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26+ Year Old Photovoltaic Power Plant: Degradation and Reliability Evaluation of Crystalline Silicon Modules - North ArrayJanuary 2013 (has links)
abstract: The object of this study was a 26 year old residential Photovoltaic (PV) monocrystalline silicon (c-Si) power plant, called Solar One, built by developer John F. Long in Phoenix, Arizona (a hot-dry field condition). The task for Arizona State University Photovoltaic Reliability Laboratory (ASU-PRL) graduate students was to evaluate the power plant through visual inspection, electrical performance, and infrared thermography. The purpose of this evaluation was to measure and understand the extent of degradation to the system along with the identification of the failure modes in this hot-dry climatic condition. This 4000 module bipolar system was originally installed with a 200 kW DC output of PV array (17 degree fixed tilt) and an AC output of 175 kVA. The system was shown to degrade approximately at a rate of 2.3% per year with no apparent potential induced degradation (PID) effect. The power plant is made of two arrays, the north array and the south array. Due to a limited time frame to execute this large project, this work was performed by two masters students (Jonathan Belmont and Kolapo Olakonu) and the test results are presented in two masters theses. This thesis presents the results obtained on the north array and the other thesis presents the results obtained on the south array. The resulting study showed that PV module design, array configuration, vandalism, installation methods and Arizona environmental conditions have had an effect on this system's longevity and reliability. Ultimately, encapsulation browning, higher series resistance (potentially due to solder bond fatigue) and non-cell interconnect ribbon breakages outside the modules were determined to be the primary causes for the power loss. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S.Tech Electrical Engineering 2013
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Análise dos procedimentos para implantação de pequenas centrais hidrelétricas no estado do Tocantins : estudo de caso na bacia do rio PalmeirasSantos, Ana Iracy Coelho dos January 2011 (has links)
Em um cenário de crescente demanda por energia elétrica e em face da possibilidade de crise energética, tem aumentado o incentivo à exploração dos potenciais hidráulicos por meio de Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas (PCHs), por representar uma fonte renovável e alternativa de geração elétrica. A construção e operação dos empreendimentos hidrelétricos requerem aprovação técnica pelos procedimentos de licenciamento ambiental, outorga de direito de uso de recursos hídricos e outorga de autorização de exploração do potencial hidráulico. Deste modo, o presente estudo teve por escopo reunir informações sobre tais procedimentos, a fim de identificar seus principais pontos críticos e conflitantes no decorrer de cada processo. A fim de alcançar o objetivo proposto a metodologia foi dividida em três etapas: a) levantamento do estado da arte dos procedimentos necessários à implantação de PCHs (marco legal e institucional, além da análise de trabalhos semelhantes ao tema em estudo); b) realização de entrevistas com atores sociais interessados e, c) análise de estudo de caso. Com o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa foi possível identificar os maiores conflitos relacionados aos procedimentos que envolvem a construção de PCHs no estado do Tocantins. Os resultados gerados indicam que as maiores barreiras são: (i) a demora na emissão das licenças ambientais (LP, LI, LO); (ii) a baixa qualidade dos estudos apresentados pelos responsáveis técnicos (EIA/RIMA, Estudo de Inventários); (iii) a não efetividade e a alta rotatividade dos técnicos responsáveis pelos processos; (iv) a falta de aperfeiçoamento na articulação entre os órgãos institucionais responsáveis pela execução da política de meio ambiente, recursos hídricos e energética; (v) a ausência de comunicação adequada com a comunidade local da bacia sobre os impactos e benefícios dos empreendimentos hidrelétricos; (vi) a isenção do pagamento de compensação financeira pelos aproveitamentos hidrelétricos na modalidade de PCHs; (vii) as análises por projeto desconsiderando as relações entre os impactos ambientais em uma região de cascata de PCHs. Considerando os resultados obtidos foi possível concluir que: embora o Brasil e o Tocantins disponham de um amplo arcabouço legal, que vem evoluindo constantemente, os procedimentos para construção das PCHs ainda precisam se aperfeiçoar, uma vez que os setores envolvidos carecem de investimentos em infraestrutura organizacional, tecnológica e principalmente na capacitação profissional. / In a scenario of increasing demand for electricity and given the possibility of an energy crisis, has increased the incentive to exploit the hydroelectric potential through Small Hydro Power (SHP), as it represents an alternative and renewable source of electricity generation. The construction and operation of hydropower projects require technical approval by the environmental licensing procedures, granting the right to use water resources and the authorization to exploit the hydroelectric potential. Thus, the scope of this study was to gather information about such procedures in order to identify the most critical and conflicting points throughout each case. To achieve the proposed objective methodology has been divided into three stages: a) lifting of the