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The pharmacology of the loudness dependence of the auditory evoked potential (LDAEP)O'Neill, Barry Vincent. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (PhD) - Swinburne University of Technology, Brain Sciences Institute, 2008. / A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctorate of Philosophy, Brain Sciences Institute, Swinburne University of Technology - 2008. Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (p. 98-133)
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Improved localization of neural sources and dynamical causal modelling of latency-corrected event related brain potentials and applications to face recognition and primingKashyap, Rajan 22 December 2015 (has links)
Event related potentials (ERPs) are obtained from noninvasive electroencephalograms (EEG) which measure neuronal activity of brain on the scalp. However, conventional ERPs derived by averaging of single EEG trials have strong latency variability and are smeared, resulting in blurred scalp topography, especially in late components of ERP. The smearing problem had been addressed by reconstructing ERPs after latency correction with a new EEG analysis method Residue Iteration Decompo¬sition (RIDE), which was demonstrated in a face priming paradigm to improve distinctness in scalp topography (Ouyang et al., 2011). This thesis aims to (1) extend the benefits of RIDE to neural source space by localizing the neural generators of ERPs, thereby developing an integrated RIDE framework for improvement in source localization and causal modeling of effective source networks, and (2) apply the framework to the face priming paradigm for famous faces, to explore the dynamics of face processing and priming. We localized sources through brain electrical source analysis for both conventional ERP and RIDE derived ERPs (RERPs). RERPs allowed localization of an additional motor execution source (Premotor Cortex, PMC), apart from 5 other common sources, of which 2 (Occipital Lobe, OL; Fusiform Gyrus, FG) were obtained from early activity (< 250 ms) and 3 (Mediotemporal lobe, MTL; Prefrontal Cortex, PFC; Anterior Temporal Lobe, ATL) from late activities (> 250 ms) of RERPs respectively. Priming effects, i.e., the difference between primed famous (PF) and unprimed famous (UF) face conditions in source waveforms (SWFs), were extended and enhanced in RERPs, especially for late sources. The priming effects revealed (1) the role of sources in each hemisphere that play in perception, memory and execution, (2) parallel processing of information in sources, (3) early processing in the right hemisphere, and (4) predominance of the right hemisphere in face recognition. Results confirmed SWFs of RERPs as better choice for the dynamic causal model (DCM). Two candidate DCM models, forward (F) and forward-backward (FB) were outlined on each hemisphere with SWFs from PF and UF conditions of RERP data. Priming has tendency to facilitate the FB model in the left hemisphere. On the other hand, independent of model preference, priming strengthened a bidirectional connection between FG and PFC in both hemispheres; this indicates a strong role of FG in structural representation and of PFCs in controlling decisions about face familiarity. Priming modulates the pathway FGMTLPFC differently in the two hemispheres, strengthening the involvement of MTL in the left hemisphere and weakening in the right hemisphere. This indicates proficiency of the left and right MTL in processing different aspects of facial information. Further, a backward connection ATLPFC in the left hemisphere was found to be functionally relevant for both conditions in speeding up response time in individual subjects, reinforcing the role of PFC in executive functioning and ATL in naming of famous faces. Thus, an integrated framework of source localization and DCM with RERPs allows a novel, comprehensive understanding of time resolved dynamics in face recognition and priming, thereby piloting prospects of its application to other experimental paradigms.
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Functional network analyses and dynamical modeling of proprioceptive updating of the body schemaVaisman, Lev 12 March 2016 (has links)
Proprioception is an ability to perceive the position and speed of body parts that is important for construction of the body schema in the brain. Proper updating of the body schema is necessary for appropriate voluntary movement. However, the mechanisms mediating such an updating are not well understood. To study these mechanisms when the body part was at rest, electroencephalography (EEG) and evoked potentials studies were employed, and when the body was in motion, kinematic studies were performed. An experimental approach to elicit proprioceptive P300 evoked potentials was developed providing evidence that processing of novel passive movements is similar to processing of novel visual and auditory stimuli. The latencies of the proprioceptive P300 potentials were found to be greater than those elicited by auditory, but not different from those elicited by the visual stimuli. The features of the functional networks that generated the P300s were analyzed for each modality. Cross-correlation networks showed both common features, e.g. connections between frontal and parietal areas, and the stimulus-specific features, e.g. increases of the connectivity for temporal electrodes in the visual and auditory networks, but not in the proprioceptive ones. The magnitude of coherency networks showed a reduction in alpha band connectivity for most of the electrodes groupings for all stimuli modalities, but did not demonstrate modality-specific features. Kinematic study compared performances of 19 models previously proposed in the literature for movements at the shoulder and elbow joints in terms of their ability to reconstruct the speed profiles of the wrist pointing movements. It was found that lognormal and beta function models are most suitable for wrist speed profile modeling. In addition, an investigation of the blinking rates during the P300 potentials recordings revealed significantly lower rates in left-handed participants, compared to the right-handed ones. Future work will include expanding the experimental and analytical methodologies to different kinds of proprioceptive stimuli (displacements and speeds) and experimental paradigms (error-related negativity potentials), and comparing the models of the speed profiles produced by the feet to those of the wrists, as well as replicating the observations made on the blinking rates in a larger scale study.
