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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hiring preferences of employers of entry-level biomedical equipment technicians in Texas.

Bowles, Roger A. 12 1900 (has links)
This study examined the signaling strength, or marketing power, of the most common qualifications of entry-level biomedical equipment technicians (BMETs) in Texas, based on stated hiring preferences of BMET managers, using order ranking of fictitious resumes. This study also sought to determine whether certification status, education background, military training background as a BMET, or type of employer [hospital or ISO] of the hiring manager had an effect on hiring preference for applicant qualifications of associate degree, military training as a BMET, or certified biomedical equipment technician (CBET) certification candidacy. Participants were asked to rank 16 fictitious resumes representing the most common qualifications of entry-level BMETs and to fill out a background questionnaire regarding their education, military, certification, and employer. The number of times each resume ranked in first place was tabulated and inter-rater reliability was calculated. Resumes with qualifications of associate degree versus military training as a BMET were compared at three levels of work experience. A chi-square test for independence was conducted for the comparisons to determine whether work experience influenced preference. Chi-square tests were also conducted for comparisons of associate degree with candidacy for CBET certification versus associate degree and military training with CBET candidacy versus military training. No statistically significant results were found for the chi-square tests, indicating that work experience did not significantly influence participant preferences for the compared qualifications. BMET hiring managers indicated a preference for combinations of qualifications rather than any single qualification. Correlations in hiring managers' educational background, certification status, military training as a BMET, type of employer, and preference for applicant qualifications were examined. Statistically significant correlations were found between participants' preference for associate degree or military training and level of education, military training background, and type of employer. Statistically significant correlations were also found between participants' preference of military training with CBET candidacy over military training alone and military training as a BMET background as well as certification background.

Generic music style preferences of urban South African adolescents : a follow-up study including additional genres of Hip-Hop, House, Kwaito, Metal and Rhythm&Blues

Matthews, Robert Eric 03 July 2011 (has links)
This exploratory study measured the generic music style preferences of urban South African adolescents using a cross-section of grade nine adolescent learners living in Johannesburg. Johannesburg is the third largest city in Africa and the largest in sub-Saharan Africa. Quantitatively, through a survey, the research determined which music styles were preferred and qualitatively, through interviews, established the extent to which multifarious variables affected preference. LeBlanc’s Model of the Sources of Variation in Music Preference was used as the theoretical framework upon which the study was built. A similar study, completed ten years ago on South African urban adolescents, conducted by Jennifer James, inspired this study and was used as a point of departure for this project. James’s 2000 study was entitled, Generic Style Music Preferences of Urban South African Students. Examples of fifteen generic styles of music, selected from popular, classical and indigenous traditions, were used as music excerpts in the listening test (Music Preference Questionnaire). Through purposive sampling, a total of five-hundred and sixty-eight learners in grade nine participated in the study. The learner sample used was demographically true in its representation of the country’s population. Three broad categories of variables pertaining to preference were delineated and discussed within the study. These encompassed listener, music and environmental variables. Learner variables included: music training, gender (sex), ethnic group (race and language), socio-economic status, and age. Music variables pertaining to preference included: physiological properties of the stimulus [music], complexity of the stimulus [music], and referential meaning of the stimulus [music]. Environmental variables pertaining to preference included media, peer influence, family influence, and the influence of teachers and authority figures. The study revealed that the current generic music style preferences of South African urban adolescents in order of most to least preferred were: Rhythm and Blues, Western Pop, Kwaito, Reggae, House, Hip-Hop, South African Pop, Western Choral, Metal, Rock, Gospel Jazz, Traditional African, Western Classical and Indian Classical. / Dissertation (MMus)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Music / unrestricted

Organizando maiorias, agregando preferências: a Assembleia Nacional Constituinte de 1987-88 / Organizing majorities, aggregating preferences: the 1987-88 National Constituent Assembly

