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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Standardization in Sustainability Transitions : A Study on Stakeholder Attitudes and Power Relations During the Standardization Process in the Vehicle-to-Grid Ecosystem

Elf, Julia, Svensson, Ludvig January 2019 (has links)
The electrification of the transportation sector plays an important role in the sustainability transition as successful electric vehicle (EV) integration allows for the reduction of CO2 emissions. Moreover, bidirectional capabilities of the EVs (vehicle-to-grid) further facilitate this transition by supporting the electricity grid while lowering the cost of ownership of EVs when revenues from grid-supporting services are split between stakeholders. Due to sustainability challenges facing several domains, fundamental transformation processes are needed to transition away from our current global energy system. However, with the strong inertia of the current system together with the sheer complexity and vexed interests during transitions, neither private markets nor government agencies seem likely to spur this transition on their own. Transitions are thus political processes, in which standards can play an important role since they point to the direction of the transition. This thesis investigates the role of standardization in sustainability transitions. The aim was to improve the understanding of the diverse stakeholder attitudes towards the standardization process of the communication protocol between the vehicle and its charging equipment. While exploring this topic, the thesis further aimed to investigate the power relations that govern the interactions and coordination efforts between the diverse stakeholders involved in the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) standardization processes. To achieve this, a qualitative study was conducted where two transcripts from the California Energy Commission, adding up to a total of 667 pages, were coded in a mixed inductive-deductive manner. In addition, as a complement, 13 expert interviews were conducted. The results showed that power was expressed by actors on (and between) all levels in the system. Mutual dependency was the most frequently expressed power relation among the actors. The mutual dependency was assumed to be widely present due to the interdependent nature between the components in the V2G system. The automotive manufacturers were observed to have a strong position in the vehicle-to-grid ecosystem and it was noted that other actors conformed with their political and/or economic goals. Another finding related to power was the sense of powerlessness and frustration expressed by actors on all levels, likely enabling the status quo to prevail. There was also clear frustration towards policymakers concerning the lack of policy direction and actors expressed the need for market signaling. The policymakers seemed to adhere to both disruptive innovations and the existing regime, causing uncertainty in policy decisions. The empirics also showed that the standardization discussions have little focus on competition between standards at this point of the transition. The debate seemed to rather be shaped by the conflict between advocates and opponents of standardization, where the opponents argued against standardization due to fear of prematurely mandating a single standard. Advocates dominated over opponents at this point of the transition and the communication standard, ISO 15118 seemed to have significant industry support. Automotive manufacturers were found to be the most vocal stakeholder group against standardization. Furthermore, the results highlighted the functions and features of standards commonly mentioned in the V2G standardization discussions, where compatibility, market signaling, and future proof features belonged to the most frequently mentioned. / Elektrifieringen av transportsektorn spelar en central roll för omställningen till ett hållbart energisystem eftersom elbilar bidrar till minskade utsläpp av koldioxid. Bidirektionella laddningsmöjligheter (V2G) kan möjliggöra omställningen ytterligare genom att stötta svaga elnät på lokal nivå samtidigt som funktionen kan minska kostnaderna för att äga en elbil. Fundamentala omställningar krävs för att lösa de hållbarhetsutmaningar som flera industrier står inför men på grund av komplexiteten i dessa system kan varken privat eller offentlig sektor driva denna förändring på egen hand. Omställningsprocessen är en politisk process där standardisering kan spela en viktig roll eftersom de kan indikera vilken riktning omställningen rör sig mot. Den här uppsatsen undersöker därför standardiseringens roll i hållbarhetsomställningar. Syftet var att öka förståelsen av olika aktörers ståndpunkter i standardiseringsprocessen av kommunikationen mellan en elbil och dess laddstation. För att undersöka detta ämne granskades även maktförhållanden som genomsyrar en standardiseringsprocess. Detta gjordes genom kvalitativ kodning av två transkriberade diskussioner om standardisering från California Energy Commission vilka totalt uppgick till 667 sidor. Utöver detta hölls 13 intervjuer som komplement. Resultatet visade att makt utövades av aktörer på samtliga nivåer i systemet. Ett ömsesidigt beroende kunde identifieras mellan aktörerna. Detta antogs vara framträdande på grund av de beroendeförhållanden som uppstår sig då samtliga aktörer krävs för att ett V2G-system ska fungera. Vidare observerades att maktutövande som förstärker och reproducerar existerande strukturer och institutioner uttrycktes av många aktörer i V2G-ekosystemet. En annan observation var att biltillverkare verkar ha en stark position i V2G-ekosystemet och det noterades att andra aktörer anpassade sig efter deras politiska och/eller ekonomiska mål. Ett ytterligare resultat var att det fanns en känsla av maktlöshet och frustration på alla nivåer i systemet vilket bidrog till upplevelsen av status quo. Det fanns en tydlig frustration speciellt mot beslutsfattare vilken grundade sig i bristen på tydliga riktlinjer. Beslutsfattare verkade anpassa sig såväl mot disruptiv innovation som till den existerande regimen vilket orsakade passivitet och osäkerhet vid beslutsfattande. Eftersom ramverket Multi-Level Power-in-Transition som användes för analysen inte tar hänsyn till att beslutsfattare kan svara både mot dominanta och mer radikala makrotrender, modifierades ramverket något innan det appliceras på empirin. Vidare visade analysen att det inte pågår någon konkurrens mellan standarder i denna fas av omställningen, däremot identifierades en konflikt mellan förespråkare och motståndare till standardisering där motståndarna var oroliga över att det var för tidigt att ge mandat åt en enskild standard. Förespråkare dominerade över motståndare i denna fas av omställningen och kommunikationstandarden ISO 15118 verkade ha betydande stöd från industrin. Biltillverkare befanns vara de aktörer som till största grad motsatte sig standardisering. Resultaten gav ytterligare en inblick i de egenskaper hos standarder som vanligtvis nämndes i diskussioner om kommunikationsstandarder. Några av de egenskaper som regelbundet belystes som viktiga var kompatibilitet och att den bör vara framtidssäker. En ytterligare viktig funktion med standardisering ansågs vara att ge tydliga signaler till marknaden.

