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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Υλοποίηση βαθμίδας ΨΕΣ (Ψηφιακής Επεξεργασίας Σήματος) συστήματος σύνθεσης ομιλίας με βάση τον αλγόριθμο ΗΝΜ. / HNM-based DSP (Digital Signal Processing) module implementation of a TTS system

Βασιλόπουλος, Ιωάννης 16 May 2007 (has links)
Ένα TTS (Τext-To-Speech) σύστημα μετατρέπει ένα οποιοδήποτε κείμενο στην αντιστοιχούσα ομιλία, η οποία έχει φυσικά χαρακτηριστικά. Το ΤΤS αποτελείται από δύο βαθμίδες, τη βαθμίδα Επεξεργασίας Φυσικής Γλώσσας (ΕΦΓ) και τη βαθμίδα Ψηφιακής Επεξεργασίας Σήματος (ΨΕΣ). Η βαθμίδα ΕΦΓ είναι υπεύθυνη για την σωστή ανάλυση του κειμένου εισόδου σε φωνήματα και το καθορισμό των επιθυμητών προσωδιακών χαρακτηριστικών, όπως το pitch, η διάρκεια και η ένταση του κάθε φωνήματος. Η βαθμίδα ΨΕΣ αναλαμβάνει να συνθέσει την ομιλία με τα επιθυμητά προσωδιακά χαρακτηρίστηκα, τα οποία έδωσε η βαθμίδα ΕΦΓ. Ένας τρόπος για να επιτευχθεί αυτό είναι με χρήση αλγορίθμων ανάλυσης και σύνθεσης ομιλίας, όπως ο αλγόριθμος HNM (Harmonic plus Noise Model).Ο ΗΝΜ μοντελοποιεί το σήμα ομιλίας ως άθροισμα δύο τμημάτων, ενός τμήματος με αρμονικά χαρακτηριστικά και ενός τμήματος με χαρακτηριστικά θορύβου. Χρησιμοποιώντας αυτό το μοντέλο γίνεται η ανάλυση και η σύνθεση του σήματος ομιλίας με ή χωρίς προσωδιακές μεταβολές. / A TTS (Text-To-Speech) System is used to convert any given text to its corresponding speech with natural characteristics. A TTS consists of two modules, the Natural Language Processing (NLP) module and the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) module. The NLP module analyses the input text and supplies the DSP module with the appropriate phonemes and prosodic modifications, with concern to pitch, duration and volume of each phoneme. Then the DSP module synthesizes speech with the target prosody, using speech analysis-synthesis algorithms such as HNM. HNM (Harmonic plus Noise Model) algorithm models speech signal as the sum two parts, the harmonic part and the noise part. Speech analysis and speech synthesis with or without modifications, is achieved using the harmonic and the noise part

Produits de matrices aléatoires :exposants de Lyapunov pour des matrices aléatoires suivant une mesure de Gibbs, théorèmes limites pour des produits au sens max-plus

Merlet, Glenn 06 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
On appelle suite récurrente stochastique (SRS) dirigée par une suite de matrices aléatoires une suite de variables aléatoires telles que le terme de rang n+1 est obtenu en multipliant celui de rang n par la enième matrice. Cette thèse porte sur le comportement asymptotique de telles suites. Dans la première partie, les matrices sont inversibles et on donne un critère de séparation des exposants de Lyapunov quand la suite de matrices suit une mesure de Gibbs sur un sous-shift de type fini. Dans la seconde partie, les produits se font au sens max-plus. On montre que le comportement des SRS au premier ordre est essentiellement déterminé par celui de certains blocs diagonaux et que la propriété de perte de mémoire, qui assure la stabilité des SRS, est générique. Si une suite de matrices (ou d'applications topicales) aléatoires est i.i.d. et a la propriété de perte de mémoire, alors les SRS qu'elle dirige vérifient des théorèmes limites. Ce résultat est obtenu par la méthode du trou spectral.

