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Importância da atividade física sobre fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares em adolescentes / Importance of physical activity on risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease in adolescentsMastroeni, Silmara Salete de Barros Silva 22 September 2009 (has links)
Introdução: A atividade física desempenha função importante na prevenção de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. Objetivo: Estudar a importância da atividade física sobre parâmetros bioquímicos, pressão arterial sistêmica e elasticidade arterial na adolescência. Métodos: Na primeira fase da pesquisa foram envolvidos 3.000 adolescentes de 15 a 17 anos de idade, estudantes da rede estadual de ensino de Joinville-SC. A amostra foi obtida mediante procedimento de sorteio por conglomerado sob critério de partilha proporcional ao tamanho em único estágio, cuja unidade de sorteio foi a sala de aula. Na segunda fase, 300 alunos foram sorteados para a determinação dos parâmetros bioquímicos (glicose, insulina, colesterol total, HDL-c, LDL-c, triglicerídeos, homocisteína, ácido fólico, vitamina B12, Proteína C-reativa (PCR) e fibrinogênio), aferição dos índices de elasticidade arterial e medidas antropométricas, hábitos relacionados ao estilo de vida e nível de atividade física. Resultados: Retornaram o termo de consentimento, 1.104 adolescentes, sendo que 16,9 por cento relataram que algum membro da família sofreu infarto agudo do miocárdio e 31,4 por cento acidente vascular cerebral. Quanto à prática de atividade física, 80,6 por cento foram classificados como ativos e 20,7 por cento considerados com excesso de peso. Em relação aos dados bioquímicos, foram encontradas concentrações acima do recomendado para glicose (63,0 por cento), colesterol total (58,3 por cento), triglicerídeos (14,7 por cento), LDL-c (14,7 por cento), PCR (5,2 por cento), homocisteína (5,1 por cento) e fibrinogênio (5,5 por cento) e abaixo do recomendado para HDL-c (5,5 por cento). Foram encontrados baixos valores para elasticidade das grandes (LAEI) (67,8 por cento) e das pequenas (SAEI) (8,8 por cento) artérias. A atividade física apresentou correlação positiva com os LAEI e SAEI e negativa com o batimento cardíaco/minuto. Entretanto, não apresentou correlação com nenhum parâmetro bioquímico. Os adolescentes ativos e não ativos apresentaram médias diferentes (p<0,05) para as seguintes variáveis: circunferências da cintura e pescoço, dobra cutânea triciptal, batimento cardíaco/minuto, LAEI e SAEI. A atividade física não mostrou influência sobre os parâmetros bioquímicos, apenas sobre os índices de elasticidade (LAEI e SAEI) de forma independente. Após ajustes nos modelos de regressão linear a atividade física passou a influenciar a pressão arterial sistêmica e manteve sua influência sobre os índices de elasticidade. Conclusão: Apesar da maioria dos adolescentes serem classificados como ativos, o perfil nutricional do grupo estudado revelou elevada prevalência de excesso de peso e de alterações dos parâmetros bioquímicos. A atividade física influenciou a medida da pressão arterial sistêmica e o aumento da elasticidade arterial dos adolescentes. Entretanto, o mesmo comportamento não foi evidenciado para os parâmetros bioquímicos avaliados. / Introduction: The physical activity performs important function in the prevention of non-transmissible chronic diseases. Objective: To study the importance of physical activity over biochemical parameters, systemic arterial blood pressure and arterial elasticity in adolescence. Methods: In the first phase of research involved 3,000 adolescents who were 15 to 17 years old, students from statewide network of teaching in Joinville-SC. The sample was obtained through the draw procedure under cluster criterion of a size proportional share in a single stage, and the classroom was the draw unit. In the second phase, 300 students were drawn to determine the biochemical parameters (glucose, insulin, cholesterol, HDL-c, LDL-c, triglycerides, homocysteine, folic acid, vitamin B12, C-reactive protein (CRP) and fibrinogen), measurement of arterial elasticity index and anthropometric measures, habits related to lifestyle and level of physical activity. One thousand one hundred and four adolescents returned the consent terms, 16.9 per cent reported that a family member suffered acute myocardial infarction and 31.4 per cent stroke. Regarding physical activity, 80.6 per cent were classified as active and 20.7 per cent were considered overweight. For the biochemical data, concentrations were above the recommended for glucose (63.0 per cent), cholesterol (58.3 per cent), triglycerides (14.7 per cent), LDL-c (14.7 per cent), CRP (5.2 per cent), homocysteine (5.1 per cent) and fibrinogen (5.5 per cent), and below the recommended level for HDL-c (5.5 per cent). Low values were found to large (LAEI) (67.8 per cent) and small artery elasticity index (SAEI) (8.8 per cent). The physical activity showed positive correlation with LAEI and SAEI and negative correlation with the heartbeat per minute. However, the values showed no correlation with any biochemical parameter. The active and not active adolescents had different means (p<0.05) for the following variables: waist circumference, neck circumference, triceps skinfold, heartbeat per minute, LAEI and SAEI. The physical activity showed no influence on the biochemical parameters, only on the indices of elasticity (LAEI and SAEI) independently. After adjustments in the linear regression models, the physical activity began to influence systemic arterial blood pressure and remained its influence on the indices of elasticity (LAEI and SAEI). Conclusion: Although most adolescents are classified as active, the nutritional profile of the group studied revealed high prevalence of overweight and changes in biochemical parameters. The physical activity influenced the measure of the systemic blood pressure and the increase of the arterial elasticity of the adolescents. However, the same behavior was not evidenced for the biochemical parameters.
