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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Phenotypic characterisation of the C. elegans latrophilin homolog, lat-1

Mestek, Lamia January 2011 (has links)
G proteins coupled receptors (GPCRs) play essential developmental roles with functions in all of the immune, olfactory sensory systems amongst other systems as well as exhibiting essential roles in the central and peripheral nervous system. GPCRs are also major targets of pharmaceutical drugs currently used to treat a vast number of conditions. Despite their clear importance, the function of many GPCRs is still obscure. Identifying the physiological role of more GPCRs provides a niche for more drugs to be developed and thus more conditions to be treated. The C.elegans lat-1 gene encodes the latrophilin vertebrate homolog; it is a member of the adhesion GPCR family and is structurally related to the flamingo/CELSR, an essential component of planar cell polarity pathway. This study aims to phenotypically characterise lat-1 mutants in C.elegans to provide insights into the physiological role of this important member of adhesion GPCRs. lat-1 mutants exhibit several morphological defects throughout development and during vulva development. Analysing the embryonic development of such mutants also identified an anterior-posterior polarity defect. The results implicate a second evolutionary conserved subfamily of adhesion GPCRs in the control of tissue polarity and morphogenesis.

冷戰後中共多極國際觀的詮釋分析 / Interpretive Research of PRC’s Point of View about “Multi-polarity Tendency” after the Cold War

魏瑋廷, Wei, Wei Ting Unknown Date (has links)
儘管有些人認為冷戰的結束代表著「歷史的終結」,但中共領導人們卻不這麼認為。他們認為冷戰的結束把我們從「兩極對抗」的世界帶入「多極化世界」。 進一步研究中共冷戰後的公開文件,我們可以發現「多極化世界」的提法無所不在。一方面,「多極化世界」不斷出現在重要的對內與對外文件,以致於我們有理由相信「多極化世界」的概念對冷戰後的中共具有相當的重要性。另一方面,「多極化世界」的概念具有相當強的延續性,從鄧小平晚期到習近平的公開記錄中,我們都可以發現它的蹤跡。 因此,「多極化世界」的特殊性成為本研究的研究動機,而這個概念本身則成為本研究的研究目的。本研究欲探究的問題有兩個:第一,「多極化世界」的本質是什麼?第二,以「多極化世界」這個概念為主軸的中共,在經歷國力快速增長後,是否會符合「國強必霸」的命題? 為了探究這樣的課題,本研究採取詮釋學理論途徑做為研究途徑。在此研究途徑下,本研究將以大量文獻作為根基,並以中共領導人的談話記錄或演講記錄為對象,進行詮釋分析。希望透過這樣的努力,能更深入的理解「多極化世界」這個概念背後的意涵。 / Although some might consider the end of the Cold War as the end of history, however, leaders of PRC do not think so. They think the end of the Cold War brought us from a bipolarity world to a world with Multi-polarity tendency. When we study public documents of PRC after the Cold War,we can find the keyword “World with Multi-polarity Tendency” everywhere. On one hand, we can find the keyword “World with Multi-polarity Tendency” in many important public documents, whether its audience is PRC’s people or other countries in the world, which makes us have good reasons to believe the significance of the key words “World with Multi-polarity Tendency”. On the other hand, the concept of “World with Multi-polarity Tendency” has great continuity. We can find it from Deng, Siao-Ping to Si, Jin-Ping. Because of the reasons above, to understand the concept of “World with Multi-polarity Tendency” is the motivation of this study. And the concept of “World with Multi-polarity Tendency” itself is the target of this study. We get two main questions in this study:First, what is the nature of “World with Multi-polarity Tendency”? Second, if PRC really take this concept as its main idea, will PRC become a hegemony power after it become strong? This study chooses interpretive research as its approach, and taking PRC leaders’ public documents as targets to analyze the concept of “World with Multi-polarity Tendency”. Hoping through these works, we can have a deeper understand about it.

