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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estimating the Cost of Mining Pollution on Water Resources: Parametric and Nonparametric Resources / Aproximando el costo de la contaminación minera sobre los recursos hídricos: metodologías paramétricas y no paramétricas

Herrera Catalán, Pedro, Millones, Oscar 10 April 2018 (has links)
This study estimates the economic costs of mining pollution on water resources for the years 2008 and 2009 based on the conceptual framework of Environmental Efficiency. This framework identifies such costs as the mining companies’ trade-off between increasing production that is saleable at market prices (desirable output) and reducing the environmental pollution that emerges from the production process (undesirable output). These economic costs were calculated from parametric and non parametric production possibility frontiers for 28 and 37 mining units in 2008 and 2009, respectively, which were under the purview of the National Campaign for Environmental Monitoring of Effluent and Water Resources, conducted by the Energy and Mining Investment Supervisory Agency (Osinergmin) in those years. The results show that the economic cost of mining pollution on water resources rose to U.S. $ 814.7 million and U.S. $ 448.8 million for 2008 and 2009, respectively. These economic costs were highly concentrated in a few mining units, within a few pollution parameters, and were also higher in mining units with average/low mineral production. Taking into consideration that at present the fine and penalty system in the mining sector is based on administrative criteria, this study proposes a System of Environmentally Efficient Sanctions based on economic criteria so as to establish a preventive mechanism for pollution. It is hoped that this mechanism will generate the necessary incentives for mining companies to address the negative externalities that emerge from their production process. / En este estudio se aproximan los costos económicos de la contaminación ambiental minera sobre los recursos hídricos para 2008 y 2009 en el marco conceptual de la Eficiencia Medioambiental, que interpreta dichos costos como el trade-off de los empresarios mineros entre incrementar su producción que es vendible a precios de mercado (output deseable) yreducir la contaminación ambiental que se desprende de su proceso productivo (output no deseable). Dichos costos económicos fueron calculados a partir de fronteras de posibilidades de producción paramétricas y no paramétricas para 28 y 37 unidades mineras en los años 2008 y 2009 respectivamente, las que estuvieron bajo el ámbito de la Campaña Nacional deMonitoreo Ambiental de Efluentes y Recursos Hídricos que realizó el Organismo Supervisor de Inversión Energía y Minería (Osinergmin) en dichos años. Los resultados indican que los costos económicos de la contaminación ambiental minera sobre los recursos hídricos ascendieron, en promedio, para los años 2008 y 2009, a US$ 814,7 millones,y US$ 448,8 millones, respectivamente. Dichos costos estuvieron altamente concentrados en pocas unidades productivas, así como en pocos parámetros de contaminación, y fueron mayores en unidades mineras con producción media/baja de minerales. Dado que en la actualidad el sistema de multas y sanciones en el sector minero se basa en criterios administrativos, el estudio propone un Sistema de Sanciones Ambientalmente Eficiente basado en criterios económicos

Worlds and strings: ontology and epistemology in fundamental physics / Mundos e cordas: ontologia e epistemologia em física fundamental