Simulation dynamique de dérives de procédés chimiques : application à l'analyse quantitative des risques. / Dynamic simulation of chemical process deviations application to quantitative risk analysis

Berdouzi, Fatine 28 November 2017 (has links)
Les risques sont inhérents à l’activité industrielle. Les prévoir et les maîtriser sont essentiels pour la conception et la conduite en sécurité des procédés. La réglementation des risques majeurs impose aux exploitants la réalisation d’études de sécurité quantitatives. La stratégie de maîtrise des risques repose sur la pertinence des analyses de risques. En marche dégradée, la dynamique des événements est déterminante pour quantifier les risques. Toutefois, de nos jours cette connaissance est difficilement accessible. Ce travail propose une méthodologie d’analyse de risques quantitative qui combine la méthode HAZOP, le retour d’expérience et la simulation dynamique de dérives de procédés. Elle repose sur quatre grandes étapes : La première étape est l’étude du fonctionnement normal du procédé. Pour cela, le procédé est décrit de façon détaillée. Des études complémentaires de caractérisation des produits et du milieu réactionnel sont menées si nécessaires. Ensuite, le procédé est simulé dynamiquement en fonctionnement normal. Lors de la seconde étape, parmi les dérives définies par l’HAZOP et le retour d’expérience, l’analyste discrimine celles dont les conséquences ne sont pas prévisibles et/ou nécessitent d’être quantifiées. La troisième phase fournit une quantification du risque sur la base de la simulation dynamique des scenarii retenus. Lors de la dernière étape, des mesures de maîtrise des risques sont définies et ajoutées au procédé lorsque le niveau de risque est supérieur au risque tolérable. Le risque résiduel est ensuite calculé jusqu’à l’atteinte de la cible sécurité. Le logiciel Aspen Plus Dynamics est sélectionné. Trois études de cas sont choisies pour démontrer d’une part, la faisabilité de la méthodologie et d’autre part, la diversité de son champ d’application : · la première étude de cas porte sur un réacteur semi-continu siège d’une réaction exothermique. L’oxydation du thiosulfate de sodium par le peroxyde d’hydrogène est choisie. Ce cas relativement simple permet d’illustrer la diversité des causes pouvant être simulées (erreur procédurale, défaut matériel, contamination de produits, …) et la possibilité d’étudier des dérives simultanées (perte de refroidissement du milieu et sous dimensionnement de la soupape de sécurité). · le deuxième cas concerne un réacteur semi-batch dans lequel une réaction exothermique de sulfonation est opérée. Elle est particulièrement difficile à mettre en œuvre car le risque d’emballement thermique est élevé. Cette étude montre l’intérêt de notre approche dans la définition des conditions opératoires pour la conduite en sécurité. · le troisième cas d’étude porte sur un procédé continu de fabrication du propylène glycol composé d’un réacteur et de deux colonnes de distillation en série. L’objectif est ici d’étudier la propagation de dérives le long du procédé. Sur la base du retour d’expérience, deux dérives au niveau du rebouilleur de la première colonne sont étudiées et illustrent les risques de pleurage et d’engorgement. La simulation dynamique illustre la propagation d’une dérive et ses conséquences sur la colonne suivante. / Risks are inherent to industrial activity. Predicting and controlling them is essential to the processes design and safe operation. Quantitative safety studies are imposed by the major hazard regulations. The risk management strategy relies on the relevance of risk analyzes. In degraded conditions, the dynamics of events are decisive for risks quantification. However, nowadays this knowledge is a real challenge. This work proposes a methodology of quantitative risk analysis, which combines the HAZOP method, the lessons learned from previous accidents and the dynamic simulation of process deviations. It is based on four main stages: The first stage is the study of the process normal operation. For this, the process is described in detail. Additional studies to characterize the products and the reaction are carried out if necessary. Then, the process is dynamically simulated in normal operation conditions. During the second step, among all the deviations defined by the HAZOP and lessons learned, the analyst discriminates those whose consequences are not predictable and/or need to be quantified. The third phase provides a risk quantification based on the dynamic simulation of the selected scenarios. In the last step, safety barriers are defined and added to the process when the risk level is greater than the tolerable risk. The residual risk is then calculated until the safety target is reached. Aspen Plus Dynamics software is selected. Three case studies are chosen in order to demonstrate, on the one hand, the feasibility of the methodology and, on the other hand, the diversity of its scope: · the first case study is a semi-continuous reactor with an exothermic reaction study. The oxidation of sodium thiosulfate by hydrogen peroxide is selected. This relatively simple case illustrates the diversity of causes that can be simulated (procedural error, material defect, product contamination …) and the possibility of studying simultaneous deviations (loss of cooling and under sized safety valve for example). · the second case concerns a semi-batch reactor in which an exothermic reaction of sulphonation is carried out. This reaction is particularly difficult to conduct because of the thermal runaway high risk. This study shows our approach’s interest in the definition of the operating conditions for safe operation. · the third case study concerns a continuous process of propylene glycol production. It is composed of a reactor and two distillation columns in series. The objective is to study the propagation of deviations along the process. Based on lessons learned, two deviations in the first column reboiler are studied and illustrate the flooding and weeping risks. Dynamic simulation illustrates the propagation of a deviation and its consequences on the second column