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A relação entre coordenação motora e atividade física em crianças dos sete aos 10 anos de idade: um estudo longitudinal / The relationship between motor coordination and physical activity in children from seven to 10 years of age: a longitudinal studySouza, Cleverton José Farias de 21 November 2011 (has links)
Estudos mostram que a coordenação motora (CM) melhora com o passar do tempo e apresenta relação com os níveis de atividade física (AF), mas ainda não se sabe como essa relação muda ao longo do tempo. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a relação entre essas duas variáveis e a sua mudança em crianças dos sete aos 10 anos de idade, mediante um método longitudinal de pesquisa. A amostra constou de escolares de três projetos que receberam auxílio financeiro do Edital Universal do CNPq. O objetivo central desses projetos foi avaliar diferentes aspectos do crescimento físico, desenvolvimento motor, atividade física e aptidão física de crianças e adolescentes de seis a 14 anos de idade, da Rede de Ensino da cidade de Muzambinho - MG. Das 5 coortes constituídas, o presente estudo analisou os dados de 87 crianças (45 meninos e 42 meninas) da coorte de 7 anos, coletados dos sete aos 10 anos de idade. A CM foi medida com a bateria de testes motores KTK e a AF por meio do questionário de Godin e Shepard. Foram analisadas as mudanças normativas das duas variáveis ao longo do tempo. Para a análise da relação entre elas e a sua mudança no período estudado foram constituídos subgrupos com base no valor mediano do grupo em cada variável, ou seja, combinando-se crianças com CM alta e baixa e crianças com AF alta e baixa em cada avaliação. Os resultados normativos mostraram que o desempenho da CM melhorou ao longo do tempo e o da AF se manteve. Não se observou associação entre os níveis de CM e AF em nenhuma das avaliações. Os resultados da mudança na relação entre os níveis de CM e AF não mostraram nenhum padrão específico. Esses resultados permitem inferir que a relação entre a CM e a AF necessita levar em consideração não apenas o nível de AF, mas também a sua adequação no que se refere ao desenvolvimento da CM / Studies show that motor coordination (MC) improves over time and it presents a correlation with levels of physical activity (PA), but it is not yet known how this relationship changes over time. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between these two variables and the change of this relationship in children from seven to 10 years of age using a longitudinal method of research. The sample consisted of school children from three research projects that received financial support from the Edital Universal Program of CNPq. The main objective of these projects was to evaluate different aspects of physical growth, motor development, physical activity and physical fitness of children and adolescents six to 14 years of age, from the schools of Muzambinho - MG. The overall project comprised five cohorts, and this study analyzed data of 87 children (45 boys and 42 girls) of the seven years old cohort, collected from seven to 10 years of age. The MC was measured with a battery of motor tests KTK and PA was measured by the questionnaire of Godin and Shepard. It was analyzed the normative changes over time for both variables. For the analysis of the relationship between them and its change over time subgroups were formed based on the median value of the group in each variable, that is, combining children with MC high and low and children with high and low PA in each evaluation. The results of normative changes showed that the performance of MC improved over time and the PA´s remained. There was no association between MC and PA levels in any of the evaluations. The results of the change in the relationship between MC and PA levels over time showed no specific pattern. These results allow the inference that the relationship between MC and PA needs to take into account not only the amount of PA, but also its suitability in relation to the development of MC
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"Aderência à atividade física em mulheres da Universidade Aberta á Terceira Idade" / Adhesion to physical activity in women of the Open University to Third Age.Suzuki, Claudio Shigueki 11 October 2005 (has links)
A atividade física possui um papel fundamental na promoção da saúde de mulheres que chegam à Terceira Idade, promovendo o fortalecimento de todo o organismo e prevenindo doenças. Objetivo: verificar em um grupo de mulheres participantes da Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade a motivação para a prática da atividade física, buscando compreender os fatores que facilitam e dificultam a sua adesão. Baseou-se no Modelo de Crenças em Saúde, o qual busca explicar o comportamento humano quanto ao processo saúde/doença de acordo com as variáveis: susceptibilidade, seriedade, benefícios e barreiras percebidas. Amostra: 30 mulheres integrantes da Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade. Procedimento: a coleta de dados foi realizada em duas etapas. Na primeira foi aplicado um questionário com questões relacionadas ao conhecimento e percepção a respeito da prática da atividade física, bem como benefícios e barreiras à sua realização. Na segunda etapa as mulheres estudadas registraram em um diário, durante 4 semanas consecutivas, o tipo de atividade realizada e suas justificativas quando não realizada. Conclusões: verificou-se que a prática