du TiO2 est proposée. L'étude des produits de dégradation de l'acide acétique marqué par du carbone 13 sur le groupe carbonyle (CH313COOH) suggère que l'acétone et l'acétaldéhyde ne proviennent pas de la réduction du groupe carboxylique. Dans une seconde étape l'impact du flux photonique et de l'humidité en présence de TiO2 P25 et l'effet de différents TiO2 commerciaux sur la conversion et plus particulièrement la distribution des produits intermédiaires ont été étudiés. La comparaison de l'efficacité de différents TiO2 commerciaux a été discutée en considérant la présence de phase rutile, la nature des espèces actives, la surface spécifique de TiO2, le nombre de groupes OH à la surface des catalyseurs, la présence d'impuretés et la porosité des matériaux. Notre étude s'est ensuite focalisée sur la détermination de l'efficacité d'échantillons de TiO2 modifiés par ajout d'or afin d'améliorer la séparation des charges et ainsi la dégradation de polluant en présence d'air ou la formation de produit en présence de flux d'azote. Deux séries de Au/TiO2 avec les mêmes charges d'or (~ 0,16% en poids) ont été préparées par les deux méthodes: pyrolyse laser et pyrolyse par pulvérisation de flamme (Au-TiO2 LP et Au-TiO2 FSP). Les résultats ont montré que la présence d'or améliore l'activité photocatalytique dans l'air dans le cas des échantillons préparés par pyrolyse laser alors qu'aucun effet n'est observé avec les catalyseurs préparés par pyrolyse à flamme (FSP). Ce résultat s'explique en considérant la taille des nanoparticules d'or plus petite dans le cas des échantillons obtenus par pyrolyse laser. L'effet inverse est observé sous atmosphère de N2, la présence d'or diminue de plus de moitié la dégradation de l'acide acétique mais favorise la formation d'éthane. Ce résultat est discuté en considérant la présence d'or sous forme cationique. Malheureusement, par XPS, il n'a pas été possible d'observer d'or probablement dû à sa faible quantité. L'impact du dopage à l'azote de TiO2 LP et Au-TiO2 LP a également été étudié. Ce dopage diminue l'efficacité de cet échantillon. Finalement des études préliminaires ont été conduite d'une part sur l'efficacité de textile lumineux photocatalytique pour dégrader l'acide acétique afin d'améliorer les rendements quantiques et d'autre part sur les efficacités de catalyseurs Ag/TiO2 lesquels, outre diminué la pollution organique permettrait également l'inactivation des microorganismes / The objective of the thesis is to better understand the mechanisms of photocatalytic degradation occurring under air or under nitrogen by studying the disappearance, mineralization and intermediate products of a simple molecule acetic acid. The reactions are carried out under these two atmospheres in gas phase and dynamic mode in order to place themselves under conditions of depollution or of energy generation. Firstly, we studied the degradation of acetic acid using the reference photocatalyst, TiO2 P25. Regardless of the atmosphere, air or N2, we have shown that the decarboxylation reaction is the first step in the disappearance of acetic acid. However, the fate of the methyl group depends on the carrier gas and the molar flow rate (in other words, the concentration of the pollutant in the gas phase). The mechanism of degradation occurring on the surface of the photocatalyst is then represented to explain the importance of this mechanism compared to that involving the hydroxyl radicals. The schematization of the mechanism includes the regeneration of the photocatalyst and the possible formation of H2O2, which has been observed in the literature. The study of the degradation products of acetic acid labelled with carbon 13 on the carbonyl group (CH313COOH) suggests that acetone and acetaldehyde do not result from the reduction of the carboxylic group. In a second step, the impact of photonic flux and moisture in the presence of TiO2 P25 as well as the effect of different commercial TiO2 on the conversion and more particularly the distribution of the intermediate products have been studied. Comparison of the effectiveness of different commercial TiO2s was discussed by considering the presence of rutile phase, the nature of the active species, the specific surface area of TiO2, the number of OH groups on the surface of the catalysts, the presence of impurities and the porosity of the materials

Adsorption and photocatalysis in water treatment:active, abundant and inexpensive materials and methods

