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Microstructural evolution in 9 wt.% Cr power plant steelsLi, Letian January 2013 (has links)
High chromium ferritic steels such as Grade 91 and Grade 92 are extensively used in the power plant industry. Components made from these types of steels, including headers, steam pipes and tubes, are required to provide reliable service at high pressures (20-30 MPa) and temperatures (550-610°C) for several decades. However, in order to further improve the thermal efficiency of the power plant, the future operation temperature for the ferritic steels needs to be elevated to 650°C. Therefore, the current research project focuses on the examination of recently developed MarBN type steels (Martensitic steel strengthened by Boron and Nitrides) and four Grade 92 derivatives in order to evaluate their suitability for 650°C application, and also to assess their creep strength from a microstructural point of view.
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"Seguir barragem” : (re - des) construções das masculinidades num canteiro de obras de uma usina hidrelétricaDetoni, Priscila Pavan January 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa propõe descrever e problematizar o contexto da construção das performances masculinas de trabalhadores que ficaram alojados em um canteiro de obras para a construção de uma usina hidrelétrica no oeste catarinense, no Sul do Brasil. Teoricamente, este estudo está situado no campo de conhecimento da Psicologia Social e Institucional na sua vertente pós-estruturalista, a qual entende os sujeitos como produtos de determinadas construções sociais. O estudo é baseado centralmente em Michel Foucault e Judith Butler. A metodologia foi guiada pela abordagem etnográfica e análise das formações discursivas. O corpus foi constituído basicamente por observações de campo e entrevistas. A pesquisa buscou descrever como são (re – des) construídas estas subjetividades masculinas, desde o processo de mobilização para a vinda e instalação destes trabalhadores, a composição da cidade temporária instalada no canteiro de obras até o processo de desmobilização. Este processo fala da itinerância destes homens interpelados como barrageiros. As análises compuseram-se por elementos que tomam eixos os elementos fundamentais da edificação destas masculinidades – a atividade sexual; a relação com a prostituição; o trabalho pesado e arriscado ligado à construção civil; a convivência nos alojamentos; a relação com as famílias; a corporalidade, e as relações de amizade/solidariedade que se constroem no processo de seguir barragens. A partir deste estudo, vislumbraram-se diferentes modos de ser homem, apesar de existirem modelos hegemônicos de masculinidades conectados à matriz heteronormativa, os quais entram em tensão e se reformulam de acordo com os marcadores sociais em questão (origem, escolaridade, idade), a época, o local e as relações que se estabelecem dentro da continuidade e da estabilidade que se constrói na itinerância dos/as seguidores/as de barragens. / This research aims at describing and discussing the context of the construction of the performances of male workers who were housed in a building site for the construction of a hydroelectric power plant in western Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. Theoretically, this study is situated in the field of knowledge of Social and Institutional Psychology in its post-structuralist stream, which takes individuals as products of certain social constructs. This study is based mainly on Michel Foucault and Judith Butler. The methodology was guided by the ethnographic approach and by the analysis of discursive formations. The body was formed mostly by field observations and interviews. The research sought to describe how there are (re - de) constructed these mascua line subjectivities, from the mobilization process for the arrival and installation of these workers, the composition of the city temporarily installed at the works site, up to the demobilization process. All this process talks about the itinerancy of these men who are interpellated as barrageiros (“the men of the dams”). The analyses were composed of elements that take as axes the key elements in building these masculinities – the sexual activity, the relationship with prostitution, the hard and risky work linked to civil construction, the common living in the accommodations, the relationship with the family, the corporeality, and the relations of friendship/solidarity that are built in the process of following dams. From this study, there were devised different ways of being a man, despite the existence of hegemonic patterns of masculinities connected to the heteronormative matrix, which come into tension and are revised according to the social markers in question (origin, educational level, age), the time, the place and the relationships established within the continuity and stability that are built along the itinerancy of these men following the dams.
