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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Expressão de genes das vias de jasmonato e etileno na resposta de plantas de citros às bactérias Candidatus Liberibacter spp., causadoras do Huanglongbing / Expression of genes of the jasmonate and ethylene pathways in the response of citrus plants to Candidatus Liberibacter spp., the causal agents of Huanglongbing

Coerini, Luciane Fender 16 April 2014 (has links)
A citricultura destaca-se dentro do agronegócio brasileiro gerando dividendos diretos com exportações e empregos, e indiretos com arrecadação de impostos. No entanto, ainda padece com problemas fitossanitários, com destaque para o HLB (Huanglongbing, HLB, ex-greening), que nos últimos dez anos tem dizimado pomares e provocado o abandono da cultura por muitos produtores. Causada no Brasil pelas bactérias Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus e Ca. Liberibacter americanus, é uma doença sistêmica, restrita aos vasos do floema, e induz ao aparecimento de sintomas semelhantes àqueles causados por deficiência de nutrientes em folhas e ramos, frutos com tamanhos reduzidos e assimétricos e coloração amarelada das plantas, tornando-as economicamente inviáveis. A transmissão da doença acontece naturalmente pelo inseto Diaphorina citri, e artificialmente por meio de borbulhas contaminadas. Todas as variedades de citros e rutáceas próximas são comprovadamente suscetíveis ao HLB; entretanto, há diferenças marcantes entre níveis de suscetibilidade entre os genótipos, como Poncirus trifoliata, que apresenta certa resistência ou tolerância à doença. Os mecanismos de patogenicidade de Ca. Liberibacter spp. e a resposta molecular da planta à infecção ainda não estão bem definidos e o estudo da ativação dos mecanismos de defesa da planta induzidos por hormônios vegetais é um importante foco na elucidação deste complexo patossistema. Diante deste panorama, este estudo propôs avaliar o perfil de expressão de genes associados às vias do jasmonato e do etileno em plantas de Citrus sinensis L. Osb. (suscetível) e Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. (resistente ou tolerante) em resposta à infecção pelas duas espécies de bactérias causadoras do HLB no Brasil, separadamente. Os perfis transcricionais dos genes avaliados não foram estatisticamente distintos, mas mereceram destaque os genes de biossíntese e metabolismo de jasmonato LOX2, AOC3 e JMT, os genes sinalizadores da via de jasmonato JAZ2 e MYC2, o gene de biossíntese de etileno SAM1, os receptores de etileno ETR1, ERS1 e EIN4, o regulador negativo de etileno CTR1, o regulador positivo da sinalização de etileno EIN2, os fatores de transcrição EIN3, EIL1, ERF1, ERF2, ERF/AP2, uma MAPkinase MAPK6 e uma proteína PR PR-4. Estes resultados mostram que as vias sinalizadas por jasmonato e etileno são modificadas pelas bactérias Ca. Liberibacter spp. No entanto, não foi possível comprovar a importância destas vias na resposta diferencial de genótipos suscetível e resistente/ tolerante de citros ao HLB. / The citrus industry stands out in the Brazilian agribusiness generating direct and indirect jobs and significant revenues. However, the citrus crop faces several diseases, especially the HLB (Huanglongbing, ex-greening), which, in the last ten years, have caused severe losses to growers. In Brazil, HLB is caused by the bacteria Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus and Ca. Liberibacter americanus, which are restricted to the phloem and induce symptoms similar to those caused by nutrient deficiency in citrus leaves and branches. Fruits are of reduced size and asymmetrical, and the plants tend to show overall yellowing. These symptoms altogether lead to the economical death of the plant. Transmission of the pathogens occurs naturally by the Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri, or by contaminated buds. All citrus varieties and relatives are considered susceptible to HLB; however, there are clear differences in levels of susceptibility among genotypes. Poncirus trifoliata, for instance, exhibits some resistance or tolerance to the disease. The mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of Ca. Liberibacter spp. and the molecular responses of the hosts to the infection are still unknown, but emphasis has been given to the defense mechanisms induced by plant hormones in order to try to elucidate the interactions of such complex pathosystem. Based on this scenario, this study aimed to evaluate the expression profile of Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb. (susceptible) and Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. (resistant or tolerant) genes associated with the jasmonate and ethylene pathways in response to infection by both species of Ca. Liberibacter spp. causing HLB in Brazil, separately. The transcriptional profiles did not differ statistically, for the evaluated genes, including those in the jasmonate biosynthesis and metabolism (LOX2, AOC3 and JMT), signaling pathway (JAZ2 and MYC2), biosynthesis of ethylene (SAM1), ethylene receptors (ETR1, ERS1 and EIN4), negative regulator of ethylene (CTR1), positive regulator of ethylene signaling (EIN2), transcription factors (EIN3, EIL1, ERF1, ERF2, ERF/AP2), a MAPkinase (MAPK6) and a PR protein (PR-4). These results suggest that the jasmonate and ethylene pathways exhibit some modulation caused by the bacteria Ca Liberibacter spp. However, it does not seem that these pathways are relevant for the differential response of susceptibility or resistance/ tolerance of the citrus genotypes to HLB.

