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Účinky specifických poruch učení na self-koncept a sociometrickou pozici dítěte ve třídě / Self-concept and sociometrical position in children with learning disabilities)MATĚJKOVÁ, Klára January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on self-concept and emotional aspects of pupils with specific learning disabilities. Specific learning disabilities not only complicate pupils' educational process but they also have an influence on their self-evaluation. The theoretical part of this paper explains terms connected to this topic as they are given in the literature. The aim is to provide the reader with the basic information about this issue. The practical part is dedicated to the actual research. The aim was to compare pupils with specific learning disabilities and pupils without any specific learning disabilities. This part of the paper contains the aims and hypothesis, the characteristic of researched sample, it lists methods used to collect data and it is concluded with analyses and interpretation of the obtained data.
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Dítě se specifickou poruchou učení na ZŠ z pohledu učitele / A Child with a Learning Disability at Elementary School from the Point of View of a TeacherŠULCOVÁ, Pavlína January 2011 (has links)
The thesis called ?A child at primary school suffering from a learning disability from a teacher´s point of view? is focused on scrutinizing this issue and looking at how the teachers deal with these children in real everyday classwork. The basic research questions are: ?What is a general attitude of primary school teachers to learning disabilities? How do they deal with children suffering learning disabilities during the classwork with a regard to their personal attitudes to this problem? ?
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Možnosti validizace nástroje Cognitive Assessment System II na populaci dětí se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami / Possible validation of the assessment tool Cognitive Assessment System IIMejstříková, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this work is to introduce a new assessment method of children's cognitive abilities, the Cognitive Assessment System 2, to examine its criterion concurrent validity in a population of children with special educational needs and analyze the test profiles of these children. In the theoretical part of the work various assessment tools of children's cognitive abilities are presented. The Cognitive Assessment System 2 is also introduced. In the empirical part concurrent criterion validity of the CAS2 is examined via the correlation between the results of CAS2 and the results of other commonly used intelligence tests - it is examined on a sample of children with specific learning disabilities and children with below- average intelligence or mental retardation. The test profiles of children from both groups are analyzed. It was found that the overall scores in the method CAS2 highly correlate with total scores of the WISC-III in a group of children with a below-average intelligence and mental retardation, and with total scores of the WISC-III or the K-ABC in a group of children with specific learning disabilities. This is considered as evidence of the concurrent criterion validity of the CAS2. It was found that the children with a below-average intellect and mental retardation have balanced...
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Současná praxe v reedukaci specifických poruch učení u žáků na základních školách v okrese Kutná Hora / Current practice in reeducation of specific learning disabilities of pupils at primary schools in Kutna HoraNáhlovská, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of reeducation of specific learning disorders of pupils at elementary schools in Kutná Hora district. The goal of this paper is to gain insight into contemporary practice in SLD reeducation, more specifically to find out whose job it is to provide reeducation, what their qualification is, and how they are further educated on this issue. Another goal is to find out how reeducation is carried out at selected schools, what study materials and aids are used, and this paper will also attempt to compare the quality of special pedagogical care at urban and village schools. The paper is divided into two parts, theoretical and research part. Theoretical part is dedicated to specific learning disorders, especially general characteristics of specific learning disorders, diagnostics, reeducation, and also education and care of children with SLD. Research part then deals with research survey at selected schools with the usage of qualitative method.
