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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Исследование ассертивности у старших дошкольников : магистерская диссертация / Study assertive preschoolers

Кожевникова, М. Л., Kozhevnikova, M. L. January 2016 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация содержит теоретическую и эмпирическую часть. В теоретической части рассматривается формирование ассертивности у дошкольников, как целенаправленный процесс, способствующий более полному внутреннему раскрытию их личности, успешной социальной адаптации в среде сверстников и социуме в целом. Так как именно в дошкольном возрасте, встает необходимость формирования ассертивности, предпосылки мотивации в учебной деятельности, и мотивации достижений в дальнейшем. В эмпирической части диссертации представлена программа, направленная на закрепление полученных умений, навыков и знаний об особенностях ассертивного поведения дошкольников, подобранны упражнения, направленные на все компоненты ассертивного поведения средствами эмоционального наполнения. Таким образом, необходимость формирования ассертивности у дошкольников рассматривается как одна из актуальных проблем современного воспитания подрастающего поколения. В заключение диссертации сделаны соответствующие выводы по изучаемой проблеме. / Master's thesis contains theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part deals with the formation of assertiveness in preschoolers as a purposeful process, contributing to a more complete disclosure of their inner personality, successful social adaptation among peers and society in general. Since it is in the pre-school age, there is a necessity of formation of assertiveness, motivation background in training activities, and achievement motivation in the future. In the empirical part of the dissertation presents a program aimed at consolidating the obtained skills and knowledge about the features of assertive behavior preschoolers podobranny exercises aimed at all components of assertive behavior by means of emotional content. Thus, the need to build assertiveness in preschool children is considered as one of the urgent problems of modern education of the younger generation. In conclusion, the thesis made the appropriate conclusions for the problem under study.

A Language Analysis of Parent-Child Storybook Reading with Typically Developing Preschoolers and Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Hiipakka, Ciera M. 22 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Inhibitory Control and Its Relation To Theory of Mind, Parental Discipline, and Parental Self-Control In African American Preschool Children

Walker, Ruthea Danielle 11 December 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring Teaching Regimes to Change Preschoolers' Mistaken Beliefs about Sinking Objects

Baker, Heather R. January 2013 (has links)
No description available.


Porto, Adonia F., Porto 11 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och stillasittande hos treåriga barn och deras föräldrar : En studie inom NorthPop-kohorten / Correlation between physical activity and sedentary behavior in three-year-old children and their parents : A study within the NorthPop cohort

Hennerdal, Oscar, Lindström, Jesper January 2024 (has links)
Introduktion: Otillräcklig fysisk aktivitet (FA) och stillasittande (ST) kan kopplas till stora hälsoproblem och samhällskostnader. Familjesupport, inklusive föräldrars vanor och beteenden har visats påverka barns FA och ST, vilket kan ha betydelse för barnens framtida hälsoutveckling. Inom NorthPop-studien, vars syfte är att kartlägga familjers hälsa under och efter graviditet samlas data in fortlöpande från familjer i Västerbotten via web-baserade enkäter.   Syfte: Att utifrån NorthPop-kohortens enkätsvar om fysisk aktivitet, besvarade när barnet var 2–3 år gammalt, undersöka samband mellan barnens och föräldrarnas FA/ST samt undersöka skillnader i FA/ST mellan de familjer som frivilligt deltog i accelerometermätningar av FA jämfört med de familjer som avstod. Metod: I studien deltog 3842 familjer, varav 1264 barn i gruppen som hade accelerometer. Föräldrarna skattade sin egen FA och ST med Socialstyrelsens indikatorfrågor respektive Stationary single-item question av Gymnastik och Idrottshögskolan (SED-GIH), samt barnets FA och ST med Early years physical activity questionnaire (EY-PAQ). Samband barn-föräldrar analyserades med Spearman’s rho (Rs), och skillnader mellan grupperna analyserades med MannWhitney U-test. Resultat: En signifikant negativ korrelation sågs mellan barnets FA och båda föräldrarnas ST samt en positiv korrelation med moderns FA, dock inte med partnerns. En signifikant positiv korrelation sågs även mellan barnens egna FA och ST, det vill säga att fysiskt aktiva barn även uppvisade högre grad av stillasittande. Detta till skillnad från mödrarnas som uppvisade en negativ korrelation mellan FA och ST. Föräldrarnas FA korrelerade positivt med varandra samt negativt med partnerns ST. Mellan grupperna noterades endast signifikant skillnad gällande mödrarnas ST, där mödrarna vars barn deltog i accelerometermätning skattade 21 min/dag mer ST än mödrarna i gruppen vars barn ej deltog i accelerometerstudien.  Konklusion: Denna studie påvisar svaga samband mellan barnets FA och sina föräldrar som dock kan ha betydelse framtida hälsobeteenden. Studien tyder inte på någon urvalsbias i form av att mer fysiskt aktiva familjer deltar i högre grad i accelerometerstudien inom NorthPops rörande FA, vilket kan ha betydelse för framtida studier.

