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Vztah mezi osobnostním typem studenta a preferencí výukových podpor / Relationship between the personality types of the students and the teaching support preferencesBOUCHAL, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
The studying of the specialized literature and the sources took place at the very beginning of the dissertation and a literature search was made according to this research. The term "personality" was given a definition, four important personality typologies were then briefly described. A characteristic of all sixteen personality types was also described and in conclusion the chosen teaching supports were described. The practical part is to focus on the execution of personality tests on selected students and to find a relationship between the personality types of the students and the teaching support preferences. In this part was used data collected from a questionnaire survey, graphs and tables. A relationship was successfully determined between the personality types of the students and the kind of teaching support they like the most, a lot, a little and the least. A general preference of the individual personality type was determined according to the tables created on the basis of a questionnaire regarding the teaching supports. It was also determined which teaching support is generally preferred by the respondents attending the daily and combined form of study and respondents attending secondary schools. A practical use of the topic of this dissertation could be the feedback provided to the students attending secondary schools, the daily or even the combined form of study. The results could help to make the approach to education better as well as making the teaching supports more effective.
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Preference ve výživě losa evropského v zoologických zahradách / Food preference of the moose (\kur{Alces alces}) at zoological gardensŠERÁKOVÁ, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with food preferences of elk (Alces alces) in Czech zoological gardens and contains observation of food preferences in zoo Hluboká nad Vltavou. The results are compared with food offer and preference in the wilds described in literature. The first part of the thesis is aimed at literary review about elk, its characteristic, categorization, distribution and biology. It is focused mainly on the studies dealing with feeding habits and food preferences of elk in the wilds and captivity. The second part describes observation of food preferences of three elks in zoo Hluboká nad Vltavou, provided during 10 feedings. The food quality and composition of feed ration was also evaluated not only in zoo Hluboká nad Vltavou, but also in zoo Praha and zoo Brno (based on information from local zoo keepers). Analysis of variance showed that there are differences in feeding latency between various types of food. Elks preferred dried herbs, carrot and oak bark. On the contrary, elks did not preferred oat flakes and both granules for giraffes and elks. Recommendation for feed ration improving, including also food preferences of the elk were also suggested.
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An exploratory study of cognitive complexity at a military intermediate service schoolLaurence, Harold A. IV January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Educational Leadership / Sarah Jane Fishback / The military devotes significant resources and time in the development of officers through education. Recently, there has been a great deal of emphasis placed on military Intermediate Service Schools (ISS’s) to enhance the ability of graduates to think with greater cognitive complexity in order to solve the kinds of problems they may face after graduation. The military environment in which these mid-career officer students will serve is highly complex and requires a significant ability to generate solutions to unique and complex problems. One hallmark of a developmental adult educational experience is the advancement of the student to higher levels of cognitive complexity.
The purpose of this research was to determine if there was a relationship between the cognitive complexity of faculty, students, and expectations for student graduates, at a military Intermediate Service School. Along with the simultaneous measure of cognitive complexity, via a survey administration of the LEP instrument, the researcher also developed a technique for translating learning objectives from Blooms taxonomy into a corresponding Perry position. This translation method was used to translate the college learning objectives into an expected Perry position for graduates of the college. The study also included demographic data to look for significant results regarding a number of independent variables. For faculty only these included teaching department, years of teaching experience, age, and military status. For both populations the variables studied included education level, gender, combat experience and combat trauma, branch of service, commissioning source, and years of active duty service.
The study found that the mean cognitive complexity of entering students (CCI = 360) was lower than the cognitive complexity required of graduates (CCI = 407). However, the faculty mean cognitive complexity (CCI = 398) was not significantly different from a student graduate. The faculty results indicated that there were no statistically significant relations between the independent variables studied and the measured cognitive complexity. For students there was a statistically significant relation between measured cognitive complexity and gender.
