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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Civil Liability in Precontractual Relations / Civilinė atsakomybė esant ikisutartiniams santykiams

Jakaitė, Agnė 01 October 2012 (has links)
This dissertation analyses the application of civil liability in precontractual relations under the Lithuanian civil law. In the general part of the thesis the detailed analysis of precontractual relations’ phase is presented, as well as the genesis of development of precontractual liability and its antagonistic aims are considered. This part concludes with the question of applicable legal regime of civil liability in precontractual relations. The thesis special part is devoted to the analysis of two, under the opinion of the author, the most problematic conditions of precontractual civil liability: the unlawful precontractual actions and the concept of precontractual damage. It is noted that the opposing aims of precontractual liability – ensuring the freedom of negotiations v. keeping the parties’ confidence for the conclusion of contract – will be achieved only when the scope of civil liability in precontractual relations will depend on and will be related with the progress of negotiations. Therefore regardless of negotiations progress and in case when all necessary conditions of the precontractual liability are present, the aggrieved party should be compensated for any kind of negotiations’ costs and any other direct precontractual damages which are not unreasonably high and for which the party had not been taken the risk. In addition, when the negotiations are considered deeply advanced, the aggrieved party should receive the remuneration of indirect damages which should... [to full text] / Disertacijoje nagrinėjamas civilinės atsakomybės taikymo esant ikisutartiniams santykiams klausimas Lietuvos civilinėje teisėje. Darbo bendrojoje dalyje yra pateikiama detali ikisutartinių santykių stadijos analizė, nagrinėjama ikisutartinės atsakomybės vertinimo genezė bei jos taikymui keliami specifiniai tikslai, taip pat didelis dėmesys skiriamas ikisutartinei atsakomybei taikytino teisinio rėžimo tyrimui. Disertacijos specialioji dalis skirta dviejų, autorės nuomone, šių dienų teisėje daugiausia klausimų keliančių civilinės atsakomybės ikisutartiniuose santykiuose taikymo sąlygų analizei, tai – neteisėtiems ikisutartiniams veiksmams ir ikisutartinių nuostolių koncepcijai. Darbe pagrindžiama išvada, kad civilinei atsakomybei iki pagrindinės sutarties sudarymo keliami antagonistiniai tikslai – užtikrinti derybų laisvę ir apsaugoti pasitikėjimą sutarties sudarymu – gali būti pasiekti priklausomai nuo derybų pažangos laipsnio taikant nevienodą civilinės atsakomybės apimtį. Todėl teigiama, kad neatsižvelgiant į derybų pažangos laipsnį ir esant ikisutartinės atsakomybės taikymo sąlygų visetui, sąžiningai šaliai turi būti kompensuojami bet kokios rūšies tiesioginiai ikisutartiniai nuostoliai, o toli pažengusių derybų atveju civilinės atsakomybės esant ikisutartiniams santykiams apimtis yra platesnė ir apima prarastos galimybės pinigine verte ribotų netiesioginių nuostolių atlyginimą.

Civilinė atsakomybė esant ikisutartiniams santykiams / Civil Liability in Precontractual Relations

