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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Guilhotina de Hume sob uma perspectiva ontológica do fenômeno normativo: a decisão como verdadeiro poder-ser do direito. / Hume\'s Guillotine under a ontological perspective of the normative phenomenon: the decision as the real may-be of the Law.

Rodrigues, Welson Haverton Lassali 14 April 2016 (has links)
Pode-se afirmar que a Guilhotina de Hume diz respeito a um conjunto de discussões filosóficas acerca da primazia do ser (Sein) ou do dever-ser (Sollen) ao se fundamentar enunciados de caráter normativo (e, consequentemente, sua validade e aplicação). O foco deste trabalho é analisar a Guilhotina de Hume sob a perspectiva da ontologia fenomenológica (existencial), em que a dicotomia entre dever-ser e ser será redirecionada, em função especificamente da análise ética e jurídica que será concluída, para a dicotomia necessidade/possibilidade, tal como proposta pela própria tradição filosófica ao tratar da análise das modalidades (ser-real/realidade, ser-possível/possibilidade e ser-necessário/necessidade). Inicialmente será mantido que as discussões em torno do dever-ser encontram-se usualmente imbuídas de uma narrativa totalmente dependente do ser-necessário, que na verdade não poderia ser usada para aqueles seres que podem ser diferentes do que são. Ao final será considerado como fundamento originário (Ur-sprung Ab-grund) do ser-jurídico o poder-ser existencial (liberdade), revelado que é através de decisões, dramáticas e quotidianas, que não se restringem às decisões de caráter técnico-sacerdotais. / One might put forward that the Humes Guillotine relates to a set of philosophical discussions about the primacy either of the being (Sein) or of the ought-to (Sollen) in order to ground normative propositions (and, eventually, their validity and enforcement). This work focuses on the analysis of the Humes Guillotine under the perspective of the phenomenological (existential) ontology, in which the dichotomy between the ought-to and the being will be redirected, specifically in light of the ethical and juridical analysis that will be carried out, to the dichotomy necessity/possibility, such as proposed by the philosophical tradition on examining the modalities (being-real/reality, being-possible/possibility and being-necessary/necessity). At the beginning it will be maintained that the discussions over the ought-to are usually embedded with a narrative totally dependent on the being-necessary, which in fact could not be applied to those beings that can be different from what they are. In the end, the existential may-be (freedom) will be considered as the original ground (Ur-sprung Ab-grund) of the being-legal, as reveled through dramatic and everyday decisions, which are not restricted to technical and sacerdotal ones.

Navigation visuelle de robots mobile dans un environnement d'intérieur. / Visual navigation of mobile robots in indoor environments.