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Perceptions of Nature-Based Tourism, Travel Preferences, Promotions and Disparity between Domestic and International Tourists: The case of BotswanaJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: This study explores domestic and international tourists' perceptions of nature-based tourism using the North-South conceptualization of nature and the setting up of national parks as a conceptual framework. In addition, using Urry's (1990) tourist gaze, the study assesses tourism promotions in Botswana from locals' and tourism marketers' points of view. Moreover, the study assesses locals' tourist gaze and compares it with the international tourist gaze. Qualitative methods were used to collect data, including in-depth interviews with local residents, international tourists, and tourism promoters such as government agencies and the private sector. Photo-elicitation interviews were also carried out to help identify the respondents' gaze. Six study sites, including the protected areas of Chobe National Park (CNP), Moremi Game Reserve (MGR), two cities of Gaborone and Francistown, and two urban villages of Palapye and Maun were selected for this study. Results indicate that the way people in the South conceptualize nature is different from the way international tourists do, and this has an impact on visitations to national parks. While for international tourists nature symbolizes recreation, rejuvenation, and an opportunity `to get away from it all', for locals it is seen as a part of everyday life. Furthermore, tourism promotions in the country are geared towards promoting Western tourists' gaze with the local market gaze being totally ignored by the sector. The local gaze is also different from the Western gaze. While for international tourists visiting Botswana the gaze is directed towards wildlife and wilderness, for locals, the gaze is directed towards more traditional destinations, such as farms, as well as more `modern' attractions and `touristic' attractions.
However, it is the Western gaze that is taken into consideration by tourism promoters, thereby questioning the sustainability of an industry that disregards one group over another. The results also indicate that culture and historical events have an impact on visitations to protected areas. Policy implications are discussed. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Community Resources and Development 2014
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En utredning angående ett snabbt cykelstråk längs Vätterns södra strand / An investigation regarding a bicycle highway along the south beach of VätternAmaya Segura, Sebastian, Snarberg, Kristofer January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: För att göra det mer attraktivt att använda cykeln som transportmedel har flertalet städer uppgraderat till snabba cykelstråk. Ett snabbt cykelstråk tillåter cyklister att färdas på ett snabbt sätt på grund av utformningens kvaliteter. Flertalet undersökningar pekar på det snabba cykelstråkets inverkan att använda cykeln i större utsträckning. Målet med arbetet är utreda ett snabbt cykelstråk längs Vätterns södra strand enligt Jönköpings kommuns mål och med hänsyn till cyklisters preferenser. För att uppnå målet utformas ett förslag till hur ett snabbt cykelstråk kan se ut, målet bryts ned i tre frågeställningar: <li data-leveltext="" data-font="Wingdings" data-listid="14" data-aria-posinset="1" data-aria-level="1">Hur kan ett snabbt cykelstråk bidra till att uppfylla Jönköpings kommuns mål att öka cykeltrafiken till och från centrum? <li data-leveltext="" data-font="Wingdings" data-listid="14" data-aria-posinset="2" data-aria-level="1">Vad efterfrågar cyklister vid utformningen av ett snabbt cykelstråk? Hur kan en gynnsam utformning av ett snabbt cykelstråk se ut enligt cyklisters preferenser med hänsyn till Jönköpings kommuns förutsättningar? Metod: För att besvara det uppsatta målet görs en fallstudie i Jönköpings kommun genom intervju och dokumentanalys. För att lokalisera cyklisters preferenser görs en surveyundersökning med hjälp av en enkätundersökning. Genomgående i arbetet görs litteraturstudier för att i resultatdelen utforma ett förslag av ett snabbt cykelstråk längs Vätterns södra strand. Resultat: Resultatet av frågeställning 1 visar att Jönköpings kommuns mål om ökad cykeltrafik i stort sett redan är uppnått. Intervjun visar cykelfrågans komplexitet och vikten av att koppla samma stadsdelar för en ökad mängd cykeltrafik. Frågeställning 2 visar att cyklister föredrar ett sammanhängande vägnät medan fotgängare främst prioriterar säkerheten mot korsande biltrafik vad gäller utformningen av en cykelväg. Kvaliteterna som är prioriterade av cyklister och fotgängare bidrar till en ökad mängd cykeltrafik. Frågeställning 3 visar utformningsförslag på kritiska punkter längs Vätterns södra strand efter analys av insamlad empiri och teoretiskt ramverk. Konsekvenser: Slutsatserna kring utredningen visar att ett snabbt cykelstråk bidrar till fler cyklister på en koncentrerad plats, men att det totala antalet cyklister troligtvis inte ökar markant. Färdvägen Jönköping – Huskvarna anses ha störst potential. För att få en mer utförlig uppfattning om det snabba cykelstråkets påverkan rekommenderas att de ekonomiska