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Preference pohybových aktivit studentů učitelství 1.stupně základní školy na Pedagogické fakultě JU v Českých Budějovicích\\ / The preferences of the Kinetic Activities of the Students of the primary schools at the Teacher´s Training College of South Bohemian University in České Budějovice\\VLÁŠKOVÁ, Martina January 2007 (has links)
Diploma assignment is focused on movement activitites preferences of pedagogical fakulty students on South Bohemia University in České Budějovice, subject first grade teaching on primery schools. Research was carried out on a group of chosen university students from the 1st. {--} 5th. year, aged 19 {--} 25, in period October {--} November 2006. PA questionnaires were used for answers. In theoretical part of assignment is worked with movement activities, its influence on health and place in everyday life of contemporary humans. Research part shows records of the study by tables and charts. Students are devided into several groups (eg. men, women) for comparing. Result summary and comparison are mentioned in discusion and conclusion part.
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Forest eternal? Endemic butterflies of the Bamenda Highlands, Cameroon, avoid close-canopy forest / Forest eternal? Endemic butterflies of the Bamenda Highlands, Cameroon, avoid close-canopy forestTROPEK, Robert January 2008 (has links)
I studied habitat preferences of three common endemic butterflies in the Bamenda Highlands, Cameroon. Assuming that the life history traits of taxa with limited geographic distribution reflect past habitat conditions within their ranges, the history and conservation of West African mountain landscape is discussed.
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Desenho urbano, satisfação e preferência na urbanização de orlas fluviais degradadasAndrade, Luciana Almeida de January 2015 (has links)
A reabilitação de orlas fluviais degradadas encontra-se em fase de grande prosperidade no Brasil. O estudo de medidas de reabilitação e dos fatores que definem seu sucesso são temas frequentemente debatidos na ciência. No entanto, esse debate está, geralmente, centrado em parâmetros mais facilmente mensuráveis que aderem à objetividade científica, ignorando, muitas vezes, aspectos mais subjetivos como a estética da paisagem ou o valor recreativo que poderiam ser identificados a partir da percepção dos indivíduos. Desta forma, o objetivo principal desta pesquisa é gerar subsídios para a elaboração de projetos de urbanização de orlas fluviais por meio da identificação dos níveis de satisfação e das preferências dos indivíduos em relação aos aspectos de desenho urbano dessas áreas. A estratégia de pesquisa adotada foi um estudo de caso realizado em uma área de orla fluvial degradada localizada no campus do Vale da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul em Porto Alegre-RS. Os métodos de coleta de dados englobam levantamento de arquivo, levantamento físico, observação e questionário com uso de simulações. Os resultados indicam que as preferências dos indivíduos envolvem ambientes com grandes áreas alagadas, mas mantendo uma proporção equilibrada com as áreas secas, margens com aspecto visual mais natural, alta densidade de vegetação arbórea de grande porte, distribuição desta vegetação de forma a criar grandes áreas sombreadas e ensolaradas, maior aceitação de equipamentos de lazer ativo do que passivo, distribuição de vias para automóveis acompanhando o traçado dos cursos d’água e trilhas e ciclovias próximas e distantes da água. / The rehabilitation of degraded waterfronts is in great prosperity phase in Brazil. The study of rehabilitation measures and the factors that determine their success are frequently debated topics in science. However, this debate usually focus on easily measurable parameters that fits the scientific objectivity, often ignoring subjective aspects such as landscape aesthetic or recreational value, that could be identified by the perception of individuals. Thus, the main goal of this research is to provide support for the development of waterfront urbanization plans by identifying the levels of satisfaction and preferences of individuals in relation to urban design aspects of these areas. The research strategy adopted was a case study in a degraded riverfront area located on the Vale campus of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre-RS. Data collection methods include file and physical survey, observation and questionnaire using simulations. The results indicate that the preferences of individuals involve environments with large wetlands, while maintaining a balanced proportion to the dry areas, banks presenting a higher natural appearance, high density of large tree vegetation, vegetation distribution that allows to create large shaded and sunny areas, greater acceptance of active leisure activities than passive, distribution of streets following the route of waterways and trails and bicycle paths near and far from the water.