da atividade física está configurada nas regiões centrais do espaço de vida das mulheres estudadas, sendo que 100% delas a considera importante para a promoção da saúde. Embora os problemas de saúde e os compromissos familiares dos finais de semana tenham sido identificados como barreiras à prática da atividade física, a sua realização foi motivada principalmente pela força de vontade pessoal e pela companhia de outras pessoas durante a sua prática. / The physical activity has a fundamental function in the promotion of the women's health that arrive to the Third Age, promoting the invigoration of the whole organism and preventing diseases. Objective: to verify in a womens group of the Open University to the Third Age the motivation for the practice of the physical activity, looking for to understand the factors that facilitate and hinder the adhesion. This research is based on the Model of Faiths in Health, which looks for to explain the human behavior as for the process health/disease in agreement with the variables: susceptibility, seriousness, benefits and noticed barriers. Sample: 30 women of the Open University to the Third Age. Procedure: the collection of data was accomplished in two stages. In the first a questionnaire was applied with subjects related to the knowledge and perception regarding the practice of the physical activity, as well as benefits and barriers to this accomplishment. In the second stage the studied women registered in a diary, during 4 consecutive weeks, the type of accomplished activity and their justifications when no accomplished. Conclusions: it was verified that the practice of the physical activity is configured in the central areas of the space of the studied women's life, and 100% of them consider the physical activity important for the promotion of the health. Although the problems of health and the family commitments in the weekends have been identified as barriers to the practice of the physical activity, the accomplishment was motivated mainly by the personal willpower and for the other people's company during this practice.
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Percepção do ambiente para a prática de atividade física de lazer e caminhada como forma de deslocamento pelas pessoas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 / The perception of the environment for physical activity as leasure and jogging as a way of an activity performed by people with diabetes mellitus type 2Hodniki, Paula Parisi 13 August 2015 (has links)
Destaca-se a importância que a prática de atividade física tem no tratamento e prevenção do diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2). Porém, mais estudos são necessários para fornecer um entendimento completo das relações físicas e sociais entre a percepção do ambiente e o estilo de vida em diferentes contextos brasileiros e populações, em especial o DM2. Nesta direção, este estudo de natureza descritiva observacional buscou analisar a percepção do ambiente para a prática de atividade física de lazer e caminhada como forma de deslocamento de pessoas com DM2 da cidade de Ribeirão Preto - SP. Participaram do estudo 86 pessoas participantes do projeto de pesquisa \"Apoio Telefônico para o Monitoramento em Diabetes mellitus - ATEMDIMEL\", entrevistados no momento inicial do estudo, atendidas no Distrito Oeste de Saúde no município de Ribeirão Preto - SP, em 2013. Foram utilizados dados de três instrumentos: um questionário contendo as variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas; o International Physical Activity Questionnaire versão longa, utilizado a avaliação dos domínios na atividade física de lazer e o domínio do transporte, sendo a caminhada como forma de deslocamento; e a escala adaptada Neighborhood Environmental Walkability Scale que avalia a relação entre ambiente e atividade física na comunidade. Das 86 pessoas entrevistadas, a maioria, eram pessoas acima de 60 anos, mulheres, aposentados e com baixa renda. Em relação ao controle metabólico, muitos dos dados clínicos foram considerados alterados, como a glicemia de jejum, o colesterol de lipoproteína de alta densidade, triglicérides, e hemoglobina glicada. A maioria não atingiu a recomendação de pelo menos 150 minutos por semana de prática atividade física de lazer e caminhada como forma de deslocamento. A cada conveniência mais próxima da residência do sujeito, teve 0,60 chances de praticar atividade física de lazer, e quem recebe convites amigos e vizinhos teve 10,58 mais chances. Quase 50% dos sujeitos identificaram que existe praça ou local para caminhar a menos de 10 minutos de sua residência, e a maior parte do ambiente percebido foi considerada boa ou regular. Porém, locais considerados mais propícios para a prática de atividade física, como parque, clube, quadra de esportes, campo de futebol e academia de ginástica/musculação foram percebidos como longe da residência dos sujeitos. Quando identificaram feira próxima de sua residência e ruas planas próximas a residência, apresentaram 0,15 e 5,37 vezes mais chance de caminhar como forma de deslocamento, respectivamente. Diante dos resultados observados, podemos considerar a necessidade de ações para adequação dos espaços e de educação da população para um estilo de vida mais ativo. É importante que se estimule o paciente utilizar o ambiente físico e social para benefício de sua saúde, como espaços públicos adequados que propiciem a prática de atividade física de lazer e caminhada como forma de deslocamento como