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The medico-legal investigation of unexplained deaths in Pretoria, South Africa : the role of death investigators as a new professional subgroupOliever, Lorraine Anneline 02 August 2012 (has links)
In 2009, the South African population was estimated at 49.32 million. The Department of Home Affairs had 612 462 registered deaths in 2006, with approximately 122 492 of these being due to other than natural causes. It is estimated that this number may have remained fairly constant or increased slightly over the past few years. During 2009 and 2010 there were only 35 practising forensic pathologists in South Africa. Furthermore , according to the South African Police Service, over 2 million serious crimes were reported over the 2008-2009 period, whilst there were approximately 153 981 police officers in service. When it is considered that these cases fall within the realm of the forensic pathologists, it should be of great concern that so few qualified specialists exist within the country. South Africa not only has a high occurrence of deaths amongst young adults which can be attributed to trauma and other non-natural causes as well as HIV/AIDS, but urbanisation, an influx of foreigners and an increase in unemployment may also have an influence on the mortality rate of young, working age adults. However, there appears to be a discrepancy in mortality statistics between data released by Statistics South Africa, and the National Population Registry which is maintained by the Department of Home Affairs. This study was undertaken in order to bring about the realisation that professionals are needed in order to bridge a gap in the medico-legal investigation of deaths in South Africa. Approximately half of the cases of sudden unexpected deaths that were reviewed over the fifteen months from January 2009 until March 2010 were due to natural causes, with approximately 37% being signed out as under investigation. In approximately 50% of the cases reviewed, the forensic pathologist was contacted to attend the scene of death, with only half of these scenes being attended by the forensic pathologist on call. Attendance of the post-mortem by the Investigating Officer in charge of the case was poor, with approximately 80% of the post mortem examinations being conducted without the Investigating Officer present. It is believed that medico-legal death investigators would greatly improve the investigation of sudden deaths in South Africa. The institution of medico-legal death investigators would minimise the case load of all the role players, as well as reducing the confusion related with the medico-legal significance of deaths. It is also believed that medico-legal death investigators would minimise and eventually eliminate the gap that currently exists between the departments that are involved with the investigation of deaths. It would thus be advantageous for medico-legal death investigators to fall under the jurisdiction of both the Department of Health and the South African Police Service. / AFRIKAANS : In 2009 was die Suid Afrikaanse bevolking geskat op 49.32 miljoen, in 2006, was daar 612 462 sterftes wat by die Departement van Binnelandse Sake geregistreer is, ongeveer 122 492 was as gevolg van ander dan natuurlike oorsake. Dit kan beraam word dat hierdie getal onveranderd gebly het of effens toegeneem het oor die afgelope paar jaar. Daar was egter net 35 forensiese patoloë wat praktiserend was in Suid Afrika in 2009 en 2010. Verder het die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens berig dat meer as 2 miljoen ernstige misdade gerapporteer was vir die tydperk 2008-2009, terwyl daar net sowat 153 981 poliesiebeamptes in diens was. Wanneer dit beskou word dat hierdie gevalle in die gebied van die forensiese patoloog val, moet dit n groot bekommernis wees dat daar so min bekwaamde spesialiste in die land bestaan. Suid Afrika het 'n hoë voorval van sterftes onder jong volwassenes te danke aan trauma en ander onnatuurlike oorsake sowel as MIV en vigs. Verstedeliking, 'n infloei van binnelanders en 'n toename in werkloosheid kan almal 'n invloed op die sterftesyfer van die jong verkende volwassenes hê. Daar is 'n verskil in mortalitiet statistieke tussen Statistieke Suid Afrika, en die Nasionale Bevolking Register wat in stand gehou word deur die Departement van Binnelandse Sake. Hierdie studie was aangeneem om die verwesenliking uit te voer dat beroepspelers nodig is om die gaping oor te brug wat in die geregtelike mediese ondersoek van sterftes in Suid Afrika plaas vind. Ongeweer halfte van die gevalle van skielike onverwagse sterftes wat vanaf Januarie 2009 oor vyftien maande hersien is, is as gevolg van natuurlike oorsake, terwyl ongeveer 37% onder ondersoek was. In ongeveer die helfte van die gevalle wat hersien was, was die forensiese patoloog gekontak om 'n sterftoneel by te woon, en omtrent net die halfte van hierdie tonele is bygewoon deur die forensiese patoloog. Die bywooning van nadoodse ondersoeke deur die ondersoekbeapte wat toesig oor die geval het was treurig, met ongeveer 80% nadoodse ondersoeke wat gedra was sonder dat die ondersoekbeampte teenwoordig was. Dit is oortuig dat geregtelike mediese doodsondersoekbeamptes die ondersoek van sterftes in Suid Afrika baie sou verminder, die instelling van geregtelike mediese doodsondersoekbeamptes sou die werklos van die rolspelers verminder, sowel as die verrwarring wat verband hou met die geregtelike mediese ondersoek van sterftes verminder. Dit is oortuig dat geregtelike mediese doodsonderdoekbeamptes die gaping wat tans plaasvind met ondersoeke na die sterftes uiteindelik sou uitskakel of verminder, dit sou dus voorledig wees as geregtelike mediese doodsondersoekbeamptes onder die regsgebied van albei die Departement van Binnelandse Sake en die Suid Afrikanse Poliesiediens sou wees. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Forensic Medicine / Unrestricted