state of the art of the procedures for implementation of SHP (legal and institutional framework, along with analysis of similar theme in the study), b) holding interviews with social actors and stakeholders, c) analysis of case study. With the development of this research was possible to identify the largest dificulties related to procedures that involve the construction of small hydropower plants in Tocantins state. The results generated indicate that the major barriers are: (i) the delay in issuing environmental permits (LP, LI, LO), (ii) the low quality of studies submitted by the responsible technical (EIA / RIMA , Study of Inventories), (iii) the not-effectiveness and high turnover of analysts responsible for the processes, (iv) the lack of improvement in the interaction between the institutional bodies responsible for implementing environmental policy, water resources and energy, (v) the absence adequate of communication with local communities in the basin on the impacts and benefits of hydropower projects, (vi) exemption from payment of financial compensation for hydroelectric projects in the form of SHP, (vii) the analysis per project disregarding the relationship between the environmental impacts in a region of cascade SHP. Considering the results we conclude that although Brazil and Tocantins have a broad legal framework that has been evolving constantly, the procedures for construction of small hydropower units have yet to be perfected, since the involved sectors need more investment in organizational infrastructure, especially in technological and professional training.
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O planejado e o vivido: histórias de vida de moradores do Sertão Goiano / The planed and experiencied: life histories of residentes of Sertão GoianoKalliandra de Moraes Santos Araújo 16 December 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação é resultado de uma pesquisa com atingidos pela Usina Hidrelétrica Serra do Facão no sudeste de Goiás. Foram coletadas histórias de vida de moradores da zona rural de Goiás em dois momentos distintos. O primeiro em 2009, antes da instalação da barragem do rio São Marcos. O segundo momento das entrevistas foi pós o deslocamento compulsório, em 2012 e 2013, com a usina em funcionamento. Este intervalo entre as entrevista nos permitiu analisar o que foi planejado e o que foi efetivamente vivido por estes moradores do sertão goiano. Este empreendimento desapropriou 420 famílias, moradoras da zona rural em seis municípios: Catalão, Ipameri, Cristalina, Davinópolis, Campo Alegre de Goiás, em Goiás e Paracatu, no triângulo mineiro, Minas Gerais. Tomamos como recorte analítico as famílias remanescentes ou as famílias retornadas a terra, sendo assim, selecionamos seis histórias de vida que nos evidenciaram o que foi este processo de expulsão de suas terras de origem e as formas de reconstruir suas vidas agora não mais margeadas pelo rio. Os colaboradores foram mulheres e homens de distintas idades, todos moradores das beiras do rio São Marcos, localizados na zona rural do município de Campo Alegre de Goiás, que teve a maior área atingida e a maior quantidade de famílias desapropriadas. Por meio da História Oral, registarmos histórias de vida nas quais foram expostos os mecanismos de sobrevivência destes afogados. Transcriadas, as histórias de vida revelaram a complexidade deste cenário e demonstram a face perversa de expulsão do camponês de suas terras. Estes sujeitos tem outros conhecimentos para além do português letrado, que os permitiram reconfigurar a vida já tão dura pela lida na terra e pelos desmandos do estado. Revelou também que é preciso superar práticas autoritárias e de subordinação política na relação entre mediadores da barragem e camponeses, como uma das condições para uma nova retomada em suas vidas. / This dissertation is the result of a research about people affected by Serra do Facão Hydroelectric Dam at south-east Goiás. The histories of people who lived in the rural area were collected at two distinct times. First before the dams construction at São Marcos River in 2009. The second moment of interviews was after the mandatory move, in 2012 and 2013, with the power plant already producing. This time offset allowed us to analyze what had been planned and what the former residents of this area actually experienced. This venture expropriated 420 families living in the rural areas of six cities: Catalão, Ipameri, Cristalina, Davinópolis and Campo Alegre de Goiás in Goiás and Paracatu in Triângulo Mineiro region of Minas Gerais. As analytical approach taken cover the reminiscent families or families which returned to their land, so we selected six life stories what was this process of expulsion from their own land and ways of rebuilding their lives, now, no longer at the border of the river. The interviewed people were women and men of different ages, all residents of São Marcos river borders, in rural areas of the city of Campo Alegre de Goiás, the one with the largest affected area and dispossessed families as well. Through Oral History, we recorded their life stories in which the mechanisms of survival of those drowned were exposed. Transcreated, These guys have other knowledge beyond the literate Portuguese, which allowed them to reconfigure life already so hard for the land labor and government excesses. Also revealed that it is necessary to overcome authoritarian and political subordination in the relationship between mediators of the dam and peasants practices as a condition for a new resume in their lives.