Le rôle du gène de la polarité apico-basale SCRIBBLE1 dans les anomalies de tube neural

Kharfallah, Fares 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Answers to Polarity Questions : A Typological Study

Moser, Elena Vera January 2018 (has links)
Polarity questions, i.e. questions that demand as an answer either an affirmation or a denial (e.g. yes or no), are considered to be an universal language feature. Different strategies to answer polarity questions have been observed across languages. Sadock & Zwicky (1985) identified three systems of answer strategies: yes/no systems, agree/disagree systems and echosystems. Other studies have attested languages exhibiting a mix of these types (i.a. Floydet al. 2016, Holmberg 2016). Sadock & Zwicky (1985) do not offer any statements about the frequency distribution of the language systems, nor do they explain what kind of sample was used for their analysis. The aim of this study is to fill this gap. Specifically, the goals are to investigate the validity of the typology offered in Sadock & Zwicky (1985) and to establish some estimates about the cross-linguistic frequency of the types identified during this investigation. The data are collected through consultation of reference grammars and elicitation by means of a questionnaire. / Polaritetsfrågor, frågor där det förväntade svaret är ja eller nej, anses vara ett universellt språk drag. Olika strategier för att svara på polaritetsfrågor har observerats i världens språk. Sadock & Zwicky (1985) identifierade tre svarssystem: polaritetsystem (yes/no system), sanningssystem (agree/disagree system) och ekosystem (echo system). Andra studier har funnit att språk också kan blanda dessa system (i.a. Floyd et al. 2016, Holmberg 2016). Sadock & Zwicky (1985) varken redogör för vilken distribution dessa svarssystem har eller vilket urval resultaten baseras på. Syftet med denna studie är att fylla den luckan. Målet är att undersöka validiteten i Sadock & Zwickys (1985) typologi samt att fastställa den tvärspråkliga frekvensen för de svarssystem som undersöks. Datainsamlingen sker genom grammatikor och elicitering genom en enkät.

Origine et évolution des voies Wnt chez les métazoaires : étude comparée de diverses espèces d'éponges. / Origin and evolution of the Wnt signaling pathways in metazoans : a comparative study of various poriferan species

Schenkelaars, Quentin 05 May 2015 (has links)
Les éponges (Porifera) sont l'une des premières lignées d'animaux à avoir émergé. De ce fait, elles sont considérées comme des espèces clés pour retracer l’origine et l'évolution des gènes et des voies de signalisation qui ont sous-tendu l'apparition de la pluricellularité chez les métazoaires. Entre autres, les voies Wnt ont été décrites comme des cascades génétiques essentielles du control de nombreux mécanismes cellulaires (prolifération, communication, adhésion, motilité, etc.) au cours du développement précoce des bilatériens et des cnidaires. C’est pourquoi, l'étude de ces voies, chez les lignées d’émergences plus anciennes sont essentielles afin de comprendre l'origine des plans d’organisation des animaux.J’ai alors entrepris de nombreuses analyses bioinformatiques sur différentes bases de données d’éponges. Il apparait alors que l’ancêtre commun des éponges possédait déjà certainement tous les composants des voies Wnt. Néanmoins, à ce jour, puisque l’intégralité de ces composants n’a été identifiée que dans le genre Oscarella (lignée des Homoscleromorpha), différentes pertes secondaires sembleraient s’être produites chez les démosponges, les éponges calcaires et les hexactinellides. Afin de tester si ces gènes orthologues sont impliqués dans la mise en place du plan d’organisation des éponges, des études fonctionnelles ont été mises en œuvre. Ces approches fonctionnelles réalisées sur deux lignées d’éponges différentes tendent alors à confirmer la conservation des voies de signalisation Wnt dans les processus de mise en place des plans d’organisation des animaux, à la fois au cours de l'embryogenèse mais aussi lors du renouvellement cellulaire chez l'adulte. / Sponges (Porifera) are one of the earliest emerged animal lineages. They are thus considered as key species to retrace early evolution of genes and pathways underlying the emergence of multicellularity in metazoans. Among others, the Wnt pathways have been described as crucial modules controlling cell proliferation, cell communication, cell adhesion and cell motility during the early development of Bilaterians and Cnidarians. Therefore the study of these signaling pathways in more basally branching lineages is essential for unraveling the origin of animal body plans. I performed numerous bioinformatic analyses on different poriferan databases. One of my main results is that the last common ancestor of Porifera probably already possessed all the components of the Wnt pathways. Nevertheless, because, to date, all these components were only retrieved in the Oscarella genus (Homoscleromorpha lineage), several secondary gene losses would have occurred in other sponge lineages, namely Demospongia, Calcarea and Hexactinellida.In order to test whether or not these retrieved orthologous genes, are involved in patterning sponge body plan (as they do in Bilateria and Cnidaria), functional studies were implemented. These functional studies performed on two different lineages tend to confirm that Wnt signaling pathways were conserved from sponges to vertebrates to pattern animal body plan during both embryogenesis and cell renewal in adult.