parte do tratamento, assim como o apoio social, entre amigos e familiares, para o suporte contínuo das atividades. Estudos mais específicos e abrangentes são necessários para que possamos investigar melhores intervenções para o incremento de atividade física nessa população / It highlights the importance of the practice of physical activity has in the treatment and prevention of diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2). However, further studies are needed to provide a thorough understanding of the physical and social relations between the perception of the environment and the lifestyle in different Brazilian contextspopulation, especially DM2. In this direction, thisobservational descriptive study sought to analyze the perception of the environment for the practice of physical activityas leisureandjoggingas a form of people displacement with DM2 from the city of Ribeirão Preto - SP.There were 86 people participating in the research project \"Telephone Support for Monitoring in Diabetes mellitus - ATEMDIMEL\", interviewed at baseline of the study, treatedatHealth West District in the city of RibeirãoPreto-SP, in 2013. We used data from three instruments: a questionnaire containing the sociodemographic and clinical variables; the International Physical Activity Questionnairelong version, used the evaluation of fields from physical activityas leisure and the transport fields, being the walk as a way of shift; and the adapted scale Neighborhood Walkability Environmental Scalethat evaluates the relationship between environment and physical activity in the community.The majority of the 86 people interviewedwereover 60 years, women, retirees and low income. In relation to the metabolic control, many of the clinical data were considered changed, such as fasting glucose, cholesterol to high-density lipoprotein, triglycerides, and glycated hemoglobin. Most of the participants did not reach the recommendation of at least 150 minutes a week to practice physical activity as leisure and joggingas a way of moving.In each convenience nearest to the residence of the subject, had 0.60 chances to practice physical activity of leisure, and who receives friends and neighbors invitations had 10.58 more chances.Almost 50% of the subjects have identified that there is a square or a place to walk less than 10 minutes from their home, and most of the perceived environment was considered good or regular.However, locations considered most conducive to the practice of physical activity, such as park, club, sports court, football field and gym/weight room were perceived as far from the residence of the subject.When identified fair near his residence and flat streets near the residence, showed 5.37 and 0.15 times more chance of walking as a way to displacement, respectively.On the results observed, we can consider the need ofactions to adapt spaces and theeducation of the population for more active lifestyle. It is important to encourage the patient to use the social and physical environment for the benefit of their health, such as adequate public spaces that allow the practice of physical activity as leisureandjoggingas a way to offset as part of treatment, as well as social support, between friends and family, to the ongoing support of activities. More specific and comprehensive studies are needed so that we can investigatebetterinterventions to increase physical activity in this population
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Gymnasieelevers upplevelser kring fysisk aktivitet och rekommendationer / Adolescensents’ experience of physical activity and recommendationsMattsson, John, Stoltz, Karl January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund I dagens moderna samhälle blir barn och ungdomar allt mer stillasittande och fysiskt inaktiva än tidigare. Enligt studier uppnår så få som 15 % av svenska 15-åringar världshälsoorganisationens (WHO) rekommendationer för fysisk aktivitet. Fysisk inaktivitet ökar risken för flertalet sjukdomstillstånd. Mycket forskning finns angående aktivitetsnivån bland ungdomar men bristfällig data kring hur ungdomar upplever fysisk aktivitet. Syfte Denna studie syftar till att utforska hur gymnasieelever som inte uppnår WHO:s rekommendationer för fysisk aktivitet upplever att vara fysiskt aktiva samt hur de upplever gällande rekommendationer. Design och metod En kvalitativ intervjustudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes på sex stycken gymnasieelever, varav tre var kvinnor och tre var män. Den slutgiltiga undersökningsgruppen bestod av fem personer. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av datamaterialet gjordes. Resultat och konklusion Av studien framkom att motivation och uppskattad aktivitet upplevdes som förutsättningar för att fysisk aktivitet genomfördes. Den aktivitet som utfördes var ofta i samband med skola eller tillsammans med vänner. Skolrelaterad stress uppgavs som den främsta anledningen till utebliven fysisk aktivitet. Studiens resultat visade att deltagarna upplevde fysisk aktivitet som något positivt samtidigt som de inte rör sig i enlighet med WHO:s rekommendationer. Denna ambivalens upplever författarna som intressant och mer forskning borde göras på ämnet. / Abstract Background In today’s society, children and adolescents are less physical active than previous generations. Studies show, as few as 15% of Swedish 15-year olds obtain the amount of daily physical activity as recommended by The world health organization (WHO). Physical inactivity