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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


杉村, 伸一郎, Sugimura, Shinichiro 12 1900 (has links)

Taxonomic or Thematic: Categorization of Familiar Objects by Preschool-Aged Children

Calhoun, David Owen 01 May 1995 (has links)
To acquire language, children must learn how to categorize objects on the basis of the meanings that cultures have assigned to the objects. A series of six experiments tested how preschool-aged children categorize familiar objects. Each experiment used a matching-to-sample format in which children matched pictures of familiar objects (comparisons) to a sample stimulus picture. The sample and one comparison related taxonomically (on the basis of function) from which the children were to find another stimulus that was the same as the sample. Each experiment was a systematic replication of published research and of the prior experiment. In all six experiments, these pre-school-aged children demonstrated a statistically significant preference for the taxonomic stimulus. No statistically significant differences were found between genders. The results of these six experiments did not support the development trend described in the majority of the extant literature. These findings are also contrary to the research literature, with one noted exception.

Ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogo kompetencijos ir jų plėtojimo perspektyva / Competences of the preschool education pedagogues and perspective of the development of such competences

Stagniūnienė, Aldona 02 September 2008 (has links)
Ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose pedagogų žinios ir gebėjimai tampa pagrindiniu švietimo kaitos stimulu. Naujai mokymosi paradigmai keičiant tradicinę mokymo paradigmą, pedagogas tampa ne tik savo veiklos vykdytoju, bet ir nuolat besimokančiuoju savo veikloje. Šiam naujam vaidmeniui atlikti pagrindiniais ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ugdymo veiksniais tampa gebėjimai, žinios ir kompetencija. Tyrimo problema - nepakankamai dėmesio ir lėšų skiriama ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų kompetencijų tobulinimui ir plėtojimo perspektyvoms. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų kompetencijos ypatumus ir kompetencijos plėtojimo perspektyvas. Darbe sprendžiami klausimai: ką ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogui reiškia jo darbas, kuo jis svarbus, kas lemia jo darbo sėkmę, bei kokie kompetencijų aspektai svarbiausi jo profesinėje veikloje. Siekiama išsiaiškinti, kokius gebėjimus ir kompetencijas turi ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogai, kaip jas vertina, kokių kompetencijų jiems trūksta profesinėje veikloje, bei kokių ir kaip norėtų įgyti, kad jų konkreti veikla taptų efektyvi ir kokybiška. Darbe analizuojama, kaip remiantis žiniomis, jau turima patirtimi, nuostatomis, gebėjimais, asmeninėmis savybėmis ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogas geba save realizuoti įvairioje veikloje, įgyti naujų specialiųjų kompetencijų, bei siekti aukštų veiklos rezultatų nuo kurių priklauso vaikų pasiekimai, pažanga ir ugdomojo proceso kokybė. Atlikus tyrimą paaiškėjo, jog pedagogo profesinėje veikloje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The knowledge and abilities of pedagogues in the preschool institutions becomes the main spur for the changes in education. When new paradigm of learning replaces the traditional one, the pedagogue becomes not only the performer of his/her activity, but also the learner in hid/ her activity. Abilities, knowledge and competence become the main factors of preschool age children education for this role. Research problem: Insufficient attention and funds for the development of pedagogical competences and for the expansion of perspectives Purpose of the research: To reveal the peculiarities of the preschool education pedagogues and the perspectives of the expansion of competences. The thesis solves the following issues: what does his/her job mean for the pre-school education pedagogue; why this job is important; what are the causes of the successful work; what aspects of competence are significant in the professional activity. The project seeks to find out what abilities and competencies lie with pre-school education pedagogues, how do the pedagogues assess such competences and abilities; what competences do they lack in they vocational activity; and what competences and how would they like to acquire in order to improve their activity efficiency and quality. The thesis analyzes how the preschool education pedagogues realize their potential in their activity, acquire new specialized competences and seek for high activity results (on which depend the results, progress and... [to full text]

Muzikiniai žaidimai kaip efektyvinimo priemonė ugdant ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikus / Music games as measures of development preschool age children

Rukienė, Dovilė 29 June 2012 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ugdymo proceso efektyvinimo, panaudojant muzikinį žaidimą, galimybes. Objektas – muzikinių žaidimų panaudojimas ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ugdymo procese. Darbo tikslui pasiekti buvo iškelti šie uždaviniai: išanalizuoti ikimokyklinio ugdymo ypatumus Lietuvoje, atskleisti muzikinio ugdymo ypatumus darželyje ir šeimoje, išsiaiškinti žaidimų reikšmę vaikų muzikiniame ugdyme, literatūros analizės pagrindu parengti tyrimo instrumentą, leidžiantį nustatyti pedagogų ir ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų tėvų požiūrį į muzikinių žaidimų panaudojimą ugdymo procese. / Purpose of finishing work – to find out preschool age children education effective of process include musician games opportunities. The object – musician game use of preschool age children in the process of education. For work purpose reach was asking for these objects: to make analyze preschool education particularity in Lithuania, - to make analyze the conception of musician particularity disclose musician education particularity in kindergarten and families, and find out the value of games in children education of music, the analyze of literature. make test instrument who could diagnose teachers and parents of preschool age children opinion about musician games uses effective in education process. To make analyze of literature and done of questionnaire in the kindergarten of.