Diana Taschetto 06 February 2018 (has links)
This work is divided into two major topics: many-worlds (or multiverse) theories in cosmology and Richard Dawids string theory-based epistemology, or non-empirical confirmation theory, as he calls it. The former is discussed in part I and the latter in part II of this dissertation. These topics are not intertwined in this work, as are not the essays that compose each chapter: in part I, first chapter, probability arguments that are presented in the literature as indications a multiverse must exist are accessed, whereas the second chapter is concerned with analyzing the metaphysical view that motivates many-world theory building, namely, the need to find unconditioned explanations in physics. Non-empirical confirmation theory is built upon three arguments, the No Alternatives Argument, the Meta-Inductive Argument from the Success of Other Theories in the Research Program and the Unexpected Explanatory Coherence Argument. Each compose a chapter in part II of this work, as they encode different philosophical issues that require for their assessment different tools from the philosophers arsenal. Skeptical conclusions are drawn at the end of each chapter. The wide spectrum of questions this work touches are designed to give at least slight indication that critical exploration of foundational theories made upon grounds familiar to philosophers can be found as internal to scientific practice itself, if that practice is concerned with the discovery, refinement and revision of fundamental theories. / Este trabalho divide-se em dois grandes tópicos: teorias de muitos mundos (ou multiverso) em cosmologia e a epistemologia não-empírica, embasada na teoria das cordas, de Richard Dawid. O primeiro é discutido na parte I e o segundo compõe a parte II deste trabalho. Tais tópicos não estão ligados, e a problemática desenvolvida em cada capítulo deste trabalho é, em larga medida, independente das demais: no primeiro capítulo da parte I argumentos probabilísticos indicados a literatura em prol da existência de muitos mundos são analisados, enquanto no segundo capítulo os pressupostos metafísicos que motivam a construção de teorias de muitos mundos em cosmologia, a saber, o fundamentalismo que busca explicações não-condicionadas para os fenômenos com os quais lida a física, são discutidos. A teoria da confirmação não-empírica de Dawid, tema da segunda parte deste trabalho, tem por base três argumentos, a saber, o argumento das alternativas inexistentes, o argumento meta-indutivo do sucesso de outras teorias no programa de pesquisa e o argumento da coerência explanatória inesperada. Cada um destes argumentos é tema de um capítulo neste trabalho, posto que desvelam problemáticas filosóficas distintas que requerem, por sua natureza, ferramentas de análise diferentes. Conclusões céticas são indicadas ao final de cada capítulo. O amplo espectro de questões que aborda este trabalho é desenhado com o propósito de fornecer ao menos vaga indicação de que a exploração crítica de teorias fundamentais, levadas a cabo a partir de vieses familiares ao filósofo, pode ser vista como interna à própria prática científica, se esta prática é preocupada com a descoberta, refinamento e revisão de teorias fundamentais.

O 'habitus' e o monge: uma análise das contradições das concepções de bons professores de inglês como língua estrangeira.

Sullivan Silk Pouza 16 April 2002 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo principal a análise e a discussão das contradições das concepções de bons professores de Inglês como língua estrangeira. Para tanto, realizamos uma pesquisa em que procedemos à coleta de dados, constituídos de observações de aulas de Língua Inglesa (18 horas) e entrevistas com alunos, professores e diretores (20 horas) de duas escolas públicas da grande São Paulo. O quadro teórico-metodológico que fundamenta nosso estudo é baseado na perspectiva etnográfica de pesquisa aplicada à sala de aula, a qual ressalta, principalmente, os aspectos intersubjetivo e ideológico que estruturam os fenômenos sociais. Abordamos, igualmente, o conceito de habitus pedagógico elaborado por Bourdieu e Passeron a fim de investigarmos a nossa hipótese, a saber: como concepções heterogêneas e conflitantes de bons professores de Inglês como língua estrangeira emergem das experiências dos sujeitos que compõem as comunidades escolares estudadas. Dado o caráter instável e conflitante do habitus pedagógico, concluímos que não há evidências de uma interpretação monolítica que possam ser depreendidas dos repertórios discursivos dos alunos, professores e diretores das comunidades escolares. Concluímos, também, a partir das críticas e das re-visões do conceito de habitus, que as questões relacionadas às mudanças sociais e à democracia na educação devem ser entendidas fora da imobilidade social apregoada pelo conceito de habitus, tornando-se necessário ir além dos preceitos difundidos pelas perspectivas reprodutivistas em educação. Propomos esse deslocamento levando em conta os pressupostos da pedagogia crítica e da possibilidade, os quais vislumbram uma conscientização mais democrática e transformadora do processo de ensino/aprendizagem no ensino público. / The main purpose of the present dissertation is the analysis and discussion of the contradictory conceptions of good teachers of English as a foreign language. To carry this study out, we focused on the data research analysis which is based on English Language classes observation (18 hours) and interviews with students, teachers and school directors (20 hours) from two state school communities in the greater São Paulo region. Our theoretical and methodological framework includes the ethnographic research perspective and attitude applied to the classroom which postulates principally the inter subjective and ideological character of social phenomena. The concept of pedagogical habitus proposed by Bourdieu and Passeron is put forward in order to investigate our hypothesis, namely, how heterogeneous and conflicting good teachers of English conceptions emerged from the subjects experiences which shape the investigated pedagogical cultural loci. On account of the unstable and conflicting character of the pedagogical habitus, we reach the conclusion that neither a safe ground nor a monolithic interpretation can be visualized in students, teachers and school directors discourse repertoires. It is concluded, through the questioning and re-vision of the habitus concept, that issues of social changes and democracy in education has to be understood out of the social immobility which the habitus concept suggests; furthermore, it is relevant to go beyond the educational reproductive perspectives assumptions as well. Consequently, we propose such a dislocation taking into account the critical and possibility pedagogies insights as a wider response to a more democratic and transformative public schooling education consciousness.

