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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Changes in the abundance and diversity of the Proteaceae over the Cainozoic in south-western Australia

Itzstein-Davey, Freea January 2003 (has links)
South-western Australia is a globally significant hotspot of plant species diversity, with high endemism and many rare plant species. Proteaceae is a major component of the south-western flora, though little is known about how its diversity developed. This prompted the present study to investigate changes in the abundance and diversity of Proteaceae, in south-western Australia, by concurrently studying three sediment sequences of different ages over the Cainozoic and a modern pollen rain study. Modern pollen-vegetation relationships in the two Proteaceae species rich nodes of the northern and southern sandplains were quantified. It was found that Proteaceous genera can contribute up to 50% of the total pollen rain. Banksia/Dryandra pollen was the most abundant with Isopogon, Petrophile and Lambertia also commonly noted. The vegetation and environmental setting during three pivotal periods of the Cainozoic: Holocene, Pliocene and Eocene, were investigated. Eocene sediment from Lake Lefroy confirmed the presence of a Nothofagus dominated rainforest in the Middle to Late Eocene. At this time Proteaceae species were at least as diverse as today, if not more so, contributing up to a maximum of 42% of the total pollen rain. Taxa recorded included: Banksieaeidites arcuatus, Propylipollis biporus, Proteacidites confragosus, Proteacidites crassus, Proteacidites nasus and Proteacidites pachypolus. Several taxa remain undescribed and unnamed. This study also identified that Proteaceae pollen representation varies across small lateral distances. Thus as samples varied spatially and temporally, single core samples are not sufficient to identify spatial patterns in Proteaceae or other low pollen producing taxa. Some 7.91 cm of laminated Pliocene sediment from Yallalie, south-western Australia, was also examined. It covers 84 years of record and confirmed other regional reports that south-western Australia was covered by a rich vegetation mosaic consisting of heathy and wet rainforest elements. Although Proteaceae species were a consistent component of the pollen counts, diversity and abundance (maximum of 5%) was low throughout the studied section. Banksia/Dryandra types were most commonly noted. A 2 m core was retrieved from Two Mile Lake, near the Stirling Ranges and provided an early Holocene vegetation history. Geochemical and palynological evidence recorded little change, suggesting the environment of deposition was relatively uniform. Proteaceae species were noted throughout the core, though in low numbers, at a maximum of 3.5 % of the total pollen rain. Banksia/Dryandra was the most abundant while Isopogon, Lambertia, Petrophile and Franklandia were also noted. A regression model was developed through the modern pollen rain study to predict the number of Proteaceae in the vegetation. This was also applied to the fossil pollen records. The estimated number of Proteaceae species in the Eocene suggests a maximum of 20 and a minimum of 10 taxa. For the Pliocene record, an estimated 7 - 9 species was found and for the Holocene pollen, between 7 - 8 were present. Thus the Eocene was similar in Proteaceae diversity to today. The results from the Pliocene and Holocene suggest that Proteaceae diversity was lower than today. Findings of this research indicate that Proteaceae species are an important and consistent component of vegetation in south-western Australia over the Cainozoic. It is likely that both changing pollination mechanisms and changes in associated vegetation are important in the determining the dispersal of Proteaceaous pollen. By understanding how the vegetation has changed and developed in south-western Australia, present vegetation can be managed to include intra-specific variation and ensure the majority of species are conserved for present and future generations to enjoy.

Neogene Palynology of the Gray Fossil Site, Tennessee, USA: Floristic Implications.

Ochoa-Lozano, Diana 01 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In order to understand Mio-Pliocene floristic characteristics of the southern Appalachian Mountains, 47 palynological samples from six different testing-pits across the Gray Fossil Site (GFS) were analyzed. The site exhibits a low pollen yield resulting from basic pH levels, drought, and fire events occurring during deposition. The palynofloral assemblage has a low to moderate diversity, and it is largely dominated by Quercus-Carya-Pinus (~90% of the palynoflora). The reported presence of Pterocarya grains supports a Late Neogene age for the lacustrine sediments. Comparison with modern pollen-based floras suggests that: (1) the Mio-Pliocene Oak-Hickory-Pine association varied in structure between a woodland to woodland/savanna, depending on the intensity and frequency of drought, fire events and herbivory, (2) pits show different structure of the co-dominant genera, which indicate alternating composition of the vegetation, and (3) in term of modern vegetation, the GFS flora corresponds well with the Mesophytic Forest region.