aspekterna beaktas. Begränsningar: Placeringen av det snabba cykelstråket som undersöks i arbetet är bestämd längs Vätterns södra strand, mellan Bankeryd och Huskvarna. De ekonomiska faktorerna och tekniska detaljer omfattas inte i undersökningen. / Purpose: In order to make it more attractive to use the bike as a means of transport, several cities have upgraded their bicycle tracks to bicycle highways. A bicycle highway allows cyclists to travel fast due to the qualities of the design. Several studies shows the impact of the bicycle highway considering a higher rate of bicycle usage. The aim of the thesis is to investigate a bicycle highway along the south beach of Vättern and its impact according to the objectives set by the municipality of Jönköping. A design proposal is thereafter being made, according to cyclists´ preferences and the objectives and conditions of the municipality of Jönköping, broken down into three issues: <li data-leveltext="" data-font="Wingdings" data-listid="22" data-aria-posinset="1" data-aria-level="1">How can a bicycle highway contribute to Jönköping municipality’s objective of increasing bicycle traffic to and from the city centre? <li data-leveltext="" data-font="Wingdings" data-listid="22" data-aria-posinset="2" data-aria-level="1">What do cyclists demand for the design of a bicycle highway? <li data-leveltext="" data-font="Wingdings" data-listid="22" data-aria-posinset="3" data-aria-level="1">How can a favourable design of a bicycle highway look according to cyclists’ preferences in consideration of the conditions of Jönköping municipality? Method: In order to answer the aim of the thesis, a case study is being conducted in Jönköping municipality through interview and document analysis. In order to locate cyclists’ preferences, a survey is conducted using a poll. Throughout the process, literature studies are being made in order to formulate a design proposal of a bicycle highway along the south beach of Vättern. Findings: The result of question 1 shows that Jönköping municipality’s goal of increased bicycle traffic already has been achieved. The interview shows the complexity of the bicycle issue and the importance of connecting districts in order to increase the bicycle traffic. Question 2 shows that cyclists prefer a cohesive road network, while pedestrians prioritize the safety against road crossing traffic in terms of the design of a cycle path. The qualities that are prioritized by the users contribute to an increased amount of the bicycle traffic. Question 3 presents design proposals at critical places along the south beach of Vättern, where improvements should be made regarding the required standard for the bicycle highway. The improvements are results of analysis of collected empirical and theoretical framework. Implications: The conclusion of the investigation shows that a bicycle highway contributes to more cyclists in a concentrated location, but the total amount of cyclists is unlikely to increase significantly. The route Jönköping – Huskvarna is considered to have the biggest potential. In order to get a more detailed view of the impact of the bicycle highway, the economic aspects are recommended as a main area for future studies. Limitations: The location of the bicycle highway investigated in this report is set to the south beach of Vättern, between Bankeryd and Huskvarna. The economic factors and technical details are not included in the investigation.
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Customer buying behavior at selected petroleum shops in Cape TownBailey, John Franklin January 2011 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Business Administratiom, Marketing Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2011 / The dynamic nature of modern organisations, characterised by hyper turbulence, necessitates that
organisations remain receptive to the plethora of internal and external forces driving changes in
strategy. One such organisation is that of Engen Petroleum Limited which operates in an everchanging,
highly competitive environment. In order to remain the market leader, Engen needs to
revisit its strategy to contend with market forces, bearing in mind that globalisation, as well as
international ownership of competitor companies, play a role. In order to maintain a competitive
advantage, the role of brands in the context of convenience is important, as brand recognition
makes decision-making simpler for consumers who are in a rush. It is hence deemed expedient for
forecourt retailers to understand customer satisfaction drivers, such as quality, service and
convenience (Molefi, 2007). The current research focuses on the Engen Western Cape Quick Shop
network, and in particular, investigates the possible reasons, namely growth rates, product
offering, location, and customer service, for performance compared to the national average. A
questionnaire/survey was conducted to determine the demographic characteristics of customers as
well as the factors that influence their propensity to utilise Engen Quick Shops. This research was
intended to provide Engen Petroleum Limited with data and information to enable the Western
Cape Convenience dealer network to not only grow at the national average, but also to position
itself at the forefront of the Convenience Store market.