Ghazouani, Haythem 12 December 2012 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse concernent le thème des fonctionnalités visuelles qu'il convient d'embarquer sur un robot mobile, afin qu'il puisse se déplacer dans son environnement. Plus précisément, ils ont trait aux méthodes de perception par vision stéréoscopique dense, de modélisation de l'environnement par grille d'occupation, et de suivi visuel d'objets, pour la navigation autonome d'un robot mobile dans un environnement d'intérieur. Il nous semble important que les méthodes de perception visuelle soient à la fois robustes et rapide. Alors que dans les travaux réalisés, on trouve les méthodes globales de mise en correspondance qui sont connues pour leur robustesse mais moins pour être employées dans les applications temps réel et les méthodes locales qui sont les plus adaptées au temps réel tout en manquant de précision. Pour cela, ce travail essaye de trouver un compromis entre robustesse et temps réel en présentant une méthode semi-locale, qui repose sur la définition des distributions de possibilités basées sur une formalisation floue des contraintes stéréoscopiques.Il nous semble aussi important qu'un robot puisse modéliser au mieux son environnement. Une modélisation fidèle à la réalité doit prendre en compte l'imprécision et l'incertitude. Ce travail présente une modélisation de l'environnement par grille d'occupation qui repose sur l'imprécision du capteur stéréoscopique. La mise à jour du modèle est basée aussi sur la définition de valeurs de crédibilité pour les mesures prises.Enfin, la perception et la modélisation de l'environnement ne sont pas des buts en soi mais des outils pour le robot pour assurer des tâches de haut niveau. Ce travail traite du suivi visuel d'un objet mobile comme tâche de haut niveau. / This work concerns visual functionalities to be embedded in a mobile robot for navigation purposes. More specifically, it relates to methods of dense stereoscopic vision based perception, grid occupancy based environment modeling and object tracking for autonomous navigation of mobile robots in indoor environments.We consider that is important for visual perception methods to be robust and fast. While in previous works, there are global stereo matching methods which are known for their robustness, but less likely to be employed in real-time applications. There are also local methods which are more suitable for real time but imprecise. To this aim, this work tries to find a compromise between robustness and real-time by proposing a semi-local method based on the definition of possibility distributions built around a fuzzy formalization of stereoscopic constraints.We consider also important for a mobile robot to better model its environment. To better fit a model to the reality we have to take uncertainty and inaccuracy into account. This work presents an occupancy grid environment modeling based on stereoscopic sensor inaccuracy.. Model updating relies on the definition of credibility values for the measures taken.Finally, perception and environment modeling are not goals but tools to provide robot high-level tasks. This work deals with visual tracking of a moving object such as high-level task.

Worlds and strings: ontology and epistemology in fundamental physics / Mundos e cordas: ontologia e epistemologia em física fundamental

Taschetto, Diana 06 February 2018 (has links)
This work is divided into two major topics: many-worlds (or multiverse) theories in cosmology and Richard Dawids string theory-based epistemology, or non-empirical confirmation theory, as he calls it. The former is discussed in part I and the latter in part II of this dissertation. These topics are not intertwined in this work, as are not the essays that compose each chapter: in part I, first chapter, probability arguments that are presented in the literature as indications a multiverse must exist are accessed, whereas the second chapter is concerned with analyzing the metaphysical view that motivates many-world theory building, namely, the need to find unconditioned explanations in physics. Non-empirical confirmation theory is built upon three arguments, the No Alternatives Argument, the Meta-Inductive Argument from the Success of Other Theories in the Research Program and the Unexpected Explanatory Coherence Argument. Each compose a chapter in part II of this work, as they encode different philosophical issues that require for their assessment different tools from the philosophers arsenal. Skeptical conclusions are drawn at the end of each chapter. The wide spectrum of questions this work touches are designed to give at least slight indication that critical exploration of foundational theories made upon grounds familiar to philosophers can be found as internal to scientific practice itself, if that practice is concerned with the discovery, refinement and revision of fundamental theories. / Este trabalho divide-se em dois grandes tópicos: teorias de muitos mundos (ou multiverso) em cosmologia e a epistemologia não-empírica, embasada na teoria das cordas, de Richard Dawid. O primeiro é discutido na parte I e o segundo compõe a parte II deste trabalho. Tais tópicos não estão ligados, e a problemática desenvolvida em cada capítulo deste trabalho é, em larga medida, independente das demais: no primeiro capítulo da parte I argumentos probabilísticos indicados a literatura em prol da existência de muitos mundos são analisados, enquanto no segundo capítulo os pressupostos metafísicos que motivam a construção de teorias de muitos mundos em cosmologia, a saber, o fundamentalismo que busca explicações não-condicionadas para os fenômenos com os quais lida a física, são discutidos. A teoria da confirmação não-empírica de Dawid, tema da segunda parte deste trabalho, tem por base três argumentos, a saber, o argumento das alternativas inexistentes, o argumento meta-indutivo do sucesso de outras teorias no programa de pesquisa e o argumento da coerência explanatória inesperada. Cada um destes argumentos é tema de um capítulo neste trabalho, posto que desvelam problemáticas filosóficas distintas que requerem, por sua natureza, ferramentas de análise diferentes. Conclusões céticas são indicadas ao final de cada capítulo. O amplo espectro de questões que aborda este trabalho é desenhado com o propósito de fornecer ao menos vaga indicação de que a exploração crítica de teorias fundamentais, levadas a cabo a partir de vieses familiares ao filósofo, pode ser vista como interna à própria prática científica, se esta prática é preocupada com a descoberta, refinamento e revisão de teorias fundamentais.

