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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Notaro vaidmuo hipotekos ir įkeitimo teisiniuose santykiuose / Role of a notary in legal relationships of mortgage and pledge

Skrodenis, Danielius 09 July 2011 (has links)
Suinteresuotiems asmenims, siekiantiems sudaryti hipotekos ar įkeitimo sandorį, ir tuo pačiu norintiems, kad nebūtų apribotos įkeičiamo turto savininko teisės laisvai valdyti, naudoti ir tam tikrais atvejais disponuoti įkeičiamu turtu, neišvengiamai teks susidurti su tokį jų sandorį tvirtinsiančiu notaru, teisėtą civilinę apyvartą privalančiu užtikrinti valstybės įgaliotu asmeniu. Notaras, vadovaudamasis visais su hipotekos ir įkeitimo teisiniais santykiais susijusiais teisės aktais bei atsižvelgdamas į aktualią teismų praktiką, privalo: įsitikinti, kad įkeičiamas turtas priklauso suinteresuotam asmeniui nuosavybės ar patikėjimo teise; įsitikinti, kad hipotekos ar įkeitimo sandoris apskritai gali būti sudarytas; taip pat užtikrinti, kad hipotekos ir įkeitimo lakštas yra užpildytas laikantis teisės aktų reikalavimų. Atlikęs minėtuosius veiksmus, surinkęs visus šiam sandoriui būtinus dokumentus, notaras, laikydamasis Lietuvos Respublikos notariato įstatyme įtvirtintų reikalavimų, tvirtina sandorį. Kadangi hipotekos ir įkeitimo galiojimas yra siejamas su šių teisių įregistravimu hipotekos registre, tai dabar notaras yra tarsi pirminė grandis, kurios atliktą teisėtumo užtikrinimo darbą patikrina už hipotekos ir įkeitimo registravimą atsakingas hipotekos teisėjas. Kadangi tokia dvigubo patikrinimo sistema turi daugiau trūkumų nei privalumų, jau 2008 metais bus pradėta įgyvendinti svarbi reforma, kurios pasekoje bus panaikinti hipotekos skyriai, nebeliks hipotekos teisėjų, o... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Each concerned person willing to enter into a mortgage/ pledge agreement, under which no rights of the ownership (to control, use and at times to dispose) shall be restricted, will inevitably come across with a notary – a person duly authorised by the state to ensure the legitimate civil circulation. A notary, while following the statutory regulations and case law on mortgage and pledge, is obliged to: ascertain the collateral is definitely owned by/ trusted to the concerned person; ascertain that the mortgage/ pledge agreement can be concluded at all; ensure the mortgage/ pledge bond is filled properly. As follows, after receiving the necessary documentation, a notary confirms the agreement according to the requirements of the Notary Act of the Republic of Lithuania. Since the registration is a stringent condition for mortgage and pledge to take effect, the notarial confirmation of the agreement is more likely regarded as an initial step. Whereas the hypothecary judge is the one to scrutinize the works already performed by the notary. As one might expect, the above mentioned system of double-checking has more disadvantages than advantages. Which is of course why the year 2008 brings essential changes, resulting in the refusal of functions performed by hypothecary judges and, naturally, the amplification of the role of a notary in the process of perfection and registration of mortgage and pledge agreements.