Tėvų, auginančių ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikus, požiūris į žaislų saugumą / Parents growing preschool age children attitude to the safety of toys

Garjonytė, Ieva 04 July 2012 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojama tėvų, auginančių ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikus, požiūris į žaislų saugumą. Tyrime dalyvavo 100 tėvų, auginantys ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikus. Literatūros šaltinių analizė atskleidė, kad žaidimas yra vaikų savarankiška veikla, padedanti juos auklėti ir mokyti perteikti jiems žmonių veiklos patirtį. Žaislas žaidime yra tam tikras ženklas daiktų, kurių paskirtį vaikas turi sužinoti ir su kuriais turi išmokti įvairių veiksmų. Žaidimas kaip vaiko gyvenimo organizavimo forma svarbus tuo, kad padeda formuotis vaiko psichikai. Taip pat tyrimo metu buvo atlikta dokumentų reglamentų, žaislų higienos ir saugos reikalavimų analizė, kuri atskleidė, kad žaislai turi būti suprojektuoti, sukonstruoti ir pagaminti taip, kad žaidžiant arba naudojant kokiu nors numanomu būdu, atsižvelgiant į įprastą vaikų elgseną, nesukeltų pavojaus sveikatai ar rizikos susižeisti. Anketinės apklausos metodu tirta, pagal kokius kriterijus tėvai perka žaislus savo vaikams; iš kokios medžiagos pagamintų žaislų jų vaikas turi daugiausiai; kur tėvai dažniausiai perka žaislus vaikams; ar prieš įsigyjant žaislą, tėvai skaito etiketes; kokia informacija tėvams yra svarbi žaislų etiketėje; ar tėvai perka žaislus be pakuočių ar be ženklinimo; kaip mano tėvai, kokiose dokumentuose yra kalbama apie žaislų saugą ir kas reglamentuoja žaislų saugą; tėvų nuomone, svarbiausios žaislų atliekamos funkcijos; tėvų nuomone, kokie žaislai pavojingiausi vaikų sveikatai; kas yra atsakingi, kad prekybai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Parents’ bringing up pre-school aged children attitude towards safety of toys is being analyzed in the bachelor work. 100 parents raising pre-school children participated in the research. The analysis of literature sources has revealed that games are children’s independent activity helping to bring them up and teach, as well as to pass over human activity experience. A toy in a game is a certain sign of items whose purpose a child has to find out and learns to perform different action. A game is significant as a form of organizing a child’s life which helps to develop a child’s mentality. An analysis of toys hygiene and safety requirements and document regulations has been carried out which revealed that toys should be constructed and produced in the way that they do not cause danger to children’s health or a risk to get injured while playing or using it in any other way, taking children’s common behavior into account. Using a method of questionnaire we have investigated the following issues: according to which criteria parents buy toys for their children; the material which the majority of toys are made of; where parents usually buy toys from; whether parents read labels before buying a toy; what information is relevant to parents in the labels; whether parents buy toys without packaging or marking; in parents opinion, what documents inform about safety of toys and what regulations it; parents’ point of view about the main function of toys and what toys cause most... [to full text]

The Transition from a Novel Word to a Known Word in Preschool-Age Typically Developing Children

Ehrhorn, Anna M. 09 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Análise da aquisição de comportamento verbal em uma criança dos dezoito meses aos dois anos de idade

Cruvinel, Adriana Cunha 09 August 2010 (has links)
A proposta do presente estudo é investigar a aquisição de comportamento verbal em uma pesquisa longitudinal com uma criança de desenvolvimento típico dos dezoito meses aos dois anos de idade, adotando como unidade de análise os operantes verbais propostos por Skinner (1957). O objetivo do trabalho é analisar as respostas verbais emitidas pela criança e pelo acompanhante em situações naturais em termos de operantes verbais e tentar identificar relações entre a emissão de operantes do acompanhante e da criança, de maneira a investigar possíveis padrões de interação na aquisição de comportamento verbal. Foram registradas e transcritas trinta e quatro sessões com duração média de quinze minutos por semana. Os dados foram analisados baseados em categorias criadas a partir dos operantes verbais propostos por Skinner (1957). Os resultados apontam um aumento abrupto na frequência acumulada da emissão das categorias de tatos, mandos, ecóicos e intraverbais da criança a partir dos vinte meses de idade. Esse aumento também ocorre simultaneamente na frequência acumulada da emissão das mesmas categorias do acompanhante. A categoria mais emitida pela criança foi a de tatos, enquanto que a categoria com mais emitida pelos acompanhantes foi a de mandos / The purpose of the present study is to investigate the acquisition of verbal behavior in a longitudinal research with a typical development child from eighteen months of age until two years old, adopting as unit of analysis Skinner´s (1957) verbal operants. The aim of the present work is to analyze verbal responses emitted by the child and the caretakers in a natural setting in terms of verbal operants and try to identify relations between the emission of operants by caretakers and the child, investigating possible interaction patterns in the acquisition of verbal behavior. Thirty four sessions of fifteen minutes of duration were registered per week and then transcript. Data were analyzed based upon categories created from Skinner´s verbal operants (1957). Results show a rapidly increase in the emission of tact, mand, echoic and intraverbal categories of the participant after twenty months of age. This increase also happened simultaneously in the emission of the same categories of the caretaker. The most emitted category of the child was the tacts, while the most emitted category by the caretaker was the mands