Danilo Buscatto Medeiros 04 March 2013 (has links)
Reza a literatura neo-institucionalista que as normas que regem um processo decisório terão grande influência sobre o resultado final. Isto vale também para Assembleia Nacional Constituinte de 1987-1988. Não fosse assim um agrupamento de parlamentares descontentes com o andamento dos trabalhos constituintes não teria insurgido com uma proposta para a reformulação do Regimento Interno após quase um ano de funcionamento. Entender a importância do arcabouço institucional para as disputas políticas e o resultado final da ANC éa questão central desta dissertação. Desta forma, pretende-seresponder a seguinte pergunta: quais os efeitos tanto das normas que regularam o processo de formação/convocação da ANC, quanto do seu regimento que foi alterado ao longo dos trabalhos sobre o resultado final? O modelo de constituinte aprovado na convocação (congressual e não exclusiva) e o formato dos trabalhos constituintes (descentralização em subcomissões e comissões temáticas) foram amplamente contestados e disputados pelas consequências que os atores políticos antecipavam ou projetavam sobre elas. Os atores políticos sempre sabem que regras afetam resultados. Resta saber se eles sempre anteciparam corretamentee, para tanto, é possívelatentar para como eles se comportaram. Com o intuito de aprofundar o debate sobre a interação estratégica noprocesso constituinte, são analisadas as votações nominais no plenário da Constituinte para compreender como atores coletivos organizam preferências, reunindo maiorias em disputas políticas radicalizadas. / According to the new institutionalist literature, the rules regulating a decision making process play great influence on its final result. Thisassumption applies to the 1987-1988 National Constituent Assembly (NCA). Otherwise, a group of legislators dissatisfied with the works course would not have risen with a proposal to reform the Internal Rules after two years of Assembly. The main goal of this work is tocomprehend the importance of the institutional structure for the political contests and the final result of the NCA. Thus, I aim to answer the following question: what are the effects of the rules regulating the convocation of the NCA, as well as the rules regulating its works which have changed during theprocess on the final results? The constitution-making design approved at the beginning (a congressional one instead of an exclusive one) and the organization form of the works (decentralized in thematic commissions) were largely contested because of the consequences political actors were anticipating and looking forward to, since they are always aware of the rule´s impact. The question is whether or not they anticipated it correctly, and for such it is possible to watch how they have behaved. Attempting to deepen the debate about strategic interaction on the constitutional process, the roll calls will be analyzed in order to understand how collective actors organize their preferences, building majorities in radicalized political contests.

An analysis of Nescafé in the United States and India

Patel, Apurva Ashok 01 January 2003 (has links)
This project focuses on Nescafe's advertising in two main markets, namely the United States and India, and it analyzes the similarities and differences of global brands across different markets.

Carbon Labeling : A quantitative study of what the preferred content, design and layout is among Swedish consumers / Carbon Labeling : A quantitative study of what the preferred content, design and layout is among Swedish consumers

Sundberg, Eric, Elghag, Edvin January 2020 (has links)
Global warming has been a topic of discussion since the discovery that man-made greenhouse gas emissions is having an affect on the planet almost 50 years ago. Grocery products stand for roughly one third of all EUs carbon emissions as a result of its highvolume production. Carbon labeling is a tool in which retailers and manufacturers can communicate the amount has caused throughout its whole life cycle or that the they are working towards lowering their GHG emission throughout their organization. However, previous research indicates that carbon labels has not yet had its breakthrough moment yet due to the CO2e data is too complex for the consumers to interpret. This led to our research question “What is the preferred content, design and layout of a carbon label among Swedish consumers? “The purpose of this study is to get a deeper understanding into the preferences of the Swedish consumers and what kind of attributes they are looking for to make a carbon label understandable. We found that the Swedish consumer prefers a more complex design than previous studies have suggested based on researches made from other countries. In order to do our explanatory research, we measured these variables with a quantitative survey and made statistical calculations such as mean values and correlation analysis to see if our hypotheses were supported.  The analysis shows that the Swedish consumers prefer all the following attributes that is being presented in an order of priority: The label should be colour coded, made by a well-known organization, presented in terms of scale and have the CO2e data presented on the label.

Recommendations’ and preferences’ impact on online travel purchases : A quantitative study investigating Instagram influencers’ travel recommendations and consumers’ travel preferences effect on online travel purchases

Jaatinen, Salla, Aho, Laura January 2020 (has links)
Quantitative data analysis revealed that out of the two proposed hypotheses, consumers’ travel preferences have a positive effect on online travel purchases, while Instagram influencers’ travel recommendations did not have a positive effect on consumers’ online travel purchases. Despite that, male respondents experienced travel recommendations to be more influential than their own travel preferences when purchasing travel. However, the results indicate that there is a need for further research.