Paradoxos da democracia : um estudo sobre normatividade e possibilidade no campo da gestão democrática do ensino público

Mousquer, Maria Elizabete Londero January 2003 (has links)
O estudo teve como propósito estabelecer uma ressignificação no que diz respeito às relações entre a democracia e as práticas educativas, tendo como foco a gestão democrática do ensino público, no Rio Grande do Sul. Parte da noção de que o Projeto da Modernidade assentava-se em promessas e possibilidades de libertação individual e coletiva que foram reduzidas quando sua trajetória enredou-se no caminho do desenvolvimento do capitalismo. Em decorrência, a racionalidade moderna preocupou-se com a instrumentalização e o controle das demandas sociais, e os sistemas de ensino curvaram-se aos ditames da racionalidade cognitivo-instrumental, adequando-se a novas formas de organização de poder e aos modelos do sistema econômico. Ao longo do processo histórico mais recente, a gestão da educação tem sido vista como um gerenciamento da ação coletiva com base no instituído, uma aplicação de uma determinação legal, em que predomina o distanciamento dialógico, provocando uma interação distorcida nas representações coletivas, produzindo efeitos negativos socialmente desintegradores. A partir dessa problemática, objetivou-se refletir sobre o complexo fenômeno da "gestão democrática", instituída pela Constituição Federal de 1988 e pela LDB nº 9394/96, como "Gestão Democrática do Ensino Público". Para melhor dar conta do que este fenômeno produz e os significados que se articulam, foi eleito o tema da democracia em sua produção de significados no campo empírico escolhido. A pesquisa apresenta de forma sucinta, o percurso de definição e concretização da gestão democrática no sistema estadual do Rio Grande do Sul. Apresenta informações sobre a legislação e normas, os programas e as visões institucionais encaminhadas às escolas, pelas instâncias executiva, legislativa e normativa, referentes ao tema, a partir da Lei nº. 10.576/95 que dispõe sobre a Gestão Democrática do Ensino Público no RS. Concentra atenção na trajetória de discursos governamentais de Antônio Britto - gestão 1995-1998 e Olívio Dutra - gestão 1999-2002 A investigação é concentrada na análise e interpretação das categorias normatividade e possibilidade no campo da legislação sobre a gestão do ensino, onde se discutem as tensões que atravessam a proposta de um processo emancipatório. A partir daí procurou-se apresentar as possibilidades de uma gestão cosmopolita fundada a partir da proposta de Boaventura de Souza Santos sobre o paradigma emergente, através dos procedimentos da sociologia das ausências e a sociologia das emergências, no sentido de expandir as experiências sociais disponíveis e as experiências possíveis, com vistas ao desenvolvimento de uma educação democrática de alta intensidade. Ao se fazer uma crítica ao modelo de racionalidade ocidental, permite-se desenvolver novas experiências educativas e, ao mesmo tempo, aproveitar às existentes, confrontando-as com as hegemônicas com vistas ao desvelamento das diferentes racionalidades presentes nas políticas públicas educacionais, apontando para a possibilidade de redimensionamento do campo educativo, principalmente no que diz respeito a ressignificação do conceito de gestão e democracia. A proposta de uma razão cosmopolita permite o aflorar de novas dinâmicas sociais capaz de oferecer uma alternativa credível ao capitalismo. / The following study aimed at establishing a remaining as far as relations between democracy and educational practices are concerned, having the public teaching democratic management in Rio Grande do Sul as the central point. It starts from the idea that the Modernity Project laid on promises and possibilities of individual and collective liberation that were reduced when its trajectory became entangled in the path of capitalism development. As a result, modern rationality engaged in the instrumentation and control of social demands, and teaching systems submitted to the principles of the social-cognitive rationality, adapting to the new forms of power organization and to the patterns of economic system. Considering the most recent historical process, education management has been seen as the management of a collective action based on what was established, the application of a legal determination, in which the dialogical distance prevails, provoking a distasted interaction in collective representations, producing socially disintegration negative effects. Taking this problematic into account, the reflexion on the complex phenomenon of the "democratic management", instituted by the Federal Constitution of 1988 and by LDB n. 9394/96, as "Public Teaching Democratic Management", was thought. For a better account of what this phenomenon produces and the meaning that are articulated, it was chosen the theme of democracy in its production meanings in the chosen empirical field. In a concise way the research presents the route of definition and accomplishment of the