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Estudo do padrão de normalidade do potencial evocado auditivo de adultos ouvintes normais por meio de um novo equipamento de diagnóstico desenvolvido / Study of normal range of the auditory evoked potencial throgh a new diagnostic equipment developedSoares, Ilka do Amaral [UNIFESP] 24 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-22T20:50:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2010-02-24 / Objetivo: Padronizar as respostas do Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico por meio de um novo equipamento desenvolvido no Brasil. Métodos: Análise das latências absolutas, interpicos e das amplitudes das ondas I e V, utilizando um novo equipamento desenvolvido para estudar o grupo experimental 1 (76 indivíduos normo-ouvintes); análise do PEATE no equipamento padrão ouro do mercado EP15 / Interacoustis nos grupos ouro 1 (15 indivíduos normo-ouvintes) e ouro 2 (15 indivíduos com perda auditiva neurossensorial); análise do PEATE no novo equipamento desenvolvido no mesmo indivíduo do grupo ouro 1 para estudar o grupo experimental 2 e no mesmo indivíduo do grupo ouro 2 para estudar o grupo experimental 3, para possibilitar a análise da efetividade do teste com o novo equipamento. O estímulo utilizado para a obtenção das respostas evocadas foi o clique não filtrado, com duração de 100 μs, num total de 2.000 estímulos, na polaridade negativa (rarefeita) a uma frequência de estimulação de 13,1 cliques/s, na intensidade de 80 dB nNA, com um período de análise de 10 milissegundos e filtro passa-banda configurado entre 100 e 3000Hz. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente considerando um nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados: As médias das latências absolutas e interpicos encontradas no novo equipamento desenvolvido foram: onda I=1,50, III=3,57, V=5,53, I-III=2,06, III-V=1,96 e I-V=4,02. Ao separar os dados por gênero houve diferença estatisticamente significante para as latências absolutas das ondas III (p=0,000) e V (p=0,000) e nos interpicos I-III (p=0,007) e I-V (p=0,001). O valor médio da amplitude da onda I foi 0,384 μV e da onda V foi 0,825 μV. Não existiu diferença estatisticamente significante ao se comparar as latências absolutas e interpicos entre dois equipamentos no mesmo indivíduo, normo-ouvinte e com perda auditiva neurossensorial. Conclusões: Os componentes do Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico mensurados com o novo equipamento em adultos ouvintes normais foram similares quanto às orelhas, com latências menores estatisticamente significantes nas mulheres do que nos homens. As latências do Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico no mesmo indivíduo, normo-ouvinte e com perda auditiva neurossensorial com o Novo Equipamento Desenvolvido foram semelhantes às obtidas com o EP15 / interacoustic, padrão ouro do mercado. Nas perdas auditivas de grau leve a moderado o achado mais frequente no PEATE foi a presença das Ondas I, III, V com latências absolutas e interpicos dentro da normalidade. Foram obtidos os valores de referência de normalidade para o PEATE em adultos ouvintes normais. / Objective: To validate responses of the Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) using a new equipment developed in Brazil. Method: The annalyses of the absolute latencies, inter slopes, and magnitude of the waves I and V, using a new equipment developed to asses the Experimental Group 1 (76 participants with normal hearing). Analysis of the ABR using the gold-standard equipment, EP15/Interacoustis, where performed in Gold Group 1 (15 participants with normal hearing) and Gold Group 2 (15 participants with sensorineural hearing loss). In order to assess the validity of the new equipment, analysis of the ABR were performed using the new equipment with participants of the Gold Group 1 to compare with participants from the Experimental Group 2, and with participants from the Gold Group 2 to compare with participants from the Experimental Group 3. The stimulus used to obtain the evocated responses was a non-filtrated click sound, with a duration of 100 μs and a total of 2,000 stimuli. All stimuli were given in the negative (rarefaction wave) polarities in a stimulation frequency of 13.1 clicks, with an intensity of 80 dB Nan, an interval of 10 milliseconds and a filter band-pass set between 100 and 3000Hz. The results were statistically analyzed considering a significance level of 0.05. Results: The means for the absolute latencies and inter slopes for the specific waves using the new equipment were: I=1.50, III=3.57, V=5.53, I-III=2.06, III-V=1.96 e I-V=4.02. Statistically significant gender differences were observed for the absolute latencies in wave III (p=0,000) and V (p=0,000) as well as for