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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nutriční stav pacientů trpících hlubokou dehiscencí sternotomické rány / Nutritional status in patients suffering from deep sternal wound infection

Štroblová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
Introduction: The procedure of longitudinal median sternotomy is the most commonly used approach in cardiac surgery with the necessary complex postoperative treatment. A multifactorial approach is particularly important to prevent later complications, which can be very serious or fatal. The theoretical part of the thesis is not just about the risk factors that may interfere with the healing process but also about nutritional measures that could reduce the risk or completely prevent the profound dehiscence of the sternotomic wound. Methodology: The research method consisted of a retrospective analysis of the risk factors of deep sternal dehiscence in 22 patients who underwent cardiac surgery using the technique of longitudinal median sternotomy over a ten-year interval. 11 patients with sternal healing disorder were selected and included in group 1. Subsequently, an additional 11 patients were selected without sternal dehiscence. These patients were selected in such a way that their characteristics corresponded to the characteristics of patients of the first group in terms of statistical evaluation and comparison of both groups (type of exercise, length of operation, use of extracorporeal circulation, LIMA / BIMA, etc.). In the selection of patients in the control group 2, the laboratory nutrition...

Podpora kognitivního rozvoje dospívajících se specifickými poruchami učení / Cognitive Development Support of Adolescents with Learning Disabilities

Jungwirthová, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with possibilities of cognitive development support of adolescents with learning disabilities. The theoretical part first introduces cognitive deficits which are typical for these disabilities. Then it focuses on particular possibilities for adolescents with learning disabilities and how to support their cognitive development. Attention is paid to the use of modern information technologies and applications for children and adolescents with learning disabilities. The thesis also includes a research that attempts to verify the effectiveness of application called Tablexia. Although the results do not confirm the clear efficiency of cognitive training with this application, optional ways to capture the effectiveness better are discussed.

Farmakoterapie poruch nálady / Pharmacotherapy of mood disorder

Rambousková, Jana January 2017 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Jana Rambousková Supervisor: Prof. MUDr. Radomír Hrdina, CSc. Title of diploma thesis: Pharmacotherapy of mood disorder This diploma thesis deals with the characterization of mood disorders concentrating especially on depression disorders. It presents the classification of mood disorders according to classification MKN-10. The diploma thesis presents patophysiology of depression disorders, their causes, symptoms and progress. It analyses the choice of pharmacotherapy in depression disorders and bipolar affective disorder. It describes individual groups of antidepressants and drugs used for treatement of bipolar affective disorder. It analyses their mechanism of action, indications, contraindications and adverse effects. At the end of diploma thesis states the other use of antidepressants in non- psychiatric indications.

Neuropsychologické aspekty funkčních poruch hybnosti / Neuropsychological aspects of functional movement disorders

Věchetová, Gabriela January 2021 (has links)
The theoretical part of this dissertation presents a current view of functional (psychogenic) movement disorders (FMD) in the current International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) referred to as dissociative (conversion) motor disorders, which has undergone significant development in the last two decades. It is a heterogeneous group of diseases with a tendency of becoming chronic diseases, which, in addition to motor symptoms, are manifested by a number of comorbid non-motor symptoms (fatigue, pain, anxiety, depression, cognitive difficulties, etc.). Despite the potential reversibility, these disorders still have an unfavorable prognosis and are associated with a low quality of life. Based on our current understanding, abnormalities of attentional processes are among the central phenomena of the development and maintenance of FMD. So far, only a minimum of studies has focused on attentional processes in the context of complex cognitive performance with contradictory findings. The dissertation had two goals. The first of the presented studies focused on the impact of subjectively assessed non-motor symptoms including subjective cognitive complaints and objectively assessed motor symptoms on the quality of life. The aim of the second study was to examine the cognitive profile of patients with FMD...

Potřeby neformálně pečujících o dítě s poruchami autistického spektra / The needs of informally carers for a child with autism spectrum disorders

Lejčková, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
(in English): The topic of the diploma thesis is the needs of people who informally take care of their close autism spectrum disorders. The aim of the work is to find out whether informal carers are systematically disadvantaged, whether the current system of help and support for these people is sufficient, accessible and clear and what would work differently from the point of view of these people to continue caring for their loved ones in the natural environment. The work defines the basic concepts, describes the specific care of people with autism spectrum disorders. It also presents available services and support for these informal carers and performs at some systemic disadvantage of these people. The practical part of the work contains a quality survey with informally caring people. This survey can show the specific needs of these people, how to change these personal orientations in the system of services and support, what from their point of view it would be good to do differently, what would help them situation, from the beginning of caring for a loved one with autism spectrum disorders. All this focuses on informally caring people from the Central Bohemian Region and Prague.

Pasportizace stavebně-technického stavu rodinného domu ve Vyškově / Passportisation of the Structural and Technical Condition of a House in Vyskov

Karásek, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis I deal with the passportization of the building-technical condition of the family house in Vyškov, the creation of its new project documentation and the proposal of repairs including appraisal cost. In the theoretical part I describe possible faults and defects of buildings, also their lifetime and the possibilities of finding their construction-technical condition. I also discuss the theory and usefulness of pasportizations. In the practical part, I evaluate the construction and technical condition of the selected house and make a finding of faults and defects of the structures, including the proposal for their repair and the appraisal cost with the item budget.

