Spelling suggestions: "subject:"powder activated carbon""
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Evaluating Data-Driven Optimization Options for Dissolved Organic Carbon Treatment by Coagulation and Powdered Activated CarbonAmirgol, Atie 23 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Characterisation of dissolved organic matter to optimise powdered activated carbon and clarification removal efficiencyShutova, Y., Rao, N.R.H., Zamyadi, A., Baker, A., Bridgeman, John, Lau, B., Henderson, R.K. 15 June 2020 (has links)
Yes / The character of dissolved organic matter (DOM) present in drinking water treatment systems greatly impacts its treatability by coagulation–flocculation. Powdered activated carbon dosing has been suggested to enhance DOM removal when combined with coagulation–flocculation. However, optimising powdered activated carbon (PAC) dosing requires further research. In this study, fluorescence spectroscopy combined with parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) and liquid chromatography with organic carbon detection (LC–OCD) has been used to characterise DOM removal in three ways: (a) coagulation–flocculation–sedimentation without PAC dosing, (b) PAC dosing prior to- and (c) PAC dosing during coagulation–flocculation–sedimentation treatment. It was shown that only coagulation–flocculation–sedimentation preferentially removed biopolymer and humic substance chromatographic fractions and fluorescent DOM, whereas dosing PAC preferentially removed building blocks and low molecular weight neutral chromatographic fractions. The DOM treatability that was achieved when PAC was dosed both prior to- and during coagulation–flocculation–sedimentation was comparable, but higher than what was achieved without any PAC dosing. Introduction of PAC to the coagulation–flocculation–sedimentation process significantly improved DOM removal, with fluorescent components removed by 97%. This study also highlights that a combination of fluorescence spectroscopy and LC–OCD is essential to track the removal of both, fluorescent and non-fluorescent DOM fractions and understand their impacts on DOM treatability when using different treatment processes. Overall, lower residual DOM concentrations were obtained in the treated water when PAC adsorption and the coagulation–flocculation–sedimentation processes were combined when compared to treating the water with only one of the processes, despite differences in source water character of DOM.
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Characteristics of Concrete Containing Fly Ash With Hg-AdsorbentMahoutian, Mehrdad Unknown Date
No description available.
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Pretreatment options for municipal wastewater reuse using membrane technologyHatt, Juliette W. January 2012 (has links)
Increasing freshwater scarcity across the world means that wastewater reclamation is being considered as a key method in which to meet the growing demand. Evolution of water reuse schemes where high quality product is required such as for indirect potable reuse has led to the adoption in recent years of the integrated membrane scheme using a combination of microfiltration or ultrafiltration with reverse osmosis membrane. However, despite technological advancements, these membranes are still prone to fouling resulting in increased costs through cleaning or replacement. This thesis aims to look at pretreatment to reduce the fouling propensity of the microfiltration membranes via a 600m3 /d pilot plant which was commissioned to investigate indirect potable reuse. A range of pretreatments including pre-screening, pre-coagulation, powdered activated carbon and granular activated carbon were assessed based on fouling amelioration, water quality improvement and cost analysis. Results showed that ferric sulphate dosing was the most effective in terms of reducing the reversible fouling rate especially at high turbidity loads enabling higher flux to be realised leading to a small cost benefit. Activated carbon proved the most effective pretreatment in terms of organic removal and a significant reduction in the irreversible fouling rate. However, the cost involved in using this as a pretreatment is significant compared to possible cost savings through reduced requirement for chemical cleaning. This pretreatment is only viable if it obviates the need for a separate organic removal process.
