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Nedobrý král Václav? Sesazení "líného krále" v kontextu politického a právního myšlení pozdního středověku / Bad King Wenceslas? Deposition of the "Idle King" in the Context of Political and Legal Thought of the Late Middle AgesVanča, Matouš January 2015 (has links)
This master's thesis focuses on the deposition of the king Wenceslas (1361-1419) from the throne of the Holy Roman Empire. The dethronement act was realised in August 1400 by four Rhenish electors (Count Palatine and archbishops of Mainz, Cologne and Trier) after years- long preparations. The first chapter briefly questions the possibility of king's deposition in medieval political thought. The second chapter describes long political fights in the Holy Roman Empire before 1400 and highlights the most important events which finally led to the king's deposition, such as the fight for the controll over the archbishopric of Mainz. The third chapter analyses the legal dimension of the dethronement act and puts forward possible interpretation of its role in the constitutional history of the Holy Roman Empire. The elector's activity can be understood as a part of long-term growth of political power of the electoral college, as it was codified in the Golden Bull of Charles IV.
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Spis Bernarda Bolzana " O nejlepším státě " v kontextu politického utopismu 16. - 19. století. / Bernard Bolzano's work " On the Best State " in the context of political utopianism from 16th to 19th century.Jiras, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the part of the work of important philosopher and mathematician Bernard Bolzano, which is currently rather neglected. It is his utopian writing On the best state. The aim of my thesis is to find out (through the analysis of the selected representatives of the utopian genre from the 16th to half of the 19th century and their consequent comparison with Bolzano's utopia), where to put the book On the best state in context of European utopian thought. In Czech literature Bolzano's writing is considered to be an example of rationalistic utopia of Enlightenment; however this statement hasn't been proven by deeper comparative analysis. That's why this diploma thesis tries to review this statement in order to either confirm it or define newly the position of Bolzano's book in the history of political utopianism. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first one gives basic introduction to Bolzano's professional and personal life, which is necessary for better understanding of his political thought. The second part analyzes important European utopias of Renaissance, Enlightenment as well as the utopias of the first half of the 19th century. The main part of this thesis is the chapter three, where are discussed selected political, economical and social aspects of the...
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Mediální reprezentace současných politických leaderek a gender diskurze v online prostředí / Media representation of current female political readers and gender discourse in online enviromentBlažiová, Lucia January 2019 (has links)
The quantitative and qualitative analysis of the media representation of political leaders in the articles published on the Facebook pages and of the form of discussion under the articles creates fairly comprehensive picture of the discourse on the issue of women at the top political positions in the online environment. Although gender does not appear to be one of the most important factors influencing the tone of the analyzed texts, it is possible to identify several tendencies that are related to gender in both articles and comments. Except for positive tone when evaluating political actions and opinions of female politician, which highlighted the stereotypical characteristics of women (patience, compromise, etc.), articles and comments are negative. Other identified forms of media representation of female politicians were usage of images of power and weaknesses (female too strong is associated with negative tone); associating women with emotions (both extremes - absence of emotions and over-emotionality are associated with negative tone); and using privacy-related topics such as family, fashion, hobbies (a woman who is not interested in these areas, and thus does not fall into the stereotypical image of a woman, is again depicted negatively). Analysis of the comments in the online discussion...
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Možnosti podnikání vybrané firmy na singapurském trhu / Business Opportunities of a Company in the Singaporean MarketGrégrová, Magda January 2006 (has links)
Předmětem diplomové práce jsou možnosti vstupu zahraniční firmy na singapurský trh. První část představuje Singapur jednak z hlediska základních informací o teritoriu, obyvatelstvu, obchodních zvyklostech, ekonomickém prostředí, zahraničních vztazích, a jednak se zaměřuje na možnosti, které nabízí tento trh zahraničním exportérům. Pozornost je věnována kulturním specifikům a následně jsou uvedena doporučení vyplývající z interkulturních odlišností ve vztahu k evropské kultuře a ve vztahu k marketingové politice exportující firmy. Druhá část se zabývá českou společností Mauting spol. s.r.o., která vyváží své výrobky do více než 40 zemí světa a rovněž do Singapuru. Pozornost je soustředěna především na mezinárodní marketingovou strategii firmy, důraz je kladen na propagační politiku, adaptaci marketingového mixu na singapurský trh a na závěr je zhodnocena úspěšnost vstupu na singapurský trh.
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Polské politické strany a jejich vztah k procesu evropské integrace / Polish Political Parties and their Approach to the European Integration ProcessHekerlová, Silvie January 2005 (has links)
Práce se zabývá analýzou polské politiky ve vztahu k polskému členství v Evropské unii. Snahou je vymezit způsob, jakým se politické strany vymezují vůči EU, a dále otázky, které jsou klíčové z hlediska jejich profilace ve vztahu k EU. Vymezené otázky jsou zasazeny do hlubšího kontextu vývoje polského politického a stranického systému i analýzy klíčových otázek ve vztahu politiky Polska vůči EU.