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Análise dos procedimentos para implantação de pequenas centrais hidrelétricas no estado do Tocantins : estudo de caso na bacia do rio PalmeirasSantos, Ana Iracy Coelho dos January 2011 (has links)
Em um cenário de crescente demanda por energia elétrica e em face da possibilidade de crise energética, tem aumentado o incentivo à exploração dos potenciais hidráulicos por meio de Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas (PCHs), por representar uma fonte renovável e alternativa de geração elétrica. A construção e operação dos empreendimentos hidrelétricos requerem aprovação técnica pelos procedimentos de licenciamento ambiental, outorga de direito de uso de recursos hídricos e outorga de autorização de exploração do potencial hidráulico. Deste modo, o presente estudo teve por escopo reunir informações sobre tais procedimentos, a fim de identificar seus principais pontos críticos e conflitantes no decorrer de cada processo. A fim de alcançar o objetivo proposto a metodologia foi dividida em três etapas: a) levantamento do estado da arte dos procedimentos necessários à implantação de PCHs (marco legal e institucional, além da análise de trabalhos semelhantes ao tema em estudo); b) realização de entrevistas com atores sociais interessados e, c) análise de estudo de caso. Com o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa foi possível identificar os maiores conflitos relacionados aos procedimentos que envolvem a construção de PCHs no estado do Tocantins. Os resultados gerados indicam que as maiores barreiras são: (i) a demora na emissão das licenças ambientais (LP, LI, LO); (ii) a baixa qualidade dos estudos apresentados pelos responsáveis técnicos (EIA/RIMA, Estudo de Inventários); (iii) a não efetividade e a alta rotatividade dos técnicos responsáveis pelos processos; (iv) a falta de aperfeiçoamento na articulação entre os órgãos institucionais responsáveis pela execução da política de meio ambiente, recursos hídricos e energética; (v) a ausência de comunicação adequada com a comunidade local da bacia sobre os impactos e benefícios dos empreendimentos hidrelétricos; (vi) a isenção do pagamento de compensação financeira pelos aproveitamentos hidrelétricos na modalidade de PCHs; (vii) as análises por projeto desconsiderando as relações entre os impactos ambientais em uma região de cascata de PCHs. Considerando os resultados obtidos foi possível concluir que: embora o Brasil e o Tocantins disponham de um amplo arcabouço legal, que vem evoluindo constantemente, os procedimentos para construção das PCHs ainda precisam se aperfeiçoar, uma vez que os setores envolvidos carecem de investimentos em infraestrutura organizacional, tecnológica e principalmente na capacitação profissional. / In a scenario of increasing demand for electricity and given the possibility of an energy crisis, has increased the incentive to exploit the hydroelectric potential through Small Hydro Power (SHP), as it represents an alternative and renewable source of electricity generation. The construction and operation of hydropower projects require technical approval by the environmental licensing procedures, granting the right to use water resources and the authorization to exploit the hydroelectric potential. Thus, the scope of this study was to gather information about such procedures in order to identify the most critical and conflicting points throughout each case. To achieve the proposed objective methodology has been divided into three stages: a) lifting of the state of the art of the procedures for implementation of SHP (legal and institutional framework, along with analysis of similar theme in the study), b) holding interviews with social actors and stakeholders, c) analysis of case study. With the development of this research was possible to identify the largest dificulties related to procedures that involve the construction of small hydropower plants in Tocantins state. The results generated indicate that the major barriers are: (i) the delay in issuing environmental permits (LP, LI, LO), (ii) the low quality of studies submitted by the responsible technical (EIA / RIMA , Study of Inventories), (iii) the not-effectiveness and high turnover of analysts responsible for the processes, (iv) the lack of improvement in the interaction between the institutional bodies responsible for implementing environmental policy, water resources and energy, (v) the absence adequate of communication with local communities in the basin on the impacts and benefits of hydropower projects, (vi) exemption from payment of financial compensation for hydroelectric projects in the form of SHP, (vii) the analysis per project disregarding the relationship between the environmental impacts in a region of cascade SHP. Considering the results we conclude that although Brazil and Tocantins have a broad legal framework that has been evolving constantly, the procedures for construction of small hydropower units have yet to be perfected, since the involved sectors need more investment in organizational infrastructure, especially in technological and professional training.