O pacto comissório no direito romano / The lex comissoria in Roman law

Mayara de Lima Reis 13 June 2014 (has links)
Ao longo de seu texto, o Código Civil de 2002 não traz o vocábulo comissório ou quaisquer de suas possíveis flexões gramaticais. Na doutrina e jurisprudência pátrias, entretanto, ele é aplicado exaustivamente quanto à proibição prevista nos artigos 1.428 e 1.365 do mencionado diploma legal. Grosso modo, tem-se em tais dispositivos a impossibilidade de que, após verificado o inadimplemento da obrigação principal, possa o credor insatisfeito conservar para si, na condição de proprietário, a coisa entregue em garantia. Ainda que reproduzida em diversos códigos modernos, especialmente naqueles de tradição romano-germânica, essa vedação ao chamado pacto comissório é um tema pouquíssimo estudado. A necessidade de uma maior reflexão sobre seu conteúdo, no entanto, é cada vez mais evidente. Isso porque, como demonstram pesquisas recentes no âmbito da literatura comparística, há indícios de que a regra tem por base fundamentos que não mais se justificariam. A esse propósito, vale salientar, o estudo do direito romano é fundamental. Afinal, nele a lex commissoria foi criada e por séculos teve aplicação no âmbito dos direitos reais de garantia, até ter sido proibida pelo Imperador Constantino (C. Th. 3, 2, 1; C. 8, 34, 3), no século III. O presente trabalho, portanto, tem por objetivo central a reconstrução e análise do instituto antigo, para que então com mais segurança seja possível delimitar, em que medida, pôde a lex commissoria romana influenciar a proibição do pacto comissório nos atuais ordenamentos jurídicos, em especial, o brasileiro. Para tanto, deve-se notar, em um primeiro momento, que separar a lex commissoria objeto da mencionada decisão da mais consagrada lex comissória no âmbito da compra e venda, recepcionada no livro 18 do Digesto e ainda largamente aceita nos sistemas modernos, não é tarefa das mais fáceis. Tendo a proibição sido anterior à compilação do Corpus Iuris e, igualmente, tendo a própria fiducia cum creditore sido extinta por volta do século II, escassos são os testemunhos nas fontes que chegaram até os nossos dias. / Throughout its text, Brazilian Civil Code of 2002 does not have the word \"comissório\" or any of its possible grammatical inflections. In Brazilian doctrine and jurisprudence, however, it is applied thoroughly as the prohibition laid down in Articles 1,428 and 1,365 of that statute. Roughly speaking, we have in such provisions the impossibility that, upon inspection of the default of the principal obligation, unsatisfied creditors could keep for themselves the thing given as a real security (pledge), provided being the owner. Although reproduced in many modern codes, especially those of Roman-Germanic tradition, the prohibition of the so called pacto comissório is a topic rarely researched. The need for further reflection on its contents, however, is increasingly evident. This is because, as recent research into comparative literature shows, there is evidence that this rule is based on essentials that would no longer be justified. In that regard, it is worth mentioning, the study of Roman law is fundamental. After all, in it the lex commissoria was created and for centuries it had been applied under the provision of security until it was banned by Emperor Constantine (C. Th. 3, 2, 1; C. 8, 34, 3) in the 3rd century A.D. The present study, therefore, has as its central objective the reconstruction and the analysis of that ancient institute, so that more safely it will be possible to delimit to what extent could the Roman lex commissoria influence the pacto comissório in current legal systems, in particular the Brazilian one. Therefore, it should be noted at first that to separate the lex commissoria, object of the aforementioned ban, from the established lex commissoria under purchase and sale, as disposed in Book 18 of the Digesta and still widely accepted in modern systems, it is not an easy task. Since the prohibition was prior to the compiling of the Corpus Iuris and also having the fiducia cum creditore been extinct sometime around the 2nd Century, testimonies in sources that have come down to our day are scarce.

Virginity Pledges as a Preventative Measures for Preventing Unwanted Sexual, Behavioral, and Biological Outcomes: A Systematic Review of Adolescents and Young Adults in the U.S.

Murphy, Nicole J. 08 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Teisinis priesaikos institutas ir jo socialinis vaidmuo / Juridical oath institution and its social significance

Skaistys, Audrius 13 June 2011 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas ir problemos aktualumas Tyrimo objektas. Disertacijoje teisiniu požiūriu tiriamas vienas tarpšakinių teisės institutų – priesaika. Disertacijos tyrimas apima paprotinės ir pozityviosios teisės raidos etapuose susiformavusius teisinius santykius, atsirasdavusius ir tebeatsirandančius priesaikos instituto taikymo ir jo funkcijų įgyvendinimo srityse. Šiame darbe nagrinėjami istoriniai, lituanistiniai šaltiniai; nacionalinių, tarptautinių ir kitų valstybių teisės aktų normos, reglamentuojančios priesaikos institutą, taip pat šią temą nagrinėjanti Lietuvos teisės doktrina. Priesaikos teisinio instituto ir jo socialinio vaidmens tyrimas bendrąja prasme – tai vieno iš seniausių ir gilias tradicijas Lietuvoje turinčio teisinio instituto tyrimas. Priesaikos sampratos (sąvokos) pažinimas yra organiška teisės doktrinos, kaip vienalyčio darinio, dalis, tačiau šio instituto prasmė ir reikšmė teisės normose ir teorijoje (moksle) nėra plačiau tyrinėta. Šiuo tyrimu bandoma atskleisti socialinę teisinę priesaikos esmę, jos evoliuciją ir virsmą į tikrai talpų (vertybių ir atliekamų funkcijų požiūriu) teisinį reguliatorių, kuris laikytinas Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucijoje įtvirtintų pamatinių vertybių koncentracija, o kartu ir jų veiksnumą užtikrinančiu įrankiu. Perfrazuojant prof. A. Vaišvilą, „aiškinant teisę (šiuo atveju – priesaiką, kaip koncentruotą teisės išraišką [išskirta disertanto] <...>, neužtenka pasakyti, kad teisė (priesaika) yra elgesio taisyklė (tai tik... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject matter of the research and its relevance The subject matter. In the present paper one of the inter-branch law institutes namely – the oath is being under discussion. The treatment of the problem embraces the development of law from time honored stages up to the present state. Within the period the law terms has changed considerately and the process is still in progress, especially in the sphere of the implementation of its functions. In the given paper the objects of research are the historical and native Lithuanian sources; i.e. the norms of national, international legal acts and the acts of other states in which the oath institution is called upon, as well as the Lithuanian law doctrine dealing with this problem. The general approach to the research of the juridical Oath Institution and its social significance has a long standing tradition in Lithuania. The cognition of the concept of the oath is an organic element of the law doctrine, as an integral formation, however has never yet received a deeper research either in legal norms or in theory. The given paper is an attempt to reveal the juridical and social essence of the oath, its evolution and transformation into a really meaningful juridical regulation of values and its fitting functions. It ought to be a concentration of the fundamental values stated in the Constitution and at the same time – an instrument of the assurance of their implementation. Rephrasing prof. A. Vaišvila „when explaining law (in this... [to full text]