is a contributing factor to many different diagnoses. Research has been done about levels of physical activity among adolescents, although hardly any studies on the experience of being physically active. Aim/method The aim of this study is to investigate the experience of being physical active among 16 - 17 year olds who do not obtain the recommendations of WHO and their view on the recommendations. Six semi-structured interviews were conducted for this qualitative interview study. The data was analyzed using a qualitative content analysis. Results/conclusion This study shows that motivation and appreciated activity is of great importance for being physically active. Physical activity performed by the selection group were mainly school related. School related stress was the main reason for physical activity not being performed. The results shows that the participants have a positive attitude towards physical activity still they are not achieving the recommendations from WHO. The authors believe this ambivalence should be studied further.
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Incentivo dos pais e níveis de atividade física de escolares : um estudo de casoSilva, Naildo Santos January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar se há associação entre o incentivo dos pais (IP) com os níveis de atividade física (AF) dos escolares. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, com método descritivo e correlacional tendo abordagem quantitativa e corte transversal. A amostra foi composta por escolares de 6 a 11 anos de idade. Os níveis de AF dos escolares foram avaliados através de acelerômetros. O IP foi avaliado por meio de perguntas. O nível socioeconômico foi avaliado por meio de questionário. Foram medidos a estatura, o peso, e o perímetro da cintura das crianças e seus respectivos pais. O Índice de massa corporal foi calculado posteriormente. Foram utilizadas análises descritivas e de frequência. Possíveis associações foram testadas através do teste de Quiquadrado de Pearson. Regressões logísticas foram utilizadas para verificar as associações entre a AF e o IP. Também foram verificadas a confiabilidade referente as perguntas do IP. Nossos resultados apontaram haver associação entre o IP intangível e a AF dos escolares. Cinquenta por cento das crianças cumpriram com as recomendações de AF. Houve uma baixa ocorrência de IP. Além disso, o incentivo intangível foi o mais reportado por aqueles que incentivavam seus filhos. Os meninos apresentaram maior probabilidade de receberem incentivo tangível e intangível dos pais e de praticar 60min de atividade física moderada/vigorosa (AFMV). As crianças de classe baixa apresentaram uma maior probabilidade de atingir os 60min de AFMV. Conforme a idade das crianças avança aumenta o IP, entretanto, a força de correlação observada entre as variáveis foi muito fraca. Os modelos de regressão revelaram que os escolares que recebiam IP, ser menino e ser de classe baixa tinham maior prevalência de cumprir com as recomendações de AF quando comparados aos que não recebiam incentivo, as meninas e aos escolares que pertenciam a classe média. O IP mostrou-se influenciar nos níveis de AF dos escolares. Metade das crianças avaliadas praticam em média 60min de atividade física AFMV por dia, cumprindo assim com as recomendações de atividade física propostas pela OMS. De uma forma geral os pais pouco incentivam seus filhos(as) a praticarem atividade física, entretanto dos pais que incentivam houve uma maior ocorrência do incentivo intangível. Nosso estudo evidenciou que os meninos são mais incentivados que as meninas independentemente do tipo de incentivo e os pais. Observamos também que conforme a idade o IP aumenta. Nossos resultados corroboram com a literatura aonde as crianças de idade superior apresentam associações fracas com o incentivo. Ressaltamos a importância do IP para a prática de atividade física dos filhos uma vez que os nossos modelos de regressão revelaram haver associação entre o IP e a AFMV dos escolares. As crianças que recebiam IP apresentaram maior prevalência de cumprir com as recomendações de atividade física quando comparadas aos seus pares que não recebiam incentivo. Conclui-se que o IP é um fator que pode influenciar nos níveis de AFMV dos escolares. Além disso outros fatores determinante como o nível socioeconômico e as barreiras merecem ser explorados para melhor compreender essa relação. / The objective of the present study was to verify if there is an association between the parents' incentive (PI) and the levels of physical activity (PA) of the students. It is a case study, with descriptive and correlational method having quantitative and cross-sectional approach. The sample consisted of students from 6 to 11 years of age. Schoolchildren's PA levels were assessed using accelerometers. PI was evaluated through questions. The socioeconomic level was evaluated through a questionnaire. The height, weight, and waist circumference of the children and their respective parents were measured. Body mass index was calculated later. Descriptive and frequency analyzes were used. Possible associations were tested using the Pearson Qui-square test. Logistic regressions were used to verify the associations between PA and PI. The reliability of the PI questions was also checked. Our results showed an association between the intangible PI and the PA of the students. Fifty percent of the children complied with the recommendations of PA. There was a low occurrence of PI. In