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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Specifika bulvárního deníku Neue Kronen Zeitung a jeho postavení na rakouském mediálním trhu : komparace nejčtenějšího rakouského a českého deníku / Specifics of the tabloid Neue Kronen Zeitung and its position in the Austrian media market

Dobiašová, Terézia January 2012 (has links)
The Master thesis Specifics of the tabloid Neue Kronen Zeitung and its position in the Austrian media market. Comparison of the most read Austrian and Czech daily newspapers tries to analyse the unusually strong position of the Austrian tabloid daily Neue Kronen Zeitung in the Austrian print media market and at the same time attempts to compare the Neue Kronen Zeitung with the Czech tabloid daily newspaper Blesk in detail. The first part of the thesis is mainly devoted to the daily newspaper Neue Kronen Zeitung, to its history and to the characteristics of the Austrian print media market. The theoretical part defines the most important aspects of the tabloid press. With regard to these aspects the Neue Kronen Zeitung is thoroughly analysed in the following part of the thesis, especially in terms of its layout, content, language, form and the way it addresses its readers. In conclusion, a comparison of the Austrian most read daily newspaper Neue Kronen Zeitung and the Czech most read daily newspaper Blesk is carried out. The cornerstone of the comparison is the realization of a content analysis which focuses on the political and foreign coverage of both newspapers. This content analysis should contribute to confirmation or disproof of the hypothesis that the characteristics of political and foreign...

Komunikační strategie politiků v interakci. / Communicative strategies of politicians in interaction.

Lokajová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Abstract. The aim of this M.A. thesis is to apply on the sample of five transcribed interviews with American politicians the typology of strategies devised by social psychologists P. Bull and K. Mayer (1993) for 'non-replies' of British politicians in the genre of a political interview and to determine whether this typology could be qualitatively correlated to specific linguistic means (the use of passive, pronominal shifts, hedges). The responses of politicians are examined within the CDA method also in relation to the macro-principles of evasion (dissimulation), coercion, legitimation and delegitimation, which are claimed to be valid in political discourse by P. Chilton (2004) in order to discover whether Bull and Mayer's social typology could be related to these principles and to the strategies of face-management (Brown and Levinson 1987). It is expected that politicians will boost their positive image in the interview and coerce the public in the agenda shift (Clayman, Heritage 2002) through every response in the interview. A question which according to Bull and Elliott (1996) consists of face threat is also expected to be attacked; quantitative results are presented which verify this assumption. In addition, as thirty strategies were observed to have been employed by Mrs Thatcher and Neil Kinnock in...

Srovnání vybraných aspektů politické kultury v ČR a SRN / Comparison of selected aspects of political culture between the Czech Republic and Germany

Gawrecká, Daniela January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the comparison of selected topics from the political climate among students from both Germany and the Czech Republic. For this purpose, a survey of 108 Czech students from Charles University in Prague and 102 German students from the University Bremen was collected and the results were analysed. The research dealt with the claims rate of electoral and non-electoral participation, party preferences, whether left-right scale or support a particular party, the level of discussions about politics and watching political news, patriotism and attitude to European integration, civil society and direct democracy. The aim of the research is also a measure of political alienation and disgust with politics, media and confidence in the effectiveness of the state apparatus and not least the degree of knowledge about politics between Czech and German respondents. Each orientation is watched primarily by nationality of respondent, also according to gender in the whole group and in some cases also between the Czech and especially among German respondents. Where it was relevant, were also compared by field of study respondents. Most respondents from both countries have clearly defined links to the political system and its place in it, which showed such a high level of electoral participation,...

