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The impact of the Firearm Control Act 60/2000 in restricting gun ownership for at risk individuals in the Pretoria North Firearm Registration Centre policing areaBopape, Lesetja Simon 30 June 2008 (has links)
The research project investigated the impact of the Firearms Control Act (FCA) 60 of 2000 in restricting gun ownership for at-risk individuals in the Pretoria North Firearm Registration Centre (FRC) policing area and identified prevention strategy as well as specific factors that contributed to this problem. Secondary prevention focuses on situational factors that reduces the means and opportunity for at-risk people to commit crime and can be applied in restricting firearms from at-risk individuals. One hundred and thirteen legal firearm owners in the Pretoria North FRC policing area responded to the questionnaire schedule. Data was also collected through interviews with Designated Firearm Officers (DFO) and court officials in that area. Specific factors have been identified that contribute to firearms landing in the hands of at-risk individuals in the Pretoria North FRC policing area. They are among others, poor administration of some sections of the FCA like background checks and section 102 and 103 unfitness declarations. The role of the DFO in continuous public education program on the FCA is also invaluable. The same goes to the general public s involvement in the identification of at-risk individuals. The South African Police Service management needs to address issues within the police service such as additional trained personnel, allocation of sufficient logistical resources like vehicles, computers and scanners to ensure effectiveness in restricting firearms from at-risk individuals. Several secondary role players have been identified that should work closely with the primary role players to address this problem. The recommendations drawn from conclusions as well as the inter-departmental role of all the different role players may assist in restricting firearms from at-risk individuals. / Police Practice / M.Tech. (Policing)
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Evaluation of the management of HIV and AIDS workplace policy at Statistics South AfricaMabuza, Cynthia Mmamuthudi 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the management of the HIV and AIDS workplace policy at Statistics South Africa (Stats SA). This entailed an assessment of the levels of awareness amongst employees, and an assessment of employees’ knowledge of the policy and its implementation. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire administered to randomly selected employees. It was found that the respondents’ level of awareness of the HIV and AIDS workplace policy at Stats SA was satisfactory. Although some differences were observed, overall it seems that Stats SA was successful in promoting general awareness of its policy and its contents. However, as far as the respondents’ attitudes and opinions relating to the implementation of the policy at Stats SA are concerned, several issues still need to be addressed. / Sociology / M.A. (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS)
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The role of the emotional father-son relationship in the self-concept formation of adolescent boys in secondary schoolsPitsoane, Enid Manyaku January 1900 (has links)
The study investigated adolescent boys who experienced behavioural problems at school and the possible causes for these phenomena. It was evident that the adolescent boys who experienced behavioural problems were found to lack emotional connections with others due to their fathers’ absence and lack of positive attachment. A total of 403 adolescent boys from various schools in the Tshwane districts were used in the sample group. This quantitative study employed the use of a quantitative questionnaire as a means of data collection that included qualitative open-ended question as a method to enrich the quantitative data and obtain insight into the life world functioning and experience of the participants. The primary aim of the research study was to determine the emotional relationship between fathers and sons within the sample group. Secondly, the study sought to investigate how this emotional relationship affects the adolescent boy’s self-concept, resilience and motivational aspects in his daily functioning. The approach to quantitative data analysis was by means of descriptive statistical analysis. The findings revealed that emotionally absent fathers indeed impact negatively on the adolescent boys’ resilience and motivational aspects of their functioning and that a father’s absence has a significant influence on the behaviours of adolescent boys in relation to motivation and resilience. However, the research results also revealed that an emotionally absent father does not significantly affect the self–concept of an adolescent boy. Finally, an intervention programme was developed to assist and guide fathers and adolescent boys to improve their relationship with one another. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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The development of a criminological intervention model for the Rosslyn industrial environment in Tshwane, Gauteng, South AfricaPretorius, William Lyon 02 1900 (has links)
The problem investigated in this research is the ongoing crime threat and the extreme risks which impact negatively on the sustainability of the Rosslyn Industry - the industrial hub of Tshwane in the Gauteng Provence of South Africa. Businesses in Rosslyn are desperate for a solution that will mitigate these crime threats and risks, and ensure the future sustainability of this important industrial community. An intervention model is urgently required to prevent this type of crime, not only as a short term solution but as a sustainable long term intervention.