Väst & Resten : En kvalitativ textanalys av porträttering av flyktingar i medierapportering: En jämförelse mellan 2015 och 2022

Jabr, Maya January 2023 (has links)
This study examines the portrayal of refugees in BBC News reports, focusing on postcolonial perspectives in two time periods: 2015 and 2022. The analysis involves language, images, and frameworks used in representing refugees. Findings reveal that in 2015, refugees were depicted as economic migrants, whereas in 2022, Ukrainian refugees were portrayed as genuine victims of war. Factors such as race, gender, religion, and politics influenced their portrayal. This research sheds light on how BBC News represents refugees, impacting public perception. It underscores the importance of critically examining media's portrayal of refugees, considering power relations, especially in major channels claiming neutrality. The study contributes to media studies, refugee studies, and postcolonial theory.

The Shifting Power Dynamics Between Indonesia and West Papua in Global Discourse : Narratives in the 50s versus Now

Bonson, Mariam S. P. January 2023 (has links)
This Study is concerned with the WP-Indonesia conflict and the development of its narrative since 1949 as well as the shifting in power dynamics. It reveals that the past decades have not changed the essential power dynamic of Indonesia holding the main power by portraying itself as the “protector,” while WP describes them as a “colonising power”. Nevertheless, a slow trend has been detected as the Papuan narrative shifts towards WP presenting independent ways of governing to the global community, portraying itself as being on the same level as other sovereign states. Further research could investigate the differences in national versus international narratives and their influence on public opinion. The narratives are being traced using Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and framing theory by Robert Entman. Combining these frameworks, the narratives are analysed by focusing on the presented issue, cause, moral judgement, suggested resolutions and portrayed power imbalances. Moreover, the data that are being used involve public statements by the political elite of each party.

Samhällshjältar eller tjuvfiskare? : En tematisk analys av etablerad medias gestaltning av Dumpen.se.

Krook, Viktor, Di Luca, Anna January 2022 (has links)
The rise of the internet and the digital world becoming a bigger part of our lives has provided a new platform for adults to contact children for sexual purposes. The alternative media Dumpen.se has, with its controversial approach, taken responsibility for solving this problem and their work has been met with diligent reporting in established media. The purpose of the thesis is therefore to investigate how established media frame alternative media, with Dumpen as a case, in their articles. In addition, attitudes and possible power relations will be addressed. The study will answer the questions: (1) What main themes can be identified in the media reporting on Dumpen in Swedish established media? and (2) What attitudes and possible power relations are being portrayed? In order to answer this a thematic analysis has been executed on articles that deal with Dumpen during a selected time frame. The thesis uses framing theory as a theoretical framework. The results reveal that Dumpen is framed by established media through three distinctive main themes: Legal issues, Ethical issues and The role of media. The attitudes portrayed are generally negative towards Dumpen. The study has contributed to developing the research field by examining how established media choose to portray another smaller media, in the form of Dumpen.se, which is a new group that has received a lot of attention in society.

Ghana: From fragility to resilience? Understanding the formation of a new political settlement from a critical political economy perspective

Ruppel, Julia Franziska January 2015 (has links)
During the late 1970s Ghana was described as a collapsed and failed state. In contrast, today it is hailed internationally as beacon of democracy and stability in West Africa. In light of Ghana’s drastic image change from a fragile and even collapsed polity to a resilient state, this thesis contributes to the statebuilding debate by analysing the social change that occurred. Grounded in a critical theory approach the thesis applies a political settlement analysis to explore how power is distributed and changed over time between contending social groups; exploring the extent to which this is embedded in formal and informal institutional arrangements. Ghana’s 2012 elections serve as an empirical basis and lens to observe the country’s current settlement. This approach enables a fine grained within-case comparison with Ghana’s collapsed post-independent settlement. The analysis illustrates that while there has been no transformation of the Ghanaian state, however, continuous incremental structural change has occurred within it, as demonstrated by a structurally altered constellation of power. While internationally propagated (neo-)liberal economic and political reforms had a vital impact on the reconstruction process of state-society relations, Ghana’s labelling as “success story” evokes the distorted idea of a resilient liberal state. The sustainability of Ghana’s current settlement characterised by electoral competitive clientelism depends on a continued inflow of foreign capital. So far the mutually beneficial interest of portraying Ghana as a resilient state by its elites and donors ensures the flow of needed financial assistance to preserve the settlement. / Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC); European Commission Marie Curie Pre-doctoral Fellowship programme

