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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização da postura e da mobilidade em adolescentes federados em basquete / Characterization of posture and mobility in adolescents federated to basketball

Guedes, Patrícia Ferreira 15 March 2012 (has links)
Adolescentes federados de basquete têm maior demanda de treino físico, técnico, tático e resistência muscular. Na puberdade, fatores ambientais e físicos, associados à imaturidade das estruturas musculoesqueléticas podem alterar a força muscular, equilíbrio, mobilidade e flexibilidade articular, além de influenciar o desenvolvimento postural. Na tentativa de conhecer e entender as consequências do treinamento esportivo, alguns estudos avaliaram a postura estática qualitativamente, entretanto os meios utilizados não foram confiáveis ou reprodutíveis. O propósito desse estudo foi de avaliar quantitativamente as alterações posturais, a mobilidade e a flexibilidade nos adolescentes federados no basquete. Participaram do estudo 74 adolescentes saudáveis, divididos em dois grupos, federados no basquete (GA) (n=36) e grupo controle (GC) (n=38). A análise postural foi realizada pela fotogrametria com o auxílio do software de avaliação postural (SAPO versão 0.63 ® e de marcadores colocados nas referências ósseas. As variáveis posturais analisadas foram cabeça, ombro, escápula, coluna torácica e lombar, pelve, tronco e inclinação lateral da coluna. Foram realizadas a goniometria para a avaliação da mobilidade dos membros superiores e o teste do 3° dedo ao solo para a avaliação da flexibilidade. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva (média, desvio padrão) e Ancova para verificar a influência das variáveis explicativas nas variáveis independentes, adotando-se igual a 5%. No plano frontal, os atletas apresentaram maior inclinação lateral da coluna (GA=5,0°±2,4 e GC=3,7°±1,6) e no plano sagital direito menores valores para: anteriorização da cabeça (GA=51,4°±5,3 e GC=48,6°±5,6), anteversão pélvica (GA=11,4°±5,9 e GC=14,5°± 5,1), alinhamento vertical do tronco (GA=-0,7°±2,8 e GC=0,7° ± 2,6) e cifose torácica (GA=27,9°±7,0 e GC= 32,9°±7,5). No plano sagital esquerdo, os atletas apresentaram menores valores para anteriorização da cabeça (GA=52,5°±5,7 e GC=46,4°±5,6), protusão do ombro (GA=5,9°±2,2 e GC=8,3°±2,1) e anteversão pélvica (GA=10,2°±6,1 e GC=14,6°±4,3). As variáveis posturais do plano frontal (alinhamento dos ombros e postura da escápula esquerda) apresentaram influência da idade. O índice da assimetria horizontal da escápula teve influência da altura e a lordose lombar esquerda sofreu efeito da intensidade da dominância. Quanto à mobilidade o grupo atleta apresentou maior amplitude com significância estatística para os movimentos do ombro (flexão E, extensão D, adução D/E), cotovelo hiperextensão D e E) e punho (supinação E). Sugere-se que a postura e a mobilidade articular sofrem influência do treinamento de basquete, deste modo devem ser consideradas durante o treinamento esportivo de basquete para acompanhar o desenvolvimento dos adolescentes atletas / Adolescents federated to basketball have an increasing demand for physical, technical, tactical and endurance training. At puberty, environmental and physical factors, associated with musculoskeletal structures immaturity may alter muscle strength, balance, mobility and joint flexibility, as well as influence the posture development. In an attempt to know and understand the consequences of sports training, studies have assessed the qualitative approach; however the means of assessing the posture statistics were not reliable or reproducible. The purpose of this study was to evaluate quantitatively the postural changes, the mobility and the flexibility presented in adolescents federated tobasketball. The study included 74 healthy adolescents, divided into two groups: athletes federated to basketball (AG) (n = 36) and A control group (CG) (n = 38). The quantitative postural analysis was performed by photogrammetry measured using the Postural Assesment Software (PAS/SAPO) and markers previously placed on bone references. The postural variables analyzed were head, shoulder, scapula, thoracic and lumbar spne, pelvis, trunk and lateral inclination of the spine. Goniometry was performed to evaluate the mobility of the upper limbs and the testing of the 3rd finger to the ground to assess flexibility. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics (average, standard deviation) and Ancova to check the influence of the explanatory variables in the independent variables, by adopting the equal to 5%. In the frontal plane, athletes had greater lateral inclination of the spine (AG = 5.0° ± 2.4 and CG = 3.7° ± 1.6) and in the right sagittal plane they had lower values for the head (AG = 51,4° ± 5.3 and CG = 48.6° ± 5.62), pelvic anteversion (AG = 11.4° ± 5.9 and CG = 14.5° ± 5.1), vertical alignment of the trunk (AG = -0.76° ± 2.8 and CG = 0,7° ± 2.6) and thoracic kyphosis (AG = 27.9°± 7.0 and CG = 32.9° ± 7.5). In the left sagittal plane the athletes had lower values for the anterior head (AG = 52.5°± 5.7 and CG = 46.4° ± 5.6), protrusion of the shoulder (AG = 5.9 cm ± 2.2 and CG = 8.3 cm ± 2.1) and pelvic anteversion (AG = 10.2° ± 6.1 and CG = 14.6° ± 4.3). The variables in the postural frontal plane (shoulder alignment and posture of the left scapula) were influenced by age. The index of asymmetry of the horizontal scapula was influenced by the height and the left lumbar lordosis suffered the intensity of dominance. As for mobility, the athlete group showed higher amplitude with statistical significance for the movement of the shoulder (flexion L, extension R, adduction R / L), elbow (hyperextension R and L), and wrist (supination L). It is suggested that the posture and joint mobility are influenced by basketball training thus they should be considered during the basketball training in order to follow the development of young athletes