Effects of climate change on mammalian fauna composition and structure during the advent of North American continental glaciation in the Pliocene

Ruez, Dennis Russell, 1973- 28 August 2008 (has links)
The cooling preceding the beginning of North American continental glaciation is beautifully represented by the thick fluvial and lacustrine sequences of the Pliocene Glenns Ferry Formation at the Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument (HAFO), Idaho. This time interval is commonly studied because it contains the elevated global temperatures predicted to result from continued anthropogenic warming. The fossil mammals at HAFO were examined to see the effects of climate change on past mammalian assemblages. The nature of the fossiliferous localities at HAFO was documented to establish which localities could be considered in situ. Additionally, the structural architecture of the beds was mapped to establish an idealized stratigraphic datum to which localities were tied. This facilitated temporal comparison of the widespread localities at HAFO. Second, a high-resolution record of climate change was created using global climate models to predict which oceanic areas varied in temperature in concert with HAFO during the middle Pliocene. Data from deep-sea cores from those oceanic areas were combined to create a proxy temperature pattern; such a detailed record from terrestrial data in the Glenns Ferry Formation is not currently possible. Selected mammalian groups, carnivorans, insectivorans, and leporids, were examined in light of the established climatic patterns. The cooling through the lower portion of the Glenns Ferry Formation corresponds to variation in the morphology of individual species, the relative abundance of species, and the species-level diversity of mammalian groups. There is a return to warm temperatures near the top of the section at HAFO, and the mammals returned to the conditions exhibited before the cool-temperature extreme. This faunal resilience, however, occurred over hundreds of thousands of years. The final paleoecologic approach established correlations between the species diversity of groups of modern mammals and modern climatic values. Many modern groups were found to be highly-significantly correlated to climate, but when the established predictive equations were applied to HAFO, the results were variable. Estimates of annual precipitation varied widely, depending on the taxonomic group, and also deviated from precipitation estimates from sedimentology. Temperature patterns were more consistent with each other and with the pattern of the deep-sea core proxy. / text

Quantitative Ecological and Taphonomic Patterns in Late Cenozoic Mollusk-Dominated Marine Fossil Assemblages

Barbour Wood, Susan L. 27 June 2006 (has links)
Applications in paleontological research are far from being limited to taxonomic collection and identification. Nor is such research limited to working solely on fossil data. Actualistic paleontology is the study of modern or recent organisms and processes to better understand those of the past. The bulk of this body of research falls under the category of actualistic paleontology, and examines geochronological methods and error biases in dating biological specimens ranging in age from modern to thousands of years old. Although such methods are arguably not perfect, error rates of ± a few hundred to few thousand years can be extremely important when considering ecological relationships among both Holocene taxa and time-averaged paleocommunities, but quite diminished when considering implications on more traditional dating techniques for ancient strata. Regardless, understanding implications of time resolution is important in analyses of and comparisons between any biological dataset. The following chapters are united by quantitative and statistical management of data with varying levels of temporal resolution, and represent four manuscripts that either are in press or soon to be submitted for publication. / Ph. D.

Small Vertebrates of the Bidahochi Formation, White Cone, Northeastern Arizona

Baskin, Jon Alan January 1975 (has links)
Two taxa of amphibians, five taxa of reptiles, and eighteen taxa of mammals were collected by screen-washing sediments from the upper Bidahochi Formation at White Cone peak, northeastern Arizona. Five new species of mammals were recovered. They include Perognathoides bidahochiensis (Heteromyidae), Bensonomys yazhi (Cricetidae), Bensonomys bradyi (Cricetidae), Paronychomys alticuspis (Cricetidae), and Martes (Plionictis) repenningi (Mustelidae). Bensonomys yazhi and Bensonomys bradyi are close to the stem of Central and South Americal hesperomyine radiation. The radiation began in the southwest United States and Mexico during the Hemphillian. The middle member of the Bidahochi Formation is dated at 6.7 m. y. by a basalt from Roberts Mesa. The paleomagnetic data and the White Cone local fauna support this middle Hemphillian date.

Los Paleocolapsos kársticos en las plataformas carbonatadas del Mioceno Superior de Mallorca. Análisis geográfico, genético y evolutivo