Knowledge, Perceptions, and Practices of Child Care Providers Relative to the Factors that Cause Childhood Obesity

Coates, Kimberly D. 30 April 2002 (has links)
Childhood obesity is a national epidemic. Many factors contribute to the rise in childhood obesity such as poor nutrition, physical inactivity, and poor role models. Child care providers can be postive role models and educators for children. The Virginia Cooperative Extension is concerned about the health of children and the role that child care providers play in their well-being. The purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge, perceptions, and practices of child care providers relative to the factors that influence childhood obesity. Thirty child care providers participated in five focus groups held throughout Southwest Virginia. Triangulation techniques employing qualitative (focus groups) and quantitative methodologies(participatory activities) were utilized. Nutritional concerns, physical inactivity, and illness were the predominant themes related to health concerns for preschoolers. Poor eating habits, colds, and immunizations were ranked as top health concerns. Many providers stated that preschool aged children do not get enough physical activity due to time restraints and a lack of space. Providers did not believe that overweight and obesity were problems in their day care settings, but it was ranked fourth. The did state that overweight and obesity were problems in their communities and among older children. Not eating enough vegetables, sugary foods at breakfast, and picky eaters were the predominant themes for nutrition concerns. Providers ranked eating too much fast or convenience foods, not eating enough fruits and vegetables, and not eating a variety of foods as top nutrition concerns. Participatory activities revealed a lack of basic knowledge such as serving size and number of recommended servings. Only 33.3% correctly answered the serving size for peanut butter, 50% for crackers, 53% for cheese, 34.2% for juice, 17.2% for carrots and 23.3% for apples. Only 7.4% chose the correct number of servings from the bread group and only 3.1% from the dairy group. Most providers believed they played an integral role in the health/nutritional well-being of the children they worked with. However, some providers did not believe that their own personal health habits influenced the children they worked with. The preferred methods of education for the providers were workshops/trainings, nutrition education kits, and videos. The data obtained from this study will be used to design effective nutrition education strategies for child care providers that will be used by the Virginia Cooperative Extension. / Master of Science

Relación entre caries dental y desnutrición en preescolares de un centro educativo estatal, Chiclayo, 2023

