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The Validity and Use of Wechsler Pre-School and Primary Scale of Intelligence in Predicting School AchievementCampanella, Sam 01 May 1968 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Wechsler Pre-School and Primary Scale of Intelligence for use in predicting school achievement. The Wechsler Pre-School and Primary Scale of Intelligence was administered to 22 children enrolled in the Operation Head Start Program in Logan, Utah. The Wide Range Achievement Test was administered five months later to the same 22 children. The scores on the Wechsler Pre-School and Primary Scale of Intelligence were correlated to the scores on the Wide Range Achievement Test.
On the basis of the .53 correlation between the Wechsler Pre-School and Primary Scale of Intelligence Full Scale IQ and the Wide Range Achievement Test Average Standard Score, the Wechsler Pre-School and Primary Scale of Intelligence was judged to be a useful instrument in predicting school achievement.
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An Investigation of the Relationship Between the Bender-Gestalt, Draw-a-Man, and Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of IntelligenceAllen, G. Edward 01 May 1969 (has links)
This study investigated the relationship between the Bender-Gestalt, Draw-a-Man, and the Wexler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence. Twenty-two children enrolled in the Logan, Utah Head-Start Program comprised the sample. Product-moment correlations indicated a significant relationship between these instruments.
The following tentative conclusions were drawn:
The Wexler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence bears a relationship to the Draw-a-Man and Bender-Gestalt tests similar to that between the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children and these instruments.
The Bender-Gestalt test, using the Koppitz scoring system, and the Draw-a-Man test can serve a similar checking function with the Wexler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence as they do with the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children.
Methodological shortcomings prohibit over-generalization of these findings. The results, however, are seen as indicative of the promise of these instruments, and further investigation was advocated.
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The Relationship of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) to the Stanford-Binet Intelligence ScaleReeder, Duane 01 May 1968 (has links)
Correlational comparisons were made between the Stanford-Binet, Form L-M, and the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence using children enrolled in a Head-Start program. The study was concerned with three hypotheses:
1.The correlations found between the I.Q. scores obtained on the WPPSI full scale, verbal, and performance scales and those obtained on the Stanford-Binet using Head-Start children as subjects would be significant at the .01 level.
2. The correlation between the WPPSI and the Stanford-Binet utilizing Head-Start children would not be significantly different from the correlation reported by Wechsler in the WPPSI manual.
3. Scores on the WPPSI verbal scale and the Stanford-Binet would correlate higher than would the WPPSI performance scale scores with the Stanford-Binet.
All correlations run relating to the three hypotheses chosen for this study were found to be significant at the .01 level. The results, therefore, lead to the acceptance of all three hypotheses.
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Glödskalsrensning på göt med varierande tvärsnittOppitz, Mattias January 2015 (has links)
På Ovako i Hofors, framställs stål via götgjutning. Göten har ett kvadratiskt tvärsnitt som varierar mellan 300 och 700 mm. Dessa transporteras från stålverket, till valsverket för uppvärmning. Varpå de varmvalsas till färdiga ämnen. Under tiden i ugnen när göten värms upp, oxiderar järn och andra legeringar och bildar glödskal. Om glödskalet valsas in i ämnet ger det upphov till defekter, som föroreningar och sprickor, med kvalitetsproblem som följd. Därför var det en önskan från Ovako att ta fram en metod för att rensa glödskal på göt med varierande tvärsnitt. Syftet med examensarbetet var att utreda möjligheterna att avlägsna glödskal från göt, med hjälp av vattentryck eller andra metoder. Olika metoder har utvärderats utifrån tidigare forskning inom området, och utifrån olika värderingar, valdes högtrycksspolning med vatten som metod att gå vidare med. Under höga tryck och flöden sprutas vatten genom dysor, som bryter glödskalet och avlägsnar det från götet. Denna metod är den mest förekommande på de flesta valsverk. Problematiken hos Ovako är att deras göt har varierande tvärsnitt, och utrustningen måste anpassa sig efter dimensionerna. Beräkningar gjordes med värden från befintliga valsverk, och med deras utrustning som klarar av att rensa glödskal