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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výuka angličtiny u žáka s dysortografií / Teaching English to Pupils with Dysorthography

Reslerová, Monika January 2016 (has links)
TITLE: Teaching English to Pupils With Dysorthography AUTHOR: Bc. Monika Reslerová DEPARTMENT: Department of English Language and Literature SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Klára Uličná, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The thesis relates the issue of dysorthography in connection to EFL instruction with a special attention paid to lower secondary schools. The theoretical part of the text contains basic information on special educational needs, followed by a chapter on Specific Learning Difficulties, their causes and symptoms. The concept of dysorthography is explained and its possible consequences on acquisition of English spelling and grammar described, followed by a list of recommended approaches, methods, techniques and aids which can be useful for teaching English to dysorthographic pupils. The practical part of the text gives an account of a multiple-case study which was carried out among experienced English teachers at schools that pay special attention to children with SEN. The research is focused on the teachers' experience and know-how and compares the obtained data to the recommendations given in the theoretical part. KEYWORDS Specific Learning Difficulties, Dyslexia, Dysorthography, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, grammar, spelling

Výuka žáků se specifickými poruchami učení se zaměřením na přírodovědné předměty na středních školách / Teaching students with specific learning difficulties focusing on science at high schools

Lidová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The specific learning difficulties (LD) are nowadays frequently discussed topic, which is still more current even at high schools. Teachers should help these students because of their learning difficulties. LD students are not stupid, they just need a little bit different approach in the classroom than the others. This thesis mainly shows various teachers' approaches to students with LD in different schools and different countries. Because I study teaching biology and chemistry, the work is focused on science subjects and on teachers of these subjects. The aim of this paper is also to propose the basic procedures of working with the LD students for high school teachers with the real ideas of possible adaptations in the science class. In order to discuss approaches to the work with LD students it was necessary to prepare an LD overview at first. To achieve the aims of the work we used methods such as literary research, questionnaire survey and interviews with teachers and students. The theoretical part summarizes basic information about various learning difficulties, different approach to LD students in science, the teachers' and classmates' attitudes to LD in various countries and different approaches to integration of LD students in various countries. The task of the practical part was to identify...

Funkční poruchy pohybového systému u jedinců po transplantaci ledviny / Functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system on individuals after kindey transplantation

Školová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
Title: Functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system on individuals after kindey transplantation Defining of the problem: Renal transplantation is a method to treat patients with renal failure,which is associated to a prolonged survival of patients compared to a dialysis method (Viklický et al., 2008). After a successful renal transplantation the renal function is restored and complications caused by dialysis treatment disappear . However, complications due to the transplant, not only in terms of surgical intervention, but also from the point of a lifelong immunosuppressive therapy remain at risk. Functional changes on the locomotor system can occur as a concequence of a long-term renal disease or kidney transplant. This could further reduce the quality of life on patients due to self-sufficiency, being the main role of the locomotor system. Objectives: The aim of this study is to valuate functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system on individuals after kindey transplantation up to one year after a transplant. Methods: This thesis is elaborated in the form of an analytical - experimental study in which 2 groups of selected individuals were tested. Testing was conducted by using suitable tests focused on functional disorders of the locomotor system and parameters in each group and time...

Atribuční styly a jejich výzkum u osob s psychosomatickým onemocněním / Attributional styles and their research on persons suffering from psychosomatic disorder

Nováková, Martina January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with attributional styles and their research in patients with psychosomatic disorder. The text is divided into a theoretical part and an empirical part. The term psychosomatic disorder is defined in the theoretical part. The essential links between psychosomatic disorder, stress and cognitive processes are mentioned. Selected attribution theory and the concepts of attributional styles, then make up the majority theory. In the empirical part, there are hypotheses defined using three psychodiagnostic methods tested on a set of people with psychosomatic disorder and compared with the healthy population. Key words: attribution attribution theory attributional style psychosomatic disorder/psychosomatic illness somatoform disorders

Využití computer based exercisetherapy u pacientů s Parkinsovou nemocí / Use of computer based exercise therapy in patients with Parkinson's disease. Comparation effectiveness of computer based exercise therapy and conventional therapy in parkinsonian patients with postural instability-pilot study

Otta, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
Author's first name and surname: Jiří Otta, BA Title of the master thesis: Use of computer based exercise therapy in patients with Parkinson's disease. Comparation effectiveness of computer based exercise therapy and conventional therapy in parkinsonian pacients with postural instability-pilot study. Department: Department of Neurology 1st Faculty of Medicine and General teaching Hospital Supervisor: As. MUDr. Martina Hoskovcová Consultant: Mgr. Ondřej Čakrt, Ph.D. The year of presentation: 2013 Abstract Introduction: Stability and walking disorder is an important part of clinical image of Parkinson's disease (further only as PD) and another neurodegenerative diseases with Parkinson-syndrome aspects (further only as PS). Above all in the late PD - phases stability and walking disorders and falls resulting from them responsible for serious functional restrictions and they can lead up to a self - sufficiency decreasing. In the clinical application for patients with PD are so far ordinarily accepted as a standard the guidelines Clinical Practice Guidelines - KNGF (Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie - Royal Hollandian Physiotherapeutical Societies). In these days there are appearing new, unconvenional methods in rehabilitation (further only as RHB) of stability disorder and falls in patients...