This research study initiated the collaboration required for the successful implementation of a Crime Prevention Intervention Model (CPIM) in the Rosslyn industrial environment. The intended crime prevention model has been designed in such a way that it addresses the entire environment of crime that prevails in the Rosslyn area involving both the offender and the victim. This design is rooted in the ontology of Environmental Criminology and more specific on the applied epistemology of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED).
Participants in this project are representatives who are responsible for all security functions in both big businesses and small enterprises. And with their dedicated assistance the research findings disclosed the current crime status of the Rosslyn environment regarding the threat, risk, security vulnerabilities, controls and needs:
• Crime and its causal factors, in Rosslyn, are rife and no noteworthy action has been implemented to mitigate these threats.
• Collaboration between Rosslyn role players (neighbours, local government and law enforcement) is for all purposes non-existent.
• And to complicate matters even more, knowledge of how to effectively mitigate crime is limited and handicapped by the re-active physical security methods currently being used.
• The implication of these findings is that the status quo will eventually render business in Rosslyn unsustainable. Thus a CPIM in Rosslyn is inevitable.
What was crucial to this research and to the CTPED design is the detailed sourcing of accurate data addressing the experiences and the needs the respondents identified in the current Rosslyn crime situation concerning; status, the threat, risk, security, vulnerabilities and controls.
In order to achieve this level of data sourcing and assimilation, the essential features of the research method were based on a mixed approach where quantitative and qualitative methods were implemented in parallel. The diverse fields, sources and respondent mix required for a Rosslyn Industry CPIM also necessitated a MIT (Multi,-Inter,-Trans,-Disciplinary) approach. This MIT requirement is successfully facilitated through the applied criminological CPTED approach.
The CPIM is based on the combined outcomes of the following three research fields:
• Field-one: Environmental criminology theories are researched through an in-depth literature review to demonstrate the criminological grounding of crime prevention and to guide its application through the development of an applied CPTED SUITE.
• Field-two: Supply Chain Security (SCS) are researched through an in-depth literature review to establish its criminological relevance and applications. SCS requirements are identified and built into the Field-Three research process and tested for relevance and for incorporation in the CPTED SUITE.
• Field-three: Based on a mixed research process, using a custom designed Criminological Risk Analyses tool incorporating scheduled interviews and questionnaires, the crime and needs profile of the Rosslyn Industry are uncovered and analysed. The results are filtered through the CPTED SUITE to indicate the correct criminological approach for mitigating the identified problems and needs.
Even though this study takes an applied crime preventative approach, the criminological-philosophical mould of crime prevention is imperative for the effective application of the CPTED. Security and crime prevention training, planning and application, without this approach will remain underdeveloped and outdated.
Finally the underlying intention of this research is for this Crime Prevention Intervention Model (CPIM) to be adapted and implemented and to serve as a guide or a benchmark for security practitioners in any industrial environment that has the same crime threats and crime risk challenges. / Criminology and Security Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Criminology)
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High school teenage girls' knowledge and perceptions of the risks of Human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome in Tshwane, South AfricaChadyiwanembwa, Noliwe 09 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Shona / Introduction
Despite wide spread information and knowledge of HIV and AIDS transmission, High school
teenage girls continued to engage in risky sexual behaviour in Tshwane, a District of Gauteng
Province of South Africa. Age-parity relationships between High school teenage girls and older
men known as “Sugar Daddies” or “Blessers”, who showered High school teenage girls with
money and expensive gifts, were believed to be spreading HIV. High school teenage girls
failed to negotiate condom use due to lack of autonomy, coupled with sexual violence, resulting
in HIV transmission. Consequently, Tshwane became one of the highest HIV burdened cities
in South Africa.
Purpose of the study
This study explored and described the High school teenage girls’ knowledge and perceptions
of the risks of human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome in
Tshwane, a District of Gauteng Province of South Africa.
The study used a quantitative approach. The data were collected using questionnaires. The
population comprised of all girls aged 15 to 19 at a selected High school. The sample consisted
of 109 girls. Systematic sampling was used. The study was conducted in the school hall of a
selected High school. Data were analysed using SPSS version 23 program.
