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Discussão de uma metodologia para diagnóstico e ações para redução de perdas de água: aplicação no sistema de abastecimento de água da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. / Discussion of a methodology for diagnosis and actions to reduce water losses: application in the water supply system in metropolitan region of Sao Paulo.Melato, Débora Soares 01 April 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta uma discussão de metodologia para o diagnóstico e ações para redução de perdas de água, auxiliando na determinação do perfil das perdas, permitindo uma melhor priorização das ações de combate e redução de perdas reais (físicas) e perdas aparentes (comerciais). Para o desenvolvimento desta metodologia, foi realizada uma ampla revisão bibliográfica, onde é apresentada a conceituação geral sobre perdas de água, suas causas e ocorrências, indicadores, ações para redução, e uma abordagem detalhada quanto às metodologias existentes para avaliação de perdas e ferramentas disponíveis para isto. A metodologia aqui aplicada desenvolve a avaliação das perdas através do balanço hídrico, utilizando o software gratuito desenvolvido pelo Banco Mundial (W-B Easy Calc - v1.17), e foi aplicada no sistema de abastecimento de água da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP). Foram levantados os dados básicos de controle do sistema e realizados ensaios de campo, com medições de pressão e ensaios para determinação das perdas aparentes. Como estudo de caso, a metodologia foi aplicada em três setores de abastecimento da área central da RMSP, com características distintas. Os resultados do diagnóstico das perdas foram coerentes com as expectativas. Em função dos resultados, em cada setor deverá ser desenvolvida uma estratégia específica para a redução de perdas. / This study presents a discussion of a methodology for diagnosis and actions to reduce water losses, to assist in determining the profile of water losses, allowing a better prioritization of actions to combat and reduce real (physical) losses and apparent (commercial) losses. For developing the methodology, it was conducted an extensive bibliography review, where is presented the general concepts on water losses, its causes and events, indicators, actions to reduce, and a detailed discussion about the existing methodologies to assess losses and tools available for this. The applied methodology consists of an assessment of losses through the water balance, using free software developed by the World Bank (WB Easy Calc - v1.17) and it was applied in the water supply system in metropolitan region of Sao Paulo. To do this, it was necessary to collect basic data of system control and field tests, with pressure measurements and tests to determine apparent losses. As case study, the methodology was applied in three supply zones at the central area of metropolitan region of Sao Paulo, with different characteristics. The results of water losses diagnosis were consistent with expectations. With these results, a specific strategy should be developed in each sector for reducing losses.
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Discussão de uma metodologia para diagnóstico e ações para redução de perdas de água: aplicação no sistema de abastecimento de água da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. / Discussion of a methodology for diagnosis and actions to reduce water losses: application in the water supply system in metropolitan region of Sao Paulo.Débora Soares Melato 01 April 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta uma discussão de metodologia para o diagnóstico e ações para redução de perdas de água, auxiliando na determinação do perfil das perdas, permitindo uma melhor priorização das ações de combate e redução de perdas reais (físicas) e perdas aparentes (comerciais). Para o desenvolvimento desta metodologia, foi realizada uma ampla revisão bibliográfica, onde é apresentada a conceituação geral sobre perdas de água, suas causas e ocorrências, indicadores, ações para redução, e uma abordagem detalhada quanto às metodologias existentes para avaliação de perdas e ferramentas disponíveis para isto. A metodologia aqui aplicada desenvolve a avaliação das perdas através do balanço hídrico, utilizando o software gratuito desenvolvido pelo Banco Mundial (W-B Easy Calc - v1.17), e foi aplicada no sistema de abastecimento de água da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP). Foram levantados os dados básicos de controle do sistema e realizados ensaios de campo, com medições de pressão e ensaios para determinação das perdas aparentes. Como estudo de caso, a metodologia foi aplicada em três setores de abastecimento da área central da RMSP, com características distintas. Os resultados do diagnóstico das perdas foram coerentes com as expectativas. Em função dos resultados, em cada setor deverá ser desenvolvida uma estratégia específica para a redução de perdas. / This study presents a discussion of a methodology for diagnosis and actions to reduce water losses, to assist in determining the profile of water losses, allowing a better prioritization of actions to combat and reduce real (physical) losses and apparent (commercial) losses. For developing the methodology, it was conducted an extensive bibliography review, where is presented the general concepts on water losses, its causes and events, indicators, actions to reduce, and a detailed discussion about the existing methodologies to assess losses and tools available for this. The applied methodology consists of an assessment of losses through the water balance, using free software developed by the World Bank (WB Easy Calc - v1.17) and it was applied in the water supply system in metropolitan region of Sao Paulo. To do this, it was necessary to collect basic data of system control and field tests, with pressure measurements and tests to determine apparent losses. As case study, the methodology was applied in three supply zones at the central area of metropolitan region of Sao Paulo, with different characteristics. The results of water losses diagnosis were consistent with expectations. With these results, a specific strategy should be developed in each sector for reducing losses.