democratic management in the system of Rio Grande do Sul state. It presents information about the legislation and principles, the programs and institutional views sent to schools, by the executive, legislative and normative instances referring the theme, from law n. 10.576/95 which talks about the Public Teaching Democratic Management in RS. It concentrates its attention in the set of Antônio Brito's governmental speeches - management 1995-1998 and Olívio Dutra's management 1999-2002. The investigation concentrates on the analysis and interpretation of de normative categories and possibilities in the field of legislation on teaching management, where the tensions in which the proposal of an emancipation process go through, are discussed. This way we tried to present the possibilities of a cosmopolitan management based on Boaventura de Souza Santos' proposal on the emergent paradigm, though the procedures of absence sociology and emergency sociology, in the sense of expanding available social experiences and possible experiences, bearing in mind the development of a democratic education of high intensity. In reviewing the western rationality pattern, it is allowed to develop new educational experiences and, at the same time, make use of the existing ones, confronting them with the hegemonic ones aiming at disclosing different rationalities present at the educational public policies, pointing towards the possibility of dimensioning the educational field again, mainly regarding the remaining of the management and democracy concept. The proposal of a cosmopolitan reason allows the flourishing of new social dynamics capable of offering a credible alternative to capitalism. / El estudio tuvo el propósito de establecer una nueva significación en lo que dice respecto a las relaciones entre la democracia y las prácticas educacionales, centrándose en la gestión democrática de la enseñanza pública, en Rio Grande del Sur. Esa gestión se basa en la noción de que el Proyecto de la Modernidad se asentaba en promesas y posibilidades de libertación individual y colectiva que fueron reducidas cuando su trayectoria se envolvió en el camino del desarollo del capitalismo. Por consecuencia la racionalidad moderna se preocupó con la instrumentalización y el control de las demandas sociales y los sistemas de enseñanza se sometieron a los pareceres de la racionalidad cognitivo instrumental, adecuándose a las nuevas formas de organización del poder y los modelos del sistema económico. A lo largo del proceso histórico más reciente, la gestión de la educación tiene sido vista como un gerenciamento de la acción colectiva basada en la intención, una aplicación de una determinación legal, en la que predomine el distanciamento del dialogo, produciendo una interaccón distorcida en las representaciones colectivas, creando efectos negativos socialmente desintegradores. Desde esa problemática se pretendió refletir sobre el complejo fenómeno de la "Administración Democrática", establecida por la Constitución Federal de 1988 y por la LDB n° 9394/96 como "Gestión Democrática de la Enseñanza Pública". Para mejor esclarecer sobre lo que este fenómeno produce y los significados que se articulam, fue electo el tema de la democracia en sua producción de significados en el campo empírico elegido. La pesquisa presenta de forma resumida, el trayecto de definición y concretización de la administración democrática en el sistema estadual de Rio Grande del Sur. Presenta informaciones sobre la legislación y normas, los programas y las visiones institucionales encaminadas a las escuelas, por las instancias ejecutivas, legislativa y normativa, referentes al tema, a contar de la ley n°10.576/95 que dispone sobre la Gestión Democrática de la Enseñanza Pública en RS. Concentra atención en la trayectoria de discursos governamentales de Antonio Britto - gestión 1995-1998 y Olivio Dutra - gestión 1999-2002. La invetigación es concentrada en el análisis y interpretaciones de las categorias normatividad y posibilidad en el campo de legislación sobre la administración de la enseñanza, donde se discutem las tenciones que atraviesan la propuesta de un proceso de emancipación. Desde entonces se buscó presentar las posibilidades de una gestión cosmopolita fundada desde la propuesta de Boaventura de Souza Santos sobre el paradigma emergente, através de los procedimentos de la sociologia de las ausencias y a la sociologia de las emergencias, en el sentido de expandir las experiencias sociales disponibles y las experiencias posibles, con vistas al desarollo de una educación democrática de alta intensidad. Haciéndose una crítica al modelo de racionalidad ocidental, es posible desarrollar nuevas experiencias educativas, apuntando para la posibilidad de redimencionamiento del campo educativo, principalmente en lo que dice respecto a la nueva significación del concepto de gestión y democracia. La propuesta de una razón cosmopolita permite el afloramiento de nuevas dinámicas sociales capaces de ofrecer una alternativa confiable al capitalismo.

