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Agentury práce a agenturní zaměstnávání / Private employment agency and temporary employment agencyChmelíková, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
Zuzana Chmelíková. Private Employment Agencies and Agency Employment Abstract The main topic of this thesis is the effect of private employment agencies on the Czech labor market and legal regulation of their activities, especially of the agency employment. This thesis also focuses on the problems associated with the agency employment. The labour law is variable depending on social and economical changes not only in our country but also worldwide. It is related to the employment which should reflect the actual situation mostly on the labor market. In this situation there are a lot of people who can not find work and who must search for some alternative options. One of opportunities which are offered is the agency employment. This is the point of accent on quality legislation to minimize the risk of abuse and discrimination of the agency employees. The author analyzes the present legislation and outlines possible solutions of problems. This thesis is divided into eight main chapters. The Chapter One consists of the main concepts definitions which are used in this thesis. The subject of the Chapter Two is the agency employment development, namely in the Czech republic, in the European Union and in the international community. The Chapter Three describes in detail documents which solve some agency employment...
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The diploma thesis deals with the status of women and opportunities for women in the labour market. The thesis focuses on harmonization of work and family life for women in terms of promoting the use of two concepts in the European labour market: (1) the concept of flexicurity and (2) the concept of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility, also: CSR). The thesis aims to explore the possibility of harmonizing family and work life in the Czech Republic in terms of these two concepts and their degree of usage and their potential future use and enforcement. The situation of women in the labour market and the possibility of reconciling work and family life are a statistical examination of data on the Czech Republic and my own research, which are set in a European context.
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Analýza požadavků práce a zpracování profilů pracovních míst v podniku VK VACOVSKÝ GROUP s.r.o. / Analysis of the job requirements and the processing of the job profiles in the enterprise VK VACOVSKÝ GROUP s.r.o.Virtová, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
This thesis focuses on determine analysis of the job requirements in the enterprise VK VACOVSKÝ GROUP s.r.o. As a part of this company have been prepared the individual job descriptions and the job specifications. This thesis is divided into three parts. The first part is characterized by the object and the purposes of the work, outlines the hypothesis and the methodology solutions. The informations needed to the job analysis were obtained through the method of the questionnaire, the personal interviews and the analysis of the corporate documentation. The second part deals with the explanation of basic concepts relating to the job analysis. The third section focuses on the characteristics of the company, describes the result of the empirical investigation and conclusions, which outlines the individual job descriptions, the job specifications and the new organizational structure.
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Žena na trhu práceMazáčová, Barbora January 2007 (has links)
Práce se věnuje rozdílům v postavení mužů a žen na trhu práce. Je zde srovnání zaměstnanosti žen a mužů dle věkových skupin, dle dosaženého vzdělání, dle pracovního poměru, dle oboru ekonomických činností atd. Práce vystihuje situaci na trhu práce v České republice i ve vybraných zemích Evropské unie. Poukazuje na rozdíly ve mzdách mužů a žen. Jedná se o statistickou studii. Praktickou část tvoří případová studie ze společnosti Vodafone. Ta demonstruje vývojové trendy v České republice. Výsledkem je zhodnocení situace na trhu práce v České republice a popis trendů, které budou pro český trh práce charakteristické.
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Minimální mzda, ano či ne? / Minimum wage, yes or no?Ločárková, Barbora January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce se věnuje aktuálnímu tématu z oblasti trhu práce a jeho regulací ? minimální mzdě. Popisuje mechanismy a filozofii utváření minimální mzdy v České republice i v zahraničí. Zaměřuje se na argumenty, které podporují existenci minimální mzdy a zároveň pojednává o argumentech, které jsou proti minimální mzdě. Na praktickém příkladu prezentuje pomocí korelační analýzy působení zákonodárství minimální mzdy na vybranou skupiny obyvatel, která je ohrožena nezaměstnaností.
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Rizikové skupiny na trhu práce v Ústeckém krajiJäger, Petr January 2007 (has links)
Cílem práce je analýza a zachycení situace na trhu práce Ústeckého kraje za poslední období. Hlavní důraz kladu na rizikové skupiny nezaměstnaných, které jsou zde velice silně zastoupené, zejména potom kategorie absolventů a mladších 25 let, která je považována za jednu z nejpostiženějších a u které popisuji hlavní příčiny a faktory tuto skupinu ovlivňující. Dále zde také analyzuji politiku zaměstnanosti vedenou v tomto regionu, její rozsah, způsob a také její dopady v letech 2004 ? 2006.
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Internetový portál hledání práce / Job Search WebsiteGalanová, Dagmar January 2011 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to propose new functionality of job search website which would better reflect the customers' needs than current job search websites. It focuses on the job applicant segment to improve and simplify the whole process of searching for a relevant job offer and also to take in account the real users' requirements on the system. At first an introduction to the field of Human Resource Information Systems will take place together with its relationship to the job search website systems. Next step is to analyze and compare five Czech job search websites to find out and describe their functionality in detail. Results of the comparison will be presented in the form of SWOT analysis and will serve as a main source of questions in the users' survey in the following step. The purpose of the survey is to verify the results of the analysis and also to confirm potential users' interest in the newly proposed functions for the job search website. The results of the analysis, together with the survey results, make up for a basic source of information to be used in the process of designing new functionality to improve the current job search website systems and thus completing the main objective.
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Faktory ovlivňující uplatnění absolventů terciálního školství v České republice a na SlovenskuOndrová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The thesis analyses factors affecting employability of tertiary education graduates. The theoretical part of the thesis is concerned with characteristics of tertiary education, labour market and especially with the list of main factors affecting the transition of graduates from education to the labour market. The factors are divided into external and internal. The quantitative research attending in particular to the internal factors, which graduates can influence. Primary data are obtained from graduates through an electronics questioning and processed in the statistical program. Based on these data are identified factors affecting employability in individual markets and are further evaluate in discussion.
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Režisérova (spolu)práce s hercem / The Director - Actor CollaborationŠmíd, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The thesis inquires into the process of the film director's collaboration with an actor in creating a dramatic character. The chapters analyse the constituent phases beginning with screenplay analysis, through casting, various attitudes towards rehearsals, realization of the film to post-production.
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Vznik pracovního poměru / Creation of employmentHliňáková, Petra January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with creation of employment. The theoretical part is devoted to the definition of the basic concepts related to creation of employment. In the context of labour relations, it is important to mention the rights and obligations of employees and employers originating from the employment. The thesis is based on the available current Czech legislation. Important legislation governing the creation of employment are particularly Act No. 262/2006 Coll., the Labour Code, Act No. 435/2004 Coll., Employment Act, and Act. No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code. In connection with it is entry into force on January 1st 2014 there have been some changes in the Labour Code. In the practical part a qualitative research has been performed in the form of semi-standardized interviews and quantitative research has been performed in the form of own survey. The results that emerged from these interviews and survey have been interpreted and compared.
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