the inter slopes I-III (p=0,007) and I-V (p=0,001). The mean magnitude values for wave I and V were 0.384 μV and 0.825 μV, respectively. No statistically significant differences between the new equipment and the gold-standard were observed when comparing the results for absolute latencies and inter slopes in the same individual (with normal hearing or with sensorineural hearing loss). Conclusions: The components of the ABR assessed in adults with no hearing impairments using the new equipment were similar for both ears, with latencies significantly lower for women than for men. Moreover, the latencies of the ABR in the same individual (either normal or with sensorineural hearing loss) did not differ between the new equipment and the gold-standard equipament. In hearing loss of mild to moderate degree the most frequent finding on the ABR was the presence of Waves I, III, V and absolute latencies and inter slopes within normal limits. The referent values of normality for the ABR were obtained in adults with normal hearing. / TEDE / BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações
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Caracterização do Mismatch Negativity em criançasFerreira, Dulce Azevedo January 2017 (has links)
Objetivo: Caracterizar as respostas do Mismatch Negativity (MMN) em crianças com limiares auditivos dentro dos padrões de normalidades e sem queixas auditivas. Métodos: Estudo do tipo transversal. Participaram desta pesquisa crianças de cinco a onze anos, sem queixas auditivas. Todos os participantes realizaram avaliação audiológica periférica com medidas de imitância acústica, audiometria tonal e audiometria vocal previamente à realização do MMN. Para a execução do procedimento eletrofisiológico, MMN, foi utilizado o equipamento Masbe ATC Plus da marca Contronic. Os eletrodos foram fixados nas posições Fpz (eletrodo ativo), M1 e M2 (eletrodos referência) e na fronte (eletrodo terra). A intensidade utilizada para evocar o potencial foi de 80 dBNA, o estímulo frequente utilizado foi de 1.000 Hz e o estímulo raro de 2.000 Hz. Os estímulos foram apresentados em ambas as orelhas de modo monoaural. As crianças realizaram a avaliação sentadas e foram condicionadas a assistirem a um vídeo sem som, no tablet, enquanto o procedimento era realizado. Resultados: Para o grupo feminino, a média das latências e amplitudes foi de 177,3 ms e 5,01 μV na orelha direita e de 182,4 ms e 5,39 μV na orelha esquerda. Quanto ao grupo masculino, a média das latências foi de 194,4 ms na orelha direita e 183,6 ms na orelha esquerda, com amplitude de 5,11 μV na orelha direita e 5,83 μV na orelha esquerda. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante nos valores de latência e amplitude entre orelhas (p=0,867 e p=0,178), idade (p>0,20) e sexo dos participantes (p>0,05). Conclusão: Os valores encontrados nas latências e amplitudes do potencial MMN são semelhantes aos observados na literatura científica compulsada, em crianças com desenvolvimento típico e sem queixas auditivas. / Aim: To characterize the answers of Mismatch Negativity (MMN) in children with hearing thresholds within the normality patterns and without auditory complaints. Methods: Transversal type study. Children between 5 and 11 years old without auditory complaints have participated in this research. All the participants have done peripheral audiological evaluation with acoustic immittance measures, tonal audiometry and vocal audiometry previously to MMN execution. To perform the electrophysiological procedure, MMN, it was used Masbe ATC Plus equipment from Contronic brand. The electrodes were fixed in Fpz (active electrode), M1 and M2 (reference electrodes) and front (earth electrode) positions. The intensity used to evoke the potential was 80 dBNA, the frequent stimulus used was 1.000 Hz and the rare stimulus was 2.000 Hz. The stimuli were presented in both ears monoaurally. Children performed the assessment sat and they were conditioned to watch a video without sound, on a tablet computer, while the procedure was performed. Results: For the female group, the average of the latencies and amplitudes was 177,3 ms and 5,01 μV for the right ear and 182,4 ms and 5,39 μV for the left ear. Regarding the male group, the average of latencies was 194,4 ms for the right ear and 183,6 ms for the left ear, with an amplitude of 5,11 μV for the right ear and 5,83 μV for the left ear. There was no significant statistically difference for the values of latency and amplitude among ears (p=0,867 and p=0,178), age (p>0,20) and gender of the participants (p>0,05). Conclusion: The values found in the latencies and amplitudes of MMN potential are similar to those observed in the scientific literature examined, in children with typical development and without auditory complaints.