Jakaitė, Agnė 01 October 2012 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjamas civilinės atsakomybės taikymo esant ikisutartiniams santykiams klausimas Lietuvos civilinėje teisėje. Darbo bendrojoje dalyje yra pateikiama detali ikisutartinių santykių stadijos analizė, nagrinėjama ikisutartinės atsakomybės vertinimo genezė bei jos taikymui keliami specifiniai tikslai, taip pat didelis dėmesys skiriamas ikisutartinei atsakomybei taikytino teisinio rėžimo tyrimui. Disertacijos specialioji dalis skirta dviejų, autorės nuomone, šių dienų teisėje daugiausia klausimų keliančių civilinės atsakomybės ikisutartiniuose santykiuose taikymo sąlygų analizei, tai – neteisėtiems ikisutartiniams veiksmams ir ikisutartinių nuostolių koncepcijai. Darbe pagrindžiama išvada, kad civilinei atsakomybei iki pagrindinės sutarties sudarymo keliami antagonistiniai tikslai – užtikrinti derybų laisvę ir apsaugoti pasitikėjimą sutarties sudarymu – gali būti pasiekti priklausomai nuo derybų pažangos laipsnio taikant nevienodą civilinės atsakomybės apimtį. Todėl teigiama, kad neatsižvelgiant į derybų pažangos laipsnį ir esant ikisutartinės atsakomybės taikymo sąlygų visetui, sąžiningai šaliai turi būti kompensuojami bet kokios rūšies tiesioginiai ikisutartiniai nuostoliai, o toli pažengusių derybų atveju civilinės atsakomybės esant ikisutartiniams santykiams apimtis yra platesnė ir apima prarastos galimybės pinigine verte ribotų netiesioginių nuostolių atlyginimą. / This dissertation analyses the application of civil liability in precontractual relations under the Lithuanian civil law. In the general part of the thesis the detailed analysis of precontractual relations’ phase is presented, as well as the genesis of development of precontractual liability and its antagonistic aims are considered. This part concludes with the question of applicable legal regime of civil liability in precontractual relations. The thesis special part is devoted to the analysis of two, under the opinion of the author, the most problematic conditions of precontractual civil liability: the unlawful precontractual actions and the concept of precontractual damage. It is noted that the opposing aims of precontractual liability – ensuring the freedom of negotiations v. keeping the parties’ confidence for the conclusion of contract – will be achieved only when the scope of civil liability in precontractual relations will depend on and will be related with the progress of negotiations. Therefore regardless of negotiations progress and in case when all necessary conditions of the precontractual liability are present, the aggrieved party should be compensated for any kind of negotiations’ costs and any other direct precontractual damages which are not unreasonably high and for which the party had not been taken the risk. In addition, when the negotiations are considered deeply advanced, the aggrieved party should receive the remuneration of indirect damages which should... [to full text]

Teoretická koncepce předsmluvní a smluvní odpovědnosti / The theoretical conception of pre-contractual and contractual liability

Cienciala, René January 2013 (has links)
OF DIPLOMA THESIS THE THEORETICAL CONCEPTION OF PRE-CONTRACTUAL AND CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY Author: René Cienciala Supervisor: doc. JUDr. Karel Beran, Ph.D. Department: Department of Legal Theory and Legal Doctrines The purpose of my thesis was to analyse theoretical aspects of precontractual and contractual liability under Czech law. I particularly focused on precontractual liability (also known as culpa in contrahendo) due to its unclear and unresolved theoretical conception among Czech jurisprudence. The thesis consists of eleven chapters including one annex. After short introduction, I briefly analysed the meaning of a general term legal responsibility/ liability in the second chapter, and a historical background including the original Jhering's conception of culpa in contrahendo in the third part of the thesis. The fourth chapter is devoted to defining the scope of precontractual liability and specific precontractual duties and/or obligations during a contract negotiation under both current and revised civil law. I comprehensively analysed underlying principles of a concept of precontractual liability, its general nature and a nature of precontractual relationship in the fifth part of the thesis. I also tried to provide theoretical description and definition of the conception of culpa in...

Les pourparlers précontractuels en droit québécois : De l’opportunité d’une modification du Code civil du Québec à la lumière des récentes réformes française et allemande / Precontractual negotiations in Quebec Law : Towards a modification of the Quebec Civil Code in the light of the recent French and German reforms