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Analýza a souvislosti důchodového systému České republiky (příčiny a dopady reforem) / The Analysis of the pension system in the Czech Republic (causes and consequences of the pension reform)Dočkal, Dalibor January 2007 (has links)
Práce se věnuje analýze a souvislostem důchodového systému České republiky. Důraz je kladen na demografickou analýzu, která uvozuje čtenáře do celé problematiky. Vyvrací mnoho pesimistických scénářů o budoucím vývoji ekonomické struktury obyvatel a upozorňuje na hlavní nedostatky při dlouhodobých (50ti a víceletých) predikcích budoucího demografického i ekonomického vývoje. Na základě analýzy a predikce průběžného důchodového systému je explicitně ukázáno, že jej lze konformně ?reformovat? a zachovat jej jako základní pilíř českého důchodového systému.
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Specifika politických a ekonomických vztahů Estonska a Ruské federace / Specifics of Political and Economic Relations between Estonia and Russian FederationPohunek, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
The first chapter of the thesis offers a short theoretical view on relations among small and big states. The second chapter deals with political relations of Estonia and Russia. The chapter also describes beginnings of independent Estonian political scene as well as Russian reactions on the newly given situation. The third chapter looks at security dimension of the Estonian-Russian relations. In the fourth chapter the readers can find information about ethnic minorities in Estonia with emphasis on the Russian minority. The whole mninority issue is put into political, economic, diplomatic and security context. The fifth chapter describes mutual conflicts between Estonia and Russia which appeared in recent past and their consequences on both internal and international political scenes. Economic relations between Estonia and Russian Federation are described in the sixth chapter where one can also find comparison of the basic macroeconomic aggregates and quantification of mutual trade. A part of this chapter is also an analysis of competitiveness of Estonia and Russia. The seventh chapter deals with the reality of mutual crossborder cooperation between Estonia and Russia.
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Politické aspekty územní samosprávy – volby a volební chování obyvatel města Blovice / Political aspects of local government – elections and voting behaviour of inhabitants of municipalities of Blovice cityJan, Jaroslav January 2016 (has links)
Despite the transformation of party systems both at the national and sub-national political decision-making levels of politics, the hallmark of local political life of the municipality of Blovice city is a relative stability of the local party system. This fact is the basis of the Master thesis which aims to assess the nature of the electoral behavior of the local electorate in the elections to the municipal council with the ambition to evaluate the utility of the theory that is based on locally contextual interpretation. Partial objectives of the thesis that contribute to the main goal are the following: a description of the results of elections that are decisive for a development of the party system of Blovice city, a description of variables that underlie the permanent electoral support for the Civic Democratic Party (ODS) and the characteristics of electoral behavior of the local electorate. Thesis will be designed as a case study. A research will be based on voting decisions of electorate of Blovice city. The objects of the research will be the voters who participate in the elections to the municipal council and representatives of local politics and territorial autonomy. Value attitudes and voting behavior of voters will be assessed on the basis of data obtained by questionnaire. Electoral support of parties will be evaluated on the basis of data from unstructured interviews with local politicians (especially those from the party ODS). A local political life and in particular the election results will be described thanks to data published by the Czech Statistical Office (available on www.volby.cz).
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Politické aspekty územní samosprávy – volby a volební chování obyvatel města Blovice / Political aspects of local government – elections and voting behaviour of inhabitants of municipalities of Blovice cityJan, Jaroslav January 2016 (has links)
Despite the transformation of party systems both at the national and sub-national political decision-making levels of politics, the hallmark of local political life of the municipality of Blovice city is a relative stability of the local party system. This fact is the basis of the Master thesis which aims to assess the nature of the electoral behavior of the local electorate in the elections to the municipal council with the ambition to evaluate the utility of the theory that is based on locally contextual interpretation. Partial objectives of the thesis that contribute to the main goal are the following: a description of the results of elections that are decisive for a development of the party system of Blovice city, a description of variables that underlie the permanent electoral support for the Civic Democratic Party (ODS) and the characteristics of electoral behavior of the local electorate. Thesis will be designed as a case study. A research will be based on voting decisions of electorate of Blovice city. The objects of the research will be the voters who participate in the elections to the municipal council and representatives of local politics and territorial autonomy. Value attitudes and voting behavior of voters will be assessed on the basis of data obtained by questionnaire. Electoral support of parties will be evaluated on the basis of data from unstructured interviews with local politicians (especially those from the party ODS). A local political life and in particular the election results will be described thanks to data published by the Czech Statistical Office (available on www.volby.cz).
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Důvěra v politické instituce České republiky / Trust in Political Institutions in the Czech RepublicČermák, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the PhD dissertation is to research political trust, specifically to describe trends in political trust and to identify factors which are related to reported trust. Political trust is vertical trust oriented to selected political institutions which are grounded in the Constitution of the Czech Republic. Following political institutions are analyzed in this study: the Government of the Czech Republic, the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate, regional councils and municipal councils. Life-time learning model proposed by Mishler and Rose, which combines cultural and institutional approaches to explanation of trust in political institutions, is used as a theoretical framework in this study. All conducted analyses make use of data from surveys carried out by CVVM and other departments of the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The key finding of the study is the fact that the level of trust in political institutions is mainly determined by factors associated with 1) institutional performance which is related to political situation and the perception of own economic situation or the economic situation of the state; 2) party preferences (presence of so called "the winner effect"). The level of trust in political institutions on national, regional, and local...
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