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Caracterização do Mismatch Negativity em criançasFerreira, Dulce Azevedo January 2017 (has links)
Objetivo: Caracterizar as respostas do Mismatch Negativity (MMN) em crianças com limiares auditivos dentro dos padrões de normalidades e sem queixas auditivas. Métodos: Estudo do tipo transversal. Participaram desta pesquisa crianças de cinco a onze anos, sem queixas auditivas. Todos os participantes realizaram avaliação audiológica periférica com medidas de imitância acústica, audiometria tonal e audiometria vocal previamente à realização do MMN. Para a execução do procedimento eletrofisiológico, MMN, foi utilizado o equipamento Masbe ATC Plus da marca Contronic. Os eletrodos foram fixados nas posições Fpz (eletrodo ativo), M1 e M2 (eletrodos referência) e na fronte (eletrodo terra). A intensidade utilizada para evocar o potencial foi de 80 dBNA, o estímulo frequente utilizado foi de 1.000 Hz e o estímulo raro de 2.000 Hz. Os estímulos foram apresentados em ambas as orelhas de modo monoaural. As crianças realizaram a avaliação sentadas e foram condicionadas a assistirem a um vídeo sem som, no tablet, enquanto o procedimento era realizado. Resultados: Para o grupo feminino, a média das latências e amplitudes foi de 177,3 ms e 5,01 μV na orelha direita e de 182,4 ms e 5,39 μV na orelha esquerda. Quanto ao grupo masculino, a média das latências foi de 194,4 ms na orelha direita e 183,6 ms na orelha esquerda, com amplitude de 5,11 μV na orelha direita e 5,83 μV na orelha esquerda. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante nos valores de latência e amplitude entre orelhas (p=0,867 e p=0,178), idade (p>0,20) e sexo dos participantes (p>0,05). Conclusão: Os valores encontrados nas latências e amplitudes do potencial MMN são semelhantes aos observados na literatura científica compulsada, em crianças com desenvolvimento típico e sem queixas auditivas. / Aim: To characterize the answers of Mismatch Negativity (MMN) in children with hearing thresholds within the normality patterns and without auditory complaints. Methods: Transversal type study. Children between 5 and 11 years old without auditory complaints have participated in this research. All the participants have done peripheral audiological evaluation with acoustic immittance measures, tonal audiometry and vocal audiometry previously to MMN execution. To perform the electrophysiological procedure, MMN, it was used Masbe ATC Plus equipment from Contronic brand. The electrodes were fixed in Fpz (active electrode), M1 and M2 (reference electrodes) and front (earth electrode) positions. The intensity used to evoke the potential was 80 dBNA, the frequent stimulus used was 1.000 Hz and the rare stimulus was 2.000 Hz. The stimuli were presented in both ears monoaurally. Children performed the assessment sat and they were conditioned to watch a video without sound, on a tablet computer, while the procedure was performed. Results: For the female group, the average of the latencies and amplitudes was 177,3 ms and 5,01 μV for the right ear and 182,4 ms and 5,39 μV for the left ear. Regarding the male group, the average of latencies was 194,4 ms for the right ear and 183,6 ms for the left ear, with an amplitude of 5,11 μV for the right ear and 5,83 μV for the left ear. There was no significant statistically difference for the values of latency and amplitude among ears (p=0,867 and p=0,178), age (p>0,20) and gender of the participants (p>0,05). Conclusion: The values found in the latencies and amplitudes of MMN potential are similar to those observed in the scientific literature examined, in children with typical development and without auditory complaints.