Avaliação da resposta inflamatória periapical resultante da infiltração coronária em dentes de cães obturados com diferentes cimentos resinosos e técnicas obturadoras / Evaluation of periapical inflammation response from coronal leakage in dog´s teeth obturated using different resin-based sealers and different obturation techniques

Eduardo Akisue 14 April 2009 (has links)
Considerando-se a necessidade da obturação tridimensional e o adequado selamento marginal do sistema de canais radiculares, como fatores decisivos para o êxito da terapia endodôntica, este estudo objetivou avaliar as respostas inflamatórias periapicais resultantes da infiltração coronária em dentes de cães obturados com diferentes cimentos resinosos (AH Plus®, RealSeal® e RealSeal SE®) e técnicas obturadoras (condensação lateral e termoplástica). Para tanto, pré-molares e incisivos centrais e laterais de 5 cães tiveram o tratamento endodôntico realizado empregando-se limas de NiTi e creme de Endo PTC associado ao hipoclorito de sódio a 1%, estabelecendo-se como limite de instrumentação à distância de 1mm a 1.5mm aquém do vértice radiográfico. A seguir os condutos foram obturados de acordo com os grupos experimentais (n=12) e grupos controles (n=10): GI- AH Plus/condensação lateral, GII- AH Plus/termoplástificação, GIIIRealSeal/ condensação lateral, GIV- RealSeal/ termoplástificação, GV- RealSeal SE/condensação lateral, GVI- RealSeal SE/ termoplástificação, Grupo controle positivo e Grupo controle negativo. As cavidades coronárias ficaram expostas ao meio bucal por um período de 75 dias e, passado este período experimental, os cães foram eutanásiados por superdosagem de anestésico. Foi realizada a remoção cirúrgica das partes correspondentes aos pré-molares e incisivos da maxila e da mandíbula, fixação das mesmas em solução de formol a 10% por 72h e desmineralização em solução de ácido fórmico a 20% + citrato de sódio a 10% pelo período mínimo de 90 dias. Posteriormente, realizou-se a rotina histológica com cortes seriados com espessura de 6m e estes foram corados com hematoxilina e eosina (HE). Cada corte histológico foi digitalizado e analisado em relação à existência de patologia periapical por três avaliadores independentes. Os dados obtidos foram confrontados estatisticamente utilizando o teste de Kruskal-Wallis seguido do teste comparativo de Dunn, observando-se que em relação às técnicas, a termoplástificação por ondas contínuas de condensação associada à técnica de injeção mostrou melhores condições periapicais quando comparada à técnica de condensação lateral (p=0.0055), sendo que a utilização desta técnica resultou em reações inflamatórias mais intensas para o cimento RealSeal SE (p=0.002). Em relação aos cimentos avaliados, o RealSeal SE mostrou-se menos eficaz em evitar a percolação, produzindo maiores níveis de inflamação crônica independentemente do sistema de obturação (p=0.0088). / Considering the need for three-dimensional obturations and adequate marginal sealing of the radicular canal system as being decisive factors for successful endodontic therapy, this study had as its objective the evaluation of periapical inflammatory responses resulting from coronary infiltration in dog\'s teeth obturated using different resin sealers (AH Plus, RealSeal and RealSeal SE) and different obturation techniques (lateral condensation and thermoplastic). For this study, premolars, central and lateral incisors from five dogs had endodontic treatment employing NiTi files and Endo PTC cream associated with 1% sodium hypochlorite. The working length was established at a distance of 1.0 to 1.5mm short of the radiographic apex. After this, the teeth were obturated according to their experimental groups (n=12) and control groups (n=10). The groups were defined as follows: GI - AH Plus/lateral condensation, GII - AH Plus/thermoplastic, GIII - RealSeal/lateral condensation, GIV - RealSeal/thermoplastic, GV - RealSeal SE/lateral condensation, GVI - RealSeal SE/ thermoplastic, a positive control group and a negative control group. The coronal access were left exposed to the oral environment for a period of seventy-five days, and after this experimental period, the dogs were euthanized by anesthetic overdose. The parts corresponding to the premolars and the maxilar incisors were surgically removed. These were then submitted to a solution of 10% formol for 72 hours and then demineralized in a solution of 20% formic acid and 10% sodium citrate for a minimum period of ninety days. Before hand, a histological routine of serial cuts having a width of 6m was undertaken and these were colored with hematoxilin and eosin (HE). Each histological cut was digitalized and analyzed with respect to the existence of periapical inflammation by three independent evaluators. The data obtained was statistically compared, firstly using the Kruskal-Wallis test and then the comparative Dunn test, where it was noted that in relation to the techniques, thermoplastification by continuous wave of condensation associated with the injection technique showed better periapical conditions than what was seen for the lateral condensation technique (p=0.0055). On the other hand, for the sealers evaluated, the condensation technique resulted in more intense inflammatory reactions when the sealer RealSeal SE was used (p=0.002). In relation to the sealers evaluated, RealSeal SE was seen to be less effective against percolation, thus producing greater levels of chronic inflammation irrespective of the obturation system employed (p=0.0088).