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Towards application of activated carbon treatment for pharmaceutical removal in municipal wastewaterKårelid, Victor January 2016 (has links)
Many pharmaceuticals are found in municipal wastewater effluents due to their persistence in the human body as well as in conventional wastewater treatment processes. This discharge to the environment can lead to adverse effects in aquatic species, such as feminization of male fish. During the past decade, these findings have spawned investigations and research into suitable treatment technologies that could severely limit the discharge. Adsorption onto activated carbon has been identified as one of the two main technologies for implementation of (future) full-scale treatment. Recent research has put a closer focus on adsorption with powdered activated carbon (PAC) than on granular activated carbon (GAC). Studies where both methods are compared in parallel operation are thus still scarce and such evaluation in pilot-scale was therefore a primary objective of this thesis. Furthermore, recirculation of PAC can be used to optimize the treatment regarding the carbon consumption. Such a setup was evaluated as a separate treatment stage to comply with Swedish wastewater convention. Additionally, variation of a set of process parameters was evaluated. During successive operation at three different wastewater treatment plants an overall pharmaceutical removal of 95% could consistently be achieved with both methods. Furthermore, treatment with GAC was sensitive to a degraded effluent quality, which severely reduced the hydraulic capacity. Both treatment methods showed efficient removal of previously highlighted substances, such as carbamazepine and diclofenac, however in general a lower adsorption capacity was observed for GAC. By varying the input of process parameters, such as the continuously added dose or the contact time, during PAC treatment, a responsive change of the pharmaceutical removal could be achieved. The work in this thesis contributes some valuable field experience towards wider application of these treatment technologies in full-scale. / <p>QC 20161124</p> / MistraPharma
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Reutilização de meios do cultivo de Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis tratados com carvão ativado em pó e diferentes agentes coagulantes / Reuse of exhausted medium from Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis after treatment with powdered activated carbon and different coagulants.Mejia da Silva, Lauris Del Carmen 11 November 2014 (has links)
A cianobactéria Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis, é um dos micro-organismos fotossintetizantes mais estudados e cultivados, e atualmente tem sido utilizado para a produção de biomassa, com elevado conteúdo de proteínas, vitaminas, minerais, aminoácidos essenciais, ácidos graxos poli-insaturados e pigmentos, com potencial uso como complemento alimentar para humanos, bem como em alimentação de animais. No entanto, o cultivo de micro-organismos fotossintetizantes tem uma demanda hídrica bastante alta. Dessa forma, é importante a realização de trabalhos que avaliem a possibilidade de reuso de meio de cultivo de Arthrospira, que, além de reduzir os custos com nutrientes, contemplam o aspecto ambiental, evitando salinização do solo e eutrofização de corpos hídricos. Este trabalho avaliou a reutilização de meios do cultivo de Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis tratados com carvão ativado em pó e diferentes agentes coagulantes. Os efluentes foram obtidos dos cultivos de A. platensis com nitrato de sódio como fonte de nitrogênio em processo descontínuo, em minitanques. Os efluentes passaram por tratamentos físico-químicos com diferentes concentrações de carvão ativado em pó (30, 40 e 50 mg.L-1) e cloreto férrico (6, 10 e 14 mg.L-1) ou sulfato férrico (15, 25 e 35 mg.L-1) para serem reaproveitados em cultivos desse micro-organismo. O reuso de meio no cultivo de A. platensis mostrou resultados aceitáveis, observando-se que o crescimento desta cianobactéria foi satisfatório, com obtenção de concentração celular máxima (Xm) obtida de 1093 mg.L-1 em frasco Erlenmeyer, correspondente ao ensaio com meio tratado com 30 mg.L-1 de carvão ativado em pó (CAP) e 6 mg.L-1 de cloreto férrico. Esses resultados de crescimento celular foram da mesma ordem de grandeza que os resultados de Xm obtidos com meio novo e maiores que aqueles oriundos de crescimentos em meios tratados com sulfato férrico como