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Statistické šetření vybraných úkolů ochrany obyvatelstva v zónách havarijního plánování jaderných elektráren / The statistical investigation of selected tasks in protection of the population in emergency planning zones of nuclear power plantsHAJÍČKOVÁ, Iva January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with statistical investigation of selected tasks in population protection in emergency planning zones of nuclear power plants.The issues of population protection have been developing since 1930s up to now.Currently,the population protection is addressed particularly in concepts of population protection,while the most recent one is the Population Protection Concept until 2020 with an Outlook to 2030.The objective of the thesis was to compare awareness of the population in emergency planning zones of nuclear power plants.With regard to a potential extraordinary event,in this case a radiation accident,the awareness of the population plays a significant role.The theoretical part of the thesis analyzes population protection,legal regulations and documents dealing with this topic.It also defines measures in population protection which seek to mitigate impact of extraordinary events or emergency situations on health and lives of the population,property and the environment.The thesis also mentions emergency planning and describes types of emergency plans.The second section of the theoretical part describes selected statistical methods.The last chapter of the theoretical part describes methods of multidimensional statistics.The following hypotheses and partial hypotheses were formulated in the research part of the thesis to meet its objective: H1 There is no statistically significant difference between the emergency planning zone of the nuclear power plant Temelín and the emergency planning zone of the nuclear power plant Dukovany.H11 There is no statistically significant difference in awareness among men about a potential extraordinary event at NPP Temelín and NPP Dukovany.H12 There is no statistically significant difference in awareness among women about a potential extraordinary event at NPP Temelín and NPP Dukovany. H2 The awareness of the population in emergency planning zones of both the nuclear power plants has a theoretical distribution which is close to the normal distribution.H21 The awareness of the population (men) in the emergency planning zone of NPP Temelín has a theoretical distribution which is close to the normal distribution.H22 The awareness of the population (women) in the emergency planning zone of NPP Temelín has a theoretical distribution which is close to the normal distribution.H23 The awareness of the population (men) in the emergency planning zone of NPP Dukovany has a theoretical distribution which is close to the normal distribution.H24 The awareness of the population (women) in the emergency planning zone of NPP Dukovany has a theoretical distribution which is close to the normal distribution.All the formulated hypotheses were tested with methods of descriptive and mathematical statistics. The research was conducted with questionnaires handed out in the emergency planning zones of NPP Temelín and NPP Dukovany.The questionnaire consisted of 23 questions and it was filled out by 242 men and 270 women in the zones.All data used in the research were provided to me within the project "Population protection depending of differentiation of the population" safety survey (VG20132015122) performed at the department of radiology,toxicology and population protection at the Faculty of Health and Social Studies at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice in cooperation with the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic.Results of the research have shown that the average awareness of the population living in the emergency planning zones of the nuclear power plants is less than 50% and that the knowledge of the population about a potential extraordinary event is not satisfactory.The population living in emergency planning zones of both the nuclear power plants could be exceptionally prepared for a potential non-standard situation, not only in the form of a Gauss curve.
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Análise dos procedimentos para implantação de pequenas centrais hidrelétricas no estado do Tocantins : estudo de caso na bacia do rio PalmeirasSantos, Ana Iracy Coelho dos January 2011 (has links)