Formulation, in vitro release and transdermal diffusion of pravastatin by the implementation of the delivery gap principle / Cornel Burger

Burger, Cornel January 2014 (has links)
Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), which are incorporated in different formulations, i.e. creams, gels, foams, etc., are applied to the skin for a therapeutic effect. This therapeutic effect could either be required in the top layer of the skin (topical drug delivery) or deeper layers to reach the blood capillaries (transdermal drug delivery). Transdermal delivery avoids oral administration route limitations, such as first pass metabolism which is the rapid clearance of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract and degradation by enzymes. This delivery targets the drugs to skin sites, where there are significant advantages which include: improved patient compliance, a steady drug delivery state, less frequent dosing, adverse effects are minimal, it is less invasive and issues with the gastrointestinal absorption are avoided by eliminating the first pass metabolism (Perrie et al., 2012:392). This type of delivery is not free from limitations even though the skin can be employed for targeted drug delivery and is a readily available and large accessible surface area for adsorption of drugs. The most upper layer of the human skin, the stratum corneum, which is a watertight barrier, offers defence against hazardous exterior materials such as fungi, allergens, viruses and other molecules. This indicates the stratum corneum controls the drug penetration of most drugs to permeate the skin barrier (Lam & Gambari, 2014:27). Pravastatin is hydrophilic and is a 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitor which inhibits cholesterol synthesis, a rate-limiting step, in the liver, thus decreasing the level of plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) (Heath et al., 1998:42). It can also slow the progression of atherosclerosis and can lower the incident of coronary events (Haria & McTavish, 1997:299). The first aim of the study is to deliver pravastatin transdermally into the blood circulation. Currently, pravastatin is only administered in oral dosages and can cause highly negative adverse effects such as myopathy and increased liver enzymes. This increase in liver enzymes causes hepatotoxicity and therefore would be ideal if pravastatin could be delivered transdermally, as the first pass metabolic effect would be nullified and adverse effects would decrease drastically (Gadi et al., 2013:648). Prof JW Wiechers‟ Delivery Gap Principle was designed in attempt to effectively enhance transdermal drug delivery. This Delivery Gap Principle was incorporated in the computer programme he developed known as “Formulating for Efficacy” (FFE™). The transdermal delivery of suggested APIs, which in this case is pravastatin, when incorporated into a formulation, may be optimised transdermally. The FFE™ computer programme suggests that the oil phase can be optimised, which in turn leads to better permeation through the skin to the target site (transdermal). The formula can be manipulated to reach desired polarity. The second aim of this in vitro study was to investigate the implementation of Wiechers‟ Delivery Gap Principle in a semi-solid dosage form, for the transdermal delivery of pravastatin sodium (2%). Six formulations, of which three were cream and three were emulgel formulations incorporated with pravastatin sodium (2%), were formulated. Each formulation had a different polarity, i.e. hydrophilic cream (HC) and emulgel (HE), lipophilic cream (LC) and emulgel (LE) and optimised cream (OC) and emulgel (OE). A high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was developed and validated to analyse the concentration of pravastatin. Both the octanol-buffer distribution coefficient (log D) and the aqueous solubility of pravastatin were determined. For the API to permeate through the skin into the blood circulation, certain physicochemical properties are important and according to Naik et al (2000:321), there are specific ideal limits for the API in the formulations which include log D (1 to 3) and a aqueous solubility of >1 mg/ml. The aqueous solubility of 197.5 mg/ml in phosphate buffer solution (PBS) (pH 7.4) at a temperature of 32 °C indicated penetration was favourable (Naik et al., 2000:321), whilst the log D value of -0.703 indicated the API was unfavourable for skin penetration (Naik et al., 2000:321). Membrane release studies were conducted using a synthetic membrane to determine whether pravastatin was released from the six formulations each containing 2% pravastatin prior to diffusion studies with. The OE yielded the highest median flux value (7.175 μg/cm2.h), followed the by LE (6.401 μg/cm2.h), HE (6.355 μg/cm2.h), HC (5.061 μg/cm2.h), OC (4.297 μg/cm2.h) and lastly, LC (3.115 μg/cm2.h). By looking at the aforementioned data values, it was concluded that the emulgels performed better than the cream formulations when median flux values were compared. By using dermatomed excised female Caucasian skin, an execution of Franz cell diffusion studies were performed over a period of 12 h, followed by a tape-stripping experiment to determine which semi-solid formulation delivered