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Norsko a integrace do EU - vnitrostátní a mezinárodní aspekty / Nórsko a integrácia do EÚ - vnútroštátne a medzinárodné aspektyŠťastný, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is based on the historical base, a deep look at the Norwegian referendum results and public opinion development. We concentrated on three research questions and on three related hypotheses studying Norway history, Norwegian politics and the possibilities of Norwegian integration to the European Union. We studied intrastate and also international aspects of this integration process. The Nordic cooperation is very important for this research. This Nordic cooperation provided a platform for alternative economic cooperation and this cooperation is also a special first stage on the way to the EU. We fulfilled the thesis goals, we answered the research questions and we verified all three hypotheses. In conclusion, we think that Norwegian admission to the EU is unreal nowadays because there are non-sufficient economic and non- economic reasons and stimuli for that. Norwegian political parties are not interested in this topic because this topic is very risky. Moreover, Norwegian public opinion is against the full membership in the EU.
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Stranické systémy zemí Visegrádské čtyřky v krizi? / The party systems of the Visegrad group in crisis?Krupka, František January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis The party systems of the Visegrad group in crisis? analyzes the conditon of party systems in Central Europe, with emphasis on recent electoral and political developments. It focuses on the study of various phenomena that slow down or even prevent the consolidation and crystallization of competitive party systems. Emphasis is placed on research using qualitative as well as quantitative methods, especially the comparative method and application of the theoretical concept of business firm party. The aim is not only to map and identify problematic processes and phenomena that party systems show, but also on the structural classification of a famous G. Sartori and J. Blondel theoretical concepts.
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Přímé zahraniční investice na Slovensku a jejich pokles během krize (2008-2010) / FDI drop in Slovakia during the economic crisis (2008-2010)Stoila, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The thesis discusses the causes of the sudden FDI drop in Slovakia during the economic crisis when R. Fico's government was in power. The drop came after Euro adoption, deep structural reforms and overall attractiveness of the country for the foreign investors. Mainly qualitative methods are utilized in the paper - coding was found to be the most appropriate method to analyze the reasons companies stated for leaving the country. Almost 64% of the investors mentioned crisis as the main cause of their departure. It was followed by company's strategy, the government's policies, strong currency and old machinery and technologies used in the factory. Thus, the hypothesis, which stated that the main reason for FDI plunge were policies of then government in combination with effects of economic crisis, was not confirmed.
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Prezidentský systém v Brazílii / Presidential System in BrazilMichal, Petr January 2013 (has links)
(English) Brazil is not gifted by greatest conditions for its existence - president do have strong legislative powers, which allow him to dominate politics, and he is confronted by severely fragmented legislature. This kind of political constellation should cause strong political crises and should be responsible for unstability of political regime. In this paper, we are trying to describe reasons why it is not so. Thanks to the change of international ideological and political context (i.e. end of Cold War) democracy has been internalized by various political actors and army returned back to barracks. Parliament and president were left alone to face their own fate. Even though president dominates legislative process (thanks to his strong powers) and can structure parliament's choices, constitution (de facto) forces him to seek support in parliament and create wider coalitions. On the other hand parliament has strong tools how to offer president alternative proposals and de facto decides if president's policy will be permanent or not. In extreme cases (i.e. political crises) is parliament proactive actor, which controls presidents survival.
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KSČM : diskurz zakazování / KSČM : The Prohibition DiscourseChytil, Matěj January 2013 (has links)
(English): The aim of the thesis is to analyse the discourse of exclusion of the Czech communism and the discoursive attempts to ban the communist party. It shall shed more light on its sources of thought as found in the Czech dissident movement, as well as on the conditions it has risen from after the Velvet revolution. We intend to point out that the two main concepts of the dissident thought are essential for the birth of the discourse - one is shaping it, while the other opposes. The influence of non-political discourses - such as legal or political discourse on the subject - are also given serious attention. Using the Critical Discourse Analysis toolbox of methods, we hope to enhance our knowledge about contradictory images of the Czech past that shape contradictory images of the communism as well.
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Současný český nacionalismus v rámci krajní pravice / The current czech nationalism in extreme rightBauer, David January 2015 (has links)
Aim of the thesis is to describe and analyse the role of nationalism in contemporary Czech extreme right movements. Its author has two fundamental objectives. The first is to evaluate strength and relevance of contemporary Czech nationalism within extreme right movements. The second objective consists in the analysis of nationalism itself, which should reveal the true nature of these organizations and their ideological platform. This thesis presents an overview of Czech extreme right spectrum. It was essential to select movements that mutually differ and therefore represent various manifestations of Czech right extremism. All three platforms can be classified as extreme right movements strongly resonating with Czech nationalism. They see themselves as patriots who defend conservative values and national traditions. Revue of The National Idea represents an attempt to create a sophisticated, intellectual forum providing conditions for ultra-right views and ideas. D.O.S.T. movement acts as a conservative "people's initiative", standing against multiculturalism and the European Union. The National Party is then an example of extreme political grouping with traces of populism, xenophobia and pure racism. Content analysis of these three movements is the main topic of the thesis. Examining their goals,...