addition, the intangible incentive was the most reported by those who encouraged their children. Boys were more likely to receive tangible and intangible encouragement from their parents and to practice 60 minutes of moderate / vigorous physical activity (MVP). Low-grade children were more likely to achieve 60 min MPV. As the age of children progresses, PI increases, however, the correlation force observed between the variables was very weak. The regression models revealed that schoolchildren who received PI, being a boy and being low-class had a higher prevalence of complying with the recommendations of PA when compared to those who received no incentive, girls and schoolchildren belonging to the middle class. The PI was shown to influence the students' PH levels. Half of the evaluated children practice on average 60min of MPV physical activity per day, thus fulfilling the recommendations of physical activity proposed by the WHO. In general, the parents do not encourage their children to practice physical activity, however, from the parents who encourage it, there is a greater occurrence of the intangible incentive. Our study showed that boys are more encouraged than girls regardless of the type of incentive and the parents. We also observe that according to age the PI increases. Our results corroborate with the literature where children of older age present weak associations with the incentive. We emphasize the importance of PI for the physical activity of the children since our regression models revealed an association between PI and MVP of schoolchildren. Children who received PI had a higher prevalence of complying with physical activity recommendations when compared to their peers who received no incentive. It is concluded that PI is a factor that can influence the levels of MVP of schoolchildren. In addition other determining factors such as socioeconomic status and barriers deserve to be explored to better understand this relationship.
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Group versus solo physical activity in the reduction of stress, anxiety and depressionPort, Julie January 2017 (has links)
The physical and psychological health enhancing benefits of physical activity have been well established (US Department of Health & Human Services, 1996; Warburton, Nicol & Bredin, 2006) and reviews support the anxiolytic, antidepressant and stress reducing effects of physical activity, but it is unclear if group or solo physical activity is more effective in the reduction of these forms of psychological distress. A recent survey found that approximately a third of adults in Scotland do not engage in sufficient levels of physical activity recommended to achieve these benefits. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the effectiveness of group versus solo physical activity in the reduction of psychological distress (including stress, depression and anxiety) and factors involved in participation to promote greater engagement in physical activity. The first study issued questionnaires to members of the general population and university students. Inverse correlations were found between group physical activity and psychological distress in both samples. However a single positive correlation was found between anxiety and solo physical activity in the student sample, which suggests that group physical activity may be more effective in the reduction of psychological distress than solo physical activity. Low active individuals appeared to prefer solo physical activity to group, which may be due to lower perceived barriers. More active participants either preferred group activity or had no preferences between group or solo activity, despite also perceiving greater barriers to group than solo activity. The second study allocated university students to a group versus solo jogging condition intervention and found that psychological distress increased for those allocated to solo jogging, but did not increase amongst those allocated to group jogging, suggesting that group physical activity may protect against university related distress. Those allocated to group jogging engaged in (non-significantly) more jogging and engaged in significantly more moderately intensive physical activity throughout the intervention than those allocated to solo jogging. The final study compared group and solo physical activity using the Theory of Planned Behaviour and structural equation modelling. The model explained more variance in group physical activity than variance in solo physical activity. When the model was expanded, self-efficacy made a significantly greater contribution to intention in the solo physical activity model than it did in the group activity model, therefore promotion of group physical activity may not be as dependent on self-efficacy as solo physical activity. Perceived autonomy support (PAS) was included in the model, as guided by modification indexes, but only the group physical activity model was significantly improved by the addition of PAS; this may be useful for the development of group physical activity promotion. This thesis finds some support that group physical activity may be associated with reduced psychological distress and be more beneficial in protecting against psychological distress than solo physical activity. Promotion of group physical activity may benefit from reducing perceived barriers, developing PAS, and having less reliance on self-efficacy than required for the promotion of solo physical activity.