pravastatin best on the skin and the results of the different polarity formulations were compared. The median amount per area which permeated through the skin after 12 h was as follows: the OE formulation (2.578 μg/cm2) depicted the highest median amount per area, followed by OC (1.449 μg/cm2), HC (0.434 μg/cm2), LE (0.121 μg/cm2), HE (0.055 μg/cm2) and lastly LC (0.000 μg/cm2). These results validate Wiechers` theory that when the oil phase is optimised, with regard to the same polarity as the skin, permeation will be enhanced (Wiechers, 2011). During both the membrane studies and the skin diffusion studies it was evident the emulgel formulations performed better and pravastatin permeated better than the cream formulations. When skin diffusion and membrane median data values were compared, it was evident in both the membrane release studies and the skin diffusion studies that OE yielded the highest median values and LC the lowest median values. It was clear that all six different formulations released pravastatin, but LC displayed no permeation into the systemic circulation (receptor phase). The data of the different polarity formulations which yielded the best results with regards to median concentrations within the stratum corneum-epidermis and epidermis-dermis, were identified and are: within the stratum corneum-epidermis, HE (1.448 μg/ml) yielded the highest median concentration pravastatin, followed by LE (1.301 μg/ml), LC (0.676 μg/ml), HC (0.505 μg/ml), OE (0.505 μg/ml) and lastly OC (0.400 μg/ml). As emulgels (hydrophilic) contain more water than creams (lipophilic), the penetration enhancement effect can be explained by hydration, since the water hydrated the skin leading the lipids to open and the stratum corneum to swell (Williams & Barry, 2004:606). Therefore more API could permeate into the skin. Within the epidermis-dermis the highest median concentration median was yielded by OE (0.849 μg/ml), followed by LC (0.572 μg/ml), HC (0.524 μg/ml), OC (0.355 μg/ml), HE (0.309 μg/ml) and lastly LE (0.138 μg/ml). Different polarity formulations permeating the viable epidermis could be a result of the solubility characteristics of the formulations. It contained both lipid properties (formulations contained oil content), leading to permeation through the stratum corneum and aqueous properties, which lead to diffusion into the underlying layers of the epidermis (Perrie et al., 2012:392). According to Perrie (2012:392), formulations that need to be delivered transdermally, must permeate through the lipophilic stratum corneum and thereafter the hydrophilic dermal layers to reach the blood circulation, which means formulations must consist of both lipophilic and aqueous solubility properties. When comparing the stratum corneum-epidermis (lipophilic) with the epidermis-dermis (more hydrophilic) and receptor phase (hydrophilic; systemic circulation), it is evident that all formulations had lipophilic and hydrophilic properties, as the API permeated through the stratum corneum and penetrated the deeper layers of the skin (viable epidermis) When all polarity formulations were compared, i.e. optimised, hydrophilic and lipophilic, it was observed that the optimised formulations depicted the highest median concentration values in the receptor phase (skin diffusion), but lowest median concentration in stratum corneum-epidermis, therefore the optimised formulation permeated best through the stratum corneum-epidermis. The reason for this could be that the optimised formulations had the same polarity as the skin (17, 8, 8), thus permeating through the skin to the receptor fluid more efficiently (Wiechers, 2011). It was observed that LC penetrated both stratum corneum-epidermis and epidermis-dermis, but did not permeate through the skin to the receptor fluid (systemic circulation), making it a good delivery vehicle for topical delivery. Overall when the emulgel and cream formulations are compared, according to their ability to deliver pravastatin transdermally, it is evident the pravastatin diffused more from the emulgel formulations than the cream formulations. This could be due to the fact that emulgels are more hydrophilic as they contain more water, resulting in the emulgels diffusing to the deeper layers of the skin (more hydrophilic viable epidermis) (Benson, 2005:28). All formulations contained not only aqueous (hydrophilic) but also lipid (lipophilic) solubility properties, therefore making it lipophilic enough to permeate the stratum corneum and hydrophilic enough to penetrate to deeper skin layers (viable epidermis) (Perrie et al., 2012:392). All formulations could still permeate the viable epidermis despite different polarities being used and all were appropriate candidates, although some were more suitable than others. The understanding from this study is that: * pravastatin could be delivered topically by all formulations, * the best formulation to reach the systemic formulation is the optimised emulgel, * the best formulation to deliver pravastatin topically is the hydrophilic emulgel. / MSc (Pharmaceutics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Formulation, in vitro release and transdermal diffusion of pravastatin by the implementation of the delivery gap principle / Cornel Burger