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Modélisation et prospective de la demande de mobilité / Mobility demand modeling and foresightingBois, Hugo 06 November 2017 (has links)
Aujourd'hui, essentiellement dans les pays développés, nous passons de la propriété à l’usage et donc du transport à la mobilité. La mobilité est au cœur de la vie des gens et la structure ; elle est source d’externalités positives (activité économique, gain de temps, accessibilité géographique) mais aussi négatives concernant l’environnement (pollutions locales, gaz à effet de serre), le social (inégalités face à la mobilité) et l’économie (perte de temps dans les embouteillages). Il convient alors de s’intéresser aux conséquences sur les attentes des individus, des politiques publiques permettant de réduire ces externalités négatives.Cette thèse, financée par le Groupe PSA, vise à étudier la demande de mobilité à travers la construction des préférences modales. A cette fin, le Processus d’Analyse Hiérarchique est utilisé pour analyser l’importance des attributs caractérisant les modes de transport et les perceptions de ces attributs pour chaque mode de transport. Un traitement économétrique est alors réalisé concernant les attitudes et les perceptions et différents modèles sont comparés entre eux avec et sans contraintes d’accessibilité. Enfin, une taxe carbone est introduite dans notre modèle à travers un choc de perceptions à court terme pour analyser les changements de préférences modales. Un nouveau moyen de transport est également introduit. La combinaison de ces deux éléments est ensuite analysée sous l’angle des parts modales et des émissions de CO2. Le cadre d’analyse ainsi construit permet de simuler des changements à plus long terme. En d’autres termes, il permet de modéliser l’impact de scénarios prospectifs sur les préférences modales. Ce modèle a été délivré au Groupe PSA afin de lui permettre d’affiner la construction de ses scénarios prospectifs ainsi que leurs connaissances sur la demande de mobilité.Les résultats principaux sont qu’il faut introduire une taxe carbone suffisamment élevée pour impacter significativement et positivement la baisse des émissions de gaz à effet de serre provenant des déplacements. Parallèlement, un nouveau mode de transport situé entre le vélo et le véhicule électrique implique une augmentation de la satisfaction des individus. En conclusion, si l’objectif est et de réduire les émissions de CO2 dues au transport tout en maximisant la satisfaction des individus, notre modèle nous dit qu’une taxe carbone assez élevée incite à l’innovation et permet donc de faire émerger de nouveaux moyens de transports plus propres et mieux adaptés aux différentes attentes des individus. / Today, mostly in developed countries, we are moving from ownership to usership and therefore from transport to mobility. Mobility is at the heart of people's lives and structure; it is also a source of positive externalities (economic activity, time saving, geographical accessibility) but also negative about the environment (local pollution, greenhouse gases), the social (mobility inequalities) and the economy (loss of time in congestion). It is therefore necessary to analyse the impact on public expectations of public policies aimed at reducing negative externalities.This thesis is financed by PSA Group and aims to study the mobility demand through the construction of modal preferences. In this aim, the Analytic Hierarchy Process is used to analyze the importance of the attributes characterizing transportation modes and the perceptions of these attributes for each transportation modes. An econometric treatment is then carried out concerning attitudes and perceptions and different models are compared with and without accessibility constraints. Finally, a carbon tax is introduced into our model through a shock of short-term perceptions to analyze changes in modal preferences. A new transportation mode is also introduced. The combination of these two elements is then analyzed in terms of modal shares and CO2 emissions. The analytic framework constructed allow us to simulate changes in a longer term. In other words, it allows to model the impact of prospective scenarios on modal preferences. This model was delivered to the PSA Group to refine the construction of its prospective scenarios as well as their knowledge about mobility demand.The main result are the followings. A carbon tax which is high enough must be introduced to have a significant and positive impact on the greenhouse gas emissions reduction from travel. At the same time, a new transportation mode defined between the bicycle and the small electric vehicle implies an increase in satisfaction of individuals. To be brief, if the objective is to reduce CO2 emissions from transports while maximizing the satisfaction of individuals, our model tells us that a relatively high carbon tax stimulate innovation and thus allows new transportation modes to emerge that are cleaner and better fitted to individuals expectations.