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Smärtpunkter : En vetenskaplig essä om danslärares förhållande till smärta och fysiska förluster / Pain Points : A Scientific Essay on Dance Teachers' Relation to Pain and Physical LossesGräslund, Anna Charlotta January 2021 (has links)
Denna vetenskapliga essä utforskar danslärares förhållande till kroppen, till smärta och fysiska förluster. Den diskuterar hur undervisningen påverkas och förändras på grund av skador och smärta. Undersökningen baseras dels på egna upplevelser, dels på intervjuer med danslärare med liknande erfarenheter. De teoretiska perspektiven hämtas främst från filosofer inom den fenomenologiska inriktningen, huvudsakligen Maurice Merleau-Ponty och andra som har tänkt i hans efterföljd och med utgångspunkt i hans teorier. Dessutom kommer texter av dansare och danslärare till tals när det gäller undervisning och förhållandet till kroppen som rörelse. För att komma närmare den mångbottnade smärtupplevelsen förs också en dialog med några verk inom bildkonst och litteratur. Resultatet visar att smärtupplevelsen är komplex och dubbeltydig för en danslärare. Vad gäller undervisningen kan det finnas sätt att arbeta med språk, med eleverna som centrum och med en justering av lärarrollen som gör att lärandet inte påverkas negativt utan tvärtom kan stärkas. Dock förefaller det finnas en gräns där de fysiska hindren blir så stora att det inte längre är möjligt att fortsätta undervisa. / This scientific essay explores dance teachers’ relation to the body, to pain and physical losses. It discusses how teaching is affected and how it changes because of injuries and pain. The research is based on personal experience as well as on interviews with dance teachers with similar experiences. The theoretical perspectives come first and foremost from philosophers of the phenomenological school, mainly from Maurice Merleau-Ponty and others who have thought and written with his theories as a starting point. Moreover, writings by dancers and dance teachers concerning teaching and the relation to the body as movement are used. To come closer to the multi-dimensional experience of pain, a dialogue takes place with some works of art and literature. The result shows that the dance teacher’s experience of pain is complex and ambiguous. Regarding teaching, there can be ways to work with language, the pupils as centres and an adjustment of the role of the teacher which can prevent learning from being negatively affected. However, there seems to be a limit where the physical barriers become so great that it is no longer possible to continue teaching.