Insider Perspectives of Mate Selection in Modern Chinese Society

Lin, Szu-Yu 01 December 2018 (has links)
With the increased exposure to Western cultures and the transition towards modernization, Chinese society has experienced substantial social change, which has influenced marital relationships. Although recent research has documented contemporary patterns of marital interaction, less is known about what Chinese adults consider to be an ideal marital partner and what their parent' roles play in the mate selection process. What do contemporary Chinese adults value in a partner? How much parental influence is involved in choosing an ideal marital partner? These questions were addressed by conducting six focus groups in Taipei, Taiwan. The focus groups included a total of 51 participants (male = 25; female = 26) and included separate groups for middle-aged married men, middle-aged married women, younger married men, younger married women, never-married young adult men, and never-married young adult women. The results from qualitative analysis indicated three major themes in an ideal partner: family-of-origin (e.g., similar family background, good relationship with in-laws), personal qualities (e.g., financially stable, responsible), and relationship qualities (e.g., getting along, communicating well, mutual respect, gender equality). These results indicate that contemporary Chinese adults value a combination of traditional Chinese (e.g., similar family background) and Western (e.g. good communication) values. When it comes to parental approval on their marriage, most younger participants reported that they would marry a person despite their parents' disapproval, although many indicated that they would want their parents' approval because it would increase family harmony. The older participants, on the other hand, were more likely to still favor parents having significant influence on who their children marry. Overall, the young Chinese participants showed greater incorporation of Western values than the older participants. These findings suggest that modern Chinese society is being increasingly influenced by individualistic Western values.

Efeito das variáveis do processo de fabricação sobre a qualidade do beiju /

Nori, Márcia Ângela January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Roger Darros Barbosa / Resumo: O beiju, produto de cultura indígena milenar, é obtido a partir do aquecimento da fécula de mandioca salgada e hidratada, com cerca de 40 a 45% de umidade, para a formação de um gel rígido e opaco, com baixa umidade (máx. 10%). As características de textura crocante, de cor branca e opaca e de sabor neutro levemente salgado, posicionam o beiju como concorrente de biscoitos crocantes. A pesquisa sobre hábitos de consumo mostrou preferência de compra associada aos atributos sensoriais de sabor, cor e crocância. O produto ofertado ao mercado do Nordeste é de baixa qualidade devido ao processo artesanal e instabilidade da textura. Esta pesquisa investigou os parâmetros do processo que influenciam na qualidade do beiju, entre os quais a razão fécula/água na hidratação, temperatura e tempo de exposição ao calor no processo térmico, para o qual foi desenvolvido um equipamento de bancada específico. A caracterização dos beijus comerciais em termos dos atributos sensoriais e de análises instrumentais de textura e cor, juntamente com informações de produtores artesanais de beiju, auxiliaram na determinação das condições para o processamento do beiju em laboratório. Adicionalmente, foram realizados estudos de estabilidade do beiju durante a estocagem com base nas características de textura e equilíbrio higroscópico. O beiju obtido em todas as condições investigadas apresentou parâmetros de textura instrumental com valores que permitem caracterizá-lo como um produto crocante e moderado g... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Beiju, a product of ancient indigenous culture, is obtained by heating the salted and hydrated cassava starch, with 40 to 45% moisture, to form a rigid and opaque gel, with low moisture (maximum 10 %). The characteristics of crispy texture, white and opaque and with a slightly salty neutral flavor, make beiju as a competitor for crispy crackers or snacks. A survey on consumption habits showed the purchase preference associated with the sensory attributes of flavor, color and crispness. The product offered to the market is of low quality due to the artisanal process and texture instability. This research investigated the process parameters that may influence the quality of beiju, among which the starch/water ratio in hydration, temperature and time of exposure to heat in the thermal process, for which a specific bench equipment was developed. The characterization of commercial beijus in terms of sensory attributes and instrumental analyzes of texture and color, along with artisanal producers processing information, helped in determining process variables range for laboratory processing. Additionally, beiju stability studies were carried out during storage based on texture and hygroscopic equilibrium characteristics. The beiju obtained in all investigated conditions presented instrumental texture parameters with values that allow to characterize it as a crispy product and a moderate degree of hardness. The main responses for the characterization of the crispness were attributed... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Understanding Maternal Care Preferences and Perceptions to Curb Maternal Mortality in Rural Africa