agente coagulante, cujos valores de concentração celulares máximas não excederam 806 mg.L-1. Os cultivos em meios provenientes de tratamento com cloreto férrico não alteraram a composição da biomassa, chegando a valores de teor protéico da ordem de 47%. Conclui-se que o reuso de meio pode ser viável para a produção de biomassa de A. platensis, reduzindo o custo de produção pelo reuso dos nutrientes. / The cyanobacterium Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis, one of the most studied and cultivated photosynthetic microorganisms and, currently has been used for biomass production of biomass, with high contents of protein, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and pigments, with potential use as a dietary supplement for human food supplement and animal feed. However, the cultivation of photosynthetic microorganisms have a very high water demand. Thus, is important to carry out studies evaluating the possibility of reuse of Arthrospira culture medium, which, in addition to reducing the costs of nutrients, include the environmental aspect, preventing soil salinization and eutrophication of water bodies. This work has evaluated the reuse of effluent medium from Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis cultivation treated with powdered activated carbon and different coagulants. The effluent, obtained from A. platensis batch cultivation in bench-scale open ponds, using sodium nitrate as a nitrogen source. The effluent went through physico-chemical treatments employing different concentrations of powdered activated carbon (30, 40, and 50 mg.L-1) and ferric chloride (6, 10, and 14 mg.L-1) or ferric sulphate (15, 25, and 35 mg.L-1) for them to be reused in cultured microorganism. The reuse through the cultivation of A. platensis showed acceptable results, observing that the growth of this cyanobacterium was satisfactory, obtaining maximum cell concentration (Xm) obtained 1093 mg.L-1 in Erlenmeyer flask, corresponding to the assay medium treated with 30 mg.L-1 of powdered activated carbon (PAC) and 6 mg.L-1 ferric chloride. The results of cell growth were the same order of magnitude as the results of Xm obtained with new culture medium and larger than those from growth in media treated with ferric sulfate as a coagulant agent, whose maximum values of cell concentration did not exceed 806 mg.L-1. The cultures in media from treatment with ferric chloride did not alter the composition of the biomass, reaching values of protein content of around 47%. It is concluded that the reuse of cultures medium may be feasible to produce biomass of A. platensis, reducing the production cost by recycling of nutrients.
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Remoção de microcistina de águas para abastecimento em sistema que associa unidades de adsorção por carvão ativado em pó e flotação por ar dissolvido em escala de laboratório / Removal of phytoplankton and microcystin of drinking water in a system that associates units of adsorption in activated carbon, dissolved air flotation and filtration in laboratory scale testsSilva, André Luís Vieira da 16 September 2005 (has links)
A crescente degradação da qualidade dos mananciais que servem os sistemas públicos de abastecimento de água potável faz com que se busquem novas técnicas para remoção de compostos indesejáveis. Os fatores climáticos que predominam no Brasil favorecem o desenvolvimento, em ambientes eutrofizados, de microrganismos conhecidos como cianobactérias que podem ser potencialmente produtores de toxinas. Este trabalho estudou a eficiência de remoção de microcistinas em um sistema que associa coagulação, floculação, flotação por ar dissolvido, adsorção em carvão ativado e filtração, com o intuito de remover a maior quantidade possível de microcistina para minimizar as dosagens de carvão ativado necessárias à remoção de concentrações de microcistinas - hepatotoxinas produzidas por cianobactérias - uma vez que, em uma estação real, uma menor dosagem de carvão ativado representa menores custos. Até o momento, o estado da arte permite afirmar que a aplicação de carvão ativado constitui a etapa final de um sistema de tratamento usualmente utilizado para a eficiente remoção de toxinas. Em escala de laboratório, foram feitos ensaios em equipamentos com alimentação por batelada: jarteste e flotateste. Após a preparação da água de estudo, uma amostra foi submetida à mistura rápida em um equipamento de jarteste, com aplicação de produtos químicos para atingir valores desejados de pH e, em outros ensaios, também foi adicionado o carvão