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Die adviserende komiteestelsel en politieke organisasie soos aangetref in die stedelike gebied van Pretoria met besondere verwysing na toestande in AtteridgevilleCoertze, Roelof Dewald January 1957 (has links)
No abstract available. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1957. / gm2014 / Anthropology and Archaeology / unrestricted
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Geology of the Palaeoproterozoic Daspoort Formation (Pretoria Group, Transvaal Supergroup), South AfricaBartman, R.D. (Reynard Dirk) January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the geology of the Daspoort Formation (Pretoria Group, Transvaal Supergroup) of
South Africa, with the accent on describing and interpreting its sedimentology. The Palaeoproterozoic
Daspoort Formation (c. 2.1‐2.2 Ga) forms part of the Pretoria Group on the Kaapvaal craton. This
sandstone‐ and quartzite‐dominated lithological formation covers an elliptical geographical area
stretching from the Botswana border in the west to the Drakensberg escarpment in the east, with its
northern limit in the Mokopane (Potgietersrus) area and Pretoria in the south; altered outliers are also
found in the overturned units of the Vredefort dome in the Potchefstroom area. Deposition of the
Daspoort Formation was in a postulated intracratonic basin which applies equally to the entire
Transvaal Supergroup succession in the Transvaal depository. Various characteristics from the
formation, such as sedimentary architectural elements (e.g., channel–fills etc.), maturity trends and
distribution of lithofacies assemblages across the preserved basin give insight into the developing
conditions during deposition and genesis of the Daspoort Formation. Subordinate evidence from basic
geochemistry, ripple mark data and optical microscope petrology studies support the sedimentary
setting inferred for this Palaeoproterozoic deposit. Fluvial and epeiric marine conditions prevailed
during the deposition of the Daspoort clastic sediments into the intracratonic basin. This shallow
epeiric sea was fed by fluvial influx, predominantly from the west when a transgressive regional
systems tract led to the filling of the basin, evolving into the deeper marine Silverton Formation
setting, laid down above the Daspoort. Transgression from the east (marine facies predominate) to the
west (fluvial facies) is supported by cyclical trends, palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographical
interpretations. Accompanying poorly preserved microbial mat features contribute to the postulated
shallow marine environment envisaged for the eastern part of the basin whereas ripple marks and
grain size distribution support a fluvial setting for the west, with lithofacies assemblages accounting for
both areas’ depositional interpretation. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / tm2014 / Geology / Unrestricted
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An investigation of how factors related to teacher quality affect the grade 12 physical science performance in Tshwane DistrictStephen, Magdeline Mmapaseka 11 1900 (has links)
Learners’ Physical Science performance in South Africa has been under discussion for several years, the challenge being that it has been exacerbated by continuous changes in the curriculum. Systems that have been put in place have yielded insufficient satisfactory solutions to both underperformance in the subject and sustainable good performance. Although interventions by curriculum policymakers have been ineffective, the issue at hand remains that teachers need to implement good teaching practices in order to ensure that all learners receive quality education. Physical Science teachers are custodians of a subject that may address scarce skills in the education system, so the quality of teaching must be optimised. Teachers need to implement intervention processes put in place by other stakeholders to reduce the negative perceptions that most people have about Physical Science. This study investigates how various factors related to the quality of teachers may affect the performance of Grade 12 learners in this subject. Since past studies have presented a broad spectrum of these factors, this study has categorised them as those directly related to teaching and those indirectly related to teaching. As a basis for data collection the researcher first established the overall status of the Physical Science teachers and investigated how the factors identified affect teaching. A mixed method approach was followed, and given the breadth of the study, available raw data was collected through questionnaires, interviews and observations. Data collected on factors indirectly related to teaching showed that these factors affect factors directly related to teaching and both of them affect the performance of the teacher, and consequently those of learners. These findings revealed that the performance of Physical Science cannot be based on one factor only, but on a combination of factors that are interrelated and should be integrated for effective teaching practices. Recommendations have been made to the National and Provincial Department of Education, District offices, school management teams and Physical Science teachers to reinforce other strategies that have been in place in order to improve or sustain good performance of the subject and to close gaps that have not been identified as possible intervention strategies. They include upgrading qualifications with the current content and methodologies to match the changing curriculum, restructuring workshops so that they are informed by the teacher’s needs, stabilising the curriculum to avoid many changes in short periods of time, retraining of teachers, relevant appointment of Heads of Departments (HoDs) into subject management positions, utilisation of support groups by teachers, proper management of the subject, proper screening of Physical Science learners and provision of teaching and learning resources. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Natural Science Education)