Fantaye, Arone 24 January 2020 (has links)
Background: The underutilization of formal, facility-based maternal care is a major contributor to the high maternal mortality rates among women living in rural Africa. Increasing the use of formal maternal care requires exploration of important maternal health issues affecting community members and comprehension of how they perceive the use of formal and traditional maternal care. This thesis aimed to identify the key factors, challenges, and needs of rural populations for the uptake of formal maternal care. Paper 1 explored rural women's preferred choices for sources of maternal care as well as the factors that contribute to their preferences in Africa. Paper 2 explored elders' perceptions about reasons for the underutilization of maternal healthcare and maternal death, as well as potential solutions to improve formal care use in rural Nigeria. Methods: 1) In paper 1, a systematic search on Ovid Medline, Embase, CINAHL, and Global Health identified 40 qualitative studies that elicited women's preferences for maternal care in rural Africa. Reviewers collated the findings and reported on patterns identified across findings using the narrative synthesis method. 2) Data were collected through 9 community conversations with 158 elders in 9 rural Nigerian communities. The data were analyzed inductively through thematic analysis. Results: 1) A variety of preferences for formal, traditional and both formal and traditional maternal care during antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum periods were identified. The majority of the studies reported preferences for formal antenatal care or a combination of traditional and formal antenatal care. During intrapartum, rural women held a wide range of preferences, including facility-based births, traditional births in a domestic setting, as well as a combination of formal and traditional care depending on the onset of complications. The majority of the studies reported preferences for traditional postnatal care involving traditional attendants, self-care, and cultural rituals that fend off witchcraft. The factors that contributed to these preferences were related to the perceived need of formal or traditional maternal care, accessibility to formal or traditional care, and cultural and religious norms, beliefs and obligations. 2) The perceived reasons for the underuse of formal maternal care included poor qualities of care, physical and financial inaccessibility of facility-based services, and lack of knowledge and awareness. Reasons for women's maternal deaths included malaria and blood displacement, facility-based service deficiencies, uptake of traditional maternal care, and poor community awareness and negligence. Increased access to high-quality care, health promotion and education, community support and supernatural assistance were the proffered solutions. Conclusions: The major areas that need improvement across rural Africa include human and material resources availability, technical and interpersonal quality of care in health facilities, physical accessibility, financial accessibility, sociocultural accessibility, cultural and religious sensitivity, and community knowledge and awareness. Generally, the findings reflect the need for multifaceted interventions that engage target populations and consider local contexts, realities, and related needs in order to develop locally acceptable interventions. Such interventions will increase the likelihood of effective and long-lasting positive changes in healthcare utilization and maternal mortality.

Essays on inequality, social preferences and consumer behavior / Inégalités, préférences sociales et comportement du consommateur

Bellet, Clément 31 March 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la façon dont l’inégalité intra et inter groupes affecte le comportement du consommateur et son bien-être via des effets de comparaisons sociales. L’objectif est une meilleure compréhension d’un certain nombre de phénomènes sociaux largement délaissés par la théorie classique du consommateur. Par exemple, dans quelle mesure les déterminants visibles d’une identité sociale tels que le groupe ethnique ou la caste affectent les comportements de consommation des ménages ? Comment comprendre le sur-endettement des plus pauvres malgré la persistante stagnation de leur revenu réel ? Ou encore, la consommation de biens de luxes devient-elle nécessaire au sein de sociétés plus inégalitaires et que nous apprend ce phénomène sur les limites sociales de la croissance économique ? Pour ce faire, la thèse incorpore d’importants résultats issus des travaux d’économie comportementale - en particulier s’agissant des préférences sociales et de l’évaluation subjective du bien-être - à la théorie du consommateur et de l’épargne. Le chapitre 1 développe un modèle de consommation relative qui tient compte des effets de comparaison au cours du temps et entre biens. Les chapitres suivant identifient ces effets à partir de données d’enquêtes représentatives de la population et de larges bases de données obtenues via des méthodes de web-scrapping. Le chapitre 2 se concentre sur l’endettement immobilier aux Etats-Unis lorsque les ménages se préoccupent de la taille relative de leur maison. Les chapitres 3 et 4 analysent la composante sociale des dépenses en Inde et leur implication en terme de malnutrition en utilisant des méthodes d’estimations standards et structurelles. / This thesis studies ways in which inequality between and within groups affects consumer behaviors and welfare through social comparison effects. The objective is to provide a better understanding of a number of economic phenomena, namely: How to understand the extensive use of credit by lower income households in periods of stagnating real income growth? How do visible identities such as race or caste affect consumption choices, and can social hierarchies lead to poverty traps? Do luxury goods become more necessary when inequality rises, and what does such a phenomenon tell us about the social limits to growth? To that aim, the thesis incorporates important findings of behavioural economics, in particular on other-regarding preferences and subjective well-being, into theories of consumption and savings. Chapter 1 presents a model of relative consumption which accounts for comparison effects over time and across goods. The following chapters identify these effects using representative survey data and large datasets obtained via web-scrapping techniques. Chapter 2 looks at mortgage debt in the United States when households care about the relative size of their house. Chapters 3 and 4 study the social component of expenditures in India and its implication in terms of malnutrition using standard and structural estimation techniques.

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