As medidas socioeducativas, as remissões e a justiça restaurativa: estudo propositivo à Vara da Infância e Juventude da Comarca de Gurupi

Pinto, Edmilda Pereira 17 April 2017 (has links)
Trata-se de um estudo que visa evidenciar a validade da aplicação da remissão por meio da adoção de práticas restaurativas ao sinalizar a sua viabilidade para uma maior efetividade na aplicação de medidas socioeducativas no Tocantins, em especial, na Vara da Infância e Juventude da Comarca de Gurupi. A presente pesquisa recorre ao Estudo de Caso para enfrentar o desafio de investigar os índices de reincidência dos adolescentes em conflito com lei, na Comarca de Gurupi, inclusive, avaliando os recursos humanos, técnicos e as condições institucionais para viabilizar a implantação de práticas restaurativas no município. A pesquisa confirma, mais uma vez, que ato infracional juvenil está profundamente associado à desigualdade social, ao não exercício da cidadania e à ausência de políticas sociais básicas supletivas e de proteção. Ademais, a maioria dos alvos preferenciais dos atos infracionais praticados tem como principal cenário o tráfico de drogas e desdobramento no crime contra o patrimônio público. Outro ponto que merece destaque é o alto índice de reiteração de práticas infracionais cometidas por adolescentes, entre 14 e 17 anos de idade. Malgrado o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente assevera sobre a adoção de imposição de tratamento para os adolescentes envolvidos em atos infracionais, tendo como foco principal à reinserção social do indivíduo. Entretanto, na prática nota-se a recidiva em fato danoso. Neste contexto, a Justiça Restaurativa surge como um novo modelo de resolução de conflito, com o intuito de evitar a reincidência da conduta infracional do adolescente em conflito com a lei. Nessa linha, o Conselho Nacional de Justiça instrumentaliza a prática da Justiça Restaurativa com a Resolução nº 225/2016 para aplicação imediata nos tribunais de justiça de todo país. Para tanto, a formação e capacitação compete aos tribunais, por meio das Escolas Judiciais e Escolas da Magistratura promovendo cursos de capacitação, treinamento e aperfeiçoamento de facilitadores em Justiça Restaurativa. Conclui-se a partir da investigação ser urgente e possível a aplicação da Justiça Restaurativa no âmbito do Juizado Especial da Infância e Juventude da Comarca de Gurupi em todas as fases do processo, tendo em vista as características dos atos infracionais, a redução de danos e o favorecimento da paz social / It is a case study that aims to present the models proposed by the Restorative Justice as a possibility for a greater effectiveness in the application of socio-educational measures in the Rod of Childhood and Youth of the Gurupi-TO Region. The methodology used was a case study on the recidivism rates of adolescents in conflict with the law, with the purpose of verifying the feasibility of the models proposed by restorative justice to the effectiveness of the socio-educational sentences in the Comarca of Gurupi-TO. It was verified that juvenile infraction act is the social inequality, the non-exercise of citizenship and the absence of basic social policies and protection implemented by the State. In addition, most of the preferential targets of the infraction acts practiced are crimes drug trafficking and crimes against public patrimony. Another point that deserves to be highlighted is the high rate of repetition of infractional practices committed by adolescents, who are mostly between 14 and 27 years of age. Malgrado the Statute of the Child and Adolescent affirms on the adoption of treatment imposition for the adolescents involved in infractional acts, having as main focus the social reintegration of the individual, in practice it is noted the recurrence in harmful fact. In this context, Restorative Justice appears as a new model of conflict resolution, with the purpose of avoiding the recidivism of the juvenile infraction behavior in conflict with the law. In this line, the National Council of Justice instrumented the practice of Restorative Justice with Resolution 225/2016 for immediate application in the courts of justice of every country. To this end, training and capacity-building is the responsibility of the courts, through the Judicial Schools and Magistracy Schools, promoting training courses, training and improvement of facilitators in Restorative Justice. It is concluded that it is possible to apply Restorative Justice in the scope of the Special Court of Children and Youth of the Gurupi-TO Comarca in all phases of the proceedings, with a view to reducing harm and favoring social peace.