ativado em pó - CAP. Após a coagulação, a amostra ensaiada era transferida para o equipamento de flotateste para a floculação e posterior flotação por ar dissolvido e, em alguns casos, submetido à filtração em papel Whatman 40. Observou-se que o uso dos parâmetros de cor e turbidez não foram suficientes para garantir a também remoção de microcistina. No sistema proposto, a aplicação de CAP antes da mistura rápida apresentou melhor desempenho na remoção de microcistina do que quando aplicado posteriormente a esta etapa; foi necessário dosagem de 60 mg/L de CAP, aplicado a 1,5 hora antes da mistura rápida para que a concentração de microcistina ficasse inferior a 1 μg/L. O sistema que associa coagulação, floculação, flotação por ar dissolvido, adsorção em carvão ativado e filtração mostrou ser capaz de remover microcistina a níveis inferiores a 1 μg/L, conforme estabelecido na Portaria 518/04 do Ministério da Saúde. / The growing quality degradation of the water sources serving the public distribution of drinking water results in the search of new techniques for the removal of undesirable compounds. The brazilian climate factors are in favor of the development of eutrophic environments, and of microorganisms known as cyanobacteria that are potential sources of toxins. This work studied the microcystin removal efficiency in a system that associates, coagulation, flocculation, dissolved air flotation, adsorption in activated carbon and filtration, with the scope to remote the maximum possible quantity of toxins in order to minimize the activated carbon dosage need to the removal of microcystin concentration - hepatotoxins produced by cyanobacteria - taking into accounts that in a real plant, the less the activated carbon, the less the operation costs. So far, the state of art permits the affirmation that the activated carbon characterizes the final step of a treatment system usually used for the efficient removal of toxins. In the laboratory scale tests were done in batch equipments: jartest and flotatest. After the preparation of the water in study one sample was submitted to a quick mixture in a jartest, with the application of chemical products to reach the desired pH levels, and in other assays powder activated carbon PAC was also added. After the coagulation, the tried sample was transferred to the flotatest equipment to achieve flotation and posterior dissolved air flotation, and in some cases, submitted to filtration in Whatman 40. It could be observed that the use of color and turbidity parameters were not sufficient to guarantee the microcystin removal. In the proposed system, the PAC application before the quick mixture presented better performance in the removal of microcystins than the posterior application to this step; a dosage of 60 mg/L of PAC was necessary when applied 1,5 hour before the quick mixture for the microcystin concentration be as low as 1 μg/L. The system which associates coagulation, flocculation, dissolved air flotation, activated carbon adsorption and filtration, exhibits the ability of microcystin removal to levels below 1 μg/L as is established in Portaria 518 - 23/03/05 - Ministério da Saúde - Brazil.
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Pré-cloração associada à adsorção em carvão ativado em pó e flotação por ar dissolvido na remoção de microcistina presente em três diferentes concentrações em águas provenientes de reservatório eutrofizado / Prechlorination associated to adsorption with powdered activated carbon and dissolved air flotation in the removal of three concentrations of microcystin present in eutroficated reservoir waterRosa, Andrey Alexsandro 13 June 2008 (has links)
O crescimento desordenado das cidades, a utilização de áreas para plantio próximas aos mananciais e o lançamento de águas residuárias domésticas e industriais sem tratamento são consideradas as principais fontes de poluição dos corpos d´água. Tal poluição contribui para o enriquecimento dos corpos hídricos em relação aos nutrientes. Isto, combinado com fatores climáticos proporciona condições para a ocorrência de florações de algas que podem apresentar espécies potencialmente tóxicas. Desta forma, aumenta a preocupação com desenvolvimento de técnicas de tratamento que forneçam água de qualidade garantindo a saúde da população consumidora. Nesta pesquisa, foram preparadas águas de estudo com diferentes concentrações de microcistina, com as quais foram testados alguns processos de tratamento, em escala de bancada, que consistiram na pré-cloração, adsorção em carvão ativado em