Em um cenário de crescente demanda por energia elétrica e em face da possibilidade de crise energética, tem aumentado o incentivo à exploração dos potenciais hidráulicos por meio de Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas (PCHs), por representar uma fonte renovável e alternativa de geração elétrica. A construção e operação dos empreendimentos hidrelétricos requerem aprovação técnica pelos procedimentos de licenciamento ambiental, outorga de direito de uso de recursos hídricos e outorga de autorização de exploração do potencial hidráulico. Deste modo, o presente estudo teve por escopo reunir informações sobre tais procedimentos, a fim de identificar seus principais pontos críticos e conflitantes no decorrer de cada processo. A fim de alcançar o objetivo proposto a metodologia foi dividida em três etapas: a) levantamento do estado da arte dos procedimentos necessários à implantação de PCHs (marco legal e institucional, além da análise de trabalhos semelhantes ao tema em estudo); b) realização de entrevistas com atores sociais interessados e, c) análise de estudo de caso. Com o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa foi possível identificar os maiores conflitos relacionados aos procedimentos que envolvem a construção de PCHs no estado do Tocantins. Os resultados gerados indicam que as maiores barreiras são: (i) a demora na emissão das licenças ambientais (LP, LI, LO); (ii) a baixa qualidade dos estudos apresentados pelos responsáveis técnicos (EIA/RIMA, Estudo de Inventários); (iii) a não efetividade e a alta rotatividade dos técnicos responsáveis pelos processos; (iv) a falta de aperfeiçoamento na articulação entre os órgãos institucionais responsáveis pela execução da política de meio ambiente, recursos hídricos e energética; (v) a ausência de comunicação adequada com a comunidade local da bacia sobre os impactos e benefícios dos empreendimentos hidrelétricos; (vi) a isenção do pagamento de compensação financeira pelos aproveitamentos hidrelétricos na modalidade de PCHs; (vii) as análises por projeto desconsiderando as relações entre os impactos ambientais em uma região de cascata de PCHs. Considerando os resultados obtidos foi possível concluir que: embora o Brasil e o Tocantins disponham de um amplo arcabouço legal, que vem evoluindo constantemente, os procedimentos para construção das PCHs ainda precisam se aperfeiçoar, uma vez que os setores envolvidos carecem de investimentos em infraestrutura organizacional, tecnológica e principalmente na capacitação profissional. / In a scenario of increasing demand for electricity and given the possibility of an energy crisis, has increased the incentive to exploit the hydroelectric potential through Small Hydro Power (SHP), as it represents an alternative and renewable source of electricity generation. The construction and operation of hydropower projects require technical approval by the environmental licensing procedures, granting the right to use water resources and the authorization to exploit the hydroelectric potential. Thus, the scope of this study was to gather information about such procedures in order to identify the most critical and conflicting points throughout each case. To achieve the proposed objective methodology has been divided into three stages: a) lifting of the state of the art of the procedures for implementation of SHP (legal and institutional framework, along with analysis of similar theme in the study), b) holding interviews with social actors and stakeholders, c) analysis of case study. With the development of this research was possible to identify the largest dificulties related to procedures that involve the construction of small hydropower plants in Tocantins state. The results generated indicate that the major barriers are: (i) the delay in issuing environmental permits (LP, LI, LO), (ii) the low quality of studies submitted by the responsible technical (EIA / RIMA , Study of Inventories), (iii) the not-effectiveness and high turnover of analysts responsible for the processes, (iv) the lack of improvement in the interaction between the institutional bodies responsible for implementing environmental policy, water resources and energy, (v) the absence adequate of communication with local communities in the basin on the impacts and benefits of hydropower projects, (vi) exemption from payment of financial compensation for hydroelectric projects in the form of SHP, (vii) the analysis per project disregarding the relationship between the environmental impacts in a region of cascade SHP. Considering the results we conclude that although Brazil and Tocantins have a broad legal framework that has been evolving constantly, the procedures for construction of small hydropower units have yet to be perfected, since the involved sectors need more investment in organizational infrastructure, especially in technological and professional training.