Modélisation et utilisation de ressources et services Web et indexation de données dans un contexte d’incertitude / Management approach of services, web resources and indexing in a context of uncertainties

Omri, Asma 30 August 2018 (has links)
Il est communément admis que la production de données connait, depuis plusieurs années, un développement spectaculaire en raison de la multiplication des nouvelles technologies telles que les réseaux sociaux, les nouveaux appareils mobiles, les compteurs intelligents, les capteurs et le cloud computing. De fait, cette explosion de données devrait se poursuivre et même accélérer. S'interroger sur la façon dont on devrait traiter cette masse de qui devient de plus en plus variée, complexe et moins structurée, est alors essentiel. DaaS ( Data As A Service) peut être définie comme l'approvisionnement, la gestion et la fourniture de données présentées dans un format immédiatement consommable aux utilisateurs professionnels des organisations en tant que service. Les données retournées par ces services se caractérisent généralement par l'incertitude et l'hétérogénéité. Nombreux sont les approches qui traitent les données selon le cycle de vie du service Web qui repose sur 6 phases à savoir la création, la sélection, la découverte, la modélisation, l'invocation et la composition des services, dans le but de résoudre le problème de volume de données, de son hétérogénéité ou de sa vitesse d'évolution. En revanche, il y a très peu d'approches qui s'intéressent à la qualité de données et au traitement de son incertitude dans le Web. Nous nous sommes naturellement intéressés, dans cette thèse, à la question des services Web dans un contexte de systèmes distribués et hétérogènes. La principale contribution à apporter dans le cadre de ce travail de recherche est d'étudier la composition de services et/ou de ressources Web et l'indexation de données dans un contexte incertain. Dans un premier temps, au travers des apports de la littérature, le cadre théorique relatif aux spécificités du concept de service DaaS incertain, est présente en adoptant la théorie possibiliste. Le problème de la composition de services Web et l'impact de l'incertitude, qui peut être associée à la sortie d'un service, sur les processus de sélection et de composition des services sont explicites. Pour ce faire, nous avons proposé une approche possibiliste afin de modéliser l'incertitude des données renvoyées par des services incertains. Plus précisément, nous avons étendu les normes de description de service Web (par exemple, WSDL) pour représenter les degrés d'incertitude des sorties. Nous avons également étendu le processus d'invocation de service pour prendre en compte l'incertitude des données d'entrée. Cette extension est basée sur la théorie des mondes possibles utilisée dans les bases de données possibilistes. Nous avons également mis en avant un ensemble d'operateurs de composition, sensibles aux valeurs d'incertitude, dans le but d'orchestrer des services de données incertains. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons étudié l'impact de l'incertitude sur la représentation et la manipulation des ressources Web. Nous avons défini le concept de ressource Web incertaine et proposé des mécanismes de composition de ressources. Pour ce faire, un modèle de description de l'incertitude à travers le concept de ressource Web incertaine a été présente. Celui-ci est basé sur un modèle probabiliste ou chaque ressource peut avoir plusieurs représentations possibles, avec une certaine probabilité. Enfin, et