Spelling suggestions: "subject:"postmodern"" "subject:"postmoderne""
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Skupina 12/15 a její místo v českém umění po roce 1989 / Art group 12/15 Better Late than Never and its position in the Czech art after year 1989Mayerová, Miroslava January 2020 (has links)
Miroslava Mayerová Abstract Annotation Mayerová, Miroslava: Art group 12/15 and its position in the Czech art after year 1989. [Diploma thesis] Prague, 2019. Charles University in Prague, Faculty of education, Art education department. Title of the Diploma's Thesis: Art group 12/15 and its position in the Czech art after year 1989 ABSTRACT: The aim of the thesis is to describe and analyze the position of the Art Group 12/15 Better Late than never at Czech art scene after the year 1989, with an emphasis on generational changes and postmodern turn. In didactic part, the intention was to establish the awareness of the art group in the minds of students and, based on interdisciplinary ties, to repeat and broaden their knowledge of contexts. The theoretical part of the thesis is based on historical, art-historical and social science literature. To illustrate the time, atmosphere and position of Group 12/15 as precisely as possible, semi-structured and unstructured interviews with the group members themselves were used as a methodology. The diploma thesis shows that Group 12/15 and its generation are the bridge between the 2nd avant-garde, postmodern and contemporary art, maintaining the continuity of the Czech art scene. The didactic and practical part points out the importance of intergenerational discussion...
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Etika postmoderního subjektu a vztah k sobě samému / Ethics of Postmodern Subject and Relation of Self to ItselfHomola, Matouš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is focused on ethics and subject in postmodernism and poststructuralism. The thesis contains methods of analysis, interpretation and comparison. These methods are primarily focused on French authors of the second half of the 20th century. In the text, there are answered questions like: "How society, knowledge and thiking of certain period affected the freedom of human being? What mechanisms exist in the language function structures that affect human way of thinking? What are the possibilities for individuals, to emancipate against the influence of powerfull government institutions and their strategies?" The aim of the thesis is to make an ethics rules that will be taken like an alternative to the codified normative morality. It shows the differences between modern universalism and posmodern pluralism. The dualism is interpreted primarily in the way of thinking of J.-F. Lyotard. There is also interpretation of dualism throught Deleuze and Guattari philosophy that is formulated due to theory of arborescent and rhizomatic structures. Most of the thesis is based on Michel Foucault's phylosophy of normalization and disciplining of a subject and authoritatively established ethics. The main topic of this thesis is Foucault's ethics based on the relationship of self to itselfs. This self-reflexive...
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#KavlaNer : En kritisk diskursanalys av antivaccin-argument på Facebook / #KavlaNer : A critical discourse analysis of anti-vaccine arguments on FacebookEwerman, Lovisa, Lindström, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka antivaccin-diskurser på Facebooksidan Kavla Ner och jämföra dem med tre antivaccin-diskurser tidigare funna av Kata (2010). Tidigare forskning visar att antivaccin-grupper utnyttjar postmodernistiskt tänkande och att sociala medier är ett kraftfullt verktyg vad gäller åsiktsbildning om vaccin. Därtill kan konspirationsteorier som sprids om vaccin bidra till en ökad tro på att vaccin är farligt.Materialet som analyseras är 30 inlägg från Facebooksidan Kavla Ner och studien bygger på Faircloughs (1992) tredimensionella modell för kritisk diskursanalys. Texterna har analyserats med hjälp av analysverktygen lexikala val och modalitet. Detta görs med utgångspunkt i teorier om ideologi och diskurs, postmodernism samt kulturell hegemoni.Resultatet av analysen visar förekomsten av antivaccin-diskurser och att två av de funna diskurserna stämmer överens med de Kata (2010) funnit. Därtill gjordes nya upptäckter i form av en ny diskurs och de kategoriserande teman Kata funnit utvecklades. Resultatet visade att en stor mängd av inläggen är färgade av ett postmodernistiskt tänkande. Konspirationsteorier visade sig också vara vanligt förekommande i inläggen. Slutsatsen av studien är att de sociala praktiker som påverkar antivaccin-diskursen även skulle kunna påverka andra områden, vilket ytterligare förklarar vikten av att förstå fenomenet vaccinmotstånd. / The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine anti-vaccine discourses on the Kavla Ner Facebook page and to compare them to three anti-vaccine discourses previously found by Kata (2010). Research shows that anti-vaccine communities utilize postmodern ways of thought, and that social media is a powerful tool when it comes to affecting people's opinions about vaccination. Furthermore, conspiracy theories which are spread on the internet can contribute to belief that vaccines are dangerous.The material which has been analyzed consists of 30 posts from the Kavla Ner Facebook page and the method is based on Fairclough’s (1992) three-dimensional model for critical discourse analysis. The texts have been analyzed using the tools lexical choices and modality, while drawing on theories about ideology and discourse, postmodernism and cultural hegemony.The result shows the presence of anti-vaccine discourses on the Facebook page, and that two of the discourses are consistent with those found by Kata (2010). In addition, a new discourse was found and the categorizing themes by Kata were expanded. Conspiracy theories proved to be common in the posts. The results also showed that a large number of the posts are characterized by postmodernist thinking. Finally, it is concluded that the social practices which influence the anti-vaccine discourse could affect other areas, which further explains the importance of understanding the phenomenon of vaccine resistance.