Generally, the High school teenage girls’ HIV knowledge was very high (84.4%) as compared
to their knowledge on AIDS (3.7%). Only 10.1% of the High school teenage girls knew what
the window period entailed. They were aware of HIV preventive measures evidenced by
abstinence ranking first (1) and had the highest score of five (5). 17.4% of the High school
teenage girls doubted the usefulness of the condom in combating HIV infection. Health care
workers were easily accessible (30.3%). The television was the most available mass media
(92%). The radio was most preferred (31%). High school teenage girls preferred to discuss
HIV related information with their peers and friends (50%). 42% of the High school teenage
girls preferred to discuss sex related topics with parents or guardians. Those who were below
18-years were 7.2 times less likely to have sex. 90% of the 19-year-old girls had had sex.
Therefore, High school teenage girls’ perception of HIV risk was low because they continued
to be involved in concurrent multiple relationships although 90% of those involved were using
Although High school teenage girls proved that they had knowledge of HIV and AIDS, they
still had a low perception of HIV risk because they were involved in concurrent multiple sexual
relationships with older men. / Habedi, Debbie Kgomotso / Kunyangwe vane ruzivo rwechirwere cheshura matongo, vasikana vane makore ari pakati
pegumi nematatu negumi nemapfumbamwe vari kuenderera mberi nekuita unhu unoita kuti
vabatwe nechirwere cheshuramatongo (AIDS). Vasikana ava vari kudanana nevarume vakuru
kuvadarika vamwe masadzimba zvinoita kuti vatapurirwe utachiona hweHIV zvinoita kuti
vasikana vane hutachiona uhwu vawandise muguta reTshwane, mudunhu reGauteng munyika
yeSouth Africa. Vanasikana ava vanopuwa mari nekutengerwa mbozhanhre nenguvo
zvinodhura nekudya tunonaka. Nekuda kwekuti varume vanesimba rehudzvinyiriri
nekuvarwisa, muAfrica, vasikana ava havakwanisi kushandisa makondomu kuzvidzivirira
kubva kuhutachiona hweHIV. Ndosaka guta reTshwane raita mukurumbira munyika yeSouth
Africa nekuti vanasikana vane hutachiona hweHIV vari kuwandisa.
Gwaro iri rinoongorora nekutsanangura ruzivo uye maonero evanasikana huipi hwechirwe
cheshuramatongo muguta guru reTShwane, mudunhu reGauteng. Munyika yeSouth Africa. Mafambiro Egwaro
Gwaro iri riri kuongorora nekutsanangura ruzivo nemaonerwo anoitwa hutachiona hweHIV
nechirwere cheshuramatongo nevasikana vari pakati pemakore gumi nemakore matatu
nevanegumi nemakore mapfumbamwe pachikoro chesekonari chakasarudzwa mugutu guru
reTshwane, mudunhu reGauteng, munyika yeSouth Africa. Vasikana vaka pindura mibvunzo
pamusoro peruzivo rwavaiva narwo uye zvakanyangara zvinoita kuti vabatwe nehutachiona
hweHIV. Vasikana zana nevapfumbamwe ndivo vakapindura mibvunzo. Vasikana vakapindura
mibvunza yaiva pamapepa muhoro yepachikoro pavo.
Zvakabuda Muchidzidzo
Zvakaonekwa kuti vasikana vane ruzivo rwechirwere cheshuramatongo asi vane zvimwe
zvinhu zvavasinga nzwisisi pamusoro pechirwere ichi zvekuzvidzivirira. Vasikana havakwanisi
kupa mutsauko wehutachiona (HIV) nechirwere cheshuramatongo (AIDS). Vanasikana
vazhinji vanofunga kuti hutachiona hweHIV hunotapurirwana pakutsvodana uye pakushandisa zvimbuzi. Vasikana vazhinji havakwanisi kutsanangura nguva inogara hutachina hweHIV
mumuviri hwusati hwaonekwa kuti hurimo. Vasikana havana chokwadi chekuti makondomu
anogona kudzivirira hutachiona hweHIV kuti hwusapinda mumuviri nguva dzebonde.