Burger, Cornel January 2014 (has links)
Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), which are incorporated in different formulations, i.e. creams, gels, foams, etc., are applied to the skin for a therapeutic effect. This therapeutic effect could either be required in the top layer of the skin (topical drug delivery) or deeper layers to reach the blood capillaries (transdermal drug delivery). Transdermal delivery avoids oral administration route limitations, such as first pass metabolism which is the rapid clearance of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract and degradation by enzymes. This delivery targets the drugs to skin sites, where there are significant advantages which include: improved patient compliance, a steady drug delivery state, less frequent dosing, adverse effects are minimal, it is less invasive and issues with the gastrointestinal absorption are avoided by eliminating the first pass metabolism (Perrie et al., 2012:392). This type of delivery is not free from limitations even though the skin can be employed for targeted drug delivery and is a readily available and large accessible surface area for adsorption of drugs. The most upper layer of the human skin, the stratum corneum, which is a watertight barrier, offers defence against hazardous exterior materials such as fungi, allergens, viruses and other molecules. This indicates the stratum corneum controls the drug penetration of most drugs to permeate the skin barrier (Lam & Gambari, 2014:27). Pravastatin is hydrophilic and is a 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitor which inhibits cholesterol synthesis, a rate-limiting step, in the liver, thus decreasing the level of plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) (Heath et al., 1998:42). It can also slow the progression of atherosclerosis and can lower the incident of coronary events (Haria & McTavish, 1997:299). The first aim of the study is to deliver pravastatin transdermally into the blood circulation. Currently, pravastatin is only administered in oral dosages and can cause highly negative adverse effects such as myopathy and increased liver enzymes. This increase in liver enzymes causes hepatotoxicity and therefore would be ideal if pravastatin could be delivered transdermally, as the first pass metabolic effect would be nullified and adverse effects would decrease drastically (Gadi et al., 2013:648). Prof JW Wiechers‟ Delivery Gap Principle was designed in attempt to effectively enhance transdermal drug delivery. This Delivery Gap Principle was incorporated in the computer programme he developed known as “Formulating for Efficacy” (FFE™). The transdermal delivery of suggested APIs, which in this case is pravastatin, when incorporated into a formulation, may be optimised transdermally. The FFE™ computer programme suggests that the oil phase can be optimised, which in turn leads to better permeation through the skin to the target site (transdermal). The formula can be manipulated to reach desired polarity. The second aim of this in vitro study was to investigate the implementation of Wiechers‟ Delivery Gap Principle in a semi-solid dosage form, for the transdermal delivery of pravastatin sodium (2%). Six formulations, of which three were cream and three were emulgel formulations incorporated with pravastatin sodium (2%), were formulated. Each formulation had a different polarity, i.e. hydrophilic cream (HC) and emulgel (HE), lipophilic cream (LC) and emulgel (LE) and optimised cream (OC) and emulgel (OE). A high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was developed and validated to analyse the concentration of pravastatin. Both the octanol-buffer distribution coefficient (log D) and the aqueous solubility of pravastatin were determined. For the API to permeate through the skin into the blood circulation, certain physicochemical properties are important and according to Naik et al (2000:321), there are specific ideal limits for the API in the formulations which include log D (1 to 3) and a aqueous solubility of >1 mg/ml. The aqueous solubility of 197.5 mg/ml in phosphate buffer solution (PBS) (pH 7.4) at a temperature of 32 °C indicated penetration was favourable (Naik et al., 2000:321), whilst the log D value of -0.703 indicated the API was unfavourable for skin penetration (Naik et al., 2000:321). Membrane release studies were conducted using a synthetic membrane to determine whether pravastatin was released from the six formulations each containing 2% pravastatin prior to diffusion studies with. The OE yielded the highest median flux value (7.175 μg/cm2.h), followed the by LE (6.401 μg/cm2.h), HE (6.355 μg/cm2.h), HC (5.061 μg/cm2.h), OC (4.297 μg/cm2.h) and lastly, LC (3.115 μg/cm2.h). By looking at the aforementioned data values, it was concluded that the emulgels performed better than the cream formulations when median flux values were compared. By using dermatomed excised female Caucasian skin, an execution of Franz cell diffusion studies were performed over a period of 12 h, followed by a tape-stripping experiment to determine which semi-solid formulation delivered pravastatin best on the skin and the results of the different polarity formulations were compared. The median amount per area which permeated through the skin after 12 h was as follows: the OE formulation (2.578 μg/cm2) depicted the highest median amount per area, followed by OC (1.449 μg/cm2), HC (0.434 μg/cm2), LE (0.121 μg/cm2), HE (0.055 μg/cm2) and lastly LC (0.000 μg/cm2). These results validate Wiechers` theory that when the oil phase is optimised, with regard to the same polarity as the skin, permeation will be enhanced (Wiechers, 2011). During both the membrane studies and the skin diffusion studies it was evident the emulgel formulations performed better and pravastatin permeated better than the cream formulations. When skin diffusion and membrane median data values were compared, it was evident in both the membrane release studies and the skin diffusion studies that OE yielded the highest median values and LC the lowest median values. It was clear that all six different formulations released pravastatin, but LC displayed no permeation into the systemic circulation (receptor phase). The data of the different polarity formulations which yielded the best results with regards to median concentrations within the stratum corneum-epidermis and epidermis-dermis, were identified and are: within the stratum corneum-epidermis, HE (1.448 μg/ml) yielded the highest median concentration pravastatin, followed by LE (1.301 μg/ml), LC (0.676 μg/ml), HC (0.505 μg/ml), OE (0.505 μg/ml) and lastly OC (0.400 μg/ml). As emulgels (hydrophilic) contain more water than creams (lipophilic), the penetration enhancement effect can be explained by hydration, since the water hydrated the skin leading the lipids to open and the stratum corneum to swell (Williams & Barry, 2004:606). Therefore more API could permeate into the skin. Within the epidermis-dermis the highest median concentration median was yielded by OE (0.849 μg/ml), followed by LC (0.572 μg/ml), HC (0.524 μg/ml), OC (0.355 μg/ml), HE (0.309 μg/ml) and lastly LE (0.138 μg/ml). Different polarity formulations permeating the viable epidermis could be a result of the solubility characteristics of the formulations. It contained both lipid properties (formulations contained oil content), leading to permeation through the stratum corneum and aqueous properties, which lead to diffusion into the underlying layers of the epidermis (Perrie et al., 2012:392). According to Perrie (2012:392), formulations that need to be delivered transdermally, must permeate through the lipophilic stratum corneum and thereafter the hydrophilic dermal layers to reach the blood circulation, which means formulations must consist of both lipophilic and aqueous solubility properties. When comparing the stratum corneum-epidermis (lipophilic) with the epidermis-dermis (more hydrophilic) and receptor phase (hydrophilic; systemic circulation), it is evident that all formulations had lipophilic and hydrophilic properties, as the API permeated through the stratum corneum and penetrated the deeper layers of the skin (viable epidermis) When all polarity formulations were compared, i.e. optimised, hydrophilic and lipophilic, it was observed that the optimised formulations depicted the highest median concentration values in the receptor phase (skin diffusion), but lowest median concentration in stratum corneum-epidermis, therefore the optimised formulation permeated best through the stratum corneum-epidermis. The reason for this could be that the optimised formulations had the same polarity as the skin (17, 8, 8), thus permeating through the skin to the receptor fluid more efficiently (Wiechers, 2011). It was observed that LC penetrated both stratum corneum-epidermis and epidermis-dermis, but did not permeate through the skin to the receptor fluid (systemic circulation), making it a good delivery vehicle for topical delivery. Overall when the emulgel and cream formulations are compared, according to their ability to deliver pravastatin transdermally, it is evident the pravastatin diffused more from the emulgel formulations than the cream formulations. This could be due to the fact that emulgels are more hydrophilic as they contain more water, resulting in the emulgels diffusing to the deeper layers of the skin (more hydrophilic viable epidermis) (Benson, 2005:28). All formulations contained not only aqueous (hydrophilic) but also lipid (lipophilic) solubility properties, therefore making it lipophilic enough to permeate the stratum corneum and hydrophilic enough to penetrate to deeper skin layers (viable epidermis) (Perrie et al., 2012:392). All formulations could still permeate the viable epidermis despite different polarities being used and all were appropriate candidates, although some were more suitable than others. The understanding from this study is that: * pravastatin could be delivered topically by all formulations, * the best formulation to reach the systemic formulation is the optimised emulgel, * the best formulation to deliver pravastatin topically is the hydrophilic emulgel. / MSc (Pharmaceutics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Negative Feedback and Competition in the Yeast Polarity Establishment Circuit