dans un dernier temps, nous avons proposé des méthodes d'indexation documentaire des données de type Big Data. Au commencement, nous avons adopté une approche d'indexation syntaxique de données incertaines, ensuite, nous avons suivi une méthode d'indexation sémantique incertaine. Enfin, et pour booster cette démarche, nous avons proposé une méthode hybride d'indexation dans un contexte incertain / It is widely accepted that data production has been developing spectacularly for several years due to the proliferation of new technologies such as social networks, new mobile devices, smart meters, sensors and cloud computing. In fact, this data explosion should continue and even accelerate. To wonder about the way in which one should treat this mass of which becomes more and more varied, complex and less structured, is then essential. DaaS (Data As A Service) can be defined as the supply, management and delivery of data presented in an immediately consumable format business users of organizations as a service. The data returned by these services are generally characterized by uncertainty and heterogeneity. There are many approaches that process data across the Web service lifecycle, which is based on six phases: creation, selection, discovery, modeling, invocation, and composition of services, in order to solve the problem. problem of data volume, its heterogeneity or its speed of evolution. On the other hand, there are very few approaches to data quality and the treatment of uncertainty in the Web. In this thesis, we are naturally interested in the question of Web services in a context of distributed and heterogeneous systems. The main contribution to be made in this research is to study the composition of Web services and / or resources and the indexing of data in an uncertain context. First, through the contributions of the literature, the theoretical framework relative to the specificities of the concept of DaaS service uncertain, is presented by adopting the possibilistic theory. The problem of the composition of Web services and the impact of the uncertainty, which can be associated with the exit of a service, on the processes of selection and composition of the services are explained. To do this, we proposed a possibilistic approach to model the uncertainty of data returned by uncertain services. Specifically, we have extended Web service description standards (for example, WSDL) to represent the uncertainty levels of the outputs. We have also extended the service invocation process to account for the uncertainty of input data. This extension is based on the theory of possible worlds used in possibilistic databases. We also put forward a set of composition operators, sensitive to uncertainty values, in order to orchestrate uncertain data services. Second, we studied the impact of uncertainty on the representation and manipulation of Web resources. We defined the concept of an uncertain web resource and proposed resource composition mechanisms. To do this, a model describing uncertainty through the concept of uncertain web resource was presented. This one is based on a probabilistic model where each resource can have several possible representations, with a certain probability. Finally, and finally, we proposed methods of documentary indexing of data of the Big Data type. Initially, we adopted an approach of syntactic indexing of uncertain data, then we followed an uncertain method of semantic indexing. Finally, and to boost this approach, we have proposed a hybrid method of indexing in an uncertain context