Posouzení neúspěchu podnikání začínající OSVČ / Business failure appraisal of beginning enterpriser

Formánková, Helena January 2008 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is defined factors that influenced procces of business, especially start-up phases. Activity of concrete enterpriser is on example of most frequent mistakes and deficiencies. At the same time there are specified facts, when an enterpriser underestimates incurred situations and ignores them. That can be cause of business activity abortion.

La notion de puissance : les équivalents latins du grec dynamis / The notion of potency (power, potentiality…) : the Latin equivalents of the Greek word dynamis

Lecaudé, Peggy 11 December 2010 (has links)
Le mot dynamis est un terme fondamental dans la pensée grecque, non seulement en philosophie, où il prend une importance singulière à partir d’Aristote, mais aussi en médecine, en sciences de la nature ou en mathématiques. La présente étude s’attache à mettre en évidence les équivalents de traduction que lui ont assignés les traducteurs et les auteurs latins, à l’époque classique et en latin tardif ou médiéval, selon une double approche. En premier lieu, il s’agit, dans une perspective onomasiologique d’identifier les modes d’apparition de dynamis et des mots de sa famille dans un choix de textes latins, des comédies de Plaute jusqu’aux traductions boéciennes de l’Organon d’Aristote : l’emprunt de signifiant, le néologisme formel, la transposition ou, le cas le plus fréquent, la traduction proprement dite. Puis, dans une approche sémasiologique, il s’agit de mesurer l’impact de la traduction du grec sur un ensemble lexical latin constitué des noms employés le plus fréquemment pour traduire dynamis, à savoir potestas « possibilité, pouvoir », potentia « puissance », uis « force, violence » et uirtus « valeur, qualité, vertu ». Les emplois de ces mots sont étudiés dans un corpus constitué de textes littéraires et de textes spécialisés dans les domaines de la connaissance susdits, où l’on cherche à savoir s’ils ont fait l’objet d’un calque sémantique à partir du grec dynamis. L’étude a ainsi pour but de reconstruire un moment de l’histoire de la notion grecque, celui de sa « conversion » en latin, moment déterminant pour son expression dans les langues modernes par fr. puissance, potentialité, vertu, virtualité, angl. potency, potentiality, virtue, virtuality, etc. / Dynamis is a key word in the Greek thought, not only in philosophy, in which it has assumed a particular significance since Aristotle, but also in medicine, the natural sciences and mathematics. The present work aims to present the translation equivalents adopted by the Latin authors and translators in classical antiquity and in late or medieval Latin, according to a twofold approach. First, from an onomasiological perspective, we try to identify and analyse the different ways dynamis (as well as the words semantically connected to it) appears in a corpus of Latin texts, from Plautus’ comedies to Boethius’ translation of Aristotle’s Organon : as a loan word, a formal neologism, a transposition or, as in most cases, a translation. Second, from a semasiological perspective, we focus on the impact of the translation from Greek on a lexical group made of Latin words frequently used to translate dynamis, namely potestas (“possibility, power”), potentia (“potentiality, potency”), uis (“strength, violence”) and uirtus (“value, quality, virtue”). The uses of these words in a corpus of literary and scientific texts are examined, and the question is raised of how far they may be considered as semantic calques from the Greek term dynamis. The work thus aims to reconstruct a moment in the history of the Greek notion : that of its “conversion” into Latin, which was decisive for its expression in modern languages, in French as puissance, potentialité, vertu, virtualité, etc., in English as potency, potentiality, virtue, virtuality, etc.