Expressão de genes das vias de jasmonato e etileno na resposta de plantas de citros às bactérias Candidatus Liberibacter spp., causadoras do Huanglongbing / Expression of genes of the jasmonate and ethylene pathways in the response of citrus plants to Candidatus Liberibacter spp., the causal agents of Huanglongbing

Luciane Fender Coerini 16 April 2014 (has links)
A citricultura destaca-se dentro do agronegócio brasileiro gerando dividendos diretos com exportações e empregos, e indiretos com arrecadação de impostos. No entanto, ainda padece com problemas fitossanitários, com destaque para o HLB (Huanglongbing, HLB, ex-greening), que nos últimos dez anos tem dizimado pomares e provocado o abandono da cultura por muitos produtores. Causada no Brasil pelas bactérias Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus e Ca. Liberibacter americanus, é uma doença sistêmica, restrita aos vasos do floema, e induz ao aparecimento de sintomas semelhantes àqueles causados por deficiência de nutrientes em folhas e ramos, frutos com tamanhos reduzidos e assimétricos e coloração amarelada das plantas, tornando-as economicamente inviáveis. A transmissão da doença acontece naturalmente pelo inseto Diaphorina citri, e artificialmente por meio de borbulhas contaminadas. Todas as variedades de citros e rutáceas próximas são comprovadamente suscetíveis ao HLB; entretanto, há diferenças marcantes entre níveis de suscetibilidade entre os genótipos, como Poncirus trifoliata, que apresenta certa resistência ou tolerância à doença. Os mecanismos de patogenicidade de Ca. Liberibacter spp. e a resposta molecular da planta à infecção ainda não estão bem definidos e o estudo da ativação dos mecanismos de defesa da planta induzidos por hormônios vegetais é um importante foco na elucidação deste complexo patossistema. Diante deste panorama, este estudo propôs avaliar o perfil de expressão de genes associados às vias do jasmonato e do etileno em plantas de Citrus sinensis L. Osb. (suscetível) e Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. (resistente ou tolerante) em resposta à infecção pelas duas espécies de bactérias causadoras do HLB no Brasil, separadamente. Os perfis transcricionais dos genes avaliados não foram estatisticamente distintos, mas mereceram destaque os genes de biossíntese e metabolismo de jasmonato LOX2, AOC3 e JMT, os genes sinalizadores da via de jasmonato JAZ2 e MYC2, o gene de biossíntese de etileno SAM1, os receptores de etileno ETR1, ERS1 e EIN4, o regulador negativo de etileno CTR1, o regulador positivo da sinalização de etileno EIN2, os fatores de transcrição EIN3, EIL1, ERF1, ERF2, ERF/AP2, uma MAPkinase MAPK6 e uma proteína PR PR-4. Estes resultados mostram que as vias sinalizadas por jasmonato e etileno são modificadas pelas bactérias Ca. Liberibacter spp. No entanto, não foi possível comprovar a importância destas vias na resposta diferencial de genótipos suscetível e resistente/ tolerante de citros ao HLB. / The citrus industry stands out in the Brazilian agribusiness generating direct and indirect jobs and significant revenues. However, the citrus crop faces several diseases, especially the HLB (Huanglongbing, ex-greening), which, in the last ten years, have caused severe losses to growers. In Brazil, HLB is caused by the bacteria Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus and Ca. Liberibacter americanus, which are restricted to the phloem and induce symptoms similar to those caused by nutrient deficiency in citrus leaves and branches. Fruits are of reduced size and asymmetrical, and the plants tend to show overall yellowing. These symptoms altogether lead to the economical death of the plant. Transmission of the pathogens occurs naturally by the Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri, or by contaminated buds. All citrus varieties and relatives are considered susceptible to HLB; however, there are clear differences in levels of susceptibility among genotypes. Poncirus trifoliata, for instance, exhibits some resistance or tolerance to the disease. The mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of Ca. Liberibacter spp. and the molecular responses of the hosts to the infection are still unknown, but emphasis has been given to the defense mechanisms induced by plant hormones in order to try to elucidate the interactions of such complex pathosystem. Based on this scenario, this study aimed to evaluate the expression profile of Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb. (susceptible) and Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. (resistant or tolerant) genes associated with the jasmonate and ethylene pathways in response to infection by both species of Ca. Liberibacter spp. causing HLB in Brazil, separately. The transcriptional profiles did not differ statistically, for the evaluated genes, including those in the jasmonate biosynthesis and metabolism (LOX2, AOC3 and JMT), signaling pathway (JAZ2 and MYC2), biosynthesis of ethylene (SAM1), ethylene receptors (ETR1, ERS1 and EIN4), negative regulator of ethylene (CTR1), positive regulator of ethylene signaling (EIN2), transcription factors (EIN3, EIL1, ERF1, ERF2, ERF/AP2), a MAPkinase (MAPK6) and a PR protein (PR-4). These results suggest that the jasmonate and ethylene pathways exhibit some modulation caused by the bacteria Ca Liberibacter spp. However, it does not seem that these pathways are relevant for the differential response of susceptibility or resistance/ tolerance of the citrus genotypes to HLB.