pó, coagulação/floculação, flotação por ar dissolvido e centrifugação. O fluxograma de tratamento com aplicação de carvão ativado logo após a mistura rápida foi o que apresentou melhores resultados em termos de cor aparente, turbidez e concentração residual de microcistina. Foi avaliada a influência da concentração de microcistina nos tratamentos simulados. Constatou-se que para 104,92 µg/L de microcistina a aplicação de 3,0 mg\'CL IND.2\'/L (10 segundos antes da mistura rápida) e 30 mg/L de CAP (logo após a mistura rápida) não foram capazes de reduzir a concentração de microcistina para menos de 1 µg/L, conforme o limite estabelecido pela Portaria 518/04 do Ministério da Saúde. Assim, optou-se pela estimativa da dosagem mínima de carvão ativado em pó (CAP) em função da concentração inicial de microcistina das três águas preparadas. O residual de microcistina em cada água preparada, após a aplicação da dosagem estimada de CAP, foi: Água de Estudo 1 = 0,80 µg/L, Água de Estudo 2 = 0,82 µg/L e Água de Estudo 3 = 0,23 µg/L. / The disordered growth of cities, the use of planting areas near the water sources and the launch of domestic and industrial wastewater without treatment are the main sources of water bodies\' pollution. Such pollution contributes to increase the nutrient loading in the water bodies. In association with climatic factors, this enrichment of nutrient provides suitable conditions for the bloom of potentially toxic algae. Thus, increases the concern over to develop treatment techniques that provide water quality able to ensure the health of the consumer population. In this research, waters were prepared with different concentrations of microcystin and some treatments were tested in bench scale. These tests consisted in prechlorination, adsorption on powdered activated carbon, coagulation/flocculation, dissolved air flotation and centrifugation. The diagram of treatment with activated carbon application after the rapid mix showed better results of apparent color, turbidity and residual concentration of microcystin. The influence of the concentration of microcystin in the simulated treatments was evaluated. It was found that for 104.92 µg/L of microcystin the application of 3.0 mg\'CL IND.2\'/L (10 seconds before rapid mix) and 30 mg/L of PAC (after a quick mixture) were not able to reduce the concentration of microcystin to less than 1 µg/L, as the limit established by Order 518/04 of the Health Ministry. Thus, it was decided to estimate the minimum dosage of powdered activated carbon (PAC) according to the initial concentration of microcystin found in the three prepared waters. The residual concentration of microcystin in each water, after the estimated dosage application of PAC was: Water 1 = 0.80 µg/L; Water 2 = 0.82 µg/L; Water 3 = 0, 23 µg/L.
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Avaliação dos processos de nitrificação e desnitrificação das águas residuárias de uma indústria química / Evaluation of nitrification-denitrification processes of wastewater of chemical industrySassim, Márcio Nemer Machado 24 May 2001 (has links)
Um sistema de tratamento constituído de um reator anaeróbio de mistura completa e um reator anaeróbio compartimentado (ABR) foi operado durante 140 dias para estudar os efeitos do pré-tratamento das águas residuárias de uma indústria química, por carvão ativado em pó (CAP), e suas implicações nos processos de nitrificação e desnitrificação. Utilizou-se, no pré-tratamento do resíduo, duas concentrações de carvão ativado em pó. Para aplicação de 10 mg/l de CAP a remoção de DQO foi de 60% e a de NTK foi de 50%. Nesta fase, os processos de remoção de nitrogênio foram plenamente viabilizados. Para 5 mg/l de CAP a remoção de DQO foi de 44% e a remoção de NTK 46%, neste período se observou inibição por metais pesados e acúmulo de nitrito no sistema. / A treatment system composed of both an aerobic complete-mix reactor and a anaerobic baftled reactor (ABR) was operated for 140 days to study the effects of the treatment of wastewater chemical industry by powdered activate carbon (PAC) and its implications in nitrification - denitrification processes. In the residue preliminary treatment, two concentrations of PAC were used. For the application of 10 mg/l of CAP the removal of COD was 60% and the removal of TKN was 50%. In this phase, the processes of nitrogen removal were possible to be completely carried out. For 5 mg/l of CAP, the removal of COD was 44% and the removal of TKN 46%. In this period, the inhibition by heavy metaIs and nitrite accumulation in the system was observed.