Patriarchy Strikes Back: Power and Perception In Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Farghaly, Nadine 29 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

In whose interests: Analyzing social capital in the Pendaneni Kikwe women's group in Karangai, Tanzania

Patel, Anaal S. 28 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Possibilities and Constraints Facing the International Cooperation in Negotiating Global Climate Change Regimes

Zakaria, Mohamad January 2010 (has links)
This thesis analysis the problems facing the negotiators during their international efforts to create global climate change regimes. Without understanding why such negotiations failed in the past, it is difficult to learn how to negotiate them successfully in the future. The US and China are responsible for emitting almost half of the greenhouse emissions to the atmosphere. However, they are still laggards in the efforts to create an effective global climate change regime and are running away from their global responsibility by blaming each other for the failure to reach a global climate change deal. The EU has been taking the leadership in efforts to negotiate global climate change regimes. However, they can not influence and force the main two hegemonic powers to follow their leadership. This is because the EU is not hegemony in the global political arena. The EU persistence to find compromises during negotiations for future global climate change regimes is a source of hope to humankind. Flexibility during negotiations, openness to consider the views of other global actors to find optimum solutions, and the understanding that no one is secure from the threats of climate change are essential to bring the world leaders into a compromise global climate change regime.

(Un)Conditional Capacity-Building - Aymara Women Organizing for Social Change

Hansen, Christina January 2008 (has links)
Om missgynnade och underordnade kvinnor i strikta klassificeringssystem ska förändra sin position krävs socialt deltagande och kollektiv handling, men hur? Flertalet Aymarakvinnor har upplevt att ”kapacitetslärande” åtgärder har varit framgångsrika, men till vilken nivå? Att vara del av samhälles fattigaste befolkning betyder ett liv under en mångfald sociala orättvisor. I den här uppsatsen argumenterar jag för att kapacitetslärande är ett potentiellt verktyg för social förändring. Detta gör jag genom att hänvisa till den informella utbildningen och det symboliska kapital som åtgärden omfattar, sett ur ett makt- och självbestämmande-perspektiv. Genom att förmedla de förhållanden som Aymarakvinnorna lever under, och med hjälp av intersektionalitetsteorin presenterar jag några av de faktorer som försvårar dessa att nå en radikal social förändring. Likväl är ursprungskvinnornas sociala påverkan och aktivism central i kampen för rättvisa. / If deprived and subordinate women in rigorous systems of stratification are to change their position, social agency and collective activism is needed, but how? Several Bolivian Aymara women have experienced processes of “capacity-building” to be a successful measurement, but to what extent? Being part of the poorest sectors of society implies being dominated by a diverse spectrum of social injustices. In this paper I argue that capacity-building may be a potential tool for social change. I will show this by referring to the informal education and the “symbolic capital” this embraces, seen from an empowerment perspective. By illustrating the conditions under which the Aymara women live, I will, with the help of intersectionality theory present some of the factors which impede them to bring about a radical social change. Nevertheless, the indigenous women’s agency and activism are crucial for the achievement of social justice.

Interactive Dreams

Rochegude, Johanna A. January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aim was to design a new form of playful interaction engaging dreaming and awake players. In the tested concept, “Wakers” were able to influence and interact with the dreams of “Dreamers” (with the help of BCI to detect their brainwaves, emotional states and REM phases) by applying external stimuli on the dreamer (somatosensory stimulation, specifically vibrations). In the concept, the dreamer was wearing “the stimuli pajamas”, which vibrated in different ways every time the waker would poke, stroke, shake “the ball”, a prototype displaying the emotional states, sleep stages and movements of the dreamer. Each time the waker would interact with the ball, feedback would be transmitted to the vibrating pajamas, thus influencing the dream and state of the dreamer, which would then be transmitted back and displayed on the ball. A new playful experience was created using sleep as a necessary component.The research was experiment-driven (with body-storming and lo-fi prototyping), and revealed touch to be a powerful and underexplored way to influence dreams. Furthermore, transmitting the emotional states of the dreamer to “the ball” helped render the abstract notion of someone else’s sleep tangible to the waker. The co-creation session organized revealed that the particular concept developed in the context of sleep was tied to interesting notions, such as bringing forward the relationships between the players, the unbalanced power relations, sensual play, abusive play and more. The concept sketches explored the design space around the main concept and shaped some of these different scenarios. All these contributions are aimed to be inspirational material for further research in the field.

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