Pirilä, M. (Minna) 28 April 2015 (has links)
Abstract Water contamination is a global problem and the growing utilization of limited water resources creates a need for efficient purification methods. Industrial effluents are polluting the natural waters, e.g. uncontrolled mining activities in developing countries have created numerous environmental hazards and different types of pollutants. This study focuses on novel adsorbents and photocatalytic materials in order to reach the aim of more efficient and affordable water treatment. This thesis aimed at making active, efficient, and viable adsorbents out of waste materials, as well as using photocatalysis in water treatment for organic pollutants originating from different types of industries. Local Peruvian agro-waste was used as a precursor for activated carbon that was used in adsorption studies for single (As(V) and methylene blue, MB), and multicomponent mixtures (As(V)/Pb/Cd), and real polluted river water. An industrial intermediate product, hydrous TiO2, was used for As(III)/As(V) removal. Photocatalytic materials included a commercial photoactive TiO2 (P25), and tailor-made TiO2 based nanofibers (NF) decorated with Pt/Pd. The results show that the agro-waste based activated carbons show high potential as adsorbents (e.g. ~100% As(V) removal in 2 h). With the multicomponent solution there is evidently competition for the adsorption sites; Pb was removed most efficiently. The specific surface area and pore size distribution play an important role in MB adsorption, as with As(V) the ash content is the most influential parameter. The industrial intermediate product has a high adsorption capacity towards both As(III) and As(V) (over 96% removals in 4 h), and is promising for use in natural and wastewater treatment due to its adsorption properties, availability, low cost, and non-toxicity. Photocatalysis was found to be an efficient removal method for the pollutants tested, also in the diluted industrial wastewater matrix, e.g. diuron was removed 99% in 1 h. The NFs are promising for the efficient photocatalytic degradation of organic effluents in aqueous streams such as wastewaters originating from e.g. biofuel production or fine chemicals and pharmaceutical industry. This study provides new and valuable knowledge for the purification of waters, especially when aiming at developing inexpensive water treatment materials and methods for different applications. / Tiivistelmä Puhtaan veden puute on maailman laajuinen ongelma, ja raskasmetallien ja orgaanisten haitta-aineiden päätymistä ympäristöön ja luonnonvesiin voidaan vähentää hyvällä ja tehokkaalla teollisuuden jätevesien käsittelyllä. Uusia ja tehokkaita, ympäristön kannalta suotuisia ja kestäviä vedenpuhdistustekniikoita tarvitaan erityisesti kehitysmaissa, joissa esim. kontrolloimaton kaivostoiminta aiheuttaa ympäristö- ja terveyshaittoja. Työn kokeellisessa osassa valmistettiin perulaisesta maatalousjätteistä aktiivihiiltä kemiallisella aktivoinnilla, ja seurattiin niiden kykyä adsorboida haitta-aineita (As(V), Pb, Cd, metyleenisini) yksi- ja monikomponenttiliuoksista ja saastuneesta luonnonvedestä (Puyango-Tumbesjoki, Peru). Lisäksi tutkittiin teollisuuden välituotteen (TiO2) aktiivisuutta arseenin, As(III) ja As(V), adsorptiossa. Viimeisessä osiossa tutkittiin valokatalyysiä orgaanisten haitta-aineiden poistossa vesiliuoksista sekä kaupallisella TiO2 P25 -katalyytillä että kokeellisilla Pd/Pt-dopatuilla TiO2 -nanokuiduilla. Tulokset osoittavat, että paikallisesta raaka-aineesta valmistetut aktiivihiilet ovat hyvin potentiaalisia vedenpuhdistusmateriaaleja saavuttaen jopa 100% As(V) poistuman (2h). Adsorboitavien ionien välillä on nähtävissä kilpailua monikomponettiadsorptiossa; lyijyn havaittiin poistuvan tehokkaimmin tutkituissa olosuhteissa. Adsorbentin ominaispinta-ala ja huokoskokojakauma ovat tärkeitä tekijöitä metyleenisinin adsorptiossa, kun taas tuhkapitoisuudella on arseenin adsorptioon suurempi vaikutus. Teollisuuden TiO2-välituotteella havaittiin olevan korkea adsorptiokapasiteetti sekä As(III)- että As(V)-spesieksiä kohtaan saavuttaen yli 96% poistumat (4h). Se on lupaava materiaali edelleen kehitettäväksi ja käytettäväksi esimerkiksi luonnonvesien ja jätevesien puhdistuksessa johtuen sen hyvistä adsorptio-ominaisuuksista, saatavuudesta, edullisuudesta ja myrkyttömyydestä. Valokatalyysin havaittiin olevan toimiva menetelmä orgaanisten molekyylien hajottamiseen, myös laimeasta teollisuuden jätevesimatriisista, esim. diuroni poistui 99% tunnissa. Nanokuitujen tapauksessa aktiivinen metalli vaikutti merkittävämmin reaktion tehokkuuteen kuin ominaispinta-ala. Tämä työ tarjoaa uutta ja tärkeää tietoa vesien puhdistukseen kun tavoitteena on löytää tehokas ja edullinen menetelmä erityyppisiin sovelluksiin.