Pantsättning utan besittning / Pledge without seizure

Bengtsson, Ola January 2000 (has links)
<p>Den som lånar ut ett belopp mot säkerhet i panträtt har ett förhållandevis gott skydd mot kreditförluster. Den som inte själv innehar pantegendomen med besittningsrätt, utan måste lita på att den som innehar egendomen inte lämnar ut den till gäldenären eller någon annan eller på annat sätt avhänder sig egendomen, löper eventuellt större risk att lida rättsförluster. Uttryckt på ett annorlunda vis kan man säga att en denuntiationspanthavare löper större risk än en besittningspanthavare. Mitt syfte är att identifiera och analysera de risker en denuntiationspanthavare utsätter sig för jämfört med de risker en panthavare med besittning till pantegendomen utsätter sig för.</p> / <p>Creditors are generally interested in getting the money back. In this thesis I have analyzed the variation in risk of loss, for creditors.</p>

När ett vallöfte blir verklighet <em></em><em></em> : <em>Analys av DN:s rapportering om</em> <em>fastighetsskatten innan och efter valet 2006</em>

Balcer Bednarska, Jaqueline January 2009 (has links)
<p> <p> </p></p><p> </p><p>Did the mass media report in a different way about the real estate tax before the Swedish national election 2006 than they did after the election? If there were differences, what could be the cause?</p><p>This study aims to answer these questions by using a quantitative analysis of articles about the real estate tax published in the Dagens Nyheter (DN), the biggest morning daily.</p><p> </p><p>The summer before the election, the ‘Alliance’, (the non-socialist coalition, launched an election promise to abolish the real estate tax. Instead they planned to introduce a low community charge.The Alliance won the election and formed a government to implement their election promise.</p><p> </p><p>The analysis was made on all the published articles in DN that covered the real estate tax issue. In total there were 43 such articles. These where all published between the launch of the campaign promise until the electionday and a month before the proposal was launched 19/9 2007, until the proposal was implemented in 2008.</p><p> </p><p>The study results in three interesting conclusions. After the election, when the election promise was about to become political reality, DN reported more negatively about this specific issue. The genre of the articles varied heavily before and after the election. Before the election more news articles where published than after the election and the letters-to-the-editor about the real estate tax were published almost only before the election. This study also treats the intresting phenomenon that the Alliance, before the election, had the power to define their election promise but after the election they seem to have lost this power and instead the real estate tax question was defined by the media. The Alliance claimed that they would  ”abolish the real estate tax and introduce a low community charge” and DN used this definition in their newspaper. After the election, DN reported about the election as a new real estate tax, which is a very different thing.</p>

Pantsättning utan besittning / Pledge without seizure

Bengtsson, Ola January 2000 (has links)
Den som lånar ut ett belopp mot säkerhet i panträtt har ett förhållandevis gott skydd mot kreditförluster. Den som inte själv innehar pantegendomen med besittningsrätt, utan måste lita på att den som innehar egendomen inte lämnar ut den till gäldenären eller någon annan eller på annat sätt avhänder sig egendomen, löper eventuellt större risk att lida rättsförluster. Uttryckt på ett annorlunda vis kan man säga att en denuntiationspanthavare löper större risk än en besittningspanthavare. Mitt syfte är att identifiera och analysera de risker en denuntiationspanthavare utsätter sig för jämfört med de risker en panthavare med besittning till pantegendomen utsätter sig för. / Creditors are generally interested in getting the money back. In this thesis I have analyzed the variation in risk of loss, for creditors.