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Kriteria vir 'n opleidingsprogram vir die opleier/voorligter van voedselverbruikers in private huishoudingsCrafford, Sharon January 1993 (has links)
Thesis (Masters Diploma (Technology) -- Cape Technikon, Cape Town, 1993 / This research was undertaken in order to investigate the problems relating
to consumers' food buying practice in respect of private households, since
it is clear that high food prices are one of the major causes of a decline in
the quality of life of the family.
The researcher's involvement in Home Economics education and specifically
consumerism and in post-school education prompted the hypothesis that
training for responsible buying practice may afford a solution to the problem
of buying practice in respect of private households. Such training needs,
although already identified, have not yet received any real attention.
A literature study was undertaken as a point of departure in order to give
background knowledge. This information was used to put into perspective
buying practices for private households and to define a profile of the buyer.
However, it was necessary to further define this field in order to ensure that
validity and applicability of the findings arising out of this research.
An empirical study was undertaken to test the literature against the reality
found in a Cape Town suburban supermarket. Details of this study will be
set out in Chapter 4 of this research.
In order to establish criteria for the training programme above, curriculum
design had to be based on didactically sound principles. At the outset a
suitable model for adult-learners was selected. This model consisted of an
analysis phase, design phase, implementation phase and evaluation phase.
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Kriteria vir 'n opleidingsprogram vir die opleier/voorllgter van voedselverbruikers in private huishoudingsCrafford, Sharon January 1993 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Education))--Cape Technikon, 1993. / Hierdie studie is onderneem om die probleme rakende die aankooppraktyk
van voedselverbruikers in private huishoudings te ondersoek, want dit is
duidelik dat duur voedselpryse een van die hoofoorsake vir die afname in
lewenskwaliteit van die gesin is.
Die navorser se betrokkenheid by Huishoudkundeopleiding en spesifiek die
verbruikerswese, asook by naskoolse opleiding, het tot die hipotese gelei
dat opleiding tot verantwoordelike aankooppraktyk in 'n besondere mate In
oplossing vir die aankoopprobleem vir private huishoudings kon bied.
Sodanige opleidingsbehoeftes, hoewel reeds geïdentifiseer, het nog nie
daadwerklik aandag geniet nie.
As 'n vertrekpunt is 'n literatuurstudie onderneem om agtergrondkennis oor
die aankooppraktyk in die algemeen te bekom. Hierdie inligting is benut om
die aankooppraktyk vir private huishoudings in perspektief te plaas en om
'n profiel van die aankoper te bepaal. Dit is nodig om die terrein verder af
te baken om sodoende die geldigheid en toepaslikheid van bevindinge te
799 |
Análise das variáveis demográficas, sociais, econômicas e culturais no processo de tomada de decisão : estudo em pacientes oncológicos avançados, cuidadores e médicos /Borges, Marcos Aristóteles. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Guilherme Antonio Moreira de Barros / Banca: Norma Sueli Pinheiro Módolo / Banca: Karine Azevedo São Leão Ferreira / Resumo: Apesar do reconhecimento da importância da participação do doente na tomada de decisões médicas, apenas recentemente os profissionais de saúde vem se conscientizando da necessidade de informá-los sobre as opções de tratamento e da necessidade de encorajá-los a participar de tais decisões. É escasso o conhecimento sobre o processo de tomada de decisão, sobre as preferências dos pacientes e de como melhorar a comunicação com pacientes, cuidadores e familiares. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram: avaliar as possíveis diferenças entre as preferências no processo de tomada de decisão pelos pacientes, cuidadores e médicos; e avaliar se as preferências dos pacientes durante a tomada de decisões estão relacionadas às variações demográfico-sócio-econômico-culturais. Foi elaborado protocolo de pesquisa, utilizando-se instrumentos validados, para ser empregado nas entrevistas com doentes, cuidadores e médicos. Os pacientes preferem compartilhar a decisão de tratamento com a família em 57,5% dos casos e preferem que o médico decida seu tratamento em 62% das vezes. Há concordância em informar o diagnóstico para 94,5% dos doentes, 95% dos familiares e 92,5% dos médicos. Também há aceitação de que o doente deva ser informado do prognóstico para 65% dos pacientes, 72,5% dos familiares e 82,5% dos médicos. O grau de concordância sobre as preferências de tratamento entre as respostas fornecidas pelo paciente e as respostas fornecidas pelo médico resultou em Kappa = 0,0227, o que significa baixa concordância. As