Fermentance vybraných cereálií pomocí bakterií Lactobacillus plantarum 299v . / Fermentation of different cereals by the probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum 299v

Hamalová, Sabina January 2009 (has links)
Počet obyvatel trpících různými infekčními, zánětlivými a alergickými nemocemi stejně jako výskyt laktózové nesnášenlivosti a vysoké hodnoty krevního cholesterolu, má narůstající tendenci. Některé z těchto zdravotních problémů jsou způsobeny nevyváženou střevní mikroflorou. Probiotika jsou pak chápána (nejen) jako potravní komponenty, které přispívají k ustanovení mikrobiální rovnováhy (Parker, 1974) mezi zdraví prospěšnými a škodlivými bakteriemi. Z tohoto důvodu, terapie založená na podávání probiotik pacientům přitáhla zájem ze strany vědců. Vhodný probiotický kmen se pak volí v závislosti na požadovaném zdravotním účinku (příp. zdravotním problému, který má být probiotickou terapií léčen). Lactobacillus plantarum 299v již prokázal své blahodárné účinky na lidech a zároveň byla i potvrzena jeho zdravotní bezpečnost, díky čemuž může tato bakterie být kategorizována jako probiotický kmen (Probi AB, Sweden). I díky tomu je Lactobacillus plantarum 299v ve značné oblibě přidáván do mnoha fukčních potravin a prodáván na trhu pod různými jmény, probiotický nápoj ProViva je jedním takovým příkladem. Cílem této práce bylo studovat fermentační proces na žitném, ječmenném a sojovém substrátu pomocí kmene Lactobacillus plantarum 299v, přičemž zvýšená pozornost byla věnována právě soji a ječmeni jako potenciálně novým substrátům pro výše uvedenou bakterii. Hlavními záměry bylo zkoumání růstu a metabolické aktivity bakterie Lactobacillus plantarum 299v v asociaci s různými cereálními substráty, a později bylo studováno totéž také ve směsi fermentované cereální komponenty s běžně dostupným ovocným džusem. K tomu, aby se dosáhlo optimálních podmínek fermentace, je třeba vzít v úvahu několik aspektů. Hlavní role při konceptování nového fermentovaného produktu patří především zpracování a taktéž kompozici surového materiálu, růstové kapacitě a produktivitě bakteriální kultury a stabilitě finálního produktu během skladování (De Vuyst, 2000). Tyto parametry jsou důležité hlavně ze strany výrobců. Krom toho jsou tu ale i zákazníci, pro něž je přijatelnost produktu založena z velké části na organoleptických vlastnostech finálního probiotického produktu, tj. aromatu a chuti. Přítomnost a dostupnost různých jednotlivých nutrientů, která byla obsažena ve fermentačním médiu výsledkem rozdílných použitých cereálních substrátů, pravděpodobně vyústila v odlišnosti metabolických drah, což pak později mohlo způsobit rozdíly v organoleptických vlastnostech finálního produktu.

Aplikace dlouhodobého sledování stavebního stavu pro účely hodnocení stávajících zděných železničních obloukových mostů / Long Term Condition Monitoring in Order to Assessment of Existing Masonry Arch Railway Bridges

Kůrka, Jan Unknown Date (has links)
Thesis rises from an actual needs to make standard of practice for assessment an existing arch railway masonry bridges on the basis of condition long term monitoring. Bridge assessment is a part of any inspection, especially in case of doubts arising during inspections due to heavy defects, increase of axle load or increase of train frequency, which may influence the structural safety, traffic safety or durability of a bridge. There are possibilities for utilization of monitoring results for assessment in case of investigation data absece. An important option is assessment based on satisfactory past performance by ČSN ISO 13822, chapter 8.

Temporo-limbická dysfunkce u osob s poruchou nálady / Temporolimbic dysfunction in persons with mood disorders

Jakoubková, Zdenka January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation explores the occurrence of symptoms of temporolimbic dysfunction with persons with mood disorder. Groups of pacients was concerned to persons with depression and manic depression disorder. The occurrence of symptoms was examined by questionnaire method. It is assumed that mood disorders are result of damage of structures in the temporolimbic area and that they will also manifest in the questionnaires being used. Theoretical part describes anatomy of the temporolimbic area and temporolimbic dysfunction. Practical part is focused on the evaluation of the outcomes from submitted questionnaires. KEY WORDS Temporolimbic disfunction, limbic system, depression, manic depression

Úloha perivaskulární tukové tkáně v rozvoji kardiovaskulárních onemocnění / Role of perivascular fat tissue in the development of cardiovascular diseases

Čejková, Soňa January 2014 (has links)
Abnormal vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation is thought to play an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Adipocytes produce several paracrine bioactive substances that can affect VSMC growth and migration. Our study focused on the ability of epicardial adipocytes to produce bioactive substances together with studying of direct effect of these substances on the VSMC proliferation rate. The gene expression of human cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, IL-18, RANTES and MCP-1) and adipokines (leptin and adiponectin) was measured in primary cell lines of epicardial and visceral adipocytes, both in undifferentiated and mature statuses. Moreover, adipokine production (IL-6, IL-8, MCP-1, VEGF and adiponectin) in conditioned media obtained from above mentioned primary cell cultures of adipocytes was measured by a Luminex assay. The VSMC proliferation rate was measured after co-culturing with CM obtained from primary cell cultures of adipocytes. The epicardial preadipocytes showed an increased expression of IL-8 (3,25-fold, p<0,05) compared with visceral preadipocytes. The expression of the adiponectin in epicardial preadipocytes was markedly decreased in comparison of the expression in visceral preadipocytes (p< 0,0001). Moreover, the gene expression was dependent on the differentiation...

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