Álgebra tropical: uma abordagem introdutória

Nascimento, Tadeu Matos Henriques 31 May 2016 (has links)
Often mathematics is seen by high school students as a science restricted to memorizing formulas and concepts. Therefore limiting in its essence. The work seeks to reverse that view by submitting a new eld of study: Tropical Algebra. Relatively new area of mathematics that keeps the curious feature to handle the operations of addition and multiplication di erently from traditional, already presents interesting practical results. Tropical algebra will be presented in a didactic way, comparing it with the traditional algebra, showing the consequences of tropical operations in the study of polynomials, matrices and geometry, and presenting some practical applications. / Frequentemente a matemática é vista pelos alunos do ensino médio como uma ciência restrita à memorização de fórmulas e conceitos. Portanto, limitante em sua essência. O trabalho busca reverter tal visão através da apresentação de um novo campo de estudos: A Àlgebra Tropical. Área relativamente nova da matemática que guarda a curiosa característica de tratar as operações de adi- ção e multiplicação de forma diferente da tradicional, já apresenta resultados práticos interessantes. A Àlgebra Tropical será apresentada de forma didática, comparando-a com a álgebra tradicional e mostrando as consequências das operações tropicais no estudo dos polinômios, matrizes e geometria, além de apresentar algumas aplicações práticas.

Hodnocení výkonnosti podniku / Company Performance Measurement

Kouřil, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The master´s thesis deals with performance measurement of the company STAVOS Brno, a.s. The theoretical part is about some of approaches and methods of company performance measurement. In the second part the company is characterized and company´s current situation is described. The last part contains an application of START PLUS model based on the principles of The EFQM Excellence Model. At the end the proposals for improving self-assesment and performance of the company are deduced from the results of applied model.