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Nové politické strany pohledem teorie institucionalizace: případ strany Věci veřejné / New political parties from the point of view of the theory of institutionalization: the case of the Public AffairsStauber, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the formation and stabilization of genuinely new political parties in the Czech Republic through the theory of institutionalization. In the theoretical part the theory of institutionalization, which serves as a basis for the analytical framework, is firstly introduced. Institutionalization is understood as a process that occurs in four dimensions and can be strengthened or weakened over time. There are mentioned main approaches to the classification of new political parties, focusing on category of genuinely new political parties in the following chapter. These parties come to party system as external actors, so they represent suitable cases for examining the impact of their electoral gains at the rate of institutionalization. The next section is dedicated to development of the Czech party system with regard to the increasing success of genuinely new political parties. For a detailed analysis of the examined phenomenon a case study of political party Public Affairs has been chosen, because it represents case of genuinely new party which has achieved a relevant position in the party system due to the first candidacy in the first-order election. Thus, organizational development of Public Affairs is described on the basis of pre-defined theoretical categories. Consequently, observed trends...
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Vliv ekonomické krize na katalánský nacionalismus / The impact of the economic crisis on the nationalism of CataloniaRisingerová, Karolina January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the Catalan nationalism as the nationalism of the nation without state and its changes during the economic crisis. The objective is to analyse potential impact of the economic crisis to the Catalan nationalism and its changes after 2008, firstly at the level of public opinion, secondly and mainly at the political level in the frame of the analysis of the Catalan political parties in the Catalan parliament after the elections in 2006, 2010 and 2012. The parties are divided according their demands to the central government using the Dandoy's typology. The intensification of the demands for the independence in the Catalan society and its correlation with the worsening economic indicators, as the unemployment, Catalan debt or the changes of GDP, is analysed by the linear regression analysis in the first part of the study. The connection between nationalist questions and the economic crisis is analysed in the second part of the thesis. Three tools of the election campaign in 2006, 2010 and 2012 are used for this analysis - the electoral programmes, the electoral debates and interviews in television and the electoral spots. The conclusion of the thesis is whether the nationalist demands in the Catalan society and of the Catalan political parties increased and if so, whether it is...
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Determinanty postojů vybraných politických stran zemí EU27 k tureckému rozšíření Unie / Determinants forming attitudes of selected political parties from EU27 countries to the Turkish enlargement of the EUHendrych, Radek January 2015 (has links)
The present thesis analyzes possible determinants shaping attitudes of selected relevant political parties from the EU27 Member States to the potential Turkish accession to the European Union. Bilateral relationships between the EU and the Turkish Republic have been evolving multifariously and long-windedly. However, the question of the direct Turkish participation in the EU's project remains unresolved, and still resonates across all stakeholders. The phenomenon of the eventual Turkish joining is a very topical issue. In particular, the views of the political parties on this particular problem are studied, since these subjects operate with an exclusive position in representative democracies. They symbolize the necessary interconnection between the state and society. Moreover, in the context of the eventual EU enlargement to Turkey, they will likely discuss its confirmation in parliamentary procedures, or they will mobilize voters and form their attitudes in the case of ratification referenda. The present thesis distinguishes between two main groups of explanatory variables. In regarding to the accepted theoretical framework, these are supposed to explicate the views of the selected political parties on the eventual Turkish enlargement qualifiedly. Particularly, the ideological and (general)...
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Městská samospráva v Nových Benátkách za panování Františka Josefa I. / Municipal self-goverment in the town Nové Benátky during the reign of Francis Joseph IZadák, Rostislav January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the formation and development of self-government in the small Central Bohemian town of Nové Benátky during the reign of Francis Joseph I. The research focuses on the functioning of the municipal government on the background of the process of modernization (for example Democratization). The thesis wants to capture the everyday and the extraordinary challenges the self-government faced and how it tried to solve them. In relation to that, the town management and administration of communal property is analyzed. Attention is also paid to people who participated in the government and in how they are transformed into local elites. The thesis is trying to place this regional theme in the context where the self-government played a significant role in the Czech emancipation movement. The aim is mainly to analyze the work of self-governments on the background of societal changes.
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