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Etude de l'effet du conflit multicritère sur l'expression des préférenes : Une approche empirique / The Effect of the Multicriteria Conflict on the Expression of Preferences : an Empirical ApproachDeparis, Stéphane 15 June 2012 (has links)
Le travail de recherche présenté dans cette thèse s'inscrit dans le champ de l'aide multicritère à la décision. Ce champ concerne la décision dans un contexte où les alternatives sont jugées sous divers aspects, souvent conflictuels. Notre travail s'insère dans une approche descriptive et cherche à observer l'effet du conflit multicritère sur les préférences exprimées par le décideur. Dans un premier temps, nous proposons une définition de l'intensité du conflit multicritère entre deux alternatives puis nous nous intéressons aux préférences incomplètes et identifions deux classes de modèles de préférences incomplètes. Notre principale contribution est ensuite d'observer et analyser l'effet du conflit lors du recueil des préférences d'un décideur. Nous avons pour cela conçu et mené deux expérimentations permettant de tester le recueil de préférences à travers des comparaisons par paires, et à travers des matchings. La première expérimentation nous permet de mettre en évidence une forme d'intransitivité de l'indifférence le long des chaînes d'isopréférence. Un fort conflit multicritère conduit les sujets à exprimer des préférences incomplètes. Les résultats obtenus lors de cette expérimentation sont en cours de publication (Deparis et al. [2012]). La seconde expérimentation nous permet de montrer que les asymétries déjà observées dans la littérature en réponse à un bi-matching sont fortement amplifiées par l'effet du conflit multicritère. Nous discutons des implications de ces résultats en termes d'élicitation des préférences. Enfin, nous analysons les résultats expérimentaux au regard de la labilité des préférences qu'ils révèlent. Au-delà de cette contribution, notre thèse permet de mieux comprendre les interactions qui peuvent exister entre les approches normative, descriptive et prescriptive en décision multicritère. / The research presented in this thesis lies in the field of multicriteria decision aid. This field deals with decision in a context where several aspects, usually in conflict, are considered when judging the alternatives. Our work stands in the descriptive approach and aims at observing the effect of multicriteria conflict on the preferences expressed by decision-makers. First, we propose a definition of the intensity of inter-alternative multicriteria conflict and then we consider incomplete preferences and identify two types of incomplete preference models. Our main contribution is then to observe and analyse the effect of conflict when assessing the preferences of a decision-maker. In order to do so, we designed and led two experiments allowing to test the assessment of preferences through pairwise comparisons and matchings. The first experiment allows us to exhibit an intransitivity of indifference along isopreference chains. A large multicriteria conflict leads subjects to express incomplete preferences. Results obtained from this experiment are under publication (Deparis et al. [2012]). The second experiment allows us to show that asymmetries already observed in the literature in response to bimatchings are strongly amplified by multicriteria conflict. We discuss the implications of these results on elicitation of preferences. Finally, we analyse the experimental results with regard to the lability of preferences that they reveal. Beyond this contribution, our thesis sheds a light on the interactions that exist between the normative, descriptive and prescriptive approaches in multicriteria decision-making.
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Estimando a aversão ao risco no mercado de seguros de automóveis / Estimating Risk Preferences From Auto Insurance MarketCaio Matteúcci de Andrade Lopes 20 May 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é estimar a distribuição conjunta do risco e da aversão ao risco no mercado de seguros de automóveis. Para tal, será utilizado o modelo estrutural proposto por Cohen e Einav (2007), que permite identificar esta distribuição à partir das coberturas escolhidas pelos segurados e dos sinistros declarados. Na metodologia empírica, utilizamos o método de Monte Carlo via Cadeias de Markov (MCMC). A base de dados utilizada se refere à apólices de seguros transacionadas na região metropolitana de São Paulo, apenas para a seguradora com maior participação neste mercado. Os resultados obtidos indicam que os coeficientes de aversão ao risco absoluto apresentam média baixa, mediana ainda menor e elevada heterogeneidade não observada. Observou-se também uma correlação negativa entre o risco e a aversão ao risco. / This study aims to estimate the distribution of risk aversion from the car insurance market. For this, the method proposed by Cohen e Einav (2007) model that allows unobserved risk is used. The data refer to the metropolitan area of São Paulo with an analysis restricted to only one insurer. The methodology will be the Gibbs sampling which enables increased data risk of latent variables and risk aversion. The results indicate a small mean level of absolute risk aversion and even lower median, featuring high dispersion coefficients.