Vadzidzisi vechikoro ndivo vakasarudzwa kuti vane ruzivo rwechirwere cheshuramatongo.
Vasikana havafariri kudzidziswa nezve chirwere cheshuramatongo nevabereki vavo.
Vanofarira kukurukura nezvechirwere ichi nevanhu vezera ravo. Vasikana vasingagari
nevabereki vavo vanoita bonde kudarika vanogara nevabereki vavo uye vanoita bonde
nevadiwa vazhinji vamwe vacho varume vakuru madzisaimba. Vasikana vanotaridza kusatya
kubatwa nechirwere chishuramatongo nemhaka yehunhu wawo hwakashata hweku danana
nevarume vazhinji uye kusashandisa makondomu nguva dzebonde. Mhendero
Zvidzidzo zvinopiwa vasikana zvinechekuita nezvepabonde zvinofanira kuongororwa
zvipamhidzirwe kuti vasikana vagone kuzvidzivirira kuchirwere cheshuramatongo.
Madzimudzangara netelevhizhoni zvino kurudzirwa kudzidzisa mitambo nedzimbo
dzinodzidzisa pamusoro pekudzivirira chirwere cheshuramatongo. Vabereki vanofanira
kudzidziswawo kuti vagone kudzidzisa vana vavo kuti vagone kuzvidzivirira kuti vasabatwa
nechirwere ichi. Vanasikana vanofanirwa kudzidziswa kushandisa makondomu pese
pavanoita bonde. Makondomu anofanira kuiswa pachena paano kwanisa kuwonekwa
nevasikana. / Health Studies / M.P.H. (Health Studies)
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Adult sentenced female economic offenders at the Kgosi Mampuru II female correctional centre (Gauteng) : a criminological assessment of fraudMostert, Werda 11 1900 (has links)
This qualitative case study research endeavour is a direct result of limited research on female fraud research in South Africa. The research questions that guided this research are: What are the different pathways and lived experiences of the females incarcerated for fraud?; What are the causes, contributory factors and motives of the sample-specific female fraud offenders? and Can the criminal behaviour of each female offender be explained by means of criminological theories?. Seven adult female offenders voluntarily participated in this research project and their unique narratives, pathways and lived experiences were depicted and analysed to determine the causes, contributory factors and motives related to their offending behaviour. Criminological theories and the gendered theory of female offending were applied to explain their fraud-related behaviours. The findings suggest that overlapping causes (i.e. lack of self-control), contributory factors (i.e. rationalisation of behaviour) and motives (i.e. greed) played a prominent role in the female offenders’ fraud-related behaviours. / Lolu cwaningo lwe-case study yengqikithi ngumphumela oqonde ngqo wocwaningo olufishane lwenkwabaniso eyenziwa ngabesimame eNingizimu Afrika. Imibuzo yocwaningo eyaba ngumkhombandlela walolu cwaningo yilena elandelayo: Ngabe yini imigudu nezipiliyoni zempilo abahlangabezana nayo abesimame ababoshelwe inkwabaniso?; Ngabe yini izimbangela zenkwabaniso, yini izinto ezinomthelela kanye nezinto ezigqugquzele abesimame abenza amacala enkwabaniso kulabo ababeyisampuli yabesimame abenza inkwabaniso? kanti futhi, Ngabe ukuziphatha kobugebengu kwabesimame abanamacala kungachazwa ngamathiyori emfundo ngobubegengu? Abesimame abayisikhombisa abanamacala enkwabaniso bangenela ucwaningo ngokuzithandela kuleprojekthi yocwaningo, kanti izipiliyoni zempilo yabo kwachazwa futhi kwahlaziyiwa ukuthola izimbangela, izinto ezibe nomthelela kanye nezinto ezigqugquzele ukuziphatha kwabo kobugebengu. Amathiyori emfundo ngobugebengu kanye namathiyori ngabesimame abenza amacala nawo asetshenziswa ukuchaza ukuziphatha kwabo kwenkwabaniso. Imiphumela yocwaningo ithole ukuxhumana kwezimbangela (isib. ukwehluleka ukuzilawula, ezinye izinto ezibe nomthelela (ukuzichaza impatho yabo ngezindlela ezithile), okubagqugquzelile (isib. umhobholo) konke lokhu kwaba nendima enkulu kwabesimame abenze amacala enkwabaniso nokuziphatha kwabo. / Patlisiso eno e e lebelelang mabaka mo kgetseng e e rileng ke ditlamorago ka tlhamalalo tsa dipatlisiso tse di lekanyeditsweng tsa patlisiso ya boferefere jo bo dirwang ke basadi mo Aforikaborwa. Dipotsopatlisiso tse di kaetseng patlisiso eno ke: Dikgato