på ett tillfredsställande sätt. Ett systemtryck på 25 MPa, med ett totalflöde på nästan 130 l/s levereras genom 44 dysor fördelat på götets fyra sidor. Avståndet mellan dysor och göt är 150 mm, där dysornas stråle har en vinkel på 15 grader mot ytans normal. Detta system ger ett yttryck på 0,92 MPa. Varav yttrycket bör ligga mellan 0,5 och 1,0 MPa för att ge god rensning. Ackumulator bör användas, med en volym på ca 0,35 m3. När götets tvärsnitt ändras vid rensningen, kommer dysramperna att justeras för att alltid ha samma avstånd från dysorna till götet. Slutsatsen av arbetet är att denna metod och utrustning kommer att rensa göt på ett tillfredsställande sätt. Däremot bör utrustningen optimeras, för att passa de olika typerna av stål som tillverkas på Ovako. / At Ovako in Hofors, steel is produced through ingot casting. These ingots have a square cross-section, which varies between 300 and 700 mm. These are transported from the steel plant, to a hot-rolling mill for reheating. Whereupon it then gets rolled into finished materials. During the time in the furnaces, when ingots are heated, iron and other alloys oxidize and form a scale. If this scale then is rolled into the material, defects, such as impurity and cracks are formed in the steel, with quality issues as a result. Therefore, it was a desire from Ovako to develop a method to clean the scale on ingots with varying cross-section. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the possibility of removing scale from ingots using high-pressure water or other methods. Various methods have been evaluated on the basis of previous research in the area, and based on different values, water was chosen as a method to proceed with. Under high pressure and flow, water is sprayed through nozzles, which breaks the scale and removes it from the ingot. This method is the most occurring in hot-rolling mills. The problem at Ovako is that their ingots have varying cross-section, and the equipment must adapt to the difference in the dimensions. Calculations were made using values from existing rolling mills and with their equipment that is capable of descale in a satisfactory manner. A system pressure of 25 MPa, with a total flow of almost 130 l/s are delivered through 44 nozzles distributed over the ingots four sides. The nozzle distance to the ingot is 150 mm, where the nozzles have a jet angle of 15 degrees to the surface normal. This system provides a surface pressure of 0,92 MPa. Which should be between 0,5 and 1,0 MPa to give a satisfactory result. Accumulator should be used, with a volume of 0,35 m3. When the ingots cross-section changes during descaling, the spray headers will adapt to have the same distance between nozzles and the ingot. The conclusion of this work, is that this method and equipment will clean ingots in a satisfactory manner. However, the equipment should be optimized to suit the different types of steel, produced in Ovako.
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Comparability of the WPPSI-R and the Stanford-Binet: Fourth EditionBass, Catherine 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of children on the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised (WPPSI-R) with their performance on the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Fourth Edition (SB:FE). One hundred and four children between 3 and 7 years of age were administered both tests. A moderate correlation was found between the WPPSI-R Full Scale IQ and the SB:FE Composite Score with a Pearson product-moment correlation of .46. This correlation suggests that the two tests are not interchangeable measures of children's intelligence. They may measure different, equally important aspects of intelligence. As both tests used are relatively new, the current findings should be considered one step in the accumulation of knowledge about the usefulness of the WPPSI-R.
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Comparability of WPPSI-R and Slosson Tests as a Function of the Child's EthnicityHernandez, Colleen H. (Colleen Head) 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was two-fold. First, this study compared the performance of children on the WPPSI-R with their performance on the Slosson Intelligence Test. Secondly, this study explored the comparability of minority and non-minority students' scores on the WPPSI-R. Seventy five children between 3 and 7 years of age were administered the WPPSI-R and Slosson. Of this sample, 25 children were White, 25 children were Black, and 25 children were Mexican American. Low, but significant correlations were found between WPPSI-R and Slosson scores. The Vocabulary subscale of the WPPSI-R correlated highest, while the Geometric Design subscale correlated the lowest with the Slosson test scores. Further analyses indicated that White children obtained significantly higher scores on the WPPSI-R than both Black and Mexican American children.
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