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Desenho urbano, satisfação e preferência na urbanização de orlas fluviais degradadasAndrade, Luciana Almeida de January 2015 (has links)
A reabilitação de orlas fluviais degradadas encontra-se em fase de grande prosperidade no Brasil. O estudo de medidas de reabilitação e dos fatores que definem seu sucesso são temas frequentemente debatidos na ciência. No entanto, esse debate está, geralmente, centrado em parâmetros mais facilmente mensuráveis que aderem à objetividade científica, ignorando, muitas vezes, aspectos mais subjetivos como a estética da paisagem ou o valor recreativo que poderiam ser identificados a partir da percepção dos indivíduos. Desta forma, o objetivo principal desta pesquisa é gerar subsídios para a elaboração de projetos de urbanização de orlas fluviais por meio da identificação dos níveis de satisfação e das preferências dos indivíduos em relação aos aspectos de desenho urbano dessas áreas. A estratégia de pesquisa adotada foi um estudo de caso realizado em uma área de orla fluvial degradada localizada no campus do Vale da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul em Porto Alegre-RS. Os métodos de coleta de dados englobam levantamento de arquivo, levantamento físico, observação e questionário com uso de simulações. Os resultados indicam que as preferências dos indivíduos envolvem ambientes com grandes áreas alagadas, mas mantendo uma proporção equilibrada com as áreas secas, margens com aspecto visual mais natural, alta densidade de vegetação arbórea de grande porte, distribuição desta vegetação de forma a criar grandes áreas sombreadas e ensolaradas, maior aceitação de equipamentos de lazer ativo do que passivo, distribuição de vias para automóveis acompanhando o traçado dos cursos d’água e trilhas e ciclovias próximas e distantes da água. / The rehabilitation of degraded waterfronts is in great prosperity phase in Brazil. The study of rehabilitation measures and the factors that determine their success are frequently debated topics in science. However, this debate usually focus on easily measurable parameters that fits the scientific objectivity, often ignoring subjective aspects such as landscape aesthetic or recreational value, that could be identified by the perception of individuals. Thus, the main goal of this research is to provide support for the development of waterfront urbanization plans by identifying the levels of satisfaction and preferences of individuals in relation to urban design aspects of these areas. The research strategy adopted was a case study in a degraded riverfront area located on the Vale campus of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre-RS. Data collection methods include file and physical survey, observation and questionnaire using simulations. The results indicate that the preferences of individuals involve environments with large wetlands, while maintaining a balanced proportion to the dry areas, banks presenting a higher natural appearance, high density of large tree vegetation, vegetation distribution that allows to create large shaded and sunny areas, greater acceptance of active leisure activities than passive, distribution of streets following the route of waterways and trails and bicycle paths near and far from the water.
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Percepção ambiental de idosos: anseios e desejos para o lugar de morarSOBRAL, Elzani Rafaela Ferreira de Almeida 24 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-04-29T14:33:02Z
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Dissertação_Elzani Rafaela Ferreira de Almeida Sobral_VERSÃO BC.pdf: 4686078 bytes, checksum: 34f4df40c65b12d76ecf5866f7a96fc7 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-07-24 / CAPEs / A presente dissertação faz parte do Grupo de Pesquisa – Ergonomia Aplicada ao Ambiente Construído vinculado ao programa de Pós-Graduação em Design da UFPE, e apresenta um estudo acerca da Percepção Ambiental usuários idosos, considerando seus desejos e anseios em ambientes residenciais. Visando avaliar a percepção do espaço físico por parte dos idosos esse estudo tem como objetivo principal investigar ferramentas de percepção ambiental, a fim de identificar suas adequações na compreensão da percepção de idosos acerca do ambiente em quem estão inseridos. Para tanto, foram utilizadas duas ferramentas: Poema dos Desejos e Seleção visual, a fim de verificar se tais instrumentos são eficientes para identificar a percepção dos idosos. O trabalho colabora com pesquisas que visam entender como idosos percebem seu lugar de morar. Para tanto, foram realizadas visitas ao local estudo de campo, o Residencial Cidade Madura, localizado na cidade de João Pessoa – PB, que fornece as características necessárias para o estudo, a fim de executar as aplicações das ferramentas selecionadas com 20 usuários. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados e categorizados de acordo com os aspectos apresentados pelos pesquisados, verificando suas necessidades e anseios. As experiências obtidas ao longo de suas vidas e o declínio físico e cognitivo influenciam o modo de vida dos idosos, o que incide diretamente em seus desejos. As diversas visões e experiências distintas evidenciam formas de interpretação divergente do mesmo ambiente. Desta forma, o objetivo principal do trabalho de investigar ferramentas de percepção ambiental, a fim identificar suas adequações na compreensão da percepção de idosos acerca do ambiente em quem estão inseridos, foi alcançado. Foi constatado que as ferramentas utilizadas nesta pesquisa são eficazes à medida em que são interpretadas e respondidas pelos idosos. Porém, não foram consideradas ideais para aplicação com esses usuários, visto que a maioria deles apresentaram respostas abstratas, em que algumas vezes não apresentando seus desejos, ou não abordam aspectos referentes ao ambiente físicos, dificultando o entendimento acerca de como os idosos percebem os ambientes. / The dissertation is part of the Research Group – Ergonomics applied to Built Environment linked to a Design Pos-graduation at UFPE, and present a study about the elderly users Environment Perception, considering their wishes and desires in residential environment. To evaluate the perception of the physical area for the elderly this study has the main objective explore the environmental perception tools in order to identify their adjustments in the understanding of perception of the elderly about the environment in whom they live. For this, we used two tools: the Wishing Poem and Vision screening in order to determine whether such tools are efficient to identify the elderly perception. The work contributes to research that aim to understanding how the elderly perceive their living place. To this end, visits were made to the local field of study, the Residêncial Cidade Madura, located in the city of João Pessoa - PB, which provides the necessary characteristics for the study in order to run the applications of the tools selected with 20 users. The results were analyzed and categorized according to the aspects presented by the interviewees, checking your needs and desires. The experiences gained throughout their lives and the physical and cognitive decline influence the way of life of the elderly, which focuses directly on your desires. The different views and different experiences show forms of differing interpretations of the same environment. Thus, the main objective of this study to investigate environmental awareness tools in order to identify their adjustments in the understanding of perception of the elderly about the environment in whom they belong has been reached. It was found that the tools used in this research are effective as they are interpreted and answered by the elderly. However, they were not considered ideal for use with these users, since most of them had abstract answers, where sometimes not presenting your preferences, or do not address aspects related to physical environment, hampering the understanding of how the elderly perceive the environment.
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Determinantes da lealdade à marca: um estudo no contexto de uma marca de refrigeranteFortes, Valter Marcos Monteiro 29 May 2018 (has links)
Desenvolver e manter a lealdade dos consumidores em relação à marca é requisito estratégico para negócios bem-sucedidos. No atual contexto competitivo o consumidor não está mais interessado em comprar produtos ou serviços apenas pelos seus benefícios funcionais, mas, sobretudo pela decorrência dos valores simbólicos e afetivos que este sente em relação aos mesmos ou à marca. Neste sentido, o presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar o impacto dos construtos Qualidade Percebida, Consciência da Marca, Personalidade da Marca e Amor à Marca como determinantes da Lealdade à Marca dos consumidores. Assim sendo, o cerne desta investigação foi desenvolver um Modelo Teórico acerca dos determinantes da Lealdade à Marca. Para atingir este objetivo, inicialmente foi feito um levantamento teórico sobre estes construtos, propondo um modelo teórico, que foi testado e validado. O estudo foi realizado sobre a perspectiva de consumidores da marca de refrigerante Guaraná Jesus, na cidade de São Luís, no Estado do Maranhão (MA), no Brasil. Portanto, para avaliar o Modelo Teórico proposto, contemplando os determinantes da Lealdade à Marca, foi considerado como contexto de pesquisa a marca de refrigerante Guaraná Jesus, mediante o acesso a consumidores deste produto, pelo fato de terem um forte vínculo com a marca e o produto. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente utilizando técnicas de análise multivariadas, mais especificamente a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais, que auxiliou na explicação do fenômeno estudado. Os resultados validaram o modelo teórico proposto a partir dos índices obtidos e da confirmação de todas as suposições (hipóteses) iniciais. Dessa forma, conclui-se que há uma relação positiva e significativa entre os construtos Consciência da Marca e Qualidade Percebida. Igualmente, atesta-se que o construto Personalidade da Marca influencia de forma significativa e direta a Consciência da Marca, a Qualidade Percebida e o Amor à Marca. Ficou demonstrado, ainda, que o construto Amor à Marca tem forte influência sobre a Lealdade à Marca, e que a frequência de consumo pode agir como um moderador significativo desta relação. Este estudo, portanto, contribui para uma maior compreensão sobre a