Wheelchair Positioning and Pulmonary Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy

Barks, Lee 05 July 2007 (has links)
Background: In children with cerebral palsy (CP), poor trunk control fosters spinal deformity, pulmonary compromise (Canet, et al., 1998), increased health risks, and costs of long-term care (Braddock, 2001). Evidence links posture and pulmonary function, but influence of wheelchair parameters on pulmonary mechanics is unknown. Objectives: 1) Determine relative contribution of five wheelchair configuration parameters to improvement in pulmonary mechanics--total airway resistance (RAW), tidal volume, minute ventilation (MV), and deadspace to tidal volume ratio; 2) Describe recruitment and retention of school-aged children with CP; and 3) Discuss response of the participants to the protocol. Method: This within-subjects, descriptive study employed a sample of 8 school-aged children with CP and flexible spines who could not sit alone. In a single session, participants experienced five seating parameters manipulated in a Prairie wheelchair simulator: 1) left and right upper extremity supports; 2) left and right lateral trunk supports; 3) secured, level, derotated pelvis; 4) tilt in space; and 5) all four parameters. The Viasys Jaeger Impulse Oscillometry System and Respironics Non Invasive Cardiac Output monitor (NICO) measured the dependent variable, pulmonary mechanics, via Hans Rudolph facemasks. Spasticity (by Modified Ashworth Scale), patient characteristics, and medications were recorded. A process log captured participant recruitment and retention challenges and response to protocol. Results: Recruitment was challenging; retention was 50%. For this sample, despite lack of power, both RAW and MV improved with upper extremity and lateral trunk supports. Highest RAW was seen with total absence and total presence of the parameters, and secured, level pelvis. The data collection protocol was feasible for 50% of participants, none of whom could execute conventional measurement. Facemask and seating simulator acceptability were 75 %, improving with participant verbal communication ability. The facemask seal was vulnerable to tilted positioning; 75% of participants became fatigued. RAW measures differed from manufacturer's directions but were reliable. Conclusions: The Prairie seating simulator, Jaeger IOS, Respironics NICO, and Hans Rudolph facemasks effectively measured pulmonary mechanics as a function of wheelchair seating parameters in this sample. Upper extremity and lateral trunk supports most greatly reduced RAW, maintaining MV. Verbal children tolerated the procedure best.