Points rationnels d'une famille de sous-schémas fermés dans une variété semi-abélienne / Rational points on a family of closed subschemes of a semiabelian variety

Von Buhren, Jérôme 05 February 2015 (has links)
Soit X un sous-schéma fermé d'une variété abélienne A sur un corps de nombres K. L'ancienne conjecture de Mordell-Lang nous assure que X(K) est une réunion finie de sous-ensembles a_i+Bj(K) où a_i est un point de X(K) et B_i est une sous-variété abélienne de A de sorte que le translaté aj+Bj soit contenu dans X. Dans cette thèse, nous montrerons un résultat permettant de majorer la hauteur des a_i en fonctions de la hauteur de X. On en déduira une majoration pour la hauteur des solutions d'une équation aux unités. En utilisant les mêmes méthodes, on obtiendra une majoration de la même forme pour la hauteur des points entiers d'une variété abélienne(plongé dans un espace projectif) privé d'un hyperplan. / Let be X a closed subscheme of an abelian variety on a number field K. Faltings proved the Mordell-Lang conjecture: there are points a_1 , ... ,a_n in X(K) and abelian subvarieties 8_1 , ... ,B_nin A such that a_i+B_i is in X and X(K) is equal to the union of aj+B_i(K). In this thesis, we proof a result wich gives a bound for the height of the point a_i with the height of X. We obtain a bound for the solutions of an unit equation. With the same method, we proof a similar result for the height of the integers points on an abelian variety (embedded in a projective space) minus a hyperplane.

Dicianodiamida (DCD) como inibidor da nitrificação do nitrogênio amoniacal de dejetos líquidos de suínos no solo / Dicyandiamide (DCD) as nitrification inhibitor of ammonia nitrogen of pig slurry in soil

Stüker, Fernanda 30 June 2010 (has links)
Inhibition of nitrification of ammonia nitrogen (N) from pig slurry in soil after application can mitigate N losses by denitrification and leaching of nitrate (NO3-), with economic and environmental benefits. However, this strategy has not yet been evaluated by Brazilian research, which motivated the present work. The objective was to evaluate the efficiency of the product AGROTAIN Plus, which contains 81% of the inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD), in slowing the nitrification of ammonium N applied to soil with pig slurry. For this, two incubations were performed under controlled humidity (80% cc) and temperature (25ºC), where nitrification was assessed by the accumulation of NO3 - in soil. In the first incubation conducted for 72 days, doses of 3.5, 7.0 and 14 kg ha-1 of AGROTAIN Plus were compared, applied to the soil at the time of the manure addition (29.4 m3 ha-1). The dicyandiamide (DCD) inhibited the nitrification of N ammonia from manure, and the size and duration of this inhibition was dependent on the dose of AGROTAIN Plus applied. At a dose of 14 kg ha-1 (11.3 kg DCD ha-1) nitrification was completely inhibited in the first 12 days. During the first month after the manure application, where nitrification was more intense, increasing the dose of AGROTAIN Plus in 1 kg ha-1 (0.81 kg DCD ha-1) reduced the N-NO3 - accumulation in 3,8 kg ha-1. In the second incubation, evaluated for 60 days, was studied the effect of these same three doses of AGROTAIN Plus on soil microbial activity. Besides that, was evaluated the effect of the 7.0 kg ha-1 dose of product in inhibiting nitrification of N ammonia from pig slurry (34 m3 ha-1) and the mineralization of pig slurry C and N. The effect of the nitrification inhibitor was similar to that observed in the first incubation, while the manure N mineralization and soil microbial activity were not affected by the AGROTAIN Plus addition. The findings suggest that dicianodiamida (DCD), by delaying the onset of N-NO3 - in soil after application of pig slurry, reduces the N losses and the polluting potential of slurry. / A inibição da nitrificação do nitrogênio (N) amoniacal dos dejetos de suínos, após sua aplicação no solo, poderá mitigar as perdas de N por desnitrificação e lixiviação de nitrato (NO3 -), com benefícios econômicos e ambientais. Todavia, essa estratégia ainda não foi avaliada pela pesquisa brasileira, o que motivou a realização do presente trabalho. O objetivo foi o de avaliar a eficiência do produto Agrotain Plus, que contém 81% do inibidor dicianodiamida (DCD), em retardar a nitrificação do N amoniacal aplicado ao solo com dejetos líquidos de suínos. Para isso, foram realizadas duas incubações sob condições controladas de umidade (80% cc) e de temperatura (25ºC), onde a nitrificação foi avaliada através do acúmulo de NO3 - no solo. Na primeira incubação, conduzida durante 72 dias, foram comparadas as doses de 3,5, 7,0 e 14 kg de Agrotain Plus ha-1, aplicadas ao solo no momento da adição dos dejetos (29,4 m3 ha-1). A dicianodiamida (DCD) inibiu a nitrificação do N amoniacal dos dejetos, sendo que a magnitude e a duração da inibição foram dependentes da dose de Agrotain Plus aplicada. Na dose de 14 kg ha-1 (11,3 kg de DCD ha-1) a nitrificação foi completamente inibida nos primeiros 12 dias. Durante o primeiro mês após a aplicação dos dejetos, onde a nitrificação foi mais intensa, o aumento na dose de Agrotain Plus em 1 kg ha-1 (0,81 kg de DCD ha-1) reduziu o acúmulo de N-NO3 - em 3,8 kg ha-1. Na segunda incubação foi avaliado, durante 60 dias, o efeito dessas mesmas três doses de Agrotain Plus sobre a atividade microbiana do solo. Além disso, avaliou-se o efeito da dose de 7,0 kg ha-1 do produto na inibição da nitrificação do N amoniacal dos dejetos (34 m3 ha-1) e na mineralização do C e do N dos mesmos. O efeito do inibidor de nitrificação foi semelhante ao observado na primeira incubação, enquanto a mineralização do N dos dejetos e a atividade microbiana do solo não foram afetadas pela adição do produto Agrotain Plus. Os resultados desse trabalho sugerem que a diacianodiamida (DCD), ao retardar o aparecimento de N-NO3 - no solo após a aplicação dos dejetos de suínos, reduz as perdas de N e o potencial poluidor dos dejetos.