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Health, physical activity and fitness monitoring within the secondary physical education curriculum in EnglandChen, Ming-Hung January 2010 (has links)
Aims: The aims of this study are three-fold: to review the worldwide literature on monitoring the health, physical activity and fitness of young people; to determine the purpose and prevalence of the monitoring of young people's health, physical activity and fitness within secondary PE school curricula in England and to explore the factors affecting teachers' views of and approaches to such monitoring; and to propose recommendations for monitoring health, physical activity and fitness within secondary school PE curricula in England which may have relevance and applicability to the Taiwanese context. Methods: The research design involved the integration of quantitative and qualitative methods, including a national survey of selected state secondary schools and interviewing a sample of Head of PE department (HoPE). Descriptive statistics and Chi-Square analysis were employed to analysis quantitative data of the prevalence of monitoring pupils' health, physical activity or fitness within school curriculum, and to exam the homogeneity of HoPEs' attitudes and views (agree v.s disagree) towards specific statements with different gender, and teaching experience. The significant level of Chi-square is .05. Coding and thematic analysis were employed to analysis qualitative data. Results: 118 schools (38.4%) returned the questionnaires and 12 teachers were interviewed. The proportion of schools which monitored pupils' health, physical activity and fitness was 39%, 61.9%, and 89.0% respectively. The interview data revealed issues including purpose and value of monitoring; responsibility and accountability; pupils' responses; teachers' conceptual confusion, and resource limitations. Recommendations: Nine recommendations were proposed including: (1) physical educators should broaden their monitoring approach beyond fitness; (2) formal guidance on monitoring within the PE school curriculum should be produced; (3) teachers should be offered continuing professional development on this topic; (4) PE teachers should be encourage to employ simply, manageable monitoring methods; (5) health benefits of physical activity and physical activity promotion should be weighted through monitoring processes; (6) PE teachers should realise that the processes of monitoring health, physical activity and fitness are appropriate contexts for learning; (7) it is unnecessary to make comparisons between students or against standardized norms; (8) teachers should aim to personalise monitoring procedures and ensure that pupils' experience of monitoring is positive; (9) PE teachers should encourage and teach children self-monitor skills to develop their independence and self- management skills. An example formal guidance for key stage 3 on monitoring health, physical activity and fitness within the PE curriculum has been proposed to help PE teachers broaden their approaches on monitoring and present them a range of implementation example.
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Physical activity level and perceived stress among refugee school students : A descriptive and correlational studyCarlsson, Jim, Åkerstedt, Therese January 2018 (has links)
Background: Stress and low physical activity (PA) levels are linked to illness. No studies have been found examining them among refugee school students. Aim: Investigate level of PA and perceived stress and the correlation between them among refugee school students. Method: Cross-sectional study with a descriptive, correlative design. Refugee school students completed one questionnaire on perceived stress: Perceived Stress Scale (PSS); and two questionnaires on PA level: Saltin-Grimby Physical Activity Level Scale (SGPALS) and indicator questions for physical activity (SIFA) from the Swedish National board of health and welfare. Results: Altogether 59 students were included. The adult WHO/ FYSS recommended PA levels was met by 55.9%. Median SGPALS was 2 (some light physical activity for at least 4hours/week) out of 4 with 35.6% reported being sedentary during leisure time. Median PSS is 22 out of 40. No significant correlation between SIFA, SGPALS and PSS was found in the population. Conclusion: Over half of the refugee students met the adult WHO/FYSS recommended PA levels and over a third report being sedentary in their leisure time. Initiatives to promote PA among refugee students should be implemented to reduce illness and inactivity. / Bakgrund: Stress och låg grad av fysisk aktivitet (PA) är kopplade till ohälsa. Inga studier har påträffats som undersöker stress och PA hos flyktingar som deltar i svenskundervisning. Syfte: Undersöka PA nivå och upplevd stress och sambandet däremellan hos skolelever med flyktingbakgrund. Metod: Tvärsnittsstudie med deskriptiv, korrelerande design. Deltagarna fyllde i frågeformulär om upplevd stress: Perceived Stress Scale (PSS); och två frågeformulär om PA nivå: Saltin-Grimby Physical Activity Level Scale (SGPALS) och Socialstyrelsens indikatorfrågor om fysiskaktivitet (SIFA). Resultat: Totalt 59 elever inkluderades. WHO/FYSS rekommenderade PA nivå för vuxna nåddesav 55,9 procent. Medianen för SGPALS blev 2 (Någon fysisk aktivitet på fritiden under minst 4 timmar per vecka) av 4 med 35,6% som uppgav stillasittande fritid. Medianen för PSS blev 22 av 40. Ingen signifikant korrelation mellan SIFA, SGPALS och PSS påträffades i populationen. Konklusion: Drygt hälften av deltagarna i studien nådde WHO/FYSS rekommenderade PA nivå för vuxna och drygt en tredjedel uppgav att de var stillasittande på fritiden. Initiativ för att främja PA hos skolelever med flyktingbakgrund bör sättas in för att minska ohälsa och stillasittande.