The Relationship Between Therapist Approach Postures, Avoidance Postures and Posture Sharing, and Subjects' Experience of Rapport

Carcelli, Lawrence A. 01 May 1985 (has links)
The relationship between approach, avoidance and congruent postures and the experience of rapport was investigated. Sixty undergraduate college students (30 male, 30 female) were interviewed by a therapist who displayed either approach postures, avoidance postures or who posture shared. The degree of rapport experienced by the 20 subjects in the three groups was compared. In addition, the subjects' behaviors were divided into four groups (n = 11, or 19) along two orthogonal dimensions (high and low congruency and immediacy) and the degree of rapport experienced by the four groups compared. No statistically significant results were found in either analysis. An attempt was made to control for three crucial external variables: the therapist's degree of eye contact and smiling, and the verbal content of the interviews. Directions for future research were discussed with a focus on naturalistic study in the future. A self report measure of rapport was developed called the Rapport Experience Test (RET). The RET was designed to assess the successful communication of accurate empathy, unconditional positive regard and emotional congruence.Measures of internal consistency (Chronbach alpha) and test-retest reliability were obtained. These measures suggest that the RET may be a useful device for further research. Face validity was discussed.

En jämförelse av hållningen mellan kvinnor som nyligen har fött barn och kvinnor som aldrig varit gravida

Apelqvist, Therese, Gustavsson, Lina January 2005 (has links)
<p>Validerat; 20101217 (root)</p>

Efeito de interferência contextual na aquisição de estabilidade de movimentos compensatórios a perturbações imprevisíveis do equilíbrio corporal / Effect of contextual interference on the acquisition of stability of compensatory movements to unpredictable perturbations of body balance

Takazono, Patricia Sayuri 10 April 2019 (has links)
O treinamento de respostas posturais reativas por perturbações posturais é um paradigma inovador para prevenir quedas. Entretanto, há carência de informação sobre como organizar a prática para obter os maiores benefícios. O objetivo deste experimento foi comparar os efeitos de sequências de perturbações posturais com baixa (BIC) versus alta (AIC) interferência contextual na aquisição de estabilidade de movimentos compensatórios de braços e pernas em indivíduos jovens saudáveis. Trinta e oito participantes foram distribuídos de forma pseudoaleatória em 3 grupos: AIC, BIC, e controle (CON). A tarefa consistiu em recuperar o equilíbrio corporal após perturbações imprevisíveis da base de apoio no sentido mediolateral, para ambos os lados em diferentes velocidades (20, 30 e 40 cm/s [o/s]). Os grupos experimentais realizaram sessão única com 24 tentativas de prática para cada uma das seguintes modalidades de perturbação postural: rotação, translação e combinação translação-rotação. O grupo CON permitiu a avaliação das primeiras respostas às perturbações posturais e foi usado como linha de base das respostas posturais sem treinamento para comparação com os grupos experimentais. Os participantes foram avaliados em pós-teste, retenção e transferência para os seguintes contextos: (1) tarefa dual de contagem regressiva durante perturbações, e (2) velocidade mais alta do que aquelas treinadas (50 cm/s [o/s]). Os movimentos compensatórios de braços e pernas foram avaliados utilizando a escala CALM e cinemática. Os resultados mostraram o seguinte: (a) o treinamento levou a escores de estabilidade mais altos; (b) os ganhos por treinamento perturbatório foram evidentes em perturbações mais desafiadoras à manutenção da postura ereta; (c) perturbações repetitivas induziram efeitos imediatos, porém não persistentes e generalizáveis; e (d) perturbações aleatorizadas induziram ganhos persistentes e generalizáveis de estabilidade de movimentos compensatórios. Como conclusão, o treinamento perturbatório do equilíbrio corporal com alta em comparação com baixa interferência contextual se mostrou mais efetivo em promover ganhos mais persistentes e transferíveis de estabilidade de movimentos compensatórios / Perturbation-based training of reactive postural responses is an innovative paradigm for preventing falls. However, there is scarce information on how to organize the practice to obtain the greatest benefits. The objective of this experiment was to compare different schedules of postural perturbations, with low (BIC) versus high (AIC) contextual interference, on the acquisition of stability of arm and leg compensatory movements in healthy young individuals. Thirty-eight participants were distributed pseudorandomly in three groups: AIC, BIC, and control (CON). The task consisted in recovering body balance after unpredictable perturbations through support base displacements in mediolateral direction, for both sides in different speeds (20, 30 e 40 cm/s [o/s]). The experimental groups performed a single session with 24 practice trials for each of the following modalities of postural perturbation: rotation, translation and combination translation-rotation. The CON group allowed the evaluation of the first responses to postural perturbations was used as a baseline of postural responses without training for comparison with the experimental groups. Participants were evaluated in post-test, retention and transfer to the following contexts: (1) dual task, of counting down during perturbations; and (2) speed higher than those trained (50 cm/s [o/s]). The compensatory arm and leg movements were evaluated using the CALM scale and kinematics. Results showed the following: (a) training led to higher stability scores; (b) gains from perturbation training were evident in the most challenging perturbations to stance; (c) repetitive perturbations induced immediate but not persistent and generalizable effects; and (d) random perturbations induced persistent and generalizable gains in stability of compensatory movements. In conclusion, perturbation-based balance training with high as compared to low contextual interference was shown to be more effective in promoting more persistent and transferable compensatory movement stability gains