Wu, Chi-Fang January 2013 (has links)
<p>Many cells spontaneously establish a polarity axis even in the absence of directional cues, a process called symmetry breaking. A central question concerns how cells polarize towards one, and only one, randomly oriented "front". The conserved Rhotype GTPase Cdc42p is an essential factor for both directed and spontaneous polarization in various organisms, whose local activation is thought to define the cell's front. We previously proposed that in yeast cells, a small stochastic cluster of GTP-Cdc42p at a random site on the cortex can grow into a large, dominating cluster via a positive feedback loop involving the scaffold protein Bem1p. As stochastic Cdc42p clusters could presumably arise at many sites, why does only one site become the dominating "front"? We speculated that competition between growing clusters for limiting factors would lead to growth of a single winning "front" at the expense of the others. Utilizing time-lapse imaging with high spatiotemporal resolution, we now document initiation of multiple polarized clusters that competed rapidly to resolve a winning cluster. Such multicluster intermediates are observed in wild-type yeast cells with functional directional cues, but the locations where they are initiated are biased by the spatial cues. In addition, we detected an unexpected oscillatory polarization in a majority of the cells breaking symmetry, in which polarity factors initially concentrated very brightly and then dimmed in an oscillatory manner, dampening down to a final intermediate level after 2-3 peaks. Dampened oscillation suggests that the polarity circuit contains an in-built negative feedback loop. Mathematical modeling predicts that negative feedback would confer robustness to the polarity circuit and make the kinetics of competition between polarity factor clusters relatively insensitive to polarity factor concentration.</p><p>We are trying to understand how competition between clusters occurs. We find that the yeast guanine-nucleotide dissociation inhibitor (GDI), Rdi1p, is needed for rapid competition between clusters. In the absence of Rdi1p the initial clustering of polarity</p><p>factors is slowed, and competition is also much slower: in some cases cells still have two clusters at the time of bud emergence and they form two buds. We suggest that in the absence of Rdi1p, the clusters compete for a limiting pool of Cdc42p, and that slow</p><p>exchange of Cdc42p on and off the membrane in the absence of Rdi1p leads to slow competition.</p> / Dissertation