Análise da aquisição de comportamento verbal em uma criança dos dezoito meses aos dois anos de idade

Adriana Cunha Cruvinel 09 August 2010 (has links)
A proposta do presente estudo é investigar a aquisição de comportamento verbal em uma pesquisa longitudinal com uma criança de desenvolvimento típico dos dezoito meses aos dois anos de idade, adotando como unidade de análise os operantes verbais propostos por Skinner (1957). O objetivo do trabalho é analisar as respostas verbais emitidas pela criança e pelo acompanhante em situações naturais em termos de operantes verbais e tentar identificar relações entre a emissão de operantes do acompanhante e da criança, de maneira a investigar possíveis padrões de interação na aquisição de comportamento verbal. Foram registradas e transcritas trinta e quatro sessões com duração média de quinze minutos por semana. Os dados foram analisados baseados em categorias criadas a partir dos operantes verbais propostos por Skinner (1957). Os resultados apontam um aumento abrupto na frequência acumulada da emissão das categorias de tatos, mandos, ecóicos e intraverbais da criança a partir dos vinte meses de idade. Esse aumento também ocorre simultaneamente na frequência acumulada da emissão das mesmas categorias do acompanhante. A categoria mais emitida pela criança foi a de tatos, enquanto que a categoria com mais emitida pelos acompanhantes foi a de mandos / The purpose of the present study is to investigate the acquisition of verbal behavior in a longitudinal research with a typical development child from eighteen months of age until two years old, adopting as unit of analysis Skinner´s (1957) verbal operants. The aim of the present work is to analyze verbal responses emitted by the child and the caretakers in a natural setting in terms of verbal operants and try to identify relations between the emission of operants by caretakers and the child, investigating possible interaction patterns in the acquisition of verbal behavior. Thirty four sessions of fifteen minutes of duration were registered per week and then transcript. Data were analyzed based upon categories created from Skinner´s verbal operants (1957). Results show a rapidly increase in the emission of tact, mand, echoic and intraverbal categories of the participant after twenty months of age. This increase also happened simultaneously in the emission of the same categories of the caretaker. The most emitted category of the child was the tacts, while the most emitted category by the caretaker was the mands

Associations between Maternal Positive Affect and Mother-Child Reminiscing about Happiness

Schroth, Elizabeth A 17 November 2010 (has links)
Little is known about how maternal positive affect (PA) relates to maternal patterns of emotion socialization about positive emotions. The current study examined the hypothesis that mothers’ self-reported PA, independent of their negative affect (NA), is associated with increased and more appropriate modeling of verbal and nonverbal expressions of positive emotions in mothers. I examined associations between self-reported maternal PA and behaviors during video-taped discussions of times when the mothers and children were happy in 53 healthy mother-child dyads. These tapes were coded using standard observational coding schemes. Results suggest that mothers with higher ratings of PA, independent of NA, positively predicted levels of observed maternal positive involvement and communication while reminiscing. Maternal PA was unrelated to observed dyadic mutual enjoyment, positive emotion words and teaching during mother-child reminiscing. Results add to the existing literature on positive psychology in important ways. Theoretical implications for understanding positive emotions are discussed.

Vývoj a proměny české mateřské školy mezi lety 1990 a 2012 / Development and transformation of Czech kindergartens between 1990 and 2012

Hrstková, Magdaléna January 2014 (has links)
The thesis on "Development and transformation of Czech kindergartens between 1990 and 2012" maps and analyzes proposals for change and the actual changes that have taken place over 22 years in pre-school education. Czech kindergarten passed in the period changes in several areas. In legislation were an important milestone edition of the Education Act (2004) and the framework education programme for pre-school education (2004). After 1990 there was a change of philosophy of viewing a child and its development - a personality-oriented model of pre-school education began to be applied. Transformed were the objectives for pre-school education and training and also the curriculum changed. The questionnaire survey in the practical part of this thesis investigates the view of kindergarten teachers to changes in pre-school practice in the period. The respondents perceive the change, especially in larger freedom in the planning and implementation of educational activities and the emphasis on child development. Teachers endorse the better equipped schools and a wide range of training possibilities for teachers. Conversely, teachers negatively value high class occupancy and financial evaluation of teachers.

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