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Modelo institucional do setor elétrico brasileiro: análise da capacidade de atração de capital privado para investimentos em geração de energia hidrelétrica. / Brazilian electric sector\'s institutional model: analysis towards the capacity to attract private capital to investments on hydroelectric power generation.Fernando Luiz Aguiar Filho 24 May 2007 (has links)
Em março de 2004, o governo brasileiro aprovou as leis 10.847 e 10.848, que alteram as bases da regulação do Setor Elétrico Brasileiro. As leis instituíram novas regras para a outorga de concessões para aproveitamentos hidrelétricos e para comercialização de energia entre agentes de geração, distribuidores e comercializadores de energia elétrica. Diante da contínua demanda por investimentos na expansão da capacidade de geração, este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de inferir sobre a capacidade do modelo institucional vigente de atrair capital privado para investimentos em geração de energia hidrelétrica. A inferência é realizada a partir da análise dos resultados dos leilões de energia nova realizados em 2005 e 2006 e da simulação do investimento em um protótipo de empreendimento de geração de energia hidrelétrica. De forma geral, as mudanças regulatórias favorecem o fluxo de investimentos para empreendimentos de geração hidrelétrica. Contudo, mais do que a um modelo institucional sólido, a derivação de investimentos para este segmento estará condicionada à ação do Estado sobre o equilíbrio entre consumo, oferta e preços de energia, enquanto principal artífice da política energética nacional. / In March 2004, the Brazilian Government passed the laws 10.847 and 10.848, which changed the regulatory guidelines of electric market. The laws established new rules for granting hydroelectric exploitation rights and for energy purchasing, among distributors, new generators and free consumers. In front of the new regulatory basis and the Brazilian demand for installed capacity increase, this research aims to infer the capacity of regulatory basis to attract private recourses for investments on hydroelectric power projects. The inference will be developed based on the results of auctions of electricity from new power plants, occurred in 2005 and 2006, and on the simulation of the investment on a prototype of a hydroelectric project in Brazil. The final remarks show that the new electric model favor the investment flow to hydroelectric power plants. However, more than to a solid institutional model, the investments on this segment will be conditioned to the Government action on the equilibrium between energy consuming, offering and prices, as the main agent of the national energy politics.