Inovace produktového portfolia vybrané společnosti / Innovations Product Portfolio of a chosen Company

Makovičková, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The content of this thesis is to analyze the product portfolio of the company ECS Invention spol. s r. o. and a proposal for its innovation. Recommendations related to the product portfolio are included as well. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoreticalpart is focused on theoretical and methodological background of strategic marketing and innovations. The practical part deals with application of the theoretical knowledge into practice.

Gaseificação da biomassa para a produção de gás de síntese e posterior fermentação para bioetanol : modelagem e simulação do processo / Gasification of biomas for syngas production and subsequent fermentation to bioethanol : modeling and process simulation

Ardila, Yurany Camacho, 1985- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Maria Regina Wolf Maciel, Betânia Hoss Lunelli / Tese (doutorado) ¿ Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T13:48:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ardila_YuranyCamacho_D.pdf: 7705979 bytes, checksum: 19a2840a168991456944a44d857667ee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: A produção de biocombustíveis a partir da biomassa apresenta-se como uma alternativa para suprir as limitadas reservas de petróleo. A biomassa, atualmente, está sendo usada para diferentes processos termoquímicos, entre os quais a gaseificação é o de maior destaque. A gaseificação produz gás de síntese que é uma mistura, principalmente, de CO, H2 e CO2. Este gás serve para produzir energia, diferentes produtos químicos e biocombustíveis, como por exemplo, o bioetanol. A partir do gás de síntese, a produção de bioetanol pode ser realizada usando catalisadores químicos ou biocatalisadores, sendo este último processo conhecido como fermentação do gás de síntese. Para o processo integrado de gaseificação da biomassa e posterior fermentação para produção de bioetanol, as informações na literatura são escassas, o que dificulta avaliar a viabilidade desta nova tecnologia, em termos de condições operacionais. O uso de modelos matemáticos e sua simulação computacional podem auxiliar neste estudo. A literatura dispõe de vários estudos envolvendo simulações computacionais aplicadas à gaseificação de diferentes biomassas. Porém, poucos abordam a caracterização real do processo e as propriedades da biomassa utilizada, considerando apenas as propriedades para o carvão mineral, o que acaba gerando divergência nos resultados. Além disso, a maioria fundamenta suas simulações em modelos simples com base na caracterização elementar-imediata, que acaba limitando o desenvolvimento de plantas virtuais, que são baseadas na análise composicional da biomassa quando focadas na produção de bioetanol como etapa final ou como integração do processo. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivos estudar o processo completo de gaseificação e realizar um estudo preliminar da fermentação do gás de síntese, mediante simulações computacionais, para definir as melhores condições e variáveis que afetam o processo global quando o bagaço de cana-de-açúcar é utilizado como matéria-prima. As simulações foram desenvolvidas utilizando o simulador comercial Aspen Plus¿ e os resultados validados com dados experimentais da literatura e dados obtidos nos Laboratórios LDPS/LOPCA/BIOEN/FEQ/UNICAMP. Para a completa simulação do processo, várias etapas foram estudadas e divididas para melhor entendimento. Foram desenvolvidos modelos matemáticos para predizer propriedades necessárias para o desenvolvimento de processos termoquímicos. Simulações baseadas nas análises elementar-imediata e composicional da biomassa foram realizadas para definir a decomposição inicial da biomassa, demonstrando os diferentes rendimentos e produtos que são gerados e que são a base da etapa inicial da