Identificação de genes de maracujá azedo diferencialmente expressos durante a interação com Xanthomonas axonopodis / Identification of differentially expressed genes during the yellow passion fruit- Xanthomonas axonopodis interaction

Carla de Freitas Munhoz 04 October 2013 (has links)
O Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de maracujá azedo (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) sendo esta a espécie de maior expressão comercial dentre as passifloras cultivadas. A bacteriose do maracujazeiro, causada por Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae (Xap), é uma das doenças mais severas da cultura, acarretando grandes prejuízos aos produtores. Atualmente, é incipiente o conhecimento sobre a interação maracujá azedo-Xap. Diante disso, a identificação e a caracterização dos genes envolvidos no processo de defesa são passos importantes para dar suporte ao desenvolvimento de variedades resistentes. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e caracterizar genes de maracujá azedo diferencialmente expressos durante a resposta de defesa à Xap, bem como mensurar a sua expressão. Para isso, foram construídas duas bibliotecas subtrativas de cDNA (forward e reverse) usando o método SSH a partir de transcritos de folhas, que foram inoculadas com o patógeno ou solução salina (controle). Após o sequenciamento dos clones, o processamento e a montagem das sequências, as unisequências foram anotadas através da Plataforma PLAZA e do programa computacional Blast2GO. Genes envolvidos em diversos processos biológicos foram selecionados para a validação das bibliotecas por PCR quantitativo. Usando a Plataforma PLAZA, 78 % (764) das unisequências mostraram similaridade com proteínas de Arabidopsis thaliana, enquanto 87 % (866) delas apresentaram similaridade com proteínas putativas de diversas espécies vegetais, quando se utilizou Blast2GO. Na biblioteca forward, foram identificadas 73 proteínas relacionadas à resposta de defesa, dentre as quais estão proteínas envolvidas na sinalização intracelular, na ativação da transcrição e regulação da expressão de genes de defesa, bem como proteínas de defesa, de resistência e relacionadas à patogênese (PRs). Dentre os 22 transcritos validados, 95 % foram diferencialmente expressos em pelo menos um dos três períodos avaliados; os genes mais expressos em resposta à infecção pelo patógeno são os que codificam as enzimas lipoxigenase, (+)-neomentol desidrogenase e quitinase, as quais participam diretamente nas respostas de defesa vegetal. Dos genes cuja expressão foi mais reprimida, dois codificam proteínas relacionadas à fotossíntese e dois codificam proteínas envolvidas na detoxificação da amônia e do H2O2. Nossos resultados sugerem que a planta utiliza um arsenal de transcritos para responder à infecção; entretanto, este arsenal não é eficiente para impedir a ação do patógeno e, consequentemente, o desenvolvimento da bacteriose nas condições estudadas. Nosso estudo é inédito e gerou informações sobre a reprogramação transcricional durante a interação maracujá azedo-Xap, o que constitui um importante passo para o melhor entendimento sobre este patossistema. / Brazil is the main producer of yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) worldwide, which is the most widely commercialized crop among the cultivated passifloras. The bacterial leaf spot induced by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae (Xap) is one of the most severe diseases of the crop, causing great losses to producers. Currently, we understand very little about the yellow passion fruit-Xap interaction. Therefore, the identification and characterization of genes involved in the defense process are important steps to support the development of resistant varieties. Thus, the objective of this study was identify and characterize differentially expressed genes during the defense response to Xap, as well as to measure their expression. For that, we constructed two subtractive cDNA libraries (the forward and the reverse) by performing the SSH method from leaf transcripts, which were inoculated with the pathogen or saline solution (control). After sequencing the clones and sequence data processing, sequences were assembled into unique sequences, which were annotated using the PLAZA Platform and the computational program Blast2GO. Genes involved in several biological processes were selected to validate the libraries by quantitative PCR. When PLAZA was used for sequence similarity searches, 78 % (764) of the yellow passion fruit unique sequences showed similarity to proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana; when Blast2GO was used, 87 % (866) of the unique sequences showed similarities to putative proteins of several plant species. For the forward library, 73 proteins related to defense response were identified, such as those involved in intracellular signaling, transcription activation and regulation of defense gene expression, as well as defense and resistance proteins, and pathogenesis-related proteins (PRs). Of the 22 validated transcripts, 95 % were differentially expressed during at least one of the three periods evaluated; the genes up-regulated in response to the pathogen infection were those that code for the enzymes lipoxygenase, (+)-neomenthol dehydrogenase and chitinase, which participate directly in plant-defense responses. Out of down-regulated genes, two code for photosynthesis-related proteins, and two for ammonia and H2O2 detoxification. Our results suggest the plant uses an arsenal of transcripts to respond to infection; however, this arsenal is not effective to prevent pathogen action and consequently the occurrence of bacterial leaf spot under the evaluated conditions. The present study is the first to produce information on the transcriptional reprogramming during the passion fruit-Xap interaction, which represents an important step for a better understanding of this pathosystem.