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A influência do assoreamento na geração de energia hidrelétrica: estudo de caso na Usina de Três Irmãos - SP / The influence of silting in the generation of hydroelectric energy: case study at Três Irmãos power plant - SPRenato Billia de Miranda 23 February 2011 (has links)
Com a crescente demanda de energia elétrica há a necessidade da criação de novas fontes de energia e otimização das fontes já existentes. No caso de países que apresentam uma matriz energética predominantemente hidrelétrica como o Brasil, com grandes usinas e reservatórios, os estudos sedimentológicos e os levantamentos batimétricos se apresentam como importantes ferramentas para melhorar o planejamento e o gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos e energéticos. Atualmente, muitos reservatórios hidrelétricos operam com dados defasados devido, principalmente, ao contínuo processo de assoreamento dos reservatórios. Este fato faz com que as políticas de gestão e operação destes reservatórios sejam realizadas a partir de dados diferentes dos encontrados na realidade. Neste contexto, a dissertação apresenta um estudo de caso no Reservatório de Três Irmãos (SP), onde foi realizado um levantamento batimétrico em 2008, e a partir da comparação dos dados obtidos neste levantamento com os dados fornecidos pela concessionária de energia, de 1975, foi possível estimar as perdas de volume total, útil e morto do reservatório que correspondem a 14,3%, 14,5% e 14,2%, respectivamente. A partir da observação destas modificações nos dados operacionais do reservatório em estudo, foi realizada a simulação da operação do reservatório e da usina hidrelétrica por meio do software AcquaNet, com a intenção de analisar qual a interferência do assoreamento do reservatório na geração de energia elétrica, durante o período de 1993 a 2008. Com os resultados foi constatado que a diminuição do volume útil do reservatório (devido ao assoreamento) acarretou na redução da energia gerada pela usina durante o período analisado. Também foi possível estimar as perdas financeiras da concessionária de energia com a redução da produção energética. Foram sugeridas, ainda, algumas medidas preventivas e corretivas para a redução do processo de assoreamento do reservatório em estudo. / With the increasing demand of energy, it is necessary to create new sources and optimize the ones that already exist. In the case of countries that present an energy matrix predominantly hydroelectric such as Brazil, where there are huge power plants and reservoirs, the studies on sedimentation and beating surveys are presented as important tools to sharpen the planning and the management of water and energy resources. Currently, most of the hydroelectric reservoirs operate in gapped data, due to, mainly, the continuing process of reservoirs silting. This makes management policies and operation of these reservoirs be performed from data that differ from the ones found in reality. In this context, this dissertation presents a case study at the Três Irmãos Reservoir (SP), where a beating survey was carried out in 2008, and, from the comparison of the data revealed in that survey with the data provided by the power utility in 1975, it was possible to estimate the losses of total capacity, live storage and void volume of the reservoir, which correspond to 14,3%, 14,5% e 14,2%, respectively. From the observation of these operational data modification of the reservoir under study was performed the simulate of the operation of the reservoir and hydroelectric plant with the employing of the AcquaNet software with the intention to look into the interference of silting of the reservoir in generate electricity during the period 1993 to 2008. With the results was found that the decrease in the capacity of the reservoir (due to siltation) resulted in the reduction of energy generated by the plant during the period analyzed. With this verification, it was also possible to estimate the financial losses of the power utility with the reduction of energy production. Was suggested also, some preventive and corrective measures to reduce siltation process in the reservoir under study.
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A compensação ambiental no Brasil: compensação para que e para quem? / The environmental compensation in Brazil: compensation for what and for whom?Rafael Oliveira Fonseca 24 May 2017 (has links)
A temática ambiental se constitui em um contexto complexo e dinâmico de inúmeras relações de interdependência e/ou de subordinação, pois está inserida em um constante movimento ocasionado pelas variadas forças e interesses de atores que as circundam, como por exemplo, o Estado, a sociedade civil e o mercado. Nesse sentido, a questão não deve ser compreendida como simples resultante do vínculo entre os homens e a natureza, mas como um componente das relações humanas, como um objeto econômico, político e cultural. No Brasil, a relevância do tema é evidente devido a sua posição de protagonista internacional nas esferas ambiental e socioeconômica. Dessa forma, um instrumento constituinte da política territorial e ambiental nacional, que está diretamente inserido nessa complexa e dinâmica temática e envolvo pelos interesses e poderes de vários atores, é a Compensação Ambiental (CA). Objeto central desta pesquisa, a CA está subordinada ao processo estatal de emissão de licenças ambientais e visa contribuir para o fortalecimento do Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação (SNUC). A hipótese deste trabalho é que a Compensação Ambiental Federal, na forma como está estabelecida e operacionalizada na atualidade, é pouco eficaz em relação ao seu propósito. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é compreender e analisar o papel e/ou a finalidade do Estado (e de suas políticas públicas) na definição da CA, bem como o potencial deste instrumento em influenciar no ordenamento do território, particularmente ante a abordagem ambiental e a sua conjuntura contemporânea, perpassando igualmente pelos outros atores que envolvem este instrumento. Para isso consideramos a escala federal da administração do território, ou seja, a atuação da União, abarcando, dessa maneira, as atividades dos principais órgãos ambientais do país, sejam: do Ministério do Meio Ambiente, do Ibama, do ICMBio etc. Para atingir tal proposição, este trabalho se baseia em pesquisas bibliográficas, levantamento de dados e estatísticas, entrevistas em órgãos públicos e em instituições não-estatais, produção de elementos gráficos, tabulares e cartográficos, e em um estudo de caso, a UHE Santo Antônio do Jari, e seu respectivo trabalho de campo. O conteúdo está segmentado em três etapas: a primeira aborda a tríade dos atores que envolvem a CA, com base em um esquema conceitual de análise; a segunda apresenta um aprofundamento sobre o instrumento em uma perspectiva histórica, legislativa e operacional; e, a terceira transpõe a teoria e tange o território a partir da análise empírica do estudo de caso. Ao final, visando responder o para que e para quem que intitula este trabalho, conclui-se em relação ao para que, que de fato, a CA Federal visa fortalecer o SNUC, essa finalidade está consolidada. Por outro lado, a análise do para quem nos leva a afirmar que no presente o instrumento serve a todos os atores que o envolvem apesar de não atender todas as suas demandas, deixando uma lacuna sobre o seu futuro se nenhuma alteração significativa for realizada em suas diretrizes operacionais. / Environmental issues constitute a complex and dynamic context of numerous relationships of interdependence and/or subordination because they are part of a constant motion due to the different forces and interests of the actors that surround them, such as the State, the civil society and the market. In this sense, these questions should not be understood as a simple result of the relationships between human beings and the nature, but should be seen as part of a component of human relations, as an economic, political and cultural object. In Brazil, the relevance of the questions is evident due to its position as an international protagonist in the environmental and socioeconomic spheres. Environmental Compensation (EC) is an instrument that is part of the national territorial and environmental policy, that is directly inserted in this complex and dynamic thematic and that envelops the interests and powers of several actors. The central object of this research, the EC, is related to the State´s allocations of environmental licenses and aims to contribute to the strengthening of the National System of Conservation Units (SNUC). This study is based in the following hypothesis: Environmental Compensation managed by the federal government is not very effective in relation to its purpose, as currently established and operationalized. Thus, this research aims to understand and analyze the role and/or the purpose of the State (and its public policies) in the definition of EC, as well as the potential of this instrument in influencing the spatial planning, particularly facing the contemporary conjuncture of the environmental issue, also permeating the other actors that are involved in this instrument. For this, we consider the federal scale of territory administration, covering in this way, the activities of the main public environmental institutions in Brazil, such as the Ministry of the Environment, Ibama, ICMBio, etc. In order to reach such a goal, this work is based on bibliographical research, data collection and analyses, interviews with public agencies and non-state institutions, production of graphics, tables and maps, and on a case study, in the Santo Antônio do Jari Hydroelectric Power Plant, and its related field research. The content is segmented into three parts: the first one presents the triad of the actors that are involved in the EC, based on a conceptual schema of analysis; the second one presents a theoretical understanding of the instrument in a historical, legislative and operational perspective; and the third part transposes the theory and covers the territory from the empirical analysis of the case study. In the end, in order to answer \"for what and for whom\", the question in the title of this research, we conclude, with regard to the for what\", that in fact, the Federal EC aims to strengthen the SNUC, this purpose seems consolidated. The analysis of the \"for whom\" leads us to affirm that, in the present, the instrument serves all the actors that involve it, even if it does not meet all your demands. Thus leaves doubts about its future if no significant change in its operational guidelines is made.