Photocatalytic degradation of phenolic compounds and algal metabolites in water

Bamuza-Pemu, Emomotimi Emily January 2014 (has links)
Algal infestation in water bodies causes the release of soluble organic compounds that impact negatively on the taste and odour of the water. With increasing pollution in water bodies and increasing nutrient loading from agricultural activities, most water reservoirs in South Africa and around the world have become affected by this problem. In this study, an advanced oxidation process (AOP), namely, photocatalysis was evaluated for its potential to degrade aromatic compounds; and taste and odour causing bi-cyclic compounds originating from algae. Semiconductor photocatalysis is an environmentally friendly technology requiring no chemical inputs which is capable of completely mineralising organic pollutants to CO2 and H2O thereby eliminating production of unwanted by-products. Although processes involved in the photo-degradation have been reported for a wide range of pollutants, the degradative pathway in this process has not been fully established. In this study, compounds including phenol, 2-chlorophenol, 4-chlorophenol and nitrophenol were successfully eliminated from simulated wastewater. Degradation of geosmin at an environmentally significant initial concentration of 220 ng/L to levels below the lowest detectable concentration was achieved with an optimum catalyst concentration of 60 mg/L at a rate of 14.78 ng/L/min. Higher catalysts loading above 60 mg/L resulted in a decrease in degradation rates. An increase in initial geosmin concentration resulted in a decrease in rates. Ionic species commonly found in surface waters (HCO3 -, and SO4 2-) significantly reduced the efficiency of geosmin degradation. Degradation of geosmin produced acyclic intermediates from ring fission tentatively identified as 3,5-dimethylhex-1-ene, 2,4-dimethylpentan-3-one, 2-methylethylpropanoate and 2-heptanal. The results obtained indicate that the degradation of organic pollutants in aqueous solution is as a result of synergic action from hydroxyl radicals, positive holes and direct photolysis by UV radiation, though the predominant pathway of degradation is via hydroxyl radicals in solution. Major aromatic intermediates of phenol degradation include catechol, resorcinol and hydroquinone produced in the order catechol > resorcinol > hydroquinone. All three are produced within 2 minutes of photocatalytic reaction of phenol and remain in solution until all phenol is degraded in aerated systems. Production of resorcinol in non-aerated systems is transient, further supporting the hydroxyl radical dominant reaction pathway. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / gm2014 / Chemical Engineering / unrestricted

Multi-Functional Composite Materials for Catalysis and Chemical Mechanical Planarization

Coutinho, Cecil A 23 February 2009 (has links)
Composite materials formed from two or more functionally different materials offer a versatile avenue to create a tailored material with well defined traits. Within this dissertation research, multi-functional composites were synthesized based on organic and inorganic materials. The functionally of these composites was experimentally tested and a semi-empirical model describing the sedimentation behavior of these particles was developed. This first objective involved the fabrication of microcomposites consisting of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles confined within porous, microgels of a thermo-responsive polymer for use in the photocatalytic treatment of wastewater. TiO2 has been shown to be an excellent photocatalyst with potential applications in advanced oxidative processes such as wastewater remediation. Upon UV irradiation, short-lived electron-hole pairs are generated, which produce oxidative species that degrade simple organic contaminants. The rapid sedimentation of these microcomposites provided an easy gravimetric separation after remediation. Methyl orange was used as a model organic contaminant to investigate the kinetics of photodegradation under a range of concentrations and pH conditions. Although after prolonged periods of UV irradiation (~8-13 hrs), the titania-microgels also degrade, regeneration of the microcomposites was straightforward via the addition of polymer microgels with no loss in photocatalytic activity of the reformed microcomposites. The second objective within this dissertation involved the systematic development of abrasive microcomposite particles containing well dispersed nanoparticles of ceria in an organic/inorganic hybrid polymeric particle for use in chemical mechanical polishing/planarization (CMP). A challenge in IC fabrication involves the defect-free planarization of silicon oxide films for successful multi-layer deposition. Planarization studies conducted with the microcomposites prepared in this research, yield very smooth, planar surfaces with removal rates that rival those of inorganic oxides slurries typically used in industry. The density and size of these ceria-microgel particles could be controlled by varying the temperature or composition during synthesis, leading to softer or harder polishing when desired.

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