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Hranice labyrintu. Poetika prostoru italského postmoderního románu / Boundaries of the labyrinth. Literary Space in the Italian Postmodern NovelsČaplyginová, Olga January 2016 (has links)
The Phd thesis titled Boundaries of the labyrinth and subtitled Literary space in the Italian postmodern novels strives for specification and closer definition of the genre of post-modern novel through the analysis of literary space. Formally, the thesis is divided into three parts. The first part aims to provide a theoretical introduction into the problems of three areas related to the given topic, namely the definition of postmodernity and postmodernism, the genre of the novel itself and last but not least the study of space in literature. The content of the second part is the actual literary and scientific analysis of the selected novels (Città invisibili and Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore by Italo Calvino, Notturno indiano by Antonio Tabucchi, Comici spaventati guerrieri by Stefano Benni and Oceano mare and City by Alessandro Baricco) which follows three basic and most frequent spacial topoi occurring in these novels, namely the topos of the city, the house-hotel and the road. The third and final section sums up the observed aspects and characteristics and strives to use them as a basis for determining a certain and generalizing spacial and temporal principle which would facilitate at least a partial characterization of the postmodern novel as an independent genre.
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The thesis analyzes and compares the approaches of two authors dealing with phenomena in contemporary society. It focuses mainly on issues of lifestyle and values. The thesis asks questions related to socialization and individualization of society. The thesis is divided into four parts. The first part is about definition of the basic terms (postmodernism, lifestyle, values). The second part is devoted to the concept of Gilles Lipovetsky. The third part focuses on the concept of Michel Maffesoli. In the fourth section, there is a comparison of these two concepts, where we are primarily focused on tracing argumentation clashes and controversies. In the final part, there is the presentation of the main questions and ideas, that come out on the basis of this comparison.
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Umírání jako příběh (několik řešení) / Dying as a story (several solutions)Kloudová, Daniela January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation aims at showing the differences in dealing with the death issue in characteristic works of art of both Czech and world literature. Above all, it pursues the comparison of two novels Život střídá smrt ("Life Becomes Death") by Petr Prouza and Nebe nemá dno ("Heaven is Bottomless") by Hana Andronikova. Both unique books belong to key Czech novels with the topic of death. Moreover, both of them deal with death from the point of personal experience, which means they are strongly autobiographical. The dissertation concentrates on creative processes and topical aspects, grasps autobiographical elements of both novels and all the identities and differences in the approach to the same topic. Therefore, the dissertation is devoted to listing the works of art dealing with death, further on to the analyses, interpretation and comparison of the novels Život střídá smrt ("Life Becomes Death") and Nebe nemá dno ("Heaven is Bottomless") together with the reflexion of reader's experience.
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Dokonalá žena. Analýza filmových postav umělých ženských bytostí z perspektivy teorií postmoderny a jejích přístupů k tělu a konstituování identity. / The perfect woman. The analysis of movie characters of artificial female beings from the perspective of the postmodern theories and its approaches to the body and the identity constitution.Bubeníčková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis will be focused on the analysis of the basic types of the female artificial movie characters - the beings connecting "femininity" (humanity) and technology. These characters holds the external female sexual signs or the characteristics stereotypically perceived as female (e.g. cyborg/cyborg woman, android woman, robotess). My issue will be examinated from the perspective of postmodern approach to the process of shaping their bodies and identities in relation to the narrative movie structure. The characters will be divided into categories based on their dominating physical and "social" function in the story. The subsequent identification and interpretation of physicality, identity and relations with other characters of the narrative will be based not only on principles of semiotic analysis, but will take into account especially the approach of postmodernism. The main theoretical basis for this paper will be the theory of poststructuralism and so called post theories - a theory of posthumanism, transhumanism and cyberfeminism.
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Móda v rozepři / Fashion as a DifferendSchambergerová, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
The work called Fashion as a Differend presents the demands of critics of fashion and shows that they are in decomposition with its definition as defined by J. - F. Lyotard in the context of a postmodern condition. It argues that discourse overriding the demands of fashion critics is asymetrical with discourse within which fashion is defined. It turns out that there is a logical paradox with regard to the essence of fashion, which is transience or rapid change (at least as fast a change in society) and the floating demand for slowing down, stability and other criticisms that are linked to its transformation.
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