Plasticité de l'architecture du blé d'hiver modulée par la densité et la date de semis et son effet sur les épidémies de Septoria tritici / Plasticity of winter wheat architecture modulated by sowing date and plant population density and its effect on Septoria tritici epidemics

Baccar, Rim 06 June 2011 (has links)
Les pratiques culturales modifient l'architecture des couverts de manière à augmenter ou diminuer le développement des épidémies mais les processus mis en jeu sont complexes ; des modèles mécanistes simulant l'interaction entre plante et pathogène devraient aider à les clarifier. Les modèles de Plantes Virtuelles, qui permettent de décrire explicitement la structure tridimensionnelle de la plante, semblent particulièrement prometteurs pour exprimer les effets de l'architecture de la plante sur le développement des épidémies. L'objectif de cette étude est d'examiner la possibilité de simuler l'effet de l'architecture des plantes sur le développement de la maladie en utilisant un modèle Plante Virtuelle. Dans ce travail, nous nous intéressons au pathosystème blé-Septoria tritici, dans lequel l'architecture joue un rôle important. En effet, les spores de Septoria tritici sont propagées par les éclaboussures de pluie depuis les feuilles infectées du bas du couvert vers les nouvelles feuilles saines. Notre travail s'est appuyé sur un modèle pré-existant d'épidémie de la septoriose, Septo3D. L'architecture du blé a été étudiée pour une gamme de densités et de date de semis. Les différences de phyllochrone entre traitements ont été dans une gamme susceptible de modifier le développement de la septoriose. Ces variations ont été représentées par un modèle descriptif qui tient compte du nombre de feuilles final et de la photopériode. Une description détaillée des variables d'architecture à l'échelle des organes et du couvert a fourni une documentation originale et complète sur la plasticité de l'architecture du blé. Ces données ont été utilisées pour paramétrer la description du blé dans Septo3D. Globalement, les traitements étudiés ont conduit à de fortes différences de la densité de végétation au cours du temps. Les dynamiques de développement de la septoriose ont été suivies pour trois traitements de densités contrastées. Les cinétiques de la maladie simulées par le modèle étaient conformes aux mesures expérimentales. Bien que, l'approche nécessite davantage de validation, les résultats confirment que l'approche Plante Virtuelle apporte un nouvel éclairage sur les processus et les caractéristiques des plantes qui impactent les épidémies. En conclusion, nous proposons quelques perspectives en vue de nouvelles applications et améliorations de l'approche. / Agronomic practices modify crop architecture in ways that may facilitate or hamper disease development. The processes involved are complex and mechanistic models simulating plant-pathogen interaction should help clarifying them. Virtual Plants, i.e. models in which the three-dimensional structure of the plant is explicitly described, appear specially promising to express the effects of the plant architecture on the epidemic development. The objective of this study is to examine the ability to simulate the effect of plant architecture on disease development using a Virtual Plant model.The work focuses on the pathosystem wheat-Septoria tritici, in which architecture plays an important role because spores of Septoria are propagated from infected leaves to upper healthy leaves by rain splash. We build on a pre-existing model of Septoria epidemics, Septo3D. Wheat architecture was examined for a range of sowing date and density treatments. Differences of phyllochron between treatments were in a range sufficient to likely modify epidemic development; they