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Potenciais, modulares e novas soluções em mecânica quântica supersimétrica / Modular potentials and new solutions in supersymmetric quantum mechanicsOsvaldo Negrini Neto 09 April 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos uma nova classe de superpotenciais em mecânica quântica supersimétrica, os quais denominamos de modulares, por serem funções do módulo da coordenada x. O superpotencial de partida proposto é da forma x |x|. Esta ideia permite tornar solúvel exatamente, a energia zero, um incontável número de potenciais gerados por estas funções no âmbito da mecânica quântica supersimétrica. Exploramos algumas aplicações para estes superpotenciais, com ênfase para uma representação da molécula de amônia supersimétrica e, em particular, mostramos que um sistema muito estudado na literatura, gerado pelo superpotencial x 1/x, pode ser resolvido mais facilmente recorrendo-se à representação modular. Procuramos estudar as soluções exatas ou aproximadas - do espectro de energias dos Hamiltonianos parceiros supersimétricos utilizando metodologias adequadas ao respectivo caso, incluindo-se o conhecido potencial x4, sendo que o método variacional de coeficientes de funções foi o que melhor se adaptou ao estudo. Este método, pouco utilizado até o momento na literatura, permitiu não apenas resolver com excelente aproximação os primeiros níveis do sistema em estudo, como também comprovou a supersimetria do sistema modular. Mostramos também que em sistemas quânticos supersimétricos, a equação de Schroedinger pode ser colocada na forma da equação de Sturm-Liouville e apresentar soluções de polinômios ortogonais, sendo que a função-peso de tais polinômios é gerada pelo superpotencial. Uma breve abordagem da simetria PT envolvendo diretamente o potencial por nós proposto também foi investigada, e mostramos que o sistema é equivalente a um Hamiltoniano não Hermitiano com potencial V(z) = (z4). / In this work we study a new class of superpotentials in supersymmetric quantum mechanics, which we call modular because of their dependence on the modulus of the x coordinate. The starting superpotential is of the form x |x|. This idea helps make exactly solvable, at zero energy, several potentials generated by these functions in the context of supersymmetric quantum mechanics. We explore some applications for these superpotenciais, with emphasis on a representation of the supersymmetric ammonia molecule and, in particular, we show that a system generated by the superpotential x-1/x, widely studied in the literature, can be solved more easily making use to the modular representation. We also seek for spectral solutions exact or approximated - of the partners Hamiltonians based on the exact ground state wave function of zero energy including the conventional x4 potential. The use of the variational method of functions coefficients. These methods, rarely used to date in the literature, allowed not only solve with excellent approximation the first levels of the system under study, but also proved the supersymmetry of the modular system. The results were compared with others found in the literature. We also show that for supersymmetric quantum systems, the Schroedinger equation can be put in a form of the Sturm-Liouville equation, and so, orthogonal polynomials solutions can be find through a weight-function generated by the superpotential. A brief overview of the PTsymmetry of the system directly involving a modular model proposed was also investigated, and we show that this system is equivalent to the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian one with potential V (z) = z4.