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Comportamento dos processos intra-organizacionais de aprendizagem tecnológica frente a uma mudança de estrutura de propriedade: o caso da TermoMacaé - PETROBRÁSPereira, José Antônio Maciel January 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2009-11-18T19:01:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2008 / This academic work describes the interfirm technological learning processes behavior at a thermo plant throughout the years 2001 till 2007. Its former ownership structure was composed by two foreigners companies. This structure was changed by the acquisition of the company control by a Brazilian state owned company on April 2006. The company is a Natural Gas Fired Power Plant placed at Macaé City, at Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil generating electric power right to National Integrated System (SIN). The goal of this research is verify how the technological knowledge had been acquired by the firm and how it had been spread out throughout the organization before and after the change of the ownership structure. The taxonomy applied to determining of ownership structure take in account three parameters: type, specific characteristic and the ownership structure itself. Technological Learning Interfirm Processes have been examined from a model of systemic approach that establishes four key characteristics: ¿variety, intensity, functioning and interaction¿. During 2001 until 2006, till the change of owner structure, the firm developed its own learning processes in its own operational routines. The main learning processes have been identified from empirical evidences. It has been adopted the cut line at year of 2006 for the comparison among the technological learning processes behavior, when the change of ownership structure took place. The data capture occurred within April and August 2007 covering since 2001. Verified the behavior of these learning processes before and after the ownership structure changed from private property to state owned property. The conclusion of this case study suggests that interfirm processes of technological learning identified by the research had their dynamical behavior promptly affected by a change from private to ownerstate ownership structure, exposing the company to a poor performance in its industry, due to the lack of 51% of the technological intrafirm learning processes and reduction of the acquisition of new technical knowledge and its conversion throughout the organization. / Esta dissertação descreve o comportamento dos processos intra-organizacionais de aprendizagem tecnológica em uma empresa que detinha estrutura de propriedade composta por duas empresas estrangeiras. Esta estrutura foi alterada pela aquisição do controle por uma empresa governamental brasileira no ano de 2006. A empresa é uma Usina Termelétrica a Gás Natural, localizada na cidade de Macaé, no estado do Rio de Janeiro que produz energia elétrica diretamente para o Sistema Interligado Nacional Brasileiro. O objetivo desta pesquisa é verificar como se comportaram os mecanismos de aquisição de conhecimentos tecnológicos existentes na empresa e a sua disseminação para a organização antes e depois desta mudança de estrutura de propriedade. A taxonomia aplicada para a determinação da estrutura de propriedade considera três parâmetros: o tipo, a característica específica e a concentração de propriedade. Os processos intra-organizacionais de aprendizagem tecnológica foram examinados a partir da estrutura de abordagem sistêmica que estabelece quatro características-chave: variedade, intensidade, funcionamento e interação. No período de 2001 a 2006 até a mudança de estrutura de propriedade, a empresa desenvolveu seus próprios processos de aprendizagem que eram verificados em suas rotinas operacionais, cujos principais foram identificados a partir das evidências empíricas. Foi utilizado como corte o ano de 2006 e encerrando-se a coleta de dados em agosto de 2007 para a identificação do comportamento destes processos de aprendizagem antes e depois da mudança de estrutura de propriedade privada para governamental. A conclusão deste estudo de caso sugere que os processos intra-organizacionais de aprendizagem tecnológica utilizados ao longo de tempo na empresa podem ter o seu comportamento diretamente influenciado por uma mudança de estrutura de propriedade privada para governamental, podendo afetar negativamente o seu desempenho em sua indústria, pois houve descontinuação de 51% dos processos de aprendizagem existentes anteriormente e redução sistemática dos que permaneceram sendo utilizados, restringindo o fluxo de aquisição de conhecimentos e a sua conversão para a empresa.
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This study incorporates the potential use of Variable Frequency Drives on various motors as well as areas of improved heat transfer in an older, mid-sized coal fired power plant. In power plants, fluid flow rates are often controlled using dampers or valves while the motors that power the pumps stay at full speed resulting in a significant amount of wasted electrical power; energy is also lost due to poor heat recovery prior to gases leaving the system. By examining pump usage as well as additional heat available for recovery, potential energy savings will be determined. Preliminary results of five motors suggested for variable frequency drive application show annual savings that total 31.1 GWh, resulting in a 1.66% increase in overall plant efficiency. Total project costs are near $2 million resulting in a simple payback period of less than two years assuming 0.04 $/kWh. For every degree reduction of the flue gas temperature by means of heat recovery that is reused elsewhere in the cycle, 2 Billion BTU of coal would be saved annually. One realistic scenario suggested heat recovery resulting in a 120°F degree reduction of flue gas temperature amounting to a 2.54% increase in cycle efficiency.