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Sustainable flue-gas quench : For waste incineration plants within a water-energy-environment nexus perspectiveAl Hamrani, Emad, Grönberg, Nils January 2017 (has links)
The function of a flue-gas quench is to remove additional contaminants from flue-gas and to reduce the wastewater from a waste incineration plant. The aim of this degree project is to find how the system is affected by using a quench and what factors limits the performance. This is done by modelling and simulating a waste incineration plant in Aspen Plus. Data and plant schematics were obtained by a study visit to Mälarenergi Plant 6 situated in Västerås, Sweden, which were used as model input and for model validation. The results have shown that the amount of wastewater can be reduced by more than half compared to a plant without a quench. The heat produced in the condenser, when discharging water to the boiler, would be lowered by up to 20%. For systems with a quench present when more water was discharged to the boiler both the heat production and the pollutant capturing became better. However, the system has limits regarding the amount that could be recirculated, in the form of temperature limits in different parts of the system. In addition, if the heat load is low there is an insufficient amount of wastewater generated in the condenser to run the quench. In that situation, clean (fresh) water needs to be used instead. Using clean water is unwanted since the plant will then consume more resources while still producing less heat than a plant without a quench would.
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Going West : using landscape to regenerate urban formSmit, P.G. 03 March 2011 (has links)
Everyone wants to live in a healthy environment, an idea that has always been closely associated with the healthy landscape. Pretoria CBD is no longer a place that offers such a landscape; it is congested, fragmented and placeless. People move far and wide to get away from its hostile environments, chasing after the high gloss images of nature displayed on the billboards and posters of suburbia. They race to find a patch of land within the security complexes and estates of the east, all the while being savagely pursued by the evils of urban sprawl and decentralization. Surely there must be a way of addressing mans need and desire for landscape without perpetuating urban problems and destroying the very nature they strive for? In order to ensure a sustainable future for Pretoria needs to investigate new ways to deal with the urban problems of sprawl and decay. This thesis explores the potential of using landscape as the basis with which one can reorder and reconstruct the urban form in a way that will offer people the ideals they search within a sustainable urban environment. The investigation starts at a regional scale in order to holistically address urban issues and identify opportunities and then works its way across a range of scales down to detail design and place making. It looks new methods of constructing contemporary landscapes not by mere superimposition but by working with the current and historic urban fabric as well as the social, historical and environmental processes that have shaped it over time. It looks to the far from idyllic, yet brutally honest, post-industrial landscape of Pretoria West to construct hybrid landscapes. Arguing that if one were to genuinely offer people a healthy landscape, one they can experience and relate to, the might actually want to live in the city, in return awakening spontaneous urban renewal. / Dissertation (ML(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Architecture / unrestricted
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Uhelné elektrárny: levná elektřina vs. čisté životní prostředí / Coal-fired power plants: cheap electricity vs. clean environmentKrydl, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the importance of coal-fired power plants on the market of electric energy, with emphasis on aspects that fundamentally affect their production. Coal-fired power plants belongs nowadays among socially unpopular source of electricity. In recent decades intensively growing interest groups that support state intervention and regulation of the energy sector. This is essentially a massive promotion of renewable energy sources at the expense of fossil fuel plants. Analysis of individual power sources shows that despite the current restrictive measures imposed on power plants burning fossil fuels, and especially coal-fired power plants, electricity produced from coal resources is still competitive, despite some drawbacks has many positive qualities. Coal-fired power plants produce higher amounts of greenhouse gases and other pollutants than other types of power plants. On the other hand, they are able to provide a stable supply of electricity to transmission network, and thus partially offset the high volatility of electricity supply from renewable energy sources. The price of electricity from coal-fired power plants could be considered as relatively low in comparison with other energy sources. The analysis shows that in terms of practical economic policy is not economically justified to reduce the proportion of coal-fired power plants in the total production of electricity.
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Ekonomická analýza projektu bioplynové stanice v ČR / Economic analysis of the project of a biogas power plant in the Czech RepublicHavlová, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
In recent years, the society is more interested in the use of renewable source of energy, which is related to the establishment of biogas power plants. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the economic benefits of investing in a particular project of biogas power plant where social impacts will not be the main indicator. In the methodological part is defined methodology (static and dynamic methods of investment decision making, sensitivity analysis). Followed by the introduction of the investor and the project. In the analytical part is evaluated the project from an economic point of view and ways of sales compared with use of biogas feed-in tariffs and green bonuses. The thesis also includes assessment of the impacts of investment from the economic, social and environmental point of view.
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