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Potencial evocado auditivo de longa latência para o estímulo de fala apresentado com diferentes transdutores em crianças normais / Late auditory evoked potentials to speech stimuli presented with different transducers in normal childrenRaquel Sampaio Agostinho-Pesse 18 February 2011 (has links)
No processo de indicação e adaptação do Aparelho de Amplificação Sonora Individual, as informações obtidas por meio dos Potenciais Evocados Auditivos de Longa Latência, geralmente pesquisado em campo livre, têm sido utilizadas para a avaliação dos benefícios e limitações dos dispositivos eletrônicos aplicados à surdez. O objetivo foi o de analisar de forma comparativa, a influência do transdutor no registro dos componentes P1, N1 e P2 eliciados por estímulo de fala, quanto à latência e amplitude, em crianças ouvintes. A casuística foi formada por 30 crianças ouvintes de quatro a 12 anos de idade de ambos os sexos. Os potenciais evocados auditivos de longa latência foram pesquisados por meio dos transdutores, fone de inserção e caixa acústica, eliciados por estímulo de fala /da/ apresentado com 526ms de intervalo interestímulos, na intensidade de 70dBNA e taxa de apresentação de 1,9 estímulos por segundo. A estimulação foi definida aleatoriamente, ora na orelha direita ora na esquerda, assim como a ordem do tipo do transdutor, iniciando ora pelo fone de inserção ora pela caixa acústica. Foram analisados os componentes P1, N1 e P2 quando presentes, quanto à latência e amplitude. Para verificar a reprodutibilidade dos registros, realizou-se uma análise de concordância entre a pesquisadora e um juiz, que mostrou um nível de concordância forte. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante ao comparar os valores de latência e amplitude dos componentes P1, N1 e P2, para cada tipo de transdutor, considerando o sexo e orelha, assim como entre os tipos de transdutores utilizados ao comparar os valores de latências dos componentes do potencial evocado auditivo de longa latência. Entretanto, houve diferença estatisticamente significante na amplitude dos componentes P1 e N1 obtidos com os transdutores caixa acústica e fone de inserção, com maior amplitude para o transdutor caixa acústica. Os valores de latência dos componentes P1, N1 e P2 e amplitude de P2 obtidos com fone de inserção podem ser utilizados como referência para análise do registro obtido com o transdutor caixa acústica. / In the process of indication and fitting of Hearing Aids, the data obtained through Long Latency Auditory Evoked Potentials, generally researched in free field, have been utilized to assess the benefits and limitations of electronic devices applied to deafness. The goal was to analyze, in a comparative manner, the influence of the transducer on the recordings of components P1, N1 and P2, elicited through speech stimulus, as to the latency and amplitude, in hearing children. The sample was comprised of 30 hearing children aged 4-12 yrs, of both genders. The long latency auditory evoked potentials were researched by means of transducers, insertion phone and speakers, elicited through speech stimulus /da/ presented with 526ms of interstimuli interval, in the intensity of 70dBNA and presentation rate of 1.9 stimuli per second. The stimulation was randomly defined, sometimes on the right ear, sometimes on the left one, as well as the order of the type of transducer, beginning, sometimes, with the insertion phone, and sometimes, with the speaker. Whenever present, components P1, N1 and P2 were analyzed as to latency and amplitude. In order to verify the reproducibility of the recordings, an agreement analysis was carried out between the researcher and a referee, showing a strong agreement level. No statistically significant difference was seen when comparing the latency and amplitude values of components P1, N1 and P2, for each type of transducer, taking into account the gender and ear, as well as among the types of transducers utilized when comparing the latency values of the components of long latency auditory evoked potential. Nevertheless, there was a statistically significant difference in the amplitude of components P1 and N1, obtained with the speaker and insertion phone transducers, with greater amplitude for the speaker transducer. The latency values of components P1, N1 and P2 and amplitude of P2 obtained with the insertion phone may be utilized as a reference for the analysis of the recording obtained with the speaker transducer.
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Study of postural, physiological and corticospinal responses in empathy for pain and pain anticipationBucchioni, Giulia 16 December 2015 (has links)
L'empathie nous permet de comprendre et de réagir aux sensations des autres individus. Regarder une situation douloureuse peut induire des comportements de type prosociaux orientés vers les autres ou des réponses d'évitement comme celles enregistrées en réponse à une menace. Le but principal de cette thèse était d'étudier les comportements d'approche/évitement et freezing qui se produisent soit en observant la douleur des autres, soit pendant l'anticipation de la douleur. Deux tâches manipulant la prise de perspective ont permis d'enregistrer des cotations supérieures concernant le niveau de douleur, des temps de réaction inférieurs (expérience 1) et des index de réponses d'évitement plus grands (expérience 2) pour la perspective consistant à imaginer que le sujet représenté dans une condition douloureuse était la personne la plus aimée. Dans la troisième expérience, nous avons analysé le comportement du freezing au niveau du système corticospinal du participant : un effet du freezing spécifique fut