The Anglo-Saxon Peace Weaving Warrior

Andrade, Anthea Rebecca 31 July 2006 (has links)
Beowulf presents a literary starting point in the discussion of peace weaving, reflecting the primary focus of Anglo Saxon epic poetry on the male hero rather than the peace weaver. Scholarship on peace weaving figures in the poem tend to negatively perceive the lack of female presence, and determine the tradition as one set up for failure. Adding historical peace weavers like Queen Emma to the discourse encourages scholars to view smaller successes, like temporary peace, as building on each other to ultimately cause the peace weaver to be successful at her task. From studying the life of Queen Emma, the continuous struggle of such a figure to be an influential presence in her nation is more evident. Combining the images of peace weaving set down by literature and then history prove that figures participating in the tradition are as vital to the heroic world as the warrior himself.

Anglosaxiska standardavtal gällande kredit : Ett svenskt bemötande / Standardised Anglo-Saxon Credit Facilities Agreement : A Swedish Approach

Pettersson, Caroline, Sala, Nina January 2007 (has links)
Internationell handel är snarare en regel än undantag i dagens globala samhälle, och en del av denna handel genomförs dagligen genom landsöverskridande kredittransaktioner. Som konsekvens av detta har standardavtal utvecklats på krediträttens område, med syfte att kunna användas av parter oavsett land. Dessa standardavtal är författade på engelska och utgår ifrån anglosaxisk rätt. Emedan kreditavtal, utformade enligt anglosaxisk standardavtalsmodell, är mycket omfattande är uppsatsens syfte att utreda i vilken mån dessa avtal kan förkortas och göras mer lätthanterliga. Syftet är även att ge parter som använder sig av kreditavtal, utformade efter nämnd standardavtalsmodell, en anvisning om hur utvalda delar i dessa avtal överensstämmer med svensk lag. Med ett förenklat avtal skulle berörda parter vinna tid och därmed göra ekonomisk vinning. Vidare skulle ett förenklat avtal, genom att bli kortare, bli mer lätthanterligt och därmed torde även missförstånd som skulle kunna leda till tvist lättare kunna undvikas. Uppsatsen kommer endast att behandla kreditavtal upprättade mellan enbart svenska parter. Uppsatsen kommer att utgå ifrån dels LMA:s standardkreditavtal och dels ett faktiskt kreditavtal mellan två svenska parter. Traditionell juridisk metod kommer att användas och således kommer den svenska lagstiftningen att vara den primära rättskällan, men även förarbeten, prejudikat och doktrin kommer att tas i beaktning. Kommersiella kreditavtals funktion och användning kommer att beskrivas, och dessutom kommer en diskussion att föras angående svensk rätts reglering på området. För att belysa de fördelar samt nackdelar som följer vid användning av dessa kreditavtal kommer kredittagares respektive kreditgivares perspektiv att ges. Vi ser en ökad användning av kommersiella standardkreditavtal utformade efter anglosaxisk avtalsmodell. Dock är dessa avtal omfattande och preciserade, därmed är en anpassning till svensk rätt är nödvändig för att dess användning ska vara befogad. Med en sådan anpassning torde dessa avtals användning i Sverige öka och kunna användas även vid mindre transaktioner.

När ett vallöfte blir verklighet : Analys av DN:s rapportering om fastighetsskatten innan och efter valet 2006

Balcer Bednarska, Jaqueline January 2009 (has links)
Did the mass media report in a different way about the real estate tax before the Swedish national election 2006 than they did after the election? If there were differences, what could be the cause? This study aims to answer these questions by using a quantitative analysis of articles about the real estate tax published in the Dagens Nyheter (DN), the biggest morning daily.   The summer before the election, the ‘Alliance’, (the non-socialist coalition, launched an election promise to abolish the real estate tax. Instead they planned to introduce a low community charge.The Alliance won the election and formed a government to implement their election promise.   The analysis was made on all the published articles in DN that covered the real estate tax issue. In total there were 43 such articles. These where all published between the launch of the campaign promise until the electionday and a month before the proposal was launched 19/9 2007, until the proposal was implemented in 2008.   The study results in three interesting conclusions. After the election, when the election promise was about to become political reality, DN reported more negatively about this specific issue. The genre of the articles varied heavily before and after the election. Before the election more news articles where published than after the election and the letters-to-the-editor about the real estate tax were published almost only before the election. This study also treats the intresting phenomenon that the Alliance, before the election, had the power to define their election promise but after the election they seem to have lost this power and instead the real estate tax question was defined by the media. The Alliance claimed that they would  ”abolish the real estate tax and introduce a low community charge” and DN used this definition in their newspaper. After the election, DN reported about the election as a new real estate tax, which is a very different thing.

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