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Fallstudie om hur Gävle kommun kan minska sitt dricksvattensvinnEriksson, Christoffer, Khorshed, Dorothy January 2019 (has links)
To ensure sustainable development UN approved 17 sustainable development goals in the year of 2015, in which goal six specifies to ensure water and sanitation for all, and specified in goal six target indicator four, in a more effective way. To have an average of 24% in losses of the total amount of produced drinking water in Sweden is not effective, and Gävle municipality isn´t any better with their recorded drinking water wastage between 28-40% the last years. A big part of the losses of drinking water are assumed to be water that the municipality uses within their daily work such as rinsing of the drinking water network and inadequate measurements of the used drinking water. The aim of this study is to create groundwork for an action plan for how Gästrike Vatten can work to minimize their drinking water losses in Gävle municipality.To identify what the organization considers to be most important is a good first step in creating an action plan, to then select key elements to which goals can be phrased to ese future comparisons with similar organizations. Through internet research, surveys, interviews, computer analysis, in addition literature searches Gävle munici-palities condition of soil, dimensions- and materials of the drinking water network have been established.Gävle Vatten works actively to reduce their commercial drinking water losses by sealing water hydrants and installing water kiosks all around the municipality. The first step to localize leaks in the network is by district division which seven out of the eight respondents use. Acoustic leak detection is the most common secondary step to localize leaks more accurately that Gävle municipality uses, however certain difficulties can emerge. Most of the new drinking water pipelines are made from plastic, which has a lower sound conductivity then pipelines made from metal.It is a continual process to reduce ones drinking water losses to an acceptable level, one which Gävle municipality has already started. To potentiate the effect of their work an action plan is recommended within the organization to identify goals and ways to achieve them so that the company’s resources can be distributed accord-ingly. Their next step can be to work with active leak detection, more specifically with gas injection that works well on metal as well as plastic pipelines. To acquire more accurate measurements of the consumed drinking water, digital water meters are recommended at the consumers.The authors believe that Gävle municipality has good conditions to continue devel-oping their work to minimize their drinking water losses. / Ett av de 17 globala miljömålen FN antog 2015 för en hållbar utveckling, handlade om förvaltningen av vatten och sanitet för alla. Där delmål 6.4 säger att vattenför-sörjningen ska effektiviseras. Att 24% av allt producerat dricksvatten i Sverige klas-sas som dricksvattensvinn är inte effektivt, och Gävle kommun är inte bättre, som de senaste åren har legat mellan 28–40%. Allt dricksvattensvinn är dock inte från läckande ledningsnät. En stor del av dricksvattensvinnet är bland annat vatten som används för underhåll av ledningarna och mätfel. Syftet med denna rapport är att framställa underlag till en handlingsplan för hur Gästrike Vatten kan arbeta för att minska dricksvattensvinnet i Gävle kommun.Vid upprättandet av en handlingsplan är det bra att först granska vad som är strate-giskt viktigt för verksamheten, vilka branschspecifika nyckeltal används för att följa upp målen samt jämföra sig med likartade verksamheter. Via intervjuer, enkäter, dataanalyser, samt litteraturstudier har förutsättningarna för att minska Gävle kom-muns dricksvattensvinn granskats utifrån deras förutsättningar gällande markförhål-landen, samt dimension och material på ledningsnätet.I dagens läge arbetar Gävle Vatten aktivt med att minska de kommersiella förlus-terna, detta genom att bland annat plombera vattenposter och installera vattenkios-ker runt om i kommun. De fysiska förlusterna på dricksvattennätet motverkas ge-nom ledningsförnyelse samt läcklagning. För lokalisering av läckorna används områ-desindelning och flödesmätning för den grova avgränsningen, vilket även sju av de åtta respondenterna använder sig av. Vid finlokaliseringen är den främst akustisk läcksökning som Gästrike Vatten använder sig av, men det råder vissa svårigheter då de flesta nya ledningarna som läggs i marken är gjorda av plast, vilket inte leder ljud lika bra som gjutjärn.Ett kontinuerligt arbete krävs för att arbeta mot att minska dricksvattensvinn, vilket Gästrike Vatten redan har påbörjat. För att få bättre effekt råds de att upprätta en handlingsplan för en bättre överblick av vad de strävar mot och kan tillgodose resur-ser därefter. Deras nästa steg kan vara att aktivt leta läckor och då med fördel med hjälp gasinjektion i de yttre delarna av verksamhetsområdena där främst plastled-ningar är lagda. För att få säkrare mätvärden från konsumenterna kan det även vara bra om de installerar vattenmätare hos konsumenterna.Författarna anser att Gävle Vatten har en bra grund för att utöka arbetet mot ett minskat dricksvattensvinn.
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