Interval-based possibility theory : conditioning and probability/possibility transformations / Théorie des possibilités à intervalles : conditionnement et transformations probabilités/possibilités

Levray, Amélie 08 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse contribue au développement de formalismes efficaces pour représenter l’information incertaine. Les formalismes existants tels que la théorie des probabilités ou la théorie des possibilités sont parmi les cadres les plus connus et utilisés pour représenter ce type d’information. Différentes extensions (e.g. théorie des probabilités imprécises, théorie des possibilités à intervalles) ont été proposées pour traiter des informations incomplètes ou des connaissances mal-connues, ainsi que pour raisonner avec les connaissances d’un groupe d’experts. Les contributions de cette thèse sont divisées en deux parties. Dans la première partie, nous développons le conditionnement dans le cadre des possibilités à intervalles et dans le cadre des possibilités ensemblistes. Conditionner dans le cadre standard diffère que l’on considère l’échelle possibiliste qualitative ou quantitative. Notre travail traite les deux définitions du conditionnement possibiliste. Ce qui nous amène à étudier une nouvelle extension de la logique possibiliste, définie comme logique possibiliste ensembliste, et son opérateur de conditionnement dans le cadre possibiliste qualitatif. Ces résultats, plus spécialement en termes de complexité, nous amène à étudier les transformations, plus précisément des transformations du cadre probabiliste vers le cadre possibiliste. En effet, nous analysons des propriétés les tâches de raisonnement comme la marginalisation et le conditionnement. Nous nous attaquons aussi aux transformations des probabilités imprécises vers les possibilités avec un intérêt particulier pour l’inférence MAP. / This thesis contributes to the development of efficient formalisms to handle uncertain information. Existing formalisms such as probability theory or possibility theory are among the most known and used settings to represent such information. Extensions and generalizations (e.g. imprecise probability theory, interval-based possibilistic theory) have been provided to handle uncertainty such as incomplete and ill-known knowledge and reasoning with the knowledge of a group of experts. We are particularly interested in reasoning tasks within these theories such as conditioning. The contributions of this thesis are divided in two parts. In the first part, we tackle conditioning in interval-based possibilistic framework and set-valued possibilistic framework. The purpose is to develop a conditioning machinery for interval-based possibilistic logic. Conditioning in a standard possibilistic setting differs whether we consider a qualitative or quantitative scale. Our works deal with both definitions of possibilistic conditioning. This leads us to investigate a new extension of possibilisticlogic, defined as set-valued possibilistic logic, and its conditioning machinery in the qualitative possibilistic setting. These results, especially in terms of complexity, lead us to study transformations, more precisely from probability to possibility theories. The second part of our contributions deals with probability-possibility transformation procedures. Indeed, we analyze properties of reasoning tasks such as conditioning and marginalization. We also tackle transformations from imprecise probability theory to possibility theory with a particular interest in MAP inference.

A Guilhotina de Hume sob uma perspectiva ontológica do fenômeno normativo: a decisão como verdadeiro poder-ser do direito. / Hume\'s Guillotine under a ontological perspective of the normative phenomenon: the decision as the real may-be of the Law.

Welson Haverton Lassali Rodrigues 14 April 2016 (has links)
Pode-se afirmar que a Guilhotina de Hume diz respeito a um conjunto de discussões filosóficas acerca da primazia do ser (Sein) ou do dever-ser (Sollen) ao se fundamentar enunciados de caráter normativo (e, consequentemente, sua validade e aplicação). O foco deste trabalho é analisar a Guilhotina de Hume sob a perspectiva da ontologia fenomenológica (existencial), em que a dicotomia entre dever-ser e ser será redirecionada, em função especificamente da análise ética e jurídica que será concluída, para a dicotomia necessidade/possibilidade, tal como proposta pela própria tradição filosófica ao tratar da análise das modalidades (ser-real/realidade, ser-possível/possibilidade e ser-necessário/necessidade). Inicialmente será mantido que as discussões em torno do dever-ser encontram-se usualmente imbuídas de uma narrativa totalmente dependente do ser-necessário, que na verdade não poderia ser usada para aqueles seres que podem ser diferentes do que são. Ao final será considerado como fundamento originário (Ur-sprung Ab-grund) do ser-jurídico o poder-ser existencial (liberdade), revelado que é através de decisões, dramáticas e quotidianas, que não se restringem às decisões de caráter técnico-sacerdotais. / One might put forward that the Humes Guillotine relates to a set of philosophical discussions about the primacy either of the being (Sein) or of the ought-to (Sollen) in order to ground normative propositions (and, eventually, their validity and enforcement). This work focuses on the analysis of the Humes Guillotine under the perspective of the phenomenological (existential) ontology, in which the dichotomy between the ought-to and the being will be redirected, specifically in light of the ethical and juridical analysis that will be carried out, to the dichotomy necessity/possibility, such as proposed by the philosophical tradition on examining the modalities (being-real/reality, being-possible/possibility and being-necessary/necessity). At the beginning it will be maintained that the discussions over the ought-to are usually embedded with a narrative totally dependent on the being-necessary, which in fact could not be applied to those beings that can be different from what they are. In the end, the existential may-be (freedom) will be considered as the original ground (Ur-sprung Ab-grund) of the being-legal, as reveled through dramatic and everyday decisions, which are not restricted to technical and sacerdotal ones.

