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Låt barnen komma till mig : En jämförande studie av svensk och tysk religionsundervisningNordberg, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
This essay searches to examine religious education (RE) in Swedish primary school through a comparison to the teaching of the same subject in Germany. The perspective used is the one of the teacher, and the methods and content of religious teaching have been investigated by interviews and a minor study of the curricula of RE in both nations. The three central concepts of teaching RE, defined by Michael Grimmit, operate as a mould for the findings to be organized after. The purpose is not to investigate the knowledge of religions among pupils, but to compare two different methods of RE, both being used in two secularized North European nations, and how they are practically performed by six teachers. The respondents’ experiences of their mission will be the focal point of the study, but didactics methods of RE have also been an important part of the literary synthesis as well as of the interviews. A survey of which cathegories of methods were described in the interview will be presented in a chart. The synthesis of the respondents’ reflections suggests that the experience of the professional mission varies between the teachers teaching confessionally and those teaching unconfessionally. The first include in their charge to breed their pupils into the culture and heritage of their religion, and guide them into living within it. The second stress their target as objective founders of knowledge, responsible to offer varying views of the world and society. The collective opinion among the respondents was however that to be able to interact well in a society of multiple religions, the pupils need to reach substantial knowledge of the religions of the world, including other outlooks on life, and develop understanding and tolerance for their neighbours.
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BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT INTERVENTIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH ASD IN INCLUSIVE CLASSROOMS : A Systematic Literature ReviewIoannou, Evangelia January 2016 (has links)
During the last decade, the number of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) has increased and more and more children with ASD are educated in inclusive classrooms. Although their inclusion can have several benefits, teachers face some challenges. The main reason is these students’ problem behavior or lack of a desirable behavior. The aim of this systematic literature review was to analyze interventions for behavior management of students with ASD, since the ratification of Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action (UNESCO, 1994), in inclusive preschool and primary school classrooms. The aim was also to examine the outcomes of these interventions. Four databases were searched and nine articles were included for data extraction. Results indicated the implementation of different interventions such as function-based interventions, peer support, visual cue cards, structured teaching with graduated guidance, social stories and social scripts. The target behavior was principally assessed through Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) or it was not assessed at all. Some interventions were provided by the researcher or the teacher only, some were provided by different people in different phases and some were provided by two or more people together. Interventions’ goals were to decrease problem behavior, to increase desirable behavior and both to decrease problem behavior and to increase desirable behavior. It was observed that all interventions reached their goals, even though at a low level in some cases. In conclusion, this literature review provided a summary of interventions and their outcomes for behavior management of students with ASD in inclusive classrooms with a further purpose to help the teachers identify the strategies most useful for their classroom.
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Peer mediated learning in inclusive education : A systematic literature review on the methods and their effects on childrenPapagrigoraki, Anna January 2016 (has links)
During the past few years, mainstream education has become more and more inclusive all over the world. This fact calls for effective teaching methods, supporting the participation and learning of all the students in a class. Such methods are the ones that occupy peer-mediated learning and methods related to them. This study aims to investigate strategies of interventions involving peer-mediated learning between children in need of special educational support and typically developing children 3-12 years of age and their effects on them. In order to achieve that, a systematic literature review was conducted, for which five databases were researched. Eight articles came up, each describing a different strategy occupying peer-mediated learning or a strategy related to it, which had multiple benefits for the participating children on engagement, social and cognitive level. Further research is needed, though, to address the gaps in literature.
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Att se till individen i engelskaundervisningenGoc, Egzona January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to investigate whether the teaching of Enlish in grades 2-3 is individualized for different students conditions and needs and how teachers go about doing this. To answer this I prepared the following questions: What methods and tools do teachers use to design the teaching of English (grades 2-3) to meet students varying needs and conditions? What do the teachers think they do to vary thier english teaching? How do the teachers relate to the students who are at different levels in English? This is a qualitative study based on completed observations and interviews. I have interviewed and observed three different teachers in different schools. The study is based on Lundgrens and Stensmos thoughts about framefactors and how they affect the teaching process, it is also based on the theory of Zone of proximal development and scaffolding. The results show that the teaching is individualized by the teachers offering a varied teaching with varying approaches that can satisfy many learning styles. Furthermore, the results show that teachers adapt the tasks for students based on their level during the lesson.