were well represented by a descriptive model depending on photoperiod and final leaf number. A detailed description of architectural variables at the organ and canopy scale provided an original and comprehensive documentation of the plastic response of wheat, which was used for parameterising the wheat description in Septo3D. Overall, the investigated treatments resulted in strong differences in the time course of vegetation density. Septoria dynamics were monitored in a subset of three treatments of contrasted densities. Simulated disease kinetics were consistent with field measurements. Although, the approach needs further validation, results support that virtual plant modelling provides new insights into the processes and plant traits that impact epidemics. We conclude with prospects for further improvements and applications.

Development and application of LC-MS-based differential metabolic profiling in plant systems / Entwicklung und Anwendung von LC-MS-basierendem Metabolitenprofiling an pflanzlichen Systemen

Ratzinger, Astrid 17 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.


Shittu, Hakeem Olalekan 05 October 2010 (has links)
When tomato Craigella is infected with Verticillium dahliae Dvd-E6 (Dvd-E6), a tolerant state is induced with substantial pathogen load, but few symptoms. Unexpectedly, these plants are more robust and taller with Dvd-E6 behaving as an endophyte. Some endophytes can protect plants from virulent pathogens. This research was undertaken to improve understanding of the cellular and molecular nature of Verticillium tolerance in tomato, especially whether infection by Dvd-E6 can protect Craigella from virulent V. dahliae, race 1 (Vd1). To permit mixed infection experiments a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)-based assay was developed and used for differentiating Dvd-E6 from Vd1, when present in mixed infections. The results suggested that protection involves molecular interplay between Dvd-E6 and Vd1 in susceptible Craigella (CS) tomatoes, resulting in restricted Vd1 colonization. Further studies showed a dramatic reduction of Vd1 spores and mycelia. To examine genetic changes that account for these biological changes, a customized DNA chip (TVR) was used to analyze defense gene mRNA levels. The defense gene response was categorized into four groups. Group 1 was characterized by strong induction of defense genes followed by suppression. However, Vd1-induced gene suppression was blocked by Dvd-E6 in mixed infections. These genes included some transcription factors and PR proteins such as class IV chitinases and beta glucanases which are known to target fungal spores and mycelia. Experiments also were repeated with a Craigella resistant (CR) isoline containing a fully active Ve locus (Ve1+ and Ve2+). The biological results showed that the presence of the Ve1+ allele resulted in restricted Vd1 colonization and, in a mixed infection with Dvd-E6, Vd1 was completely eliminated from the plant stem. Surprisingly, there was no significant increase in defense gene mRNAs. Rather, elevated basal levels of defense gene products appeared sufficient to combat pathogen attack. To investigate functional effects of the genetic changes observed, an inducible RNAi knockdown vector for a defense gene (TUS15G8) with unknown function (pMW4-TUS15G8) as well as the Ve2 resistance gene (pMW-Ve2) was prepared as a initial step for future transformation analyses. Taken together the results reveal intriguing but complex biological and molecular changes in mixed infections, which remain a basis for future experiments and potential agricultural benefits. / Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan

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