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"Seguir barragem” : (re - des) construções das masculinidades num canteiro de obras de uma usina hidrelétricaDetoni, Priscila Pavan January 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa propõe descrever e problematizar o contexto da construção das performances masculinas de trabalhadores que ficaram alojados em um canteiro de obras para a construção de uma usina hidrelétrica no oeste catarinense, no Sul do Brasil. Teoricamente, este estudo está situado no campo de conhecimento da Psicologia Social e Institucional na sua vertente pós-estruturalista, a qual entende os sujeitos como produtos de determinadas construções sociais. O estudo é baseado centralmente em Michel Foucault e Judith Butler. A metodologia foi guiada pela abordagem etnográfica e análise das formações discursivas. O corpus foi constituído basicamente por observações de campo e entrevistas. A pesquisa buscou descrever como são (re – des) construídas estas subjetividades masculinas, desde o processo de mobilização para a vinda e instalação destes trabalhadores, a composição da cidade temporária instalada no canteiro de obras até o processo de desmobilização. Este processo fala da itinerância destes homens interpelados como barrageiros. As análises compuseram-se por elementos que tomam eixos os elementos fundamentais da edificação destas masculinidades – a atividade sexual; a relação com a prostituição; o trabalho pesado e arriscado ligado à construção civil; a convivência nos alojamentos; a relação com as famílias; a corporalidade, e as relações de amizade/solidariedade que se constroem no processo de seguir barragens. A partir deste estudo, vislumbraram-se diferentes modos de ser homem, apesar de existirem modelos hegemônicos de masculinidades conectados à matriz heteronormativa, os quais entram em tensão e se reformulam de acordo com os marcadores sociais em questão (origem, escolaridade, idade), a época, o local e as relações que se estabelecem dentro da continuidade e da estabilidade que se constrói na itinerância dos/as seguidores/as de barragens. / This research aims at describing and discussing the context of the construction of the performances of male workers who were housed in a building site for the construction of a hydroelectric power plant in western Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. Theoretically, this study is situated in the field of knowledge of Social and Institutional Psychology in its post-structuralist stream, which takes individuals as products of certain social constructs. This study is based mainly on Michel Foucault and Judith Butler. The methodology was guided by the ethnographic approach and by the analysis of discursive formations. The body was formed mostly by field observations and interviews. The research sought to describe how there are (re - de) constructed these mascua line subjectivities, from the mobilization process for the arrival and installation of these workers, the composition of the city temporarily installed at the works site, up to the demobilization process. All this process talks about the itinerancy of these men who are interpellated as barrageiros (“the men of the dams”). The analyses were composed of elements that take as axes the key elements in building these masculinities – the sexual activity, the relationship with prostitution, the hard and risky work linked to civil construction, the common living in the accommodations, the relationship with the family, the corporeality, and the relations of friendship/solidarity that are built in the process of following dams. From this study, there were devised different ways of being a man, despite the existence of hegemonic patterns of masculinities connected to the heteronormative matrix, which come into tension and are revised according to the social markers in question (origin, educational level, age), the time, the place and the relationships established within the continuity and stability that are built along the itinerancy of these men following the dams.
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Trajetórias de vida e de classe : um estudo sobre rearranjos territoriais e identitários na implantação da usina hidrelétrica de JaguaraCardoso, Jéssica Pires 08 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Izabel Franco (izabel-franco@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-03T13:58:28Z
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DissJPC.pdf: 5651692 bytes, checksum: a6ec101539f9d04f4340f05ad70d2113 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-20T18:27:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
DissJPC.pdf: 5651692 bytes, checksum: a6ec101539f9d04f4340f05ad70d2113 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-20T18:27:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-06-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / The purpose of this work aims to reflect on the social trajectory of the families affected
by construction of hydroelectric power plant Jaguara, located and build
between Rifaina/SP and Sacramento/MG, small cities on countryside of Brazil, at the
60's. That decade was marked by a strong authoritarian politics that wanted progress and
society’s modernization by full capitalism insertion on “country/rural areas”. As a result,
the changes were on several and different levels, not just in socioeconomic or
environmental areas, when the use and the occupation of land change completely, the
families were exposed by compulsory displacement that breaks and turns relationships,
culture, customs, values and social routine, changes in various orders. However, the
transformations by hydroelectric power plant construction aren’t only losses but also
gains and opportunities, which will be understood when observing the experiences of the
affected people and the relation between agent with the land, as a work’s place, live’s
place and identity’s place. Basically, the work of remembering the past, exposed the
motivations and justifications of the people that comprising the hydroelectric construction
and compulsory displacement as positive or negative. For the purpose to see experience
and life’s trajectories, the methodological instrument used was oral history through
qualitative interviews, using bibliography research and documental analyses. / O presente trabalho visa refletir sobre a trajetória social das famílias atingidas pela
construção da Usina Hidrelétrica de Jaguara, localizada e construída entre os municípios
de Rifaina/SP e Sacramento/MG na década de 1960. Período marcado por um projeto
político autoritário que ansiava progresso e modernização da sociedade pela inserção
plena do cálculo capitalista no mundo rural. Em vista disso, as mudanças advindas pelos
anseios desta política dão-se em diversos patamares, não apenas socioeconômico ou
ambiental em que o uso e ocupação do solo transformam-se abruptamente, mas também
as famílias são expostas ao deslocamento compulsório que rompe e transforma vínculos
culturais, hábitos, valores e rotinas sociais, isto é, mudanças de diversas ordens. Contudo,
as mudanças e transformações que a instalação da hidrelétrica causam no território não
são experienciadas apenas como perdas mas também ganhos e oportunidades que serão
compreendidas quando observadas as experiências dos “atingidos” e a relação dos
agentes com a terra, seja como espaço de trabalho, moradia ou referenciais identitários.