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Unpacking teachers' pedagogical content knowledge and skills to develop learners' problem solving skillsTambara, Cosmas Toga 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study, the pedagogical knowledge of Foundation Phase teachers is explored (and unpacked) in order to obtain insight into their understanding of the teaching and learning of mathematics. The teacher’s knowledge is explored, as it is one of the most important variables that impacts on what is done in the classroom. The exploration is undertaken against the background of the very poor overall achievement of learners in the national systemic evaluations and in international assessment studies, which is currently a cause for great concern. This has resulted in different nation-wide intervention programmes that are aimed at improving teacher performance and effectiveness. In this study, the teacher is the focal point of the intervention. Problem-based learning (PBL), which is well-regarded as being one of the best examples of a constructivist learning environment, is introduced to a group of 15 Foundation Phase teachers. The study is an unpacking of the Foundation Phase teachers’ pedagogical knowledge and beliefs regarding, and practices in, the teaching and learning of mathematics, as well as in the use of PBL as a vehicle for the teaching and learning of mathematics. The unpacked knowledge can be used to address the challenges that are related to the improvement of the teaching and learning of mathematics in the Foundation Phase.
A combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, including questionnaires, interviews, lesson observation, and workshops, were used to explore the teachers’ current pedagogical knowledge, beliefs and practices with regard to problem-solving. It was also used to expose the teachers to PBL as an alternative approach to teaching and learning mathematics in the Foundation Phase. The study provides a body of knowledge on the Foundation Phase teachers’ pedagogical knowledge, practices and beliefs regarding the teaching and learning of mathematics in general, and approaches to problem-solving in particular, thus providing insights into some of the factors that might lie behind learner outcomes.
Study findings indicate that the majority of teachers’ daily mathematical teaching culture was deep-rooted in the traditional approach (direct transmission). This approach was characterised by the teachers concerned focusing on the following of rules and procedures, and on doing demonstrations on the chalkboard, whereafter the learners were encouraged to practise what they had learned by asking them to do pen-and-paper calculations. The lessons were generally not structured to develop critical thinking and reasoning skills. In instances where the teachers created learner-centred activities that were conducive to the development of such skills, deep-rooted traditional approaches manifested themselves in the way in which the teachers showed the learners how to solve their given problem at the earliest signs of any difficulty in doing so was exhibited by the learners. In so doing, the majority of the teachers, despite initially creating learning opportunities by posing problems to their learners, they soon snatched away the selfsame opportunities from them. This was because they did not allow sufficient time for the learners to grapple with a problem, and to engage in critical thinking.
After exposure to PBL, the educators were able to implement PBL so effectively that they could address the problems related to low learner achievement in mathematics, as reflected in the international assessment studies, and in the national systemic evaluations within the current South African context. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is die pedagogiese kennis van Grondslagfase-onderwysers ondersoek ten einde insig te verkry in hulle begrip van die onderrig en leer van wiskunde. Die onderwysers se kennis is ondersoek aangesien dit een van die belangrikste veranderlikes is wat 'n invloed het op dit wat in die klaskamer uitgevoer word. Die ondersoek is onderneem teen die agtergrond dat die algehele prestasie van leerders in die nasionale sistemiese evaluerings en internasionale assesseringstudies uiters swak en 'n bron van groot kommer was. Dit het gelei tot verskillende intervensieprogramme wat gemik is op die verbetering van onderwyserprestasie en -doeltreffendheid. In hierdie studie is die onderwyser die fokuspunt van die intervensie. Probleem-gebaseerde leer (PBL), wat beskou word as een van die beste voorbeelde van 'n konstruktivistiese leeromgewing, is aan 'n groep van 15 onderwysers in die Grondslagfase gebring. Die studie was ‘n poging om nuwe kennis te identifiseer ten opsigte van Grondslagfase-onderwysers se pedagogiese geloof en praktyke in die onderrig en leer van wiskunde, en die gebruik van PBL as 'n middel vir die onderrig en leer van wiskunde – kennis wat gebruik kan word om die verwante uitdagings aan te spreek ter verbetering van die onderrig en leer van wiskunde in die Grondslagfase.