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Public health nutrition intervention to enhance healthy eating and lifestyle modification among Lebanese women with Polycystic Ovarian SyndromeHamadi, Caroline January 2018 (has links)
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrinopathy disorder in reproductive age women. The symptoms of this disorder are the androgen excess seen with anovulation/oligoovulation or morphologically ovarian cysts. The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy of public health nutrition intervention designed to enhance healthy eating and lifestyle modification among PCOS patients attended the obstetrics and gynecology clinic at the American University of Beirut Medical Centre (AUB-MC) in Beirut, Lebanon. A prospective hospital based public health nutrition intervention was proposed in which 76 women with PCOS were recruited in the pilot study and 588 women were recruited in the scale-up intervention divided between PCOS and non-PCOS. During the scale up phase non-PCOS women were recruited to study the effect of the nutritional counseling on them as a way to compare the outcome with PCOS women. Recruited population were divided into 8 groups; group A: overweight/obese PCOS patient’s intervention (received weight management program with nutritional guidelines). Group B: overweight/ obese PCOS controls (received the usual heath care by the gynecologist), Group C: lean PCOS controls (received the usual heath care by the gynecologist), Group D: lean PCOS intervention (received weight maintenance program with nutritional guidelines ), Group E: overweight/obese non-PCOS patient’s intervention (received weight management program with nutritional guidelines) ,Group F: overweight/ obese non-PCOS controls, Group G: lean non- PCOS intervention (received weight maintenance program with nutritional guidelines), Group H: lean non-PCOS controls. Data were collected using a pre-validated questionnaire to capture sociodemographic variables, nutritional status, and physical activity, psychological and medical status. Blood analysis was carried out to determine biochemical indices. Assessment of study indicators were carried out at baseline, after 3 and 6 months from inception of intervention (pilot as well scale up). Patients in intervention groups attended a 6 month tailored nutrition counseling/education program (2 sessions per month), to enhance their understanding of their dietary intake and assist them with weight management, physical activity, healthy cooking, lifestyle, and food shopping. Following a six months pilot study intervention results have shown that 7% weight loss was achieved in overweight/ obese intervention groups and weight maintenance in lean intervention groups( Group A,B,C and D). There was a significant reduction in waist (-4.2 cm (±5.6)) and hip circumference (-3.1cm (±3.5)) with P < 0.001. There was no significant biochemical markers change (fasting blood sugar, CRP, LDL-C,HDL-C,TG,total cholesterol, fasting insulin, total testosterone,Vit D), however there was an increase in physical activity (3.1 hours/week (±1.5)) , and decrease in anxiety and depression score ( BDI-II and BAD-7); -0.8 (±0.8) and -0.7 (±0.7) with P < 0,001 compared to interventions. Following six months scale up intervention, the results have shown a weight reduction among overweight/obese PCOS women (group A) who lost, on average, 8.2 kg (P=0.001). Whilst non-PCOS women lost, on average 11.6 kg (P < 0.001)(Group E). Controls gained weight (Group B, D F and H). The biochemical, psychological and reproductive profile showed significant improvements among PCOS women (P < 0.001). Pregnancy rate increased to 70% among women trying to conceive. The results of this study have shown this intervention to be effective in Lebanese women with PCOS, decreasing their initial body weight by 5%- 10% and improving their reproductive, metabolic and endocrine profiles. This suggests the need for a nutritional intervention (nutritional guidelines) for women diagnosed with PCOS patients as a first line treatment. The study results support the effectiveness of lifestyle modification diet for PCOS women.
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