Robledo Ardila, Pedro Agustín 04 November 2005 (has links)
El análisis de estructuras paleokársticas ha atraído, en los últimos años, el interés de numerosos investigadores a la información que aportan a la geología aplicada y la paleogeomorfología. Estudios recientes se han centrado en la aplicación de técnicas de exploración del subsuelo debido a la escasez de afloramientos. En la presente Memoria se analizan íntegramente las formas de hundimiento pretéritas que afloran discontinuamente con gran detalle, en los acantilados de las costas meridional (plataforma de Llucmajor) y oriental (plataforma de Santanyí) de Mallorca, a lo largo de más de 75 km de línea de costa, afectando a las rocas carbonáticas del Mioceno superior. El estudio se ha centrado en la distribución geográfica, evolución geológica y las características geomorfológicas de estos paleocolapsos, con especial énfasis en su génesis, su relación con la arquitectura y distribución de las facies, así como en las formas y productos asociados.Los paleocolapsos han sido descritos en su contexto litoestratigráfico y estructural dentro de las mencionadas plataformas carbonáticas, siendo este trabajo una contribución al conocimiento del karst en estas unidades geológicas y su relación con las fluctuaciones marinas. La karstogénesis queda reflejada en estas formas pretéritas donde se han observado depósitos y formas de disolución ligadas a la dinámica kárstica controlada, en el caso que nos ocupa, por las fluctuaciones del nivel del mar: brechas, sedimentos detríticos, cementos, así como distintos tipos y volúmenes de porosidad. La mayor parte de estas formas (sobre un total de 177), cuyas dimensiones en sección varían desde pocos metros hasta afloramientos con 28 m de altura y más de 100 m en la horizontal, se ubican en la plataforma de Santanyí a excepción de dos estructuras ubicadas en la plataforma de Llucmajor.El análisis geológico y su relación con los paleocolapsos muestra como en la plataforma de Llucmajor éstos afectan a las facies de la Unidad Complejo Arrecifal (facies de back reef y frente arrecifal). Sin embargo, en la plataforma de Santanyí, los paleocolapsos afectan tanto a parte del Complejo Arrecifal (facies de back reef), como a la totalidad de la Unidad Calizas de Santanyí. A partir del estudio de la arquitectura de facies del Complejo Arrecifal en la plataforma de Llucmajor se ha establecido el modelo deposicional en la plataforma de Santanyí. Sin embargo, ésta última se encuentra compartimentada como consecuencia del control de dos fallas en dirección de orientación E-O en S'Algar y Na Magrana, donde se localiza el contacto entre facies de lagoon externo y talud arrecifal. No obstante, la cartografía y análisis de los lineamientos en dicha plataforma ha permitido identificar dos familias principales con dos direcciones dominantes; NE-SO y NO-SE, siendo la dirección E-O menos representativa. Se han observado fracturas distensivas y pequeñas fallas inversas miocenas asociadas al proceso de colapso, así como fracturas y fallas postmiocenas, y fracturas cuaternarias.El estudio de la geometría en sección de los paleocolapsos pone de relieve que la formas en "V", "U" y conoidales son las más comunes. Han sido identificadas dos partes diferentes en un paleocolapso tipo: una inferior donde se observa la paleocavidad ubicada en la base del paleocolapso (lagoon externo y/o frente arrecifal), con una geometría irregular de dimensiones entre 1 m y 9 m rellena por sedimentos adyacentes y suprayacentes a ésta; y una parte superior, coincidente con los bordes de la estructura (lagoon interno/Calizas de Santanyí) buzando con inflexión conoidal hacia la paleocavidad.Se han identificado cuatro tipos de brechas (crackle, crackle-laminae-split, de mosaico y caótica) en las estructuras de paleocolapso asociadas cada una de ellas a distintos niveles estratigráficos y, en algunos paleocolapsos, con una gradación vertical y lateral. Son característicos de estos depósitos los sedimentos detríticos (matriz) y los cementos asociados (vadosos y freáticos). En general, el cemento domina sobre la matriz en la zona inferior del paleocolapso, mientras que por encima, es la matriz la que domina sobre el cemento. El análisis por difracción de Rayos X de la matriz indica para la muestra total que la calcita es el mineral principal y el cuarzo el mineral secundario. En la fracción arcilla, la moscovita, la illita y la caolinita son los minerales más comunes. De ello, junto con el estudio de láminas delgadas en estos depósitos, donde se han observado tamaños de grano en el cuarzo superior a 2 mm, se deduce un ambiente de sedimentación subsuperfical y otro subaéreo de lo que se extrae un origen, proceso de transporte y sedimentación diversos, así como la evolución cristaloquímica en determinados minerales. Los cementos son de naturaleza calcítica, con contenidos relativamente altos en magnesio para los freáticos y bajos para los vadosos. Para el estudio de la porosidad en los paleocolapsos se ha procedido a su clasificación en dos tipos principales, interclasto e intraclasto, a partir de las cuales se ha estudiado la macro y microporosidad. La brecha caótica de colapso es la que presenta volúmenes de porosidad más elevados y tipologías diversas. El análisis de isótopos estables muestra una gran homogeneidad entre la composición isotópica de los cementos, con valores en δ18O y δ13C ligeros, lo que indica condiciones análogas de precipitación, con dominio de aguas dulces sobre las saladas. Tanto la marca del oxígeno como del carbono parecen indicar que los cementos se depositaron en un período interglaciar coincidente con algún estadio isotópico impar.El estudio de la arquitectura de facies de la plataforma de Llucmajor ha