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The experiences and perspectives of users of the services of the Restorative Justice Centre in PretoriaDewa, Edwin 16 April 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences and perspectives of the
users of the services of the Restorative Justice Centre in Pretoria. A phenomenological
study was conducted to gain insight in the participants experiences and perspectives of
the the services rendered. Data collection was done using indepth interviews with a
sample population of girls who were victims of sexual abuse and their caregivers. The
reseacher made use of Colaizze (1978) data analysis approach following the
transcription of audio recorded information.The study found that first time contact can be
a daunting experience for victims, which touches on complex issues like discomfort,
fear, cultural barriers and timing. Generally, clients were positive about social workers
who build up a meaningful relationship based on empathy and respect. However, clients
were concerned about unintentional, but insensitive behaviour by practitioners. Services
that recognize a client‟s culture and language, as well as context are viewed as
empowering. Therefore, restorative justice interventions should be holistic and consider
the context in its approaches / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)
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Anatomy 101 : a Human Anatomy Centre at the Tshwane District HospitalBotha, Janes 01 December 2011 (has links)
Interior design has a social responsibility. To facilitate the way in which buildings change, thereby allowing the user to retain interest and awareness of buildings. The sensitivity of built fabric with historical value combined with the symbolic nature of institutional buildings justify the need to reinterpret architecture in order to retain its value to future generations. It is the aim of this dissertation to investigate the interior designer’s role in altering built fabric by reinterpreting the existing design language. A new perspective should evolve from a well informed understanding of the elements present on site and provide a new strategy by reacting to it. The selected project is a Human Anatomy Centre at the Tshwane District hospital that should provide both the academic and non-academic user with the opportunity to reinterpret their understanding of the human body. / Dissertation (MInt(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Architecture / unrestricted
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Interpersonal and inter-group trust levels of a group of students at a tertiary institutionDe Beer, Annemarie 09 January 2009 (has links)
1. Background and Objectives of the Study The purpose of this research was to assess the interpersonal and inter-group trust levels of a group of students at the University of Pretoria. Furthermore, the relationship between the diversity variables of gender, home language, field of study and previous experience of cultural diversity in high school, and interpersonal and inter-group trust was explored. The demographic composition of South African tertiary institution campuses has changed considerably in the last thirteen years. Historically Afrikaans institutions in particular have had to adapt to an increasingly culturally diverse student body. Students share the common goal, inter alia, of obtaining a degree. Contributing, albeit peripheral, factors such as a violence-free campus, adequate facilities and harmonious relationships, provide a supporting academic environment. Trust is the basis of human relationships, and it supports the ethical norms of human behaviour and, if present, assists in creating the macro-environment conducive to academic performance. Cooperating and co-habiting often involves interdependence, and it implies that people must depend on others in various ways to help them accomplish their personal goals and to obtain the outcomes they value. Trust has been identified as a key element of enhanced cooperation, information sharing and problem solving. Diversity variables such as gender, home language and cultural background may also influence the interpersonal trust between individuals. Furthermore, people who share the same cultural background are more likely to be attracted to one another and form positive relationships on the basis of ‘sameness’ or homogeneity bias. Increasing diversity, if not managed effectively, will have a negative influence on outcomes such as relationships in the group, identification with the group, and group integration. The research comprised of a literature study, covering the theoretical aspects of the different topics related to the study, as well as of a quantitative investigation. 2. Literature Study This part of the research covered themes related to the concept of trust and the development of interpersonal and inter-group trust. People diversity and the impact of different diversities on interpersonal and inter-group relationships were also researched, using authoritative publications on the subject. In the last instance the relationship between people diversity, interpersonal and inter-group trust, and cooperation was explored. 