'n Kombinasie van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetodes, wat vraelyste, onderhoude, les-waarneming en werkswinkels ingesluit het, is aangewend om die onderwysers se huidige pedagogiese sienings en praktyke met betrekking tot probleemoplossing grondig te ondersoek en dan voort te gaan om die onderwysers bloot te stel aan PBL as alternatiewe benadering tot onderrig en leer van wiskunde in die Grondslagfase.
Die studie het bevind dat die meerderheid van die onderwysers se huidige onderrigkultuur een was wat diep gewortel is in die tradisionele benadering van onderrig en leer van wiskunde (direkte oordrag): dit is gekenmerk deur die onderwysers se onderrig van wiskunde deur te fokus op reëls en prosedures, demonstrasies aan die klas op die swartbord en leerders dan te laat oefen deur pen- en papierberekeninge te doen. Dié het die meerderheid van die onderwysers daagliks gedoen. Lesse is oor die algemeen nie gestruktureer om kritiese denke en beredenering te ontwikkel nie. In gevalle waar die onderwysers leerder-gesentreerde aktiwiteite geskep het wat weens hulle ontwerp bevorderlik is vir die ontwikkeling van kritiese denke en redenasie, het die diepgewortelde, tradisionele benaderings hulself gemanifesteer in die feit dat die onderwysers, met die eerste aanduiding dat die leerders sukkel, hulle te hulp gesnel het en die leerders gewys het hoe om die probleem op te los. Met dié optrede het die meerderheid van die onderwysers aanvanklik leergeleenthede geskep (deur probleme aan hulle leerders voor te hou), maar dit spoedig dan weer weggeraap weens die feit dat hulle nie genoegsame tyd toegelaat het vir hulle leerders om met idees te worstel en deel te hê aan kritiese denke nie.
Blootstelling van die opvoeders aan PBL het aan die lig gebring dat opvoeders in die Grondslagfase PBL doeltreffend kan implementeer om probleme rondom lae leerder prestasie in wiskunde aan te spreek wat in internasionale assesseringstudies en in die nasionale sistemiese evaluerings binne die huidige Suid -Afrikaanse konteks weerspieël word.
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PSP’s support of science education through teacher development : a case studyDharsey, Zorina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An analysis of a teacher development programme known as the Cluster Project is central to this research. Study of the form, processes and outcomes of the project model draws attention to teacher professional development (TPD) as a critical strategy for improving science education in primary schools.
High quality teaching at the foundational level supports children develop the appropriate level of knowledge that would allow them to take up and succeed at science at higher levels. With the object of strengthening primary science education the Primary Science Programme (PSP) implements a Cluster Project in Western Cape schools. The project model offers training workshops, classroom guidance and essential resources to support teachers develop both their knowledge and teaching competencies to teach science well. Training workshops are designed to build teachers’ understanding of critical science concepts, improve science content knowledge, and offers guidance with curriculum implementation and assessment of learning. In-classroom support and team-teaching, supported with teaching and learning materials and other resources, assists with improving teaching practice in context.
This interpretive case study analyses the Cluster Project model and its processes within three theoretical frames: activity theory, complexity theory, and a research-developed qualitative framework to trace teacher professional development. Activity theory is applied to the purpose, organization and function of the Cluster Project, while complexity theory probes the meaning and implications of educational change for teachers and TPD. The qualitative framework with its five critical indicators of autonomy, knowledge, practice, and collaboration and continuing development analyses empirical evidence of TPD with respect to six teacher participants.