gaseificação. Simulações completas da gaseificação foram desenvolvidas para estudar a gaseificação em diferentes tipos de reatores. A influência das condições de operação na gaseificação como temperatura, razão de equivalência (ER), injeção de vapor e temperatura do pré-aquecedor do ar no desempenho do gaseificador foram avaliadas. Com as condições operacionais da gaseificação definidas foi proposta uma simulação para representar a fermentação do gás de síntese. A partir dos resultados obtidos foi constatado que a composição do gás de síntese é alterada pelo aumento do ER e pela injeção de vapor no processo, e diferentes concentrações de bioetanol são obtidas quando a pressão de entrada do gás de síntese é alterada / Abstract: The production of biofuels from biomass is presented as an alternative to save the limited oil reserves. Currently, biomass is being used for different thermochemical processes, including gasification which is the most prominent. Gasification produces synthesis gas which is a mixture mainly of CO, H2 and CO2. This gas is used to produce energy, several chemicals and biofuels, such as ethanol. The ethanol from synthesis gas may be produced using chemical catalysts or biocatalysts, this latter process is known as fermentation of syngas. The information in the literature is scarce for the integrated gasification of biomass and subsequent fermentation to produce ethanol, making it difficult to see the feasibility of this new technology, in terms of operating conditions. The use of mathematical models and their computer simulation can help this study. Typically, numerous studies involving computer simulations, applied to different biomass gasification, are found in the literature. However, few of them approach the real characterization of process and properties for used biomass, considering only the properties for coal, which ends up generating divergence in the results. Moreover, most of the simulations are grounded on simple models based on proximate-ultimate characteristics, which end up limiting the development of virtual plants, which are based on biomass compositional analysis when focused on the production of ethanol as the final step or as integration process. Thus, the aims of this work are to study the complete gasification process and to carry out a preliminary study of synthesis gas fermentation, through computer simulations, in order to define the best conditions and variables that affect this global process when sugarcane bagasse is used as raw material. The simulations were developed using Aspen Plus ¿ simulator and the results validated with experimental data from literature and data obtained in the laboratories LDPS / LOPCA / BIOEN / FEQ / UNICAMP. For the full simulation of the process, several steps were studied and divided for a better understanding. Mathematical models were developed to predict properties required for the development of thermochemical processes. Simulations based on biomass analysis as proximate-ultimate and compositional were done to define the initial decomposition of biomass, demonstrating the different yields and products that are generated and which are the basis of the initial stage of the gasification. Complete simulations of gasification were carried out to study different types of gasification reactors. The influence of operating conditions at gasification performance was investigated; variables such as temperature, equivalence ratio (ER), steam injection and preheater temperature were evaluated. With the set conditions of gasification was proposed a simulation to represent the fermentation of syngas. It was demonstrated that the synthesis gas composition is changed when increased the ER and steam injection; and different ethanol concentrations are obtained when the input pressure of the synthesis gas is changed / Doutorado / Desenvolvimento de Processos Químicos / Doutora em Engenharia Quimica

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