Barry, Sarah 11 May 2018 (has links)
Notre thèse aborde la question des pourparlers précontractuels et la manière dont elle est régie en droit québécois. Actuellement, la loi générale des contrats n’évoque que de manière indirecte la période de négociation des contrats à travers notamment l’article 1375 du Code civil qui impose aux parties de respecter les exigences de la bonne foi dès la naissance d’une obligation. Un tel état du droit détonne quand on le compare avec les systèmes juridiques français ou allemand dans la mesure où ces derniers prévoient des dispositions légales explicites en la matière. Notre thèse insiste sur les difficultés pratiques et juridiques que soulève le droit positif québécois. Face à la complexification des contrats engendrée par l’internationalisation des échanges et la multiplication de ces derniers, le recours à des pourparlers s’est fortement généralisé et a généré un contentieux grandissant. Nous proposons donc de faire évoluer la lettre du Code civil du Québec afin que ce dernier encadre davantage la période précontractuelle en s’inspirant du droit français et du droit allemand. / Our thesis focuses on precontractual negotiations in Quebec Law. There are currently no specific rules related to precontractual negotiations in the general law of contracts. Only few rules can apply if we interprate them in a broader way they are supposed to, such as article 1375 that forces the parties to conduct themselves in good faith at the time the obligation arises. This state of law differs from both French and German legal systems where rules have been drafted to impact the way parties can act while they are negotiating a contract. Our thesis insists on practical and legal issues that arise from the way the law is actually built in Quebec. Because of the complexification of contracts linked to the internationalisation of exchanges and the multiplication of them, the phenomenon which consists on negotiating a contract appeared to be necessary and became the rule in the matter. It has, at the same time, generated an increasing litigation. Therefore, we defend the idea of a modification of the Quebec Civil Code in order to ensure that the precontractual period is taken more into account. In order to do so, we will study French and German law.

Předsmluvní odpovědnost (culpa in contrahendo). / Pre-contract liability (culpa in contrahendo)

Obstová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
Formation of a contract is nowadays more sophisticated than it formerly used to be due to major progress in communication technologies and technical development, and therefore, looking on negotiation process only through the notions of offer and acceptance alone appears to be somewhat insufficient. It is not unusual and infrequent that long term and complicated dealings take place prior to the conclusion of a contract, especially in more or less complex business matters. During various negotiation stages, many parties may incur different kinds of significant expenses in order to prepare well for the next phase of the negotiations and, eventually, for the targeted contractual performance. For the conclusion of a contract it may also be necessary to inform the other party about the terms and conditions which are essential for the first party's final decision about the contract, while some of this information might be considered as strictly confidential. Although the fundamental principle of contractual freedom allows the parties to act freely in negotiations and the contractual process is generally regarded as a non-binding relationship, there are some restrictions set up with the aim to protect good faith of the parties and support their fair dealings. According to the abovementioned, a situation...

Sąžiningumo pareiga ikisutartiniuose santykiuose / Duty of Good Faith in Precontractual Relations

Jakaitė, Agnė 04 March 2009 (has links)
Šio magistro darbo objektas – sąžiningumo pareigos turinys ikisutartiniuose santykiuose. 2000 m. liepos 18 d. priimtas naujasis Lietuvos Respublikos civilinis kodeksas įtvirtino, kad pagrindinė abipusė šalių pareiga ikisutartiniuose santykiuose yra pareiga elgtis sąžiningai. Kadangi sąžiningumo pareigos ikisutartinių santykių etape taikymo praktika Lietuvoje yra besiformuojanti, o kilus ginčui tarp šalių šios pareigos turinys dažnai nevienodai suprantamas, pripažįstama, kad yra svarbu užtikrinti nuoseklų sąžiningumo pareigos aiškinimą ir jos taikymo mechanizmą. Siekiant išanalizuoti pagrindinius sąžiningumo pareigos ikisutartiniuose santykiuose elementus, magistro darbe nagrinėjami bendrieji ikisutartinių santykių ir sąžiningumo klausimai. Pabrėžiama, kad šiandien tarp šalių susiklosčiusių santykių dėl sandorio sudarymo sudėtingumas lemia, jog klasikinį sutarties sudarymo modelį „oferta ir akceptas“ dažnai papildo ilgesnė ar trumpesnė derybų stadija. Naudojant lyginamąjį, sisteminį, istorinį ir ekonominį tyrimo metodus, pagrindinėje magistro darbo dalyje analizuojami teisės normose nustatyti ir teismų praktikos bei doktrinos suformuoti pagrindiniai sąžiningumo pareigos ikisutartiniuose santykiuose elementai: reikalavimas derėtis tik turint tikslą sudaryti sutartį, reikalavimas nenutraukti toli pažengusių derybų be objektyvių priežasčių, reikalavimas vykdyti preliminarius susitarimus, reikalavimas vesti tik sąžiningas lygiagrečias derybas, pareiga atskleisti informaciją ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of this master thesis is the content of the duty of good faith in precontractual relations. The new Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, adopted on 18th July 2000, established that the duty of good faith is the main mutual duty of the parties in precontractual relations. Taking into account that in Lithuania the application of the duty of good faith in precontractual stage is developing and parties usually understand the content of this duty differently in litigation process, the importance to ensure the consistent interpretation and application of the duty of good faith is emphasized. In order to analyze the principal elements of the content of the duty of good faith in precontractual relations, the main issues of precontractual relations and good faith are examined in this master thesis. A great attention is paid to the conclusion that nowadays the complex process of formation of contracts determines that the classic rule of “offer and acceptance” is usually supplemented with negotiations stage. On the basis of comparative, systematic, historic and economic methods, the following principal elements of the duty of good faith in precontractual relations, established by the laws or determined by jurisprudence and case law, are analyzed in the main part of this master thesis: requirement to enter into negotiations and continue them only with intention to reach an agreement, requirement not to break off advanced negotiations without unjustified reasons... [to full text]