Activity theory draws attention to the use of flexible adaptive teacher professional learning models which can accommodate frequent change to curriculum and context, and further highlights the importance of promoting collaboration and reducing contradictions in order to improve learning outcomes. Complexity theory expands understanding of teacher professional learning through its focus on the critical concepts of pedagogy, holism, learning as a nonlinear process, the unpredictability of teaching and learning, networking and connectedness, change by emergence and self-organization, changing environments, and teacher development programmes as open, complex adaptive systems. This research observed the six teacher participants were able to improve aspects of their teaching of science, thereby achieving a measure of professional development, although this was not a general observation within the Cluster Project teacher population. Research findings show that teachers’ active participation in meaningful practical science experiences promotes teacher learning, improves practical science in the classroom, and encourages the ready take-up of helpful and innovative science teaching ideas and strategies. This research recommends that practical science teaching, integrated with language and mathematics teaching, should form an essential part of education and training programmes for both pre-service and in-service primary and high school science teachers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die analise van`n onderwyser-ontwikkelingsprogram, bekend as die Groepsondersteunings Projek, is die kern van diè navorsing. Studie van die vorm, prosesse en uitkomste van die projekmodel, vestig die aandag op onderwysers se professionele ontwikkeling as `n kritiese strategie vir die verbetering van wetenskaponderrig in primêre skole.
Hoë gehalte onderwys in die grondslagfase, ondersteun die kinders se ontwikkeling op `n geskikte vlak van kennis wat hulle in staat sal stel om wetenskap verder te neem en daarvan `n sukses te maak op senior vlak. Met die doel om wetenskaponderrig te versterk in die primêre skool, implimenteer die Primêre Wetenskap Program (PSP) tans `n Groepsondersteunings Projek in die Wes-Kaapse skole. Die model voorsien opleiding deur slypskole, klaskamerleiding en noodsaaklike leerhulpmiddels om onderwysers se kennis en onderrigvaardigheid, om wetenskap as vak goed te onderrig, te ontwikkel. Opleidingsslypskole fokus daarop om onderwysers se begrip van kritiese wetenskaplike konsepte en opgradering van wetenskapinhoudskennis op te bou en ook om te help om die kurrikulum te implimenteer en kinders se leerwerk te assesseer. Klaskamer ondersteuning en span-onderrig, met die hulp van onderrig-en leerhulpmiddels, help met die verbetering van die onderwyspraktyk in konteks.
Diè interpreterende gevallestudie analiseer die Groepondersteunings Projek model en die prosesse binne drie teoretiese raamwerke, die aktiwiteits-teorie, kompleksiteits-teorie en `n stel aanwysers wat ontwikkel is om bewyse van onderwysers se professionele ontwikkeling te ontleed. Die aktiwiteits-teorie is toegepas op die doel, organisering en funksie van die Projek, terwyl die kompleksiteits-teorie die betekenis en implikasies van die opvoedkundige verandering vir onderwysers en onderwysers se professionele ontwikkeling ondersoek. Die stel aanwysers met vyf kritiese fokuspunte: outonomie, kennis, praktyk, samewerking en voortdurende ontwikkeling, lei die analise van ses onderwyser-deelnemers se professionele ontwikkeling.
Die aktiwiteits-teorie beklemtoon die belangrikheid van aanpasbare professionele leermodelle wat gereelde verandering aan die konteks en kurrikulum kan akkommodeer, en beklemtoon ook die belangrikheid om samewerking bevorder, teenstrydigheid te verminder en om sodoende die leeruitkomste te versterk. Die kompleksiteits-teorie verbreed die insig van onderwyser se professionele leer deur die fokus te plaas op die kritiese konsepte van pedagogiek; holisme; leer as `n nie-lineêre proses; die onvoorspelbaarheid van onderrig en leer; netwerk en aaneenskakeling; verandering deur die ontstaan en self-organisasie; veranderende omgewings en onderwyser-ontwikkelingsplanne as oop, komplekse aanpasbare stelsels.