A biomechanical investigation of the effects of pregnancy on spinal motion and rising to stand from a chair

Gilleard, Wendy January 2001 (has links)
During pregnancy the female body must accommodate the enlarging gravid uterus and increased mass. Therefore the maternal musculoskeletal system is required to adapt in both morphology and functional workload. After childbirth there is a rapid change in both mass and dimensions, requiring further adaptations. The objectives of the study were to investigate seated and standing upper body posture, the kinematics of seated and standing trunk motion, and the three dimensional kinematics and kinetics during rising to stand from a chair, as pregnancy progressed and in the early post-birth period. Nine maternal subjects (aged 28 to 40 years) were tested at less than 16 weeks, 24 weeks, 30 weeks, 38 weeks gestation and at 8 weeks postbirth. The subjects, fitted with 37 retroreflective markers, were filmed during upright sitting, quiet standing, and four trials each of maximum seated and standing trunk forward flexion, side to side flexion and during maximum seated axial rotation. Three trials each of constrained and free rising to stand from a height adjustable stool and with each foot placed on a forceplate were also recorded. An eight-camera motion analysis system was used to record movements of the body segments and synchronised force plate variables in three dimensions. Motion of the ankle, knee and hip joints, pelvic, thoracic and head segments and the thoracolumbar and cervicothoracic spines and shoulder joints were investigated. Twelve nulliparous subjects (aged 21 to 35 years) were used as controls to provide standard descriptive data and to investigate the consistency of the selected biomechanical variables with repeated testing. A repeated measures ANOVA was used to investigate the possibility of linear and quadratic trends showing systematic changes within the maternal group, over the four test sessions during pregnancy for each variable. Two tailed Student t-tests were used to compare the maternal postbirth variable results with the control group. There was no significant effect of pregnancy on the upper body posture during upright sitting and quiet standing. Postbirth, the pelvic segment had a smaller anterior orientation and the thoracolumbar spine was less extended, indicating a flatter spinal curve. The maternal subjects were similar to the control subjects in early pregnancy and postbirth for trunk segment motions during seated and standing forward flexion and side to side flexion and seated axial rotation. Strategies, such as increasing the width of the base of support and reducing obstruction to movements from other body parts, were used in late pregnancy in attempts to minimise the effects of increased trunk mass and circumference. For seated and standing side to side flexion, the strategies were successful and no significant decreases in range of motion were seen. For seated and standing forward flexion and seated axial rotation, motion of the thoracic segment and the thoracolumbar spine were significantly reduced, although movement of the pelvis was less affected. In early pregnancy and postbirth the kinematics and kinetics of the lower limbs and upper body segment kinematics during constrained and free rising were generally similar to the control subjects. As pregnancy progressed there were increases in mass and dimensions of body segments. The effect of increased mass was seen in increased ground reaction forces and sagittal plane lower limb joint external moments. An increased base of support width was found in association with an increased lateral ground reaction force and ankle inversion moment from each foot, which would move the body centre of mass medially. There was little change in the three dimensional kinematics of the thoracolumbar and cervicothoracic spine, although the contribution of the upper body segments differed for each rise condition. There were also few significant changes in the displacement of the ankle, knee and hip, and the angular velocity of ankle and knee joints. The maternal subjects were thus able to flex the upper body forward, raise the body and maintain stability as pregnancy progressed, regardless of whether the rise to stand was performed in a natural manner or under constrained conditions. The overall results show that, contrary to expectations as pregnancy progressed, maternal subjects minimised propulsion rather than increasing it to overcome the increased mass and possibly limited trunk flexion. A fear of postural instability may have made the subjects more cautious and as they were able to adequately flex the trunk forward, propulsion was minimised in favour of maintaining upright terminal balance.