permitido elaborar un modelo genético de ocurrencia para los paleocolapsos y su ubicación espacio-temporal. Dicho modelo, ha sido corroborado por la relación entre la distribución de facies y paleocolapsos en la plataforma de Santanyí, por la observación en algunos paleocolapsos de sedimentos a techo de la Unidad Calizas de Santanyí que sellan la estructura, así como por el tipo de brechas características de colapsos sinsedimentarios (brecha crackle-laminae-split), que muestran una deformación dúctil de los materiales cuando éstos no estaban completamente consolidados, dando lugar a formas laxas de bajo ángulo. Los procesos genéticos que dieron lugar a los paleocolapsos kársticos están directamente relacionados con la alta frecuencia de fluctuación del nivel del mar durante el Mioceno superior, la misma que controló la arquitectura de facies y la posición del nivel freático. Las oscilaciones del nivel freático causaron la alternancia de dominios freáticos y vadosos así como, de agua dulce y agua salada en la interfase, provocando la disolución de los parches coralinos y el posterior hundimiento del techo de las cavidades. El estudio integral de todos estos aspectos junto con el análisis de una red de paleocauces y una playa fósil, ha permitido realizar una reconstrucción paleogeográfica desde el Messiniense en la plataforma de Santanyí e identificar estructuras de paleocolapso postmiocenas y cuaternarias. Con estos datos se ha procedido a la comparación de los paleocolapsos kársticos con otras estructuras similares en el País Vasco y Las Islas de Malta, de lo que se extraen analogías y diferencias, determinadas fundamentalmente por el orden de fluctuación del nivel del mar. Por último, se discute el papel de los paleocolapsos kársticos como elementos que contribuyen en cierta medida a la ocurrencia de hidrocarburos en plataformas carbonáticas, pudiendo ser excelentes reservorios debido al gran número de afloramientos, el volumen de roca afectada y a su elevada porosidad y permeabilidad. / Paleokarst tend to differ from studies of recent and modern karst landforms though is important the genetic understanding of the karst processes for analysis a paleokarst structure. Paleokarst systems form an important class of carbonate record and they have a pronounced lateral and vertical spatial complexity that results from a complex history of formation. Most of the known karst systems are epigenetic and they are the result of near-surface karst processes during periods of subaerial exposure and latter burial compaction and diagénesis. Scale, porosity types and spatial complexities of these paleokarst systems depends on the carbonate rock solubility, paleoclimatic conditions, lowering of base level either by tectonic uplift or sea-level fall and time of subaerial exposure. Uplift, in addition, commonly induces fracturing and faulting that further control karst development. Ascertaining and predicting paleokarstic heterogeneities within carbonate rocks are strategic to fluids field development and optimum production. With current subsurface methods, however, most of the smaller-scale stratigraphic architecture and diagenetic facies are difficult to define. Predictive models for exploration and development are best made from outcrop studies of well-exposed examples. Accuracy for prediction of these models depends on the detailed understanding of the genetic factors controlling their geometries, scale, pore networks and spatial complexities of these potential karstic store. Miocene carbonates (Upper Tortonian-Lower Messinian) in Mallorca Island are composed of reefal (Reef Complex) and shallow water carbonates (Santanyí Limestone) that prograded across platforms surrounding paleoislands. The contact between the Reef Complex and the Santanyí Limestone is a subaerial erosion surface with paleokarst features. The shallow-water carbonates beds both the lagoonal beds of the Reef Complex and basal beds of the Santanyí Limestone, are affected by paleocollapse structures produced by roof collapse of caverns developed in the underlying Reefal Complex. These paleocollapse structures affecting to the carbonate platform allows to propose a genetic model to explain the origin of these paleosink, that are related to early diagenetic processes induced by high-frequency sea-level fluctuations, the same sea-level fluctuations that controlled the facies architecture of the carbonate platforms.Cartography and study of lineaments and fractures on Santanyí Platform have permitted identified two principals groups with two main directions: NE-SO and NO-SE. Have been observed distensiva fractures and Miocene small inverse faults related with de breackdwon phenomena. Moreover, postmiocenes and quaternary faults and fractures have been recognized.The geometry of paleocollapse structures is commonly (in section) as "V", "U" or funnel. The size is variable from few meters of long to thousands meters, and few meters of weigh to thirteen meters. Breccias has been classified as crackle, crackle-laminae-split, mosaic and chaotic types. Chaotic breccias grade from matrix-free, clasts-supported breccias to matrix-supported breccias. The matrix mineralogy is compose in the total sample for calcite in the major part and quartz in less quantity. However, same structures present quartz as principal mineral. To the clay fraction, caolinite, illite and moscovite are the most general mineral present.The geochimical sediment (carbonate) are filling a part of interclaste breccias porosity. This is commonly phreatic speleothems. Isotopic studies of this sediments show δ18O and δ13C contents negatives. This fact could indicate a fresh water environment deposition

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