variáveis demográfico-sócio-econômico-culturais não influenciaram as preferências do paciente frente ao papel da família. As preferências em relação à escolha do tratamento por parte do doente, do familiar e do médico revelam percepções diferentes, e estes são incapazes de predizer as preferências do doente. No presente estudo não se ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Despite what is known about the importance for patients to participate in the decision-making process, just in recent times health professionals are becoming aware of the need to inform patients about the treatment options and also encourage them to take the lead in medical decisions. The decision-making process concerning patient participation and how to improve communication among patients, caregivers and family members is scarce. The aim of this study was: to evaluate possible differences among the decision-making process comparing patients, caregivers and physicians choices and evaluate whether patients preferences during the decisionmaking process are related to variations in demographic, socio-economic and cultural levels. A research protocol was created, using validated instruments to be used in interviews with patients, caregivers and physicians. Patients prefer to share treatment decision with the family in 57.5% of cases and prefer that the doctor decides for the treatment in 62% of the situations. There is an agreement that the diagnosis must be informed for 94.5% of the patients, 95% of the families and 92.5% of the doctors. There is also acceptance that the patient should be informed of the prognosis for 65% of the patients, 72.5% of the families and 82.5% of the physicians. The agreement level between the answers given by the patients and the answers given by their doctors about treatment preferences resulted in Kappa = 0.0227, which means low agreement. The demographic and socio-economic variables did not influenced the patient preferences towards the family. Preferences regarding the choice of treatment by patient, family and physician showed different perceptions, and physicians are unable to predict the preferences of the patient. This study showed no correlation in the preferences of the patient, the caregiver and the physician in the decision-making process. Likewisi, ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Modelando preferências dependentes de contexto : a importância da moralidade no ato da escolhaGodoy, Daniel Voigt January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho desenvolve um modelo capaz de descrever preferências dependentes de contexto, buscando superar as limitações impostas pela abordagem da preferência revelada. O espaço informacional no ato da escolha é ampliado através da incorporação de uma segunda dimensão, na forma de um novo tipo de utilidade, dita social ou moral, representativa do contexto no qual a escolha é realizada. As dimensões são assumidas incomensuráveis entre si, uma característica típica de escolhas que envolvem questões morais. A impossibilidade de comparação entre duas alternativas, cada qual superior à outra em uma dimensão distinta, é resolvida através de uma simetria rotacional capaz de preservar a relação sujacente entre ambas utilidades. O modelo é baseado, fundamentalmente, nos trabalhos de Amartya Sen (1974, 1977, 1993, 1997) e Amitai Etzioni (1986), incorporando conceitos de utilidade moral (ETZIONI, 1986), dependência de contexto no ato da escolha (SEN, 1993, 1997), inescapabilidade ou urgência da escolha (SEN, 1997), auto-imposição de limites à escolha (SEN, 1997; ETZIONI, 1986), commitment, entendido como divisão entre escolha e bem-estar (SEN, 1977) e flexibilidade cognitiva dos indivíduos (ARIELY, 2012). / In this work, we develop a model that is able to describe context-dependent preferences, trying to overcome the limitations given by the revealed preference approach. The informational space in the act of choice is broadened by incorporating a second dimension, as a new type of utility, called social or moral, representing the context within the choice is made. The dimensions are deemed incommensurable, a typical characteristic of moral-related choices. The impossibility of comparison between two alternatives, where each alternative is the superior one in a different dimension, is resolved through a rotational symmetry able to preserve the underlying relationship between the two utilities. The model is fundamentally based on the works of Amartya Sen (1974, 1977, 1993, 1997) and Amitai Etzioni (1986), making use of the concepts of moral utility (ETZIONI, 1986), context-dependency in the act of choice (SEN, 1993, 1997), inescapability or urgency of the choice (SEN, 1997), self-imposing limits to choice (SEN, 1997; ETZIONI, 1986), commitment, understood as a wedge between choice and welfare (SEN, 1977) and the cognitive flexibility of the individuals (ARIELY, 2012).
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