Diè navorsing het waargeneem dat die ses onderwyser-deelnemers in staat was om aspekte van hul wetenskap-onderrig te verbeter en sodoende was hulle in staat om `n mate van professionele ontwikkeling te behaal alhoewel dit nie `n algemene waarneming binne die Groepsondersteunings Projek se onderwyspopulasie was nie. Navorsingsbevindings dui aan dat onderwysers se aktiewe deelname aan betekenisvolle, praktiese wetenskapondervindings, leer kan bevorder en begrip kan bevorder van `n praktiese implimentering daarvan in die klaskamer en moedig die geredelike opname van nuttige en innoverende leer-idees en strategieë aan. Die navorsing beveel aan dat praktiese wetenskap-onderrig, integreer met tale en wiskunde, `n noodsaaklike deel moet vorm van onderwys-en opleidingsprogramme vir voor-diens en in-diens primêre en hoërskool wetenskaponderwysers.
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Outdoor Education and the Inclusion of Children with Special Needs : A Case Study from GermanyGüdelhöfer, Ina January 2016 (has links)
Inclusion recognises the diversity of people and aims to use these differences as advantages. Since the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2009 there have been changes to the educational system in Germany; children with special needs are now attending general schools. This change has developed complex debate in societies discourse and the media. It has highlighted the need for changes within the education sector that support inclusion and allow all students to participate on their level. Within the field of Outdoor Education, learning contains practical and theoretical approaches, all senses should be used and emphasis is placed on students learning from experiences. Those learning methods are particularly well adapting for children with special needs as special education works with direct learning approaches. The place of learning is a key element within Outdoor Education and learning can take place outside the classroom in urban or rural environments. In order to determine if Outdoor Education has the potential to increase inclusion of children with special needs, a study in a German primary school was conducted. The study focused on a single class whilst they participated in mathematics lessons. Interactions were observed between students and teachers during indoor and outdoor lessons; follow-up interviews with students and teachers were made. The findings presented participation of all children while learning outside the classroom. In particular children with special needs showed an increased sense of achievement and a higher level of motivation and concentration in the outdoor lessons due to the fact that they were able to contribute to the exercises. The presented findings show that Outdoor Education has a meaningful potential in order to increase inclusion in German schools.
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Η επαγγελματική ανάπτυξη των μαθητών της Ε΄ τάξης δημοτικού σχολείου : Μια ποιοτική έρευναΓεωργιοπούλου, Βασιλική-Μαρία 17 July 2014 (has links)
Η επιλογή επαγγέλματος είναι ένα γεγονός ιδιαίτερης σημασίας για το άτομο. Αρχίζει
να το απασχολεί από την εφηβική ηλικία και από αυτή τη συγκεκριμένη επιλογή θα
εξαρτηθεί σε μεγάλο βαθμό η μελλοντική του σταδιοδρομία και η κοινωνική του
ευημερία. Πλέον, στην επαγγελματική ανάπτυξη αποδίδεται η έννοια της συνεχούς
εξέλιξης που εμπεριέχει η επαγγελματική πορεία του ατόμου από τα πρώτα κιόλας
σχολικά του χρόνια μέχρι και την ώριμη ηλικία. Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι
η διερεύνηση του επιπέδου επαγγελματικής ανάπτυξης μαθητών του Δημοτικού
σχολείου, σύμφωνα με τη θεωρία επαγγελματικής ανάπτυξης του Donald E. Super.