temática com uma gama de argumentos de âmbito acadêmico e gerencial, que podem ser explorados em pesquisas futuras para o amadurecimento dos construtos bem como o próprio modelo teórico validado, no âmbito da gestão empresarial no que se refere ao gerenciamento de marcas. / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq / Developing and maintaining consumer loyalty towards the brand is a strategic requirement for successful business. In the current competitive context, the consumer is no longer interested in buying products or services only for their functional benefits, but mainly because of the symbolic and affective values that he or she feels in relation to them or to the brand. In this sense the present study aimed to analyze the impact of the constructs Perceived Quality, Brand Awareness, Brand Personality and Brand Love as determinants of consumers' Brand Loyalty. Thus the core of this research was to develop a Theoretical Model on the determinants of Brand Loyalty. To achieve this objective, a theoretical research was initially made, proposing a theoretical model, which was tested and validated. The study was carried out on the perspective of consumers of the Guaraná Jesus soft drink brand, in the city of São Luís, State of Maranhão (MA), Brazil. Therefore, in order to evaluate the proposed Theoretical Model, considering, the determinants of Brand Loyalty, the Guaraná Jesus brand of soft drink was considered as a research context by accessing these consumers of this product because they have a strong bond with the brand and the product. The data were analyzed statistically using Multivariate Analysis techniques, more specifically the Modeling of Structural Equations (SEM), which aided in the explanation of the studied phenomenon. The results validated the theoretical model proposed from the indexes obtained and from the confirmation of all the initial assumptions (hypotheses). Thus, it is concluded that there is a positive and meaningful relationship between the constructs Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality. Likewise, it is confirmed that the Brand Personality construct influences in a significant and direct way the Brand Awareness, the Perceived Quality and the construct Brand Love. It has been demonstrated that the Brand Love has a strong influence on Brand Loyalty and that the level of consumption can act as a significant moderator of this relationship. This study therefore contributes to a greater understanding of the thematic and with a range of arguments of academic and managerial scope, which can be explored in future research for the maturation of constructs as well as the validated theoretical model itself and in the Business management in terms of brand management.
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E-handel – hur utbrett är fenomenet shopping cart abandonment? : Ett kvantitativt kartläggande vad gäller svenska konsumenters preferenser vid betalningsfasenRosqvist, Karl January 2017 (has links)
Shopping cart abandonment, eller digitalt avbrutna köp, beskrivs som problematiskt inom e-handelssektorn. I denna undersökning kartläggs svenska e-handelskonsumenters betalningspreferenser för att författaren ska kunna slutleda varför digitala köp avbryts. En informationsasymmetri råder mellan konsumenter och e-butiker som bidrar till negativa konsekvenser. Då ingen inhemsk, objektiv forskning finns att tillgå och den internationella forskning som existerar är svår att generalisera samt vid flertalet tillfällen är tidsinaktuell bör författarens forskningstillskott ses som relevant. Författaren kartlägger via en kvantitativ studie svenska konsumenters preferenser vid betalningsfasen. Resultatet leder till att konsumenternas krav vad gäller betalningsfasens utformning synliggörs. Svenska e-handelskonsumenter önskar snabba, smidiga och säkra betalningsfaser. En väl utformad betalningsfas väntas även minska den informationsasymmetri som råder mellan konsumenter och e-handlare. Tack vare en högre grad informationssymmetri väntas e-handlarnas respektive konverteringsgrader öka. / Shopping cart abandonment, i.e. discontinued digital purchases, is described as problematic in the e-commerce sector. In this report, digital consumers residing in Sweden will have their payment preferences mapped to allow the author to conclude why digital purchases are interrupted. Information asymmetry exists between consumers and e-retailers which in turn contributes to negative consequences. Since no domestic, objective research is available, and the existing international research is difficult to generalize and often dated, the author's research grant should be considered relevant. The author maps Swedish consumers preferences during the payment phase through a quantitative study. The study makes sure that the domestic consumer's preferences and demands regarding the payment phase are being made visible. Swedish consumers tend to want their payment phases to be fast, easily managed and secure. A well-designed payment phase is also expected to reduce the information asymmetry residing between consumers and e-retailers. Thanks to a more symmetric information flow, the conversion rates regarding e-retailers are expected to increase.
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