A responsabilidade pré-contratual: análise jurídica do rompimento das negociações no Brasil, na Alemanha e na Inglaterra / Precontractual liability: legal analysis regarding the breaking off of negotiations in Brazil, Germany and England

Nakamoto, Felipe Assis de Castro Alves 08 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Felipe Assis de Castro Alves Nakamoto (felipe.acan@gmail.com) on 2018-01-18T11:34:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 A RESPONSABILIDADE PRÉ-CONTRATUAL _ ANÁLISE JURÍDICA DO ROMPIMENTO DAS NEGOCIAÇÕES NO BRASIL, NA ALEMANHA E NA INGLATERRA (versão final).pdf: 884367 bytes, checksum: e21fb3b27e98ff5f791fe9b3e3337c70 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Laura Odette Dorta Jardim null (laura@franca.unesp.br) on 2018-01-18T11:54:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 A RESPONSABILIDADE PRÉ-CONTRATUAL _ ANÁLISE JURÍDICA DO ROMPIMENTO DAS NEGOCIAÇÕES NO BRASIL, NA ALEMANHA E NA INGLATERRA (versão final).pdf: 884367 bytes, checksum: e21fb3b27e98ff5f791fe9b3e3337c70 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-18T11:54:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 A RESPONSABILIDADE PRÉ-CONTRATUAL _ ANÁLISE JURÍDICA DO ROMPIMENTO DAS NEGOCIAÇÕES NO BRASIL, NA ALEMANHA E NA INGLATERRA (versão final).pdf: 884367 bytes, checksum: e21fb3b27e98ff5f791fe9b3e3337c70 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-08 / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as consequências jurídicas da responsabilidade pré-contratual, sobretudo aquelas decorrentes da ruptura de negociações. Para tanto, empregou-se a metodologia comparada, uma vez que a figura da responsabilidade pré-contratual é oriunda da Alemanha e lá também encontrou grande desenvolvimento. Como ponto de contraste, elegeu-se a análise do sistema jurídico inglês que, por conta de sua peculiaridade sistemática – common law – e por razões filosófico-econômicas não prevê a responsabilização por danos decorrentes do período negocial em uma figura unitária, tal como ocorre na Alemanha. No Brasil, a discussão centra-se na natureza jurídica e na divergência suscitada tanto pela doutrina quanto pela jurisprudência, fato de dificulta seu entendimento e impõe a superação de alguns conceitos clássicos, de modo a conformar o mundo jurídico à adequada proteção das relações sociais. Dessa forma, estribado na boa-fé objetiva, o Brasil desenvolve uma responsabilização pré-contratual distinta da Alemanha, com muitos traços de responsabilidade extracontratual. Espera-se, portanto, colaborar com o debate acerca de tão tumultuada figura que é a responsabilidade pré-contratual brasileira. / The objective of this study is to analyze the legal consequences of precontractual liability, especially those resulting from the rupture of negotiations. For this, the use of comparative methodology was employed, since the idea of precontractual responsibility comes from Germany and there found great development. As a point of contrast, we chose to analyze the English legal system which, because of its systematic peculiarity - common law - and for philosophical-economic reasons does not have a unitary remedy for damages stemming from liability on the negotiations period, such as occurs in Germany. In Brazil, the discussion focuses on the legal nature and divergence raised by both doctrine and jurisprudence, which makes difficult to understand the concept of precontractual liability and imposes the duty to overcome some classic concepts, in order to adapt the legal world to the adequate protection of social relations. Thus, based on objective good faith, Brazil develops a precontractual liability distinct from Germany, with many traits of extra-contractual liability. It is hoped, therefore, to cooperate with the debate about such a tumultuous solution which is the Brazilian precontractual liability.