Mimoškolní aktivity dětí a mládeže s poruchami autistického spektra / Extracurricular activities for children and youth with autism spectrum disorders

Novotná, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
Diplomová práce seznamuje s jednotlivými symptomy a typy pervazivních vývojových poruch. Předkládá možnosti využití široké škály různých přístupů či programů při práci s těmito žáky. Věnuje se hře ve spojení s poruchami autistického spektra a s využitím volného času v rámci školy, rodiny či projektu. Práce nastiňuje jednotlivá úskalí mimoškolních aktivit dětí a mládeže s poruchami autistického spektra. Zdůrazňuje, jakou významnou pozici mimoškolní aktivity v životě dětí a mládeže zastupují a jak důležité jsou pro všestranný rozvoj. Dále mapuje volnočasové aktivity, kterým se věnují děti a mládež s poruchami autistického spektra v rámci rodiny, školy a nejrůznějších projektů. Nedílnou součástí mimoškolních činností se stává hra, kterou lze využít jako jednu z možných forem práce s dětmi a mládeží s poruchami autistického spektra. Volný čas a hra se také prolíná návrhem projektu, který je součástí diplomové práce. Projekt nese název: "Společná škola v přírodě".

Příprava učitelů na integraci dětí s poruchou autistického spektra do běžné základní školy / Preparing the teachers for the integration of the children with autistic spektrum disorders into regular primary school

Krejčová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
The diploma with title Preparing the teachers for the integration of the children with autistic spektrum disorders into regular primary school aims in its theoretical part acquaint the reader with the concept of autistic spectrum disorders, the classification and individual characteristics closer disorders. It provides an overview of suitable approaches, forms and methods of work with these children, educational opportunities and further aims at integration into mainstream schools. In its research section it aims to penetrate deeper into the issue of preparing teachers to integrate pupils with autism and a description of its subsequent course. Based on qualitative research methods, namely semi-structured interviews and document research presents a collection of opinions, attitudes, experiences, recommendations and advice on how to integrate teachers and school principals, as well as opinions and attitudes of teachers who don't have experience with integration. The results of the investigation could be a base for further research of a quantitative nature.

Dítě s autismem v mateřské škole v kontextu inkluzivního vzdělávání / Child with autism in the context of inclusive education

Hilmarová, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of inclusion of children with autism in pre-school education. It describes the concept of autism and its specificities, which can be significantly manifested in the inclusion of children in joint education up to the age of six. It points to the potential pitfalls that can arise in education and training. It explains concepts related to autistic spectrum disorders and discusses in detail the triad of impairments and related issues based on expert opinions. The thesis also shows different approaches and proven procedures for working with children with autism not only in kindergarten, but also for practice in the family. It describes different cognitive styles and other specifics that may arise in connection with autistic spectrum disorders and have a major impact on the child and his surroundings. It also includes personal examples from practice that illustrate the complexity and diversity of working with children with autistic spectrum disorder in kindergarten. In the second part of this work a case study is described, which can also serve as an example of good practice. It describes the class attended by two boys with autism. Part of the case study and a description of the climate detection program in the classroom designed for preschool children. This is...

Strukturované učení ve školní praxi a jeho využití při vzdělávání dětí s poruchou autistického spektra / Structured Teaching in School Practice and its Use in the Education of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders

Pavlištíková, Alena January 2019 (has links)
The thesis presents structured teaching and its use in classes where children with autism spectrum disorder are educated. The research focuses on how teachers apply the principles of structured learning in the education of individual pupils. Our intention is to link research to practice. We have chosen a qualitative survey to go into the depth of the chosen issue. We start from analyzes of interviews with pedagogical staff. We want to clarify what are the advantages and disadvantages of this method. We are interested in why pedagogical staff recommend structured learning for children with ASDs to teachers, assistants and parents. We want to pass on the research experience to other teachers for further use in their daily practice. KEYWORDS Autism spectrum disorder, structured teaching, individual approach, education, classroom

Obsedantně - kompulzivní porucha v praxi sociální práce / Obsessive - Compulsive Disorder in Social Work Practice

Hudcová, Josefina January 2019 (has links)
9 Summary This thesis deals with obsessive-compulsive disorder in connection with the practice of social work. It draws attention to numerous problems of anxiety disorders in society, risk factors for the development of anxiety disorders and risks in the social sphere. It also analyzes in detail obsessions, compulsions, manifestations and diagnosing of OCD and, last but not least, the practice of social work with the obsessive-compulsive disorder. Social work with people suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder may be more challenging overall, requiring increased patience, knowledge of social workers, and the ability to use some important methods. The same importance is dedicated to managing clients to refer to follow-up professional help. People with OCD deserve support from experts and acceptance by the public, which is also a reason why it is so important to have knowledge of obsessive-compulsive disorder and do not underestimate this issue..

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