Déficience unilatérale et adaptation de la fonction posturale. Rôle de chacun des appuis dans le maintien de l'équilibre debout.

Genthon, Nicolas 29 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Le comportement postural de sujets sains évalués debout est relativement symétrique : -i) le poids corporel est équi-réparti sur les deux appuis, -ii) les actions mises en places sous chacun des appuis sont symétriques et simultanées. L'influence de chacun des appuis dans le contrôle de l'équilibre s'exprime sous la forme de deux stratégies distinctes dépendantes de l'axe d'oscillation. Selon l'axe médio-latéral, l'équilibre debout est contrôlé par une stratégie de charge/décharge, alors que selon l'axe antéropostérieur l'équilibre debout est géré par la localisation des pressions sous les deux pieds.<br /> A la suite d'une déficience affectant unilatéralement les structures sensori-motrices impliquées dans la régulation de la station debout, cette symétrie risque d'être fortement perturbée. La première des caractéristiques classiquement observées est une augmentation des oscillations posturales. La seconde, est une asymétrie de la répartition de poids corporel sur les appuis. Cette asymétrie se caractérise par une mise en charge accrue de la jambe saine associée à une décharge de la jambe lésée.<br />Face à ce contexte, l'objectif principal de ce travail de thèse a été d'analyser les conséquences de différentes perturbations unilatérales sur le maintien postural. Pour cela, le rôle de chacun des appuis dans le maintien de l'équilibre debout non perturbé a été analysé chez différentes populations présentant une déficience unilatérale. Pour répondre à cet objectif des patients victimes d'un accident vasculaire cérébral ainsi que des patients victimes d'une entorse du ligament collatéral latéral de la cheville ont été inclus. Ces patients ont été évalués debout sur un système composé de deux plates-formes de force. Ce système permet d'analyser le rôle de chacun des appuis dans le contrôle de l'équilibre mais aussi d'évaluer les conséquences de ces perturbations sur les oscillations corporelles. <br /> Le comportement postural de patients victimes d'une déficience unilatérale d'origine diverse présente certaines particularités. Du fait de la déficience, l'organisation des forces de réaction mesurées sous l'appui lésé est fortement perturbée. Du fait de l'incapacité de l'appui lésé à gérer la station debout, les patients modulent leur orientation posturale latérale, en surchargeant leur appui sain. Par suite, des modulations des stratégies de contrôle des appuis ont pu être relevées. Alors que l'intervention de chaque appui est symétrique est simultanée chez les sujets sains, dans le cas d'une déficience unilatérale, une asymétrie a toujours été notée. Dans certains cas, une diminution de la relation spatio-temporelle entre les deux appuis a été relevée. Ces modifications ont entre autre pour conséquence une diminution de l'influence de l'appui lésé dans le contrôle de l'équilibre, associée à une augmentation de l'influence de l'appui sain dans les régulations posturales. Du fait des modifications observées au niveau plantaire, et malgré de possibles stratégies compensatoires mises en place, l'équilibre des patients victimes d'une déficience unilatérale est fortement perturbé. Il est intéressant de noter que l'augmentation de l'instabilité posturale des patients est dépendante de l'intégrité sensori-motrice de l'appui sain.<br /> Les caractéristiques énoncées ci-dessus sont en partie liées à l'asymétrie de répartition de poids corporel sur les appuis. Par contre, l'asymétrie n'explique pas à elle seule les perturbations posturales de ces patients. Que ce soit chez les patients victimes d'un AVC ou d'une entorse, nos résultats ont montrés une très forte importance des déficiences sensorielles dans la mise en place de ces perturbations. L'intégrité des afférences sensorielles semble être un pré requis nécessaire à la construction d'un schéma postural symétrique, qui selon nous est préférentiellement utilisé dans la construction de la posture.