Torres Gonzales, Adriana Angelica January 2024 (has links)
El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la relación entre caries dental y desnutrición en preescolares de un centro educativo estatal, Chiclayo, 2023. El estudio fue de nivel relacional, prospectivo, transversal y observacional. Participaron 153 niños de ambos sexos, entre 3 y 5 años de edad con dentición decidua. Se realizó la medición de peso y talla para obtener el IMC, el estado nutricional se obtuvo a partir del percentil de IMC en relación con edad y sexo según la OMS, así mismo, se utilizó el índice ceod para determinar el nivel de caries dental. Se encontró predominancia del grupo etario de 5 años y de sexo masculino. Respecto al estado nutricional, se encontró que predomina la categoría de peso normal con 57.5%. En cuanto a la asociación entre estado nutricional en relación con edad y sexo se obtuvo un valor de p=0.600 y p=0.676 respectivamente. En cuanto al nivel de caries se encontró una prevalencia del 73.8% y un índice ceod medio de 3.6 que corresponde a un nivel moderado de caries dental. Respecto a la asociación entre caries dental en relación con la edad y sexo se obtuvo un valor de p=0.062 y p=0.396 respectivamente. Finalmente se concluyó que no existe una relación entre caries dental y desnutrición en preescolares de un centro educativo estatal de Chiclayo. / The objective of the study was to determine the relationship between dental caries and malnutrition in preschoolers at a state educational center, Chiclayo, 2023. The study was relational, prospective, transversal and observational. 153 children of both sexes, between 3 and 5 years of age with deciduous dentition, participated. Weight and height measurement was carried out to obtain the BMI, the nutritional status was obtained from the BMI percentile in relation to age and sex according to the WHO, likewise, the dmft index was used to determine the level of dental caries. A predominance of the 5-year-old age group and males was found. Regarding nutritional status, it was found that the normal weight category predominates with 57.5%. Regarding the association between nutritional status in relation to age and sex, a value of p=0.600 and p=0.676 was obtained respectively. Regarding the level of caries, a prevalence of 73.8% and an average dmft index of 3.6 was found, which corresponds to a moderate level of dental caries. Regarding the association between dental caries in relation to age and sex, a value of p=0.062 and p=0.396 was obtained respectively. Finally, it was concluded that there is no relationship between dental caries and malnutrition in preschoolers at a state educational center in Chiclayo.

Comparative analysis of rehabilitation techniques for improving the learning ability in preschool children: a clinical case study : master's thesis / Сравнительный анализ техник реабилитации по улучшению способности к обучению у дошкольников: клиническое исследование : магистерская диссертация

Икпэ, В. М., Ikpe, V. M. January 2024 (has links)
Целью данного исследования является оценка использования замещающего онтогенеза А.В. Семенович (2007) в нейропсихологической реабилитации обучающихся детей. Четверо детей амбулаторно (мужчины 6-10 лет), получающие нейропсихологическое лечение в отделении психологии реабилитационной клиники доктора Волковой, Екатеринбург, Россия изучались в течение 12 недель. Дети были целенаправленно отобраны для участия в исследовании на основе их наличия. Перед началом исследования была проведена первичная диагностика детей, чтобы установить базовые характеристики. Диагноз, поставленный в конце исследования, будет использоваться для сравнение. / This study seeks to evaluate the use of substituting (or replacement) ontogenesis by A.V. Semenovich (2007) in the neuropsychological rehabilitation of children with learning disabilities. Four children outpatients (males, age 6-10) receiving neuropsychological treatment in the Psychology Unit of Rehabilitation Clinic of Dr. Volkova, Yekaterinburg, Russia are being studied for 12 weeks. The children were purposefully sampled to participate in the study based on their availability. Before the start of study, an initial diagnosis of the children was carried out to establish baseline features. Diagnosis carried out at the end of the study would be used for comparison.

Perception of Parents and Teachers on Discipline Strategies for Preschoolers in Some Selected Schools in Nigeria and the United States of America

Folaranmi, Solape 01 May 2025 (has links) (PDF)
This study examined the perceptions of parents and teachers on discipline strategies used for preschoolers in Nigeria and the United States. It explored their choice(s) of discipline strategies, similarities and differences, and the perceived impacts on preschoolers' development. The study aimed to identify effective and appropriate strategies. This qualitative study used semi-structured Zoom interviews with 6 teachers and 6 parents from both countries. Interview data were analyzed using Atlas.ti software to identify key themes and patterns. Findings revealed cross-cultural differences in discipline approaches, with Nigerian participants showing high acceptance of corporal punishment as a discipline strategy while the USA participants emphasized positive reinforcement. However, both groups recognized the need for individualized strategies. The perceived effectiveness also differed, with Nigerian participants focusing on obedience to rules and academic readiness while the USA participants focused mostly on preschoolers' social-emotional development. Recommendations include increased teacher/parent education on positive discipline strategies and home-school collaboration.

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