Analýza nejvyššího a nejlepšího využití domu služeb v Brně-Kohoutovicích / Analysis of the highest and best use of a public services building in Brno-Kohoutovice

Marek, Aleš January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the less used method of valuation of assets. It is an analysis of the highest and best use (HABU). The theoretical part of this thesis presents the basic law governing the valuation of assets, there are also explained the basic concepts and discribes the analysis of the highest and best use method. The practical part of the access method of valuation applied to a particular case.

CARS-Un système multi-agent pour la prise de décision dans des applications spatiotemporelles incertaines / CARS - A multi-agent framework to support the decision making in uncertain spatio-temporal real-world applications

Ben othmane, Amel 12 October 2017 (has links)
Récemment, plusieurs applications, dans lesquelles différentes entités interagissent dans un environnement dynamique, soulignent l’intérêt de l’utilisation des architectures multi-agents. Ces architectures offrent, dans ce cadre, un certain nombre d’avantages, tels que l’autonomie, la réactivité et la capacité de prise de décision. Elles manquent cependant de capacité sociale et de connaissances sur son environnement, notamment lorsqu’il s’agit d’un environnement dynamique. En effet, quand un agent interagit avec le monde réel, il doit prendre en compte les évènements qui peuvent survenir tout en considérant centaines contraintes telles que le temps et l’espace. En outre, les agents doivent faire face à l’incertitude liée aux applications réelles afin de fournir une représentation fidèle du monde réel. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous proposons un modèle formel de recommandation des plans qui améliore le processus de prise de décision des agents dans un environnement spatio-temporel et incertain. Pour formaliser les comportements cognitifs des agents dans notre système nommé CARS, en anglais ``Cognitive Agent-based Recommender System '', nous avons étendu l’architecture BDI qui se base sur le modèle `` Croyance-Désir-Intention'' pour prendre en compte les différents contextes liés à des applications réelles en particulier le contexte social. Par ailleurs, nous avons également utilisé la théorie possibiliste afin de considérer l’incertitude dans l’état motivationnel d’un agent (c’est à dire ses croyances, désirs, objectifs ou intentions). Pour répondre aux besoins des applications réelles, tels que les systèmes de recommandation relatives au trafic et navigation, nous proposons une représentation spatiotemporelle des croyances et des intentions d’un agent. Cette représentation permettra l’anticipation de certaines intentions, de manière à recommander un plan qui sera optimal pour un utilisateur. Compte tenu l’incomplétude/l’imprécision liée aux données spatiotemporelles, nous avons étendu le modèle proposé pour raisonner avec des croyances et intentions floues. Une évaluation du modèle proposé a été menée en utilisant une simulation multi-agent, dans un scenario réel de circulation routière. Cette simulation a offert un environnement virtuel qui a mis en lumière, après avoir testé les différentes fonctionnalités du modèle, les principaux points forts ainsi que leslacunes liées à l’architecture multi-agents proposée. / Recently, many real-world applications where different entities interact in a dynamic environment, consider the use of agents in their architectures due principally to their autonomy, reactivity and decision-making abilities. Though these systems can be made intelligent, using Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, agents still lack of social abilities and have limited knowledge of their environment and in particular when it comes to a dynamic environment. In fact, when operating in the real world, agents need to deal with unexpected events considering both changes in time and space. Moreover, agents must face the uncertainty, which pervades real-world scenarios in order to provide an accurate