Gollův styl. Studie k historickému myšlení Jaroslava Golla / The Goll's style. A study to the historical thinking of Jaroslav Goll

Pazderský, Roman January 2013 (has links)
Roman PAZDERSKÝ, The Goll's style. A study to the historical thinking of Jaroslav Goll, diploma thesis, FF UK, Prague 2013 This thesis seeks to expose the theme style of famous Czech historian Jaroslav Goll (1846- 1929). The methodological basis of this work is the concept of style analysis as one of the possible ways to understanding the Goll's historical thinking. Style, understood as the outward projection or reflection of deep contents of historian's historical thinking, leads the author this work to the detailed reflections of real nature of Goll's thought about the history and historiography, which often finds itself in evident collision with the stereotypical image of the Goll's rigid historiographical "positivism". The author wants, on the basis of precise analysis of the Goll's texts (including the surviving notes of his university lectures), to offer a qualified statement especially about non-positivist moments of the Goll's historical thinking, which are in his work represented firstly by the way of Goll's approach to historical themes and secondly by the so-called "symptomatic features of the Goll's historiographical style". All these problems open also a much broader issue on the adequacy of the concept "positivism" as a general designation for the intellectual orientation of the...

Idea suverenity lidu a systém politických stran v tzv. první Československé republice (1918 - 1938) a v České republice od roku 1993 / The Concept of Sovereignty of the People and the Political Party System in the First Czechoslovak Republic (1918-1938) and in the Czech Republic since 1993

Havel, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The idea of sovereignty of the people offers a concept which allows searching for legitimacy of power. The legitimacy of power is one of the key structures establishing a relation between those who govern and those who are governed. Whether this relation is accepted, acceptable, functional, desirable or undesirable is a matter of finding the very definition of sovereignty of the people as such. The aim of this doctoral thesis, titled The Concept of Sovereignty of the People and the Political Party System in the First Czechoslovak Republic (1918 - 1938) and in the Czech Republic since 1993, is, firstly, to define the concepts of the people, on one hand, and sovereignty, on the other hand, in the historical, political and legal context from the ancient times up to now while reflecting the role of political parties in relation to the sovereignty of the people. Secondly, this thesis aims at exploring and describing the functioning of the party systems in the interwar Czechoslovakia and in the Czech Republic after 1993. Thirdly, this thesis seeks to answer the following questions: who represents the people in liberal democracies which are based on sovereignty of the people; how do the people exercise their power; and what is the role of the political parties in this process.

Obraz sudetských Němců v českém tisku v krizovém roce 1938 / The Reflection of Sudeten Germans in the Czech Press during the 1938 Crisis

Sálová, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Bibliografický záznam: SÁLOVÁ, Anna. Obraz sudetských Němců v českém tisku v krizovém roce 1938. Praha, 2012. 177 s. Diplomová práce. Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut komunikačních studií a žurnalistiky. Katedra žurnalistiky. Vedoucí diplomové práce PhDr. Petr Bednařík Ph.D. Abstrakt: Diplomová práce "Obraz sudetských Němců v českém tisku v krizovém roce 1938" se zabývá mediálním obrazem německé menšiny v Československu v období mnichovské krize (od dubna 1938 do podpisu mnichovské dohody), a to formou komparace, která zahrnuje ústřední tiskové orgány hlavních politických proudů té doby: u ČSDSD - Právo lidu, u ČSNS - České slovo, u ČND (Národního sjednocení) - Národní listy, u KSČ - Rudé právo, u ČSL - Lidové listy a u agrárníků (Republikánské strany zemědělského a malorolnického lidu) - Venkov. Práce se rovněž dotýká postojů českých fašizujících proudů k sudetským Němcům. Výstupy stranických periodik nejsou zkoumány izolovaně, ale i vzhledem k politickým postojům jednotlivých stran a je zohledněn vývoj těchto postojů v čase s tím, jak se krize prohlubovala, rozdělením zkoumaných témat do tří hlavních období roku 1938. V neposlední řadě jsou tyto postoje konfrontovány i s postoji tisku sudetských Němců. Práce je obecně zarámována pojednáním o mezinárodních a historických souvislostech...

Sociální sítě a volby do Poslanecké sněmovny v roce 2010 / Social networks and election to Chamber of Deputies in year 2010.