Estratégias de enfrentamento e significados de câncer incurável entre usuários de um serviço ambulatorial de oncologia da Baixada Santista.

Maia, Thais Laudares Soares 21 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira (rosina.teixeira@unisantos.br) on 2017-03-20T19:58:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Thais Laudares Soares Maia.pdf: 2383778 bytes, checksum: 63872173da6a935884954d9df67bf090 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-20T19:58:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Thais Laudares Soares Maia.pdf: 2383778 bytes, checksum: 63872173da6a935884954d9df67bf090 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Cancer is a serious public health problem. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers in 27 million new cases of cancer by the year 2030 in the whole world. In Brazil, the frequent diagnose of cancer in advanced phase results in a delay of treatment and invalidate possibilities of cure. Nowadays, the Unique Health System (UHS) advocates to the patients with cancer, without possibilities of cure, the approach in palliative cares that is still recent, limited and little consolidated in health services. The study had as objective to analyse the strategies of confrontation and meanings of cancer without possibility of cure in users of outpatient oncology service from UHS. It was done a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews with 11 participants of both sexes, age from 18 years old and diagnosed with cancer without possibilities of cure. The results were analysed in the following reaction categories: 1) sadness and hope; 2) process of sickness; 3) ¿I don¿t want these words¿; 4) non-clinical context; 5) God¿s will; 6) family comfort; 7) sickness and losses; 8) organic and existential pain; 9) psychosocial aspects of sickness; and 10) eminence of death in health services. One identified the need of reflecting about the relational aspects and cares that envolve the patients without possibilities of cure, considering the advance of medicine and of technology and on the other hand, the need to rescue the human relation aspects between health professionals and patients. / O câncer é um grave problema de saúde pública. A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) estima em 27 milhões de novos casos de câncer para o ano de 2030 em todo o mundo. No Brasil, o frequente diagnóstico de câncer em fase avançada resulta no atraso do tratamento e inviabiliza as possibilidades de cura. Atualmente, o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) preconiza aos pacientes com câncer, sem possibilidades de cura, a abordagem em cuidados paliativos, que ainda é recente, restrita e pouco consolidada nos serviços de saúde. O estudo teve como objetivo analisar as estratégias de enfrentamento e significados do câncer sem possibilidade de cura em usuários de um serviço ambulatorial de oncologia do SUS. Foi realizado estudo qualitativo com entrevistas semiestruturadas com 11 participantes de ambos os sexos, idade a partir de 18 anos e diagnosticados com câncer sem possibilidades de cura. Os resultados foram analisados nas seguintes categorias empíricas: 1) Tristeza e esperança; 2) processo de adoecimento; 3) ¿eu não quero essas palavras¿; 4) contexto não clínico; 5) vontade divina; 6) o conforto da família; 7) adoecimento e perdas; 8) dor orgânica e existencial; 9) aspectos psicossociais do adoecimento; e 10) a eminência da morte nos serviços de saúde. Identificou-se a necessidade de refletir sobre os aspectos relacionais e de cuidados que envolvem os pacientes sem possibilidades de cura, considerando o avanço da medicina e da tecnologia e, por outro lado, o necessário resgate aos aspectos humanísticos da relação entre profissionais de saúde e os pacientes.

Exploiting imprecise information sources in sequential decision making problems under uncertainty / Tirer profit de sources d'information imprécises pour la décision séquentielle dans l'incertain