Cuestiones controvertidas en relación a la responsabilidad por contacto social

Faillace, Stefano 12 April 2018 (has links)
En el presente artículo, se analiza la naturaleza de la responsabilidad que genera el contacto social. De esta manera, el autor expone aquellas posiciones que sustentan que la confianza en el actuar profesional de un médico o educador, generada por contacto social, es fuente de responsabilidad contractual o fuente de responsabilidad precontractual. Finalmente, el autor examina los alcances del precepto de la buena fe más allá de los límites de la responsabilidad precontractual para el caso de relaciones entre Administración Pública y privados.  On this paper, the author analyzes the nature of liability when generated by social contact. In that way, he explores the theories which support that trust in the professional behavior of doctors or educators based on social contact, creates contractual or pre-contractual liability. Finally, the author analyzes the scope of the principle of bona fides beyond the limits of pre-contractual liability in the case of the legal relationship between Public Administration and private individuals.

Institut předsmluvní odpovědnosti v teorii a praxi / The institution of pre-contract liability in theory and practice

Kraus, Radek January 2011 (has links)
Diese Arbeit behandelt das Thema "Rechtsinstitut der vorvertraglichen Haftung in Theorie und Praxis". Die ganze Arbeit ist in drei Teile gegliedert und zwar "Der Begriff der Vorvertraglichen Haftung", "Die Komparative Analyse der ausländischen Rechtsordnungen" und "Das tschechische Konzept der vorvertraglichen Haftung". Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist, die praktischen Aspekte der vorvertraglichen Haftung zu beschreiben, was aber ohne ausreichende theoretische Grundlagen unmöglich ist. Die Doktrin culpa in contrahendo (Verschulden beim Vertragsabschluss) wird Rudolph von Jhering zugeschrieben, denn er hat im Jahre 1861 als erstes die charakteristischen Züge der vorvertraglichen Obligationen beschrieben. Der Autor ordnet in dem ersten Teil dieser Arbeit noch die vorvertragliche Haftung in das Rechtssystem ein. Die zum Teil von dem Autor entworfene Definition dient dann in dem zweiten und dritten Teil zu dem einfacheren Vergleich der Konzepte von vorvertraglicher Haftung in verschiedenen Rechtsordnungen. In dem zweiten Teil wird zuerst das deutsche Konzept der culpa in contrahendo beschrieben, wie es sich von R. von Jhering über die Schuldrechtsmodernisierung bis zum heutigen Tag entwickelt hat. Die Entwicklung der deutschen Auffassung der vorvertraglichen Haftung von der materiellen zur formalen...

Responsabilidad civil en la oferta pública de valores

Nuñez Carrera, David January 2006 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / La regulación del mercado de valores refleja una intensa preocupación por el problema de la información. A fin de proteger a los inversionistas y asegurar el funcionamiento eficiente de ese mercado, en lugar de establecer un sistema de control de mérito de las ofertas de valores, adopta un régimen fundado en amplias exigencias de transparencia. Estas exigencias suponen deberes de veracidad e información que, desde un punto de vista privado, responden a la misma lógica normativa que los deberes propios del ámbito precontractual. En este último ámbito, la negociación de un contrato aparece como una confrontación de intereses en que cada parte persigue maximizar su posición y en que es legítimo negociar en beneficio propio, aprovechando las ventajas relativas que se tienen respecto de la contraparte. En verdad, la autonomía privada tiene su ámbito más intenso de aplicación en materia contractual, de modo que durante la negociación cada parte debe cautelar sus propios intereses y procurarse por sí misma la información relevante al efecto

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