Προκειμένου να διερευνηθούν οι απόψεις των μαθητών για το εκπαιδευτικό και
επαγγελματικό μέλλον τους, τους εκπαιδευτικούς και επαγγελματικούς στόχους που
έχουν θέσει, τις δραστηριότητες με τις οποίες ασχολούνται και το αν αυτές βοηθούν
στη διερεύνηση της σταδιοδρομίας τους και, τέλος, το ρόλο των σημαντικών άλλων
στις εκπαιδευτικές και επαγγελματικές αποφάσεις που λαμβάνουν, επιλέχθηκε η
ποιοτική έρευνα, και συγκεκριμένα η διεξαγωγή ημιδομημένων συνεντεύξεων με
τους δεκαοκτώ (18) μαθητές που φοιτούσαν στην Ε΄ Τάξη σε 8/θέσιο Δημοτικό
σχολείο της Πάτρας κατά το σχολικό έτος 2011-2012. Όπως φάνηκε από τα
αποτελέσματα της έρευνας, οι μαθητές έχουν αναπτύξει και τις εννέα διαστάσεις της
επαγγελματικής ανάπτυξης, όπως αυτές παρουσιάζονται στη θεωρία του Super.
Ειδικότερα, έχοντας επίγνωση της αυτοαντίληψης τους και της προοπτικής του
χρόνου, αναπτύσσουν την ιδέα του σχεδιασμού και είναι σε θέση να συσχετίσουν την
εκπαιδευτική τους εμπειρία με τα επαγγέλματα. / Career planning is an event of the utmost importance for every human being. Since
that particular choice will deeply influence the future career and social prosperity of a
person, it should be thoroughly thought over from adolescence. Career development is
a life-long procedure initiating at early school years and going forth the course of a
lifetime. The purpose of this study is to explore the level of career development of
primary school students, according to the theory of career development by Donald E.
Super. In order to explore the views of pupils on educational and professional future
and goals they have set, the activities they are employed with and whether these
contribute to exploring their career and finally, the role of significant others in
educational and professional decisions they take, qualitative research has been chosen
and particularly the conduction of semi-structured interviews. Those interviews
involved the participation of eighteen students enrolled in fifth grade of an Primary
Patras School during the 2011-2012 academic year. The results achieved in the
current study have shown that students have developed the nine dimensions of career
development, as presented in the theory by Super. Specifically, students being aware
of their self-concept and time perspective, they reach the position of planning their
career and are capable of relating professions with educational experience acquired.
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"We just have to get on with it" : inclusive teaching in a standards driven systemBrown, Zeta January 2013 (has links)
Q-methodology was used alongside semi-structured interviews with primary school teachers to explore their positions on two key areas of education ideology: inclusive schools and standards in education. The study explored in depth the views of 26 teachers in 6 schools, selected through purposive sampling to give a range of individual and institutional demographics. Key statements were compiled from the literature that offered a wide spectrum of personal and professional positions on the two issues of standards and inclusion in education. These statements were produced as sets of cards for participants to arrange in order of strength of agreement or disagreement. The results were factor-analysed via Q-method software to render visible factors of items that had statistical significance for the participants (Brown 1997). These factors were then interpreted in the light of subsequent semi-structured interviews and returned to the participants for discussion. The study found that teachers developed their own ‘practical’ notion of inclusion, in which specialist systems, such as p-scales, are needed for the inclusion of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN). These teachers held contrasting views on whether they felt constraints or experienced flexibility when implementing the strict standards objectives. Crucially, in considering the agendas simultaneously, these teachers suggested that the practical implementation of the inclusion and standards agendas is as disparate as their objectives. The agendas are seen as separate entities, with standards assuming an apparent dominance, ensuring that the inclusion agenda is implemented within a standards driven system.
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A study on Chinese teachers' beliefs about learner autonomy in Hong Kong primary schoolsDing, Xin, 丁鑫 January 2014 (has links)
Learner autonomy has been asserted by many scholars as essential to learning, and that the teacher’s role in fostering autonomy is of great importance in the institutional context of learning. In the field of language education, previous studies have looked into teachers’ beliefs in promoting autonomy mainly in the university setting in different regions of the world, such as Omen, Turkey, some countries in Europe and Hong Kong. The teachers were from a range of nationalities and cultures. A certain group of teachers in the primary education field or in a homogeneous cultural context has not been touched on. This study attempts to fill these gaps and focuses on the context of Hong Kong primary schools, aiming to find out Chinese teachers' beliefs about learner autonomy and the possible factors that influence the form of their beliefs. / published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education
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