representation of the world. In this thesis, we introduce and evaluate a formal framework for recommending plans to agents in the decision making process, when they deal with uncertain spatio-temporal information. The agent-based architecture we propose to address this issue, called CARS (Cognitive Agent-based Recommender System), has been designed by extending the well-known Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) architecture to incorporate further capabilities to support reasoning with different types of contextual information, including the social context. Uncertainty on the agent's beliefs, desires and intentions is modeled using possibility theory. To meet the requirements of real-world applications, e.g., traffic and navigation recommendation systems, we define a spatio-temporal representation of the agents' beliefs and intentions. Using such a formal framework, anticipatory reasoning about intentional dynamics can be performed with the aim to recommend an optimal plan to a certain user. Since spatio-temporal data is often considered as incomplete and/or vague, we extended the formal framework with a fuzzy representation of spatio-temporal beliefs and intentions. The framework is evaluated through an Agent Based Simulation (ABS) in a real-world traffic scenario. This ABS allowed us to create a virtual environment to test the impact of the different features of our framework as well as to evaluating the main strengths and weaknesses of the proposed agent architecture.

Využití vybraných metod umělé inteligence pro nalezení malých povodí nejvíce ohrožených povodněmi z přívalových dešťů / Use of selected artificial intelligence methods for finding small watersheds most at risk of flash floods

Ježík, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
In our region, heavy rains may occur virtually everywhere. Nowadays there are instruments to predict these events in sufficient advance, but without precise localisation, which is a problem. Present instruments for searching endangered watersheds are focused on operative evaluation of meteorological situation and actual precipitation forecast processing (nowcasting). The thesis brings quite different approach. Potentially endangered areas are detected with evaluation of long-term statistical variables (N-year discharges and rain characteristics) and properties of specific watershed. The whole issue is handled out of situation of actual danger, this attitude is so called off-line solution. The thesis describes a model based on selected artificial intelligence methods. The model forms the core of final map application. The use of model and final application is supposed to be used in area of preventive flood protection, and related investment decision-making. The model focuses on heavy rains and flash floods.

On the serious social implications of humorous art

Van Tonder, Anna Magrieta 31 January 2007 (has links)
Modern humour appears to initiate the deconstruction of modern correspondence thinking. A close examination shows the opposite, namely that modern humour forms part of correspondence thought in a complicated reciprocal relationship of disruption and support. Ironically, humour is particularly suited to explicating the deconstruction of correspondence thinking in poststructuralist language theories by being prone to refute cornerstone principles of modernism such as truth, rationality, reliability and permanence. This dissertation focuses on the exceptional suitability of humour to adapt to the loss of the centre and to demonstrate the shift from the modernist ontological approach to the postmodernist creative metaphorical approach to art. Humour, like metaphor, reinvents meaning rather than discovers it; it remains open-ended instead of offering closure. It becomes a valid creative option and enters a new dynamic into a postmodern culture of play where truth and meaning remain infinitely suspended in an ungrounded state of possibility. / Art History, Visual Arts & Music / M.A. (Visual Arts)

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