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Ortodontické poruchy chrupu u žáků ZŠ / Orthodontic teeth disorders of primary school pupilsBartůňková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Work Orthodontic tooth defects at elementary tries through a questionnaire survey on selected basic school in Kladno to detect and identify the main orthodontic dental problems among older pupils, barriers to possible improvements and potential solutions. The topic of thesis and falls into an increasingly topical issue of children's dental health, which devotes many experts and research worldwide. The pivotal part based on the information obtained during the survey of students, parents and orthodontists in the extra work completed with valuable insights and suggestions addressed dentists and dental hygienists. The text has also focused on the role and effectiveness of preventive school programs, as well as theoretical and professional aspect of the topic, when most attention is devoted to the actual anatomy of the teeth, bite disorders, orthodontic apparatuses and their maintenance in dental hygiene. KEY WORDS Anatomy of the tooth, bite disorders, orthodontic appliances, dentistry, dental hygiene
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Výuka angličtiny u žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami / Teaching English and Pupils with Special Educational NeedsKociánová, Janka January 2017 (has links)
TITLE: Teaching English and Pupils with Special Educational Needs AUTHOR: Janka Kociánová DEPARTMENT: Department of Special Education SUPERVISOR: PhDr. Lenka Felcmanová, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The thesis deals with the teaching of English of pupils with special educational needs, focusing on pupils with specific learning disabilities (SLD). The issue of pupils with SLD and didactics of English language are described in the theoretical part. The aim of the practical part was to find out how pupils with SLD are taught English in primary schools, which forms of education, the most frequently aids (textbooks, materials, etc.) and methods are used. Quantitative as well as qualitative methods were chosen for the research - the questionnaire survey (the questionnaire for teachers), aids and analysis of materials, interviews with teachers and case studies. On the basis of the obtained data, the effectiveness of the various activities is evaluated and a list of the recommended teaching aids, materials and resources is presented. KEYWORDS: English, dyslexia, Foreign Language, special educational needs, specific learning difficulties
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Přesnost a rychlost ve vnímání množství u jedinců s dyskalkulií / Accuracy and speed in numerosity at individuals with dyscalculiaPražáková, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the topic of dyscalculia, which is officially recognized as a learning disability. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the current status of knowledge about development of mathematical skills and their disorders in the context of dyscalculia. The empiric part of this thesis describes a research which compares the performances of individuals with dyscalculia and control participants on a range number and numerosity processing tasks. The main goal was to describe the image of possible causes of difficulties. Deficits in the processing of symbolic and nonsymbolic numerosities were observed in group of dyscalculic participants. We conclude that dyscalculia is related to specific disabilities in basic numerical and numerosity processing which affects ability to acquire arithmetical skills. KEYWORDS Klíčová slova (anglicky): Dyscalculia, numerosity, arithmetic skills, mathematical skills, specific learning difficulties
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Sociální příčiny mentální bulimie / Social causes of bulimia nervosaBlahotová Kostková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the topic of social causes of bulimia nervosa. In the first part of my thesis I focus on the theoretical introduction. I present the matter of eating disorders in general, which I consider to be an important basis for another part of my work. I am dealing here with the general introduction - what are eating disorders, which eating disorders are known to us, I introduce their causes, consequences, sexuality issues in patients with eating disorders and, last but not least, eating disorders in men and children. For a better understanding of the disease, the theoretical introduction is supplemented by brief client testimonials from my practice. In the next part of the thesis I deal with the topic itself, the social causes of bulimia nervosa. I focus on the issue of the family and its possible influence on the origin of the illness. Furthermore, the influence of society as such, especially the relationship of society to the ideal of beauty and the development of the ideal of beauty in history. I explore the influence of the printed media, television, advertising on bulimia nervosa as well. The last part of my work is a qualitative survey. It consists of three case studies and an interview with four respondents.
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Komorbidita abúzu alkoholu a poruch příjmu potravy: Prevalence poruch příjmu potravy u žen hospitalizovaných pro abúzus alkoholu / Comorbidity of Alcohol Abuse and Eating Disorders: Prevalence of Eating Disorders among Women Hospitalized for Alcohol AbuseRolová, Gabriela January 2017 (has links)
Introduction: Results of previous studies have shown a significant association be- tween alcohol abuse and eating disorders which often co-occur as a comorbidity. The co-occurrence of these diseases brings significant medical, social, and psychological complications and predicts a worse course of both disease and outcomes. Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to verify the association between the alcohol abuse and eating disorders by detecting the prevalence of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder in women who are receiving the treatment for alcohol abuse. Methods: The survey includes 51 women hospitalized for alcohol abuse in PN Bohnice. The data were obtained during the questionnaire survey using the Munich Eating Disorder Questionnaire (Munich ED-Quest) and the Alcohol Use Disorders Identifi- cation Test (AUDIT), supplemented by socio-demographic questions. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics in SPSS. Results: In total, 25.5% of respondents suffer from eating disorders at some point. Currently, 9.8% of women with an average age of 38.6 years with a median of 40 years suffer from eating disorder. In the past, 23,5% of respondents were affected by eating disorders. For the current period, 1.96% of women have met the diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa and...
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Styly učení a jejich efektivita u žáků s SPU / Learning styles and their effectivness amongst pupils with specific learning disabilitiesNyklíčková, Zdeňka January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with learning styles and their effectiveness amongst pupils with specific learning disabilities. The theoretical part describes the problems of specific learning disorders, the current legislation and the possibilities of care for pupils with specific learning disabilities in school counseling facility, learning styles, learning habits amongst pupils with specific learning disorders and basic diagnostics of learning styles. The practical part is focused on the research and includes quantitative research which focuses on revealing the predominant style of learning at the second level of elementary school amongst pupils with learning disabilities and its comparison with the regular population of pupils. The thesis also answers a range of questions, such as, what helps learners who have learning disabilities to make the most out of their work, what disturbs the learners during learning, and compares these findings with pupils without any learning disabilities. The results of the survey revealed that pupils with specific learning disabilities involved in the research are predominant in the auditory style of learning. There were no differences found between predominant learning styles in pupils with learning disabilities and pupils without these disorders.
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