Kuo, Kuei-Ling 01 January 2012 (has links)
The organic anion transporting polypeptide 4c1 (Oatp4c1) was previously identified as a novel uptake transporter predominantly expressed at the basolateral membrane in the rat kidney proximal tubules. Its functional role was suggested to be a vectorial transport partner of an apically-expressed efflux transporter for the efficient translocation of physiological substrates into urine, some of which were suggested to be uremic toxins. In vitro studies in polarized cell lines showed that upon transfection rat Oatp4c1 localizes at the apical membrane. The objectives of this project were to further validate the subcellular localization of Oatp4c1/OATP4C1 in rat and human tissues as well as their localization and function in polarized cells. Using several complementary biochemical, molecular and proteomic methods as well as antibodies amenable to immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, and immunoblotting, we investigated the expression pattern of Oatp4c1 in epithelial cell lines and in the rat kidney and mammary gland (MG). Collectively, these data demonstrated that rat Oatp4c1 localized at the apical cell surface of polarized epithelium and primarily in the proximal straight tubules, the S3 segment of proximal tubule, in the juxtamedullary cortex. Drug uptake studies in Oatp4c1-expressing cells demonstrated that Oatp4c1- mediated estrone-3-sulfate (E3S) uptake was ATP-independent and pH-dependent. The increased E3S transport activity at acidic extracellular pH was ascribed to the increased maximum transport rate (Vmax). In addition, E3S transport inhibition by various substrates suggests that Oatp4c1 possesses multiple substrate binding sites. The apical localization of Oatp4c1 in the rat kidney and MG is a novel finding and implies that this transporter protein plays a role in the reabsorption, not vectorial secretion, of its substrates. In addition, the upregulation of Oatp4c1 expression during lactation indicates that it is involved in reuptake of xenobiotic from the milk, resulting in their reduced exposure to the suckling infants, or that it functions as a scavenger system. Further, studies to identify physiological substrates are needed to better understand the significance of Oatp4c1 function in renal and mammary epithelium.