3. Quantitative Research A quantitative study was conducted. Questionnaires were used that are designed to measure the following: <ul> <li>Interpersonal trust levels between students;</li> <li>Their acceptance of others;</li> <li>Their perceived acceptance by others;</li> <li>Their trust levels towards persons from cultures other than their own.</li> </ul> A convenience sample of ± 500 students was recruited from the first year groups of pre-determined university residences; all the students chosen in leadership positions in residences at the University of Pretoria; and also non-residential students enrolled as Human Resource Management students in their second year at the University of Pretoria. The trust levels of the students were then analysed in terms of their group relationship as is defined by different diversities such as gender, national culture, school background and home environment. The results indicate that females generally tend to be more trusting than males. Respondents from urban areas also tend to be more trusting than those from rural areas. A difference was also found between the levels of inter-group trust in Afrocentric and Eurocentric subjects. / Dissertation (MPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Human Resource Management / unrestricted
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The Influence of Age and Gender on the Self-concept of Adolescents in PretoriaRaboshakga, Lerato Kgaugelo Salphinah January 2019 (has links)
Adolescence is a crucial period of transition from childhood to adulthood, in which significant changes occur in various domains, including physical and hormonal changes as a result of puberty, cognitive changes in understanding how they and others think, as well as socioemotional changes in which adolescents assume new roles connected to their environment. Amongst all the perceptions we experience throughout our lifespan, none have higher meaning than those we internalise concerning our own personal being and our perception of who we are, and where we belong in this world. Self-concept is significant in unravelling how individuals become what or who they are, how individuals change over time as well as their decision-making processes. This study used a cross-sectional research design to explore the influence age and gender have on the global and domain specific self-concept of adolescents in Pretoria. The final sample consisted of 145 black adolescent boys and girls from two schools in the Pretoria area. The main findings suggest that younger adolescents have a higher global self-concept compared to older adolescents, and also scored higher than older adolescents in the social and physical self-concept. The findings further showed a pattern of increase in the global, emotional and social self-concept during early adolescence, a decline during middle adolescence and an increase during late adolescence. With regards to gender, findings indicate that girls scored higher in emotional self-concept compared to their male counterparts. Based on the findings of this study, implications for practice and recommendations are noted. / Mini Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2019. / Psychology / MA Clinical Psychology / Unrestricted
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The mentoring needs of final year student teachers during their first teaching practicumMthembu, Mpho Princess January 2019 (has links)
Student-teachers at the University of Pretoria are in desperate need of mentoring during their teaching practicum period. This is an essential need as they only get the opportunity to start their teaching practicum when they are in their final year of study. This study forms a part of a larger study that comes from a research project called the Peer Enhanced Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL). The aim of this project is to develop a mentoring intervention programme which will be used to develop student teachers into teachers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify, explore and understand what the mentoring needs of final year student-teachers in the year 2016 and 2017 at the University of Pretoria were during their first teaching practicum. This study aims to do such, because the participants of this study had a late exposure to teaching practice, and as such when they started their teaching practicum, they experienced feelings of being uncertain, scared, and anxious.
The research methodology that this study will utilize is the qualitative research approach using single case study design. Inductive thematic analysis will then be used to analyse the data gathered for this study. The student-teachers in this study were 2016 and 2017 fourth year B. Ed students (n=433) that were studying at the University of Pretoria (Groenkloof campus), in the year 2016 (170), and 2017 (263). The theoretical framework that guided this study is Hudson’s five-factor model of mentoring. The findings of the study revealed that student-teachers at the University of Pretoria need to be mentored, specifically by their mentor lecturers as they embark on their teaching practicum. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2019. / Educational Psychology / MEd / Unrestricted
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Drama as an instructional tool to develop cultural competency among learners in multicultural secondary schools in South AfricaMoore, Glynnis Leigh 03 1900 (has links)
Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Comparative Education)
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