Basicamente, o trabalho de rememorar o passado expôs as motivações e justificativas dos
agentes que compreendem a instalação da hidrelétrica e o deslocamento compulsório
como positivo ou negativo. Para ter acesso às experiências e trajetórias de vida, o
instrumento metodológico utilizado foi a história oral por meio da entrevista qualitativa
semi-estruturada, integrada à pesquisa bibliográfica e análises documentais.
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Hodnocení efektivity ochranných opatření přijímaných po černobylské havárii / Effectiveness evaluation of countermeasures adopted after the Chernobyl accidentROTREKLOVÁ, Tereza January 2007 (has links)
The utilisation of nuclear energy entails, like any other human activity, risk of occurrence of accidents and emergencies. On Saturday 26th April 1986 early morning in the fourth block of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine occurred the biggest industrial accident in the peace usage of nuclear energy. It led to a vast leakage of radioactive debris to the wide surrounding area. An accident of such extent has never been thought possible before and it has surprised national authorities responsible for emergency preparedness practically in all counties operating nuclear power plants. It was crucial to prepare and introduce many countermeasures to restrict exposure of persons and environment to radiation. The most affected countries have been today{\crq}s Byelorussia, Russia and Ukraine. Although international instructions and criteria for failure actions had existed even before the Chernobyl accident, the experience with their application was very limited. Needless to say, some short-term countermeasures had been neglected or insufficiently realised. Inhabitants were not informed about the accident in time and therefore they hid late. Also iodine prophylaxis did not start in time, which led to unnecessarily high irradiation of thyroid gland. The evacuation was, in view of decreasing external exposure, executed within possibilities efficiently. As for the long-term countermeasures related not only to the liquidation of the aftermath of the accident in the area of the nuclear power plant but especially the decontamination works in residential units and on contaminated soils, regulation of food chains and relocation of persons from the affected areas, preventive and health care of the inhabitants living in the contaminated territory - these measures were massive in scope and in principle mostly reasoned and effective. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of some of these measures was somewhat deteriorated by the fact they were introduced area-wide (only on the basis of the surface contamination and not on the estimation of exposure from whole-body measurements), were not fully substantiated and later had to by cancelled for economical reasons. Not only economical factors play an important role in the planning and application of the countermeasures (mainly long-term ones). Without question it is necessary to secure that the measures can be applied in the contaminated areas in view of their effectiveness in sufficient extent for time long enough and after a thorough evaluation of all pros and cons, expenses and gains. As well, it is needed to take into consideration the effect of social and psychological factors, where in practise a satisfactory progress has not been made yet. Many studies proved that the introduction of countermeasures affects the increase of psychosocial tension among the involved people. This negative attitude results from the public{\crq}s lack of information about radiation and about the possibilities of its reduction and consequent fear and anxiety due to the uncertainty regarding future. Because of the concealment of information about the Chernobyl accident, also distrust of citizens against authorities has remained to be a problem. However, the approach of public is very important in regard to the effectiveness of countermeasures. In order that the measures would be accepted as well as possible, it is needed to secure corresponding education programs and to engage public into discussions and decision-making within the introduced measures.
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