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Reutilização de meios do cultivo de Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis tratados com carvão ativado em pó e diferentes agentes coagulantes / Reuse of exhausted medium from Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis after treatment with powdered activated carbon and different coagulants.Lauris Del Carmen Mejia da Silva 11 November 2014 (has links)
A cianobactéria Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis, é um dos micro-organismos fotossintetizantes mais estudados e cultivados, e atualmente tem sido utilizado para a produção de biomassa, com elevado conteúdo de proteínas, vitaminas, minerais, aminoácidos essenciais, ácidos graxos poli-insaturados e pigmentos, com potencial uso como complemento alimentar para humanos, bem como em alimentação de animais. No entanto, o cultivo de micro-organismos fotossintetizantes tem uma demanda hídrica bastante alta. Dessa forma, é importante a realização de trabalhos que avaliem a possibilidade de reuso de meio de cultivo de Arthrospira, que, além de reduzir os custos com nutrientes, contemplam o aspecto ambiental, evitando salinização do solo e eutrofização de corpos hídricos. Este trabalho avaliou a reutilização de meios do cultivo de Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis tratados com carvão ativado em pó e diferentes agentes coagulantes. Os efluentes foram obtidos dos cultivos de A. platensis com nitrato de sódio como fonte de nitrogênio em processo descontínuo, em minitanques. Os efluentes passaram por tratamentos físico-químicos com diferentes concentrações de carvão ativado em pó (30, 40 e 50 mg.L-1) e cloreto férrico (6, 10 e 14 mg.L-1) ou sulfato férrico (15, 25 e 35 mg.L-1) para serem reaproveitados em cultivos desse micro-organismo. O reuso de meio no cultivo de A. platensis mostrou resultados aceitáveis, observando-se que o crescimento desta cianobactéria foi satisfatório, com obtenção de concentração celular máxima (Xm) obtida de 1093 mg.L-1 em frasco Erlenmeyer, correspondente ao ensaio com meio tratado com 30 mg.L-1 de carvão ativado em pó (CAP) e 6 mg.L-1 de cloreto férrico. Esses resultados de crescimento celular foram da mesma ordem de grandeza que os resultados de Xm obtidos com meio novo e maiores que aqueles oriundos de crescimentos em meios tratados com sulfato férrico como agente coagulante, cujos valores de concentração celulares máximas não excederam 806 mg.L-1. Os cultivos em meios provenientes de tratamento com cloreto férrico não alteraram a composição da biomassa, chegando a valores de teor protéico da ordem de 47%. Conclui-se que o reuso de meio pode ser viável para a produção de biomassa de A. platensis, reduzindo o custo de produção pelo reuso dos nutrientes. / The cyanobacterium Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis, one of the most studied and cultivated photosynthetic microorganisms and, currently has been used for biomass production of biomass, with high contents of protein, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and pigments, with potential use as a dietary supplement for human food supplement and animal feed. However, the cultivation of photosynthetic microorganisms have a very high water demand. Thus, is important to carry out studies evaluating the possibility of reuse of Arthrospira culture medium, which, in addition to reducing the costs of nutrients, include the environmental aspect, preventing soil salinization and eutrophication of water bodies. This work has evaluated the reuse of effluent medium from Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis cultivation treated with powdered activated carbon and different coagulants. The effluent, obtained from A. platensis batch cultivation in bench-scale open ponds, using sodium nitrate as a nitrogen source. The effluent went through physico-chemical treatments employing different concentrations of powdered activated carbon (30, 40, and 50 mg.L-1) and ferric chloride (6, 10, and 14 mg.L-1) or ferric sulphate (15, 25, and 35 mg.L-1) for them to be reused in cultured microorganism. The reuse through the cultivation of A. platensis showed acceptable results, observing that the growth of this cyanobacterium was satisfactory, obtaining maximum cell concentration (Xm) obtained 1093 mg.L-1 in Erlenmeyer flask, corresponding to the assay medium treated with 30 mg.L-1 of powdered activated carbon (PAC) and 6 mg.L-1 ferric chloride. The results of cell growth were the same order of magnitude as the results of Xm obtained with new culture medium and larger than those from growth in media treated with ferric sulfate as a coagulant agent, whose maximum values of cell concentration did not exceed 806 mg.L-1. The cultures in media from treatment with ferric chloride did not alter the composition of the biomass, reaching values of protein content of around 47%. It is concluded that the reuse of cultures medium may be feasible to produce biomass of A. platensis, reducing the production cost by recycling of nutrients.
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