tse di farologaneng gongwe maitemogelo a basadi ba ba tshwaretsweng boferefere ke afe?; Mabaka, dintlha tse di tshwaelang le maitlhomo a batlolamolao ba boferefere ba basadi ba ba dirisitsweng jaaka sampole ke eng? le A maitsholo a bosenyi a motlolamolao mongwe le mongwe wa mosadi a ka tlhalosiwa ka ditiori tsa bosenyi? Batlolamolao ba basadi ba le supa ba ithaopile go nna le seabe mo porojekeng eno ya patlisiso mme dikgang tsa bona tse di kgethegileng, dikgato le maitemogelo a ba a tshetseng di tlhagisitswe le go sekasekwa go swetsa gore mabaka, dintlha tse di tshwaelang le maitlhomo a a amanang le mokgwa wa bona wa tlolomolao ke afe. Ditiori tsa bosenyi le tiori e e amanang le bong ya tlolomolao ya basadi di dirisitswe go tlhalosa mekgwa ya bona e e amanang le boferefere. Diphitlhelelo di supa gore mabaka (go tewa go tlhoka go itaola), dintlha tse di tshwaelang (go tewa go leka go tlhalosa mabaka a maitsholo) le maitlhomo (go tewa bogagapa) a nnile le seabe se segolo mo maitsholong a amanang le boferefere a batlolamolao ba basadi. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminology)
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'n Voorbereidingsprogram vir die kinderhuiskind met die oog op gesinsherenigingSteyn, Helga,M.Ed. 30 June 2005 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The aim of this study was to compile a programme to prepare the child in a children's home for
family re-unification.
An extensive study of relevant literature was conducted and included works on subjects such as the middle childhood years, the child in the children's home, family re-unification, the Gestalt approach and Gestalt play techniques. An empirical study was undertaken with semi structured interviews with social workers and family re-unification workers. From these resources some themes were identified to be included in the programme.
Conclusions and suggestions were made in the interest of the implementation of the programme. / Social Work / M.Diac.(Rigting: Spelterapie)
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'n Voorbereidingsprogram vir die kinderhuiskind met die oog op gesinsherenigingSteyn, Helga,M.Ed. 30 June 2005 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The aim of this study was to compile a programme to prepare the child in a children's home for
family re-unification.
An extensive study of relevant literature was conducted and included works on subjects such as the middle childhood years, the child in the children's home, family re-unification, the Gestalt approach and Gestalt play techniques. An empirical study was undertaken with semi structured interviews with social workers and family re-unification workers. From these resources some themes were identified to be included in the programme.
Conclusions and suggestions were made in the interest of the implementation of the programme. / Social Work / M.Diac.(Rigting: Spelterapie)
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The perceptions of parents from disadvantages backgrounds of their role in preparing their children for schoolKeun, Rothea 11 1900 (has links)
A child's early years are vital for development. The first few years of life is a period of rapid physical, mental, emotional, social and moral growth and development. This is a time when young children acquire concepts, skills and attitudes that lay the foundation for lifelong learning. During this time, parents are the primary influence on a child’s development and learning. The more parents are involved with their children, the more positive learning and general life outcomes occur. Different factors have been linked to children’s readiness to learn as they enter school. These include family characteristics such as the income level of the child’s household, parent education, and family structure. Other experiences in the home and community also linked to children’s readiness to learn include the quality of their relationships with parents, educational activities at home, and opportunities to participate in recreational or educational activities.