rapporté uniquement lorsque de la présentation des stimuli douloureux en perspective du première personne. Dans une quatrième expérience, l'effet du freezing, normalement présent en réponse aux stimuli douloureux fut aussi rapporté dans le cadre de l'anticipation de la douleur pour soi-même. Nos études suggèrent que ce sont principalement les mécanismes cognitifs de prise de perspective qui modulent la réponse empathique et que la perspective de la personne la plus aimée induise la réponse empathique la plus forte. Au contraire les réponses du freezing des modulations corticospinales sont principalement observées lorsque le sujet adopte une perspective en première personne / Empathy allows us to understand and react to other people feelings. Regarding empathy for pain, a witness looking at a painful situation may react to other-oriented and prosocial-altruistic behaviors or self-oriented withdrawal responses. The main aim of this thesis was to study approach/avoidance and freezing behavioral manifestations that co-occurring along with both others’ pain observation and during the anticipation of pain. In two perspective-taking tasks, we investigated the influence of the type of relationship between the witness and the target in pain. Results showed that higher pain ratings, lower reactions times (experiment 1) and greater withdrawal avoidance postural responses (experiment 2) were attributed when participants adopted their most loved person perspective. In experiment 3, we analyzed the freezing behavior in the observer’s corticospinal system while subject was observing painful stimuli in first-and third-person perspectives. Results showed the pain-specific freezing effect only pertained to the first-person perspective condition. An empathy for pain interpretation suggests empathy might represent the anticipation of painful stimulation in oneself. In experiment 4 results, we found that the freezing effect present during a painful electrical stimulation was also present in the anticipation of pain. In conclusion, our studies suggest that cognitive perspective-taking mechanisms mainly modulate the empathic response and the most loved person perspective seems to be prevalent. In addition, more basic pain-specific corticospinal modulations are mainly present in the first-person perspective and it seems to not be referred to the empathy components
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Actinobacterial and archaeal diversity in lake Magadi, KenyaHalimat, Olubukola Ibrahim January 2013 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Microorganisms of the class Actinobacteria and domain Archaea are interesting from a
biotechnological perspective owing to their metabolic attributes as producers of
secondary metabolites and resilience under harsh environmental conditions respectively.
Lake Magadi is a soda lake well studied in terms of its geology and limnology. Research
attention has also been drawn to the microbial populations which thrive in this unique
habitat but currently there are no reports on the assessment of its microflora using
molecular methods.
This study aimed to assess the actinobacterial and archaeal communities within Lake
Magadi, Kenya a hypersaline –highly alkaline habitat using metagenomic methods as a
preliminary study to identify potential candidates for exploitative biology
Samples from two sites dubbed Lake Magadi station 2 (LM2) and Lake Magadi salt pan
4 (LMS4) within the Lake Magadi were analyzed using the 16S rRNA gene as a
phylogenetic marker.
Cluster analysis of taxon-specific 16S rDNA PCR-DGGE profiles revealed moderately
heterogeneous actinobacterial and archaeal populations across the sample sites under
investigation which is probably a reflection of the differences in abiotic conditions at the
study sites. This observation was also confirmed from the multi-dimensional scaling
(MDS) plot.
PCR-based clonal libraries of actinobacterial and archaeal communities of both study
sites retrieved a total of thirty-two clones (twenty actinobacterial and twelve archaeal)
were sequenced. Analysis of the sequences revealed cultured and uncultured signatures of
microorganisms typical of hypersaline and or highly alkaline niches. A few (3) sequences
presented novelty (<96%) in identities with any previously identified organism. It was
concluded that the species dominance at site LMS4 [situated within the salt flats of Lake Magadi and site for exploration of trona and its mineralized extensions (nacholite and
gayllusite)] is likely to be dictated by anthropogenic stress since most of the microbial
signals associated with the study site are typical of saline and or alkaline environmental
samples exposed to especially mining but also agricultural and waste management
Isolation studies also revealed previously identified strains peculiar to hypersaline brines
and sediments. The strains retrieved were affiliated to the taxonomically diverse genus
Bacillus and Halomonas sp. The true applications and potential opportunities these
isolates have for biotechnology have been well documented.
Observations made from the culture dependent and culture independent methods suggests
strongly that study site LMS4 is subjected to environmental conditions more severe than
at site LM2.
This study is a guide for future studies as it provides primary information on the
haloalkaliphilic representatives of the actinobacteria phylum and domain Archaea within
the soda lake environment. It can serve as a pedestal for investigation into the molecular
machinery that supports the haloalkaliphilic lifestyles of inhabiting microorganisms and
consequently give leads as to how they can be commercially exploited.
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