Wiglasz, Radek January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis Social networks and election to Chamber of Deputies in year 2010 covers activities of political parties on internet social networks such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. The thesis also covers some civic engagements, which intervened electoral campaign and later influenced people decision in election to the Parliament of Czech republic. The first part describes how political parties, which has entered the Chamber of Deputies, used potential of social networks in campaign and how their activities differed from party to party and also by social networks. The thesis discovers how political parties saw campaign on social networks and which forms of promotion they used. Second part is about activities of civic engagements on social networks and about their influence on results of the election. Diploma thesis discovers if their success depended on social networks. In the last part of the thesis, a research was made on a group of users of social networks. It analysed the influence of political parties' campaigns on social networks and also civic engagements on the results of this parliamentary election.

Ženy a místní správa: zapojení do politiky a politické dráhy žen v Turecku / Women and local power: processes of mobilization and female political pathways in Turkey

Drechselová, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
Women and local power: processes of mobilization and female political pathways in Turkey Type: Doctoral dissertation Author: Lucie Drechselová Institutions: Charles University and EHESS, Paris Year: 2018 Abstract This thesis focuses on the issue of women's under-representation in local politics in contemporary Turkey. The intermediary level of politics - party presence in municipalities - is studied with a double approach distinguishing among political parties (AKP, CHP, MHP, and the pro-Kurdish HDP & DBP) as well as among cities (Izmir, Trabzon and Diyarbakır). The Anglo-American body of literature in political sociology is put into dialogue with the French research in the fields of sociology of mobilization, of political elites and of institutions. Gendered perspective is transversal to the whole thesis. Field work was done in 2014, 2015 and 2016 in Izmir, Trabzon and Diyarbakır and took the form of non-participant observation and semi-directed interviews with two hundred female municipal councilors and women holding an intra- party office. Conceptually, seeing parties as heterogeneous entities allows us to study exchanges that take place within the party hierarchy. The place and role of women in the candidate selection processes questions the artificial separation between the "local" and the "national"....

Koaliční vztahy ve vybraném městě (Vlašim) / Coalition Relations in the chosen Town (Vlašim)

PSOTA, Petr January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis provides a complete information about local politics in the town of Vlašim. Theoretical basis is primary focused on the theory of coalitions and its typology. Then characterizes socio - economic indicators of the municipality, which have the main effects on the local political system. Further, it describes election periods from the year of 2002 to 2010. This part is important to know all contexts that have influenced today's composition of coalition and in fact the whole situation in the city council. The last chapter applies the theory of coalition at the local level. For the correct interpretation and understanding of the formation of coalitions in Vlašim it is fundamental to detect the local specificities such as motivation of creating partnership between the parties, relationships between councilors etc. Now it is possible to understand the local political scene and subsequently the principles of local coalitions.

Lokální politické stranictví v prostředí územní samosprávy (město Kutná Hora) / Local political partisanship in a local government environment (town Kutná Hora)

Kučerová, Alena January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the local political party line in the environment of regional government. The work is focused on the town of Kutna Hora (Central Bohemia). The first part, the literature search, is the theoretical definition of basic concepts that deal with the local political party line in four categories according to the size of the municipalities. The most important is a definition of medium-sized municipalities, which corresponds to the currently investigated Kutna Hora. Then there is a definition of the characteristics of communal system, voting behavior and formation of municipal coalitions. The literature search is followed by the practical part, where there is the acquired theoretical knowledge applied to the local government of Kutna Hora. The focal point is based on the identification of local political participants (local organizations of political parties and other political organizations, interest groups, etc.), their electoral successes, the internal decision-making mechanisms, relationships and activities. The essential finding is that it´s not possible to apply expressly the assertion of Katz and Maira that the number of members of local organizations of political parties is steadily decreasing in western democracies, to the local government of Kutna Hora. The number of members in particular political entities of Kutna Hora is relatively high. Mutual relations of political entities of Kutna Hora however are based on personal sympathies and aversions. The local political system can be assessed as fully competitive, based on the principle of government and opposition.

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