Research has shown that poverty in early childhood can prove to be a handicap for life. Studies have revealed that many children under the age of five, living in poverty, annually fail to reach their full cognitive and social potential and do not have the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to engage effectively in formal schooling once entering Grade 1. In the light of this, parents are in a key position to establish a suitable environment and to provide experiences during the early childhood years, whereby their young children can grow and develop to reach their fullest potential.
This study is aimed to determine the way parents from disadvantaged backgrounds perceive their role, in their children’s early development and preparation for school. A selected group of parents of preschool children from disadvantaged communities in an area northeast of Tshwane participated in focus group discussions. Through the information obtained from the study, crucial limitations and needs regarding parenting and school preparation were identified. Based on these findings, the necessity for an effective and helpful parental guidance and intervention programme for these disadvantaged communities were recognized. If parents become more knowledgeable about early childhood development and school readiness, by expanding and improving their parenting skills, they might largely improve the development and learning abilities of their preschool children. It is therefore recommended that this study forms the foundation in the development of an intervention programme, which addresses the needs of these parents and provides support to equip them in their roles, in preparing their preschool children for school. / Early Childhood Education and Development
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Epidemiology and multilocus sequence typing of group B streptococcus colonising pregnant women and their neonates at Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital, Pretoria.Monyama, Maropeng Charles 11 1900 (has links)
Background: Group B streptococcus (GBS) is regarded as one of the most important causes of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality in many parts of the world. GBS recto-vaginal colonization is important in the health of a mother and her neonate, especially in developing countries. Maternal vaginal colonization with GBS at the time of delivery can cause vertical transmission to the neonate. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) is a technique used to characterize microbial isolates by means of sequencing internal fragments of housekeeping genes and has the advantage of reproducibility and has been shown to correlate with the other typing techniques and thus has emerged as the standard for delineating the clonal population of GBS. The study aimed to investigate the epidemiology of GBS colonization among pregnant women and their neonates, and to characterize the isolates by multilocus sequence typing technique at Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital, Pretoria.
Methodology: A total of 413 pregnant women who visited the antenatal clinic were recruited and screened. Participants were interviewed using a questionnaire to gather demographic and other relevant information such as history of current pregnancy, previous miscarriages and still births. Samples from maternal rectum and vagina as well as neonate ear and umbilical cord were taken for culture using colistin and nalidixic acid (CNA) blood agar and incubated for 24-48 hours. If negative after 48 hours, Todd-Hewitt broth was subcultured after 18-48 hours onto sheep blood agar. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) was used to characterize seven group B streptococcus isolates collected at Dr George Mukhari academic hospital. Fragments of seven housekeeping genes were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for each strain and sequenced. CLC bio software (Inqaba biotech, South Africa; Pretoria) was used to analyse sequenced loci and UPGMA dendrogram was constructed.
Results: The colonization rate for GBS in pregnant women and their neonates was 30.9% and 0%, respectively. A higher proportion of GBS were isolated from the rectum (37.9%) as compared to the vagina (20.6%). Most socio-economic, demographic and obstetric factors analysed were not significantly associated with.GBS colonization. On 128 positive samples, the results of Todd-Hewitt enrichment broth and direct plating method using CNA were compared. A total of 45.3% of colonised were positive on direct selective agar (CNA); an additional 54.7% samples were recovered from Todd-Hewitt broth. Three genes (adhP, glnA and tkt) were sequenced successfully for six samples (1, 2. 4,6,12 and 65). The UPGMA tree with 1000 bootstrap showing the relationship between six samples was drawn.Conclusion: This study revealed that pregnant women of all ages are at risk of group B streptococcus colonization. Group B streptococcus was common among pregnant women at Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital. No socio-economic risk factor was associated with group B streptococcus colonization. Results confirm that the combination of Todd-Hewitt broth and CNA agar plate is a time saving and sensitive method. The allelic profile, characteristics such as G+C (guanine+cytosine) content and dN/dS ratio were not analysed because of the smaller sample size used in this study, which shows that the MLST method was unsuccessful in this study. The UPGMA tree based on differences in consensus of the isolates showed that all group B streptococcus isolates are clustered and descend from a single node. / Life & Consumer Sciences / Life Sciences / M.Sc. (Life Sciences)
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