Role of the Cell Adhesion Molecule L1 during Early Neural Development in Zebrafish

Xiang, Wanyi 01 August 2008 (has links)
The neural cell adhesion molecule L1 is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily and it mediates many adhesive interactions during brain development. Mutations in the L1 gene are associated with a spectrum of X-linked neurological disorders known as CRASH or L1 syndrome. The objective of this thesis was to use the zebrafish model to investigate the molecular mechanisms of L1 functions and the pathological effects of its mutations. Zebrafish has two L1 homologs, L1.1 and L1.2. Inhibition of L1.1 expression by antisense morpholino oligonucleotides resulted in phenotypes that showed resemblances to L1 patients. However, knockdown of L1.2 expression did not result in notable neural defects. Furthermore, analysis of the expression pattern of L1.1 has led to the discovery of a novel soluble L1.1 isoform, L1.1s. L1.1s is an alternatively spliced form of L1.1, consisting of the first four Ig-like domains and thus a soluble secreted protein. L1.1 morphants exhibited disorganized brain structures with many having an enlarged fourth/hindbrain ventricle. Further characterization revealed aberrations in ventricular polarity, cell patterning and proliferation and helped differentiate the functions of L1.1 and L1.1s. While L1.1 plays a pivotal role in axonal outgrowth and guidance, L1.1s is crucial to brain ventricle formation. Significantly, L1.1s mRNA rescued many anomalies in the morphant brain, but not the trunk phenotypes. Receptor analysis confirmed that L1.1 undergoes heterophilic interactions with neuropilin-1a (Nrp1a). Peptide inhibition studies demonstrated further the involvement of L1.1s in neuroepithelial cell migration during ventricle formation. In the spinal cord, spinal primary motoneurons expressed exclusively the full-length L1.1, and abnormalities in axonal projections of morphants could be rescued only by L1.1 mRNA. Further studies showed that a novel interaction between the Ig3 domain of L1.1 and Unplugged, the zebrafish muscle specific kinase (MuSK), is crucial to motor axonal growth. Together, these results demonstrate that the different parts of L1.1 contribute to the diverse functions of L1.1 in neural development.

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