Drougard, Nicolas 18 December 2015 (has links)
Les Processus Décisionnels de Markov Partiellement Observables (PDMPOs) permettent de modéliser facilement lesproblèmes probabilistes de décision séquentielle dans l'incertain. Lorsqu'il s'agit d'une mission robotique, lescaractéristiques du robot et de son environnement nécessaires à la définition de la mission constituent le système. Son étatn'est pas directement visible par l'agent (le robot). Résoudre un PDMPO revient donc à calculer une stratégie qui remplit lamission au mieux en moyenne, i.e. une fonction prescrivant les actions à exécuter selon l'information reçue par l'agent. Cetravail débute par la mise en évidence, dans le contexte robotique, de limites pratiques du modèle PDMPO: ellesconcernent l'ignorance de l'agent, l'imprécision du modèle d'observation ainsi que la complexité de résolution. Unhomologue du modèle PDMPO appelé pi-PDMPO, simplifie la représentation de l'incertitude: il vient de la Théorie desPossibilités Qualitatives qui définit la plausibilité des événements de manière qualitative, permettant la modélisation del'imprécision et de l'ignorance. Une fois les modèles PDMPO et pi-PDMPO présentés, une mise à jour du modèle possibilisteest proposée. Ensuite, l'étude des pi-PDMPOs factorisés permet de mettre en place un algorithme appelé PPUDD utilisantdes Arbres de Décision Algébriques afin de résoudre plus facilement les problèmes structurés. Les stratégies calculées parPPUDD, testées par ailleurs lors de la compétition IPPC 2014, peuvent être plus efficaces que celles des algorithmesprobabilistes dans un contexte d'imprécision ou de grande dimension. Cette thèse propose d'utiliser les possibilitésqualitatives dans le but d'obtenir des améliorations en termes de temps de calcul et de modélisation. / Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) define a useful formalism to express probabilistic sequentialdecision problems under uncertainty. When this model is used for a robotic mission, the system is defined as the featuresof the robot and its environment, needed to express the mission. The system state is not directly seen by the agent (therobot). Solving a POMDP consists thus in computing a strategy which, on average, achieves the mission best i.e. a functionmapping the information known by the agent to an action. Some practical issues of the POMDP model are first highlightedin the robotic context: it concerns the modeling of the agent ignorance, the imprecision of the observation model and thecomplexity of solving real world problems. A counterpart of the POMDP model, called pi-POMDP, simplifies uncertaintyrepresentation with a qualitative evaluation of event plausibilities. It comes from Qualitative Possibility Theory whichprovides the means to model imprecision and ignorance. After a formal presentation of the POMDP and pi-POMDP models,an update of the possibilistic model is proposed. Next, the study of factored pi-POMDPs allows to set up an algorithmnamed PPUDD which uses Algebraic Decision Diagrams to solve large structured planning problems. Strategies computedby PPUDD, which have been tested in the context of the competition IPPC 2014, can be more efficient than those producedby probabilistic solvers when the model is imprecise or for high dimensional problems. This thesis proposes some ways ofusing Qualitative Possibility Theory to improve computation time and uncertainty modeling in practice.

Numerical Modeling Of Edremit Geothermal Field

Gunay, Emre 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to examine the geothermal potential, sustainability, and reinjection possibility of Edremit geothermal field. In order to investigate this, a numerical model consisting of a hot and cold water aquifer system is established. A two dimensional cross sectional model is set to simulate this geothermal system. Different pressure and temperature values are applied to the nodes at the boundaries to perform a steady state calibration which minimizes the computed results and observed values obtained from the near well logs. After the calibration, three alternative scenarios are proposed and the response of the pressure and temperature to these conditions is evaluated. At first the water is pumped from the wells of Yagci, Derman, Entur and ED-3 seperately at a mass rate of 5 kg/s and energy rate of 4.182 x 105 J/s. Then, in scenario 2 the water is pumped at the same rate from all the wells mentioned in the first scenario together. For the third scenario another well is opened to the geothermal system and 80% of the pumped water (temperature being 200C) is injected to the system from the wells while all the wells mentioned are working. The results of these scenarios are utilized to evaluate the reservoir in terms of its response to different production and reinjection conditions. Interpretation of the reservoir response in view of the pressure and temperature declines emphasize that such a simulation study can be applied to assess potential and sustainability of the geothermal systems.

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