Development of a posture prediction model

Dendamrongvit, Thidarat 01 May 2002 (has links)
Biomechanical models have been used in designing human work environments to evaluate potential risks to workers before a work environment is constructed. In order for work environments to be modeled correctly, most biomechanical models require as input, an accurate body posture of the worker. This information can be obtained by, either measuring the posture of workers for the task of interest, or estimating the posture. This research explores methods to estimate working postures by developing a model that can predict a worker's posture. The model in this thesis represents the body of the worker with ten links: neck, left and right forearms, left and right upper arms, body, left and right thighs, and left and right calves. The work task inputs consist of the magnitude and direction of the force applied to the hands, and the distances between the hands and the floor. By using these inputs, the model can predict a posture by optimizing an objective function of two criteria: Total Squared Moment and Balance. Model constraints also ensure that a predicted posture is feasible for human. The output of the model is the predicted posture in terms of ten body joint angles: neck, left and right elbows, left and right shoulders, hip, left and right knees, left and right ankles. These joint angles are defined as angles relative to horizontal. The prediction posture can be used as a base reference when inputting into other biomechanical models. By predicting posture from the model, one can obtain postures of the workers without direct measurement of postures from the workers, which can be expensive and time consuming. / Graduation date: 2002

Task and support surface constraints on the coordination and control of posture in older adults

Clark, Sean 20 January 1998 (has links)
Although research evidence clearly indicates support surface properties are a major factor contributing to fall risk among the elderly, investigations examining the influence of variations in surface conditions on the postural control of older adults during task performance have been limited. Thus, the primary purpose of the present studies was to determine whether the coordination and control of body kinematics exhibited by older adults during upright leaning (i.e., leaning forward through the region of stability) and gait would be different across variations in support surface properties. Secondary objectives of these studies included, examining if coordination and control measures of body kinematics differed as a function of the participants' level of postural stability and/or repeated exposure to the support surface properties. Three support surface conditions were selected for inclusion based on resistance properties to applied forces (i.e., normal and shear): rigid, high friction; compliant; and rigid, low friction. For both tasks performed, body kinematics for trials 1-3 (T1) and 10-12 (T2) from 12 completed trials on each support surface were analyzed using three-dimensional (3-D) video analyses. Results of separate univariate repeated measures analyses of variance yielded significant surface condition main effects for lower extremity coordination patterns and postural control strategies in the gait and leaning task, respectively. Additionally, a significant surface condition main effect and an interaction effect of surface condition by trial block were identified for the measure of head stability in the gait and leaning tasks, respectively. Differences in head stability and the control of lower extremity joint motions as a function of level of postural stability (i.e., group differences) were observed only during the walking task. Present findings indicate that during goal-directed behavior, the coordinated movements of the body and its segments emerge from constraints imposed by the interaction of the support surface, the task and the individual. The observed adaptations in the coordination and control of posture in response to support surface constraints evidenced in the present studies provide support for the theory of perception and the control of bodily orientation (Riccio & Stoffregen, 1988). / Graduation date: 1998

Working memory and stance postural control : a study of dual-task performance in healthy young adults /

Vander Velde, Timothy J., January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oregon, 2006. / Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 96-104). Also available for download via the World Wide Web; free to University of Oregon users.

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